The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 30, 1914, Page 19, Image 19

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Widows' Pension Regulations
Revised to Considerable
Reopening of State HormaT School at
Ashland Is Olrea Indorsement
of Women's Meeting.
Several" important amendments to
the - constitution of the Oregon Con
gress of Mothers and the adoption of
amendments to the widows' pension
pill, were salient features of this
morning's session of the congress.
Mra. R. c. Bondurant, chairman f
the widows' pension committee, sub
mitted the resolutions proposing
amendments to that bill, which is the
"child" of the congress, having been
drawn by it two years ago. The
amendments provide that a mother
must reside In the stats for three
years and in the county for one month.
No family can receive more than $40
per month. Ten dollars will be al
lowed for the first chiid and $7.50
.for each additional child. Children
must live with their mother and the
pension must bo granted only for the
welfare of the children.
When any widow" is found incom
petent of properly expending her pen
sion, tho court shall direct the ex
penditure or the name. If the hus
band Is physically, morally or men-
tally unfit, h must be placed in a
suitable institution. Any person at
tempting by fraud- to secure the pen
sion will bo subject to fine or Im
prisonment. Improvements Are Favored.
The convention wert on record as
favoring Improvements at the Fraaler
detention homo, by the use of the
$17,000 voted last year Tor this pur
K pose; favoring the reopening of the
State Normal school at Ashland; co
operate with Juvenile court in creat
ing a bill to legalize illegitimate chil
dren; to go on record . declaring the
saloon to be a moral and economic
waste as opposed to liquor traffic and
willingness to work for its eradica
tion. Mrs. Kelts appointed the following
committee to look into tho matter of
organizing Parent-Teacher associa
tion!! in the high schools of the state:
Mrs. W. J. Hawkins, Mrs. Martin Wag
ner. Mrs. J. vv. Kerr, Mrs. Ralph Duni
way and Mrs. George Rebec. The con
vention adjourned for the luncheon
given at Hotel Benson by the Port
laud Parent-Teacher association.
Plea for Elimination of Pear.
icstcraay arternoon s session was
.characterized by delightful music and
helpful addresses. Mrs. Jane Burns
Albert sung two solos, accompanied bv
Miss Mamie Helen Flynri, and Mies'
Ada Alice Yuttle gave a groirp of ar-
waui; Buiun. x-roiessor irving rj. vin
ing of New York was the principal
speaker, his topic being "The Boy
Problem In Cities and Small Towns."
His addrexs was replete with helpful
suggestions on how to help the boy in
the highest and best development of
himself physically, mentally and mor-
. ally. He made a pie for the elimina- !
tlon of everything that suggests fear
in all training as it ltfne of the prin
cipal sources from which criminal ten
dencies are developed.
Hhorf addresses were Riven by Runo
K. Arne and Dr. Miriam Van Waters.
Mr. Arne, who Is the new superintend
- entf the Boys and Girls' Aid society,
spoke on the Back to the Home Move
ment, emphasising the great necessity
of making the home sufficiently at
tractive that the boys and girls will
-xseek their entertainment there rather
than outside. He said that one of the
prime reasons that boys do not stay at
homo is because of the lack of free
dom, or to use a leHs elegant but more
forceful term, because they are not al
lowed to "let off steam."
"Parents should live with, play with
and talk with their children about the
great and tho little things of life .and
show thejr sympathy with , the things
which interest their sons and daugh
ters. Another essential Is a ready wol
come to the friends of the boys and
girls. Too many homes are planned for
the adults of the family with no con
sideration for the children; the old
fashioned barn with which most homes
were formerly endowed, is now prac
tically a thing of the past, it has
given way to the garage wherein a
boy can do about as much damage as
he could if turned loose with a grand
piano. The wife and mother U the
heart of the home and in her hands
lies the destiny of the children, tine
should study the needs and tastes of
$le members 'of her family and cater
"-.f-theni in every possible way. Any
scheme for social betterment that ig
nores the home cannot have any per
manent value.
Police Band Will
Give Dance Tonight
Proceeds WljtfJ&efray Xxpease of Tonr
Which Wp Begin From Portland
About May 1, 1918.
The ball which the police' band ia
giving tonight at Cotillion hall, four
teenth and J3urnside streets, la the
firstof a series Cf entertainments for
the purpose of raising money with
which? to finance the "Buy-Tour-Tlcket-By-Way-of-Oregon"
in which the police band Is taking
leading part.
