The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 17, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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T KS. D. P, - THOMPSON. nr
" ! teuitUf, Mlu Genevieve
I Y I Thompson, and niece, Miss
. MarV Malflram will arrive
norae tomorrow evening from the cant,
where they have been motoring for the
past alx weeks. , Mimm Buth Teal, who
haa been vlaltlnr Mies Katherlne Me
Mil lan In Minneapolis, joined them en
route flomi ana win return wua inia,
MIm Teal went to Minneapolis to be
present, at-the ebni of MIm McMillan
t . Which was a fashionable event In that
cltr the latter part of last month. They
were school mates at Miss Spence's
! school in New York.
' Miss Genevieve Thompson will be
welcomed by her hosts of friends here
With many social affair a She haa been
'away from the city about 14 months
In all, having; left September C of last
year for San Francisco In company
with - Mrs. Harriet McArthur. from
where they sailed for the orient. Their
trip through the orient, the far east,
the Mediterranean and Europe was an
exceptionally Interesting one. At the
outbreak of war they were motoring in
0 England and continued their trip be-
' HI . -w .
, ' wunui tor new xurK, eariy in
5 September.
'" Mrs. Thompson and Miss Meldrum
went east to greet them on their ar-
:, rival." ..
Mrs. Joseph N. Teal has sent 'out
-rards for a large tea. Friday alter-
noon, from 4 unjtil 8 o'clock, welcome
w "ivr, xaias xnompson.
r Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Home From
the- Orient.
. ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Lewis re-
turned home Sunday afternoon after1
an absence of two months and a half.
They have enjoyed a most delightful
trip, visiting the Hawaiian islands, the'
Philippines and a few points in China
and Japan.
Mr. and Mrs. 'William D. Wheel
wright, who have been niving. in the
Lewis residence, have taken the
Thomas Ersklne residence, 618 Kear
ney street.
Miss Hammond to Wed.
An event of much Interest tomorrow
TO evening will be the maralage of Mies
I j. Bessie Hammond of Oregon City and
i; uoya Mams or wuDur, wasn. wev.
' Mr. Ramsey will read the ceremony,
which will take place -at St Stephen's
; pro Cathedral Miss Hammond Is an
attractive girl and she comas of au
oflT and prominent Oregon family. Her
; father, Richard Hammond, Is a mer
chant of Klamath Falls, and she 1s a
. niece of Mrs. D. P. Thompson. The
wedding has been planned quite aim
,' ply. The relatives and Intimate friends
,have been Invited to attend and there
-will be no reception Tollowlng, the
: young couple leaving Immediately for
I their home In Washington. Mrs. D.
, Thompson Meldrum, a sister of the
bride, will be the matron of honor and
: Frank Harris will 'attend his brother,
l A feature of the ceremony will be
J the singing by Mrs. Fred Hartman,
Who will render. "Love Me and the
W6rM Is Mine" (Johns).
Many delightful social affairs have
, neen given for the bride-elect both. In
Portland and In Oregon City. Mrs.
" Hartman presided at a bridge and mis
l cellaneous shower last Wednesday aft-
elnoon. There were three tables- at
auction with honors falling to Mrs.
F4wood Hendershott and Mrs. D.
.Thompson Meldrum. THe rooms were
effectively decorated with chrysan
themums' and ferns. Those present
Were Miss Hammond, Mrs. D. Thomp
son Meldrum. . Mrs. Robert Sllknitter,
Mrs. Edgar Bryan, Mrs. Walter Yerian,
Mrs. Thomas Vaughan. Mrs. ,,LUJy
Purdy, Mrs. E. IL Hartman, Mrs.
Charles Mvera. Mrs. Intro SturKis.
C Mrs. Paul Trulllnger, Miss Queenio
V V . . T7.1,m.a UanitaMliAti .nil
Miss .Irene McCown.
Mr. and Mrs. Boss Hosts.
Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Charles L. Boss entertained at their
Irvlngton home with an informal card
party. Honors fell to Mrs. Frank Mc
ir.li11a, mnA IT Ti irlam. An n1nv
able feature of. the evening was the
playing of several piano solos by Lu
clen Becker. Several of his numbers
were original compositions. The rooms
were abloom with clusters of red car
nations and gaeenery. Those present
were: Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Weaver,
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Gaze, Mr. and
Mrs. O. M. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Ciosset, Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. War
ing, Mr. and Mrs. M. C Banfleld, Mr.
and Mrs. George Eastman. Mr. and
Mrs. W. D. JelUson, Mr. and Mrs.
George Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Kapus, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burn-
trager, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCrillis,
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Blaesing, Mr.
and Mrs. Lucien Becker, Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar Ciosset, Mrs. Katharine Day,
Mrs. Nina Larowe and Mr. . and Mrs.
Edward R. Root.
Washington nigh Camera Club.
'.On Saturday evening the Washing
ton Hign School camera club gave
Its annual masquerade party, in the
high school gymnasium. Dancing was
the feature of the evening, but other
entertainment was provided for the
guests. William Bradley, in the cos
: turn of a country maid,; gave some
clever impersonation songs; Miss Helen
Stoddard and John Lee gave a panto-
I mine of the balcony scene from "Ro
Yv meo and Juliet." and Alma Sharp gave
two charming recitations. Ray Staub,
acting ss auctioneer, sold a number of
boxes of home made candy. . Miss
Marie Vial won the first prize for the
most original costume. She wore a
Chinese costume. In the later part of
the evening dainty refreshments were
Mrs. R. W. Blackwood, who received this afternoon from 3
o'clock for the British Red Cross and Prince of Wales funds.
untllv 1
served. : The committee' was: Miss
Helen Stoddard, Marlon Stephenson.
John Lee worked hard to 'make
the party the success which it was.
There were over 100 members and
their friends present, Including the
officers of the club, who are: Biddle
Combs, president; Harry Pearse, vice
president; Dorothy Morrow, secretary;
Harry Clair, treasurer; Raymond Lu
cas, editor; Frank Hunt, sergeant-at-arma.
3f Jf.
Birthday Party.
A jolly crowd gathered at the home
of Mrs. Hallinan, South Oswego, Sat
urday evening, the occasion being the
nineteenth birthday of Billle Davis.
The evening was spent in playing
games, telling fortunes, in music and
dancing. Delicious refreshments were
served at 11 o'clock. Those 'present
were: Muriel Julian, Alda Bickner,
Amy Schawper, Iva Klston, Edna Els-
ton, Mildred Neibush, Mary Jarisch.
Leona Tomlln, Hazel Gadke, Mildred
Monk, Florence Simonton, Delia Davis,
Billie Monk, Albert Rosentrater, Lyle
King, Tom Martin, Charles Hill, Hepel
Shipley, Harold McFeeters, Charles
Bickner, Lloyd Tomlln, Kenneth Da
vidson, Leonard Davis.
Social Clnb to Give Dance.
The Hibernian Social club will en
tertain tomorrow night at 'Hibernia
hall, 340 Russell street. A. J. Camp
bell heads 'the committee on arrange
ments, and is assisted by: W. P. Lil
11s, Daniel P. Hogan, A. B. Cain, Dan
iel Smith, J. D. Walsh, F. J. Riordan.
John Kenny and John McGreal, the
Misses Marie Chambers, Kate Gaffriey,
Mary F. McCarthy, Margaret Smith,
Cecelia McMahon, Henrietta Wascher,
Anna Donovan and Ella Sullivan.
The patronesses will be: Mrs. I
Devlne,; Mrs. H. J. Mathlesen, Mrs. W.
P. Lillls, Mrs. H. Lee, Mrs. W. A.
Piedmont Clnb Dance.
The bpenlng dancing party of the
recently organised Piedmont club will
be held tomorrow evening at the Ken
ton Tennis club on 1 Patton avenue.
Unusual Interest -is being shown in
this affair by a large number of' the
younger contingent. Patronesses: Mrs.
