. " - '. " . ' - J . - .1 d' w - v: . .- . u THE tVEATUER JTIDH. and twterrow; southerly winds; tumidity 94. VOL. XIII. HO. 203. PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 31, 1914 TWO SECTIONS 16 PAGES. v'iil" stands rrvz CZVXt ""VBB .'OCLDCK X 111 ni I II II M r K K.VJtLJn N N k IL II 11 p V M WEST SCORES WITHYCOWIBE'S HARMONY PLAN Breaking Up of Printing Graft Cited as Proof That Legis lature and Governor Must Not Be in Harmony. GRESHAM MEETING IS JAMMED TO THE DOORS Hearty Reception Tendered Oswald West by Men and Women Voters. An andienre that Jammed the hnll to the doors And overflowed into the ante room as Tut hak as the stairway, lis tened for an hour nnd a half to a dis cussion of political Issues by Governor Wcit at CJresham last night and at the close of the address pressed for ward to grap the chief executive by the hand and asure him of their confi- denre and esteem. One of the striking features in this campaign is the size of the audiences that everywhere greets Governor-West. Not less conspicuous a feature is the fact that he Is listened to with deep attention, th'at hln hearers are almost tumultuously responsive and that the end of every meeting ushers .in a sea son of hajid.shakinjr which showa what a deep hold this much-assailed man has upon the plain pople of the Btae. Ob servers profess to see in these demon strations omens of a heavy vote for Smfth and Cliamlust lain in next Tues (Jay's election. Harmony Plan Scored. Dr. Wl thycombe's plan of harmony between the governor and the legisla ture was dealt with at length in last night h address, and, after the meeting, a farmer, who had Journeyed several miles by auto to hear the address, said ""lajm a Republican, but I am for C. J braith for governor. Dr. Withycombe is allowing-others to lead him around now, and that, with his plan of har monizing with the legislature after election, doesn't appeal to me. We want a governor who will stand up and Tignt like west has done; and there is every evidence that Dr. Smith is that kind ;of .a man. Many of my Iiepub . Hear? neighbors are going to vote for Smith. " "The old crowd is trying to come back." said another man, with a weather-beaten face, and the hands of a worker. "I wouldn't vote for a man (Com loiled Sn f'Bjre' Klre. Column Fiyei 11 FLEGEL WILL SPEAK TONIGHT AT SCHOOLS Programs Have Been Ar ranged for Washington High and Lincoln High. Senator George E. Chamberlain and A. r'. .Flegel, candidate for congress, vwill speak tonight at Washington high school. Kast Thirteenth and Kast Washington streets, and at Lincoln high BehooT at Park and Market streets. , As Senator Chamberlain is suffering ! with a throat trouble, a change has been made In the arrangement of time for the two speakers, to enable Sen ator Chamberlain to finish as early in the evening as possible. , ' He will speak first at the Washing ton high school, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. It is expected his address - will last about an hour. He will then go to the Lincoln high school and de liver an address there. Mr. 1'legel will begin speaking at the Lincoln, hiuh school at 8 o'clock, and he will follow Senator Chamberlain at Washington high school about 8:30. A strenuous speaking campaign caused am abscess to form in Senator Chamberlain's throat. He had it lanced yesterday, and he expects to be in bet ter condition tonight. These will be Senator Chamberlain's first formal addresses in Portland in this campaign and thousands of people are anxious to hear him. CHAMBERLAIN AND Did the Booth-Kelly Lumber company acquire timber lands through fraud? Two United States courts have said yes. Their decision has not been reversed. , Judge-R.'S. l'icaii, of the United States district court, entered a decree on October 5), 1911, cancelling the Jordan timber claim on the ground of fraud. Judge Bean said in part: "He (Jordan) took the land not for his own use and benefit but for the defendant company. His-testimony in this respect is r confirmed by the entries in the books and the circumstances at tending the entry. Mr. Kelly sayskhere is no previous arrange ment between himself and Jordan by which the land should be conveyed to the company. He admits, however, that Jordan filed on the land in pursuance of telephone message from him and that" before doing so Jordan asked him what he was to get out -of it and he says that he explained, that he could not make any "agreement at that time as it was against the law. It may be and 1 think it is-trite ritobable that there was no agreement in express terms between Jordan entered for the defendant but . wxtn jorflans testimony, leave I'M FOR - ::;'.r'feirj . "ppnui pAMninATF ml wmw wm ' ' DUUIn DUIILto Ur , ?Wm; -cwfc : Stine Fears Wrath of Party He Attempted to Be tray. (Special tn The Journal.) Medford, Or., Oct. 31. The fear of wrath of the party he had be trayed is upon R. S. Stine, Phohibi tlon candidate for the United States senate. He refuses to der.y, affirm or confirm the statement, that he en tered Into a pact with the Republi can state central committee to throw dry votes to R. A. Booth. Usually glib and free with words, this morn ing he assumed an evasive attitude. Prohibitionists of this city, where he has attempted to be a leader, de nounce his act as petty politics. Stine I'riday afternoon denied that he had ever written a letter favoring Booth. Later, confronted with fact?, he admitted that he had written a let ter. This morning he denied that he had received any messages from J. Fox, acting secretary of the "Out-to-Win" prohibition wing, asking him to repudiate his letter urging support for the timber baron's senatorial aspira tions. "I don't want. to be interviewed," said Mr. &tlne this morning, assuming an injured attitude,. "If I did it would only mean a lot more telegrams and telephone "messages to be bothered with. I will say nothing. I don't care anything about it and want nothing (Concluded on Page Klre. Column Kuur) German Cruisers Taken in Pacific London, Oct. 21. A Sydney, N. S. W., message to the Post today said the German cruisers Scharnhorst and Gnei senau, which escaped from Kiao Chau bay before the Japanese blockaded it and have been threatening the allies' Pacific shipping ever since, have been taken, their fuel supply having run out. For this statement there was no official confirmation. FOOTBALL RESULTS Princeton 7, Williams 7. Harvard 7, Michigan O. Pennsylvania State 17, Lafaystte 0. Yale 49, Colgate 7. Wisconsin 0 Chicago 0. "WHERE DID BOOTH and Kelly that the land should be the entire circumstances, together it practically unquestioned that PRESIDENT WILSON!" ru& '-. -- (' -.' - J the III : iKfmi PAl :A8&&' i vS .v A. F. Hegel, candidate for representative in congress from Third Congressional district (Multnomah county) Strong Man of Strong Character Is A. F. Flegel t 5 K n r. at V Fitted by Nature and Experience For Office By Richard W. Montague. A great many true and favorable things have been said during the last few weeks in support of Flegel's can didacy for congress, but it seems to me that not enough has been made of the man's peculiar and personal fit ness for the place. For good or ill the destinies, of this nation are in great part worked out in the lower house of congress. It is a huge body, with an enormous press of public business bearing down upon it. As with other legislative bodies nowadays, it has more work before it than it can possibly do, and does only what the strongest hand compels it to do. Robust physical strength, backed by sheer force of character, are more necessary there than anywhere else In our public life. The kind of man who has learned GET IT?" READ whether such an agreement was made or not, Jordan understood that the land was not to be taken for himself but for the de fendant aindthat suchwas the understanding of Kelly." ihe United States circuit court of appeals, consisting ot Judge Gilbert, Judge Ross and Judge Kaut claims as well as the Jordan claim were acquired through fraud. All were ordered cancelled. - The decision (Federal Reporter Vol. 203, p. 423) was in part as follows : "The following facts are undisputed : The La Rauts, together with Jordan, who was in the employment of the lumber company, made their- applications for timber claims at the same time, and the company paid their traveling expenses to and from Rose-J burg, and all incidental expenses. Ihe company paid for all pub lications of notices a-nd charged the expense thereof to the stumpage account and made no charge -therefor at the time in its qpoks against the individual entrymen. Ihe company paid the purchase price of the land and'all jthe fees, traveling ex penses, and other expenses incidental to final proof. The final proofs were "made in May, 1902, and in July following, each of the entrymen executed and delivered a deed of the land. Jordan's deed and probably all of the deeds, were executed to the, com pany. The deeds from the La Rautsj having, been subsequently how to make his own way in the rough and unrelenting give-and-take of life and affairs, unhelped and against odds, is the only kind of man who is worth much in congress to his district or to his country. And the welfare of this district, and our share of the welfare of the country, are deeply involved in having a man of that kind to represent us there, and taking' the part which the intelligence and the