THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 31, 1914. WOMEN & DR: C. J. MULTNOMAH COUNTY EXHIBIT ADMIRED BY CROWDS BY SWEDISH PAPER Editorial Indorsement Based on Fitness of the Demo- cratic Candidates. SITUATION IS REVIEWED Ir. Smith Batter Qualified to Serve ae Governor Than Wltbycombe, Zt 1b Declared. SMITH AND CHAMBERLAIN BACKED mm ii ii i mm, ,n 1 1) ' 1 Hijiiirn n'ruT" '-rr--r mm- ' 't fillip i ' ' Affr making a careful study of the quallfloattone of th various candl aatrp, the "Oregon Posten," the Swe dish paper published In Portland, edl torlaily Indorsee Dr. .C. J. Smith for Kovernor and the re-election of Senator Oeorj?e K. Chamberlain, because of their irreater fitness for the offices they seek. "The I'rojrreBBlve candidate, F. M. Gill, nor the Independent candidate, W. H U'lien, stand the slightest chance of beln elfctfHl." asserts the Posten "We say this without reflecting In ony manner on their efficiency or in teirrity. . Governor Wert Admired. "We have admired Governor West's fearlessness In enforcing the law. He has not bef-n partial to the rich at the expense of the poor. His efforts to reduce taxes, and his prison reform work deserve Rreat credit. We hope trai me man elected to succeed uover nor West win possess the same strength of character and the same executive ability. "During the last month Dr. Withy- combe and Dr. Smith have expressed their views In regard to the Important Issues now before the voters of Ore gon. We have given their statements careful consideration and Judging- lm partially, say that In our opinion Dt, Rmltb Is better qualified to serve the T Interests of all the people of this state than is Dr. Wlthyrombe. Dr. Wlthy rombe'a assertion that he would work X in -harmony with the legislature sounds well In theory, but if put Into practice might greatly Increase taxes. By get ting the right to veto single Items In appropriation bills. Dr. Smith, as gov . tnrnor, can save the taxpayers large sums. The present high taxes depend to a great extent on this, that the gov ernor Is deprived of this means of ve toing. .-. Chamberlain the Kan. "Senator f'.eorse K. Chamberlain has proved a conscientious representative. President Wilson has openly expressed his wish that Senator Chamberlain might be elected. We have had no greater president than Wilson since the time of Lincoln, and during the trou blous times In Kuropo and Mexico It is Important that ho Is supported by . a majority in the senate and house of representatives. "Ueorge K. Chamberlain was a good governor of Oregon and he has worked as faithfully for the good of the nation , as he worked for the state. To send a i tnun to the senate who would belong to the minority would not benefit this Ktate. The result of the election in Maine denotes th confidence of the people in President "Wilson, and it also point to the fact that the majqfity in congress win uuring rne next two years aJso be. Democratic. Renator hamoeiiain deserves and wllL no doubt, be elected." Display of Multnomah's products one of features at Land Products show. -.Multnomah county in all her variety agriculturally Is shown in a magnifi cent booth at the Manufacturers' and Land Products Show In the Armory. The display, which Is one of the most attractive and artistically ar ranged of the scores that crowd the big pavilion, ranges from beautiful flowers to the homely but useful po tato. 4 In the center of the big exhibit is Democrats Show Substantial Gain C. H. Timing of John Say Bring"! Re port From Grant, Union and Uma tilla oonntiea.' Grant. 1'nion and Umatilla counties are strongly for Senator Chamber lain and Dr. C. J. Smith, according to C. H. Tims of John .Day, who is in Portland for a few days. 'Old-time Republicans, who are really supporting Dr. Withycombe for the governorship, have told me prl yately that Dr. Smith's strength Is gaining all the time." Mr. Timme de clared today. "Dr. Withycombe has spoken in our country, hut the impres sion he made did anything but maka him more popular. The Opinion seems to he that he lacks the backbone to make a good governor, especially in times likfl theso when the direct leg islation principle is being attacked. I beard Dr. Smith speak at our fair and he gavn the impression of a man of independency and a determination to enforce the law. Our peoplei want wise laws well-enforced and a lot of Republicans, who have been voting with the other crowd, are going to Btipport hmtth for tnat very reason.' City Marshal Is Shot. Seattle, Wash., Oct. 31. Marshal Conover of -Kent, a town between Se attle and Tacoma. was shot In the foot during a gun fight with a robber whom he Interrupted In the act of holding up a man at the Kent Interurban depot at mfdflight Friday. After emptying his pistol at the officer, the bandit disappeared. 