THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAlL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, -NOVEMBERS 10, " 1914. jWomen (Slimy SOCIETY , attended ' en : muse last venlng the t omul opening of the Portland .. lee Hippodrome, c - Over: 1000 people eklmmed over $ the surface o the CTeat lee floor. i The boxea were filled with maids and matrons of th smart set and motor t lined the block surrounding the great , k .building-. It was a new experience for v log from the happy and enthusiastic v : expressions of both the spectators and 4 the skaters, it is going to be a great . .success and th nonul&r SDOrt of the iseaaoB. As a study la people, the event wa artlcularlr interesting. With the f ; city's population made up largely of people from all corners of the globe. It V was diverting to place them. The easterners, and . Canadians skated , around the floor with an expression , of suprema content that bespoke child hood reminiscences. The real Fort landers were not quite happy as they made their determined way along with the moving throng of skaters, but they enjoyed It Just the same. It is a safe guess that early mornings will find them stealing up to gain proficiency m ?the art of skating, without the pitiless Vase of amused spectators to add to S the horrors of the inevitable fails to ' be expected. ifi " ,: a . M3m KilllngBWOrth to Wed Tomorrow evening at 8:30 o'clock the marriage of Miss Lou Kllllngsr worth and Harry A. Swart will be soU " emnlzed at the residence of the bride's Iparents, Mr. and Mrs. William M. KH- lflngs worth in walnut t-arn, ibsrta street. Rev. Dr. Luther B. ;T)yott Will be the officiating clergy- man. Several hundred guests will be in attendance at the ' ceremony and reception following. Miss Flawnnice .'. Killings worth, a sister of the bride. - win be the maid of honor and the ; ferldeamalds will be Miss Rae KUllngs- " worth and Miss Hazel Crook. . Little f Miss Margaret Tarrlngton, a cousin of tha brldesTOom will be the ring bearer and Herbert Clark will act as best man. Vfarrv Tirj-nimt fl n&rtlea have been V mi-mm fflr Ulu Killings worth who Is a charming and most popular girl. Among the more recent of these af- fairs was a tea given last Wednesday by Miss Rae Zimmerman at her home ' In Irvington. Testerday afternoon Miss Hazel Crook gave a beautifully appointed bridge luncheon at her home in eoutn Mount Tabor. w. w. Charitable Society to Meet. St. Ann's Catholic Charitable society will hold Its regular monthly meeting Thursday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. John Francis Shea, 683 Johnson street. Jlr. and Mrs. Mollin to Entertain. Mra Anna Specht, who is tho house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Emll Struplere of 1414 Montgomery street, will be the Inspiration for a dancing party Friday evening, at which Mr, and Mrs. Thomas J. Mullln will be hosts at their residence In Irvington., Mrs. Specht will leave soon for the south, where she will make her home. She Is tha mother of A. R. Specht. dis trict manager of the Owl Drug com pany In southern California, and for mar northwest manager. Mrs. Specht has a host of Portland friends, and will be much missed on her departure for the south. Mutual Art Association Meeting. The Mutual Art association will hold their regular business meeting In the Northwest building, corner of : Sixth and Washington streets, Friday evening at t o'clock. : 1 Class Party. Saturday evening. November 1. the X' June, 1116, graduating class-of Wash- ,. Ington high school gave their "get acquainted" party In school gymnasium. The room was beautifully decorated with crepe paper and pennanta Over 100 members of the class were present, and enjoyed the evening at cards, f dancing and games, after which dainty . refreshments were served. Among those present were W. Biddle Combs, president; Esther Merrill, vice president; Major le Stearns, secretary; Stanley Northrup, treasurer; Ralph Kellogg, sergeant