The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 31, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Peace Convention Announces
V'lt Will Name a President
'and Cabinet Itself.
YlUa and Carranza Both Ordered to
Tak Instructions Tram Hew Secre
tary of War to Be Hamad Soos.
(TTnltrd Prc traced Wire.)
El Paso, Texas, Oct. 31. The resig
natlon of Vonustlano Carranza as pro
visional president of Mexico and -his
demotion to the rank of a general of
- a division of the conHtitutlonal army
was ordrrfd Iri a renolution adopted
in tho Mexican praio convention, at
Aguaa Ctiliphte.i today, according to
advlops received here. In bin steal,
the dlwpatrh announced, the conven
tion will name provinional president
and a full eahlnnt.
Tho convention hIho ordered both
Cii-nerHl (';irr;inz;i ami General Villa to
'tjfke orders from 11 new secretary of
war to be appointed soon. Neither f'ar
ranxa nor Villa announced to the con-
ventlon whether they would abide by
Its decision. The of Jeneral Za
pata will be connidered later.
Two Candidates Out.
It was learned from an authoritative
iioiirce thiil fcjfhillo Madrra nud Dr.
Miguel Silva, both VllliMa. fympa-
thirefM, lire randldaten for provisional
president to succeed Carranza.
An (iprour whk caused at last night's
meeting, the reports nitid, when Gener
al Vlllereal called Colonel Oonzales
Garza a liar, when the latter said Car
ranza had violated the Torreon pact.
The ruil" preventing the bringing of
firearms inw the convention hall was
In' effect, fco'tvrver. and order was
quickly restored.
A renoliitlon recently adopted forbids
adjournment of the convention until
It defmlti- actfa the question of
the retirement of fjeneral Carranza.
Caranza Makes Conditions.
In prehentinj; his resignation Car
ranza Ma hi h'e was willing; if necessary
to leave the country, but that his re
tlremm from office was only on the
fallowing conditions:
"Klrrt--A preconatituttonaliBt gov
ernrnent Khali be established with the
support cif the constitutionalist army
until nurli time as conditions justify
a leRal. constitutional regime.
"Second General Villa fchall resign,
not IiIh .candidature 'to the presidency
or vice presidency, which have never.
been offered hini. but military com
mand of the northern division, retir
ing to private life and leaving the re
public, If the convention should vote
that it would be wise for me to do so.
"Third General Znpata shall resign
his command likewise. turning the
jHine over to "a general designated by
,he convention."
IW-Ilan (iven Iasports,
Mexico City, Oct. SJ.- Minister May,
of Uelgium.Tj-ecelved -his passports, on
account of remarks he made concern
ing the Mexican government's seizure
of the. local street railroad, largely
Belgiun owned.
Former London Correspondent
for the United Press.
New York, Oct. 31. Whether or not j
Italy and the, as yet, neutral Balkan 1
states will be drawn Into the Euro- .
pean conflict in connection with'
fighting between Turkey nd Russia
depend entirely on Turkey. j Hp
and Greece are among the most re
cent despoilera of Turkish territory
and if the Ottoman government were
tree to choose its own adversaries, no
u v u w i uicj u . v. hj r , ...... . ... . fc - ,
to Germany's military interest, how- I
Girl-Who Dropped
:Note Is Arrested
Missive Which Was Dropped Tram
Jail window Was Addressed to a
It may have been a Joke for Bessie
Day to drop a note from the Jail win
dow ' at Vancouver, Wash., but -it
caused her arrest in Portland Wednes-
C! Qmiih Phmro ac dy on charge of vagrancy. The note
I Ji Olllllll V-MIUIUO ao was directed to a soldierat the bar-
QilPPPCcnr nf nvPrTinr rack and requested that he keep still
OULUdOOUl Ul UUVCMIUI about the shooting affair In Ohio. It
Uoct Qoiie Mrc Mnrniinrr ' also advised him to take the money and
vvesi, cays ivirs. nornung, :kip oxlU Sne was reiea8ed fr0m jan
before the note was found, but it was
turned over to the Portland detective
ever, to prevent me lurns xrom aias
glng the Italians and the rest of the
Balkan peoples into the war.
Probably the kaiser will be able to
bring sufficient ' pressure at Constan
tinople to prevent the sultan from
committing, at the outset, any overt
act against any of those potential
belligerents, but whether his subject
can be restrained indefinitely after
thr natrrms havi been aroused, ts a I
problem which only the future can frts of Governor West for law en
answer, forcement, for the protection of the
The Turks, are particularly bitter j home, and for a better government,
against Greece, because the Aegean i and they are going to elect to succeed
islands went to that country after j him the man who stands for similar
the Balkan war, but Greece cannot be j policies.
attacked separately, Italy having : This is what Mrs. L. M. Hornung
ANNOUNCEMENT CHEERED and ne was rearre"ei m a lodging
MmMUUIHUCIVICIV I UnttntU house. This morning In the municipal
, . j court, the girl sought to explain that
1 she is workinar at the lodging house.
