The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 16, 1914, Page 14, Image 14

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M E I ER J & j HR AN K'S
Three Separate Stores Required to House the Mammoth Stocks of This Great Retail, and
by t (Express" .Complete Assortment. Ice Skating ' Shoes and
"Starr" Ice Skates. Sporting Goods Store, Temporary An
nex,No. 2, Yeon Building, Northeast Cor. 5th and Alder Sts.
Wholesale Institution Established in 1857
SmcIi QMamtilies off
: Mining Engineer Bitter at
"Peace at Any Price". Cry
' 0 of Lloyd-George Party.
Are Sold
Jr r affis: is
l XidMt't ' 0vrnmnt 8Uv4 intr
Ttonbl Would PrTat Joinlatf
t ,. Xiiuh With Allies.
, ..William Bailey, English mining en-
ftneer, ha arrived In Portland from
Liverpool and expects to be here ev-
ral wetks. lie has been try much
Intereated in the camDalsn to deepen
; the channel over the Columbia river
bar and furnished to the Port of Co
lumbia committee a ascription of the
Leviathan, the giant dredger used on
Meraey bnr by the Port of Liverpool,
which formed a banla for a petition
"to the United Htate government to
appropriate money for a similar vea
- el at the mouth of the Columbia. The
dredger campaign Will be renewed be-
fore the next congrehs.
Mr. Bullev nav that the rngllsh
have no more doCifot of the victory of I
. the allies In the present war than If
: the iHHueg were ulready settled.
Calmly, quietly, confidently, ne- says,
' Ihe feiigiiHh are proceeding In the bunl-
ness of war, shedding no tears as they
send their bent Hons to the front,
while thone who remain cheerfully
ahoulder the work burden both of the
war and of the absent ones in order
in nn.ininiK th r.mtlnp of buslnetia
and industry. '
"It Is true,' ai1 Mr. Bailey, "that
. the (Jerinatis feel bitter toward the
Kngllsh nvoro than others. The Ger
' muiiM would never have gone Into this
J-war had they thought that Kngland
would c-onie In. Kngland waa supposed
to be on the blink of a civil war with
. Its rister troubles. The German am-
- bunasiior admitted a he left for Ger-
- many that he would return to his own
. ttouulry in dUgraee. 'I advised the
' knlmr that lOnnlun.) could not BO to
war," he eonfessed.' j
; "PerhupH the least popular Kng
a land Just now are the 'little England
; ers' l,loyd-Ieorge and his crowd.
'Kngluud would- have had 2,000,000 men
- under arms and ready to go to the
' front had it not liecn for the 'little
.:. iCnglund,ers' Klogan, 'Peace at any
price.' It take Just such to harm
: the Interests of a country by shouting
nntf ranting In public places and draw
ing their comfortable salaries and
keeping away from the front at the
time of danger."
Shortly before Mr. Bailey left Eng-
land he visited a camp of German sol-
. dlern which was located on an ancient
.. battlefield. He saw the prisoners
come out under guard and load wood
s Into n motor truck. lie particularly
noticed a (Milan bend over and pick up
' a stick of wood.
' VI hapened to drop Into a moving
picture tlVHtre where war pictures
' were sdvertlHed Immediately after 1
had arrived In Portland," he continued.
, i Vhst was my surprise to see this
prisoners' camp flesh upon the screen,
, i to see the prisoners come out under
guard to gather wood and to note this
: same I'hlnn bending over to Dick un
,i. his stick of wood. It seemed to me as
i if through the magic of. the moving
picture a part or Kngland had been
brought along with me."
England Sees Much
; V Suffering of Poor
' Appeal Xs Made for Contributions of
' Clothing for Distribution Among the
"it is dtrrieult for those far away
i to appreciate what is golnj,' on In Kng
land. We have practically a half n
nation on our hands arid 90 per cent of
them are absolutely destitute; they
- have no money and no belongings of
j any kind. Our great base hospital on
Jhe King's and Clare cricket ground
now holds C00 and next week will hold
' 10(10 wounded. A hundred Belgian
wounaea catne in yesterday, if you
rould Issue a rousing appeal and send
, some clothing as quickly Vs possible
any sort of clothing and underclothing,
, sufts, "overcoats, hats, caps, boots.
s clippers, handkerchiefs,- sleeping gar
ments We should be eternally thank
- - ful. Practically everything is needed
y ftxeept ball dresses.-
, This appeal Is being sent out by Dr.
