r: V THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 30, 1914. 22 Charge Purchases Made Tomorrow Will Go on the November Accounts and Are Payable December First B..PJ.E. 'HOT-TIME' TONIGHT AT Mrs. A. L. Craig, Expert From the Nemo Hygienic Institute, Here Tomorrow to Instruct on Corseting for Health and Comfort Fifth Floor, Sixth Street Building --II . .. I ... 1. - . . II- ! I H , " ' ' " 1 '. . . - I . I ' '"' ' ' Meier Frank's Great Store Always Undersells! ' ' '" mm ' ' - 1 " 1 m- I-, i. ' i ii ' i . ', Impromptu Stunts of Laugh ." Making Kind Will Be rea- A Huge Purchasing Power Enables This Institution to Lead in Selling! And 57 Years of Courteous Attention to All Patrons Brings Thousands Here Dailf to Shop! ture of Evening. HOMAGE- PAID TO QUEENS f v PLANNED fe BIG SHOW IN ARMORY r r f i -. 1 r t r . M m k Soya! SoiuUni Entertain Fair Bole re . Ot Many Caralvala Keld Z.aat Sum mar la Pacific Itorthweet. X.AJTD SHOW PRO OB AM. Tonirht. 8:00 Klks' nigh; concert by Elka' band of 42 pieces, and Impromptu ntunts. Saturday Afternoon. 1 :00 to 6:00 Old fashioned Haby Show, under auspices of Women of Woodcraft; hundreds of babies entered. 2:00 (Jirls' canning contest, continued from today. . Motion pictures, depicting operation of Oregon manufac- turlnjr ilJits. Special lectures and mufln In free theatre. - Saturday light. 8:00 Mtarufar-tiireis' assocl- atlon niRirt. More than 50 Klft distributed to holders of certain numbers. Women of Woodcraft will celebrate. :0-r-Musicat program by Swedish Singing club, 18 voices. Hapd music and special enter- talnment stunts. $2.50 Jointed Dolls - 9 ft Buy now for Xmas P--erfe7 24 inches tall, sleeping eyes, sewed mohair wig. Toytown, First Floor, Temporary Annex, No. 2. $1.25 Friction Trains OQ Buy now for Xmas OaC Locomotive, Tender, 3 Pas senger Cars. Toytown. Base ment, Temporary Anuex, No. 2. Yeon Building. $1.25-$1.50 Play Suits HQn For children .-. I V Indian, Cowboy chaps, mili tary, squaw, of Khaki cloth. Toytown, Basement, Temporary Annex, No. 2. $1.50 Educational Blackboard and Desk for Chil- " "I r dren pJLetl Roll-top, A. B. C's, Numbers, Designs. Hardwood frame. Toytown, Basement, Temporary Annex, No. 2. $2.50 Doll Buggies Full Collapsible Rubber-tired wheels, leather ette covered hood. Toyto Basement, Temporary A No. 2. wn, -KWI Showing new store now being erected IHXITS STOKE, TZUFOSASY AUTCEX HO. 1 Last night the Royal Rosarians paid homage to six festival Queens at the Manufacturer' and Land Product show, and tonight the Elks, with brass bands, will make the big exposition building hum and Jolly Old King Fun will be In the saddle. 'The Best Ponple on Earth" have mado plans for a "hot time." They will gather at the Elks' club, on Broad way and "Stark, at 715, and shortly before 8 a'clook, the membership, head er by the Elks' famous band of 42 pieces, will parade up Washington treet, and" down Tenth to the Armory. A big turnout in expected. At the exposition the ceremonies will be short, arid thcrf emaindcr of the veiling will be glveTi over to im promptu stunts of a laugher making aort, for which the Elks are noted. Quite Incidentally the Elks' band will give a concert in Agricultural hall The committee 1n charge consists of W. I. Harris, chairman; K. K. Kubli, who is chairman of the evening; Fred Wagner. Charles Ringler and Harry O'Bryan. This afternoon is Wooriburn day at . the show, and a large delegation ot northern Marlon county people are In the city to celebrate the event. Realty Board Members Attend. A large number of the Portland Realty Hoard members visited the how this afternoon aluo. The realty men marched to the Armory immedi ately after their regular weekly lunch eon ut