The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 31, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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O ...
New- House of Worship at
East Sixth and Holladay Is
Hajidsome' Structure,
y The Second Church of Christ, Scient
ist wlllbpen Its handsome new edifice,
at East feixth street and Holladay ave-
Sruc, tomorrow. The regular Sunday
: servtceawtll be held at 11a. in. and 8
P. m.,arnT an ndditional service has i
bcn arranged for tomorrow afternoon, j
at S o'clock. With the completion of
Second church, all 'the Christian Sci- ;
enr-e churches rf Portland are now oro-
vineci with trulUlinpK of their own, ex
cepting Fifth church, which waa only
OrKBnizcd last cnrln:.
. v The new building, which faces south,
nearly fills the luOxlOO lot. located on
the northwest coiner of East Sixth
street and Holladay avenue. The archi
tectural plan i K fteortre Koti; L""- I :
, ham's, and la of the Doric order. 'Six -r-r t TJ7'1 1 TM A,
Doric columns sustain the high and ; J H10I1 Will jl6Cb
rjiai. luim lli'O Ml IIUIIl li.L lilt" I11IJII
entrance on lfolladay avenue.
This entrance opens into a. commodi- j
oin -foyer,' from which two stairways ,
Ipnrl til t Vl o cm 1 1 ,1 1 1 ri r t i m oVtni-A A A run. '
; . tors' ro'jm adjoins the' foyer. The au
ditorium, which has a sliplitly sloping
Poor, has been so planned that from
very . one of the thousand seats a
full view of the readers' platform can
, he hadS .
.Four carefully placed columns sup
port the vaulted r-ritlnp, which centers
In a' dome 3H feet hl(?h. The walls and
ceifiltit; are r.f n rr;i'' tint htk! "ie
tvo.s&work Ih ftnipherl In old ivory. The
pew a'e of'nak, with a finish of dull
pr'iy, and m.ikf a pie;, sin-; o : t : t
with th rich J' 'f-in-h blue carpet whlclf
i overs t he aisles.
There are 4.'t0 light concealed In the
main cornice, furnishing' soft, even
Upht In nil parts of the auditorium
without "hailnws. Hidden lights are
N 1 wl"-' ' it-' I
New edifice of Second Church of CHrist Scientist, at East Sixth street and Holladay avenue.
Officers on Monday
The election of officers of the Port
land Christian Endeavor Union will
take rijace Monday evening at the
called executive committee meeting to
he held in the First Christian church.
Park and Columbia streets. A full at
tendance of local society officers and
; committee chairmen Is expectad.
S( eral new societies will be" received
into the union during the evening,
i among them being the largest Christian,
Kndeavor society of the state. This
Is the one organized in the Zion
lerniiin- Congregational church. at
Fast Ninth and Fremont streets. Last
Sunday evening they had 226 present !n
their prayer meeting, which is not an
uin sual number. Several amendments
In the ni'psfrit union constitution will
also used t,, lUjit the dome, fare has f lt(. voU.(1 pon whioh will put the union
be.-n ned in fX.e selection of the win-ull .A h,.tt,.r working basis for the com
dow glass, which is of the opalescent , t v,.a r A recognition service, for the
variety, with a basis of ambe-i ! benefit of publicly introducing the
Atithe front of the auditorium Is the , .,, ,is( ian Endravor experts of the city,
render' platform, over, and back of : wH) anotnPr interesting part of the
w!;lcli t-thc organ screen ttiat will con- ; j,lt,gram
real the pit,vs fif the $5000 organ to be ! ' -
Installe.I within a few weeks. To the, , ;
!r,rj':oJ::w:orwnconlweek 01 itevival
Tn the rear, and pttparated from the
auditorium, are KeparCte. rooms for the
readers, sol'iist.s, nrgarnist and nursery.
1'rom the front and east fover stair
ways lead to The HSypday s i"fil roo-n I
below, designed to accommodate 350
children. steain beating plant is
Installedxlti tiie. sub-basement. A well
planned ventilating system will make
Begins Tomorrow
There will be a week of revival at
the White Temple beginning tomor
row. The services will be conducted
by the singing and preaching evan
gelist. Rev. . Bruce Evans. Mr.
possible a frequ.tit change of air in the j Kv.tns will have charge- of the cam
large building. I Paign throughout, although Rv. W.
The building is of the se-ml-f lreproof ! B. Hinwon will assist. ,
order, havl ng' concrete walls to the au-I I r. Hinson will preach in the mom
dltorlum floor, the balance of the con-j at 11 o'clock, and will take for
Btructlon bclriK of interlocking tile. The i U" theme "Old Time Religion." The
exterior Is of cement piaster, painted a: Temple Quartet will be heard in the
cream color. Tho building's cost is 1 anthem "God so Loved the World"
140.000. The building site was pur- j (( rucifixJon by Stainer, and for the
chased a year ago, and construction i offertory will sing "Though Your Sins
work started In February of this year. as Scarlet." Doane.
Services whioh---led to the organiza- ! Rev- J- Bruce Evans will preach tn
tlou t Serond Church of Christ. Sci- I evening from the subject "What
entlHt. In 1K97. wore first held in 1VJ3. No'-" At this service the Temple
when a small group of those interested Quartet will be heard In the anthem
In Christian Science met at the rest- i 1 "riKt 13 KnocKtng at my bad Heart"
dence of one of their on the! Otls, and special solos will be sung
west side. About a year later a hall ! b' Mra- Virginia S. Hutchinson and
in the Tourney building, on Second and j Norman A. Hoose.
