I1 i THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 12, - 1914. 19 t Auction Sale - Htvjnt rentd mj frra I will sell at public auction -on Saturday, Nov. 14. at 10 A. M., 2 teams of horses. 1 gray mare, wt. 1300, 12 yearn old; I Mack horse, wt 1300, 12 years old; 1 'bay mare year old, 1450; 1 black filly S years old, wL 1300; warranted , t represented. Farm Implements of all kinds used but 1 and 2 years A O, Jenkins, 6 minutes' walk nortb from 8t: Mary's station, on the Oregon Elec tric railroad.' NEW TODAY 5 This modarra T room bungalow can be bonrbt for SjlOOO less than cost. Street improvement all In and paid, . Consida lot In trad. Phone Wood lawn 3940. 50 Shares of Preferred Stock ICE SKATING RINK Leaving Portland; must sell. C T20, Journal. MEETING NOTICES 41 WEBFOOT CAMP No. 65. Woodmen of the World, meets every Friday night in W, O. W. temple. 128 Elev enth street. Ail mem bers requested to be nrtunL Vialtnr rU coma. O..W. T. Muellhaupt, C. C. A. L. BARBTTR. Clerk. COLUMBIA LODGE No. 114, A. F. & A. M. Special communication this (Thurs day) evening, at 7:30 o'clock, Masonic Temple. Labor in the E. A. degree. Visiting brethem always welcome. By order W. M. FRED W. OLSON, 8UNNTSIDB lodge. IT. D., A. F. and" A. M. Stated communication Friday evening, November 13, E. 34th and Yamhill sts. Work In E. A. degree. .Visitors welcome. By order of the W. M. E. M. LANCE, Hecretary. COURT Pacific 1247 I. O. F. holds its monthly social this (Thursday) eve ning, in Forester's hall, Dammier bldg., 4th and Washington. Members and friends cordially invited. Vital Statistics Ttlarriagts, Births. Deaths. MARRIAGE LICENSES Axel Kk, 211 N. 16th at., legal, and Agnea Victoria Bwa, 1138 Maryland are., legal. Tbadeaa Thun, Underwood, Wash., 26, and Margaret Cook, Y. W. C. A., 23. t. K. Kirkland, 6th and Montgomery eta., legal, and Mar Agnea Smith, LWriaon Court apartmenta, legal. f, W. Clark, Albee, Or., legal, and Helen A. Hrnea. 036 Vancourer av.. legal. William J. Camming, 60o Flint atreet. 25. and Catherine Kenny, Lambrook Apartmanta, Harry Amos Bwart, 491 Eaet Twenty-fifth street, North, 27, and Low C. KUllngaworth, 820 Alberta atreet, 20. - ftogrce Elgin McCantilloa, 740 Eat Sixty- tint atreet, legal, and Mabel Standi Bab cock. 740 Kaat Sixty-tint atreet, lenul. r. R. Wataon, 610 Broadway Drive, legal, and Ireaa I Catia, 205 Thirteecth street, .legal. Adalbert T. Hartneas, 7 Eaat Ninth atreet, legal, iDd'IWk B. Clawaon, 7 at Nkith ' atreet,- legal. II. M. luu, Eatarada, Or., 33. and Andrey Bdwarda, 1136 Belmont atreet. 23. W. 6, Smith & Co. KfflgcJS VThlrd floor, Morgan bldg. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes. Unique Tailoring co., bob starK st. BIRTHS LAWRJENCK To Mr. and Mr. Fred Law ' renra, 425 Durhann ate.. Nor. 4, a aon. DeREIQN To Mr. and Mra. Robert DeBelen, Morria at., Oct. 18. a daarbter. ; CULLERS To Mr. and Mra. Wu. H. Cullera, B80 H, 22d t. N., -Nor, 6. a daughter. CBUTCHKtt To Mr. and Mra. Lea W. Crutch- er, 1850 Alameda aueet, November 8, a daughter. lCNCAfR To; Mr. and Mra. Charlea F. Dun eana, 060 Nebalem avenae, November 10, ' eon. SANDERS To Mr. and Mra. Eugene A. San-,-. dera, 1561 Eaat Everett atreet, October 28, a aon. FADDISOM To Mr. and Mra. Charlea H. Paddlaon, 1133 Eaat Tenth street. North, October 14, a aon. THEDA To Mr. . and Mra. John F. Theda, 5202 Eaat SUty-aeventh atreet, November 8, 'a aon, STA N BRIDGE To Mr. and Mra. David Stan bridge, Lenta, November 10, a daughter. yBNNKWITZ To Mr. and Mra. Edward J. , Vennawtta, 967 Eaat Twenty -aeeoud atreet, Worth, November 8, a aon. Deaths and funerals 75 BOXES At VJH Clataop ave., Nov. 12. Drea ' ton Buyer, aged 74 yeara 10 root. t ha 11 daya. Hemaloa at funeral parlors of W. C. Kcn- wortfay, 1687 B. 13th at., Sellwood. OabOaN la thl city, Nov. 11, Robert Oa ,, born, aged 73 yeara, late of 905 Vancouver ave. The remain are at the residence estab lishment of J. P. g Inter it Son. t WIKBItaH Oondala Wlcbers. 