The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 31, 1914, Page 13, Image 13

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T AT 42 1-2 CTS.
Values Are Strong With Only a
; Limited Supply Coming For
ware; Better Feeling Is Shown
for Fancy April Storage.
: The frenh egg market la very Strong
locally and receivers afe today securing-
42 Vic a dozen for all candled
goods. Receipts of fresh eggs con
tinue very light, and while the .ea1
in bot extensive, the wants of the
.trad' are not being supplied.
l'Rh buyers are offering from 38c
o 40c a 'dozen for fresh ranch stock,
hilt say they are unable to secure
more than a very nominal euppiy at
these prices.
Market for the best Aprils is rather
firm with values generally ruling
.round 3oc. although it is atatej that
a cent above this is being obtained in
a Jim I ted way.
Ordinary storage stock is holding
steady around 3031c a dozen, but
th call is much more limited than
for the better class offerings.
Chinese eggs continue neglected
from 18c to lo a dozen here.
Weaker feeling Is shown generally
In the chicken trade along Front
street. Some stocks will be carried
over into the coming week. These
consist entirely of small hens and
large springs, for which there Is only
a limited caJL
A shipment of 60 crates of Tokay
. grapes being sent from this city to
centralis has been condemned as un
fit for food by the local fruit In
spector. It Is stated that another big
supply out of the same car from Call
fornla wHl be condemned today.
Very quiet tone Is shcrwlng In the
tocal onion market with "further free
-offering iirom California at lower
prices, A mail advice from. San Fran
cisco states that there is likely to be
nine cnanca ror uregons there this
season on account of the bin crop In
me souin.
While ther hv hern ntilt fair
receipts of ducks in the local market
luring the last week, demand has
been at low;ebb and some stocks re
ceived at the start of the week are
aim eeing neia. .
, . While the demand for ordinary
'-"dressed hogs Is not brlffk along the
street, there is quite a good call for
. fancy offerings and the price is being
maintained ' at '. generally. Veals
continue rather dull.
' : Very ow sale of apples Is shown
i the Front streets trade. This Is
especially true of Willamette valley
tockr which are not giving satisfac
tion. As the price asked is little dif
ferent from that which better quality
If selling at. the call Is confined al
most exclusively to the latter.
i Weather bureau sends the following
notice to shippers:
Protect shipments as far north as
Seattle -against minimum tempera
tures of about 48 degrees; northeast
to Spokane, 38 degrees; southeast to
Boise. 34 degrees; south to Ashland.
4S d-grees. Minimum temperature at
Portland, tonight, shout K2 degrees.
TbeM' prices are- those at which wboleaalers
HI to retailers, extent as otherwise stated
BUTTER Nominal VV llln met te T.Uey cwL
ZZa,"' 'lD? r.r,oe' le Prints,
AM332e; ranch butter. 18ii0c; city cream
er, case lots, 84c; less tlau case lots.
lb. extra. ' 73
BJBUTTKB FAT No. 1, Portland delirery,
goes' Nearby, freshly gathered. 42 i c;
rsndled, local extrss, white, 40c; rase couut
fcuylng t. o. b. Portland, 3Sit?40c: eastern
"fresh " 85'53V", Chinese. Iftl8e do
13(814c; ducks, Pek-.n, 11 lie; colored. 10c
torkeya. 18il9c: dressed, ); nlaeons II
fit. 25; ; squabs. $2.23(82.40 Ozii; gSeVe. 'lob
JACK RABBITS Fancy dreasel fi.5oa
CHKKSB Nominal. Fresh Ocfenn, fancy full
SrOAB Cube. $6.65; powdered. $8.65: fruit
KJrr' ?-6u; bw,t -10 T granilated
40; D yellow. 15.40. (Abo. quotaUooa ar.
SO daya net cub.)
BJGE Japaa atyle. No. 1, OffloVe: New
rifi.Jre,1- ; Creole, Be? '
S05J"W( i-2",ii3.50 per case.
BEAN 9 Small white. 5c; larr. white
vt; plni" ei Um"' 814 5 6; "d.
3AIiTf?,r,eJ h,If Rronnds. 100a. $10 per
ton; 50a, 110.75: facie dairy, 60s. lis- 10.
17.50; bales, 12.25; extra iflne barrels 2?
Ba and 10s, $5.25(88.00; lump rock, $2.50 per
Fruit and Vcgetablaa.
TRESH KRUIT Oranfcea, $3.fK)fi?3.25; ba
Sanaa, 84c lb.; lemoua, $4.50fti5.50; limes
$1.00 per loo; grapefruit, $4.50fcu8 per case
pineapples, 7e pound; cantaloupes, $1(31 25
watermalons. 0cttl "X); casabas, $1.00 crate'
pear.. 75c(3$1.6o: Tokay grapes, crate
jtencords, 17Vsc basket. - '
APPLES Local. 60c(g$1.50 box, accordlnj
to quality.