Taylor streets, waa engageq ana serv- j J
i pm held there until the increased at
tendance made larger quarters neces
sary. The hall in the Auditorium
building, on Third street, WM then se
cured. It was while tiere that a char
ter was secured and the church organ
ized. Later services were held in the
present IJtks' temple, on Stark street
Rev. H. C. Stover of Council. Idaho,
has been extended a unanimous call
to become pastor of the Central Con
gregational church at Salem, which
has been without a pastor since the
death of Rev. T. J. Woodcock. The
Invitation has been accepted and he
will take up the new charge In about
a month.
Evangelist E. F. Bulgin will conduct
revival meetings at Milton during the
third or last week In November. All
the churches of Milton and Freewater
have Joined in the erection of a tab
eftSacle where, the meetings will be
"Billy" Williams, the "drummer
evangelist," has begun a union meet
ing at the Farmington Methodist
church near Hlllsboro, to continue
through Monday night.
Will Be Honor Quest.
Rev. Henry Marcotte of the West
minster Presbyterian church of Port
land will spend Sunday and Monday
on the campus of the University
Of Oregon delivering sermons and
speeches and meeting the students.
Monday night .he speaks at a Y. M.
CA. meeting on the "Divinity and
Humanity of Christ."
Ministers Attend
Retreat at Orenco
A score of Presbyterian pastors of
Portland and the vicinity, representing
about one-third of the membership of
the Portland Presbytery, attended a
retreat for purely devotional purposes
at Orenco Wednesday. No business
was transacted. Starting at 9 o'clock.
Rev. Henry Marcotte had charge for
one hour, and for successive periods
was fellowed by Rev. F. W. Seeman
and Rev. F. D. Findley, of the United
Presbyterian church. In the afternoon
Rev. A. J. Montgomery led for the
firs't- hour and afterwards Rev. John
H. Boyd, of the First Presbyterian
church, presided at the communion.
Music tBe Feature of Pro
gram; Talk in Prohibition
Will Be Delivered.
what church members ; FRIENDS WILL HOLD
Reed Professor to
Discuss Great War
A second series of five sermons
treating of the European war begins
at the Church of Our Father, Yam
hill street and Broadway, . tomorrow
night. The one tonight on "China and
the Present World Crisis" will be by
Dr. Kenneth Scott Latourette, profes
sor of history In Reed oeilege.
Dr. Max Pearson Cushlng, professor
of history In the same Institution, will
deliver the other four. The subject
for November 8 ls-"PrehlstorJo- Grop
ings; or the Dawn of Religion," The
subjects for Sundays following are:
November 15, "Egyptian Religion and
Thought; Some Remarkable Discov
eries;" November S2, "The Gate of
God; or the Beginnings of Semltle
Faith;" and November 29, "Another
Branch of the Main) Stream; the Re
ligion of Ancient- Greece."
This series follows those that have
been given during the month Just end
ing. An effort is made in the ser
mons still further to interpret the
deeper moral and spiritual signifi
cance of the war.
TIniversalists Will
LHave Special Service
Speaks to Ministers.
The Portland Ministerial federation
holds its regular monthly meeting
Monday morning at 10:30 In the Y.
M. C. A. Rev. F. L. Loveland of the
First Methodist church will read a
paper on, "The Necessity for Sane
Leadership in Church and State."
Will Tell of Trip.
At Kenilworth Presbyterian church
tomorrow morning, Ellton Shaw will
ten of his trip to the Presbyterian
general assembly at Chicago last May.
Rev. K. Richardson and others will
discuss the election day issues at the
evening services.
Clrorcli and Synagogue to Join.
. Following the custom of many years,
the Church of the Good Tidings, Uni
versalis!, the Church of Our Father,
Unitarian, and the Synagogue Beth
Israel will unite for a Thanksgiving
service Thursday morning. November
26, at Temple Beth Israel.
Pastor and Wife to Receive.
Rev. and Mrs. W. G. Eliot Jr f
-the Church of Our Father. TTnttarior,
win receive Tlclay evening. Novem
ber 6, from 8 to 10 o'clock. In the
parish rooms at Broadway and Yam-
mu streets.
Rev. Samuel A. Elliott, president of
the American Unitarian association,
will be in Portland Tuesday, Novem
ber 17. as the honored guest of the
Unitarian club. There will be an Jn
forntaJ supper in the chapel of the
church at Broadway and Yamhill
streets, and men and women will attend.
Prohibition Bally Tomorrow.
Under the auspices of the Albina W.
C T. U. a prohibition rally will be
held at the Swedish M. K. church,
Rorthwiek and Beach streets. Instead
of the regular services tomorrow i
S .VflAII Who-Have Ever Belonged
1 ' 3 I 1 1 I
give a recuftiipn anu tuuixwca wiu
be made by Mrs. Mattle Sleeth and
Mrs. F. W. Lonegren.
Members of the Young People's so
cieties of the Mount Tabor Prebyter
ian, Sunnyslde Friends and Sunnyslde
Methodist, and the Third United Pres
byterian churches will assemble in the
auditorium of the Sunnyslde Congrega
tional church. East Thirty-second and.
Taylor streets, at 6:30 p. m. Sunday
evening for a union service.
Lloyd R. Carrick, formerly president
of the Sunnyslde Congregational Chris
tian Endeavor society, will preside
through the meeting which will be
given over to a full program of talks
and music.
John R. Purcell, gold medal oratori
cal man of the Anti-Saloon league,
will be present to speak before the
young people concerning ,Xhe prohibi
tion work. The topic of the hour's
meeting will be "A Saloohless Nation."