The police band expects to leave
Portlaaid about May 1, 1915. accom
panied by delegations from the com
mercial and civie organizations of
Portland and the state societies, visit-
f ! " 1 1
; 316 X ES
Pid fIveuiement by Walter M. Pierce, La Grande, Or.
- , : ; ,
...... " i
Ing the two California expositions at
San Francisco and San Diego. IThey
will then go east. , '",s 'V ,
"In this movement the band la giv
ing; an uncompensated service, which.
If paid for In money, would cost be
tween $18,000 and 120,000," said W.
F, Spencer, manager of the projected
tour, this m6rning. "The men will be
put personally to the expense of tuy
ing new uniforms and equipment"
At the dance tonight the most at
tractive program features of the vari
ous theatres will be presented between
dances. This is an innovation. Includ
ing, members of the Pollard troupe
from Pantages, the Hippodrome Four
from the Empress, Miss Madeline
Rowe, soprano from the Lyric, whose
songs will be accompanied by the
band. There will be special decora
tive features.
Scandinavian-American Dis
covered It Woljld Be Too
Easy for Depositor to Win,
Candidates in The Journal's Trade and
Circulation Contest have been wonder
ing why the Scandinavian - American
bank withdrew trom the contest.
It was a case of "too much money"
and a desire on the part of Tlie Jour
nal and the banking institution to
prevent anyone with money from tak
ing undue advantage of hard working
candidates who were not blessed with
any too much Of It.
Under the rules of the contest, every
cent's purchase of goods from speci
fied stores or of specified brands
counts in votes in the contest. The
bank, however, offered the exception
to the rule. With it, votes were re
ceived not for spending money, but
for saving it. And right at this point
enters the proposition of "too much
Will A. Wright, vice president of
the bank, among others, got to figur
ing and suddenly discovered that It
would be only too easy for a person
with money to step in and win the
prizes without any effort further than
depositing money in the savings de
partment of the bartk. By this means
the man with cash could gain 4 per
cent compounded semi-annually and
at the same time secure a big prize.
He and The Journal decided that this
would hardly be the right thing for
other candidates and it was decided
that the! bank would wtihdraw from
the contest.
"We withdraw," said Mr. Wright,
"although we regretted the necessity
of doing it. We are very much inter
ested in the contest and wanted to
help the many candidates In their ef
fort to capture the splendid prizes
which The Journal and firms working
with it are offering. However, we do
not want to see some person with
money step in an win without work
and rob hard working' candidates of
the fruits of their efforts, by doing
nothing more than deposit money with
our bank."
Regional Reserve
Bank Quota Sent
Portland Institutions Ship Over $100,
'000 la Gold and Gold certificates to
S&n XTanclaco.
Having forwarded more than $100,
000 in gold end gold certificates yes
terday to make up Portland's quota
in the organization of the regional
reserve bank at San Francisco, local
bankers today are preparing to ship
more gold to make up the subscrip
tions of the smaller banks of the
state for which they are correspond
ents. .
It was not knowntthis morning Just
what this second shipment would be, j
because some of the larger banks trib
utary Jlo the Portland banks were ex
pected to send their subscriptions di
rect. Organization of the regional bank
at Ban Francisco is expected to ba
complete by November 16. Alter that'
the branch banks will be organized in
such cases as the reserve board deems
necessary. j
The Installment forwarded yeeter- j
day covers one-sixth of the 6 per cent i
of capital and surplus of the member i
banks. The second installment, con
sistlng of another one-sixth, will bo
due in 90 da'ys, and a third install
ment of one-sixth will be due 90 days
thereafter. The 'balance of the sub
scription will be due at the call of
the reserve board as need for it arises, i
Fake Guns, Says 1
King, Held Germans
Captain of British Steamship la Port
at Seattle Declares Bluff Worked
Until Order to Dismount.
Seattle, Wsh., Oct. 30. Two Ger
man steamships and two German wind
jammers were held at the port of ,
Callao, Peru, when the war started, by ,
two huge wooden guns, painted black,
mounted on the deck of the British j
steamship Oreoma, according to cap
tain James King of the British bark
Inverclyde, which has Just arrived "here
from Peru. The bluff might have con
tinued to work, says Captain King,
had not the port authorities ordered
all vessels in the harbor to dismount
their guns. Peruvian naval officers
sustained a great shock when they
boarded the Orema to enforce orders
and learned the truth.