VEGETABLES Turnips, $1.25; beets $150
rarrets, $K25; parsnips. $11.25 ssck; cabl
ta T5c$1.00; tomatoes, California. $1.00
lT lug; local. 40c ier lx; green onions. 10
i?t5e per dozen bunches-; pepper, bell 4 St
uBVtc; head lettuce, 75e down; celery, 40'ia75c
iien; erg plant. 7e; cauliflower. 40i370o
dusen, French artichokes, eftiftAOe doxen; string
-leans. Biy7c; cucumbers. - hothouse 4c: out
door, 20ra25e doacn; greett corn. 75c$l sack
ranberrles, eastern. $saS 50 bbl.. local, $aid
box; pes. 10c; sprouts, 7(8c pound.
jONIONB Local, fic; Californlu, 73c; garlic,
'...Tt?88 Se,nnf Prtce- El,r" fBO.
$l.l.r'U1.25 per cental; sweets, $1.803l SO.
Hopa, Wool and Hides.
HOPS Buying price, choice, lKgllHe:
Jrlme, OfiftUVac; medium to prime. Be; medium.
&S pound.
-4c: less than car lots, 4c. '
MOHAIR 1914 27 u 27 4 c
WOOL Nominal, 1W14 clip; Willamette t1.
ley coarse I Cotswold. 17Vjc; medium Shrop-
3. B. BEAB For
3 P. HVWot. 3
The Baa rtmacUoo ft Portland S. g., Co..
$d aad Washington 6ts. (with 0.-W. a. ;
. X. Co.) Tai. Marshall 4500. A-ISL
Tails from-AlDsworth dock. Portland. 8 p. m..
Every Tuesday. Freight and ticket office
tower A In-worth dock. f. c B. g g. Uar
i. fl. Kestlug, Agent. Phooa Mslo 3ao0. A
a32. City ticket office, no Sixth street. C.
i-liun"r' Aent 'ones Marshall 4500.
Situation Here Is Very Strong and
Exporting Interests Are Trying
to Grab All Available Supplies
of Both Wheat and Oats.
IjOndOB,. Oct HI. lVhat
3 to 6d higher.
October 9 21 Hs Id
December 9s 5 d 9s 3d
Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay
Monda.T 14 17 13 6
Tuesday 0 16" 7 5
Wednesday 115 17 16 7 14
Thursday rl 5 12 4 10
Friday 97 14 7 14 7
Saturday 4S 10 10 7 6
Year ago 94 8 a 14 21
Total tWi week.. 520 79 60 62 48
Year aaSJ 657 69 6 47 152
Season tfl'clate. .7311 713 978 881 7B5
Year ago ..7227 1220 883 797 998
Additlonal liberal business is re
ported In wheat and oats at Interior
Pclfic northwest points with further
good sales to Europe by local export
ing Interests.
"Oats market is showing much
strength for next month's delivery and
buyers are reported as paying- from
60c to $1 a ton above present values
for deferred shipment. These sup
plies are said to be entirely for Euro
pean account. Several cargoes have
already been sold here to go forward
ana it is reported that there is an ad
ditional demand.
With a further advance of 3 to ,3
in the price of wheat cargoes on pas
sage in the London market, there is
Increased strength in the position of
tha trade both here and in the coun
try. Quite fair business was reported
in tha Interior during the last 24
hours. Expdrting interests are scour
ing the country for supplies because
of the near approach of some of thexr
Flour market Is showing addition
al strength and while there Is further
talk of another advance in the price,
no general action has as yet been
taken, '-
CLOVER SEED Buying price:
Nominal, No. 1 recleaiied, 1314c; or
dinary, ll1412c pound; alsike, 11c
FLOUR Selling price: Patent.
$5.60; Willamette valley. $5.60; local,
straight, $4.60; erxport straight, $4;
cutoff, $4.25; bakers', $5.405.60.
HAY New crop, producers' price:
Willamette valley timothy, fancy,
$13; eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy tim
othy. $14.7515.00: alfalfa, $13.50;
vetch and oats,. $9.00 10.00; clover, $8
per ton.
GRAIN BAOS Nominal; No. 1 Cal
cutta, $8.25 8.50.
There was a sharpl-advance in wheat
bids on the Portland Merchants' Ex
change for the day with further busi-
.ness received rrom Europe. mere
was an advance of lVfec in bluestem
bids. J'ic in fortyfold. lc In club, He
in red Russian and 2c in red fife.
Oats market was likewise strength
ened on the exchange today with fur
ther business confirrrted with Europe.
Bids were advanced 75c a ton for feed,
immediate delivery. A sale of 200 tons
for delivery the last half-of November
was made at $2.
Barley prices were advanced $1 a
ton each for feed and brewing, while
bran bids were up 2oc with the sale
of 100 tons at $21.25.
Bids for future delivery wheat were
as follows:
Club December. $1.11 bid.
Bluestem December, $1.144 bid;
$1.16M ask.
Fortyfold December $1.12 bid.
Red Russian December, $1.05 bid.