the., Commercial club, under the leadership of President Dean Vincent. Hosaitlana' night at the' exposition was ine of brilliancy. With aix queens from festival cities of Oregon : and Washington and thte Tyee of the Seattle Potlach on "Which to center thelY attention, the uniformed knights found plenty "to do. Queen Thelma of the Portland Rose Festival entertained as her guests Queen Mabel of the Roneburg Strawberry Festival, Queen Allle-of the. Astoria regatta. Queen lllldred of the Eugene Fourth of July pageant. Queen Malaga of ttre Kenne- wick tirape Festival, Queen Anne of " the Salem Cherry fair and Tyee How- Brd Josslyn of the Seattle Potlach. I'rincesses attended each jueen. Ty and Queen Xd March. - The Tyer knd Rose Festival ijueen, who In real life is Miss Thelma Hol lingsworth. led ' the. grand march in the. Armory ballroom, where the cere- monies were held. The march ended by the salutation of Uetns and prin cesses by the Rosarians, all of whom were out in uniform. This was fol lowed by the presentation of beauti ful bouquets of roses to the visiting royalty, then the hand struck up a lively tjwosfYp and the grand ball. In Which everybody Joined, began. ,if J. Fred Larson wasthe royal herald; " Robert Krohn, royal master at arms; Frank "McCrillls, cnnlrtnan of the roval ' reception committee; John P. Carroll, official representative of the Rose Festival association, and H. L. Pittock, grand duke of Rosarla. Rosarla's wel come to visiting royalty was extended by N. It. Pike who told them of the iiymbolic meanings of the rose Portland's flowr. Visitor fraji Valley WnmerOns. Iurlng the afternoon Willamette Valley day was celebrated r"by several hundred valley visitors who were en tertained at the exposition by the Com mercial club. The principal delegation ws from Forest (Jrove and 'numbered 21. persons including Mayor Uoff who headed it. Tomorrow night the Manufacturers' association of Oregon will celebrate. As their part in the Manufacturers' i .and Iund Products Show the feature of the evening will be the free distri bution of more than SO presents, the gifts to represent goods ' manufactured lh Oregon. The committee from the Manufac- v turers association in charge of the - evening at the exposition consists of A. H. Uevers, chairman, F. S. Doern . , bacher, Thomas B. Kay, A. J. Bale and J. R. Bowles. Olft Nbjrht Tomorrow. ... Aa visitors enter the exposition they will be given numbered tinkers. I Later the. gifts to be- distributed will t ! toe displayed on the stage of the free M theatre and nifmbers corresponding to , ; those held by visitors will be drawn f iroihl a hat. tn this manner the pres- "1 i entajWlll be distributed to the holders ;'M of the . winning tickets. If Among the gifts" already sent , into v-j -the . exposition for Manufacturers' j night la a dining table from the Doern j bacher Manufacturing company; a chair from the Oregon Chair company; one "Jniversity" macklnaw," from i'leischner Mayer & Co., and three "Mt. Hood" shirts. Neustadter Broth era have given one gray macklnaw, ne ''"None-Better" shirt and p. p. Maradon & Bon are down for two boxes of fancy cakes. '. Other gifts consist of one case of assorted pickles from the Fret Pickle Works, on box of candy "Thomsens" from the Pacific Coast Biscuit com pany, five- boxes- of "Royal White" soap from; the LuOel King & Cako tioap company, two boxes of candy . from the Modern Confectionery com- pany and one case of assorted fruits rom th Oregon Packing company. . A Wonderful Offer Originally $3.50 to $7.50 Solid Gold Lavallieres At $2.59 Buy Now for Christmas All Latest De signs First Floor, Sixth St. Building Another lot of Pin-Seal Bags at OI1 First J?ioor Sixth Street Bldg. 25c