During 'the program there will be
an opportunity given to each society
represented to tell the work of special
note that has been accomplished by
the society in the past year. The En
deavor society of the Friends church
will render special music. About 250
people are expected to be In attend
ance. jH
Following the young people's meet
ing there will be a union church serv- ,
Ice addressed by Governor West. . It I -., . .. .. . .
is expected that a record audience Bib7Tlri?o.T"?l-.5Ta
will be present for this part of the 11 . m. . b. Y. P. U., 6:30 p. m. "014 Time
evening's crosrram and accordingly ths ! Keton" nd "Wht Next!" Bt. J.
To Church WU1 Be Asked-
to Be Present,
Work Is Appreciated.
Members .of the Pilgrim Congrega
tional chuT-ch have unanimously ex- j . 3Ien of the city who are or eve
pressed resolutions of appreciation of have' been members of the Friend
the work of Rev. D. V. Polling, who i church have been rx tended a general
recently resigned to bec6me a soloist J invitation to be present! at a reunloa
with the Flying Squadron or America.
The resolution expresses the thought
that his sermons were instructive, and
forceful and that the music, under his
direction, was of a high order.
. -
Annual Conference XText Month.
The annual' meeting of the North
banquet of male constituents of th
faith to be held in the Y, M. C. A. next
Wednesday evening. . i
Rev. Homer K Cox. pastor of thi
Sunnyslde Friends churcft, the leading
Portland, has charge of! the arrange
ments for the affair and! for weeks lie
Pacific conference of the Unitarian f has been at work on the arrangements, ;
church will be held at Seattle, Novem
ber 8, 9 and 10 under the Joint aus
pices of the Boylston Street and Uni
versity churches. Rev. Samuel A.
Eliot, president of the American Uni
tarian association, will preacfehe
conference sermon. 29?
Meet Was Pleasant One.
The-October meeting of the Young
Women s Guild, of St. James . Englls
Lutheran church, .was held with the
Misses Hohberger, 47T East Forty
fifth street north, this week. Mis
Matchette rendered some pleasing . pi
ano numbers and Mrs. J. Allen Leas
gave a reading on comic opera.
He has sought the name and address I
of every one in the city who has been
associated with the Friends. Thera 'j
are many strangers ne .tninKS, wnoni
he has been unable to retch, and ta
these he extends an invitation to tCj.
tend. !i ' "
Pffere are large numbers of these
historic people in -the my. members
iff the various yearly meetings of the
as i ana tnese he hopes to bring
ether for acquaintanceship and to per
petuate the influences tht have meant
iuucij to mem in me ai.
Church Bich in Stistory.
There is perhaps no church rlehei
in history than the Frfends. and be
cause of their sturdy ijjbaracters .and
church will be thrown open in all its
parts to properly accommodate the
people desiring to hear - the governor,
Rev. J. J. Staub, pastor of the Con
gregational church, will preside, and
the choir of the entertaining church
will contribute the musical numbers.
Value of Christian
Training Is Told
The classes of boys and young men
in the - Universallst Sunday school
were addressed last Sunday by J. P.
Jaeger, a local merchant, on the value
of the lessons taught in the Sunday
school for those who enter business
life. The speaker pointed out the high
The first Sunday in November is al- I standard of honesty, truthfulness and
ways a gala aay in universallst I p wuu cuojanci tv.,v. io -
churches. It is All Souls Sunday and ! manded of those who would succeed in
commercial ine.
He urged the lads to use the Bible
not only for its ethical and spiritual
teaching but also for its high literary
quality and the need of ' knowing it
thoroughly by every one who would be
well educated. Other merchants are
to be heard and some of the most
successful women of the city are to
speak to the girls of the school in the
near future.
Leaders' Class to
Meet-on Monday
A revival of interest In Junior
Christian Endeavor work has been
coming on here in the city, in theipast
month. At least four new societies
until lfloti 'when the Woodmen's ball, 1 have been organized in that time and,
at East Sixth and Alder streets, waa j more are to ho starter!" soon.
ronted. where services have been held At Sunnvside Congregational ver
up to the prgsunt time. I 7f( mtle folks havp been enrolledand
1 a ro loirirr miiriv thiliss worth uhilp
! A children's party at the church re;
I cently, gathered together more than
loa children accompanied by many of
the parents. Miss Faye Steinmetz is
the superintendent.
At Atkinson 'oneregational the so
ciety ...was organized with 21 members
at-the first meeting. Mollie Fetting,
formerly president of the senior so'
ciety in that church, -has charge of
the new junior society anTfs ably as
sisted by Sheldon StublS, a teacher
in the Sunday school.
Westminster PresbyteriaB Senior
society has appointed Martha Mon-
Bishop Cooke Is
No in Washington
Rishnp Klchard J. Cooke, of h-i
et liorl i-t churches of th northwest,
ii now in Washington and other cities
of the o;iNt attending the fall meetings
of the national boards nnil cpnimitti'us
of the church. He h'Ct Portland im
mediately after the Oregon conference
here was concluded .the last of Sep
tember. This week he has been at the'eemi-annuar-
meeting of the bishops' con
ference, and before returning, lie will
have attended the sessions of tho
Freedmen's Aid society, the Board of
Hoine Missions and Church Extension,
and the Hoard of Foreign Missions.
P.lshop Cooke's family is still at
Athene, Tenn., the old home., where the
family repaired during the long ill
neps of Bishop Cooke's son. The lad
died during the summer. He will go
to -Athens following these meeting.
and h's family will return to Portland
with him.
Revival Services
Start Tomorrow
A series of revival services, with
an eight day Bible conference and re
union of ministers of the south branch
of Methodism, will stun Sunday morn
lng at the First Methodist church
Boutin, 'Union avenue and Multnomah
Thp revival will he conducted by
(Rtv.i Tjovtck P. Law, the pastor, anl
Mrs. Eaw, wht Is a dramatic soloist
and who has had much experience" in
evangelistic singing, will sing at ea;-h
servilce and direct the ckorus. An or-
' chesfra will also assist.