... Off Cape Flattery the Inverclyde was
halted by the Canadian cruiser New
castle, which dipped her colors wuen
the British ensign fluttered to the
Inverclyde's masthead
i ii fin 1 1 TnriTi irirr nr 1
HAKdn IKdlmml ur
Writer Says He Saw Super
intendent Kick Man Who
Had Been Discharged,
Company Official Said He Hid Orders
to Keep Anyone From Selling
Egg; Wag Question Raised.
Portland, Oct. 30. To the Kditor of
The Journal To further throw light
on the subject of fitness or unfitness
of R, A. Booth for United States sena
tor I wish to relate the following In
cident: About two yearB ago I had occasion
to ba at Wendling, Or., on business. I
was standing on the "dock" talking
with the superintendent when we no
ticed a man carrying a basket full of
eggs. The. superintendent, with
"blood In his eye," went over and said:
"What in hell are you doing here?"
The man answered that he was selling
good, fresh eggs. "What price are
you selling them at?" "Same as you
sell them at the store." "Well, we
arc going to sell all the eggs there is
going to be sold here, and you get to
hell out of here," said the superintend
ent. Th man was Just about to say
something -when the superintendent,
with curses, kicked the man and fol
lowed him down the "dock" kicking
and cursing him. '
I asked the- superintendent if he
didn't think it rather hard that a man
could not be allowed to sell such pro
duct during noon hour (this happened
about 1:45 p. m.). He told me that
It was orders from headquarters that
no one was allowed to sell anything in
the town and that he bad to go -according
to orders or he would lose his
Job himself.
I later saw the man who had been
thus mistreated and I learned that he
had worked for true Booth-Kelly Lum
ber company several years and in
vested his meager savings in a small
piece of land (about one acre) and that
he had raised some 75 chickens, with
the assistance xf his good wife and
The land was purchased from the
Booth-Kelly company. He was dis
charged because something went
wrong with his alarm clock and he
arrived too late to his work mornings.
We have heard so much about the
excellent treatment of the Booth-Kelly
employes and their good wages paid,
etc. I would suggest that R. A.
Booth publish his complete pay roll
of the Booth-Kelly Lumber company
with an affidavit attached thereto. If
what he say's is true, this would be
firfe campaign matter for him I don't
think! S. S. A,
(The writer requested that his name
be withheld because he is a working
man, but he declared his willingness
to make an affidavit as to the facts
in his letter.)
Motorcycles Will Rest.
For the next three months. Roy
Brace and V. J. Longman Will not ride
their motorcycles. This morning the
two young men agreed before Munici
pal Judge Stevenson to place locks on
the cycles for this period, rather than
pay a fine of $15 for speeding yester
day on Alberta street. Motorcycle
Officer Bales caught the two young
men racing.
Geary Street, above Union Square
Eurooean Plan SI. 50 a day ud
Mi .Aft A a m
nan $d.&u a aai ui
New iteel and concrete structure. Third
addition of hundred reoms lust com
pleted. Every tnodarn convenience.
Moderate rates. Center of theatre end
retail district. On carlines transfer
rin! all over city. Electric omnibus
, meets trains and steamers.
The House of Welcome
Park and Alder Streets
Portland, Or.
In the theatre and shopping
district, one block from any
carline. Rates $1.00 per day
and up. With bath, $1.50
per day and up. Take Our
Brown Auto 'Bus.
C. W. Cornelius, President
H. E. Fletcher, Manager
In effect Oct. 1, 1818.
Dally or Sunday.
1H eenU per - ord per insertion.
Tbia cbirse It rot all clesMrtcatloa. eteept-
lag "Tot Rent ta Prlt.t Kmmily." "Room end
Board in frtvtt family." "Situntloa Waoted
aod "Wanted to Beat" ao.. which are 1)4
ceats per word fer Insertion.
Ks ad cbarged for lea iban 1(1 eenta,
m eenta tier word fur all classifications,
excepting "For Rest In Private Family'
'Kootn tnd Boer in Private Fatally," "tUtaa
tloa Wanted" and "Wanted to Beat" a&i..
which are 1H cent per word. Consecutive
loaertloa of catb want ads.:
Insertion 'or the prtce of
7 Insertion tnr the price of 5
46. A. F. & A. M. Special
communication t o m o rrow
(Saturday) evening. 7:30, 68
and Burnside. - Friendship
lodge No. 160 will pay us a
fraternal visit and confer
the M. M. degree. A full attendance
is. desired and a good time assured.
