The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 30, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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    - .- -
I. 1
(8034 DAY OK lU.)
BEIt.lG Broadwav at Tarlur.
Nut tiodwlu lu -Sever SJ Ue,
Curtilni 2:15
'Kalunluv niaflfim.
AHKK Bruaiiay Knd 8'nt'a. Cuc4alns 2:20
BD(J Matinees 8uudiy. Wednesday
and HyturiUj. linker I'lajrr In "Bought
ml fald For'
iliUt KleT-nth and Morrison. Cur Ulna
2:2ft, ami ;:. Mallneva Sunday, Wednes
day ''and Saturday. Baker 1'lujera, No. 2,
In 'Wolhi?r."
STAiKi-Broaday at Alder. VanderHle.
toHalua 2:M, HM and :lu.
K111KKN! headway at Yamhill,
Vaudetllk-. Outiuuoru I to 5:30, B::)
In II ek day. Coutluuoua 1 to 11 bun
lata. P
YUiC--Kuitb at Blurk. Curtain 2:30, 7:30
and D:l. KeutluK Flood Uiitlril Com
rtij Company In ' fh Kolltea of Parta."
lOI.LMHIA Hixtli. bctnevu WaabluKton and
Hark intl. Motlou ulcturea. II a. m. to
11 11. lu.
rKohl.Es Wrst I'ark at Alder atreeta. Mo
tion picture.. . U:lu a. m. to 11:) p. m.
ITAK ' VaalilnKlou ut i'urk. Mutlou picture.
11 u: 1. u 11 1.4a.
.JJ.ollK Wbinrotr at Elercntb. Motion plc
iur.. 11: ui. lu II p. ui.
UAM .M'K -Wa-nlDilon at Park. Motion pic
ll.l. M J. UI. lu II D. UI.
II .NMiT VVas'uiiii'taii ct Broadway. Motion
nldine. 41 u. in. lu 1 u. lit.
ill I Ml KELll --.Kit ill uud Taylor. Hour 9 lo
r n-vk day. 2 to .1, tree atiernoona
if 'lvirsday. iburadny, riday, Saturday aud
, Public Library Meetings.
All October luteUua ar liea aml-opf to
lie public. '
OflMkr .'!! - DpnxMTiitlr t:ite cotr nilllec
Urtolier "2'J and M. IhcIuhIvc. 8 a. m. to 5
(. lui yt i'riday. (M-tolM-r 'M. inurninc e
iu only" Statu Uuuveullou Uteguii I'ousreaa
( Mwlliera.
Today's Events.
Manufacturer' and I. and Products Sbow
it Armory, Oi-tob'or 'M to November. 14.
Jfllfii,n 1 1 1 Li plu)3 I'urtlaml Atjdeuiy at
kxijball, ' Mulluomub flrld, at .'):10 o'lUxk.
Coming Kvents.
Oregon Civic league luurlieon at Miltoomab
Intel. Octoler :;i. .
opening couceit of Syupbon; orchestra No-r-inlr
Klv Uoti day, November 3.
Itilnry rlul lmubcou ut Hotel Benton. No
reuibt-r :l.
Ad club luncheon at butel Portland Norrm-H-r
rrourr.lTe Bulno M( n' liim beon at
fclu It ijoiiim h hotH, NfiyrtntM'r
TrHiiiiM,rlnliu i'iuj lui.iheou ut Hotel Mull
10 111 oh. .Novcuiber SI.
against Attorney it, B. McDeTttt Jr.
by District Judge Jones. , Stewart sued
McPevltt for 1157 through T. M. Mor
ris, to whom he assigned th claim.
Stewart charged McDevitt with secur
ing the money, which Stewart had at
the time of bU arrest, through fraud,
saying that McDivitt represented to
him that otherwise the money would
be attached and lost. McDevitt in an
swer alleged that Stewart owed him
(200 as an attorney fee, and that he
applied the money on the fee. He
Asked for Judgment for $42 against
Stewart. Stewart alleged that Mc
Devitt sought to represent him, but
said he had never hired McDevitt.
Measures WUI Bo Discussed. Thir
teen of the more important measures
appearing on the ballot for the elec
tion November 3, are to be discussed
by speakers at the luncheon of the
Oregon Civic league in the Multno
mah hotel tomorrow. Isaac Swett,
secretary of the league, will serve as
chairman of the day and Introduce the
following speakers: C. E. Warner,
Mias Elsa .Grelle, Miss Eleanor Kow
land, J. Hunt Hendrickson, R. W. Mon
tague, Hamilton Johnstone, Miss Grace
DeGraff. Jonah B. Wise, A. H. Harris,
George Rebec, Miss Ruth, Catlin, Miss
Henrietta Eliot, H. W. Stone.