Official Merchants' Exchange prices:
Bat. Frl. Mon.
Bid. Ask. Bid. Bid.
Bluestem $1.13 $1.14 $1.HH $!-&
Forty-fold 1.124 114
Club 1.10 1.12
Red Russian .. 1.08 1.05
Ked Fife 1.05 1.07
Peed $28.75 $29:25
1.0314 1.01
1.03 1.02
$28.00 $29.00
Feed . . .
. $23.00 $25.00 $22.00 $22.50
.. 24.00 23.00 23.50
. $21.25 $23.25 $21.00 $22.00
22.00 23.00
Willamette ralley wheat generally le abore
the club.
San Francisco Grain Market.
San Francisco, Oct. 31. Barley calls:
Today Ftiday
r Open Close Close
Pecember $1.2015r $1.21 $1.21 W
May 1.30 1.2814 1 20U
Spot prices: WTieat, Walla Walla, $1.82
(31.85; red Russian, $1.80gl.85; Turkey red,
$1.85l-00; bluestem, $1.00(gl$1.95.
Feed barley, $1.10 1.72 ft.
White oata, $1.501.56.
Bran, $25.00; middlings, $30.00931.00;
shorts, $25.U026.00.
San Francisco Dairy Produce.
San Francisco, feet.1 81. Eggs Extras, 51c;
pellets, 41 He; California storage extras, 30c.
Butter Extras, JWVbc; prima firsts, 27c;
firsts, 26c; seconds, 24c.
' Cheese California fancy, 1614c; firsts,
1214 c; seconds, 10c
Denver Sheep Higher.
Denrer, Colo., Oct. 31. Cattle, 100. Market
firm; steers, $6.60(7.40; cows and heifers,
$50(36.50; stockers and feeders. $8.0O(S7.25;
calves. $709.00. .
Hogs 100. Market steady with 1 load $7.40.
Sheep 1600. Market higher. Yearlings,
$5.50(36.00;- wethers, $5.00(5.50; lambs, $6.75
7.3o-; ewes, $4.50(5.35.
Omaha Hogs Higher.
South Omaha, Oct. 31. Cattle, none.
Hors 3400. Market 5c higher. Bulk $7.05
7.20; top, $7.50.
Sheep None.
Kansas City Sheep Higher.
Kansas. City, Oct. 81. Hoga, 2600. Market
steady. 'Tops $7.55.
CaUla 500. Market firm.
Sheep-500. Market 5c higher.
hire, 18$?c; choice fancy lota, ' 10a20c lb.;
eastern Oregon. 14Q20c; according tfo shrink
age. HIDES Dry hides. 25c lb.; green, 12c:
salted hides. 18c; bulls, green salt, 0c; kips,
13Q14c; eaWes, dry, 25c; calf aklna salted
or green, 13c; green . hides, lc less than
salted; aheep pelts, caltcd. shearings, 1041
85c; dry. 10c.
TALLOW JJo. 1. 4144Hc;- No. 2. 4'
c grease. 3!$'fi4e.
Meats, FUh and Provisions.
DRESSKD MEATS Selling price Country
killed; hogs, fsncy. 8H(&c; ordinary, 8c;
rough and heary, 7714c; fancy yeals, 11c:
ordinary, 10(B101c; poor, 7(gbc; goau. 324c:
spring lambs, 10c.
HAMS. BACON, ETC. Hams. 17142210;
breakfast bacon, 20S30c; oiled ham. 29c!
picnics, 14c: cottage. 1714c.
MEATS Packing house Steers. No. 1 stock.
12c; cows. No. 1 stock, 11c; ewea. 10c; weth.
ere. 11 He; lamba,' l4c; pork loins, 18c;
dressed hogs, 12e.
OYSTERS Olympia, per gallon. $3.75;
panned eastern, 55c can;. $6.50 doxen; eastern.
In shell. $1.752.00 per 100; raaor clams.
$2.00(&25. box; eastern oysters, per gallon,
solid pack, $3.50(83.75. '
FISH Dressed flounders, 7c; Chinook sal
mon, SSc; silver side, 6c; perch, 6&Sc lb.;
lobsters, 25c lb.; silver smelt,. 8c; salmon
trout, 18c; halibut, 710e ponnd.
LARD Tierces, 1214c; compound, tierces,
CRABS Large. $1.50; medium. $1.00 doa
Paints aad Oils.
LINSEED OIL Kaw. bhla.. 6Te per aal.:
kettle boiled, bbla., 68c; raw, cases, 72c;
boiled cases, 74c gal; lota of 250 gallons, lc
less; oil eaka meal, $44 per ton.
WHITE LEAD loa lots, 7l4c per lb.: 000
lb. lota. 74e per lb.: leas lots, 8c per lb.
OIL MEAL Carload lota, $34.
TURPENTINE la caaea, 67c; tanks, 60c
per gallon.
COAL OIL Water white on drums, and
Iron barrels, 10c.
Edited by Hyman H. Cohen.