1 RiMer Flipcted President. Atlantic City, N. J., Oct. 31. The American Hardware Manufacturer!1 association elected A. H. XJibler of Pittsburg president. a huge cornucopia which curves Its length from a point 15 feet above the floor and its mouth is filled with pro ducts of the rich lands of the county. Potatoes, beets, carrots, pumpkins, apples, squashes, carrots, vegetables and fruits and berries appear to be falling" out of the big horn of plenty. Each corner of the booth is marked by tall columns of corn stalks, each 12 feet high. The background for the cornucopia la made of bunches of wheat, oats, barley, clover, vetch, kale, timothy and other grains, the pro ducts of the prairies and'lowlands. The entire frontage of the booth la given over to a display Of dahlias, brilliant blooms from the flower farms, and on the sides are exhibits of berries and root crops of the bot tom lands. The products for the most part came from tracts of email acreage and elosej In to the city places where hundreds of people are making their livelihood and a comfortable one, on farms rang ing from 60 to 100 acres. Although the display Is compre hensive It only hints at the possibili ties that the county offers those seek ing homesltes In the country not too far removed from the city markets. J. Hennessy Murphy Delves Into History Portland. Oct. 81. To the Editor of The Journal I fear we are illi beral. Oh my friends, Dr. Withy combe is not. He sees great things, greater Oregons, great perspectives. Oh my friends, call not Dr. Withy combe an Knglishnyin, no Briton would, speak to the hungry seven. The Doctor is a cosmopolitan candidate, is of all the races, loves all the races of all the lands and all the parties. His great grandfather followed George Washington, but never overtook him. Oh my friends, wasn't it the von Wit tycooms, who furnished lager beer to the armies of the allies In the great Napoleonic struggles; oh my friends, heard ye not of the De Weitacom brairies of France. who wore the legion of honor ribbon for ' serving frogs' feet to the court of Louis XIV; oh my friends, have ye forgotten Witlescomeski, the famous chiropodist to Catherine the Great of all the Rus sias; oh my friends, remember Herr Withyspielacombe;? the royal horse surgeon to Joseph II of Austria, and oh my friends, Dr. Withycombe loves the Italian skies, Denmark sausage, the culture of Belgium, Swiss cheese, the literature of the Jews, Polish snuff, Scotch broth, th Church of England, Holland gin, Welsh rarebits, Hungarian music, Norwegian herring and Swedish bread, the vaior of the Balkans, Portuguese poetry, Spanish tamales, Turkish! tobacco, Oriental traditions, Canadian trips and ocrt cultural whiskers, and oh my friend a have I forgotten anybody7 And oh my friends, had Dr. Withycomba a plain common 'everyday honest Ore gon name like Smith, a spoonful of Irish under his skin and a. little of the popular faith, he would blow the bung out of a cask and throw away his oork eho.;s. J. HENNESSY MURPHY. Journal Want Ads bring results. War with Mexico averted Income tax law passed President Wilson wrote: "I want to say how sincerely I hope for the re-election of Senator Chamberlain. F. H. GILL Progressive Candidate for GOVERNOR Gill stands for Oregon and nation dry, national equal suffrage, single item veto, Oregon system of govern ment, a living wage for every man and woman, prohibition of child la . bor, human rights first, dollar rights second, governmental assistance to those at bottom of ladder instead of fecial privileges to those at top, strict law enforcement, less taxes, and economy. Gill opposes the assembly plan, , fmachine politics, single tax, special privilege, useless offices and com missions. - (Paid Adv. by F. M. Gill, 703 Lewis Bldg.) Geo. E. Chamberlain For U. S. Senator 5 s Antitrust law passed Peace treaties negotiated Flegel for Congress stands for President Wilson '-Wllm0ti Spfe "lWt k - I : itf' ' ; - - ' r jut J