at arma A great part of the evening's enjoyment wae due to the committee, who took much Interest In making the party a suocesa They were as follows: Lois Cowglll, chairman; Ethel Clark, Holt Gangong, Esther Merrill, John Thayer, Marian Olebal and Allen Brandes. The hon orary members of the class, Mr. Hollo- 4f way and Mra Holloway, acted aa chap- f terons. as aid also Mr. ana Mra tiera man. Mra Clark. Mra Merrill and Mra Hauman. Halloween Party. . A delightful masque Hallow waa given by Mr. and Mra F. C In their new home in Parkrose day evening, assisted by Mra Andrew Smith, Miss Virginia Mltchel and Miss ' Bessie Smith. Unique decorations were used. The guests were met at the door by ghastly ghosts and con veyed through long passages to the at - tic, where little red devils and black rteats pointed the way to the dressing rooma The attic was made- into a Witches' den, with huge spider webs and spiders suspended from, the raft era. The little old witch presided over the caldron, mumbled the fortunes for alv and many were the weird "stunts' tha guests were made to perform. The caldron contained more fortunes writ ten in the witches' alphabet which the guests had to make out. After lunch eon the time was spent In story telling and dancing, and a Jolly good time was , the voice of the 14 present. v- ' ' ' i Idle Hour Club Meets. T'- The Idle Hour Bridge club met Thursday night at tha Baker apart- , ment. Lucretla Court, when the even L irig;was spent playing auction bridge. working indoors whether in ofltcx or factory or store often weakens even a strong constitution as t. skoton in . nervous svmttoma languor or repeated colic - SCOTTS EMULSION is Helping thousands every day; ii rare oinood en riches the blood and -ids the throat and lungs. It is a strength- i sustaining tonic free from alcohol or. any ? eeftiutrt)- 6afS I W3& ij INDOORS - I V -t" .rsssw" 1 DYVBLLA 'WINNER'' Card honors ran to Mra. Hattla Grimm and Mrs. J. Emil Nelson. Refresh ments were served' by the hostess. Those present were Dr. and Mrs. J. Emll Kelson. Dr. and Mra J." F. - Cal- breath, Mr. and Mrs, E. W. Ring, Metta D. Baker, Hattie Grimm, W. W.-Work, W. Quigley, E. V. Hillius and the Misses Alta E. Ring, Margaret J. Con rad and Charlotte Reed, The club will hold i its next meeting November 19, at tha home of Mr. and Mra P. J. Ban non, 291 Eugene. Children's Masquerade fParty. clever hostess a a masbuerade Hal loweeri party last Saturday evening, at her home, 629 East Am. The house was beautifully decoratecf in autumnal foliage and Jack-o'lantenjs. The even ing was spent In playing interesting games. After supper waf served, two thrilling ghost stories wee told. Those present were Misses Minor Nealand, Lorena Marr, Winifred Ipiller, Lucile Hodges, Winifred CoolL , Elizabeth Hicks, Marion Hodges, Veryl Blalzer, and Helena Cook, and Messrs. Daniel Healey, Lawrence Hedges, George Miller, Albln Nelson, Bft-ank Faucette, Fi"ed Faucette, Raymond -Peterson, Francis Gardner. " r . , For Bride-Elect. j An enjoyable affair was given by the Misses Betty and Susie Michael at their Alnaworth avenue home, Wed nesday evening. In honor of Miss Ber tha Goldeen, bride-elect. A linen shower was given the honor guest. The house was decorated in autumn foliage. dahlias and hearts, the color scheme being red. The evening was spent in games and music, after which a dainty luncheon was served;. Good Luck Social Club, The Good Luck Social club will meet at the home of Mrs. Fred Windier, 500 East 14 th street. Thursday. November 12, at 1 r. M. i --. ' - ilaaaalo Street Congregational Church Ladle' AC Home. The ladles of the Hassalo Congrega tional church are Invited, to meet with Mrs. J. G. WhaUey, 470 Flint street, Wednesday afternoon, November 11, iroin qu O O cipck. To Meet Friday. ! The Northwestern University club will met at the residence of Dr. Wil liam Friebig Friday, November 13, 326 East : Twenty-fifthi stret. near Haw thorne avenue. All