P. E. Sullivam Mrs. J. Warren War
wick, Mrs. M. G. Clancy and Mrs.
James J. Hogan. The-club members
in charge of the arrangements include:
Messrs. M.. E. Klelyf J. A. Clancy, M.
J. Melohior and J. B. Warwick.
ie ie
For Red Cross Chain.
Mrs. R. W. Ewell will give a tea
and musicale Wednesday, November
18. at i her home, 608 East, Taylor
street, from 2:30 until 6:30, in aid of
the British Red Cross fund. All who
are interested in the work are most
cordially Invited. J
For the British Red Cross Fund.
Mra i R. W. Blackwood entertained
this afternoon at her Irvlngton home
with a tea for the benefit of the Brit
ish Red Cross and Prince of Wales
funds. : A silver offering was given
by each guest. From 6 until 7 Mr.
Blackwood will Join in receiving the
guests and the 'men Interested in the
cause are also Invited.
Tomorrow afternoon Mra I J. Evers
will entertain for the fund at a hall
on the fifth floor of the court house.
Cards will be played and all, who are
Interested in this good work are in
vited to be present., z
irmyS? T ? j
Layer Cake .
Your cake will be uniformly even in texture, of that soft,
velvety consistency that makei it melt la jtur mtuth if .
Rumford Baking Powder is used. I
Riimiord makes all cakes to digestible, tight -and
nourishing that it makes perfect cake. -
. . Mailed FrM. The DM Rumford Horn Recipe '
, Book, faclmUns; Firgle and Cumolt Cookery. - '
American beauty
- . - ,,-
Oar Entire Slock ol Women's Snlts, Coats, Gowns, Dresses, Waists, Skirts, Etc at Extraordinary Low Prices
Ice Skates
4th Floor .
We show all the pop
ular styles in eest
makes for men and
-Try Our
-Special :
25c Lunch
Daily in
, the
Basement .
j - - ;
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Pacific Phone Marshall 4800
Home Phone A-6231
sho r
in the
: Basement
- Store
Tea Room
.4th Flodr
Portland's mostpop
nlar dining p face
Prompt service and
reasonable prica. -
Blseinmeimtl , 66EedDim(0)inmy Me" Tcpmm
DOUBLE STAMPS Tomorrow With All Cash Purchases Made In the Basement
Men's and Boys Furnishings
Men's $1.50 Flannel Shirts, all sizes, special 98
Mers $1.25 and $1.50 Dress Shirts all sizes 79
Men's $1.50 Union Suits, good heavy weight 98
Boys' 75c Union Suits, sizes 6 to 14 years, at 48
Men's75c Cashmere Socks special, the pair at 19
Men's 25c Fiber Silk Socks,' black, the pair at 15
Men's 85c Fleece-Lined Shirts, Drawers, each' 63
Men's $1.00 .Wool Shirts and Drawers, each 69
Men's 25c and 35c Four-in-Hand Ties, special 19fr
Men's 12c Cotton Socks, black or tan, a pair 9j
Men's $2.75 Sweater Coats, ruff -neck, only $1.39
evening color, and it la most ef
fectlye here.
By Lillian E. Young.
From a boat of charming evening
gowns exploited at a recent social
function the model illustrated has been
selected as representative of the new
fashion trend. Without disturbing? the
play of long lines or Interfering with
the sinuous effect that is one or toe
most interesting characteristics of the
present modes, a much flounced skirt
is introduced that bears no resem
blance to other treatments.