importance of this district entitle us to, and in which we have for a long time been sadly wanting. . Now the most notable thing about Flegel, the thing that must strike any real observer at the first glance, is a certain kind of straightforward vigor and competence which we like to think of as characteristically an American trait. It is not elaborated in the schools, nor does it derive from blue blood or gentle breeding. But when a young man with a big. THE ANSWER Morrow, held that the four La DON'T WASTE YOUR VOTE! It took 10 years of, struggle by the people to .overthrow the bosses and win free government in Oregon. A bill to re vive the assembly is on the ballot, and Dr. Withycombe is avowedly for the assembly system. Mr. McCamant is for Dr. Withycombe and Dr. Withy combe is for Mr. McCamant. Senator Gus Moser is for Dr. Withycombe and Dr. Withycombe is for Senator Gus Moser. All the reactionaries are for Dr. Withycombe and Dr. Withy combe is for all the reactionaries. The old corporation crowd is lined up to a man to capture the state government. No third candidate for governor stands a ghost of a show. C. J. Smith will be elected or Dr. Withycombe will be elected. "Any votevcast for any other candidate will be thrown away at a time when every progressive vote is needed. The only chance to keep McCamant and his crowd out of power is to elect C. J. Smith, who ought to receive every popular government vote in this state. strong body, inhabited by plain, man ly sense and intelligence, with not another thing to help him but a good wife (which is a great deal, but that'. another story), fares forth in this country, where that sort of thing has a better chance than anywhere else in the world, to make a living, to bring up a family of good children and educate them, and to win a place for himself in the respect of the com munity, and when he gets away with that man's size Job, then you will be pretty sure to find just that air of straightforward vigor and compe tence about him. Simple and unswerving honesty goes with that kind of plain, manly sense inseparably; so do diligence and concern "for public service. Add to these abundant native good humor and kindliness, mellowed by a quarter of a century of the best kind of fam- (Conclnded on Page Five. Column Two.) IN THE RECORDS OF THE UNITED STATES destroyed, the testimony leaves it uncertain whether they were! executed to the company or to R. A. Booth. At the time when these deeds were executed, each of the entrymen received the sum of $100. "No explanation is made of the fact that the deeds so taken were not recorded. No satisfactory reason is given why the deeds were destroyed. No explanation is given of the fact that for a year and a half after the destruction of the deeds neither Booth nor the lumber company had any conveyance from the La Rauts. i "The theory that R. A. Booth advanced the costs and ex penses and purchase-price for relatives; who were in poor circumstances and that he thereafter advanced money to them for the same reason and took the deeds as security illy comports with certain significant facts that ap pear in the record. R. A. Booth's answer to the decision of this United States court was a bitter attack upon the integrity of Judge W. B. Gil bert who wrote the opinion. The government was represented in this case by United States Attorney John S. McCtjurt, a. Republican. From his printed brief, which is a part quotations are madj: . ,. OREGON CITY THRONG GIVES CHAMBERLAIN A Ringing-"Applause Greets the Statements of Senator in Able Speech Last Night. Oregon City, Or.. Oct. 31. Working closer and closer to Portland in a siowiy narrowing circle in these final days of the campaign. Senator George E. Chamberlain spoke at the armory in this city last night to a wildly. en- tnusiastic audience. Despite the fact that it was a wet mm uaiiccauie iugni ruiiy boo per sons turned out to hear him discuss the issues and principles upon which he is making his race for reelection. Again and again his hearers voiced their ap proval of the administration measures cuacLeu inio statute ty the congress just , ended and applauded vigorously me presentation of his own case. Senator Qta Ovation. No speaker could have asked for t more enthusiastic audience, nor a bet ier reception rrom his hearers. Th people of Oregon City received Senator Chamberlain with open arms. They were enthusiastic; they were sympa thetic; they were apreclatlve. Following an orchestral conecrt the senator was introduced by Gilbert !;...!. a . - I uiauiLi attorney or uiacKamas j county. It was fully three minutes be I oemiur Laamoenain was per mittee: to speaks A mighty wave of ! applause began as he rose to his