At Last Moment They Fail to
Beat Market Down Farther and
Are Forced to Pay 11 and 11 He
for Best Stuff in the Valley.
Quite heavy business has passed In
the hop market at Willamette valley
points during the fast 48 hours. Shorts
nave been covering their octoDer ae
livery sales and transactions in the
valley have been reported as high as
1114c a Dound for the better class
Charles Werner of this city is re-
fiorted the purchaser of the Roy Mor
ey lot of 400 bales In the Silverton
Bectlon at the extreme price, 1114 c a
Another Silverton aale, that of
August Elton, 140 pales was report
ed this morning at 11c a pound, but
the name of the buyer has been with
held. George Yergen of Aurora sold 298
bales to another buyer at 11c a pound
and several more sales were reported
in that section around the same price.
A noticeable feature of the trad in
the hop market during "the last 48
hours is that -while there has been
an excellent demand from parties sup
posed to be short, at extreme values,
poor and ordinary quality has been
entirely neglected. This indicates to
the general trade that someone has
been selling heavy supplies short for
October delivery and being unable to
force the market down further, has
been rushing to cover at the last min
ute. These higher priced sales should not
be taken as an indication that the
market for hops is better. Such is not
the case. Latest reports from the east
Indicate that brewers are not purchas
ing additional supplies' at this time,
the beer makers simply taking in
what they had purchased previously.
Chicago Wheat Is
Fractionally' Lower
Market Firmer and Higher Early;
Bullish Liverpool Trade la
a Big Factor.
Chicago, Oct. 31. While closing
prices for wheat were Vic a bushel
lower than yesterday's finals, the
market showed considerable strength
at the outset Foreign markets were
sharply higher for both spot and fu
ture delivery and the sharp advance in
the price of cargoes influenced con
siderable buying here.
Broomhall cabled from Liverpool
that the wheat market was strong on
American strength and unfavorable
weather in Argentina. Heavy takings
are reported of all offered cargoes and
parcels of winters are being paid for
at the rate of 4Vid and Manitobas at
3d advance.
Range of Chicago prices furnished
by Overbeck & Cooke company, 215
217 Board of Trade building-
Opening High Low Close.
May ....
116 1164 11514 115A
122 12214 1211? 121
... 89 694
... 71 . 71
... 494 49
... 6314 63
62 B
May . ..
January 1892 1892
floay ............ luii itfi
January 990 990
November 1075 1075
January 885 987
Saturday Friday
Thursday .
Tuesday ..
Monday ...
This Week Tear ago
..$1,481,241.17 $1,618,546.2
.. 1.584.612.12 1.777,029.33
.. 1.525,635.20 1.586.762.48
.. 1.627,274.55 1.885,175.53
.. 1,954,963.74 2,258,892.81
.. 1,800,306.10 2,515.013.10
Week .
...$9,074,032.94 $11, 641.419.47
Seattle, 'Oct. 31-Clearfnga, $1,712,927. Bal
ance), $264,002.
Seattle Dairy Produce.
Seattle, Oct. 81.--Bg Fresh ranch. 60
51c; eastern fresh, 3540c; oriental. 18c
Butter Local cubea, 84c; bricks, 85c; Ore
gon cubes, S233c.
Cheese Wisconsin, 19c; Washington. 17
Q 18c.
Chicago Hogs Lower.
Chicago, Oct. 31. Hogs, 14.000. Market 6c
lower. , Light $7.107.eO; mijed, $7.107.65;
heaTy, $7.057-63; rough, $7.057.15.
Cattle 700. Market steady.
Sheep 6000. Market -weak.
Non-Partisan Judge
Bill to Be Discussed
Those In Doubt as to Wisdom of meas
ure Invited to Attend Meeting at the
Central Library Tonight.
Judge Henry E. McGinn and John F.
Logan will discuss the merits of the
non-partisan Judiciary bill In Hall A
In the public library this evening
at 8 p. m. They have made a par
ticular study of i this measure and as
there has been some opposition from
certain sources, they would be pleased
to have those In doubt to attend this
meeting. This bill was drafted and
Initiated by Judge lC. U. Gantenbein,
Republican; Judg W. N. Gatens,
Democrat, and W. M. Davis, Progres
sive, who say that until certain cor
poration lawyers started to oppose the
measure 'it was supposed, that. It was
satisfactory to all the attorneys. The
State Bar association went on record
as favoring a nonpartisan Judiciary
Salem, Or., Oct. 31. The widow of
Louis Labitsky. who was killed near
Astoria October 20 by a falling tree,
and her five children have been grant
ed a pension totaling $50 per month
by the accident commission. The wid
ow is paid at the rate of $$0 per month.
The Hubbard Creamery company has
filed a complaint against the Molaya
Electric company, asserting that the
service rendered Is very poor and lia
ble to interruption at any time with
out notice, due to carelessness or mis
management, or bot&.i It is contended
that the rats of 2H cents for the first
20 kilowatts Is too high.
