10 THE OREGON DAILY " JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, . NOVEMBER 13, 1911. HUGE FLOUR BUSINESS IS REPORTED HERE FOR EUROPEAN ACCOUNT CHICKEN MARE IS SICK EVEN AT VERY 4.0V PRICE LOCALLY At JOc a Pound All Of ferine. Are , - Jiot 'Cleaned Vp and' Furl her J.- Jeprewslon In Hhown; Ice How& i Getting All the Surplus. GREEN ORANGES FROM CA SOUTH; FIRST NOV OFFERING Initial Shipment From Northern California Is In loaded but ,the Demand Is Not Brisk; fetter (Quality . Due to Ijtmwi Soon. The.chlifken market 1 a very sick affair along -Front- streeL . Some cf 1 thM ,,.-.. ...fr.l.. l. lata ISMt nlsht ut 1K- ii nnurul fur nrdlnarv jttuik but othfm reported that some stock wan carried over for today'" trade. . purchased by the large buyers at their een dressed and sent into stor- arn wnere mev win oe neni unm uch a time an the market demand inv -t While much weakness Is shown for K , .. i . . . i . . . I. .. i'u tiu r . fair tall ta Indicated for springs weigh ing from I V4 to ;! pounds euch. For these the trade Is able to command lHo a xnind with more ease than It x-i able to twine 10c for ordinary stock. ; t Not only ure chtckens lit general V-ry weak, but It la very difficult to .rilapoae of prfn( arrival of either llvo or dressed turkeys. Kven at , loww prices, the latter are not clean- ' inn up promptly. SllAJt MARKF.T TAKKS UISK " "Advance" of JOc t hundred pounds was shown thin morning in the prica - Of all grades of refined nunar In the local market. The' ad vance was expect ed late yesterday afternoon in answer lit th strength in the east. - 'mlm ii iir i.'u v it ni.'i.'l.'IM7: f'"' "VH r.f Inr-nl whnliulrif tO Ulir- ff.ane real Hinap grade apples from dis--" trihuttna intercuts have failed, ac- r" fording to vom! of these interests. . lutt..r mrmililv fruit. 3IOUE CKAMIKHKIKK AKKIVK Another carload of Kastern crai- berrba. believed to he the last of the ..Hvaaon, cutiw forauwl today. It w.n.i lit good condition, and wan priced at $9V.nU a barrel. Cheap ntuff offer ing down to $. ' CHKKSi; MAHKKT HOLDS FIRM "" At the advance uuoted yesterday . . I. - .. - ... . .. .. t . .. .. . .1 ) .. 1. IV... 1 .... .1 1 Ull'IH WUIS 1 11111171 in iiiia III iiiu swot "... cheese market today, lmt no further ad vance' la ahnwn in values. Latest ar f vlcea front the east tell of strength In the trude there. First navel oranges of the (season have arrived In the local; market from nortnern caiirornia and are being or. fercd to the trade todav at $;( a box. While the stock is fairly wejll col ored, it is still too green for general consumption and for tha 5 reason very little lftnand is expected!, at present. Another carload Is expected to start from, the south within a few .days.-J ta ahip-pers have notified thju trade here that they would guarantee the frull to be well colored. General shipments of navel orange are expected to start forward within the next 10 days. The last carload of late Valencias for this market this season is due to arrive here tomor row and Will be quoted at:3 B0 a box. As long as Valencias are available oi until the navels arrive la wood ren dition, there Is not likely to be much demand for the latter. Sharp Loss Shown ' In Chicago Wheat Chicago, Nov. 13. Wheat market closed 1 to l,c a bushel below yester day. Opening prices wen at ah ad vance of lsc for May and a similar amount lost by December. The market had a very good upward swing after the opening, but furthtr depression was forced with a report of smaller export business on: the At lantic coast. .1 Broornhall ' cabled from Liverpool that the wheat market was dull and steady. Arrivals are largt' but millers are absorbing rapidly, and there Is no notable accumulation of ; reserves. American winters arc held at 1V3-1 advance, but demand is cUt'-C Edited by Hyman II. Cobn. HUGE FLOUR TRADE EUROPE BE WITH MAY PASSING HERE Reports Are Unconfirmed to ,TIiat Effect; Private Cables Tejl of a Very Firm Market for Wheat; 1'atent Flour Holds Firmer. HOPS SHORT SELLERS : IN MARKET FOR TRADE QUITE HEAVY About SOOO Bales Sold In tbe Wil lamette Valley I During Lst 48 Hours; Yakima Market Active; Prices Holding About Stationary. WHEAT CARGOES DI I.L lii--'"-!, jcor. 13. Wheat carp en pass age doll. I.1VKRPOOI. WI1KAT MARKET Liverpool. Not. 13. When: 'iv.. 13 Nov. 12 Open.' ttk. - Cliw. IXH-emtwr ..as TV41 f 7Mid Ua T'd I'ORTt.AM GliAIN KKCE11TS Whoil. Bnrluj. nr. Oats. Uy. 221 I :w n . . 77 i: 7 i:t 2 . . vn :t ia 4 . . 72 25 111 1(K A H 9 .. : A 1 H l." . .5t N4 1101 lOHH 4li Monday 'I ui'Kiiay WetiiiPKilay . . . T llII-Ktil.V ..... 1'rida.v Wur iijto Sprnwu Id uati icar itgo .71HS6 131U 1011 SCI 117 Range of Chicago prices fismished by Overbeck Cooke compauy, 2 16-21 7 Board of Trade- building: ECiCi MAHKKT IULKS QUIET 1 ' While showing no further change In prices, the market for eggs along Front street Is rather quiet. Receipts keontlnue to" show a fair Increase and - some small surplus of fresh Block Is shown. WIIKAT Open. Iliph. I rtosr. Deo fl.l.'t'S, 1.1ti', $1.14 $1.1tB May I.22T, 1.2)Mi i.2i VilllS ! .HVt, -aU .wA Ma Taw -Tljit .714 A OATS Dec. '. , ..ViV, .4!t, .4itH,A I May ..... .0;) ..'