feet . neer rollowed cheer. It was an ova ,'tion. It was a tribute to Oregon's sen ior senator that expressed better than words the regard in which he is held "5 tne people or Oregon City and Clackamas county. ine senator praised In unstinted terms tne great administration meas ure ana told how each was designed iji . ma oeneiit or all the people, not ior any particular class but for all. KiglitB Recognized. "In his discussion of the Clavton anti trust bill, he told how ex-President Taft had praised" it as a great piece of constructive testimony recently in an address before the American Bar asso ciation. "I admit my own testimony is Democratic testimony." said the sen- (Concluded on Pngp KItp. Column Three) Protest Detention Of the Kroonland State Department Puts Formal com plaint in Hands of British Ambas sador at Washington. Washington. Oct. 31. A formal pro test against British detention of th steamship Kroonland at Gibraltar, with a cargo of American copper and a number of passengers, was lodged with Sir Cecil Spring-Rice, the BritiHh ambassador, by the state departmer.t today. Coaches Go Over Bank; Two Killed Score of Passengers Are Injured In Wreck on Lackawanna Bo ad, IT ear Alford, Pa. Birighampton. N. Y., Oct. 31. Two passengers were killed and from 15 to 20 were injured when train No. 2 of the Lackawanna railroad was derailed today, a mile west of Alford, Pa. Three passenger coaches and a baggagp car toppled over a IB foot embankment. the entries in order to assist his of the court fecord, the following ROUSING WELCOME OFFICIAL t FRENCH. (Announced by War Office at Bordeaux.) "TMterday w a marked by a general offensive by tne Germane ajongr their entire front from Nleuport to Arraa end toy violent at tacks at other point on the line 'of battle from Nleu port to X.e Basse. . "There were al- Coat of inn tarnate advances of Trance. and retreats. South of Nieuport, the Germane were re pulsed by counter attacks. South of Tpres we have lost some points of sup- poxt but advanced east of Tpres to the forest of Faschendaele. Between X.A Basse and Arras all the German at tacks were repulsed with heavy lossee. In the region of Chaulnes we have ad vanced beyond Xihons, 11 miles west southwest of Peronne, and we have also taken Questnoy. In the region of the Aisne we have likewise progressed on the heights on the right river bank before Soissons, but we have withdrawn in the forest of Vailly. In the Woevre region we have gained further ground in the forest of Pretre." GERMAN. (Announced by General Staff at Berlin.) -E "The campaign la torily; we are slow ly out suDStanuauy gaining in the east ern and . western theatres of war. "V o w h e r e has there been any de cisive results. "From Vienna comes news of an overwhelming defeat of by the Austrian of the Kusslans who German Coat crossed the San south of Nlsko. "Austrian Infantry have destroyed a Husslan ammunition train and made prisoners of 454 Bussian officers and 73,170 men thus far." QUARTER- FINAL, 7-0 Hardwick Smashes Through Wolverine Line for Touchy down; Only One of Game, (fnltea Pres Jed Vffre. Cambridge, Mans., Oct. 31. Eastern football methods triumphed over those of the piddle west here this after noon wlen the Harvard squad de feated the University of Michigan by a 7 to 0 score. The westerners, how ever, fought every inch of the 'way and the Kame was on of the most etubbornly contested of any played here this seoscn- Michigan won the toss and defended the west goal. From the klckoff Mich igan, by a Berles of line plays, carried tli ball to midfield. Harvard caught a punt on its own 25 yards. Iffie, but on an attempted fak kick Francke fum bled the pigskin and Michigan got the ball. A punting duel rfejlowed, ending with the ball in Michigan's possession in midfield. Maubertsch, a series of smashes, carried the ball t6 Harvard's 22 yard line, and a double pass by Hughitt to Maubertsch put the ball on Harvard's 3 yard line. Ha-rvani's de fense held, however, and Hardwick punted the ball out of the danger zone as the first quarter enaea. The ball seesawed in midfield for the first few minutes of the second quar ter, Michigan finally getting the ball on Its own 15-yard line. Splawn punt ed and Hardwick and Bradlee, by a series of tackle plays, advanced the ball to Michigan's 30-yard line. A per fect forward pass from Hardwick to Smith gained 13 yards and Franck; gained several more yards in two smash plays. Hard wleff then smashed his way through the M ichigan-line for a touchdown. Hardwick kicked a goaj and the second quarter ended witl-thj ball In Harvard's possession on Michi gan's 4 5-yard line. Michigan played the home team to a standstill in the third and fourth