Order W. M. '
J. H. RICHMOND. Sec'y.
OREGON Lodge, Jo. 101, A.
F.ard A. M. Special com
munication Saturday evening,
October SI. at 7:30 o'clock.
Work In the E, A. degree.
Visitint; brethren cordially In
vited, order f theW.M.
ALBERT PIKE Lodge, U. D., A. F.
and A. M. M. M. degree tonight at
7:50 O'clock. Viaitors welcome. By
I order of W. M. E. RMVIE, Sec'y.
B.J. Ruef, EUVi Stark street, 23, Sod"
Theresa Keller. S40 Marshall afreet, 20.
Hobert M. Cook. Hillsboro. Or.. 21, ana !
Veata M. Kelsey, 37 Wilm street, 18.
Dan Haller, 811 Front street, 33. aod Basel ;
V. Burton, 205 Whltaker f treet, 17.
Newton Albert Crawford, Grand Bapida, J
Mich., legal, sad Effie Baaniin, Antler be-1
tel. legal. -
George Brnao, 205 Eleventh street, legal,
and Mauda Brow. 206 Eleventh street, legal.
Ardnino Sementllli, 33 Second street, 23,
and Christina D'Abruxzl. 688 Fifth street. 15.
Abraham Hildunin, 287 North Seventeenth
street, 2. and Aina Pelas, S6 East Twenty
serenth street, North, 20.
William H. Ryan, (583 Kast Eighteenth
street, legal, and Mary K. Cahill, eiXa Eat
Eighteenth street, lepal.
A d Qmlh ft, Pn Wedding and
in v-i i wiiii ui vjt, j vi Visiting cards.
Third floor, Morgan bldg.
DRESS suits for rent, all sizes. Unique
Tailoring Co., 309 Stark st.
COUUTKEY To Mr. and Mis. Harrj '. Court- j
ney. BirtB arenoe, Lnts, October 24, a son.
SMITH To Mr. nd Mrs. Hiram H. Smith,
684 Ehst Main atreet. October IT, a son.
NASH To Mr., and Mra. Wailla G. Nanh. 42
Eaat Eighty-fourth street, Kortb, October
17, a son.
GOODHUE To Mr. and Mrs. Claude H. Good
hue, 1185 Kant Conch street, October 10, a
GRIMM la tbla city, October 28, at her late
residence, and East Oak street,
Mrs. Elizabeth Grimm, aged 60 years, 6
months, 7 days, beloved wife rot Phillip
Grimm, and motber of William Grimm and
Mra. 1. Whalen, of Willap. Wash.; Mrs. B.
W. Patrick of Grays Klver, Wash.; Oscar,
George. Ami,. CarL, and Lewis t this city.
The funeral services will be held at the
Church of Attention, 135 East 8eenty-aixth
street, at 10 a. m. today (Friday). Friends
Invited. Interment at Hose City Park ceme
tery. j
COHEN In tills city, O0tober i, Kosa
Cohen, aged 31) years, 11 months, 21 days,
beloved wife to Midel When. Friends in
vited to attend funeral services, which will be
held at the family residence, 424 Hall street,
at 10 a. ni.. Sunday, November 1. Inter
ment Ahaval Sholoui cemetery.
DONL.ON October 30, at Baker, Or.. Mrs.
Anus Ioukn, beloved mother of G. K.
Donlon and Mra. Mary Liudt-ey of Portland,
Mrs. Katueritia Mittaur of Bkr. Or. lie
ma Ids will be at the family reeideuce, 355
Knott street after 4 p. m. Saturday, October
31. Anuouncemont of funeral later.
EMBHEE At the family residence, a2 Mor
ris streat, John H. Kmbree, aged 74 years,
beloved husband of Mrs. PKriiitba B. Km
bree father of John W. Embree of Cook
countv, and Frederick M. Kmbree, North
Yakima. Wash. Funeral announcement later.
PAKKSI Julia rarest, 140 East Seventy-first
street, North, October 25, 60 years; cerebral
apoplexy. ....
lAiNDBERG Reka I.umlberfrt Good Samaritan
hospital, October 25, 33 years;, myocarditis.