. ..rt;l .iVlliB i rH4K iJiin l.'jr lil.5 1!(I2 lit.iH I Miij 1W.75 l!l.7."i U..H) lJ.li li LAUD Jnu 10. .5 Id.j.'i 10.45, Pi.47 H May .lO.Oo 1.." 10.UO Hi. 00 K KIKS Juu 10.35 ln.37 10.1:2 10.25 B May 10.BO JO..i ' lO.wO 10.57 FEW CI.AMS AICE AHRIVIXC. Only nine boxes of clams arrived here today from the coast, in fact not tiough was available to supply mor than a very small Tier cent of the trade. Values are holding firm at $2.50 a box generally. SHIPPERS' WE ATI! EH NOTICE WeBther bureaif sends the following rotlce to shippers: 1 .' Protect shipments as far north as Seattle against minimum tempera tures of about 40 degrees: northeast .; to Hpokane, 34 degrees: southeast to 1 Boise; 32 degrees; south to Ashlanl 40 degrees. Minimum temperature at Portland tonight, about 42 degrees. ' JOBIIIXCI PRICKS OF PORTLAND ' Tbrse prtcr r tL.e ut whlrti wbnleiler '' tell to retailor. n ept a utderwl atated: ItrTTTER Noiolml Wlllnmctte Taller ereaaa. : r,TUta. aelllnit prlcj, atiiiSOe; alate print, Wiij.'.l'c; ranrb butter. D)ltt20c; city eream 1 , rjr, cua lots. 84 He. lea ti.au eia lota, ., ti. rr.tn. BU1TE3 FAT No. 1. IHw-tlaud dellaerr, IBe. MK5M Nearly rfealily gathered. 42442"".; eaiiilll loial iittrii". liile. 42e;-cca-e eoimt. vtiiyln f. ii. b. 1'i-rlland, 40r; e-itero "fresh, le; (Idneae, IBfttlsc ilnaen. ' s 1.1VK I'ortTRY lle:t. r; hndlera. Hj to J ll.. l:ie: ilurka. I'rkln, i:ie; clored. 12c; - taikeja. 13i 17 1-jr; drevBcrt, 20W2ir; plKeona 1 tl 4(1. 25; aiiuaba. f2.U5''i2.4o doaen: ireeae' : 1)C- "JACK RABBITS aoc dreaaed. 1.50 : .' t? d"eo. J , CHKKHK Nnpitmal. "reh Orea-on. fane foil i-renm twins ami trlplrta. lO'a 16Up; Young , ' Anerli-H. 17i II ', Jr. t " i " -ocrlea. ' 81'tiAR Culie, $0.25; iMimlered. i.15; fruit r berry, 5.!Mi; beet. 5.7i; lry urn unified. mjjrvi ii .i.oo. iauovv ii( tutiiins nre ba IM) url cann.l RICa Japan atyle. No. 1. S8n; New Orleans, head, 0'4 4tc; Creole., tic UO.EY-iw, ...25ia3 50 per caae. ; i " BalANd tSuiall white, 3c; large white. - Be. pink, 4 v, llniaa. OVjc; bayou. 5c; red. - SALT Coarae. half gronoda. lorn. Jio per iim . viu.i.i: i;ioic nairy. ava. mis; 10a. r -lT.50i balea. .25; extra fin barrela. "4. o and i0, 5. 8.00; lamp rock. 2.50 r ..nil. Fnnt and V-rtatablaa. ! VReM l Ul IT -Orangea. Cal.. Kt.tm4t3.30 ', Jpanev. 1 1 1 .5o ; banauna. 't'4.4c lb. Irmoiw. 4.iki(iiu.4Mi: hinen, fl.Oo per loo- grapefruit. tt..'in.l.0o per eaae; pfneappleai Demand for Apples " With Cars IScarce Hood Kiver, Or., Nov. 13. With the three chemical cold storage plants of the Apple Growers' union- Davidson Fruit company and the National Apple company filled with apples and now holding approximately oOO.Owo boxes, and a shortage in refrigerator cars. the apple situation at Hood River is K'f-ilil becoming a problem for the managers 1 'li! or the storage plants. The association Is shipping at the rate of 10 cars per day. while It has orders for nearly twice that many. The storage houses at Van Horn station and Odell are also rilled- to the limit. i Prnhuhu- 'non ha leu of hops .were purchased at Willamette valley points bv various aeajera uuuusi iu mL - hours. The Seavey Hop Co. alone pur chased about 900 bales from 8 to He a pound, and other dealers are report ed to have taken fair supplies at a similar PWqe range. McNeff JEtrtJf. are reporiea operaimg In the Yakima section on a very ex tensive scale. ' . , According to locat dealers the bulk of the purchases during the last 24 hours were for the account of short sellers who sold for delivery this month. While some new orders are comirg forward, the trade reports that quit a lot of old business is still available. , , A late New York mail advice says cf general conditions: TOP LAMBS SCARCE AND PRICE MAY BE LIFTED IN THE YARD On llasis of Recent Sales Extreme Quality v Is Considered Worth JfMf.SO; Swine Situation Is Strong With Best Selling at1 $720. COMMISSIONER DALY SCENTS A SCHEME OF UNITED RAILWAYS CO. Plan for Abandonment of the Line Leading to Mt.. Cav alry Cemetery Is Feared. OPPOSITION: NOW VOICED LOCAL BUSINESS NEWS i '.' j-"'. 1 ' '- : .' --'v . '.. .v. ; , ' : - ' " -. . ' . . At Business in Country; Districts Is Good and s Con-; stantly Getting Better; Grangers Have PJenty of Money and They Are Spreading It Around., PORTLAND I.I VESTOt'K RUN llogs. Cattle. Calves. SUeep Friday Tliuinday , Wednesday ..... Tnecday Alondur Saturday ....... Week ugt. . .'. . . Year ajro. Two.jears ago. 'Ibree years ago . 04 . 