Auto Speeders fined at St. Johns.
E. P. Mall of Portland, arrested by
County Motorcyfcle Officer Eugene
White for speeding 30 miles an hour
on the Vancouver trestle, pleaded
guilty yesterday afternoon before
Justice of the Peace J. E. Williams at
St. Johns and was fined $15 and
costs. J. C. Glover of Portland, ar
rested by White Wednesday for speed
ing 29 miles an hour on tho "Sandy
road, pleaded guilty and was fined
10 and costs byJustice Williams yes-,
terday. , . .
the Portland central library. These
are: October 80, Contemporary History,
Dr.' Schafer, room A; Literary Appreci
ation, Mrs. Parsons, room B; October
21. Short Story, Mrs. Parsons, room B.
The hour is 8 p. m For the next week
end the following classes are sched
uled: November t, Phychology, Dr.
Rebec, 8 p. m., room H; German Lit
erature, Dr. Schmidt. 7 p. m., room A;
German Literary club,' Dr. Schmidt, 8
p. m.. room A; Calculus, Dr. Winger,
7:30 p. m., room E; First year mathe
matics, Dr. Winger, 8:30 p. m., room E;
Beginning Public Speaking, Professor
Prescott, 7 p. m., room B; Advanced
Public Speaking, Professor Reddle, 8
p. m., room B; November 7, Rhetoric,
Mrs. Parsons, 8 p. m., rootn B. The op
portunity is still open to be regularly
enrolled in any of these classes. Vis
itors are welcome.
, '- filter Trips.
Pteararr lieorulnna to Aslurla. dally except
Hominy. Wtiftblngton xtrt-et dut-k.
l'Hllea Ity. to Tin- l)alli'i and Cascade
Ui-ks. dully i-xceDt Sunday. Alder street dock.
Steamer St-ile of W'aahiiiK ton to The Unllea
lally except iburnday. Taylur atreet dock.
I'ort Information Supplied.
Information regarding Ibis port may be ob
alued fruui the Portland Cbaiutier of Com
cerce. tilt Kit lb atreet. Telephone Main triKJ
ir A-12UJ.
Fire and Police. r
Kir depart ment Main T7K. A-132.1.
. I'uilce depart uieut Main 7181. A-6Jil.
TiMlay'H Forecast.
Portland and Tlclnlty : Raiu tonlgbt and
Inturday, wutherly winds.
Oregon and V ahliij!tun : Ruin tonight and
lultird.'iy: smith'-rlv n-lmi.4 Increasing to frel;
u.thei ly . gnle along north const.
Idaho: Touiftht and Saturday cloudy, prob
ujIj a Ui .
Services Attract Crowds. Special
services being held each evening ex
cept Saturday at the First "Church of
tkt -Nareno are attracting ' a great
ileal of attentlon. Rev. C. Howard'
Davis, pastor of the church, is being
assisted by Frank Blackman. a solo
ist, and large crowds have heard them
--ach evening. The services, at the
church building al East Seventh and
Couch streets, commence at 7:30rp. m.
Kama Involved In Salt. Suit was
tiled yesterday by the Kiser Photo
company against C. L. Winter and
Allen H. Eaton to restrain the defend
ants from using the name, Kiser Photo
company. The plaintiff alleges that
Fred H. Kiser, its president, has mad
fame lor his photographic work, and
that the defendants are using the
name to make money without the right
to do so.
Sic Game Confiscated. A loaded
dice game, operated by electric bat
teries, was confiscated this morning
by the detective department and the
owner of the devise taken into cus
tody. . For' several, days the detectives
had been hunting for the man and his
mysterious box. ."in the box, which is
about three f. long and two feet
wide, are numesous wires and electrical
fixtures that can be operated like the
keyes of a piano. The dice used In
the game are loaded in such manner
that the operator can throw any num
ber desired. The man gives the name
of George Bishop. He is known to the
detectives as a professional gambler
and has operated in many large cities.
Detectives Goltz and Abbott found the
box and made the arrest at an uptown
attend the housewarming and inspect
the improvements made in the build
ins this fall.