Claude Simmons has been brought
back here from SlOslaw, charged with
larceny because be took a mortgaged
team out of Marion county. He says
he owes only $30 on the team and con
tends he knew nothing about the pro
visions of the law.
. Journal , Want Ads bring results.
Only Two Loads of Swine Come
Forward and These Are Direct
to Killer; General Situation Is
the Same as on Friday.
Hogg: Cattle CaWes Sheep
120 ... .. '
$$ 148 19 47
Kta 48 .. 1073
640 5 .. 870
345 2G0 . . ' 51
2678 1255 8 10O7
532 ... .. ....
55S ... .. 704
2U1 135 .. 1858
M2 83 32 48
Thursday .
Tuesday . .
Week ago . . .
i ear ago ...
2 years ago..
d years ago. ,
Aside from the receipt of two car
loads .of swine which' came direct to a
local meat company from its buyer at
Canby, there were no arrivals In the
North Portland yards overnight.
Not a single hoof of livestock, came
forward for the general market. Con
ditions in the hog trade continue to re
flect a fair degree of steadiness. Lat
est sales of tops at $7 indicate that
killers here have been working off
ineir rormer surplus.
At Chicago there was a weaker tone
today in the swine trade with tops at
Kansas City hog market was steady
with tops at 57. 55.
Omaha hog market turned strong
with an advance of a nickel for the
day. lops. $7.50.
Deliver hogs were steady with tops
at J.40 tnis morning.
General hog market
Best light $6.907.00
Medium light 6.806.85
Good and heavy 6.75
Kough and heavy 6.00(Q6.25
vatue situation uncaangea.
jno cnange is shown In the cattle
market situation. There were no ,ar
rivals overnight to test sentiment of
trade, but latest transactions Indicate
a continuation of the recent weakness
which caused a lowering of values,
At Chicago there was a steady tone
in tne cattle trade witfi tne price list.
Kansas City cattle market was firm
at former Drices
Omaha had no cattle arrivals for
the day but the trend of the trade was
considered steady
Denver cattle market was firm with
top steers at $7.40.
General cattle market ranee:
Selected steers $6. 90 7.00
Good to prime 6.75 6.85
tiood to choice b.oo
Ordinary to fair 5.766.25
Best cows 5.75
Good to prime. .. .' 5.65
Ordinary 5.25 5.50
Selected calves 8.00
Fancy bulls 5.25(35.50
Ordinary 4.00 (a 4.25
Mutton Market Firm.
All through the market for mutton
so far as good quality is concerned,
there remains a rather strong tone in
the North Portland yards. No arrivals
for the day were noted.
Poor stuff has been neglected of late
and this sort of stock should be kept
at home until it is available for the
killers. Some of the poor stuff from
the interior shipped to this city re
cently has been reshipped to the coun
try from where It came and will be
fed there for a later market.
At Chicago-there was a weak ton In
the mutton trade but values were not
disturbed for the day.
. Kansas City mutton market wa
strong at an advance of 5c
Omaha had no mutton supplies on
the market today.
Denver mutton market ruled sjtfong
and higher.
General mutton market:
Best yearlings ....$5.50
Old wethers 6.25
Best ewes . . . 4.35
Best east mountain' lambs..
Valley light young lambs.. 5.65 5.85
Heavy spring lambs 5.00 5.50
Livestock Receipts Compared,
i Comparative statement of llvestoclt ' reeelpta
at North Portland (news for the varloua pe
riods: Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep
Oct. 1914 6.232 398 23,280 27,205
Oct. 1913 6. 886 586 18,505 23,743
Gain 1914 ...
Iyoas 1914 ...
Year to date . .
Stxme 1914 ...
i. ... 4.775
54 1S8
65.741 2322 173.692 254,009
69.3Q3 4378 146,555 24S.455
Gain 1914 .'. 27,137
Loss 1914 8.5H2 2058
Friday Afternoon Sales.
Section No. At. lb.
Oregon 2 - 93'
Oregon ......... 10 111
Oregon 11 234
Oregon 48 1"8
Oregon 1 3S4
Oregon 7 - 214
Oregon 24 123
- 7.00
Harry Lewis, Pioneer Resi
dent of Southern Oregon,
Probably Fatally Injured,
(United Press Leased Wire.)
Grants Pass, Or., Oct. 31. Harry
Lewis, a pioneer resident of southern
Oregon, was shot white hunting In the
Gallce district Friday by his brother,
Ernest Lewis, by whom he was mis:
taken for a deer. A deer had been
wounded and the men were trailing It
along a rldge when the accident oc
curred. The bullet from a .25-35 high power
rifle entered the left Side, passed
through the lung cavity and shattered
the right arm. The wounded man was
carried 12 miles through the moun
tains before medical aid could be ob
tained. The wound Is considered fatal by
the Mysicians. Lewis Is 40 years old
and tBe brother who fired the shot is
about 28 years.
Day Is Set for
Hanging of Pender
Judge Eakin Signs Warrant to Deliver
Condemned Man to State Prison and
Seta Execution for Kovember 87.