5W . f27, . Blttt .4o:!4 . '2 . -510 .1I42 . aa5 . i8 2.VI lilt ins i:t8 12;i ' ' :t 175 3x;; 1 10 4 3 3 11 17i 224 764 69 1018 318 2174 K21 2208 Company Has Ko Tnrtliar Uh for Its Blxtli Street Ziisa Blsc County Cancalled Their Trancliise. TRANSPORTATION Curb Stock List To Be Made Public Logan & Bryan. New York. wire- Overbeck & Cooke Co., their corre spondents in this city, as follows: We are told that curb tradine will be resumed, beginning next! Monday, ns it was before the close of business July 30. viz.. no restrictions as to pub lication of quotations, etc. This does not refer to New York Stock Ex change listed stocks. but to mining shares, oil and kindred issues Whlc, are traded in over counter or on the New Yovk cilrb exclusively." There were reports In the. local mar ket today of heavy sale of flour by interior mills to Europe, but this could not be confirmed at any of the local Institutions. It is stated that F. li. Price, export agent National Millers', l-'ederation, with headquarters in New York, was out through the country recently and had arranged for the shipment of huge lots oi flour to England and the continent. The condition of the flour market locally is very firm at $6 for patent. This price is uniform here today and although there is talk of a further advance immediately to $ti.20, none of the leading millers was willing to confirm it, in fact some denied it. While public cables from London were to the effect that the -marct ior wneat cargoes on passage was very dull, private cables received here siaie mat the marKet Is very firm. Winnipeg reported that exporters were taaing 'an wneut offering and from Chicago came the report that icucn Business had Been during over night via the gulf. There are more inquiries for barley from abroad and the market in. the In terior is firmer. CLOVER SEED Buying price: luminal no. i recieaneai, l3Wl4c;orH nary, 11 4012c pound; alsike, 11c pound. Pf-OITR Sellingr price: Patent. 8; Willamette valley, 6; local, straight, $u; export straight, $4.60; cutoff, $4.60; bakers'. $5.80&6.20. HAY. New crop, buying price: Wil lamette valley timothy, fancy, $1J; eastern Oregon-Idaho, fancv timothy. ,14.75Sz15.dO; alfalfa, $13.50; vetch and oats, $9.00fa 10.00; clover, $S per ton. GRAIN BAGS Nominal; No. 1 Cal cutta, $8.25 &' 8.50. ...JST1'18 Selling price: Bran, J.nO; shorts, $25 per ton. There was no trading on the Port land Merchants Exchange today, at least no sales were made. General weakness was shown in the entire cer eal market with all prices lower. For future prices ruled: Wheat December bluestem, $1.17 bid. $1.19 ask; December club, last half. uiu, ai.m asK; oecemDer red Rus sian, last half $1.10 ask Oats December $28 bid. $28.50 ask. Official MercUaut Exchange prices; WHEAT Friday. Ttmr. Wed. TVe. Mod. Bid. Ask. Bid. Bid. Bid. Bid. Itl'item I.1H 1.1S l.lTLf. l.lti 1.17 l.I" 1.1 1.17'4 l.lOLj 1.18 1.17 1.17 l.l:: 1.1Si 1.13'. 1.12 1.14 1.15 It.Itiiiit. 1.07 l.irtt l.OS'i 1.07 1.10 K. rue. i. Of l.il l.io l.os uo 1.13 OATS l'eed ..27.00 28.00 2S.O0 28.00 2S.50 28."i0 BAULKY Teed ..21.n 24.73 24 ."K 24. 00 24.rni 24.00 Blew- g 24.M 28. t") 2.".0) 24.50 23.5U 25.00 MILLST1KFS Brail ..22.0O 2.!.l) 22..10 22.75 22.25 22.00 Sl.ort 2.J.0O 2S.50 23.00 2:!.tlO. 23.00 22.75 Biles. 7,061 21,880 . 1,824 6,922 1,017 Receipts for week Receipts bince Sept. 1 Exports to Europe for week. Exports from Sept. 1 lmimrta f cr week Imports from Sept. 1 z.uai Local receipts have been pretty heavv this week, and thev have -In cluded more than 5000 bales in transits for export. This is part oi tne Busi ness that was consummated some time aero, on the Pacific coast. We do not hear of further important orders com ing to hand. Demand from brewers is also on a restricted scale, but the position of the interior markets is such as to check any pressure to sell here and quotations remain un changed. It would be pretty difficult to move anv ouantit.v of stock, how ever, at our outside figures. Quite hca.vy import from Rotterdam are re ported, arrivals reaching about 1500 bales to date, with further lots un derstood to be en route. Importations of TCmrilKh hoos have apparently stopped. In the interior of New York state a few sales have been reported during the week, mainly at 2530c as to oualitv. New York hop prices per pound: State. 1914. choice 33(g3oc State. 1914. medium to prime. . 25 a 31c State. 1913, and older Nominal Pacific Coast. 1914, choice. ... 1 i 15c Pacific. Coast, 1914, medium to nrimp !l(S13c Pacific Coast. 1913 9 $J 2 1 Pacific Coast, olds Nominal Imported, 1914 38(&42c NORTHWEST BANK STATEMENT Clearings. Friday Tl.nr.sday . Wednesday Tuesday . . Monday . . . Portland Banks. This week. Year ago. $2.18M.07S.o0 $2.4S2.942..".4 . , 2.207.741.14 :!.aiH. 142.78 2.0:f2. ltiS.85 2.877.044.13 2,2.".5 7SKI.8.1 2.48O.4O3.40 2,325,614.90 2,663.845.48 Week to date. . .$11,065,304.60 $13,502,378.13 Seattle Banks. Willamette valley wheat usually lc boe tbe elub. Where high power transmission lines cross highways in Norway networks of wire are erected to protect persons using the roads In case the heavily charged wires break and fall. Clearings Balances Clearlnifs Balances "J" $2. 110. 