W. B. McDonald at Co.. Accident,
Health, Automobile, Burglary, Liabil
ity, Fire Ins. Mar. 2391, Yeon bld-Adv.
MeCarffar, Bates'at Uvely Fire, cas
ualty and automobile insurance. Yeon
bldg. Telephone Main .168. (Adv.)
Educational Barest Lecture. Dr. R.
H. Ellis will discuss "Prenatal Care
and Hygiene," and Miss M. A. Kuehle
will demonstrate the "layette," on
Saturday afternoon at 2:30 in room 560
of the county court house, under the
auspices of the Oregon Congress of
Japanese Xiuncn. Sets, new designs
and styles, 71c per set and up. Andrew
Kan. 348 Morrison. (Adv.)
1TKn, Independent for Governor,
speaks at noon tomorrow. Sixth and
Yamhill. (Adv.)
Genuine Peacock Feathers, 5c and 10c
Andrew Kan, 348 Morrison. (Adv.)
Dr. XL C. .Brown. Eye, Ear. Mohawk
building-. (Adv.)
t. . Pox, opticianJournal bid. Ad.
Verdict for Defendant. A verdict
for tfce defense was returned yesterday
in the suit of Antone Gicggliazza
against the Kenwood Land company
for injuries received by a fall into a
hole. The case' was tried In Circuit
Judge Kavanaugh's court. Some time
ago Judge McGinn ruled in the same
case that the .plaintiff could not Join
the city as a party defendant.
An Halloween Sufffesion. The Royal
Bakerj & Confectionery is preparing a
large - quantity of the very best of
pumpkin pies to be on sale at their
branches. 268 and 344 MoTrJson street,
tonight and tomorrow. They sell two
for a quarter and will be found, we are
sure, to be the ultimate in all pastry
makers' art. Try some. (Adv.)
Jury Xefuses Damages. W. L. Mal
lcry, 82 years old, lost a suit for $S0U0
damages against the Meier & Frank
company in Circuit Judge Davis'
court this morning. The suit resulted
from the running down of Malloy by
one of the company's automobiles.
The company alleged that Malloy was
paid $27.50 in settlement and that the
accident was- due to his carelessness.
''Weather Conditions.
A moderate deprexslnli Is central over Vnn
aiuTer Inland and small craft warnings were
wdered at 7:15 a. in. for a fresh southerly
(ale at all atatliiw in this district except
(arshfle1d. A iHrce liinh pressure area over
les the lower Mllsaiiiii villev Haln has
'alien In the I aclflc states and In portions
t (he lower lake region, middle Atlantic and
Hew Krlglancl states. It is warmer In lb"
Sanadian north,weat, eastern British Columbia,
KTthern Montana a ml the plains stutes.
Th condition are favorable for rain in
Ms dl'tilrt during the nest 24 to '-''' hours
rlth a fresh southerly gale aloiut the north
aiaat. EDW'AKO A. BKAI.H.
District Forecaster.
inker. Or
poise, Idaho
Inston. Mass
Chicago, 111
Denver, Colo
puliith, Minn
trreka. Cal
)alveston, Texas
larre, Mont
Jacksonville, Fla. ..
tanas City. Mo. . .
Lewiaton, Idaho ..
Los Angeles, Cel. .
Barshfield. Or. ...
liew Orleans. I.a. .
New York. N. Y . . .
Korth Head. Wash
t: rth Yakima, Wah.
Tortland, (Jr. ... ..
k'atchiirg. Or. ...
I.icraincnto. Cal.
It. ly.ul. Mo
la It Lake. 1 lah ..
Ian Francisco. Cal.
cattle. Wash
.Iltka, Alaska.
Ipokane, Wash. . . .
Tuconia, Wash.
Tatonsh laid., Wasl
t aldex, Alaska . . .
Vslla Walla. Wash
R'aPhlngton, D. C.
Vlnnlpcg. Man.
P. M. report of preceding day.
Topics at Beth Israel. "Th Merry
Anarch," will pe the topic at Beth
Israel tonight 4t 8 o'clock. "The Pil
grimj," will be the topic tomorrow
night at 10:30. Religious school Sun
day at 10, free to all. AH are wel
come at Beth Israel. Jonah B. Wise,
Fred Riley Is Paroled. Fred Riley
was paroled yesterday by Circuit
Judge McGinn after he had pleaded
guilty to a statutory charge and had
been sentenced to a month . in the
county Jail. Mabel Campbell was in
dicted with him and the charge
against her was dismissed.