Khipley, master or Christ college. Cam
, bridge university, England, and the
;: British VV'ar Relief association with
- headquarters In New York has ar
: ranged to forward all supplies to Dr.
. ".Shlplrfty as fast as the' are received.
-. Those who want to assist in reliev-
" Ing the people of England may send
contributions to the British War Relief
association, 108 East Thirtieth street,
' New York.
Chamberlain Wins
By Nearly 25,000
; Ontalde of Mutlnomah County, Jack
, sob Za the Banner Chamberlain
' '' Couaty of th State.
Outside of Multnomah county, the
banner Chamberlain county in the
; Mat is Jackson. It gave Senator
Chamberlain his largest plurality over
:, H. A. Booth at the recent election. His
plurality In that county exceeds 2500.
Practically complete returns from
the entire state show that Chamber-
Iain was elected by a plurality an-
. proachlng 15,000 votes. He received,
according to practically complete re-
turns, 108.842 votes to 86,120 for
Booth and 26,026 for William Hanley.
Vr. James Wlthycombe,- governor-
elect, has a plurality over Dr. C J.
Kmith of 26,923. lie received 118,050
t 91,127 for Dr. Smith and 10.-
t.07 for W. S. U Ren.
' "-. For congressman in the Second dis
trict the'vote was as follows: Cleaver
33,515, Evans 9188, Kinnott 21,406. In
the First district the vote was: Coe
1431, Hawley 44,941. Holllster 28,389
Another Precinct Counted Fastest.
Claims ' to the vote -counting record
? for . the recent election made by pre
: clnct: No. '231 are shattered by Sandy
predtict. which Is said to 4iave counted
229 ballots between 8 o'clock Tuesday
night and Wednesday morning. Pre
cinct, No., i31 claimed the record on
199 votes. Th night board of the
Sandy '.precinct was composed of
Judges W. E, Qrunert, Samuel Bell and
t. , K. Edwards, and Leo Rath, F. E.
Beckwlth and Fred L. Proctor, clerks.
Invites Everyone to
The Jolly Old Fellow Is Here
at Meier & Frank's and His
Cheery Smile Brings Gladness
to Old and Young Alike!
Bring the Children' Tomorrow to Toy town
To See the Greatest Toy Store in the West
Toy town at Meier & Frank's This
Year in Temporary Annex No. Two
Yeon Building
Northeast Corner 5th and Alder Sts.
17,550 Square Feet of Floor Space for Toys and Dolls
Great Story-Writing Contest for Children 12 Years
and Under Begins Tomorrow, Ends December
10. $100 in Toys Given Away in Prizes.
Read Details of Contest Carefully.
We are going to have a Story-Writing Contest, and boys and
girls 12 years of age and under are eligible to enter this Contest.
The stories are not to exceed 300 words each, and you have the
choice of one or both of the following subjects:
Subject A "What I Saw in Toytown at Meier & Frank's."
Subject B "My Reasons Why Santa Claus Always Makes His
Headquarters at Meier & Frank's."
8 prizes will be given to girls arid 8 prizes to boys. The judges
will! be the Advertising Managers of the Oregonian, Journal and
Telegram. Prizes to be awarded as follows:
First Prize (Both Subjects A and B) $10 in Toys for each subject
Second Prize (Both subjects A and B) $7.50 in Toys, each subject
Third Prize (Both subjects A and B) $5.00 in Toys, each subject
Fourth Prize (Both subjects A and B) $2.50 in Toys, each subject
First Prize (Both subjects A and B) $10 in Toys for each subject
Second Prize (Both subjects A and B) $7.50 in Toys, each subject
Thilrd Prize (Both subjects A and B) $5.00 in Toys, each subject
Fourth Prize (Both subjects A and B) $2.50 in Toys, each subject
IMPORTANT The name and address of writer must be
omitted from story. Stories must be written one side of paper
only and presented before December 10th to the "Story-Writing
Contest Department" in Toytown, Yeon Building, Northeast
corner 5th and Alder streets. Stories will not be accepted by mail.