MERSEREAU William 6. Mersereaa. 640
Seventeenth street. October 25, 62 years;
cerebral hemorrhage.
M'DONALD F. Grant McDonald, 234 NartiHa
street, October 27, 44 years: arierio sclerosis.
MARTIN & FORBES CO., florists, 347
Wash. Main 269, A-12S9. Flowers for
all oceasiona artistically arrangea.
CLAKKh BROS., florists, fine flowers
and floral designs. 38 1 niorrwn si.
MAX M. ssMlTH. florist, 141i bth st
in Selling bldg. Main 7216.
CASKET sprays as low as J1.50.
Lubllner. florists. Portland hotel blk.
A splendid residence undertaking es
tablishment, with private driveway.
.Montgomery at Fifth.
MR. EDWARD HOLMAN, the leading
funeral director, 220 3d St., corner
Salmon. Lady assistant. Phones A
1611, Main 507.
F, S, Dunning, Inc.
East Side Funeral Directors, 414
East Alder St. East 52, B-2525.
Dunning &McEntee KT
i n
every detail. 7th and Pine. Main 430,
A-4B58. Lady assistant.
A, R. Zeller Co
East 1088, C-1088.
Lady attendant. Dy and night service.
WALTER C. KEN WORTHY", successor
to A. B. Hemstock. 1687 E. 13tn.
Seliwood 71. B-1122. Lady assistant.
ri u Killings worth ave.
iiiamueid uu. and
Kerby. Wood-
lawn 3306, C-1183.
Automobile hearse.
A. D. KEN WORTHY &. CO. calls
promptly answered In all parts of
city., 1. Q. Q. F. Bid., Lenta. Tabor 52t7.
RT Dwrnoc Williams and Knott.
, I i DyiICbEaBt 1115, C-1943.
6133. A-2235. 445 Mora.
QIrArTQ Undertaking Co. Main 4152
OiL.VV LO a-2321. Cor. 3d and Clay.
Hamiltog J
eral services. Tabor 4313.
DC" A DOnM Undertakers. East 1080.
i Lniioun
369-371 Russell st.
P. L. LERCH, leading east side under
taker. E. 11th & Clay. B-1883, E. 781.
4th St.. opp. city hall. M. 8564. A-1518.
J We will lease or rent our building,
16-0x240,. and sufficient ground to meet
T requirements, to desirable parties
I wanting factory, laundry, warehouse,
etc., premises. See Owner, 90 11th St.
We will build in ny
part of city
costing from $2000 to
$20,000. Also apart
ments and flats. We
have money to loan.
Call and see plans.
Sr CO..
Commercial Club bldg.
$7004 Room Modern
Good 4 room modern house, nearly
new. on carline. lot 50x100. nice loca-
; tion, Vancouver. This can be handled
: on a small Inayment. See it.
512 Main st., Vancouver, Wash.
E. FRANKLIN st. snap, i Fine 7 room
modern house, 4 bedrooms, furnace;
a big snap at $3000; $250 down, $15
per month; near E. 36th. Make an offer.
414 Corbett bldg. A-1416, Marshall 92.
On your lot or ours; by your own
plans or ours; pay us like rent. '
1330 Northwestern Bank bldg.
EAST Lincoln st. snap- 5 room bunga
low, cor. lot, 1 block to car; a big
snap at $2200: $100 down, $15 a month.
414 Corbett bldg. A-1416, Marshall 92.
BY owner, good business corner lot
with 8 room house, on Greeley and
Portland boulevard. Take St. Johns
car. $2800; your own terms.
$525 equity in modern bungalow, 15
minutes out for $300, Main 7609,
Apt. 4.
$25 DOWN, $18.50 fER MO.
'5 roomed modern bungalow. Owner.
Sell. 2204.
VERY fln home cheap, lrvlngton, 7
rooms, choice, select mahogany and
oak finish. VY H. Herdman. East lis.
$700 EQUITY in S room modern bun-
falow: must sell quick today; pries
S. 88 10th. Marshal! 128.
WHEN you answer thesa Waal Ads,
mention The Journal.
14th Century Equipment
For 20th Century Battles
A troop armed with bows and arrows
could not succeed in battle against a troop
armed with rapid fire guns. The same is
true in business battles. You cannot win
in the twentieth century with bow and
arrow methods. .
When you merely hang out a sign
and your competitors use the rapid fire
Journal Want Ad method you are fight
ing twentieth century battles with four
teenth century equipment.