3S2.00 236.539.00 Taooma. Banks. S 365.545.00 . ..: 56.759.00 San Francisco Grain Market. San Francisco, No. 13. Barley calls: Nov. 13. Nov. 12. Open. . Clse. Close. December 127 13TV4 128 May 134B 135 A 1354B Spot prices: Wheat Walla Walla. $1.951.97: red Russian. $1.92) 1.95; Turkey red. $1.952.0o; blue fitem. $1.97 2. Feed Barley, $1.203!l.22. White oats, $1.55 1.57. Bran. $24.50 25.50. Middlings. $30.00i 31.00. Shorts, $25.00 26.00. Omaha Mutton Higher. South Omaha, Neb.. Nov. 13. Cattle, 15.000: "market slow, weak and lower; steers. $9.0010.50; cows and heifers, $5.75 7.00. Hogs, 8500; market 5 10c higher; bulk, $7.50 7.65; tops, $7.70. Sheep, 7000; market steady, 10 15c higher; yearlings, $7.5O8.O0; wethers. j6.ft0M6.vf,; iambs, $.oo b 9.40; ewes $5.65 5.90. . Extreme strength is shown in the mutton situation at North Portland. Real good iambs have been very scarce of late in the local yards and j sales .would Indicate that itoppy stuff i would probably command' $6.50 here at present, although no sales have been made beyond $6.30 for best of ferings available and only one lot sold recently above $6.25. .There was only a limited supply of mutton reported on the local nrarket for the day, the remainder of tbo small run being brought lorward by country buyers or local killers. At Omaha there was a strong toni in the mutton trade for the day. Values were lifted 10c to 15c with top lambs $9.40 and best yearlings $8. - General mutton market; Best yearlings $5.50!'5.T5 Old wethers 5.25(g5.60 Best- ewes 4.354.6o Best east mountains lambs. 6.0046.30 Valley, light lambs 5.75 5. Sf Heavy .spring lambs 5.005.50 Cattle Showing- Strength. Market for cattle continues to show strength and in some quarters there are forecasts of another advance in price for the immediate future for good stuff. So strong is the trend of the cattle trade all through the Pacific northwest at this time - 'that it is stated a very sharp advance will be forced in the price of fresh beef Mon day morning. At South Omaha there was a slow, weak and lower price in the cattle market for tbe day, but top steers continue unchanged at $10.50. General cattle market range. Selected steers $7.157.25 Good to prime 6.85 7.00 Iiooq to choice S.'oO (Q t. ro Ordinary to fair 5.75 y 6.25 Best cows 6.00 6.35 Good, to prime 5.65fti)6.S5 Ordinary 5.265.50 Selected calves . .' '. . 8.00 Fancy bulls '. 5. 2505.50 Ordinary 4.03 4.25 Bogs Firm at $7.30. Market for hogs is firm at $7.20 for toppers in the North Portland yards; There was a fairly liberal run in the yards overnight but a good per cent of these- came direct, to' killers from their country buyers. General conditions in the market are very good. This is true especially of the eastern markets. At South Omaha today there was a further advance of 5 to 10 cents with tops at $7.70 or 50c above North Portland. General hog market range: Best light $7.1o7.20 Medium light 7.05(fr7.10 Good atid heavy 6.75 7. 00 Rough and heavy ;.. 6.256.50 Today' Livestock Shippers. Hogs James : Madison. . Welser, Idaho, 1 load; D. !J. Donnelly, 1 load; John Dysart, Condon. 1 load; L. V. Gentry, Heppner, 1 load; Will Block, Amity. 1 load direct to Union Meat company. Cattle Albert Nau, Ferdinand, Idaho. 3 loads; Hoskins & Rand. Wei ser, Idaho, 1 load; S. C. Oxman, Rob inette, 4 -loads; C. M. Sevier. Pasco, WashJ, -1 load. Mixed Stuff Will Block, McCoy. 1 load hogs and sheep direct to Union Meat company; C. E. Lucke, Molalla, 2 loads, bogs and sheep direct to Union Meat company; G, D. Burdlck, Salem, 1 load cattle, calves, hogs and sheep. Thursday Afternoon Salac. COWS Section. No. Are! Iba. Price. Oregon 21 (9O0 $5.50 Friday Horning Sales. STEERS No. Are. lbs SUPER-POTATO IS PECK OF POTATOES ROLLED IN ONE LEVVIS COUNTY FARMERS WANT CANNERY, e - In the application of the United Railways for new franchises to take the place of the existing blanket fran chise held by them so that they may be relieved from the use of Stark street. Will H. Daly, commissioner of public utilities, scents a scheme whereby the railroad company hopes to abandon its line to the Mount Cal vary cemetery and vicinity. Commissioner Daly voiced, bis sus picions at a meeting of the city coun cil yesterday afternoon, and as a re suit the council will probably agree to the abandonment of Stark stree but hold the company to the provis ions of Its original franchise requir ing the maintenance of the Mount Cal vary cemetery line. ' As the county has revoked the fran chise of the company to have tracks between Portland and Linnton the company has no further use for Stark street, where it gathers most of Its passengers, and is asking that it be relieved from this provision of the original franchise. Hew Bequest Made. In making the application, however, the company is asking for two fran chises in lieu of the blanket franchise, according to Mr. Daly. One franchise to allow them the use of the city streets in the northern portion of the city for freight purposes, thus elimin ating Stark