Four Toy Specials in
Toytown Tomorrow
75c Toy Friction Auto ...43
Afiy child can operate this
attractive toy, so greatly re
duced for tomorrow only.
$155 Mechanical Train ...79
Locomotive tender and coach.
On track,- with switch.
$1.45 Teddy Bears ,'.,97?
Jqinted with growling voice.
Covered with good -Quality bear
$1 Bradley's "Tni-Life" Paper
Dolls 73
Fashion plates, 'dolls, pat
terns and paper cloth entire
outfit for making dolls' dresses.
Educational and amusing.
Toytown, Temporary Annex No. 2, Yeon Building
Morning Shopping Bargains
These Prices 9 to 12 o'Clock Only
Quantities Limited Shop Early?
' Art Tickings and Cretonnes, Piece '17c
! Short lengths, small designs. For Xmas work, pin
cushions, waste baskets, etc. Large assortment.
Ninth Floor. Temporary Annex, No. 1.
Corsets, Sizes 18 to 25, 59c
Broken assortments. Coutil, batiste. Medium and
high bust. Fifth Floorgth St. Building.
25c Shadow Lace Ail-Over, Yard 14c
White and cream for caps and waists 12 to 13
inches. First Floor, 6th St. Building.
50c Striped Albatross, Scotch Flannels and French
Flannels, Yard 24c
Limited amount only. To close out.
Third Floor, 6th St. BuUding.
$1.75 Slumber Robes, $1.23
Indian head designs. Light weight. Size 54x72.
j : Third Floor, 6th St. Building.
FVtK, ibttiv. "MorrUory Alder Sts. -
The Stocks Are Always Fresh and New! The Prices Alway Lowest! The Service Always Better! ALL WAYS!
In the Earlier-Than-Usual Clearance of All Women's Suits, Dresses, Coats and Ffoi
Every Airtticle
-An Exceptional Purchase Brings to Portland Women Im
ported Gowns & Direct Copies at Marvelous Price Reductions!
Importedi Models and Direct
Copies $65 to $150 Gowns at
Imported Models and Direct
Copies $37.50 to $58.50 Gowns at
Only at Meier & Frank's Would Such a Sale of Gowns Be Possible Due to Our
Tremendous Purchasing Power! Visit Our Garment Salons Tomorrow 4th Fir., 6th St.
$5.00 Pure Silk Shirts 1 (pP
In Our Greatest Shirt Sale J
$6.00 and $7.00 Silk Shirts now $2.98
$2.00 Silk-Front Shirts now 98c
New $2.00 Mushroom Shirts at . ... . .$1.29
$1.50 Nofade Shirts now ...... . .--.t. .85c
$1.50 French Cuff Golf Shirts at .98c
Men's Store, First Floor, Temporary Annex No. 1
Every Article Reduced
In Wool Dress Good!
Suitings, Cloakings and Challies. (Reed's Landsdow
Only Excepted) ;
Our immense stock included-Seldom indeed sue
an occasion Important event for dressmaker!
Third Floor, Sixth Street Building
The Advent of Cold Weather
Makes This Sale of
Athena Underwear
For Women and Children
All the More Important
A Timely 5 Day Event
Athena Underwear is tailored,
has shaped shoulders and tapered
ankles. Three-cornered gussets re
lieve the strain at the thigh, assur
ing comfort and long service. Nar
rowed, back" and extra fullness in
front. -
Women's "Athena" Cotton Vests
and Pants
65c Regular sizes now, each 53
Toe Outsizes now, each. 65
White cotton. High, low and
Dutch neck, long, short and elbow
sleeved vests, knee and ankle length
Women's "Athena" Merino Vests
and Tights
$1.25 Regular sizes, garment $1.05
$1.50 Outsizes, garment ...$1.20
- Fine ribbed, cream merino. Dutch
neck, elbow sleeves or high neck
Jong; sleeved Vests ankle length
Women's "Athena" Wool Vests
. ... and Tights
$1.75 Regular sizes, garment $1.58
$2.00 Outsizes. garment .... SI. 75
Medium weight, fine ribbed style. High and Dutch neck.
Long or elbow sleeve Vests ankle length Tights.
Women's "Athena" Silk and Wool Vests and Pants
$2.50 Regular sizes, garment $2.15
$2.75 Outsizes, garment . . ,. ........ .$2.45
High or Dutch neck, long or short sleeved Vests ankle
length Pants. . '!