Audience Shows Its Appreciation of Knowledge of the note was denied.
Reform Efforts of the Demo
cratic Administration.
The women of Oregon appreciate the
guaranteed the islands to her.
There are other complications, too,
which would make it almost impossi
ble for the Ottoman government to
single out any single power for chas-
said when she introduced Governor
West yesterday afternoon to an audi
ence of 150 men and women at Uni
versity Park station.
Mrs. Hornung. Mrs. A. H. Brown and
tisement without bringing on Itself a Mrs. Saidee White, and A. H. Brown,
general attack. George Dearlove and P. Hart sat on
It may he taken as a foregone con- j the platform with the governor. Mrs. I
elusion tiien that Turkish belligerency
will either Involve no other power 'n
the struggle or that it will involve ail
the rest of the Balkans and probabiy
Italy as well.
iiornung expressed to the governor (
tne conriaence the women of Oregon
have tn him, and her introduction was
greeted with hearty applause.
"In the history of Oregon we have
never had a governor who has had
uch a following of loyal friends as
Governor West," she declared. "And j
governor," she continued as she turned j
to the chief executive. "I want to .tell i
you that In the headquarters of the
National W. C. T. IT. vour picture !
hangs In a prominent ilace on the
I walls, and the W. C. T. U. women of
j this state point to it with pride as
i the picture of a governor who is ready
and dares to do his full duty to the
i people of his state."
Br. Smith Is Choice.
Facing the audience again, Mrs.
11,...,,.,.. ; .
DeCiaratlOllS FrOm the BOOth i "Governor West is not to be gover
, r . . p. i i nor much longer, but he indorses a
Lamp tO LOntrary Are U IS- '"am we are going to elect, because he
, . 0 i . ' too believes that laws were made to
PrOVed bV beiiate JOUrnali enforced; he too believes in the pro-
; tection of the home; he too believes
in using the power of the governor's
Declaring that he is not bolting "fJl''te int ,tn.e ests of the people
The Judge directed ahe be held one
week to give detectives time to cor
respond with the Ohio authorities.
Opening of War by Turkey Is
Pointed to With Satisfac
tion in Official Statement.
Three Acknowledge Holding
Up Womarfr;3"hree to Num
erous Burglaries.
Two Other Toung- Tallows Caoffbt as
Basalt of Paper Dropped in tlx
Home of J. W. XTorille.
Goddard's Parole
May Be Revoked
Seal Xatat Baalor Is Aecnaad of Hav
ing" Assaulted Girl Who Answered
John B. Goddard, real estate dealer
with offices In the Couch' building,
faces possible revocation of his pW
ole as the result of his arrest last
night on a bench warrant issued by
Circuit Judge Campbell, of Oregon
City. Deputy Sheriff Lumsden made
the arrest. Goddard was convicted of
a statutory charge involving a young
girl and was paroled by Judge Camp
bell after recelng a sentence of two
to 20 years. A Charge of assault and
battery preferred by a girl Thursday
caused the issuance of the bench
warrant. The girl said ahe was as
saulted when she went to his office
answering an advertisement for a
stenographer. The question of re
voking the parole will be taken up
by Judge Campbell this afternoon.
the Republican party when he claims c. J. tjmith
the right to vote against any man that Vigorous applause indicated the
is as dishonest and corrupt as the j hearty approval of the audience. The
public records have shown R. A. Booth i governor began to speak, and through
to be, B. F. Jones of Roseburg, who ; out his address the audience many
was a member of the legislature at ; times indicated their appreciation of
t u m a t i r,i o TVT r Tinrti tx; u tf a tt'J t a ' the reforms Via i a a HrrtocrHt ghnnt In
senator, noints to th noin in th sen. i State affairs and prison conditions. ! fprcedj0 surrender.
- r .
And they applauded the name of Dr. i
Smith. Germans Re-Arrange Forces.
"These same high brows who have The Hague. Oct 8.1 Steady fighting
fL'nlted Press I.ewd Wlre.
Berlin, by Wireless via Sayville, Oct.
31. Distinct German successes in the
west and a satisfactory outlook In the
eastern theatre of the war were an
nounced by the Berlin war office to
day. Kspecial emphasis was laid on claims
that the kaiser's troops were progress
ing materially with their attack on the
Toul-Verdun forts. Operations were
said to have been extended north and
south of St. Mihlel, the repulse was re
ported of all French attempts to re
capture the defenses there and the
early fall of Verdun and its prdtect
lng fortresses was predicted.
"The opening of naval activities by
Turkey," said the official report,
"promises to divert Russian attention
and forces from Poland, where the
czar has been able to concentrate nu
merically superior armies against the
Germans and Austriana.'
Messages from the Servian front told
of the capture of a Servian regime.nt
under Colonel Ivanhoff, which, led to
believe that Its own forces held the
town of Vizograd, was trapped Into
entering and then was surrounded and
ate Journal of 1907 which shows that
Booth voted against woman suffrage.