City Closes Grand Avenue Bridge.
Commencing Friday morning,' and until
further notice. Russell-Shaver cars will
will be routed over Union avenue be
tween Holla'day avenue and Burnslde
street , (Adv.)
The Oregon State Board of Dental
Examiners will hold the semi-annual
examination In Portland, Or., on No
vember 30, 1914. Applicants will reg
ister at the N. P. Dental college at 1
p. m. on above date. H. H. Olinger,
Secretary. m (Adv.)
New Shoes From Old Ones. Shoes
rebuilt with guaranteed waterproof
bottoms, 35 cent rubber heels. Shoe
makers, 161 W. Ea-fk, above Morri
son. (Adv.)
Annua) Halloween Dance at Cotillion
hall, Saturday evening. Unique decor
ations, souvenirs and goodies. Hear
the Rube orchestra. . (Adv.)
Steamer Jesse Harkins for Camas.
Washougal and way landings, dally ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
dock at 2 p. m. (Adv.)
Temperature; '
m 3 I
6 e: a I
i x --
. E f. s. t- o s "
a 3 S t: a
so ? ." "J8 z"
"2 ifi 3: g
I K tH I 44 4 T(M
5ti VS 4B 4 0
4H oH 46 6 .f'2
40 54 40 12 0
40 TiB 4J 12 0
:w 54 :t m 0
56 4 50 4 .02
04 74 112 10 0
4 'J 06 :w 4 O
5 74 52 10 0
45 64 46 10 0
W 50 4 .04
tt2 SO 60 4 .12
54 W 4 .10
5 1 72 54 1 0 0
46 54 44 I .to O
.VI ns 54 I 36 .04
41 B0 42 4 .01
:l 60 6 .03
52 04 (S2 4 O
. 60 62 5K 4 .28
44 62 44 8 0
54 7i 48 4 O
58 04 58 4 0
54 AO 54 14 .06
. 40 ,0 42 4 .20
4 56 46 4 .12
. 5-1 00 52 4 .14
. oti 58 fill 2s .30
. .'12 .. !2 4 .02
. I 52 68 6 4 O
. 46 56 -44 12 0
. 56 28 10 0
At AhaVal Sholom Tonight. Serv
ices will be held at congregation Aha
vai Sholonr, Park and Clay streets, to
night at 8 o'clock. Tomorrow morning
services at 9:30 o'clock. Rabbi R. Abra
hamson will officiate.
Extension Classes Will Meet. Three
extension classes under the direction
of the University of Oregon Extension
division will meet this week end in
Suit for Divorce Filed. Laura M.
O'Brien yesterday filed suit for di
vorce against Matthew O'Brien, al
leging desertion.
Ask for Fackwood Coal, $6 per ton.
It makes the heat. Economy Fuel Co.,
31 Grand ave. East 214. B-2343. (Adv.)
THIS SATURDAY we offer as one of our regular
A Special - Special
CHOICE SIRLOIN ROASTS from 3 lbs. up at only
lSc POUND No. 1 Steer Beef together with a se
lect lot of Mt Adams LAMB and finest milk-fed VEAL
Legs at 17c lb
Loins at 17c tb
Racks at 17c tb
Shoulders at .... 10c lb
Breast at 8c tb
Legs at 18c tb.
Loins at ....... 18c tb
Racks at 18c lb
Shoulders at ... .15c tb
Breast at ....... 15c tb
Quality is and always has been our first consideration.
The Volume of business we do gives us a shade in
buying. This means to the consumer the highest
quality meats at a reduced price. This from a mar
ket perfect in its sanitary appointments. Five stories
and basement devoted exclusively to market purposes.
Our Special Bargain Meat Counter
For the real marketer, with basket or bag, who mar
kets early,
Patronize this counter. There's a reason for the
saving. No delivery.
All Meats Displayed Are Plainly Price-Marked
Jones' "Pride of Oregon" Mild-Cured Hams and Bacon
Hams 19c lb. Cottage 16c lb. Picnics 14c lb.
Light Bacon 22c lb.
Puhlio invited to Housewarmlng.
The Peninsula park recreation center
building will hold a housewarming at
8 o'clock tomorrow night. The fea
ture of the program will be an ad
dress by .Commissioner Brewster. The
general public is cordially invited to
Third Streeters Meet Tonight. To
make arrangements for the partici
pation of Third Streeters" in the
night set apart for them at the Man
ufacturers and Lund Products show,
a special meeting of the "Third
Streeteru" is to b-s held at the Mult
noman hotel tonight at -8 o'clock. A
call from J. H. Riinkin, secretary,
asks that every merchant on the "street
be present at the meeting.