Dri Law is not a stranger to this
phase of religious work, having been
, a' successful soloist for a number of
years and was associated with Dr. J.
Wilbur Chapman in the great simul
taneous movetpent" in Philadelphia. Hi
people are looking forward to an ener
getic campaign.
tague to be the leader of the Junior
society, just organized. Miss Mon-taguej-has
been connected with Chris
tian Endeavor work for a number of
years and hopes to be able to build
.up a good society in the church, for
the little folks. University Park Con
gregational has about 20 Juniors in a
society three weeks old under the di
rection of Alma Lewis.
These new societies, together with
the ones already at work, bring into
the fild of Christian Endeavor, a
number of superintendents who spe
cialize along this line of church work.
Accordingly, the Portland Union is
arranging for the conducting of a
Junior Superintendents' and Leader
conference to be held in the Endeavor
room of the Forbes Presbyterian
church, Gantenbein and Graham av
enues, Tuesday evening, November 10.
.Methods and principles of work will
be taken up and discussed and a city
Junior society rally planned for.
this branch of the Christian church uses
the day for a special celebration of
their distinguishing doctrine, the Scrip
tural truth that all souls are God's
children, and that finally by His help
they will all be saved from ignorance,
disease, sin and death, and all that
makes man miserable; and will live and
labor with God forever in holiness arid
In the First Universallst church, at
Broadway and East Twenty-fourth
street, the church will be especially
decorated -and a choice musical pro
gram has been provided by the choir,
under the direction of Miss C. M. Wil
Renorts from all parts of the world
where the Universallst faith Is at work
reveal a splendid advance in interest,
numbers and personal service. In con
nection with the All Souls' service, an
nouncement will be made of, a forward
movement for the extension of the
work in Portland.
Ladies' Aid Society-
Elects Its Officers
The regular weekly leader's class.
conducted by the Portland Christian
Endeavor Union, meets at the En
deavor office, 828 Northwestern Bank
building. Monday evening. The topic
for November 15 will be the one stud
ied. In order to be in attendance at
the executive meetine. the class will i E. L.. 6:45. Serrlces. M:30 and 7:43.
"4tte nrHnnmcrt rlv PlgronMi yr ; Communion ana "1 Ba llealm or Our Unused
Sprague, vice president of the state
union, will direct the class study.
The Ladles' Aid society of Laurel
wood M. E. church has Just held Its
election, Mrs. A. G. Onslow being
made president. The social depart
ment, with Mrs. R. A. He'nricks as
chairman, is planning to give a chicken
dinner next Friday night in the church
basemert. .
The pastor of the church is busily
engaged in looking up strangers in the
church zone and each Sunday new peo
ple axe being added to the church
membership. - The construction of a
new parsonage is to start In a short
ltudi tn enlns
Kt Slda kt. O. W. Shns, pastor.
Berrlces II and 7:30. 8. 8. 10. B. S. P. tJ.
6:30. "The Simple Life" and "Pro&ietna of
Present Day Bread Wlnnera."
Highland. E. tttn and Alberta Rev. C. B.
Elliott. B. Y. P. U.. 6:80. SerrlcM. 11 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m. 8. 8., :45. Be. O. 0. Wright.
lalvarj kt. Walter Duff.- oaator. bast
8th and Grant. Preaching at 11 a. m. and
7:30 p. m. S. 8.. 10. U. V. P. U.. 8:45.
"Ia ths Young Man 8fl" and "SaWatlon
Offered To a King."
Arleta Kev. W. T. 8. Bpngfz. Sunday
acbuol 9:15. B. Y. P. U. 6:16. Service 11 and
University Park Rev. A. 0- Saxton. paitor.
U and 7:30. 8. S.. 10.. B. Y. P. C. I.
Bellwood Bev. r. a. Hayes. 11 and 7:30.
8. 10. Y. P. V. 6:30.
Grace Monta villa, Kev. H. T. Oaaa, 11 aad
7:80. Y. P. 6:30. 8. 8. B:9
8unnyntde "(German) ft. 6. :&. Oanrsd
W;sa, superintendent
St. Johns (German) Bev. Karl Feldnath,
I. 8. :45. 11 and 7:80. Y. P. U. T.
Bt. Johns JE. P. Borden, pastor. B. a.
10 a. tn. Service 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.
Third Rv. W. J. Beavan, Knott and Van
couver avenue. 11 and 7:80. B. Y. P. U-.
6:30. 8. S., 9:45 a. in. The Joy that Lasts
Forever" and "Tna Gospel foe the Soul In
East Fortx-nfth street Bev. A. B. Walts.
a 8.. 9:45. Preaching, 11 a. la. aid T:80 p.
m. u. x, r. v i.
First German Bev. J. -Xiatt, 11 aaa T.SO.
8. 8. 8:43. i
Chinese Mission 8. S. T. J. O. afaleae, sa-
Mt. Calvary Weidler and Union Rev
A. M. Machrack. Services 11 and 8. S. 8.,
t a. in
Tabernacle 24 St. and 45th sve., 8. B.
Bev. J. Clark Tibbefts. pastor. Sermons 11
and 7:45. S. 8.. 9:45 a. m. B. X. P. V.. 6:45
Evangelistic Meetings by Kev. and Mrs. W. C
Dm er.
Second Qermao Hrv. Frederick Buerrman,
11 and 7:30. 8. 8. 9:45. Y. P. U. 6:45.
Lents Bev. J. M. Nelson. 8. S.. 10 a. m.
Services. 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Dr. K. U.
feast and "Should Oregon Go Dry?"
Mount Olivet Kev. VV. A. Magnett, pastor.
11 and 8 p. m. S. 3. 12:30.