He points out Booth's record on
woman suffrage because of the dec
robbed the school children of the state was reported fronraerman sources to
larations from the Booth camp that!0' their birth right and have used j be still in progress tpday all along the
he has always been a supporter of I PUDiic oince to reather their own j eastern Dattie iront r-rorn tasi rruraw
eoual suffrage. These assertions m ! nests," said the governor, "are the ! through . Russian Poland, to the Car
not true because the senate Journal
ones who now sit around their rich
of 1907, on parte 369, shows that i men 8 Cubs and criticise me because
Booth voted against a resolution to ( 1 tahe some poor devil in the peni
submit the question of equal suffrage ' tentiary, who is there because he has
to the voters of the state. This was ! committed some petty theft while
house joint resolution No. 13. In his flrunk- and set him a Job so he can
' KimrinrB rt i a xz it a t-i -i hahiao ' 'hotr
to The Journal Mr Jones i
(Continued from Page Ont.)
ish anil Russian embassies in Constan
tinople. When the inquiry is formally
ma1, the I'nited States will agree to
RflVS- I
"The Telegram says 'B. F. Jones, j lt)OK alue to me
defeated candidate for ongressf-jln A as'a"'t Be Independent.
first district, is trying to discredit") Tne governor said he couldn't dis
B5ooth's support of suffrage I reior j cuss Dr. Withycombe's policies be
the Telegram to page. 369, senate jour-! ause he hasn't any, but that he felt
nal, 1907, which shows Booth voted i free to discuss his public record, and
gainst the amendment allowing equal ; the doctor should not become, peeved
pathians. It was believed the Germans
were redisposing their forces for a
fresh movement against Warsaw.
A Berlin message said the German
governmenVti was threatening, -through
the American ambassador, to fmprison
all Briton in Germany between the
sav I nm r-nrltllin nrlsnnor. All rnnko I ages Of 17 and. 65, lr tne BMtlSn OO not
"I have published four letters in
Sht boys, the oldest 23 years and
the youngest 15, were taken into cus
tody yesterday by , the police. They
are accused and have confessed to the
carnival of crime of the past 30 days
in Portland.
The boys are all Portland natives
and either live with their parents or
relatives. They are John Reed, 22
years; Aloysius Bader, 16 years; Frank
Misler, 18 years; Winter Willis, 17
years; Jack Wilson, 16 yeara, and
Harry Frickert, 16 years.
Biz Women Were Bobbed.
Six women were held up and robbed
by the first three boys. They are:
Misses Augusta and Sophia Wolf, 1392
East Nineteenth street; Mrs. C. Lasey
and daughter, 265 West Holman street
Miss Mary Mancur, 50 East Thirty
six street, and Mrs. A. Kuntx, 628 East
Twenty-first street.
In each case, the women were con
fronted by two of the boys. Reed, Bader
or Misler, while the third stood a block
away and watched for policemen or
pedestrians. These boys are also
charged and admit robbing several gro
ceries and small stores on the east side.
The Willis. Wilson and Frickert lads
are charged with robbing homes and
small stores. They admit the principal
ones and have told the detectives
where the stolen goods can be found.
They , also robbed cleaning and press
ing efetMiRh.inent8 to get clothing, so
different suits cbuld be worn to escape
detection by the police.
All the boys are held in the city
Jail, most of them being former reform
school lads. The first trio were ar
rested early yesterday morning by
Sergeant Stahl and Patrolman Helms,
while Detectives Goltz and Tackaberry
arrested the last three last night.
Receipt Betrays Boys.
A receipt book for a magazine sub
scription dropped In the home of J.
W. Neville. 837 Division street, early
this week was the means of arresting
two lads last evening for several house
robberies. The boys are Frank Rose
and Donald Spltler. The Neville home
was robbed that day. As one or tne
boys had been there soliciting sub
scriptions for a magazine, suspicion
pointed to him. Detectives Hill and
Hammersley and Patrolman Ferry ar-
ested Rose and Spltler at union ana
Hawthorne avenues. Soon arter ineir
arrest, both confessed to several house
burglaries and told wnere me 1001
could be found. They are both 18 years
old and are held in the city JaiL
Prizes Being Given
In Essay Contest
Central Labor Council- Sends
Out Statement Through Its
Efforts to Avert War Made.
London. Ocv. 3). The sultan having
as yet neither assumed responsibility
for his warships' depredations against
Russia In the Black Bea Thursday, nor
repudiated his naval commanders' pro
ceeding's, the cz;ir today, through the
Italimi iitiibassuclor at Constantinople,
Aiemanaeii explanations.
The- Turkish ambassador at Petro
grad was said to be In constant com
munication with his home government,
rtrorglv urging the Constantinople
government to disavow the acts of bel
ligerency by his sea forces, to promise
indemnity, and to remain neutral.