St. Helens, Or., Oct. 31. Judge Eakln
of the circuit court this week signed
a warrant directing Sheriff John to
deliver to the superintendent of the
penitentiary John Arthur Pender with
in 20 days, and in the same warrant
directed the superintendent of the peni
tentiary to execute the commands of
the court by hanging Pender on the
twenty-seventh day of November, 1914.
Sheriff John started today for, Salem
to deliver Pender to the penitentiary.
Shortage in Fancy Salinas in Cali
fornia Creates Demand for Best
Oregon; Dealers Are Able tP
Pay 75c in the Country.
The market for .potatoes Is beginning
to show signs of life with purchased
of a few carloads of extra fancy Bur
banks at 75c a cental, country ship
ping points.
Several cars have been purchased
recently and shipped to San Srancisco
where sales have averaged perhaps
$1.151.20 a cental. Dealers say that
if they can purchase extra good qual
ity at 75c at country points here with
either a 25c or 30c freight rate, they
will be able to secure some of the
higher class California business.
Owing to the extreme shortage In
the Salinas. CaX, section this season,
there Is a good chance for fancy Ore
gons to Invade the bigger markets
With the California river section
showing a very heavy crop this sea
son there seems to be small chance of
much business immediately ' in ordi
nary stock although dealers say they
would be able to pay 60 to 65c for
good shipping quality at country
German Settlement Is Bom
barded by Japanese Fleet;
Pursuit of Emden.
(UnftedT'rees Leased Whe.l
Toklo, Oct. 31. Japanese, English
and Indian troops were reported today
to have taken another of the Germans'
outlying Kiao Chau forts and to be as
saulting the entire Teutonic position
with great violence.
The Japanese fleet was also close
inshore, heavily bombarding the settle
ment, part of which was said to have
been burned already.
The attack was the fiercest since the
operations against Kiao Chau began.
the Japanese evidently being de
termined to hasten the campaign's end
in their own favor.
Assurances were given here that the
fleetest of the mikado's cruisers were
seeking the German cruiser Emden and
that there was no question the vessel
would soon be destroyed or f orced to
intern In a neutral port. ,
m 1
Belgian Relief Fund
Committee at Work
Cash Contributions Are Being Solicited
for Distribution Through Official
Funds for the relief of the Belgian
people made destitute by the war In
Europe are being collected In this state
by an organization known as the Bel
gian Relief Fund committee, with
headquarters In Portland.
The committee- solicits cash sub
scriptions to be distributed among the
needy through Belgian official chan
nels. Donations will be accepted at
the Belgian vice-consulate. In the Lab
be building, on lower Washington
street, at the Hibernia Savings bank.
First. National bank, and at the main
office of the Home Telephone company.
Park and Burnside streets. A receipt
will be issued for each contribution, no
matter how small.
The committee will undertake an ac
tive campaign for funds . throughout
the state, and plans forming sub-committees
in other cities. It is also In
tended to write personal letters to all
Belgian residents In Oregon, asking
their cooperation lri the movement.
Officers of the committee are: Sam
uel Hill, honorary president; Dr. Oc
tave J. G of fin, president; J. Van Hoo
mlsaen, secretary, and C Henri Lab be,
Realty Men Note
; Business Better
Comment Is Fully Made That Xmprore
ment Is Constantly Noticeable, The
Journal Paid Compliment.
Realty men attending the regular
weekly luncheon of the Portland
Realty Board at the Commercial club,
commented freely on the fact that
business is growing better with each
succeeding day and J. Fred Larsen
called attention to the fact that The
Journal Is giving such nws front
page publicity. .
The board members held an Informal
discussion of various topics and then
marched In a body to the Manufac
turers and Land Products show.
Dr. D. M. Holbrook spoke at the
luncheon and urged the defeat of the
dentistry bill, which will be voted
on at Tuesday's election.
Bank Receiver Sued.
Centralla, Wash, Oct. 31. Mabel
Birge and Lizzie F. Blrge . yesterday
filed suit in the Lewis county superior
court against Francis A. Chapman, re
ceiver forthe United States National
bank. In an effort to force Mr. Chap
man to turn over to them a safety de
posit . box which they allege contains
$13,500 In cash.
Vancouver Marriage Licenses.
Vancouver, Wash., Oct. 81. Marri
age licenses were Issued yesterday by
the county auditor , to the following
persons: William Henry Shields and
Birdie Hoyt, both of Portland; Walter
Atkins and Augusta L Moreley. both
of Corvallls.
Overbeck & Cooke Co.
Vv Stocks. Bonds, Cotton, a rain, sta,
SlS-217 Board of Trad Buiiaisg.
Members Chicago Board of Traded
' Correspondents of Logan Bryan.
m.wSo, New Tors.
Municipal Employes Are to
Be Given a Chance to Vote
at General Election.