Swedish 15th and Hoyt ets., 10:45 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m. S. 8., 10. B. X. P. C, 6:30.
Italian Mission Rev. Francesco Saniiells,
pastor. Pastor's circle 8. Preaching 10:30,
short sermon tor English speaking people; also
a. 7:30.
8. S.. 12.
0. E-, 6:80.
Th. TTWt A . 13- . , At I . .
"Ojl, the Bv Of "Zt ' wr-rtj .hk.jjk; ins iitbi a
uiwriie ireeuoin oi conscience ana
Calvary Eleventh and aay its. Rev. O. 8. the5 right to worship ak&Ortllng to its
An.-h.!1 Z.' 1?:3,,",1I:8- s,"i24dictates. William Penitfa land grant
Anaoei Koben N. McLean. Services 11
and 7:45. 8. 8.. 9:45. a B.. 6:45.
Hope, MoDts villa, roth and Everett at..
Rat t w Kman e a tA O (
and 7:30. C. K.. 6:30 p. m. "Vshia of Tes
timony" and. "Jesus' Idea of God."
Uawtnorne Park East J2th and Taylor L.
K. Grimes, pastor. 8. 8.. noon. Services,
10:80 and 8. "God's Biggest Command" ana
Piedmont Rev. 3. E. Bnvder. Cleveland and
Jarrett sta., 11, C. E.. 6:30. 8. 8., 9:45.
Third East 13th and Pine sts.. Rev. A. L
Hutchison, pastor. Services 10:30 and 7:45
8 8 12. C. E , 6:46. Special Treatment of
Dry Campaign Issues.
Forbes Kev. Henry L Pratt, 11 and 8.
8. 6. 10. C. E. 6:30 p. m.
Third Rev. A. L. Rntrhtanii rs..t.
Services 10:80 and 7:45. 8. 8. IX O E. 6 -45 1
- J . u,af, Uliuiaier. O. B. IQ
Preaching 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.
Arbor Lodge Kev. George R. Cromler. It
and 7:45. 8. 10. '
Mt. Tabor. E.?55th and Balraont Rev.
Graham Moor. Services 11 a. m. and 7 -45
p. m. 8. 8.. 9:45 a. m. C. E.. 6:46 p. m.
''Christian Patriotism" and "The Face of
Vernon 19th and Wygant sts. H N
Mount, pastor. Bervloea 11 and 7:30. 8. 8.
10 a. m. C. E. 6:30 p. m.
Westminster Rev. Henry Marcotte, E. 17th
and Schuyler. 10:30 and 7:45. 8. 8. 12
X. P. 8. C. E.. 6:30. Kev. J. a. p. McGaw".
Spokane Avenue J. E. Youel. pastor. 8. 8..
10 a. m. Sermon, 11 and 8.
Millard Avenue Kev. W. H. Amos. Serv
ice 11 and 7:30. 8. 8. 10. Y. P. 8. 0. B.
6:80 p. m
Rose City Park Service It and T:48. Bv
Boudinot Seely. C. E.. 6:30 p. m. -g.- a.',
Marshall Street Kev. Mr. Black, paetrf.
11 and 7:30. 8. B. 10 a. m. Y. K 8. 0.
B. 6:30 p. m.
Trinity, corner Virginia and Hebfaaka sts.,
.Rev. E. Benson, pastor. Service 11 and
7:30. S. 8., 10. Y. P. 8. O. E., 6:30.
C'hines 1454 1st St. 7:4. 8. S. 6:45.
Keforaied Frank D. F riser. Preacblnc. 11
and 7:80. 8. 8. 10.
- HstlodUr.
First 12th and Taylor. ts. Rev. Frank
L. Loveland. D. P., minister.- S. S.. 12:15.
Trinitv East 10th and Sbennan. Rev. A.
B. Caderl, 11 a. m. aad 7:30 p. m. 8. S.. 10.
B. I., 6:30. "The Cost of the Saloon" aud
Look Well to Your Ballot."
Swedish BorthwlcK a no Beach. I. 4. Berg,
pastor. 11 and 7:30. 8. S. 10. B. L. T.
Morning subject, "Dead Flees in the Olnt-
Alblna w. C. x. u. prom bit ion rauy
Euwoctu. 26tb and Savier Rev. C. O. Mc-
i Culloch. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p.
, . . la. s. S., 0:45. E. L-, 8:30. "Infinite So
me urooaiyn w. i. u. mei mes. i iicitude for Trusting Souls" and "The Im-
Report Is Made on
State Convention:
L- ..... . . 1
United Prubytenaa.
Kenton J. S. Cole. Service 10:11 a. aa.
nd 8 p. m. 8. 8. 10 a. m.
r lrst Sixth and Monuromerv. FmnV r
Witt Kindley. Services 10:30 and 7:30. B.
S., 12 in. C. E., 6:45 p. m. "Finding One's
ocii mu e neuai oi ml cans.
The Church of the stranger Bev.
Earl Dubois. 10:80 and 7:30. C. FJ. H I
m. "Coetly Giving" and 'Not Conform hut
xransiormea. '
Thlro W. A. Bpsldlng, D. D.. pastor, 87th
and Hawthorne. 8. 8., 9:50. I. p. g., 7.
Services 11 and 8. .
of Pennsylvania from the King of Eng
land and his successful irovernment of
the province in those ttrublou times .
is a remarkable Instance, In national
history or the wisdom sf. tha "Friend
ly" principles. t
George Fox was the ifbunder of the
sect. He was born a Member of the
Church of England, bis?, dissented In
early boyhood. The church began In
164 2, and after WilltarrjpPenn came to
the United States, Foxjfji'orlted among
me people in tnis county ror years.