53 Monroe atreet. November 8, 80 yeara; valvular heart dlaeaae, :.. DKAN James Albert Dean, 630 Common wealth atreet, November 8, 8 months; tuber cular mening ltia. . DOWNINU Susannah Downing, 150 Eleventh atreet, November 4, 81 yeara; apoplexy. : LUX Joseph Lax, St. Vlncent'a hospital, No vember 8, 63 yeara; cerebral hemorrhage. PrKIfFEa Charles Pfeiffer, 8t. Vlncent'a hospital, November 10, 72 yeara; cancer of bladder. 1'k.BKINS Jennie Perkins, 586 Everett atreet, November , 54 years; diabetes mellitus. HOOAN John Hogan, St. Vlncent'a hospital, November a, 83 years; valvular , heart , dis ease. MACK Annie Mack, 669 Savler at., Nov. 8. i 24 years, acute hroni-nius. . CARR Michael J. Carr, tit. VincenCa hos pital, Nov. 7, 65 yeara, gangrene of legs. OLSEN Edward Olaen, 721 5.1 at.. Nov. 4. 32 years; perinephritis abscess. MANMN'U Wllllsm 1. Manning. Willamette river, Nov. 7, 23 year; accidental drowa- n- ' ' MARTIN & FORBES CO., florists. 347 . Wash. Main 26, A-1269. Fiowers for all occasions artlstlcaHy arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists, fine flowers "dj floral designs. 287 Morrison st. ' MAX M. SMITH, florist, 141 6th St., ln-Beuing oiag. Main 7gio. CASKET sprays as low as $1.60. Lubllner, florists. Portland hotel blk. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F, S. Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder st East 62. B-2625. Dunning & McEntee T"n very detail. 7th and Pine. Main 430. A-4568. Lady assistant. Chambers Co;Jffito&Wlr. lawn 8306, C-1123. Automobile hearse. A. D. ' KEN WORTHY t CO calls - promptly answered in all parts of city., I. O. O. F. Bld.T Lents. Tabor 6267. WALTER C. KEN WORTHY, successor to A. B. Hem stock. 1687 E. 13tn. Sellwood 71. B-1122. Lady assistant. PPPQHM Undertakers. . ...East 108th rcnnQVllS6-$7l Russell st P. L. LERCH, leading east side under. taker. E. 11th & Clav. R-188I. Pi'ffsVtJ R T Rvrnoc Williams and Knott Dy 'IieS j-ast ln6 c-1943. - FRICSON RESrDENCE UND. PLS. UIUUOUIIh, 1Z3t A-223&. 445 Mora FUNERAL DIRECTORS (Continued mv mi f A splendid residence undertaking- es tablishment, with private driveway, J. J. FIN LEY A SON, Montgomery at Fifth. MR.- EDWARD HOLMAN, the loading funeral director, 2J.0 3d St., corner Salmon. Lady assi start Phones A 1611, Main 607. A D r 62 Wllliame tv. Hi Hi -.CIIC. VUi East 1088. C-108S. j Lady attendant, pay and night service. QUTAC"Q Undertaking Co. Main 4152 I OrU VV CO a-2321. Cor. 3d and Clay, j Homiltrm & 8Hh nd Glisan, Fu narillllUn nerai ,,6rvices. Tabor 4313. MONUMENTS PORTLAND MARBLE WKS; 264-266 4th t.. opp. city hall. M. 8564. A-1616. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 LOOK- Greatesti bargain ever offered: Brand new rom house, double con structed, near ear, built to suit the most particular people; hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, flower pedestals,; Dutch kitchen, silver and dinner chest; nothing like this bathroom in city; shower bath, pedes tal lavatory, etc.; full basement 28x36; corner; think, from owner, $2700, wi 23:200; 300 cash, balance easy, Wood lawn 31 SS. $750 Small house,,' beautiful 50x100 foot lot; disappearing bed. $50 cash pay ment down, balance at $15 per month, including interest. Take Rose City Park car to 72d at , See Austin. ; GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. SWELL BUNGALOW. SNAP. Brand new, 5 large airy rooms, dou bly built, finely finished, oak floors, fireplace, buffet, bookcase, white enam eled bedrooms and Dutch kitchen, laun dry trays, cement porch, brick pillars, fine fixtures and shades, ready to move into, block to car, close in on east side; price $2860. Small cash payment and $15Ter month. GRUSSI & BOLDS. 326 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. WILL sacrifice sweH,"Tnoderti, 2 ikm." ily flat. 5 arid 6 rooms, worth $8500, now $5900; $1000 down and $25 per mo. Walking distance on E. Yamhill st. See owner, ill E. 23d. Phone East 5948. I AM suddenly called away on bus! ness; will rnt my house, one of the reauy pretty nomes in Ladd e addi tion: rent excentiionallv -reasonable. or will sell my furniture oh house or Doth, or will 3 trade for clear vacant property, or what have you? 664 Ladd ave.. Beuwooq 07. $50 DOWN BALANCE LIKE RENT. Modern 6 room bungalow, hardwood floors, Dutch- kitchen, reception hall, cloakroom, buffet, bookcase, fireplace. iuii cement raaaemenr, restricted dis trict; a beautiful home. Price $3250. ieo. a. ttoss, soi uernnger nidg. $40 cash, $5 per month, buys a v 2 room shack, west side. 15 minutes ear ride. 5c fare; beautiful view lot 76x100; oa a: large lot like this you can raise all your vegetables, berries, chickens, etc, which Is the greater part of your living. M. E. Lee, 505 t'ornett bldg. Laurelhurst Bungalow New 5 room and sleeping' porch, lot 60x141, the very best; sell below cost. Phone Wood lawn 8'542.. BUNGALOW BARGAIN. New 5 room bungalow on corner of E. 39th, near Hawthorne ave.; price only $2200; terms. J. L. Karnopp, Rail way Exchange bldg. Marshall 2574. LET US BUILD YOU. A HOME. On your lot: or burs; by your own plans or ours; pay us like rent. THE OREGON HOME-BUILDERS, 1330 Northwestern Bank bldg. MODERN 6 rbom house, 5 blocks from Hawthorne.) car, lot 80x100, $1800; $15 down, $16 per month. Tabor x2429, owner. No agents. $1250 NEW 3" room house, lot 80x175, and chicken house, 12x40; terms to suit, 614 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 6765. ( OWNER offers 5 room house, barn and 62x100! lot, near streetcar, t f or $860i $350 down; snap. Why pay rent? See Citizens Agency, 170 2d. NEAT cottage, large lot, well located, all fenced; must sell, $750; easy terms. Tabor 2546. A $6000 NEW modern 7 room house for $5200, lot 60x100, restricted dis trict. Call up Woodlawn 1454. Owner. $26 CASH, $18.60 PER MONTH. 6 room bungalow, close to car. Own er, Sellwood 2204. NEW modern- 7 room house, on 50x100 lot, business property, $6500; paved streets, paid for. 271 Taylor. 2-4-6 ROOM houses from $50 to $400 cash. Lots $250 to $300. 1 block to car. a montmy. L.-387, journal. $1500 Cottage; or what have you to trade towajrd Ut. balance like rent. Main 1242. $850 CASH takes this 5 room modern house, 1 block from car. Owner, Tabor 937. FOR SALE -LOTS 16 FINE lot, 60x100, 6 room house, on E. 6th sL, terms. Owner, M-275, Jour nal, i HOW WAS JEFF GOING TO KNOW IF HE : jHiazeiwooa uamaies FOR SALE LOTS 16 --T2?T,AHoTrAXRCE- TWO LOTS ' NEAR REED COLLEGE No mortgage, no Incumbrance to assume; $-290 takes warranty deed to the 2 lots; all cleared and fenced; high and sightly, only 3 blocks to -car; coHege is on 36th, these lots are near 41st- Perfect title. Act today. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE, 414 Abington bldg. Main 106S. $760, $20 cash, $10 per month, buys a beautiful view one half acre tract, 15 minutes' car ride, 6c fare. On a large tract like this you can raise all your vegetables, fruit chickens, etc., which ia the greater part of your liv ing. M. E. Lee.. 505 Corbett bldg. MONEY MAKES MONEY. 135x200 ft. overlooking river and harbor, 1 block to paved street, 6 blocks 6c car.; old house; price $3000, worth double. Phone Woodlawn 3542. SUNNYSIDE snap, lot 33 l-3xl007 on E. Washington, bet. 88th and 39th; hard surfaco all in; worth $1500; now $900, $300 down and $10 per month. Call 171 E. 23d. Phone East 5948. FOR SALE Equity in 60x100 lot" Swinton; restricted district. block from Kentcn carline. Will trade. J. J. O'Sullivan, 1234 Delaware aye. TWO good lots in Laurelhurst, cheap at $2500. 271 Taylor. 1 Av 'Co ) MAKING HAZELWOOD CHOCOLATES Are made in Portland in a Candy Kitchen that is scrupulously clean and is open to visitors daily, except Sunday, from 8:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. Home Made Specials Made-in-Oregon Are a combination of ten varieties of deli- cious candy made fresh daily ' The Hazelwood MSS. Washington at Tenth ACREAGE 20 Acres, $500 . $10 CASH, $10 PER MONTH. $1 fare to Portland. On a good road. Neighbors, school, telephones. Deep fertile solL Some trade will be accepted. Fred F, Huntress i 284 Oak st. 3 Acres, Am leaving for California and will sacrifice before going my 3 acres at Lents, just a few blocks off 6c car. Small house and barn, all in cultiva tion. Adjoining property platted into lots. This can be laid out to lots and bring in a return of $1800 per acre. This will make a beautiful home and besides you can see the profit at any time you want to sell it. Price for all $2500. Terms. 412 Chamber of Com merce bldg. HALF ACRE AND INDEPENDENCE. Near Mt Tabor car. school and auto road. Bull Run water and cement side walks; small payment down, will in clude modern new bungalow finished to suit. 403 Yeon bldg. HANDSOME residence acre, some bea verdam, exceptionally fine view, some income on place, house partly built Oregon Electric. Box 63A Mil, Or. DIDN'T LOOK? w waa'. .'"mmm ,.-. - j.-- rv ACREAGE (Continued) 57 CHICKEN and fruit rancnes near Port land; Gresham , district, electric sta tion A mile. New subdivision. Sun shine Valley orchard tracts; best soil, free wood; elegant location. Prices only $76 to $150 per acre in small tracts; easy terms. Frank McFarland Realty Co., 309 Yeon bldg., Portland, Or. Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close t car line, easy terms; will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or Sell wood 476. John H. Gibson, owner. FOR SALE FARMS Farm on River 120 acres, below Portland,-$75 per acre cash. No man unless he had to sell would part with this tract for less than $250. Come and investigate the truth of this radical statement. ; GEO E. WAGGONER. 