Northwesterners are cordially invited. i f ' Society Notes. Mra F. H. Hayes has as her guests at her home, 527 Taeoma avenue, her mother, Mrs. L. JL Easun, and her grandmother, MrsJ E. J. Tucker, both or ieaavuie, cola. J f THEATRICAL NEWS Rupert Harney Delivers Talk on the Drama at Htlllg Yesterday. Ibsen Wot Understood. An audience of; pleasing size and quality assembled tat the Heillg yes terday afternoon m tha invitation of tha Drama laania in Iim, Himr Tx., I7 leading man of the "Milestones- company, speak on! the drama with es pecial reference toflbsen. Mr. Harvey said by way of introduction, that it had been his observation that the man on the street, aa jit were, refused to go to tne tneatre 'and see those dra matic offerings that would educate him and make him think, hence the prevalence ox melodrama ' and cheap dramas i Speaking of England. Mr. Harvev said empty houses greeted perform ances of Ibsen because his plays were naraiy ever read and because he was not understood. He contended that peo ple had insisted iipon reading inner meanings between (every line and mak ing tne text ooscyre and difficult. Cases In point were "Peer Gynt"s and "Little Eyolf" whljch Mr. Harvey' said were rairy tales and the man who at tempted to explain a fairy tale was worse than foolish Mr. Harvey said; that although mod ern dramatists wet-e Just beginning to use (th piling up of minute details to secure a broad effect Ibsen had been master of that secret 50 years ago and naa used it continually. Mr. Harvey said i that much af the difficulty of id sen was due tot imperfect tranala tions from his original writings. He said that Ibsen should not 'be looked upon as a dead Norseman but as a very much alive writer tit today. ' in conclusion Mr. Harvey read three scenes rrom "Emperor and Galilean. illustrating Ibsen? s dramatic effect. his style and diction and his literary excellence. Mr. Harvey waa Introduced by Frank Branch j Riley, treasurer of the Drama - league, who spoke some what on the purposes of the league and its work. ! Good Bill aft Empress. The Empress has a bill that does not read well oa the program but plays surprisingly well on the stage. All acts, but the Iflrst turn, are must cai and all very cliff erent. The bill is opened with Polzln Brothers, European acrobats, that have several good feats. They are followed by Thomas Patricola and Ruy Myer. Mlsa Myer is a. dandy little , song and dance artist and Mr. Patricola shines as a dancer. Some of! their comedy is not especially strengthening to the act. out tne wnoie goes big. V The next act Is a song and gown revue by 'Blanche Leslie, who wears some beautiful creations and was well received. She Is: followed by Earl Wheeler and Vera Curtis in The Girl ana tne urummer, an act that is a pleasant surprise all tha wav through. It has many little unexpected turns. nnisnea prettily ana is thoroughly en Joyabla. v ; uray ana wrenara nave a very runny - act, The Musical Bellboy." Freak music, genuine music and com edy Vron them many recaUa Tha bill closes with a company of boys and girls In "School Days." The teacher is a "very smart yOung person and the four girls are most attractive, es pecially Dolly Cliff, who Is aa cunning as can be. The - solo numbers were popular -and the chorus work was es pecially good. The bill is much im proved with no pictures, except one at the beginning. . - . v ; Jfer Company at 3Vyrto. At the Lyrlo there Is an entirely new company and one that will. In all probability, more nearly , fulfill the burlesque traditions of that theatre than' the "preceding organization. Cer tainly the performance yesterday was received with mora encores and great er enthusiasm than any for some time. The prima donna ia aa v attractive young woman, Jennie' Mai. who was received with favor..: Ethel Burney made a dashing French maid. - LlUie Sutherland la tha soubretta and prom- i ises much that la lively. Maria -Celea- Hm is th tiknitMV woman