street, and the other to cover the line to the cemetery and vicinity. Commissioner Daly says that he be lieves that the scheme of the railroad company, is to have the -council grant the two new franchises and then re fuse to accept the grant for the "cem etery line. In this way. says Mr. Daly,- the company Could be relieved from- its obligation to maintain the service between Portland and the Mount Calvary district. Contending that, the obligation to maintain the cemetery line Is a condi tion of the original grant and cannot be altered. Commlssioer Daly has re fused to sanction such a scheme, and yesterday the other members of the council agreed with him. , Xdne Hot Faying.. Mr. Daly says that this cemetery line has not been paying, and for tliat reason the railroad company wants to discontinue service. This line extends from the head of Washington street and winds around the hills, terminat ing near the cemetery. At present, it is owned by the United Railways, but through an agreement between it and the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co., the latter company operates the cars. The plan, however, to remove the tracks from Stark street has the in dorsement of Commissioner Daly, who has been trying for a number of months to eliminate the heavy cars running on the street, and the other members of the council. Only the tentative draft of the ap plications was considered by the coun cil yesterday, and the matter will have to be taken up officially before any action can be had. If "anyone doubts that business Is Improving, and especially at country points, they should ask li. J. Otten- heimer, manager of Jones' Cash Store, which Is directly Identified with the fanners. Mr. Ottenheimer says that business Is good and Is Improving, and he has the most substantial evidence to show it. In the first place, his firm is reporting an increase of bet ter than 25 per cent In its volume of sales as compared with, a year ago. That looks very good in Itself, but Mr. Ottenheimer says that a steady increase is being shown and he looks for some extra good trade within the immediate future. Dealing direct with the farmer as does his firm, he is in a position to know that the average farmer of the Pacific northwest Is ti day more prosperous than ever be fore. Huge prices for grain crops and a demand for other lines are giving the producer much more money to spend these days and they are already spreading it around. Farmers Have Money. If you want still further evidence that farmers have money to spend, in quiry may be made at the ofTice of the Mitchell, Lewis & Staver company, where practically all of their business is with the producer. "( 'ollesrtlons are better." was the report that this firm had to make regarding the financial situation. Furmers nave had very good crops this year and tbey have money to spend. As soon as they get more confidence In the future we look for them to spend even more than at . . r s present. Our Spokane housn reports' liberal increase In business Club to B adeem Bonds; ' r' $4 The ' Arlington club' , hos notified f bondholders that It-Is rea-tly' redeenV its bonds and payment will f made fttf the office of the Security Savings f; Trust company. The follojg bonds .' will be redeemed January l:ji ;Noi.: l " and 38 for $r.00 each, and Noji H8. 13, 162 and ICS for $1000 8.ch! .Interest ' win cease oir the named bo(id3 on th date mentioned. ' g Farmers Want a Cannery, With heavy crops and a '-surplus1 promised, farmers of Lewii i' vounty, j Washington, are preparing f. jr the es f tablishmont of a cannery,, pi bably at Chehalis. The Citizens' clot of that: city has taken tip the matte , and two's meetings will be he'ld In tbf near fu '. ture to perfect organization, . - .y Hemp .Hope Is Wanted, f ' j A ship chandler carrying : bn an er tensive business In Norway ;Jdvlse an American consular officer I''tliaT lie would like to hear from Arrrlcan ev porters of manila hemp ropV. that ho. is In the market for all kiri Is of ship and boat tackle, equipment, - c. "Prices j should be quoted c. 1. f. ti- !. o. b. tB Atlantic port, and to jr ' thre.. months' credit should , be . extended. Correspondence is preferred In Nor- wegian language. ' . S Information regarding' tf " inquiry! can be secured frora'the San Francisco 1 office of the bureau of forelj n and Ho meatlc commerce by mehtliilng No.; 14366. ' . ' ' 3 proposes to introduce an ordinance be fore the city council requiring the proprietors of all hotels to report im mediately the arrival of such dealers so .that the license bureau may be in formed and a fee collected. In the scheme he also proposes to have the hotel proprietors secure the names of some of the well known pur chasers and make these names public so that the people know w'ho those are who purchase from the transient mer chants. Commissioner Btgelow says that purchases are made by some of the best known people in tlae city who will stop the practice when it becomes known that they patronize outsiders rather than city dealers. Home cares for large'., v imber- SOME MAY BE BARRED OUT COOS BAY AND Etr&EXA S.S. ELDER AlXt SuTtDAT, MOV. 15, 9 A. M. s FORTH TACiriC STEAMSHIP CO. Tlckat Off lea Freight Of floe I22A SU Be Foot MorthruD St MAIN 1314 A-1314 I Main 5203. A-5422 Coos Bay Line . STEAMSHIP BREAKWATER Balla from Atnaworth dock, Portland, I p. m Ear Tuaaday. Freifht aad tirket office ' lower Alnaworth 4oek. P. tt 0. B. S. 8. Line X.. K. Keatina, Agent. Phone Min 3600. A- . 