The British and French ambassadors
were also representing strongly to the
Ottoman ruly that war between Tur
key and Russia meant war between
Turkey and the entire group of allies.
The Young Turks, a belligerent par
ty, seemed ip control of the situation,
however, and small hope was enter
tained of preventing them from plung
ing their country into hostilities.
No cVhtirmatlon, however, had been
received of stories of a battle in the
Black sea between the Turkish and
Russian fleets.
There wa much mystery concerning
the whereabouts of Great Britain's
Australian ami New Zealand naval
lories .mti there, were hints that they
might be guarding the Suezanal.
because of it.
He said tho people want for gover-
The Journal over my signature, mak-f nor "somebody who is independent,
ing various charges against Booth, j who is in favor of the Oregon system, j
and he has never denied or attempted j awf who will stand between the peo- j
to answer any of them. Therefore : P'e and th; attacks of the big inter
my statements must be taken as con- j tsts."
fessed and true, especially when I j The big interests, which are now
have the records on him; I am not j making an attack on the direct prl
bolting the Republican ticket, but mary and are lined iip solidly behind
claim the right to vote against any j Lr. Withycombe, have as "much use
man that is as disftonest and corrupt ! for the Oregon system as a Jackrab
as the public records have shown i' bit for a coyote," he said.
Booth to be. ?,If any of that crowd are elected,"
"The court records and senate Jour- j he declared, "they will claim it Is an
na have convicted him beyond a endorsement of the move to curtail
doubt. All his prayers and denials ' the Oregon system, to take from you
won't erase the written records and the power for which you fought long
he stands inaicted berore the people ana tiara.
of Oregon today. The money that he ! "There is nothing I want. I am
has donated to churches and other ; here bc-cause 1 possess information I
public institutions will not atone for j acquired while in office, and I think
the wrongs he has done the govern- j it is my duty to give it to you.
ment and the people. Party ties will i To Continue right,
never bind or muzzle me or keep me I "i have made a fight for the things
from voting or publicly working i think are for the protection of the
"S"'1"1 "ui;ii mn as n. a. dooid. home and fireside. I've tried to
Attack on Russia Predicted.
London. Oct. 31. British military
experts believed today that Germany
was preparing for a right-about-face,
remaining simply on the defensive In
the west, while striking fiercely at
RussBKSeross its eastern frontier.
Th&r Aeorv was not the one held by
FrelilrtT'strategfsts. They were of the
opiryfon that the kaiser meant to with
draw his 'eastern forces within his
own territories, making no attempt in
that quarter to do more than hold the
Slavs back while he hurled the troops
he would thus be able to recall from
the east, into Belgium and France.
.Nevertheless the British authorities
stuck to their interpretation of the
Everything Indicated, they said, that
the Germans had prepared a line of
defenses along their western front to
the rear of the ones they already oc
cupied, and the prediction was made
that they intended to retire back into
Moreover, It was ponlted out, the
Turks could be used more conveniently
In the east than in the west.
The kaiser was reported mounting
heavy guns today at Zeebrugge and
see ! it was believed his plan was to make
, mat tne laws were enforced. I felt a determined defense at this point,
MOOCm-POO I ll 0 0110 0 qH !inere snouid equality before the . whlch naval officers predicted h
iUUWOUl JV 1lOUUOOUU aw, ana i went out and cleaned up or- woui,i aiso use as a base for submarine
gamzeu vice ana me interests mat i operations.
were aisregaraing the law. Tn war 0fflce-- vlew was that the
This brought down on mv head the i ti: j t.- i i
ill will or those engaged in unlawful ij ,t,r.oii fmm th. allies
womment on Bins and Amendments to ' v i io uo ovei again 6tandpoint.
Be Voted on Tuesday Impartial and
Before Civic League!
Allies to Support Russia.
Petrograd, Oct. 31. Russia was pre
paring today to fight the Turks. Noth-
iig official had been heard from Con
. titantinople but no precautions were
being Overlooked. The czar has all
along recognized the possibility of a
clash with the sultan and warships and
troops were being moved in accordance
with prearranged plans. On Black sea
news there was a close censorship.
'Che Turkish ambasstadof here had
received word from the sultan's cap
ital that the cabinet met In special scs
bion Friday nightand he conference
was still in progress when the dispatch
to the ambasaador was filed. It was
believed it would decide the question
of war Or peuce. The ambassador had
not been informed concerning his gov
ernment's intentions.
Great Britain and France had both
assured Russia that they would sup-
ivi i me iuei tiKainni i urKey.
Officialdom refused to discuss the
situation. The populace generally wel
. corned the idea of a fresh enemy,
Grady Is On Carpet.
Saleml Or. Oct. 31. Jamfea Grady
was arrested yesterday afternoon at
Turner and brought to the county Jail
here to remain there while an investl
. gation is made of his record. Grady
.was found peddling several new coats,
: shoes, a dozen pocket knives, several
razor, pocket combs and kid gloves
and the theory of Sheriff Esch is that
. the goods were stolen from somewhere.