The materials employed are Ameri
can Beauty velour and satin, with . a
delicate corsage of white chiffon. The
velour Is used for the basque-like cen
tral portion of the gown and for the
first tunic flounce, just below if The
other three flounces, and the inside bibs )
turned up again si me corsage are 01 '
the satin, all cut out in a rose scal
loped edge and bound with flat, narrow
folds of self-material. The chirr on
corsage is cut by a kimono sleeved pat- (
tern and trimmed with narrow band
ings of ermine. It will be noticed that
the top of the basque girdle isreut out
in a rose scallop as well as the
flounces. This is a pretty touch and
conforms With lines of the satin, bib
above. A ratherlarge satin rose is
caught in front of the left hip, just at
the Joining of basaue and tunic
American Beauty is tooe- a very s
smart shade this season, especially i
where evening gowns and wraps are j
concerned. While it is conceded that 1
it is a somewhat trying shade. It cer-;
tainly will be found -ravishing on those
whom it suits, and it lightens up weu j
at night. - : . ":' ' I
Woodland Paper Mores. '
Woodland, . Wash Nov. 1T The
Woodland Chronicle, formerly the Echo,
has been moved by B. H. Tarter from
the Reed building to original home of
the paper, the Echo building, near the
depot. Mr. v Tarter has installed his
family in the rooms above.
A mass meeting of the voters of
Woodland has been called by Mayor
Joseph Bennett to convene in the city
hall November 20 to name officers to
be elected December 8.
The attendance In - the Woodland
school this 7ar Is, about 18 per cent
greater than last year, and the. attend
ance in the high school is 40, a SO per
cent increase over last year.- Profes
sor Frederick Stnckert is serving bis
third term as principal. . . '
Arrested for Treason.-
Niagara Falls, Qnt, Nov. 1?. Joseph
Snyder and his two grown sons were
arrested charged with smuggling Aus
trian reservists from Canada Into the
United States, a capital offense. r . I
Basement Hosiery Specials
Child's Rib'd Cot. Hose, black or tan, sizes 6-10 9
Women's 25c Wool. Hose, seamless, the pair 19
Women's Black Split Sole Hose, the pair at lSfoffi
Infants' Black and Colored Hose, reg, 15c, at 11
Women's 25c Everlasting Hose, fast black, at X7fr
Women's 75c Silk Hose, seconds," extra fine 39fr
Children's 25c Wool Hose, all sizes, the pair 17
Women's Black or Tan Cotton Hose, pair only 9
Dress Goods and Silk
Specials 1
36-inch Crepe dc Chine, all colors 59
42-in. All-Wool Serge, as'd colors G9
20-in. Jap Silks, reg. 35c, special 24
54-in. Wool Panama, reg. 75c, at 39
24-36-in. Fancy Silks, reg. to 75c 33
$1.25-$1.50 Fcy Silks, big ass'm't69
54-in. Mixed Suitings, special at 25
65c All-Wool Serges, extra fine 48
44-in. Wool Check Suitings only 49
Women's Wear Inn Apparel
Women's Tailored Suits Lot 1, special for Wednesday $3.98
Women's Tailored Suit? Lot 2, special fog Wednesday 89.98
Women's Tailored SuitsLot 3, special Wednesday at $12.08
Women's Medium-Weight Coats, exceptional values, at
Women's Winter-W't Coats, fine quaL; vals. $10412
Women's New Winter Coats, many styles, vatsto $20 $98 .
Women's yPlush and Velvet Coats, reg. values to $35$ j;4.98
Womena $5-$8 Bath Robes, double-faced material, at $3.98
Women's Dress Skirts, splendid styles, values to $5, for 31.08
Women's Fancy Cotton Petticoats, deep flounces, Teg. 85 39
Women's White and Colored Waists, reg. values to $1.2 49t-'
Bqsement Slipper Sales
Men's and Women's 50c Carpet Slippers, pair 29
Men,s Felt Slippers, gray or black, reg. $1.50, 98
Women's Siesta Slippers, lambswool soles, at 79
Women's Fine Kid Juliets, reg. $L75, only $1.29
Women's Felt Juliets, hand-turned soles, pair 98
Women's Fine Strap Sandal Slippers, pair $1.48
Men's Imitation Alligator Everett Slippers at 79
Men's Romeo Slippers, black or tan, a pair $1.18
Basement Shoe Special
Men's Shoes, work or dress, lace or button 2.98
Women's Regular $3.00 Comfort Shoes, pr. Sl.98
Boys' and Youths Shoes, standard makes. $1.98:
Misses' Shoes in patent or. gunrrietal, pair $1.69
Little Gents' Shoes, standard makes, pair, ill.G9
Children's Shoes in patent or gunmetal for fol.48
Odd Lines of Women's and Children's. Show 98
Women's Regular 75c Storm Rubbers, a pa t 59
Corset Specials!