1333. City tioket office, SO Sixth atreet. C ' W. 8 tinier. Agent. Phones Marthall 4S00. A-flSl. v 4- srWM TK 1 8. M. BE AH For San Francisco, Los Angeles w ' . 3 F - it- Hot. 17 , The Ban Franciaco Portland.. S., Co.. Sd Waihtnston 8ts. (with O-W, E. & M. Co.) Tel. Marahall 4500. v A-61tl. American-Hawaiian S. S,Co. - '" "The Fanama Canal Xdae" ! EXFBESS FBXXOKT 8EBYXCZ '-' . ---'- Between - Portland. Hew York. Charleston , an4 , ,-' - . ... Fhlladelnhla, - - ' For Information as to rates, sailings, etc.. call on or address ..CD. KENNEDY. Agent. " k tjtark Street. Portland. Or.' 7c per lb.; cantaloupe. $ 1 .00(j 1 .25 ; caeabas. $1.00 crute; peara, T.lcfti $1 .Mi (rapes. l.ou6j l.z; rraie. API'LES Local. 50c&$1.25 box. accordlnic to quality. vtUElAULES-Turnip. beete. S1.S0: rarrota. SI. 25: Darauius. iKii'. l. naric- mk. bags, 7ut&$1.00; tomatoes, Califcrula, $1.00 I per lug.; 7jc per box; green onions. 10 1 ulOe lht dozen buccaes; iieisuer. bell. 4a 1 head lertlice. T.'ie itny.eii- rplrv 1iMTn. duren; egg plant. 7c; cuultfluvvtr. j&iatoe dozen; Preach artlcnokes, 0ui.7:c 1 dos. ; string dwir, '2(J(u2c doien; cranberrie-f. eastern. XSn W.UO bbl. ; local, $.50 box; peaa, loc: aurouts 8c pound. ONIONS Local, 7oc; California. 70&i75c garlic, 17 He iHfAlOiit! selllop price. Kitra cbolee, S04lU0c Per cental; awt-ots. $l.SH(ij2.00. Bops, Wool and Midas; LOTS JUuying price, cntiice llllc: prime. VttHc; luedluui lu priuie. ac; ucOluut. itusc pouud. CUIiXIM OB CAKGABA B A It K Car lot c; Icea :tan car lota, 4c. MOUA1K 11114 i'itV7 He WOOL Nomlual, 1ai4 clip; Willamette al ley coarse Cotawold, 17ijc; medium Ktrou tnire, lSV&c; choice fancy Itita, )0Oc lb ; aualern Oregon, 4U-i according iu .iitinli age. UIDK Dry bides, 20c lo.; greeo. 12e: called bides, 13c; bull., gnam aalt, Oc: kips, lS14c; calres. dry, 25c; calf akina aaKed nr green, ISc; green hides,: lc lets than salted; sheep pelt, waited, .shearings, luu S5c; dry, 10c. " . TALLOW No. I. 4iia4c; Ko. 2. 4Q 4c; greaae, 3ii?i4c. Meata, Fish md ProTisians. DRESSED UEAib Selling price Countri killed; hogs, fancy, fcc; ordinary sc; rough and heavy, 77,c; fancy veala, ijil tllc: orluury, loc; poor, i(u.s,-- ,.t. 1 eprlng laaibb, 10c. ua " " . - uui, (i4 I C 1 breakfaat bacon, 20',4j:c, uulied bui. 9c- 1KaTS Hacking bouae Steers. No. 1 atock. 12c; cows. No. 1 stock, ile; ee. 10c; weth era, HVac; lambs, UJic; pork toiua. lv: dreaad Uog, 12c. i OYSTEKS Ulympia, per gallon, $3.73; canned eastern, 6oc can; S0.50 doacn; eastern, la aoell, $1.73U2.0U per luO; rasor ciama. t2.50 box; eastern oyMers, per gallon, solid peck, S;(.50t.t5. IPliM Uressed floundera, Je; chlnouk ear mon. B8c: silver side, tic; perch Okibc lb.; ki bat era, 25c 'lb.; , silver smelt, ac; aalmoo iroui, ioc, nauDui, tieioc pouno.i LA ED Tie nee, 12Jc; compound, tierces, 11c. CRABS Large. $1.50; mediant, $1.00 das Paint and Oils. LINSEED OIL Haw. bbla.. St.. n' .-i . kettle boiled, bbla.. cue; raw. , eases, 72c! boiled cases. 74c gal.: lots of 259 gallona. Jc leas; oil cake meaL $44 per toiiJ t WHITE LKAD-loa kta7Te1per lb.; 500 lb. lota, 7c per lb.; lees lots, 8c- per lb. OIL MEAL Carload lots. $34. TUBPENTINB-ln eaae. 7c;i tank. K per gallon. . . i . COAL OIL Water white on Idrnms. and iron barrels. 10c. - ; . - e hi m ' t- in ii i "Jill T-w jBfV.V "VjK1" ,i III I -,XA':i fc p' a ' ' ' t ' . ; f '?& ; ,K Section. Idaho Oregon Oregon Oregon Idabo Idaho . .- Oregon . . : . , Oregon .... Oregon Oregon .... W ashington Idaho Oregon .... Oregon Idaho ..... Oregon .... Oregon . .: . V sKhlngton Oregon .... Idabo Oregon . . . . Zl . 27 1 7 COWS 2 1 17 3 ..... 1 BULLS 1 EWES 13 HOGS 86 5 34 83 7 3 ..... 91 2 ..... 4 117 IK 3 xs 1127 . 117-1 l.'5O0 loos 111 (I 97 1S70 , 123 223 1S2 215 211 202 2imi 1!H5 ax :i 312 Price. $7.10 t!.K5 . 0.U5 $U.2.j S.50 $5.75 5IW 4. 00 $6.00 $4.50 $7 20 7.20 7.2o 7.20 7.2o 7.20 7.20 6.70 6.2U 6.20 Bigelow to Seek Mean to Prevent Misuse of Public Market. That those who have been convicted of fraudulently selling goodn on the public market may be barred from th! public, market for a length of time suitable to the market officials an or dinance is to be placed before the city council by Commissioner Bigelow. At present if a person is convicted of selling goods fraudulently on the market there is no regulation to bar him for any length of time. The ordi nance proposes to give the market au thorities the right to bar a person for a year If the case warrants such dras tic action. BUYS ANOTHER AUTOMOBILE . San Francisco Dairy Produce. San Francisco. Nov. 13. Eggs, ex tras. 45c; pullets, 37c; California stor age extras, 27c. Butter, extras. 