wne la la i sf charge of the chorus numbers. Al Franks, the director and Hebrew comedian, proved very popular, aa did Lou Dunbar, the German comedian. Jack Curtis la the character man and! mora than made good. ' : Joe jiemper , was welcomed by his friends. He has t com back with soma added flourishes to nts singing that na wouia oo wen t to dispense with. -Lulu- is tha title' Of the tabloid that is well sprinkled ; with musical numbers, all of which won ' hearty encores. The chorus, also. Is changed - in personneL The ' special nights will continue as form ' erly. ralrly Good Comedy. John'Barrymore in "The Man From Mexico"', is only a fairly good comedy at the Peoples, where it Is the Famous Flayers oriering tor the week. The action doea not make up for the ab sence of spoken lines in this case and many of the best laughs come from the subtitles. Much of the elaboration of the film, not possible to the stage. slows the action of the comedy down to a walk inatad of keeping it up to the furious pace1 of the stage farce. There are, however, some good spota in tne riim and they are very funny- Mr. Barrymbre, like the film. Is funny in spots. He is given the customary support of tha Famous Players com pany. . PERSONAL MENTION Prominent Pianist Dies. Mrs.,1 N. M. Perkins, a prominent planistf and teacher of Boise, Idaho, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. Maxwell, at the Mordaunt Apart ments. Eighteenth and Everett streets. last night. Mra Perkins came here about four months ago to visit with ; her daughter and was In rather poor health at that time. The remains will be shipped from Finley's to Boise this evening and the funeral will prob ably be held from the Episcopal church, of which Mrs. Perkins was an active member, on Thursday, although the data has not been fixed definitely. Mra Perkins la survived by her daughter, Mrs. Maxwell, and a son, Enoch Perkins, In Alaska. Her hus band died some years ago. She was 67 years of age. Mrs. Margaret E. Dana Passes. A telegram stating that Mra 'Mar garet E. Dana had died Sunday night at Marietta, Ohio, waa received in Port land yesterday by her son, Marshall N. Dana. She was 64 years old. Mrs. Dana submitted to an operation last summer and Mr. Dana, because of the serious nature of her ailment, left for her bedside on very short notice. She rallied after the operation, but later grew feebler. Last Friday she tried to walk, but fell and both fract ured and dislocated her shoulder. The shock of the Injuries Is believed to have caused her death. The funeral will ba held Thursday with burial in the family burial ground of over 10v years at Newport, Ohio. Walter Dana, another son, is in business in Marietta. Alphonse Oops to Grace LoS Angeles - - I Beg of Too, My Sear Pickpocket, to Accompany Ma to Headquarters," Is formula Prescribed. Los Angeles, Nov. 10. Chief of Po lice Sebastian issued a general order today to all officers along "Golden Rule" lines with the object of -mak ing Los Angeles a better place to live In." All patrolmen were Instructed to be kind and considerate to offenders and to work toward the disposal of trivial misdemeanors without arrest. Trivial offenders will be dismissed with a warning. If their offense is more serious, they will be "requested" to accompany the officer to his station where the case will be passed upon by the lieutenant in charge. No arrests for intoxication win be made unless for the protection of the intoxicated person, or other citizens. The unfortunate, the order said, shall be escorted home and the facta report ed to headquarters. Officers were warned against hasty conclusions or letting personal feeling affect their disposition of cases. Interesting Show , at 0. A. College Horticultural Exhibit Declared to Have Been Most Successful of Any; Prlxes Awarded lor Best Displays. Oregon Agricultural College, Corval- 11s, Or., Nov. 10. What was declared to be the most successiui norucuiiuru exhibit ever held