Arm yourself properly with a Journal
Want Ad. If your name appears in either
telephone directory call Main 7173 or
A-605 1 and have your Want Ad charged.
(Con tinned)
Bargan in a-House
Sunnyside District
Just for this week we are go
ing to offer you the best bar
gain to be found in the Sunny
side district. It is a Splendid
2 story, 6 room house, with at
tic; corner lot 50x100, hard sur
faced street on one side. The
houfce . is modern, and in first
class condition; rented for $20
per month to splendid tenant,
who has rented the house prac
tically ever since it was built.
The price is $3000. The lot is
just about worth the entire
price asked for this property.
Located at 1122 E. Yamhill, cor
ner 38th. Look the property
over and if interested .we will
arrange for you to see the in
terior, or phone us and we will
cull on you and show you the
Hargrove & Sons
122 N. bth St., Near Glisan.
Main 4381. A-7259.
$25 PKK MONTH, wnich includes In
terest, buys new 5 room bungalow,
with sleeping porch, bath, fireplace,
all built-in conveniences, hardwood
floors, gas and electric fixtures and
window shades installed, one larise well
lighted room for sewing or double bed
room, run concrete basement with ce
ment floor, stationary wash trays and
wood hoist, cement sidewalks; near
good streetcar line, schools, churches
and park. Ready for occupancy Nov.
1st. Phone East 687.
WILL sacrifice swell modern 2 fam
ily flat, 5 and 6 roms, worth $8600,
now $5900, $1000 down and $25 per mo.
Walking distance on E. Yamhill st.
See owner, 171 E. 22d. Phone East 6948.
$850 Three room shack on a half acre
of ground. This property lays level
and overlooks the east side mountains.
City water piped in front of this tract.
it you are looKing tor a nomesue it
will pay you to see this; $50 down, $10
a month. M. E. Lee, 605 Corbett bldg.
$1300 EQUITY in lot in Ladd s addi
tion for $650; balance $1000 at 6,
with second mortgage privilege to
builder. Close to Hawthorne and 12th
and worth double what 1 ask, but I
must sell. Would take clear suburban
lot. K-246, Journal.
$350 Quarter acre tract located on the
west side, 6c car fare, city water
pined in front of this property. This
is positively the best buy around Port
land; lays high apd Bightly, fine soil;
terms $10 down, $5 a month. M. E.
Lee, 505 Corbett bldg.
CHOICE lota at a reasonable price.
near depot in the garden spot of
Oregon. Address, Mrs. H. G. Walker,
Dillard. Douglas county, Or.
2 CULTIVATED lots, alley In rear,
on 4 mile circle, $500; $200 to $300
will handle. PhU Holmes, 5848 Foster
road S. E.
LOT 50x100 feet, in East Mount Tabor,
near Altamead, at a sacrifice; $200;
easy terms.. Y-98, Journal.
WILL jsell 2 lota at great sacrifice on
E. Stark St., near 83d st. C-988, Jour
nal. Phone Marshall 6S0S.
JrlEN you answer these Want Ads,
mention The Journal.
6 ACRES FOR $260
$10 down and $5 per month buys 8
acres good logged-off land 1 mile from
main line of railroad and town of 1000
population, with cannery, creamery,
between Portland and Astoria. Land
from $35 to $60 per acre on these
terms. Many 6 acre tracts to choose
318 Railway Exchange bet. 3d and 4th
sts. on Stark.
SO ACRES stump land in Clarke coun
ty, within 600 yards of railroad sta
tion; almost level; never failing spring;
I nave oilers to clear at ou per acre:
! fenced in two fields; adjoining land
i same conditions; recently sold for
$100. Wonderful opportunity for cap
able man. Our client makes sacrifice
offer of only $7& per acre. $1000 will
handle, balance long time.
2nd Floor Chamber of Commerce.
CHICKEN and fruit rancnea near Port
land; Gresham district, electric sta
tion mile. New subdivisions Sun
shine Valley orchard tracts; best soil,
free wood; elegant location. Prices
only $75 to $150 per acre In small
tracts; easy terms. Frank Mc Far land
Realty Co., 309 Yeon bldg., Portland, Or.
Gibson Half Acres
Good soil, city water, ( close to oar
line, easy terms; will build to suit pur
chaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or Sell
wood 476. John H. Gibson, owner.