I it f Ti!bS ftWW- 4' ; 'W?C' ' ' ' " A M. I .its - : hA iy :lry- - ' , - X'kwA Currency law passed War's Worst Enemy America's Best Friend A. F. Flegel For Congress The President has earned a vote? of confidence from the people, i The only way he can yet such an endorsement is by voting for Chamberlain for Senator and Flegel for Congress (Paid ' Adv DemocraUc Stats Central Committee. B. S. Ha&ey, Chairman.) Mrs. Abigal Scott Duniway, PIONEER MOTHER AND PTH BREAKER OF THE EQUAL SUFFRAGE MOVEMENT IN (JRE- ' GON, WASHINGTON AND IDAHO, takes this method to eend her greetings to such HONEST CHRISTIAN WOMEN as shl de voutly believes are being LED ASTRAY in the present Prohibition crisis BY THE CRAFTINESS OF AMBITIOUS MEN. jf Have you forgotten, my inexperienced daughters, who are listen ing to HIRED AND IMPORTED AGITATORS, to consult rcur Bibles? Do you recall the fate of One who, upon entering the enemy's country "to seek and to save that which was lost,' f was ostracised, derided and finally crucified by SELF-STYLED "BEST "3 PEOPLE," who still "love to pray, STANDING IN 1THE SfNA- p GOGUES AND ON THE STREET CORNERS, TO BE SEEM OF MEN"? . T l Are you obeying the Divine command of Him who said, ffWoe unto you Scribes, Pharisees, HYPOCRITES"? Do you forgetf that he urged his followers to "RESIST NOT EVIL," but to "OVER COME EVIL WITH GOOD"? Can't you remember thai He warned the people to AVOID DRUNKENNESS, and, while grbhic-. ally depicting the woes of the drunkard, HE AT NO TIME ADVO CATED THE MAKING OR ENFORCEMENT OF ANY !AW EXCEPT THE LAW OF SELF-GOVERNMENT, as applied tl the abuse of intoxicants in individual cases?. i When He said, "Woe untoiim that putteth the bottle A his neighbor's lips," can't you see that It was not the TRAFFICr but the MEN WHO MISUSED IT, that were accursed? When He ad monished the people against "tarrying longat the wine," usinsuch' vigorous language against intemperance as no man can equal,can't you 'see that His warning was NOT AGAINST THE USE OFHTHE WINE, BUT AGAINST THE ABUSE OF IT? j j As piy space is limited and advertising rates come high, f .must confine this letter to such quotations of Scripture as can be paid for; so I must be brief and I must cite you to Matt. xi:19, as foows: "The Son of Man came eating and drinking:, and thef say, BEHOLD A MAN GLUTTONOUS AND A WINJl BIBBER, a friend of publicans and sinners; But wisdorr is justified of her children." , ? Again, to quote the sayings of Paul: . jf "For why is my LIBERTY judged of another manf . CONSCIENCE?" (Cor. x:29.) if ' "But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long su$ fering, gentleness, goodness, faith and meekness. Terr perance; AGAINST SUCH THERE IS NO LAW." (Gal parts of verses 19-21, 22 and 23.) i Now, my enfranchised daughters of the modern-day churches, for whose PERSONAL LIBERTY and that of other people I HAVE GIVEN MY LIFE, if there is enough of the spirit of ingratitude in your hearts to wean you from the above teachings of the Christ and his followers, and to cause you to approve the FALSEHOOD VUL GARITY, HATE and INTOLERANCE which is displayed lyr the Anti-Saloon League in an open letter in the Evening Telegram , of October 3, you will cast your votes with the spirit of Anti-Christ as displayed by the authority of the SELF-ORGANIZED CONpPIR-; ACY that gave it birth. JJut by so doing you will crucify the savior of sinners afresh "and put Him to open shame. t After the INTEMPERATE CRAZE OF PROHIBITION now going through the newly enfranchised states like a holocaust of fire shall have exhausted itself, the advocates of GENUINE TEMPER ANCE REFORM, including the Mother Sex, can go before me in coming legislative assemblies of such3 states, guided by the- f spirit of Christ, "who came to break every yoke and let the oppressed go free," where they can offer a solution of ithe evils we all complain of, WHICH MEN ALONE HAVTT NOT &EEN ABLE TO &EET AND CONQUER SINCE THE DAWN OF HISTORY. . Hj MEET AND -CONQUER SINCE THE DAWN OF HISTORYf VOTE 3 33 Defeat of, the proposed prohibition amendment will have no effect upi the efficient home rule or local option statutes now ijjl force, and eaai community will continue to determine its individual stand on the matter pf granting licenses. ' . i (Paid Aftrartisemeiit, Taxpayers' and Wag- Earners' Xaru of Onfoa, ft. C. AUa, So'y, Morsraa! Bldg", Portland, r 0t4 A :,