Junction Farmer Injured.
Junction City. Or.. Oct. 31. F. W.
. Thorn, a farmer about 65 years old,
living three miles south of Junction
- City on the River road. was. severely
injured Wednesday ina runaway.
Without Recommendation.
Measures to be voted on next Tues
day were discussed impartially and
without recommendation by speakers
before the Oregon Civic league lunch
eon in the Multnomah hotel this after
noon. Among the speakers were: Charles
E. Warner, the classification of prop
erty for taxation purposes; Richard W.
Montague, the tideland measures; Elin
or Rowlawn, increased pay for mem
bers of the legislature; John H. Stev
enson, non-partisan Judiciary; Hamil
ton Johnstone, consolidating corpora
tion and g$surance departments, the
tax code commission, and requiring
two-third vote to change tax laws;
A. h. itarris, abolishing the desert
land board; Dr. George Rebec, propor
tional representation.
j I would go Just as far or farther. And
I'm going to continue the fight. I want
to thank the women of the s
what: they have done to uphold my
bands in this fight. Sometimes I've
found the men too selfish or otherwise!
occupied to give much attention to
these matters, but I never yet turned
to the women of the state but what
I found them ready to help."
e !?: I Brother Wants Part
Of Elwert Property
Seattle AVoman Guilty.
Seattle. Vsh., Oct. 31 Mrs. Mary
Hogan is guilty of manslaughter for
shooting and killing her husband,
James J. Hogan, doorkeeper at the
Orpheum theatre in the foyer of that
theatre on the evening of August 29,
according to the Jury which returned
a. verdict In Judge Ronald's department
of the superior court this morning. The
maximum penalty is 20 years in the
Last Robber Reported.
Seattle, Wash., Oct. 31. A posse of
policemen, heavily armed, were rushed
to Meadow Point, a few miles north of
Golden Garden Park, in the northern
limits of Seattle this morning, follow
ing a report that the remaining mem
ber of the gang of Sedro-Woolley bank
robbers was seen in that vicinity early
Skull May Be
That of Herder
Ashland, , Or., Oct. 31. The skull
found on the slopes of Grizzly peak,
near Ashland, recently is generally be
lieved to have belonged to "Old Bill"
Stafford, a sheep herder and ranch
hand who disappeared about two years
ago. Th,e authorities have information
to the feffect that a quarter blood In
dian who lived in the vicinity of Bill's
cabin confessed while here last sum
mer that he and his brother were in-
duced by their stepfather to kill Staf-
Dr. Charles F. Elwert of Hew Tori
Brings Salt Against Sirs. Carrie El
wert Alexander for Accounting.
Suit was filed tn the state circuit
1 court this afternoon by Charles P. El
wert, physician of New York, against
Mrs. Carrie .Elwert Alexander for an
accounting and the appointment of a
receiver. t
Dr. Elwert Is brother of Mrs. Alex
ander, who was recently married to
Temple Alexander and he set forth:
that much of the property that his
sister possesses was secured from her
mother, Mrs. J. Beau Elwert, by meth
ods not sanctioned by law, as, for in
stance, through a-forged deed to Port
land property valued at something like
y20o,ooo. -
The mother, who was wealthy, died
in New York December 25, 1912, it is
Contest Is Held Under the Auspices of
the Sons of American Bevolutfbn
for Pupils ol Publio Schools of State.
Priaft totaling 850 are to be awarded
to the pupils of the public schools of
the state by the Oregon society of the
Sons'of th American Revolution for
the best essays on subjects connectea
with the war of the Revolution. The
essays are to contain not more than
3000 words and must be in tne nanas
of Alfred F. Parker, chairman of the
committee, 830 Northwestern Bank
building, not later than January zt,
The contestants are confined to the
following subjects: French aid In the
Revolution: the orieir f the American
flag; William'Pitt; Eu.iy, of Chatham. !
and Nathanael Greene. The first prize j
consists of 825, the second 815 and the j
third 810. The contest is to encourage 1
Jove of the United States and the 6tudy i
of its history. j
Budget Committee
Goes on Slashing!
With $117,000 Store Cut From Bsti- j
mates, Tax Levy Will Be Brought i
Down to 7 axilla.
The budget committee yesterday '
eliminated a total of approximately
$83,000 from the budget estimates as
prepared for the -department of public
works by GommisslonerR. G. Dieck.