Women's "Athena." Cotton Union' Suits
$1.25 Regular sizes, garment..: .....$1.10
$1.50 Outsizes, garment . . II $1.29
Medium weight. . 'High, Dutch and low necks, long, el
bow, wing sleeves or sleeveless. Knee and ankle lengths.
Women's "Athena" Wool and Cotton .Onion Suits
$2.00 . Regular, sizes, garment . '. ..... . . v . . . . .$1.75
$2.25 Outsizes, garment
Oream and gray. High;!
...... ......$1.95
heck, long sleeves and ankle
Women's "Athena" Wool Union Suits
$3.50 Regular sizes, garment ... ..$3.15
,$.00 Extra sizes, garment 7 ... . . ...... . U . . $3.55
Extra quality, medium weight. High neck, long sleeves,
ankle length. . m - i
75c Regular, sizes, garment
Hoc Larger sizes, garment
jr . i . . it-. i.
Medium weight. High neck, lone sleeves or Dutch neck.
short sleeves. Ankle length, j Second Floor, 6th St. Building.
A Seasonable Blanket and Comforter
$5.00 Light Gray Blankets, with colored borders S.15
$4.00 Light Gray Blankets, with colored borders .75.95
$4.50 White Blankets, full bed size. $&B5
$6.00 White Blankets, full bed size .$.85
$3.00 Comforters, silkoline covered, filled with pure white cotton in one sliet,
each . $2Ll5
$1.50 Comforters, silkoline covered, full size, each .... . .$.19
Cotton Sheet Blankets, gray and white, full sizes, priced at $1.25, $1.35, $l$5
Hiiith Xloor Temporary Abui Jii. V
; : ;.v
KcrLu Sewing Machines $15.7
Our Introductory Price for Limited Number
Drop head machine, high arm, double lock stitch sew
ing head, automatic lifting device for elevating sewing
head to position. Complete set of attachments included
at this special price.
$2.00 will deliver the Willamette D. to your home.
$1.00 each week thereafter until paid for no in
terest, no extras.
Come in and let our Demonstrators show you the ad
vantages of the Willamette D. and the economy of pur
chasing one during this sale. Seventh Floor, 6th St. Bldg.
Thanksgiving Sale of Toilet
Goods and Drugs at Deeply
Cut Prices. Supply Every Need
Tomorrow and You'll Econo
mize Greatly.
First Floor, 6th St. Building.
$5 Combination Spectacles and
i i -
Eye Glasses $2.50
Gold-filled comfort temples. Fit
ted with lenses to suit the eyes.
This price in effect Tuesday only.
First Floor, 6th St. Building.
Grocery Special
Eastern . Oregon
Flour sack
No Phone Orderr
On Sale All Day if Quantity Lasts
We Suggest Ordering Early
Well-Known "Snow White" JS rand
-- Flour t -
Gives Splendid Satisfaction.
Order Tomorrow!
Pare Food Grocery. Basement,
Sucth-St. Buildincr
Aprons! Aprons! Aprons!
Nvr KlntM Anrnn. Bile - M
Made of percale and gingham. Stitched belt atwai
line, forming blouse. Tie in the back. Very desirabm
and serviceable.
New Button - On
Shoulder Aprons..
These ' Aprons, have every ap
pearance of a dress. Note the illus
tration. " Made of "splendid grade
materials. Slip over head, belt
fastening in the front.
Ntfw Dress Aprons KQ
on sale at tJV
Cover the entire dress, button at
the side front, elastic at waistline.
Rickrack trimmed. Very practical
and'Very specially priced.
New Two-In-One
upod - grade percale and gmg-
hams in attractive colors. Take'Vi
the place of a dress. - Button down i
the entire side front, with belted i
New Dress Aprons r7KA
: on sale at I tlU
Percale in light and dark colors,
stripes and figures. " Fitted at the
waistline, 'finished with colored
piping, with pointed yokes.
"New Bib Aprons Off y
on sale at ;
Ginghams and percales, "white
lawns and nurses stripes. Large;
round bib. Prettily, rickrack trim'd.
Si I
1 M
Ml 11 . J I -
lTt- Strt 14l! 1
...... . .-. . .