2.5Q H.&W Ferris Waists
Royal Worcester, 4 styles 98
Regular 35c Brassieres, spX2S
Regular 85c Bust Ruffles 48
$2 Corsets, sev'al models f 19
Regular $2 Front Lace f 1.48
Children's Waists, reg. 50c, 29
$1 Corsets, several styles. 63
Blanket Specials
$4 Fancy Check Blankets f 2.48
$3.50 Heavy Wool Robes 81.98
Gray and Vienna Blankets 83.48
Remnants Blanket Cloths. A Price
W size Cotton Blankets, pair 79 1
Full size Heavy Cotton, pr. 81.39
i size Heavy Cotton, pair 98fr
$lj25 Comforters, full sLts 98
Drapery Specials
Bungalow Nets, values to 35c, 19
Plain Scrim, white or ecru. 1
15c Colored Border Scrim at
30-in. White Swiss, choice patprd.9
3672 Window Shades, 8pec 32f
Snnfast Drapery Material at 39
Tapeitry Couch Covers for 98f
Curtain Ends, worth to $1. 29
Ribbon Specials
25c Taffeta Ribbon, special 19
35c Fancy Ribbon, special at 2S
19c Fancy Ribbon, special at
Colored Velvet Ribbon. V PRICE
6-inch Satin Taffeta Ribbon. 2Sf
5-inch Satin Taffeta Ribbon. 21
5-inch Moire Ribbon, special 19
Fancy Wash Ribbon, 5-yd. pc. 6
Notion Specials!
10c Toilet Paper, specif roll 5
25c Beauty Pina. card, 4ox. 1Q
50c Garment Shield, special 25
25c Shoe Trees. snecialFfor 10
25c Children's Hoe Sup'rs 15
5c Coat Hangers, special for 3
5c Spool Silk, Specif for 2
10c Pearl Buttons, spejfal at ftf
Knit Underwear Specials
Women's 50c Vests and Pants, all sizes, at 35
Women's 65c Vests and Pants, all sizes, at 48
Women's $1.25 Union Suits, heavy weight, at 98
Women's $1.00 Union Suits, medium weight, 79
Women's 75c Union Suits, medium weight, at 48fr
Women's Medium Wgt. ; Vests, Pants, reg. 29c, 19fr
Children's Union Suits, reg. 75c, sizes 6 to 14, 48i
Children's Sleeping Garments, values to $1.00, 49
Women's regular 25c Knitted Corset Covers, 17
Children's Vests and Pants, reg. 25c and 35c, X9
. 1 : :
Bargains in Domestics
27-in. Flannel Shirting, assorted colors, rg. 25c 18
27-inch Mill Ends of Heavy Galatea, yard 10
27-inch Printed Matrke Crepe, select patterns. 9ft
72x90 Bleached Sheets neatly hemmed, each 39fr
32-inch Art Ticking, fine finish, rich colors; 12
Bleached Pillow Cases, 42x36, extra quality, 10
36-in. Berkley Cambric, mill ends, asst, lengths," 10
Mill Ends of 27-in. Outing Flannel, extra heavy, 8
Mill Ends of 36-in. Outing Flannel, best pats. 11
72x90 Unbleached Sheets, extra heavy, each 48
Children's Coats, Dresses
Girls' Winter Coats, reg. vals to $10, 6 to 14134.48
Girls Winter Coats, rg. vals. to $6, 6 to -lt,$348
Girls' Winter Coats, rg. vals. to $5, 2 to 6rV$2.48
Girls' Sweater Coats, rich cols, ruff -neck, to 34, 98
Girls' Raincoats, slip-on, 6 to 14, reg. $4.50 $.98
Girls' Md. Wgt, Coats, s'ples. vals. to $8.50 83.29
Girls' Attractive Dresses, heavy material, 6 J4, 98
Girls' heavy Galatea Wash Dresses, 6-14, $l?vL 59
Children's Wool Dresses, attractive, 2-6, $1;75, 986
Children's Wool Dresses, 6 to 13, reg. $2.5Cf$1.48
Lace & Embroid
ery Specials
Allover Laces, 50c vaL 23d
45-in Emb'd Flouncing 57
10c -Torchon Laces, at; 5
5c-10c VaL Insertions,! 1