Items eliminated yesterday were
small ones for supplies, material, etc.,
and amounted to about 13000. Before .
the committee again considers-' his es- j
timates they will be cut down ma- J
terially Mr. Dieck announced yester- i
I day that between now and Monday, he j
intends to do some eliminating or nis ,
own accord. , j
"With the $83,000 now cut there re- ;
mains about $117,000 yet to be elim- ;
Inated from the estimates to bring the;
tax levy down to seven mills as ,prom- j
ised by the city commissioners for j
A statement has Just been issued bv
the Central Labor Council of Oregon,
through its secretary, E. E. Southard,
calling upon the laboring people of the
state to defeat Robert A. Booth, Re
publican candidate for the United
States senate, because he Is opposed to
the best interests of the people of the
state. Denial is made of the claim
circulated abroad that organized labor
espouses Mr. Booth's cause. The state
ment follows:
"To the Laboring Men and Women
of Oregon Organized labor believes
that Mr. Booth should be defeated. It
Is Impossible that Mr. Booth can rep
resent the common people of Oregon.
His every Interest is opposite to the
interest of the common people.
"In reiteration of Its stand against
Booth's candidacy it calls upon labor
and its friends to defeat Mr. Booth
for senator.
"Further, the Central Labor Coun
cil believes that the common people.
the laboring men, organized and unor
ganized, will Judge fairly the candl
dates for this most Important office.
"It. therefore, decries the activities
of individuals, who are attempting, in
the name of labor, to further the
Jdootn candidacy.
"In Justice to Mr. Booth of any
other candidate for office, and In de
fense of the good name of organised
labor, the Central Labor Council is
desirous of having; It publicly known
that the votes of labor are not car
ried in the 'vest pocket' of any self
appointed leader.
"We believe that the laboring men
will decide this question for them
selves in the best interest of Oregon."
- Suit to Enforce Restrictions.
The Scott company, owner of, the
residence of- Mrs. Harvey Scott, In
Laurelhurst, and residents of Laurel
hurst, are plaintiffs in a suit to re
strain Archbishop Alexander Christie,
of the Catholic church, from building
church and school buildings on prop
erty adjoining the Scott residence. It
is alleged that the contracts for the
sale of Laurelhurst property prohibit
the use of the property for such purposes.
1 People in EastSee
xi.usjjc.uby ; truiiuiig
- . : 4:1' ' )-
Assistant Secretary oflcnamber of
Commerce rinds Sentiment Optimis
tic in Idwsre Centers, i -j
"People all through the,! east are get
ting ready for new prosperity, on a
big scale," said M. Moaesohn. assist
ant secretary of the Portland Cham-
Men Who Took Part in Action PZ&ZSl
Believe They Know Better rsfiTCw ean be hekrd on-w
Than Oregonian,
Circulation of Beport They Are Sup
porting Wlthyoombe Zs Highly
Displeasing to Members.
Albany Work Progressing.
Albany, Or., Oct. 31. Work on the
local postoffice building is being
rushed so that everything will be
complete and ready for government
Inspection by January 1, according to
the contractor, Fred Erickson of Salem.
The Oregonian's denial that the Ger
man speakinef. societies of Washington
county met and indorsed Senator Cham
berlain, Dr. C. J. Smith for governor
and Frederick Holllster for congress
has aroused the Indignation of the Ger
mans of that county, who aeem to think
they know better than the Oregonian
what action they took when they were
in session.
,At the time. The Journal published
anjaccount of the meeting and the in
dorsement of, the three candidates.
Then the Oregonian published a story
denying that such action was taken by
the Washington county Germans.
Chamberlain Indorsed.
"Washington county German socie
ties did indorse Senator Chamberlain,
Dr. Smith and Frederick Holllster,'"
writes Adam Bell, a business man of
Centerville, near Cornelius.
He says when Fred Bulling, presi
dent of the Cornelius German speaking
society, made an affidavit regarding
the matter that he made a "Schwaben
stretch," as the affidavit amounts to
"In the first place, there was never
a meeting held at Cornelius for over a
year," writes Mr. Bell, "and further
more, there was. no meeting" at any
place on Saturday. October 24. : Our
last meeting was on Sunday, October
11, at Eugene Dellplanch's residence,
near Centerville.
"This was a Joint meeting of the
three Washington county
from Cornelius, Beaverton a
wood. President Bulling cal
meeting to order, and" as soon
delegations from Beaverton an
wood arrived we worked out a ticket.
Dr. Smith for governor. Chamberlain
for senator and Holllster for congress
were indorsed unanimously.
Will Hot Indorse Withycombe.
"Gerhard Goetze and myself were
delegates to the Federation of German
Speaking Societies in Portland, and
we presented the above three names
with our county ticket there on Mon
day evening, October 12, at Turn hall"
J. H. Vaa Lorn of Verboort confirms
the above statements in a letter he
also has written to The Journal. A
to the action of the Federation of Ger
man Speaking Societies in Portland, he
does not attach much importance, as it
was taken by a comparatively small
number of delegates and officials,
"The members here know that
Washington county wlir not Indorse
Withycombe, not because he is or
English birth, for Germans have bet
ter sense." he writes, "but they do
not Relieve in Withycombe's princi-plea-d?n
the single item veto, and his
recent stepping across the fence will
not help him now.
Chamberlain Is Favorite.