Wash Foulards at 19c Never Before Sold at Such Low Price For the making of House Dresses, Underskirts and Blouses, we offer these Wash Foulards 32 inches wide colors, navy, brown, black, Gobelin and Reseda grounds, in attractive designs, dots, stripes and rosebuds in white or contrasting col ors. Supply your needs tomorrow! Third Floor Sixth Street Blag. We Sell Famous Makes of Men s Clothing At Lowest Prices! You'll Recognize These Tailoring Concerns By Name Rogers-Peet, Hickey-Freeman, "Society Brand", Wash ington Co., L. Adler of Rochester, Naumberg& Co. Every Man & Young Man in Portland Will Find Here The Most Complete Fall Stock of Suits and Overcoats. All Wool Suits at $15.00 to $35.00. Overcoats $15.00 to $40.00 I. Buy a Raincoat Tomorrow $7.50 to $35.00 For Antoists (Every Style Mackinaw Coats) For Skaters ForHunterskrMen, Young Men, $5 to $20)ForStreetWear Agents Knox Hats For Men To be the greatest in Western: America "IT" Last Day of Great Sale of $1 lies At 69 c it u r is-,. All Made of Imported Silks f Large, Wide Flowing Ends See Window! Men's Store, Telnporary Annex No. I n Own a Kodak to picture the happenings of eve4 day the scenic beauties of Oregon, in city aiW country. See our extensive line of Kodaks! f tomorrow. Prices $6 to $63. Brownie Camera,$l to $12. Make Photo Calendars for Christma ijgifts. Ask to see the Calendar Blanks. s:g Special for Saturday t 25c Pkg. 1-Jb. Eastman Acid Fixing; Mnvder 19 Tirst Floor, Temporary Antifec, No. 1 j " Coat Sale Extraordinary 300 New Coats for Women Just Received! 100 Balmacaan Coats At $8.75 All Weatherproofed All Gray Mixtures and Tan All 48-inch Length ,. ' 200 34-Coats for Women a At $10 Popular loose-back styles. Winter fabrics. Brown or green mixtures, and also a splendid assortment of wide belt style Coats. Take advantage of these sales tomorrow! yonrth moot Sixth Street Bldff. All Authorities SAY Plant Bulbs Now Great Sale Tomorrow . Bulbs at Dozen 35c Single and Double Hyacinths Pink, Rose, Pure White, Blusf White, Dark Blue, Red, Light Blue, Yellow Bulbs at Dozen 15c Single and Double Tulips White Pink Red . Yellow and Red Yellow Narcissus and Daffodils Empress Emperor Princess Paper Whites Von Sion Fourth rioor Temporary Annex Every Boy Wants a Balmacaan Overcoat We Sell the Famous "SAMPECK" Line Also a "SAMPECK" Suit Gives the "Correct Posture" to Your Manly, Growing Boy , "SAMPECK" BALMACAAN OVERCOATS For juveniles, ages 2x2 to 8 years. $7.50 to $12.50 For boys,, ages 8 to 18 years $10.00 to $16.50 "Sampeck" Knickerbpcker Suits, 7 to 18 years $7.50 to $18.00 "SAMSON" SUITS, with two pairs of Knickers, ages 5 to 18 years, priced at $6.50. . Second Floor, Temporary Annex No. 1 A Timely Sale of Peter Thompson Dresses This Lot New Dresses Just Received The Most Popular for School Wear $13.50 Peter Thompson Dresses, sizes 14 to 20 years, all new, NAVY BLUE SERGES, trimmed with black and wmie bouiacne Draia, emoiem on sieeve ana aicicey. $Q.98 Last Day to Buy Kid Gloves at Wholesale Prices This has been a phenomenal event! Every pair of every make has been included. Perrin's, Dent's, Bacmo, Trefousse, Ireland's and others. Buy Gloves tomorrow for men, women, children. Men's and Boys' Gloves. First Floor, Women's and Children's Gloves, First Temporary Annex No. 1. Floor, Sixth-St. Building. 3 Remarkable Sale Hosiery Tomorrow Women's 50c Silk Lisle Hose Black and tan, pair 39 Women's 25c "Burson" Hose Outsizes. Split foot, pair 19 Women's 50c Lisle Hose Outsizes. Black only, pair 37 Women's 35c Cotton Hose Black and tan, 2 pairs 55f, pair -28 Women's 35c Mercerized Cotton Hose Black, pair. . 27 Boys' and Girls' 20c School Hose Black, pair..v .12 Misses' 20c Cotton Hose Fine rihbed. 