Shadow, Oriental Lace 12
Mill Ends Embroideries 9
Sample' Ends of Laces; 1
Leather Goods and
50c to $1.00 Neckwear, 331
19c and 25c. Neckwear, 1Q
25c and 35c Pleatings, 19
$1.50 Handbags, special 98
98c Handbags, special, ea. 53
25c Patent Leather Belts 15
Short ends 25c Pleatings, 1Q
Candy Specials
Double " Stamps Wednesday
Marhsmallows, tin, 3 25
Reg. 40c Caramels, lb. 30fr
Nut Molasses Kisses, 20
Whirl Chew, reg. 30c, 23
25c Butterscotch P'ties 20?
50c H'comb Chocolate 27
Men's and Boys9
Boys' 75c Knickerbockers 49
Boys' $1 Corduroy Pants 69
Men's $2.50 Pants, at $1.98
Men's Khaki, Whipcord Pants
at T9g
Boys' $4 and $5 Suits $2.98
Headlight Overall, Jacket $1
Outing Flannel Gowns lor Fjlen
Women and Children
- - - -
Men's 75c Heavy Outing Gowns, full and long, all siijes, 59
Boys' 75c heavy Outing Gowns, full and long; 8 to 16, 48?
Women's regular $1 Gowns, full and -long, extrahsa: y, 79f
Women's reg. 75c Gowns, cut full, good, heavy matcjiial f9
Boys' 75c Pajamas, good, heavy material, all sizes, cj-ily 49
Girls' heavy Outing Flannel Gowns, full, long, 6 to U4, 48
Worn. Plain or Fancy Hkf s 5
Children's Picture Hdkfs. 3 5
Men's 10c Plain Hdkfs. 5
Men's 25c Linen Hdkfs. 19
Men's 15c Hdkfs. 3 for 25
Children's Hdkfs. 3 in box, 9
Women's 10c, Hdkfs. at 7
Apron Specials
50c Child's Kdgn Apron 39
75c Worn. Bungalow Ap 49d
$1.00 Dress Aprons, sp'L 69
35c Fancy Tea Aprons, 25
25c Gingham Aprons, 19
25c White Lawn Aprons 19
19c Small Ging. Aprons 12
Double r
In Basement
Thanksgiving Sale oi Roasters and Dinnerware in Basement
3Sc Roy. Roaster, 6-lb. roafet 65c
$IAS R'yM R'st'r, 8-lb. roast 85c
1.05 Crown Covered Roasters,
hold 16-lb. roast. - Special 78c
1.15- Crown Covered Roasters,
hold 20-lb. roast Special! 85c
65c Black Iron Covered Roasters,
hold' t6-lb. roast On sale at 50c
1,15 Aluminom Roaster, (holds
1 6-lb.' roast) ......... ... . 99c
,-m.m iimrfr-
. 7s ""t --.-
$1.80 Three-Piece Carving Sets, Tomorrow $1.50
$2.40 Three-Piece Carving Sets, Tomorrow $1.90
$3.75 Three-Piece Carving Sets, Tomorrow $2.95
Odd Lines oi Platters
Now Reduced
Odd lines large size decorated Plat
ters at special prices:
$3.50 Decorated PUtters f or 1.00
$4.50 Decorated Platters (or $1.50
$2.25 Decorated PUtters for $1.50
$1.50 Decorated Platters for $1.00
$1.90 Decorated Platters for $1.25
$1.80 Coffee or Tea Pots at $1.25
$2.60 Coffee or Tea Pots at $1.75
$2.20 Coffee r Tea Pots at AQ
Sale ol Dinner Sets
White Semi-Porcelain Dinner. Sets In
fancy shapes reduced as follows:
Set of 42 Pieces Special at $2.65
Set of 50 Pieces Specie! at $3.55
Set of 60 Pieces Special at $4.55
Decorated ! Semi - Porcelain 1 Dinner
Sets in gold, pink or blue decora
tion. . Very neat
Set of 42 Pieces Special st $3.40
Set of SO Pieces Special at $4.95
Set of 60 Pieces Special at $6.65
Sale of Notions aitd Small Warcs ttSS'
Clark's or Coats' Spool CottonAll Nnmbers 51c Doz Spools
Large spool
Silk, In bl
for your choice of Wom
en's Handball, Hand
Purses, Music Rolls, Music Folds.