"As to Chamberlain, we know that
he is the favorite of all Germans we
have so far met, both those belonging !
to the country and to the state or? !
ganization outside the county.
"We know the Individual and col-l
lectlve status of the Germans of thisT
section, and we find few that have '
faith In the Oregonian in matters of
party politics, and whom and what it
advocates are hung up until the Ger
mans here know better.
We have over S0 rotorm here In
side the expectation and hope of a
Bharp advance in conditions, with the
gradual liberation of buri? products for
export and the certainty that the
United States now holdS the key to
the foreigp trade situatldn.
"Shipping in .New Yofk harbor Is
still generally tied up, ! iut the ships
that do' put out for-Eufope are well -laden.
Members of this New York
chamber of commerce iKith whom I
tne regional -reserve baiks will have -a
big Influence In Ktimjufating invest
ment by releasing the nation's money
surplus at probably ;hfwer Interest
Mr. Mosessohn vlsjigsd the Pan
American building at 3 Washington,
which is presided over iy John Bar
rett, a former Oregomjlnan, and at- .
tended one of the closing sessions ofijf
cuugre3. jjuring nii?a siay 11 mi
capital, he was admitted to practice
before the supreme ! ourt of the
United States at thaSsame session
when former Attorney1! General Mc
Reynolds was sworn Inj as associate
Justice of the supreme !rjaurt.
societies, ! ft
nd Sher-:l
led the ill
as the II
d Sher-i 5
"Music hath powerfto soothe
the savage breast! f and aids
civilized man to properly di
eest his food. Heajr the Ha
waiian Singers atM Players
at the if-
Hotel (grill
During the dinnefghour you
can imagine yourself under
the tropical palnipeaves of
the sunny South Seas. Native
music, native airs, riing in the
soft cadence of te Kanaka
tongue. t- l
Lunch 12 to 2, J5c, 50c
Dinner 5:30 tl 75c
- : 8
Sunday Dinner
One Datar
oik 1 ;-ao
Mala 1 and A-lltt
i&S TONIGHT 8:15
Supporttd by Margaret &irIai)l and ao
excellent cast lu toe cgu'dy auccraa,
Price. 11 BO. tl OOj-ITSer fine.
7 SSMtfa8 Nextl SUNDAY
Rex Bear-h rrJpptni iter 7 la
1 to e p.
s to 11 P.
M. Lower faar l&e. bal. !Oc
M. Lower flyir 25e; bal. 15c
BAKER ! aoo. L.' Baker. Ma-r.
1W, fiUnreoCin.?? 5ITJ1.P tonight. Brofdhuraf. powerful
iui ul & i v i ii is Dtjjiui, v.ui.ii,v' - , Grama,
Hollister a big majority.
ford and tumble him over the cliff ; t and. 8hortly prior to that time
j Miss Elwert,. now Mrs. Alexander, is
Cleveland Heads Educators.
Tacoma. Wash., Oct 31. Dr A A
Cleveland, of the State college at Pull
man, was elected president, and Se
attle was selected as the next conven-
r ... y al lne Ilnal session of the
Washington Educational association
here today.
lora was a mystery, wnose real nam. u d to 'hSve persuaded the mother
and antecedents are unknown. He to turn OVer(' to her much property to
uunaiauti; lAineu a guu, ana aroppeu
hints to the effect that he was expect
ing to have to use it on somebody.
Though living alone In the wilds, he
wis well read and sufficiently a polit
ical prophet to win $1000 ,on the elec
tion of Grover Cleveland when he first
ran for president.
Furniture Was BurneJ.
Hood River, Or.. Oct. 31. The home
of Mr. and Mrs. C A. Richards caught
fire Wednesday morning about '1
o'clock and several hundred dollars
worth of furniture was destroyed.
There was some insurance. ,
Robbery of Streetcar.
Los "Angeles, Oct. 81. Three high
waymen held up an Eagle Rock street
car at-.iidnight, robbing the passen
gers and crew of J75 In money and
several watches. - -.-;,
which the i brother should be entitled.
Damages Given in
Night Rider Case
South Ben$, Wash., Oct. 31. After a
deliberation of more tnan 15 hours, a
Jury on "which 'there were two women
brought in a verdict of $1000 in favor
of W. A. Wratters, who sued Trenton
Twidwell for damages.
The men are both North River resi
dents, andvbelong to different sides of
the North River feud, of which the
"Night Rider" case was a part. "Wal
ters alleged that Twid-well kicked him.
so that an operation' for an abcess be
came necessary and he was incapaci
tated for work. The original amount
asked for damages was $5000.
Oregon City Locks
Deal Nearing End
Final Details for Transfer of Title to
Government Being Arranged In San
Final arrangements between owners
of the paper mills at Oregon City and
the Portland Railway. Light & Power
company, involving the transfer of
title to the locks to the government.
tiated at San Francisco
between President Franklin T. Grif- ;
flth of the power company and the I
attorneys for the mill men.