JudgmcntafOT Man in JaiL Althougn
held in the county Jail 'awaiting sen
tence on a charge of larceny from a
store. Harvey P. Stewart Wednesday
was awarded a Judgment for J122
Tongue . v
Sausage --
.- Hi-Grade
t Sausage Makers
187 3d St, nr. Yamhill
316 X YES
Paid advertisement by Robert C. Mays, Elgin, Or.
Salmon and Poultry Specials
In the Jones Market, 4th and Alder, by the COLUMBIA FISH CO.
All Poultry Lb. 20c
Fancy Broilers, Fryers, Roasting Chickens, Hens,
Spring Ducks, Geese, etc.
Spring Turkeys, lb. 30. Plenty choke Squabs.
All Small Salmon, half or whole, blood red, 8 pound Fine to bake
Skamokowa Butter per roll 75
New Sauerkraut, just in per quart 15
We Deliver. Main 5, Marshall 1
Fourth and Alder
Damascus Butter, per lb . . .40c
Clover Blossom, per lb. 35c, 2 lbs. for 68c
Mariposa Butter, per lb. 35c, 2 lbs. for 65c
Powers' Saturday Night Special
$2.50 Pure White Cotton
Filled Comforters, Special
Cards for
A Get-Acquainted Special for 30 days.
Onod work rnivl Krxlr -Mantis... n A
All kinds of commercial printing rea
sonable. Boss City Frintery, 3rd and
Taylor. No phone orders. i delivery.
IK -
On Sale Saturday Only From 4 to 9 P. M.
These chilly nights require extra bedding and
right now is the time to purchase. For Saturday
night we offer one hundred full-size, pure white cotton-filled
Comforters, covered with, pretty silkojine
in yellow, pink or blue, either large or small floral
patterns light, fluffy Comforters that will just suit
One to a Customer No Phone or C. O. D.
Orders No Delieveries
Hundreds of people are taking advantage
of them each week. The items offered are
always greatly underpriced, and quality is
never forgotten. Attend just one of these
Saturday sales and you are sure to look for
ward to the next one always from 4 to 9 p. m.
'Modern Devil'
ill I vs
x 1 4 y
8 p. m.
What do you know about "Malicious
Magnetism?" Come and find out
the truth.
Yours for more
safety, less noise,
better appearance
and lower upkeep
Pacific Phone
Marshall 5080
The Latest. and Best Styles Are Here, in Ladies' Home
Journal Patterns' at 10c and 15c Each -Mail Orders
Phone I
Filled Same Day as Received--Charges Will Be Prepaid on Five-Dollar purchases
Our Store -Opens
Daily at
80 a. m.
at 9 a. m.
(fur Store
fcaily at
5 tj30 p. m.
ats o p. m.
Women's Fall aud Winter SMoes
Particularly Attractive Models' in ibloth-Top
Button Boots, in Genuine Sterling! Colt and
Patent Kid Also Ha nd-Turnedy Shoes in
Gurimetal and Overweight Kid & aa
Values to $4.00 the Pair at .Only tfj,)
y -
Those who appreciate what is correct ia dress and
street Shoes will be quick to embraeevthis saving
opportunity to purchase high grade relwj?blc quality
footwear. The continued dry weather jas retarded
sales in this section and we have arrfiged these
special offerings to induce immediate piychases. In
cjuded are the new-cloth-top button Btjlots in gen
uine Sterling Colt and patent kid lechers, both
narrow and short vamp models, also ljand turned .
kid Shoes with medium toe and in -both-button" and
lace "styles. With plain or mat top. ijBaby Dttfy
gunmetal and overweight kid Shoes wiiji Goodyear
welt soles and broad short toe and "flay-heels. All
sizes and widths in regular values trfQ AA
$4.00. Priced for this sale at L.h.1-1111
lTVtyles and leathers,' $2.50 Grade, This Sale at only $1.98
Girls High Grade Shoes Siz$
SV to 11, on sale at 4
Girls' High Grade -jShoCs-Sizes
Vi to 2, on sale a.