31 c: prime firsts, 28c: firsts, 26c; seconds. 24c Cheese, California, fancy, 16c; firsts. 12c; seconds. 10c. Denver Hogs $7.65. Denver. Colo.. Nov. 13. Cattle Re ceipts, 1000;.' market, steady. Steers. $6,2567.50; cows' and heifers. -$5,00 0 6.50; stockers and feeders, $6.0007.40; calves, $7.509.00. Hogs Receipts, 300; market, slow. Tops, $7.65; bulk, early sales, $7.40 7.65. Sheep Receipts. 2700; market, steady. Yearlings, $5.75 06.50; wetn ers. $5.2506.00; lambs, $8.0008.60; .wes. $4.76 0 5.50. VALUE OF -WOMEN'S' HAIR Authorization for Car Is the Third Made Within Past Week. The city council will buy more auto mobiles for city employes. The third machine within a week was authorized purchased this morning when the city council passed an emergency ordinance ordering Municipal Purchasing Agent Wood to advertise for bids for a run about for the city sealer of weights and measures. This car will take the place of a horse and buggy now in use. Las.t Friday the council ordered a touring car for Mrs. Lola G.. Baldwin, head of the women's protective division of the police bureau and Wednesday one of the large touring cars was sold to be replaced by a smaller machine to be used by the municipal shops as a transport car. Plans have been made for the purchase of automobiles for the city license bureau and the bureau of standards ofhe department of pub llo works. The authorization for the purchase of the automobile for the sealer of weights and measures was fixed in the budget Co take effect after Decem ber, but the council this morning deemed it fit to order the car pur chased now. . ; Seattle Dairy Produce, - Seattle, Wash., Nov.: lS-Kggs Tf J"anch' 50c5 fresh eastern. 35fr 40c; orientals. 18c. ..:, .... Butter Local cube. 34c; bricks, 35c: Oregon cubes.-3S0&Ce. 1 C"fR-rWisconsin. 19c; -washing-ton. 17 H 018. , Journal Want Ads bring results. Pomme deterre of , futurist design, grown on premises, of Frank j Teebuagh, : near Damascus, Or. Keen edged , blades of . remarkable temper gave Damascus, Syria, a fame which has lasted through the cen turies. Frank Teebuagh.-1 who resides near Damascus. Or, has produced ft potato which should make the: Ameri can Damascus, equally as famous as the ancient city; .'A i : Mr. Teebuagh's , potato has claims to fame because it is an extraordinary potato. In fact. It J s a"-super-potato. it nas one great trunk potato and then 'a lot ot branch potatoes stick ing to it. It's a peck of potatoes in one. Mr. Teebuagh's potato shows a re semblance to many things lo a Tebdy bear, to a Billiken, to a Joss, to a shrapnel shell just as it bursts. :It is far from - being artistic. , It would form a mighty poor . subject for a still life picture- of farm pro ducts, r How runs the old stave: "Pic tures 05 fruit on the dining room wall; but none never on the table at alL" . ; . ' v;. : ; ' ' i . 1 - some ; respects this potato is a monstrosity, but withal It would prob ably be : Just as : tasty as - its more Venus-like brethem and sistern. "And speaking of the high cost o' living. It would probably make six portions of. mashed. Therefore, Sejah!- District Judge Dayton discovered yesterday that women's hair is worth 50 cents an ounce if long enough for switches. Experts testified to that value during the trial of the suit of Miss Alice Bisonette against Mrs. Belle: McAllister for $50 for lost hair and $40 damages for loss of the hair. Miss' Bisonette' turned two boxes of hen. hair over to Mrs. McAllister, she testified, to have a switch made. She said Mrs. McAllister turned tbe mak ing of the switch over to another per son. Mrs. McAllister told her that she did not ..believe the (switch was made from her. hair and she declined to take it. :' Judge' Dayton allowed $5 for 10 ounces of hair lost, but denied the plaintiff any' damages.. BOARD AXD COUNCIL TO MEET Effort to Come to Agreement on K Use of Park Block. To come to a definite. agreement as to the use of the park block across from the Ladd school for the use of the children a Joint, meeting will be held soon between the school board and the city commissioners The city commissioners after considerable dis cussion this morning concerning the use of the block by the children of the school decided on this step. According to a communication re ceived this morning from the' school board that body is willing that the children be allowed to play on the. block between Jefferson and Columbia streets and the block between Madison and Main streets, but no statement was made-as to whether the board was willing 'to furnish apparatus or fix the grounds suitable for playground purpose8- AIMED AT "FLY - BY - NIGHTS' Hotelmen to Report Arrival of Itinerant Merchants. C A. Bigelow, commissioner of fi