at the Oregon Agri cultural college was brought ta a close Saturday night. The finest varieties of apples, tropical and suo-tropicai fruits, vegetables, flowers and pre served, fruits wera on display from all district of Oregon from other states. The exhibit f of chrysanthemums. roses and carnations by several Port land florists attracted much attention. In the 'home canned goods department Mra L. H. Axtell took the blue ribbon on some specimens of peaches and ber ries packed by her seven years ago. Corvallls high school took second place. For decorating a dining tame tne most artistically, the Junior class of the college was awarded a blue ribbon. J. J. Morse of Hemet, Cal- who grad uated from Oregon Agricultural col lege In horticulture last year, sent up an Interesting exhibit f tropical and sub-tropical fruits. Hair Shop Quits - - r l: A- " - niramar;esaSKmaasMSSEssMLi.i i HI We need the money. Do yon need Hair? See what you can do with small moneys 911.50 wavy 30 In. Switches, fOSS S7.50 Wary S3 ta. Switches, $L8t S9.SO ijoag Gray switches, $346 V 7JSO All Sound Sransf orma- wlons ' v '' $X85 . 912MX AH KonjUl Ony Txtai- XOnUbwlOXlsV " '- a uet3e4S Tint Quality Xrge Paffs... JBS rtrst Quality Gray Foffs....fl.4S 150 STREET. OFPOSTTB aXUB k Come Tomorrow (EFeatt ; Pfc - ssssissBWBBassSBasSBBSsBSsBssBS8ssiss-ss -rrw Entire Stocl Women's Suits, Coats, Dresses, Gowns, Skirts Reduced, in Price 4tli Floor A wonderland of interesting! toys, dolls and; games to delight the eyes of the little ones. All are welcome! ten. 3Day Oil erlngs Tomorrow, Thursday and Friday 3-Day KEEP ! THIS ADVERTISEMENT FOR REFERENCE I home needs during this Great Three-Day Sale. Prices have the Underprice Store has yet announced. Only a few of the hundreds Women's and Misses Suits Divided Into 3 Special ILcfos 600 1 All 3.98 Tq Am Women's and Misses' Tailored Suits, odd i lines of high priced garments, grouped for immediate disposal. AU are good, serviceable styles for : general wear, mostly ia plain tailored effects. Exactly 139 Suits in this special assortment so it's very Important that yon come early for best choosing. Splendid range of colors and good Assortment of sizes. Suits in OO QQ this lot worth 3 or four times sale price. Choice vOeaO Men's Fiber Silk Socks 15c Extra special, 1P0 dozen excellent quality: Fiber Silk Socks, medium weight; double heel, toe and sole. All sizesj Three-day special 15 Boys'Warm Nightshirts 48c A wonderfully good Night Shirt, made of heavy, well-fleeced outing flannel in best colors. Cut full and long. Sizes 8 to 16 yrs. 48e Boys' 75cPants, 49c Pair Good sturdy Knickerbockers for boys; good durable corduroys and staunch Wool tweeds. All are well made. Sizes 8 to 16, special 25c Cashmere Socks, 19c A great 3-day sale of men's fine wool cashmere Socks ia colors of black, Oxford, natural Double heel, toe; fine soft quality $15 YoungMen's Suits $5.95 75 splendid - Suits for young men are priced to close out quickly made of splendid materials, good styles; $10 to $15 Suits at f5.95 Boys' $5, $6 Suits at $2.98 For three days, a mighty sale of boys' splendid Suits, many with 2 naira of Pants. Thev are made of smart mixed tweeds. Now $2.98 Boys' $5.00 Raincoats $3.19 For 3 days we offer boys good heavy Raincoats at this low price. Come in rich shades of tan; full and long; reg. $5 grade at $3.19 Bleached Bath Towels, 11c For three days we offer splendid Bath Towels, full bleached size 38x19, good and heavy, 'fringed ends. Lay 'tn a supply at n Full Size Bedspreads, $1.63 For: 3 days we offer this splen did Bed Spread, full double size, with scallooed edee and cut cor ners and full bleached $1.63 Kimono Flannel, at 11c A great S-days sale of fine heavy weight! kimono flannel. Shown in beautiful rich colors and big va- nety of best patterns, xara l2 IK Wednesday Sale of Notions and Small Wares Bargain Circle, Main Floor Between the Elevators Clark's or Coat s Spool Cotton all i sizes special, dozen 51 p Large spool Corticelli Sewing Silk, in black, white and colors. 