The Friends were prominent in ante
bellum days and wlth3'thelr "Under
ground Railway." insisted many
refugee slaves to thela, freedom in
Cartada. M
6 Disbelieve la Oaths.
They have been widely known for
their anti-military spirit. They hava
always been consistent, opponents of
war and suffered many Sacrifices dur
ing the rebellion for i.r conscience
on the question. They? disbelieve la
Judicial oaths and have often been
thrown in prison for refusal to take
them. They are ' responsible for the
law permitting affirmation. The sect
looks forward to the fjnal abolition of
tne oatn entirely because or the com
monness of perjury In the courts.
The regularity, punctuality n
provermai nonesty or s lie fTienas js
so generally known tltat the word
"Quaker" has. become Commercialised
end stands the world oVer for quality.
Their religious service are noted for
their simplicity, rereinoihy and litergy
giving away to the Kjjritual worship
and direct intercourse the soul with
God. r ;sj
The old style of Frlisnds dresa has
largely passed away,lHhough many
still use the plain fortn;of speech and
address each other aVi Ithee" or "thou."
j There are three meieglng houses of
680 d tne denomination in thesHty. Piedmont,
rmed but I-'ents and Sunnyslde. itjie latter being
the mother church.
dav afternoon with Mrs. Xorta Sannella. Dtratlve.'
502 'East Eighteenth street, with a large lrs,NorTMp,V?851.'m JEurnST18 "2
,ttn nt.. HT nntt. o. ! Hoyt. Rev. LIU GJerdlng. Preaching- 11 and
vv...,. t-v - 1 b. Y. P. M.. 6 p. m. s. it. u.. 0 p. m.
interesting report of the tTtTKe conven- i Woodlawn Rev. Loula Tbomas. pastor. 8.
tion recently held at TheX Dalles. ' S.. 10.- E. L.. 7. Preaching 11 and 7:45.
Brooklyn was reported as havlnk made : Norwegian Danish Vancouver and Bklo
i .k1.v,i more. Kev. Abr. Vereld. paator. 10:45 and
the larajeet gam in membership pf any R a c 12 m
union in the state. B. Lee Pagt fol- ! Sunnyside E. 85th and YamhilL Rev. R. Bellwood, eorner Nineteenth and Nebalem
lowed by answering all questions' asked Elmer Smith, D. d., 11 and 7:45 p. m. s. 8., V
on the different men and measures to i uVf I
bo voted on In the coming election. I c c. B,riCk. Services 11 and 7:30. 8. 8..
Special Eevival
Meetings Planned
Rev. arrd Mrs. W. C Driver, of the
Baptist chapel car "Good, Will," will
begin, special evangelistic meetings
Sunday, with the Tabernacle Baptist
hurch. Forty-second street and Forty
fifth .avenue. Mr. Driver preaches
p morning and evening Sunday, and Mr.
; and Mrs. Driver will sing at both
services, -Meetings will continue for
a week or ..more. 'Mr. and Mrs. Driver
' - are Just back from, an extensive evan-
gelistlc trip .east, and have had large
" experience in tWasort of work.
I feirsj itfsfes W : rml
! t: ' ' ; -"v djn'; IpilrNji ll3 k . I
. . -
I 9:45. Class meetings. E. L.. 7.
I "nie Mark of a Disciple" aad "Halloween
j Superstition."
centenary, c. via ana fine i nomaa w.
Lane, D.D., pastor. & S 9:43. E. L., 6:30.
Services 11 and 7:45.
St. Johns Rev. 3. J. Partes, get sites 11
and 7:30. S. 8. 10. E. L. 6:30.
Japanese Mission Kev. Ellsea Rlbara. 9:86
and 8:30. S. S. 3:30.
Laurelwood Rev. V. E. Willing. 3d at.,
6. E. and Foster Road. 8. 8.. 9:43. K. L..
6:30. Services, 11 and 8.
Bellwood Rev. Jame Hawkins, 11 and
7 30. J. 2:30. E. L.. 6:30.
Chinese Mission 11 a no. 7:30. -German
F. a. Schumann, 8. S. 9:45. Serv
ices 11 and 8. Epwortb league .7:15.
Mount Tabor Sixty-first and Eaat Stark. 11
and 8. S. S., 9:46. E. L., 6:30.
Montavllla Kev. Wi. H. Hampton. Sermon
at 11 and 7:30. 8. S.. 9:45. ts. L-, 8:15.
Junior League, 8. Class meeting, 12:13.
Clinton Kelly Memorial Jonn L'arsocs, paa
for. S. S.L 9:45. Services 11 e. m, and 7:30
p. tn. K. Li.. :ao p. m.
Interior of od Grace-hurch, one of prettiest in Portland, since workmen put finishing "touches dn it.
The remodeled First Methodist
ehurch at Twelfth and Taylor streets
has been a Center of church going In
terest since the building was oecupi.d
a month ago. The addition of a large
balcony has Increased the seating ca
pacity of the auditorium by one-third,
yet at every service the church ts
crowded. The necessity for a much
larger church, which la contemplated
as a- labor to be undertaken two years
hence, is already realised.
Dr. Loveland, the pastor, has Just
made announcement of a series of Sun
day evening sermon lectures to be de
livered in November. The general ti
tle of this series is "Sunday Evening
Journey With the Master Through the
Neglected Hemisphere of Life."
The addresses will be of interest.
their . announcement says, to all
thoughtful folk who seek to know their
personal relations to the problems -of
morals and misery, health and disease,
success and failure.
The various "Journeys" are an
nounced as follows:
November 1, "The Bealra of Our Un
used Powers;" November 8;- The Em
pire of Our Sub-Conscious Selves;"
November: 15, "The Domain of Our
Suggestive Forces;" November 22,
"The Quest for the Fountain of
Health;" November 29, The Mysteri
ous Mountain of Prayer."