3 pairs 50, pair ............ 17 Tnfants' 25c Plain Lisle Hose Black and colors, 3 pairs 55S pair, . .20 500 pairs Women's 25c to 50c Fine Lisle and Cotton Hose Broken lines in sizes and colors 3 pairs 55, pair 20 t First Floor, Sixth St. Building. Fif tli rioor Sixth Street Bldff. a S3 Buy Toilet Needs and Drugs Tomorrow Oriental Cream (Gourard's) Rf antiseptic Lotion ; 29 Hind's Honey and Almond Cream....- 28- Jergen's Benaoin and Almond Lotion X2 Swansdown Face Powder 12 4711 AVhtte Koee Glycerine Soap 12 Society Hygrienic Soap (Unseen ted) ,39? Pr. Lyon'a Tooth Powder 12 Rubiroam, 2 for Jn Euthymol Tooth Paste ..13 Squibb s Talcum Powder 16 Jergren's Talcum Powder ..12 Potter s Hair Stain 9 randerine. larpre size bottle........ 69 Sal Hepatica, Jl size 69 Sodium Phosphate, l lb. Merck's 18 Murine Kye Remedy .....33 rim Floor, Sixth-rt. Bldtf. ( All Day Grocery Specials ROYAL BANQUET BUTTER Roll ...T2 Freshly made Fancy Oregon Butter. VICTOR COFFEE Pound 29 . Well-known rich Old blend. SUGAR-CURED BACON Pound . . .22 10 to 12-pound strips. Whole or half strips. SUGAR-CURED HAMS Pound lO, Eastern sngar-cured, well smoked. LARGE WALNUTS Poimd . . . 12J4 Hard shells. Excellent' meats. Par rood Grocery, Bftaement-Slxtb Street VUg. Th& QgtALrnr: Sjoroipoktlahd BULLETIN! ;:1 9 6 12 Bargains Small Lots. Exceptionally Low Prifili. Telephone Orders Accepted for Morning specials From 9 to 10:30 Subject to Merchandise Remaining. 35c tO 75c VEILINGS YARD 2$: Nose Veilings of Mesh some with chenille iiott&l bor ders. In double and single hair lines. Black', Itagpie and colors. First Floor, Sixth St. Building. f REMNANTS LACE AND EMBROIDER 10c One-half to 1-yard lengths. Shadow Lace anfl Embroi deries. Regularly selling from 15c to 40c. First Floor, Sixth St. Building. . $1 CHIFFON AND BEADED NET YABD 49c 3G-inch Beaded Nets in colors. 42-inch Prated Chif fons. First Floor, Sixth .St. Building. i 50c TO 85c MEDALLIONS EACH 9c $1 to $1.25 MEDALLIONS EACH 49c Real Irish Crochet, Cluny Medallions. Iiifrge sizes. Round, square and crescent shapes. I'irst I'foor, Sixth St. Building. i CHILDREN'S COATS $4.85 i Sizes 2 to 8 years. Oxford Chinchilla Coatj tailored style with black velvet roll collars. Cape Cojis of diag onal Melton Cloth Copenhagen, blue Detachable cape.- Fifth Floor, Sixth St. Building. V si CHILDREN'S SHOES SIZES SV2 TO lli-$1.49 MISSES' SHOES SIZES 11 Va TO 2-$1.79 Of patent colt with black c&th or niat top also gun metal calf. All button style. Jjow heels Medium soles. Third Floor, Sixth St. Building. ! BOYS' $2.50 SHOES SIZES 1 TO 6 j-$1.98 BOYS? $2.00 SHOES SIZES 10 TO 13Vgr-$1.68 (Junmetal or calf skin. Blucher or button style. Heavy soles! Broad toes. Third Floor, Sixth St. Buijding. $3.25 BLANKETS $2.21 if White Woolnap Blankets, with fancy bordftrs. Ninth Floor, Temporary Annex, No. l. 11 EXTRA FOR MEN! 9 to 12 o'Clock Only Four In Hand Styles : M-J Genuine Cheney Foulards, new bias strides and polka dots. Popular colors navy, tat green, red, heliotrope and grays. , Men's Store riret Ploor Tunpotxiry Aaarc 40c HEMSTITCHED TOWELS 36c Pure Linen Huckaback Towels. Hemstltcheiqj ends. Size 19 by 34. Third Floor, Sixth St. Building. f-. 85c TABLE DAMASKYARD r Linen Table Damask. Pure" white,- Good iquality. 06 inch width. Third Floor, Sixth St. Building. i ' : 3 CANS MINCED CLAMS 254 " "Ellmore" brand. No. 1 cans. Clear white rrlcat. Regu-j lar 15c quality. Limit 6 cans to a customer. ! 3 QUARTS JERSEY CRANBERRIES 25c j Large red berries. Well ripened. . ' . if U '. SEEDED RAISINS PACKAGE t!c ' "Guardian" brand. No. 1 carton, regularly ic. Freshly seeded. Limit 6 .packages to a 'customer-PfPure Food Grocerv, Basement Sixth St. Building. b -. ' ' ! t ' '