50c size. Special, spooL 35 10c Cube Pins, in assorted col ors, special ' sale now: only , 5 15c Dressmakers'" Pins, put up in one-fourth pound boxes 10 25c Sleeve Protectors now 15 10c Skirt i Markers on sale 5 6Sc Combination Folding- Coat and Pants Hangers now 25 15c Sanitary Belt now at lO. 2Sc Hair" Curlers on sale 18 5c Hair Wavers "on' sale 2; 10c Folding IXrinking Cups i 10c Trouser i Hangers i now 6 , Standard 5c Removable Collar , Holiday CIcaFiiig oi Wo men's Wearing , (D)Ms9 Wwtlmaiim Reliable Merchandise Reliable Pacific Phone Marshall This Inclndea Our Entire Basement Stoelc of Suits 50c Vests and Pants, 37V2c A bisj 3-day bargain in women's fine, warm Winter Underwear. Vests and pants of excellent qual ity and close ribbed. Now 3?H Women's Union Suits, 48c For three days we offer women's Union Suits at a low price. Ex cellent quality in medium weight. High neck, long sleeves. At 48 Child's Sleeping Gmts. 49c A great three-day bargain in fine Sleeping Garments. This is a well known kind and at this price they will go quickly; worth to $1 9 Girls' 75c Unoin Suits, 48c For three days we offer children's Combination Suits, extremely low. These are waists and pants com bination, medium weight. At 48 Women's Hose, Sp'L 12V,c A rousing three-day sale of wom en's splendid Hose, black or tan, lisle finish and split sole, regular and extra sizes. The pair V4 10c Handkerchiefs at 5c A wonderful three -day sale of women's Handkerchief s, plain, sheer linen and lawn, fancy lace and embroidered corners. At Se $2.50 Undressed Dolls $1.48 A wonderful three-dav Doll sale. 500 handsome Dolls offered at' a great reduction; 24 inches high, with sleeping eyes. Now $1.48 Huck Towels, 49c Dozen A special three-day sale of Huck Towels, a good durable Towel, 16x24-iii.; has colored borders. A good Towel at, the dozen 491 15c Outing Flannel at 11c A three-day sale of splendid qual ity Outing Flannel, mill ends, in lengths up to 10 yds. Soft fin ish and well fleeced. Yard New Printed Crepes, 9c Yd. A special three-day sale of ' new beautiful printed Crepes. Shown in small pretty patterns and best colorings; 27 ins.: wide. Yard 9 Trimmings ol Ostrich Plumes, Flowers, Etc. Hats Worth to G10 VERY TRIMMED HAT 'i - . m a mm Store is mcluaed in tnis otter.. joaost. ox uieni have been in the department but a very short time. The styles are new, and desirable. Beautiful large velvet and plush shapes in black, brown, green, etc., trimmed with ostrich plumes, ostrich bands, ostrich fancies and fkwers ; shown in all the most wanted styles. Hats in this offer ing worth up to $10.00. Scores of pretty and ef fective models to select from hardly two alike in the whole collection. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. Your choice of any Trimmed Hat in the Basement Store Wednes-c QR day for only..: . ..... . ........ ...... Supports on . sale ! now at 2j 15e Women's Supporters lO 10c Wire Coat Hangers at 5c Wire or Wood Hangers 3 5c Basting Cotton, the spool 4 2Ac Darning Cotton, 45-vd. 1 20c Dress Weights, yard 15 5c : Common Pins. 2 pkgs. 5 10c Bone Hairpins, the box ?4 25c - Stickerei ' Braids, bolt 15 25c FriUed Elastic, yard 19 .Sc Safety Pinsr assorted sizes, : white only, on .sale . now 24 25c Machine Oil, large size 15 15c Stocking Protectors at lO 10c Shoe Trees on sale ; now 8 SUndard 10c Curling Jrons T Pin Cushion; and : Pin Holders . combined on sale now at 25 4800 Thrifty - btrycrs will throng the been reduced to the lowest point enabling all to share in the most pronounced E norrijes of special bargains are here mentioned. Shop early in the day and bring this advertisement ilh u. Att $9.98 LiOt Women's and Missel Tailored Suits, in the M i season's smartest styles. Handsomely tai lored throughout and perfect in finish. These are shown in s variety of materials, including the serviceable mix tures. In good Winter colors. Excellent Suits for wear on any occasion; 263 Suits all told in this group and not one of them but what is worth very much more- Q QQ than the sale price. 