The city hall will be closed Tuesday,
election day, and the outside employes
or me city will be allowed an hour and
a half off in which they may vote. As
the day Is a legal holiday, the city
commissioners are to sped the after
noon on the renovated f ireboat George
H. Williams, for the purpose of mak
ing an official test.
Fire Chief Dowell's idea of a trip on
a new boat Is to serve refreshments,
and had asked whether or not to pro
vide coffee or sandwiches, but the city
commissioners had given him no def
inite answer In this regard. The chief
tninKs that the occasion necessitates
refreshments, contending that the trial
trips of all boats are gala events.
Measure Affecting License Bureau
Is Considered.
A number of Important changes In
the license ordinance are made in. the
measure creating the bureau of li
censes considered by the city council
Friday morning. No definite action
was taken on the measure, however.
The ordinance provides for the nay-
ment of $100 a year license for base
ball parks, which has never been done,
before, fixes license fee for theatres
according to their seating capacity.
raises the fee for private detective
agencies, puts the old circus license
ordinance again Into effect, besides
making numerous other small changes.
A number of features were opposed
to by Commissioner Brewster, who con
tended that only the places that wece
subjected to police regulation should be
It was decided to delay final action
iirit.1T ti matter TnnA hon thnrnnfl'hlT"
discussed. It was fixed, however, so j
that the license tags for the ensuing J
year will be In conformity with the
ordinance when adopted.
i Remonstrance Insufficient.
Remonstrance filed against the im
provement of Bast Thirtieth street
from Alberta to Alnsworth avghue
contains only 65.9 per cent of bona
fide owners Instead of 61 per cent
as originally represented, according to
Commissioner Dieck in a statement
made to the city council Friday morn
ing. The Improvement may go through
as 60 per cent Is necessary to kill an
improvement-j proceeding. City At
torney La Roche is to make further
investigation, jad if found that the
remonstrance is insufficient the im
provement will be taken up on its
merits. 1
Announcement iVas Premature.
The members of the city council are
Incensed because of the fact that nego
tiations were under way for the use of
the.-pld Taylor Street Methodist .church
for 'use as a home for the unemployed
had been made public Commissioner
Brewster says that an announcement
at this time that Portland Is going to
establish a municipal lodging house
means that Portland will get more
than Its share of the unemployed from i
various parts of the northwest.
Quarterly Billing Authorized.
The city council yesterday au-
ty f.rl v mA Will VT TVolv nTrTn1 arrlnrii
of puDll0 utilities, to arrange for the
quarterly billing system as provided
for by the people Tuesday and fix the
date which It shall take effect This
will probably be done December, 1, as
Commissioner Daly expects to make a
number of changes in the water rates
to take effect at that time. Definite
arrangements are to be made by hlro
this afternoon at a meeting with the
heads of the water bureau.
Railroad Will Make Repairs. i
With an agreement reached between
the city council and Attorney C. II.
Carey, representing the Spokane, Port
land & Seattle railroad yesterday
the railroad company is to repair dam
age done to the structure by the fill
made In Sullivan's gulch, and make
further .repairs upon a determination
of facta
Will Remove Pier Stubs.
The city council has appropriated
$5000 for the removal of the old piers
under the east approach of the Morri
son street bridge, which" are deemed a
menace to navigation.
Plumbing Contract JLet. J
Fox & Company will remodel the ;
plumbing In the city hall and will re
ceive $845 for the work. The city
council yesterday awarded them the '
contract. ' !
Pacific "U" Has
Happy Class Day
Pacific University, -Forest Grove, Or.,
Oct. SL All-College Day celebrated
here yesterday was a success.and only
the Inclement weather conditions
marred an otherwise perfectly ar
ranged day. , Miss Margaret Lowell,
president of the Senior class, presided.
A piano duet was given by Misses
Martin and Howard, following WftJch
the' ''Christian associations were rep
resented by Clinton E. Ostrander,
president of the T. M. C A.; athletics
by Captain Tupper of the football
team, and forensics by Zenas A. Olson,
For the first time ln the history of
the university, the' lower classmen
came in arrayed in green caps,, a com
plete surprise to the other classes, and
Canadian Bank
of Commerce
Head Office
Established 1867
A General Banking: Business
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Commercial Letters of Credit
Exchange on London, England,
Bought and Sold
Corner Second and Stark Sts.
F. C Malpas. Manager -
Forthcoming Opening of
at San Francisco Renews Interest in
Be Established in This City. .. .
The establishment of the regional
bank for the Pacific coast at San
Francisco, which ts xpected to occur
during the coming month, has J re
newed interest In the branch bank
which will be established In Portland.
Bank officials of this city say that
the early opening of the branch "bank
after the regional Institution la under
way is practically a necessity, con
sidering the laws under which the re
gional bank members will be forced
to operate. While it is true that
much of the local business can be ac
complished through the banket San
Francisco, still there will be so many
questions regarding loans and dis
counts coming up every day that a
branch will be found to be an lnsrne
diate necessity. ;
Directors to Be Selected. t
Officials of the . San Francisco jf
serve bank will appoint four direcf
for the Portland bank. These may be.
bankers or other persons, the Choice'
being optional. In additoln to these
four men, the government will ap
point three directors, but It Is under
stood that these must not be con
nected with the banking business.