806 Yeon. 100 acres of land, good 1 story bouse, small Clearing, good spring, 40 miles south, price $2400; $800 down, balance 6 per cent. HOMESTEAD REALTY CO., 2324 Washington st.. Room 16. T WHEAT FARM 700 cultivated acres, buildings; will take part city prop erty or one-third cash, at $14 per acre. See Citizens Agency, 10 2d st FOR SALE FARMS 17 . . (ttwt)L FOR SALE or exchange, good dairy farm, 220 acres, 35 head of cattle, 4 horses, all implements, hay and green feed for all winter; gasoline launch, on the Columbia river, 35 miles from Portland. Will trade for good income property up to $10,000 and some cash. Price $23,000. M-279, Journal. A CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY. 10 acres, 13 miles to Portland, about 2V4 to Sherwood, on county road, about 3 acres in cultivation, balance easy cleared, fine spring; a dandy home; only. $110 per acre; $200 cash, - balance $100 per year. W. H. SEITZ & CO.. 310 Spalding bldg. Main 6584. FOR SALE 20 acres of fine, level tland, only 15 miles southwest' of Portland, 1 mile of the Oregon Electric car line, 8 acres in cultivation, 6 acres easily cleared, 7 acres in good timber; new 6-room plastered house; new barn, 32x36; good well and running water. Price $3800, cash $10001 Phone Colum bia 302 for owner. 13 1-12 ACRES bottom land, 1 acreV clear, balance easily cleared, running water, good barn; mile Estacada car line. For particulars address C. W. Labour. Stletz, Or. . BEST farm m Yamhill county, 2 hi miles' northwest of Newberg. See W. M. Johnson, owner, Newberg. Ore. Route 1. 1 k " ai.V'11 StMf, WK4WT 1 I Ue , ' J (J); . 1.1 UlufaKT rM.U f 1 !i J 4 r....r.l. - --v 'T- I- . - - .. . . r ...-,.,,.! - - . t ; .. . , , - - - ' . ' . - ' - : " f FOR SALE FARMS -17 17 t-2 Acre Farm : Located 4 Vi miles east of, -Hubbard, 10 a. in cultivation, baL slashed and in pasture, small family orchard, 6 acres seeded to oats and vetch, 8 room bunga ' low, also 3 room house, wood shed, carpenter shop over, large barn and. machinery, shed, all buildings painted white; spring water piped to house and barn, also running water; 1 mile to school and church, S miles to store. This is fine loam soil and farm land in same locality is be ing held up to $250 per aere. The improvements alone on this nice little place are worth close - to $2000. but on account of other business which requires his at tention owner will sell at the low firice of $3500, $1800 cash. baL ong time at 6 per cent; no trade. Jos. C. Gibson. 306 Gerlipger bldg., Portland. Or. . PER A6RI $500 CASH. 32 Km acres. 9 miles from Lebanon.' all In cultivation, good orchard, 6 room house, barns chicken houses, etc., on a good county road, close to schooC alt bottom land and a bargain at $65 per acre: $500 cash, balance can be ar ranged to suit purchaser. Marshall 4783, or can at iseu Auction jo.. iai zq. Bargain 282 Acres 30 MILES OUT. ACr ..aJI.i nlAtt C fwm.m Vlk Vaat la) UI1UOI yiVTf a en, v. "Vii. ance oak - and piling timber. Trout creek. Eight room house, hot and cold water. Two barns; close to school; S raveled road. Some trade. BaL tecsna. wner Wm. Johnson, 627 Chamber,, of commerce 160 ACRES wheat land Morrow county. near lone, cheap, with terms: write Arthur Johnson, 2705 1st ave., Seattle, Wash. . - FOR RENT FARMS 14 FOR RENT Dairy farm of 211 acres, IVi miles east of Washougal station. 6 room house, running water, 2 new barns, milk house. F. . Perry, Wash ougal, Wash Route 1. GOOD ranch for rent. 2 miles from railroad; good buildings, $20 acres. For particulars inquire of C. R. Gll lett. Nashville. Or. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUZ. 88 WANT about 100 acre ranch; (We 20 acres Improved first payment. . N-31, Journal. HOMESTKADS 47 TWO 160 acre homestead relinquish ments; good bouse and small barn on one; clearing, somo timber, south from Portland. HOMESTEAD REALTY CO., 232 H Washington st.. Room 16. " CANADIAN" HOMESTEADS. . J. N. Grieve, Canadian immigration agent, Spokane, Wash., will be at the Hotel Perkins balance of this week to meet people interested In Western Can ada. . , ' 320 ACRE homestead, best valley, level land, plenty of water. ' See the land. file, then pay. 612 Swetland bldg. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 $75 PER ACRE TRADE FOR CITY PROPERTY. 1(0 acres. 18 miles to Portland, 4 to Sherwood, on good county road; 40 in cultivation, 8 in hops, balance fine timber; besti of soil; new bouse and barn. W. H. SE1TZ & CO.. 310 Spalding Bldg. Main 6584 80 ACRES irrigated land, 40 a. in al falfa. $100 per a., in Twin Fall, Idaho district: 160 a sec. $6. T. 16 &., R. 11 E., near where the state spent $460,000; 129 a. sec 16, T. 41 S., R. 9 W.. and 100 a. sec. 86. T. 35 8.. R. IS W.; will trad all or part for Portland or close in property. Room 619. Henry nidg. WE have a crop contract on 640 acres of land- near Lethbridge, Alberta. Place sold 4 vears ago for $19,300, balance due $9600, payable V the crop each year, at 6 per cent and 80 acres of land near Portland, to trade for good improved dairy farm. 160 Plttock block. TO TRADE 220 acres In Willamette Taller, Im proved farm ; good buildings, stock and machinery on place, all under culti vation, for city income property. Value $31,500; mortgage of , $6000 on place. Call 650 Pittock blk. HAVE unincumbered acreage and re mainder cash to iay for 6 or 6 room bungalow in Hawthorn or Richmond district; price not to exceed $3000. Z 954, Journal. TO TRADE 5 bouses and- lots, all clear of Incum brance, rented and bringing in 'good income, for well improved dairy farm. Call 650 Pittock blk. CLEAR title lots San Diego to trade for auto. $300 takes $900 equity In fine resi dence lot balance due $350, 2 years. 602 Broadway bldg. WILL trade for acreage, or sell at Mao ri f ice my 6 room bungalow, modern. For further information call Tabor 887, or write 1713 Oregon, st I HAVE $S00 cash, house, lot 6K acres or land, ail clear or incumDrance, to trade for 20 or 30 acres of im proved land. Will assume some. Call 650 Pittock blk. FOR SALE or trade equity of $1500 In a 7 room bungalow in Rose City dis trict for 2 good teams of horses or con fectionery store. Phone Tabor 8126. I HAVE city property, acreage; etc. to trade" for apartment house, build ing and ground. Will assume some. Call 650 Pittock blk. WANTED, - change : Lincoln Co., farm In ea change for my five room bungalow. 8300 J; rented 952, Journal. WHA1 'aave you to trade r for city lots oi -sottage? Main 1242 WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. exchang: ESTATE 2t 100 acres for safcj or exchange. This Is splendid eijalfa or fruit land. Sacramento' valley, $ - miles from Hamilton, in North eastern Glenn county, on main road two railroad f, also water transportation to 4 an Francisco, 14 miles from - Sacramento river, no overflow;; High power electric line throfgh property, which insures, t heap . power; : plenty of water. rhlsland will grow anytltang thic flourishes lii California. Will -j accept clear . residence up to $4500 and soma cash as first payment, balance 1, S and 2 yeara. 6 per cent. - 40 ACRES v - -" . near the above property: plen dld land; $100 per acre: will take Portland bungalow or good lot that is clear tj incumbrance as part payment. Dorr E. Keajey & Go. . Chamber of Commerce. r Trade I Tracjpl Trade! 