'Nearly an sizes. Choice Pe7e70 $10 and $12.00 Coats $5.95 A special three-day sale of wom en's new Winter Coats; just 100 Coats in this special lot. Excellent models, splendid materials $5.95 Coats Worth $22.50, $9.98 A phenomenal three-day sale of Coats for women and misses; 320 handsome Coats included, com prising the popular styles $9.98 Coats Worth to $35, $14.98 A wonderful three -day sale of women's handsome plush and vel vet Coats, all styled in the popu lar three-quarter length $14.98 Men's Flannel Shirts, 98c Special three-day sale of men's Flannel Shirts Full cut and well made. Assorted colors. Sizes 14J4 to 17. Special 3 days 98 $8.50 Raincoats for $4.95 A special three-day sale of wom en's Raincoats, excellent qualities, in plain bombazine materials in tan or black, full length $4.95 $12 to $25 Presses at $7.98 A wonderful three - day sale of women's Dresses; 92 Dresses m the lot, consisting of many very attractive models; 3 days $798 $1.50, $2.00 Petticoats, 89c A special three-days sale of wom en's cotton Petticoats, consisting of highrgrade: sateen and heather bloom materials. Three days 89 20c Ribbons, Special at 15c A special three-day sale of beauti ful Ribbon, plain moire or fancy; 4 and 4j4 in. wide. Good, heavy silk Ribbon. The yard for 15 $1-$1.25 Flouncings,Yd. 59c A special three-day sale of beauti ful new Flouncings. 45 ins. wide and extra ' fine sheer quality, in crepe, nainsook, muslin. Yd. 59 Cushion Cords, 10c Each A special three-day sale of heavy cotton Cushion Cords m great va riety of popular colors. A good quality. For 3 days, each Of mini in the Underprice w . F New ' 3 : -1 35c Scissors, assorted sizes 18 Pearl Buttons, fresh or salt wa ter. Sizes 14 to 24. Regular, ?rice 10c - the dozen, now 5 (air Nets, with or without elas tic. All colors; five for lO 25c Skirt Markers on sale 19 10c Feathexbone, special yd. 8 MAIN FLOOR New Basque Girdle Foundations in various .widths and all sizes, priced for .Wednesday's selling at the fol lowing very special low prices: Med. width Girdle Foun dations, special at only QU 11-inch width i; Girdle OA Foundations, 6pecial ' at sSiIU 14- tnch ; width ' Girdle Foundationa, special at Mnnigi Methods Home Phone A-6231 Basement Un3erprice Store arid Don't Fall to Attend This Sale; Lot 3 Women's ot tnem class, hand-tailored garments of the better gtdes, tild the styles are smart and unusually attractive. Atj unparalleled ' opportunity to secure a handsome new Suit.fjt fraction of real worth. Splendid woolen materials cog s lintdj with best of silks and satins. ' Mostly in plain tai ored models for general wear. Excellent range of colors, rfl?" OiQQ Priced very special at.............. .,.twLiiJO i ' : - " " 4 : . . tit -v. i Children's $10 Coats, $4.95 For three days splendid Winter we, offer Coats for 400 girls 6 to 14 yrs. Unusual good qual ities; $10 values, special 84.95 $1.75 Child's Sweaters 98c For three days we offer several hundred of these splendid wool Sweaters. This Is a very low price. Special three days 98 75c and $1.25 Dresses, 55c A great 3-day sale of children's Dresses, attractive styles that will please. Materials are Gala tea, chambray, etc.; 3 days 55 Children's Coats for $2.48 A rousing 8-day sale of hand some Winter Coats for children 2 to 6 years. Winter weights. Splendid materials.' Sp'l $2.48 Corsets, Corset Waists, 98c For three days we Offer this sterling Corset special, many styles in lot, all good for aver age figures; 3 days only 98 Men's Shoes, Special $2.98 For three days we offer men's Shoes at this special price; all good dependable makes In most desirable lasts. Special 82.98 $1.50 Felt Juliets for 98c For three days we offer wo men's fine warm felt Juliets at special price. Attractive new col ors, turned soles, low heel, 98 Women's Shoes, $1.98 Pr. A special 3-day sale of women's Shoes. Thousands of pairs ot excellent Shoes at this price, embracing best styles. $1.98 Children's Shoes, $1.48 Pr. A special 3-day sale of children's Shoes, good serviceable' Shoes In patent or gunmetal in button or lace. Three .days only $1.48 Men's $1.50 Slippers, $1A8 A special 3 -day sale, of men's fine kid Romeo Slippers, full, comfortable lasts.