The seven directors will have charge
of the selection of other officials of
the branch bank. There Is much
speculation regarding the quarters
that will be secured for the- Portland
branch of the regional banks. A num
ber of locations have been mentioned
In some quarters the Impression pre
vails that the old bank building of the
FlrsJ National will be used
First National at Portland.
In this connection It Is rather Inter
esting to note that Ve First National
bank of Portland was tKif first na
tional banking Institution located west
of the Bfocky mountains. Not tmly
in tf)er Pa"t of the program, gave some
characteristic everyaay happenings In
the livetf of the sophomores. The sec
ond year class retaliated with a nurs
ery stunt with the black witch and
broom. The Juniors with "the Seniors
at Judgment Day," made a hit.
' The afternoon exercises were post
poned on account of rain, and the re
mainder of the day was spent In col
lege songs.
In the evening the wearers of the
green cap were put through a strenu
ous Initiation, the formal Introduction
Into college life. The banquet 'which
followed was served in Herrlck hall,
125 being seated at the tables. The
toasts were as follows, being arranged
in the form of an anagram, the Initial
letters spelling Pacific:
Presiding Genie Clinton E. Ostrand
er, toastmaster. Arts black and awful.
Professor Learned, faculty. Cauldrons,
3. O. AXVSWOmTX. President.
B. U!A BAXZITS, Tlce-Presldemt.
W. A. HOLT, Asst. Cashier.
Fifth and Morrison Streets
r i
Capital and Surplus - $3,500,000 ,
later eat Paid em Savings and Tim Deposits 3
Security Savings and Trust Company
. Fifth ancl Morrison Streets
- Capital and Surplus - - $400,000
The Bank of Persona! Service
Our distinct aim is to make and keep this bank active, .
progressive and an up-to-date institution. jf
The present gratifying condition of the may be
s easily traced to the satisfactory service and courteous treat
ment extended to air; patrons. :Jj ' ;
We extend you a cordial invitation to do yo&r banking
business with tea. : .-s'fc m
L . a i, l -hi
: We Pay 4 Interest on Sayings Deports
Merchants National Bank
Pounded 1886.
Ladd & Tilton
! ...
Commercial anil
Regional Reserve Bank
Branch to
has it been known far; and wide as a
pioneer Institution. tut for many
years before the establishment of
local ibanks at ; Various Pacific north
west cities was considered the home .
bank for a wide territory. Today "..
Portland has five national banks, the
First National, Merchants' National.
Lumbermen' National. Northwestern
National, and the United States Na
tional. All of them are today among
the leaders of the coast.
Visit the Show.
Every business man and erery-;
worker who earns hlgj livelihood here!
should pay at least 'jti visit to the.
Manufacturers' and j Land Products
show now being held in . the ArmTT.
The Pacific' northwest Is a bis; aeoa
tion and even those acquainted wlttt-i
the various localltiesecarcely realie
the immense strides juade during the
last few years In , agriculture, hortW;
culture and In mercantile and menu
facturlng lines. Practical demonstr ac
tions of various businesses are shown
daily and aside from he fact that tha
show" should be liberally patronised
for encouragement jUsake. everyone
should go for the goo.i that It will do
tnem personally. The cost is zb eenta
less than the prlcejof a cheap seat
in a theatre.
Horses Ar Wanted. !
The United States government hasi
Joined with European's governments Iot- i
jumping into the market for horses. " !
1 Th lrufll nia rt .rma.t.r ri,nar(m,nf SM
has asked for 8led: proposals, which
will be received until? 11 a. m., No
vember 2, for the furnishing of 600
young horses for cavalry tand artil
lery service. The htjtrses wanted art
not to be less thejs 3 H' years old.
Full information lsjffriven In an ad
vertisement in the c&sslfled columns
of The Journal. jjf
Howard R. Taylor, alumni. Imps, Lura
B. Tamiesle, seniors: Fairies, Edward
O. Dibble, Juniors. incantatlons, Ed
ward Burns, sophomores. Cats, New
ton" McCoy, Jr., freshmen. '
Babstatton Robbed.
The pbstof flee, substation at Union
avenue and Broadway was broken into .
by "a burglar last night and $14 worth
of stamps and $6 in cash was taken.
Entrance was gained when a Jimmy
14 Inches long, which was found
nearby, was used to open a back win
dow. The money and stamps was In
a Itfavy cash drawer. The cash In
cluded 200 pennies and the rest was
in small silver. Postof flee inspectors
and city detectives are working on the
Journal Want Ads brine results.
- $1,000,00CT
- $1,000,000
' lli
St. VT. BCBidSZB, Cashier.
Asst. Cashier. ll
P.f a. dicx. Asst. Cashier.
First W
Washington and Fourth Streets
Savings Deposes
J -' .
. i - - ' it