A. Musgrove Robart, soloist and
leader of the quartet, has composed I n and a. &. B. 9:45 a. m. c. K. i d. to.
and written the words for a hymn tot Kenilworth East 34th and Gladstone Rev.
African Zion Kev. W. W. Howard, 11 and
8. S. 1. E. 8. L.. 7.
Bethel Rev. J. L. Craw, paator. Service
11 and 7:45. S. S. 1:15. C. S. 7.
Rose City Park Close City Park club
house. Kev. William W. Youngson. pastor,
services 11 and 7:45. S. 6., 9:45. "Condensed
Evolution" and "America's Gardean Knot
How Shall it Ba Cut?"
University Park Iombard and risk street
Kev. O. L. Hamilton, 11 and 7:30. 8. 8., 10
a. m. E. L-, 6:15. Communion, Dr. J. W.
McDougall and "Oregon Dry," Dr. Selleck.
ratluu net. oeorge r. nopains. jtor.
Preaching 11 and 7:45. 8. 8., 10 a. m., E. L.
Wesleyan Rev. D. B. Hampe, paitor.
Preaching 11 and 7:30. S. 8. 10. t. P. M.
6:30. J.
Lents Rev. W. Boyd Moore, 11 and 8.
8. 8. 10. E. L. 7-
Woodstock Prank Jemes. pastor. It and
7:30. S. 8., lO . m. E. L., 6:30. Dr. Geo.
Hopkina nM"A Parallel HlBtory."
Lincolni-East S2d and Lincoln M. O. Reed,
pastor. 8. S., 11 n. m. Service 7:30 p. m.,
"Tuesday's Initiative Measures."
Oak Grove Kev. C. U. wooley. Service
11 aud 8. . S. 10.
Westmoreland Kev. Alfred Bate. B. 8.,
7. Sermon, 8.
First uerman A. T. Cramer, paitor.
Preaching 11 and 8. S. 8. lO. E. L. 7:80.
Oak Grove -Hatnodlat EplaeopaL
tlrst M. E. Church c. ZU Wooley. paator.
. S. 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. la. and
8 p. m. E. L., 7 p. m.
X. X Cscrca Bonfa,
rirst TJnlon iava. and Multnomah Lovlck
Pierce Law, pastor. Preaching 11 and 7:45.
t. 8., 10. "Cniistlen Science and Its Trav
esty" and "The Road to Ruin."
I rreab vKrlas
FIrt Presbyteriaa cburcb Bev. Jobs Boyd,
minuter. Preacblas 1V:30 and 7:80. C B.
6:30. I
Mlspan Re,r. ; Barry Menu, paator. Serasos
riret Park and Columbia atreets Bervtcea
at 11 and 8. S. 6.. 10. C. 7 p. m.
First Park and Columbia streets Services
at 11 and S. 8.. 10. C. Eu, T p. aa.
Montavllla East Berenty-alytk and Hrryt.
Rev. J. p. Obormley. Service. 11 and 8
p. m. R.- S. 10 a. m. C. E.. T p. m.
Central Kev. Samuel R. Hawklna. paator.
S. S., 10. C. E., 6:80 p. m. Sarvicea, 11 and
7 :80.
Kodner Avenue O. P. Burrl. pester. 8. 8.
10. C. E.. 7. Service 11 and 8.
Gladstone Rev. Jioy L. Dunn, paator. Serv
ice at 11 and 8 p. m. 8. 8., 10. 0. B
7 p. m.
St. Johns Rev. J. IL Johnson, pastor.
Servlcae 11 and 8. 8. 8.. 10. C. B.. 7.
Kern Park Kev. R. Tlbba Maxey. paster.
Services at 11 and 8. C. E. 7 p. m. a. 8.
10 a. m.
Woodlawn Rev. W. L. Melllnger, 7tfe and
berty at. Service 11 and 8. 8. 8., 10.
t., 7,
Annual Suppjer
And Saleirlanned
Rev. D. E.. orcro. . pastor. Services 11
. .1 a o u fr ' 9
UU O i,. Ul. O. AVJ. V. S P Bl.
Vernon Fifteenth snd Wygant Rev. J. A.
Melton, pastor. Services, 11 and 8. 8. 8.,
JO a. m. C. E., 7 P. m.
Vartad Brathraa.
First B. 15th and Morrison, Rev. 1. D.
Nisewonder, paator. Services, 10 aad 7:30.
8. S., 10. C. E., 6:3r.
Alberta, 27 tb and Alberta. Rev. C a
Bell. 8. 8.. 9:45. C. E.. 6:30 p. no. Services
11 a. iu. and 7:30 p. tn.
Guy Woodworm Memorial. Vancouver,
WasB. Kev. J. Lincoln Kills, paator. Servleea
11 and 8 p. m. 8. 8. 10. Y. i. C E. 7.
Third. 67th S. E- and 32d ave. Rev. J. B.
Paiaons, castor. Servleea 11 and 7:30. k. 8..
10. C. ., 6:30.
fourth Kev. J. B. Conner, paator. Service
11 snd 7:30 p. m. 8. S. 10. C. a. 6:80 o. aa.
Radical Jeaaup at., Kev. a. 8. Henderson.
?atur. Services 11 and 7:30. 8. 8. 10. C. K.
p. m.
Uaoor Circuit Service Manor 11 a. m.
Cherry Grave 8 p. m. Brush Prairie 7:80.
ZpUoopaL '
, Trinity etforch Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison,
rector. 8ervlra 8 aud 11 a. m. and b p. m.