The most remarkable offering of
the yeafc Handbags are shown in
several new shapes with regula
tion or - Pannier . handles and
are lined and fitted with mirror.
Black only. r Take your choice of
these v tomorrow at the: Ofk
low price, each .......! OuC
Corticem Sewine
lack, white and colors.
5oc size. Special, the spool 35c
10c Cube Pins in assorted colors
on special sale now for only 5c
15c Dressmakers' Pins, pat up la ;
one-fourth pound boxes, now 10e
25c Sleeve Protectors now at 15c
toe Skirt Markers on sale at 5c
65c Combination- Folding Coat
and Pants Hanrers now at 25c
; 1 5c Sanitary Belts now only 10c X
25c Hair carters on sale at lSe
5 c Hair Wavers on sale at 2 H e
10C Folding Drinking Cups at 7c
toe Trouser Hangers now at 5c
" Standard 5c Removable Collar
Supports on sale now at 2Hc
' 1 5c Women's Supporters it 10c
1 0c Wire Coat Han gers now 7e
Sc Wire or Wood Hangers at 3c
5c Basting Cotton, the spool 4c
2yic Darning Cotton, 4 5 -yard le
20c Dress Weights, yard at 15c
5c Common Pins, two pkgs. 5
10c Bone Hairpins, the box 7c.
25 c Stickerel Braids, boltat,l5e
25c Frilled Elastic, yard at 19e
5 c Safety Pins, in assorted size v
white only,. on sale now at 2He
25c Machine Oil, large size 1 5c
t5c Stocking Protectors only 10c
10c Shoe Trees on sale now at 8c
Standard toe Curling Irons at 7c
Fin Cushion and Pin Holders
combined on sale now only 25c
35c Scissors, assorted sizes, 18c
l os Featherbone special, yd. 8c
Pearl Buttons, fresh or salt water.
Sizes 14 to 24. Regular price
10c dozen, now on sale for 5c,
Hair Nets, with or without elas
tic. All colors. . Fhre for lOe
2Sc Skirt Markers on sale at 19e
Sale of Girdle Forms
MAIN FLOOR New Basque Gir
dle Foundations in various widths
and all' sizes priced for Wednes
day at these very special prices
Medium-width Girdle Foun- Q
dations special -Wednesday OC
11 -In. width Girdle roan
dations specU -Wednesday
14-in. width Girdle Foan-Of
dations sped Wednesday 9 C
$2.50 and; S3
All 6Src
BASEMENT Sale extraordinary
of Women's -Untrimmed Hats -
(300 of them in this-lot). Good
quality plushes, -velvets and vel
veteens in : close 'fitting turbans,
sailors,' rolling brims," ; side-rolls
and various, other popi;laf styles.
Many of .these are wt jih $2.50
and $3.00.
special at .
. . ((-
1 I
' .A
BASEMENT i Handsome satin-
finish Felts of good quality .in , all
the leading, shades such as red,
green, brown, bluesy rjurple." etc.
alsotblack. Saikw, ffoft rollin g
bnma,r etc" Excellent! f or O C
every day . wear. Spatial dC
II! . V