quar ters, neither side being able to score. Ijost Ijove on the Sea. San Francisco, Oct. 31. Lauren A. Noycs, a wealthy brick manufacturer, was granted an interlocutory decree of divorce here today from Bertha Noyes by Superior Judge Graham "He told the court that his wife lost all love for him during a trip across' the At lantic and Pacific oceans in a 20 foot sloop In 131 0 and had refused to live with him since. . "Just think it : R. A. HARVARD SCORES Ml AN 10 tended generosity for the purpose of assisting his poor relations, was willing to take, and, by them for a timber company worth eight qr ten million dollars, timber claims of the approximate value of $14,000, for the paltry, insignificant sum of $300. Is it likely that a mjai, whorwould do what he says he did do, would not make a priJf agreement with an entryman to take a timber claim? ., ;'. "Every other fact, and circumstance, and actin this case con tradicts Booth's denial.' Booth is a wealthy man, takes an active interest in public affairs, is a pillar of the churcjii, is interested in the Booth-Kelly Lumber company, and, by reason of all these things, had a strong incentive to make denial. "A case can hardly be conceived where ;the arts of the parties: and the circumstances and conditions surrounding them point so conclusively to fraud as they do in this case." 3 The foregoing quotations are from the . cougt records of the civil suit which the government brought to cancel the fraudulent claims. This suit was commenced in May, iyij, five years after the indictment "oi R. A. Booth by a federal rand jury. Mr. Booth was acquitted in th criminal case, but? the judgment in the civil case has not been .reversed. 1 GERMANS GREAT BUTTLE, Unofficial Reports From Paris Say Kaiser Has Been De cisively Defeated in En gagements in Flanders. ARE WITHDRAWING TO INTERIOR, SAY EXPERTS It Is Believed Polish Invasion Has Been Dropped to Se cure Reinforcements. (fnlted Prent Tled Wire ) , Farls, Oct. 31. That the Germans had at last been decisively defeated in the north and were fighting despcrate:; ly to cover their forces' ;Rhdrawal from the coast and the Ostend-Ivllle- : Arras line was asserted at military headquarters here today.' It was Kenerally believed that the Germans planned to withdraw their troops in Russian ' Poland to their firstHine of defenses Inside the East Prussian frontier and the theory .was -that the Teutonic forces whlchwould thus be relieved, would be rushed to the westward. The Freflch war offlce did not be lieve, however, that these relnfocce-1 ments would materially change the situation. ! Germane Removing Chins. ' - Teutonic resistance between Nieu port and Dixmuldo had .. greatly weakened. It wad said, and most of the big guns except .those mounted . on auto trucks had gone to. the rear. The kaiser's losses in this northern fighting were declared to have been the heaviest, considering the number of men engaged, and the duration of the combat, that he has suffered In any battle Blnce the war began. In order to divert attention from their front 1 the north, it was said the Germans were attempting a new offenrfive on the heights of the Meuse, Few Losses Admitted. Continued gains, ! interspersed with a few losses, by the allies, were re ported by the official communication received from the Bordeaux war ofice today. CLAM FRENCH - Ttee Gerjoana werj said to have made I a vlgoroifs attack Friday along ' tne Nleuport-La Basse jline, and south of: Ypres it was admitted the trench lost. some ground, but,: east of the sai point, it was stated, they made Im portant gains. Friom La Basse in Arras, the report said I the Germans were repulsed heav ily. Substantial French gains were claimed in the regions of Chaulnes. the Aisne river, Soissons, Souain and the Woevre district, -but in the region Komluilea nn 1'affe Five. Columu Ttireei T MEET IN BALTIC; TV0 OF LATTER ARE SUNK Zevastobol 1 4 Being Born "Sjgrded by Jie Turks, Says Dispatch Ffpm Rtme, - -43 (United FreI-iied Wire.) London. Oct. 1 . Attacking a Turkish naval T$quadidiii in the Black sea, RtiBHian warBhlpa have " sunk a mine layiejr and a destroyer and captured aj collier, according to a Rome dispatch received by the Star this afternoon. , The same passage said the Turks were bomjbkrding Zevastopol. U. S. SbAided Out. Washington, Oct! 31. That the K,u ropean "Franco-Atjglo-Russlan allies consider formal a rations of war against Turkey; Jfnminent was evi denced today by informal inquiri-s rtSi to whether the United States is will-' tng to take chargetrf the French. Brlt- ICoDclul-d on I'acc Two. i'olumr One.) jl T COURTS Booth in the exeicisc of his pre- ' his own testimony, did take from RUSSIANS AND URKS - . a