1912 model. evll -aier. T passenger Mitchell, good lot worth $800 condjttm. Trade lor or $2000 mdee. to trgle for hoyse arid lot ,. if - t- ' i : - ... . i, 25. 42, 27 room rpL 'to trad for house and lot. i - - 408 OBRTJNQ KR BLTX. 2i ACRES of beau if ul cleared land a few minutes' w41k from Multno mah station, only 16rainutes from tho cwuirr oi mo ciiy, exenange tot a modern up to date bouse in desirable residence section. Far particulars call 613 piatt tidr. WANTED RE4L ESTATE - SI - 1 WANT a neat 4 oj room house in the Alberta diafrkl. not over $1600 or $1250, that 1 can 9?ay for by month ly payments from i.$10 to 81 pe4 tnonth, including interest I have jut come to Portland am ujiust get settled. May consider rentln .Tor a while, with tne privilege or t ring -ir sausiiea. Give houBe number - rlth Drtte and in cumbrance in first Utter. J. P. Hart wood. General Deliwry. Portland, Or.j I, WANT to buy a Rood 6-room bunga- . low In Rose City: Park, east front. full lot, on whichJ aan trade In a fine ioc at rigni pneo. uniBinf uuv iouh bargain will be considered. No Mrents. W-IOO. Journal. : ROOMING .HOUSES 53 Trade! Trade! Trade! 1912 model. 6 cylinder. 7 passenger Mitchell, good condition. Trad for lot' worth $800:-or, 4900.-; $2000 mdse. to' tt ide for house and lot. ti . , - , 25, 42, 27 roomtapt to trade for house and lot. . - 4d8 QERLINOEBT BLPQt See This Must Sell 17 rooms, clean aacan be; all tented! fine income; all ; housekeeping; no work. Good home, mere is a bargain for someone. Wor $1000, our price $600 on terms. Xft, quick. Call ii 10th, near Stark. 44 ROOMS 44 Brick building. siam heat, hot and cold water in all. brooms, call' bells.' most modern hoteUJn city, clean as a pin. rent only 876-per month- Prlc 16 N. 6th St BOARDINt'f HOUSE. 24 rooms, well fimlahed. rent $45, with 14 steady borders; located lit Oregon City; well :orth $650; on ac count of sickness w tl away, $176. CITY REALTY 16 N. Ith St. 30 Rooms, porner Brick . Close in west slije; rent $100; welt furnished and a ajoneymaker. Price $1269. Terms. 611 IS 10th, near Stark. 17 ROOMS, rent over $100 per month clear profv; nicely furnished, th best paying plarje for sis in Port land.: going to Bea?$$le, will sacrifice. pee owner, aaai. 18 fiooms.-'jVjodern, $550 - Beautiful pWe: 3 .baths, year t re wood, easiest termfs 602 Couch bldg. WANTED A paying rooming hmis or apt, west sife. not- over $2000; $800 cash. B-255, yournal. t nUSINESSi CHANCES 20 1 1 MOVING PICTURE THEATRE. ON WEST SIDE, BI?8T "BUY- IN PORT LAND; MONEY GETTER, ,$1T60. 338 a" a tmm v1000' Business Cards, 75c Ryder Ptar. Co.. S. cor. 84 A Morrison WE can put you 1 ra position to make can room , 6 14 w wet l ana mag. GOOD restaurant, vith living rooms; doing good bus anei ness; very, reason- able. 329 1st. FOR SALE 16,004 capacity sawmill, V 8 miles from R. t Writ C. E. Ball. MolallsL, Or. ; - p . WANTED Partnen. for cleaning and I pressing business. - $76 required. Teach business. SSj 6th. : ' store. Neat place, I Prlc $300. Phone Marshall 1784. Art for Condit. WANTED A lady 'partner to buy half Interest In root? Ing house. G-241, Journal. ? , ' - -:r. - - - ; TWO chair barbershop, fixture first class, worth $46-$ will take $169 for quick sale. 271 Trylor. " FOR SALE Grocefy, clean room, large enough for butcher aisoj splendid io catlon. cheap rent Call Wdln.- $46 - - GOOD restaurant -for sale. Call at 24f Yamhill at, between 2d and 8d. CIGAR STAND AT INVOICE. Inquire 284 Yamhill. WHEN you answer thes Want Ads, mention The JotlmaL (Qontlaaa'd oa Vext rage) By "Bud" Fisher