- Come in tan or black. Three days at 81.18 Silk Velvet Hat Shapes - ' " i i i i i ii Ggajii 95c . WWW Uw W VWSTfc uu Iftusu w 11 u. i !. i i spcciaii puFwivaac wuiui nu jubi. rcacnca us oy express. Large sailors with soft crowns, small shapes for ma trons, the new "Billie" gailor, soft turbans, tricornesand various other styles. All are made of splendid quality' silk velvet and plush. Many of these handsome new shapes are worth to $2.50 and $3.00. Your choice Qtt p of this lot tomorrow at the special low price of itlU S. & H. Trading Stamps With Purchases. Ask for them. Basement Sale ol Kitchen Needs - Tomorrow, Thurgday and Friday $15 set of Bird Carvers at fl.50 $2.40 set of Turkey Carvers 81.90 $375 set of Turkey Carvers f2.95 O'Cedar Mop, in medium size, tri angular styles, special sale at 75 O'Cedar Mops, large triangular size. . Priced at ..... .,v,.8185 Orona Alummum Polish 15 package, or two packages for only 25 Standard $15 Success Folding Clothe Racks, special now only 81.00 85c Savoy Covered Roasters 15-inch Oval Roasters, special now at 68 .ma c j, t 2 t n t- Bfli 85c RoVal ' Covered Roaster 5 $1.15 Royal Covered Roaster 85 $1.05 Crown Covered Roaster 78 $1.15 Crown Covered Roaster 85 Standard 65c Sheet Iron Covered Roasters, on sale, special at 60 GREAT SALE OF DINNERWARE ' IN THE BASEMENT. 1 Appall and ecur&,i"t h a Christ? ja U;Jf ts wlthoui one-Ecent extra 4Cost. Vislt the 8, Hjr pre mium ' Partoffl on the 4th floors Olferinfts 6 supply their pa sonaVfior AtSi2.9i! and Misses' Tailored Suit 198 in this special line. . -i AU are?hieh Embroidered' Pieces, 11.29 A 3-day sale 61 manufacturer's samples hand-embr, id'd lt feces. These make excellei t Ctftfuttnas gifts. Three days, !ach,l$1.29 $1.25, $1.50 Silfrs fori 69c A special 3-day. ejle of 3 new fancy silks, 2700 $T&a Hn this special lot, lncludlt jg scores of rich, beautiful patterns. Yd. 69 -- -- - f Fancy and Plain ! Silks j 39c 1 1 .' A special 3 -day sal excellent Silks. Plain or fam weafes In scores' of beautiful lort;!3900 yards In this offerl 65c AU-Wool Sege 48c Yd A special 3nday sai ot fln all wool storm, Serges softi '-finish, perfectly woven ancg nic finish. Very desirable mategiat yd. 48 ; 30-In. Costume Cord'ryl 48c ' .1 . n i ,j ill - A special 3-day sale of beautiful costume corduroy; ifullt 10 in: wide, in new colorings- j A food" heavy" material. Now, yd 4Sf Women's 25c Neckwear 10c' A special 3-day sale of Omen's ' dainty new . Neckwear. f.jiNobby lawn and lace effects 'tm many -attractive new styles. Eacli. 10 20c Burlap at 15c Per Yd. A special sale of drapery burlap, a good heavy quality, full 36 in. wide in rich colors of rown, green, tan, closely woven-; jjd. 15 Cotton Blankets, 98c! Pair ' : ' A special 3-day sale of fine cot-: ton Blankets, white orr gray. Are well fleeced. Soft fin&h and heavy weight. 3 days, pajr 98 $4.00 BUnkeU, $2.48 Pair A rousing 3-day : sale o wool Blankets. These Blankels are four pounds to the pair; and are full size. The pair now '248 Tapestry Couch Covjeys 98c A special 3-day sale of Couch Covers, of heavy tapestf?,' rich colorings --, and neat patterns; t yds. long. 32 In. widf. ;98 a $1.80 Aluminum tea Pots 81.25 $10 Aluminum Coffee Pot $1.25 $2.20 Aluminum Tea Pots ;f 10 $2.20 Aluminum Coffee Pot f 1.40 . j $20 Aluminum Tea Pots 8 1.75 $2.60 Aluminum Coffee Pot fl.TS Lisk Covered Enameled? Roasters. Lisk Roaster for 6-lb.roast $1.58 Lisk Roaster for S-lb." roast $l.SO Lisk Roaster for 12-lb. foast $2.00 Lislt Roaster for 20-lb. rojst $2.50 Lisk Roaster for 26-lb. roast $2.70 g5 y i J s