8. 8. 8:45 a. in. Good (aliowtbip Society,
Parish house, 1VU aud Davis ata. T W 7:M
P. m.
St. Mark's Twenty-first and Marshall
Rav. J. E. U. Simpson, rector. Holy Eucharist,
7:30 a. m. S. 9:45 a. m. Matins and
Litany, lu:15. Holy Eucharist and sermon.
11 a. in. evensong at :oo p. m.
St. John' ciiurch Bev. i. a. Bowaa, a.
8. z. Evening prayer and aerojoa, S.
lro-CaUedral ot St. Stephen the Martyr-,
Rev. H. M. Kamaay. Services, 7:43 and 11
a. m.. and 7:46 it. m. S. 8.. 10. Soeclal
servica tor Icolored people, 8 p. a.
St. Matbew s-uev. w. A. M. Ureck, vicar.
S. 8., iu . m. Service aud sermon at 11 a. iu.
Cburcb ot Our isaslur W wodaiock Kev.
E. 11. Clark. Service 8 and 11 a. m. 730
p. ui. every third JJuuUay.
Mt. David' KS;Mury Kussell Talbot.
Celebration ol the Hote? Eucharist, 7:30 . m.
S. S.. 9:45. Morning lirayer, 11 a. m.. Eve
ulng pracr, 4:30 p. m.
at. Andrew's, porumostb Rev. I. W.
Bauui, vicar. In charge. 11, prayer' and ser
mon, 7.30. 8. 8., 9:45.
Urace Memorial Uv. George B. Tan Wa
tera aud Kev. Oswald W. Taylor. Holy Com
munion 8 a. m. Except lat Sunday In March.
t si.. 10 a. m. Service 11 a. au
Good Bhtpherd Kev. John Da Kaon, 11 and
7:3U. 8. S. 10.
St. Michael's and 'All Angles'. East 43d
aud Broadway. Kev. T. F. Iiowen vicar. S.
8., 10. Holy communion tirst Sunday 11,
tUrd Sunday 7:30.
St. John's, Mliwaukle Uv. lobs D. Bice.
8. 8. a. Evening prarer - and aermoa, g.
Servlcae 4.
St. John's church, Bellwood Bev. Jobs D.
Rice. Servleea at 11 o'clock Sunday morning.
7 :30, evening prayer.
BUaop Morris Memorial ens pel. Good 8a
marttan hospital Chaplain, Frederick K.
Howard. Holy communions 7 a. as. Prayer
aad sermon, 7:20.
Ascension chapel Portland Heights. Bev.
B. G. Lee. Communkis 7:45 a. m. 8. 8 9:30
Portamouin uereiora near Lsbard
be sung and in addition choral muslo
by the vested choir of 40 voices will
be given.
LcUe Kirk Richardson, paator. 11 and 7:45.
Bible school. 9:45 a. m. E. L-, 6:45.
Fourth First and Glbbe Rev. Henry G.
Haaaon, paator. Servicva, 10:30 and 7:30.
The women of the Ibhgrega tion of
the First Universallst ijhurch are com
pleting arrangements for their annual
supper snd sale which? is to be held
In the social hall -OfS. the clrnrch.
proadway and Fast e Twenty-fourth.
street, on Friday afternoon and even
ing, November IS. Jlfji. M. E. Meade,
the president of the orence Meada
Mission uircie, whh ntr corps 01 as
sistants, Mrs. M. C. 'Htinters. Mrs. D.
Martin. Mrs. J. D. Cfiasby, Mrs.VN. J.
Lottritz, Dr. Bertha ireuer and Mrs.
F. A. Ford, will constitute the com
mittee In charge, and the many use
ful and fancy articles Suitable for holi
day gifts that have bejn prepared will
be on sale at that time. Some novel
features in decoration hava been
planned. i
More Comnjlttees
Approve Sumner
Four more dloceseHcommlttea hava
confirmed the actlori, of the Oregon
diocese of the Episcopal church in
elect! n a- Dean Walter.T. Sumner blah-
op of Oregon makifJg 16 altogether
that -have reported. m The four con-
flrmations coming to Bev. H. M. Ram
sey, secretary of the ecclesiastical com
mittee of the Oregon diocese Friday,
were from the dioceses of Chicago,
Montana, southern Ohio and Olympia,
Wash. Thirty-five confirmations ard
necessary and all are: expected wlthig
the nejtt two weeks. !
Kevil mil Be
On Larger Stale
"Churches within tfe central east
-side district bounded fly Division street
on the south, Thirty-fifth street
the east, Sullivan's gulch on the north
and the Willamette rver "n the west
have decided to participate In the Bui
gin revival, It waa announced yesters
day. This means that tba service!
will be on a much larger scale than
was expected and probably a taber
nacle of Immense proportions will bd
constructed. Dr, E. 'if. Bulgin will b
the evangelist. f . .
Tha Penn Bridge company, of Beavef
Falls, Pa., yesterd9ry requested th
county commissioner that it be fur
nished plans of the'? interstate bridgf
between Portland anSlJ Vancouver, Thl
company desires to; submit a bid 'fol
construction of the iiireat structure. ,
Roseburg OffJpo to 3Iot. ?
c Kev. ir. M BaiuD. iear. a. s. i. rv. ( Waehinffton, Oct, The poatofflci
ices li aa no. coibwobiou o Msoaa 1 uep&rtrocllv RU aCCCtptea tDt PTOpOf V
iTm. "I S SS.?.tiViUj 5 e Mrs. J. E.vPerkiM. agent, to lea.l
"gtraSrs; Twoodm, J Vey.wd-W. j new Quarter, in Koaburr on tha norti
; , i aide of CaSa street between Stephen
(ConUnued on Follo'arln prfc) j and plne for ten yrfc , .T-.4-