1 Ir
women s onoes m a
Boys Velour Calf ShoesSizes 1
to oji, on sale at
Boys Velour Calf Shoes Sizes 9
to lZy2, on sale at
Decided Savings in Sale of, Women's
Heavy Cotton Fleeced Vests
Look well to your underwear needs and profit by purchasing at this imjortantsale
of women's fine-ribbed, heavy-fleeced White Cotton Vests and. Pants. t Garments
of shapely finish that will be found both comfortable and durable. In ip.ll '3
sizes and reeularly sold at 65c a garment. Underpriced for tomorrow a. . Osl
A special introductory sale of a splendid new line of
wpraen's fast black cotton Stockings Made with double
heel, sole and toe All sizes. It is a Stocking that will
especially appeal to you, because of its unusual durabil
ity and fine fit. A Stocking made to sell regu-
larly at 20c. This sale only 1 1C
Parents who find it difficult to keep the children sup
plied with Stockings should purchase liberally at this
sale of fast black cotton Stockings, for they may buy
two pairs at the usual cost of one. These Stockings are
of medium weight and are made in the popular
one by one rib. Regular 20c values. This sale at 1 J.C
Of equal importance is this special underpricing of a
line Women's Fine Ribbed, Heavy Fleeced White XTot
ton Union Suits.' All sizes in form-fitting styles. Gar
ments that have been finished and trimmed in a per
fect manner and that are well wortn lull price,
$1.25 a suit. A leader for tomorrow at.
J o o cj q o oiMlMiMsV ;)W
A Trade Winning Sale Saturday Wo
men's and Misses Fall Cots
'Attractive Models, Shown in the Most Populr Materials,
Plain Colors and NoveKies Values toJ$12J5 mm gfk
Specially Priced for Tomorrow's Sale at Onljjj) 9y )
At this sale you have choice from a wonderful variety.'
Everything which taste could suggest or whic fashion ap
proves Balmacaan, belted effects and othdfe models in
desirable lengths. They come in astrachans, plaid and
plain colored fabrics and m all sizes for kvomen and
young ladies. It is an opportunity. to secure fashionable
new Fall or Winter Coat at a splepdid saving- one that
few women can afford to miss. You havj fljHr AA
choice of values to $12.50 Saturday at . . . . D U
Children's $3.98 Dresses and Coats on Sale (f AO
Exceedingly Low Reduced Figure Tomorrow tD I VO
For tomorrow we have' arranged a special xmd;e)riced sale of
Children's ready-to-wear wool garments. Finejfjserge dresses
and coats in the most desirable materials. Broken lines from
our regular stocks including jhe best models 3nd materials
Come early and have first choice, from dresses -fin sizes 'from
6 to 14, in coats from 2 to 6 years. Regular $3.98 AO
values on sale Saturday at. . . l.70
Saturday Sale of
Drug Sundries
- 7 O-
Powder and Puff, Reg.
35c Value, on
Sale for Only
For tomorrow, as a
week-end special, we
place on sale about 150
boxes of Face Powder.
It is a, high-grade flesh
colored powder, that
sells regularly at 25c.
Also a fine Wool or
Down Powder Puff in
cluded. A regular 5c
combination at
;this sale for. . .
Another Fine Underpriced Lot of Fer
guson & McKiimey Guaranteed Shirts
Coat Style "With Attached Cuffs, All Size, in OA
Plain Blue and Assorted Patterns. $1.25 Graeat O VG
Men who have profited by our past sales of these welf-ltaown Shirts -will
be the first to respond to this announcement, for theyjjenow from past
experiences how well they fit and what splendid sgrvicc "they give.
Those in this lot are shown in. negligee coat style wi attached cuffs.
They come, in plain blue and in assorted neat patterjisjj They are fully
guaranteed not to fade or prove unsatisfactory in anjf'manner. QQ
The best $1.25 grade will be placed on sale tomorrow ajfi Oat
Men's Underwear in Winter Weight FineWool Shirts
and Drawers, Very Soft Finish, Nicely TailorejiCJJf A C
Garments, Sold Elsewhere! at $1.25, This Sail tD 1 HO
Men who are particular as to the fit, quality and. fmisMlof their Under
wear will be, pleased'with the garments offered at thislpnderpriced sale
of one of fhe best known makes of men's natural rajr'ool Clnderwear.
Included are both shirts and drawers in all sizes,, and correct Winter
weight. Garments of very sofvfinish that have bee; finely tailored.
A quality sold everywhere at 1.25. : On sale tomorrow at, QTAK
...... .,..,M..-..-:W-llJ