Complications over existing con
tracts for use of water arose in con
nection with the transfer of the Jocks
property, the mill men using some of
the water that passed through the
Mr. Griffith is expected home next
Tuesday. -
i '
For the benefit' of residents of the
University Park district a special
Democratic mass meeting, hitherto un
announced, will be held at firemen's
hall, Fiske end Lombard streets. Mon
day evening at 8 o'clock. Milton A.
Miller and B. Lee Paget, candidates
for state treasurer, will speak.
Your Property Idle
Southern Oregon State Normal School Ashland
Oregon is the only state in the Union that ever reduced the number
of its normal schools?
Only five states in the Union have a smaller equipment for normals
than Oregon would were all three of its schools running?
Oregon's schools must find over 1000 new teachers each year?
Eighty per cent of the applicants for teachers' certificates in Oregon
last year had received no training above the eighth grade?
The Southern Oregon State Normal was successfully conducted for
14 years until the legislature deadlocked over the regular appro
priation? It has a plant ready to open up tomorrow, sufficient to mee.t all
requirements for several years?
Not one of Southern Oregon's counties has an educational institution
to which the state contributes a dollar of support?
To the average taxpayer of the state this school will mean less than
2 cents per .year? To the man with property assessed at $4000
it means the price of one cigar a year?
This school is to train the trainers of your children?
For the sake of our children, vote for the Southern Oregon State
Normal School, General Election November 3, 1914.
312 X YES
fPald Adv. by Committee of the People of Southern Oregon 3. H. Booth,
Roseburg; E-.' E. Blanchard. Grants Pas: W. H. Meredith: Wedderbura; C.
C. Beekmanv Jacksonville; E. V. Carter, Ashland) Wm. S. "Woralen. Klamath
Falls; S. P. Moss. Xakeview; J. P. Wells. Pres. Oregon State Teachers'
Association, Western Division. Secretary. BenJ. C Sheldon. Med ford.)
A remarkable cant and ' rodnr:on t on
ol the ereatest ylara - it nirxlern timra.
TenlnK8 25r. B5e." 50c, ilc: box $1. Sat,
Mat., 25c. 50c. boxJ-75e.3, Wed. Mat, aU -
aeata ZSc (expert box.) a
Next week "A. Womao'eJWay.'
lO Big Features-lO
COOTOTrOUB . Afterno&n. 1 to 5:30;
olCbt, fl:30 to 11:00: Suudilya, 1:00 to 11:00.
PRICES A fternnona.- 3 oc .aod lSe.
Nlgbta. 15c artft 25c.
Broadway at I
Teddy McNamara, QaaanUi William as4 the
16 Pollard Kidiea.
Baundera It Votf' Kuat
Roadell Qinaart Tha Tltaaia
Lookaaxt fc Laddie Th3 Mutual WmbIt.
Follies of Paris
Fir at Ferformaaoe at 7-15. Uo and SSa.
Morrison and lltb. GoorSa L. Baker, Kgr.
One week only Barjraii Mat. Tueadajr ,
all aeata &c (except docs. Florence KoO-
erts aod a lUonr t lnhl beautiful plar
A notable production tbS aboukl be seea
by erery man, woman nd child in thla
city. Krenlnga, 25c, 5'x-. ?&c. Sat. Mat. 2.".
Rvmemher. every nlgbl : O'la week. Two
Mata., Tiicadar and Stnryr.
, lJl
v - U o-f.M usH- A.ta. V
aWVSea V C9 s 'vn-aii sv WW BS t
A. M. dally, except Monday. Sundays
t 7:30 A. M. tor i ,
Astoria .and Wtiy Landings
Returning, leaves Astir la it 2 P. It
Fare Si. (to each way.) jjMala Hit.
Night Boat tobe Dalles
Steamer State otiWashiiigton
1 Leavea Tark.7 eu Dock til p. ea. daily ccet
Tbaraday (or Tbe Dalleag Lyle. Ueod River.
Whit saltnoa. lia&erwootft Caraee. Stereaeoe.
1 Ketornloa leaves Tbe lAltos 12 ca. aoee.
rrelabt ao4 pawencera. ; ?elDbone Id a la ia
STJt. DAIiiS CITYLa. fort land Tecaw
i Tbor. and Hat. at T a. .-ia., ar. The Dalles
and Krl., 10 a. m.. -arrlSioc In Portland at
7 p. tn. Preli-bt and paaengare accepted for
Tbe Dal W. Lyle, - Huee River, Whit Salmon,
i-okt. Creon.5lTenaon. Sascade Leeka, War
tendale. Cape - Horn ajif? Corbetta. rrelgbt
ooly fur Big EdJy aad jpeUlo. Phone dock
for reerrvatlone (or tm and -antomoMlra.
Alder 8t. Deck, rortlandf Mala flli, A-allA,
ft. F. K'DOBAUt. .BBexiateaoaat. -