nance. Is advocating a plan whereby a check can be put to "fly by night" merchants who attempt to dispose ot goods under the pretense that they are better goods than obtainable here. He PREPARE FOR UNEMPLOYED Offer of Beaverton Man to Cut 4 OOO Cords of Wood Accepted. The first definite step toward se curing work for the unemployed this winter was taken by the council this morning, when it agreed to accept the offer of M. J. Kelly of Beaverton to cut 4000 cords of timber. It Is pro posed to pay $1 a cord for every cord available, with the understanding that if any of the tinVber is found rotted, Mr. Kelly is to repurchase It at the same price. An ordinance authorizing a contract is to follow. Commissioner Brewster recommends that all the timber be cut before March 1, 1915, and removed from the ground before September 1. 1915. Mrs. Hattie Lawrence of the Pisgah Home In a letter to the council this morning asked that some step be taken to assist her in establishing a new home near Scappoose, Or. unfortunates and It is pKsposed fw remove from -the present lotaion nesr Lents and build a new liyme on &4 large acreage near Scappos)se. Mrs. Lawrence says that work cetft be sup-v plied the unemployed by haVlng them clear the land for the home land assist in its building. i The council decided tn ha Munlcl. pal Jude Htevenson give itdirect -In-1 formation concernifcjg the wfirk of the institution before any actloyls- taken, . , 4-i , Vancouver Marriage Licenses. st Vancouver, Wash., Nov. ,3. ThB scoring marriage llcenses-f Yesterday. ' were: Ralph P. Reed and tflss Mary K. Stebbins. both-of CamanJ Pete-De graff und Mrs Sylvia M.? Rutsaert both of Portland; 8. A. BrPwnsworth - of Arleta and Mrs. Annp.tS'elson off Portland; Wesley Dent of Oregon City ; and Miss Jennie 1". Craft cf Wlliam ette: Roy William Campbell, and"MliPI Opal A. Bevans, 16 years old. both of Willamette; Perry M. Jftfll.er of Kugene and Miss Margaret-.. Stanley;: of Portland; Matthew Ha bour ' and' Miss Kannie Potee, both ol'ortland" Henry Stmtmetts and M! )h Murlal Trtmaln, both of The DklletT John W. Osgood and Miss Ada I. O'JIeal. both or Portland. AiiLsworth Bail Porf Jted. Vancouver, Wash., Nov, JS.Harrf Ainsworth, " who was rele.af id on $! bail about midnight Wedtie ay to ap pear in police cotirt "Vaster fry to ai swer a charge of drunkenri Iss, failed to put In an appearance y-s Vrday and , his ball was declared forfel cL, . Ains . worm claimed to oe an e oriai ana short story writer on" seTal" well. known and -widely circulated fuagazines of this country. ' j. . Cuynup Denies Chafes, v Oregon City. Or..Nov. 13?? Denying every allegation of the complaint In, the divorce suit fll.ea agjlnst.hifn some time ago by his 'WlJe, Aaron Guynup, a well-to-do farmes (of ClacW amas county, filed his-tinny ier in -thef suit Thursday. He asks 'thij court tp -throw his wife's suit out "ottourt. ' 1- Burdette (irtnvn We ker. f Pasadena. Cal., Nov. IS. 'rStiU 'nh conscious but retaining ' a ispsrtc of life. Dr. Robert J. Fturdett),wa8 only" slightly weaker today - thi A 'he Has 'r been during the last. wee,k;( "-Hls dls s ease, arterial sclerosis. Is f lowly hut-. Pisgah irresistibly bringing the en.; . , ETPICTITII OCTOBE1 4, 1914 . Grand Trunk Pacific Steaminips ffce av aittivu VllViVVIU ! Seattle, Wash., Every Sunday at ICiAilarhft - - '- - noH PTEs a ' - ? 17g0 Victoria, Vancouver, Prince Rupert. Anyoi) i (Granby rJt Bay) and Stewart, Lp' r tZ .with steamer "nnira Jomr for Queen CharljU Island ulllUCwUlJK al 1 o"1?- "u , ' - Prince Riipertlana&t1111""' prlnce Georce- monto-Onn,I- GRAND TRUNK I&IUYAY SYSTHftlS 1 "SoriBlai 9raat Bitntal . f ft ; V f Double Track; Houte) We are prepared to quote on application TEXT XOW JLATXS from Europe via all Trans-Atlantic Steamship tympanies. to and City Ticket Office 116 3d Bt., Oor. Wasalngrton. Portland, Or. Kara! all.. DORSET B. SKITH, J. S. BUROHI. O. A. i J X. F. fc T. A. Seattlo. Wash. lt7 IF Ladd & Tilton Baiife Established 1859 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $2,000,000.00 , ' Commercial and Savings Deposits ! ... t JOverbeck & Cooke Co. Ctocksv Bosds, Cottea. a rain. Eta, floVai7 Board ot Trade BaUdlag; - Better. Market Promised. Producers who have been supolyln the Alblna public market and the Al blna Consumers league, which has charge of the market, came to a better understanding at a recent meeting held I In- the- Albina . branch library as to i niDCrT DDIlATF AXIRIT prices and sanitary" conditions at the aVlIxE.Vl rlM ia W U3 mart,' The farmers have , agreed to keep stall tables covered with c'an oilcloth and to- charge moderate prices. A committee of producers was appoint ed , to decide tipon fair prices. TO ALL EXCHANGES -Members Chicago Board of Trad Correspondents of Lona 4s Bryao . rhhafoi Kew Torts. . SECURITY AND SERVK - ' n 4 ... t i I- are the twin watchwords of this bank. lumbermens ' National Bank " - . ' FIFTH AND STARK. . 4 r 5 ry t -1 -M