A QUARTER of an acre worth $500,
will sell for $275; on Mt Scott car
line, 10 minutes east of Lents; half
cash. Main 42J6.
WHEN you answer these Want Ada,
mention xne journal.
$700 BUYS a half acre tract, located
on west side. 8c car fare, city water
piped in front of the tract, soli -free
from rock and gravel, lies level. Why
pay rent when you can get a piece of
ground this siie where you can grow
all your vegetables, chickens, etc
Terms. $20 cash. $10 a month. M. E.
60 corbett bldg.
160 ACRES, all fine land, half best
creek bottom, balance good pasture,
nearly all can be tilled when cleared:
on good creek; county roacf through
piace, 10 acres has been plowed, have
kept 60 head of cattle on place; client
old and needs the money; will make an
ideal stock farm, worth $4000, will
sell for $1500, half cash, balance terms.
iso traae. u. x. .North, isewport. Or. ,;
TO one wishing cheap brush land
should buy this direct from the
owner and save commission fees; 160
acres, about one half level enough to
plow; about 20 acres old growth tim
ber; younp orchard, small house and
barn; no rck; $12 per acre if sold
ImmediatcMr For further particulars,
M. W. Ruble, Alsea, Or.
48 H ACRES, lVs-miles from Oregon
City; 41 acres in cultivation, good 7
room house, 8 wells, 12 cows, 3 horses,
good milk route, alt kinds of farm im
plements; no waste land; a big Bnap at
$15,800; $3000 down and $&0 per
month or will take Portland" property.
414 Corbett bldg. A-1416. Marshall 92.
FOR TRADE, owners only, a arood 80
acre farm In Clarke county. Wash.. S
miles north La Center, about in cul
tivation, some large timber, 22 head of
stock, and implements go With place.
$100 per acre; want-incoma- property
to tne value. Address Herman Witten
becher, Route 2, Box 40
80 acres raw land, but good soil, 2
miles west of Toledo, county seat of
Lincoln county. Oregon; half can be
tilled when cleared; price $750. Beat
this If you can. '
Newport, Or.
C-W'NER must raise cash; will sM
to the highest bidder, 640 acres,
near Hanford, Washington; bidder al
lowed three weeks to examine land.
Further information. W. W, Jordan,
802 Lumbermens bldg.
SO ACRES raw but best of soil. Polk
county, good stock ranch, plenty out
range, $12 per acre; a dandy buy; some
bottom land, creek through place, also
county road, 4 miles to Rocca P. O.
No trade. C. T. North, Newport, Or.
FOR SALE 38 acres, 14 in cultiva
tion, 21,4 miles from railroad, $1
fare to Portland; $60 per acre. If you
haven't money don't answer. B-826,
40 AC$ES. all good land, creek through
land, sumo, bottom land, 1 acre
cleared, no buildings, 3Vt miles Toledo
county seat Lincoln county; a snap at
$750; near school, on county road. C.
T. North, Newport, Or.
tOR SALE cheap, 75 acres near New
berg, 37 clear; house, barn, good
well, two springs, 2 acre family or
chard. For information address, J.
H. Ehrit, Vader, Wash.
WHEN you answer these Want Ada,
mention The Journal.
160 ACRE homestead relinquishment,
2 miles from R. R. and Vi mile from
county roaa; small house, spring and
creea; soutn or Portland; J26U. Home-
stead Realty Co., 232 Washington st,
room l o
GET the best homestead land In Ore
gon; level, rich soil, no rock or
stumps; good water, timber, free, near
railroad now building; unlimited free
stock range. 191 4th st. Main 8774.
20 acres, Hood River orchard, 5Va
miles from Hood River, on fine road,
no hills; good, new house, barn and.
outbuildings, 2 acres in meadow,-
acres in strawberries, trees 5 years
old; start to near next year; price
$12,000. 'Will trade for Portland in
come property or acreage close' to
Portland. Address S. J. Frank, Hood
River, Or.
If you wish to sell your real estate
for cash or trade for other, property, it
will -pay you to see us for quick re
sults. 19 years' successful business
is our guarantee for a square deal.
M'KENZIE & CO., -515
Gerlinger bldg. Main 2801.
rINE wheat land, with young fruit
trees, 1 mile from Madras, Or., id
acres; to exchange for Portland or
Hillsboro property. For information
writ to owner. Mrs. Mary Thiele
man. Madras, Or.
SACRIFICE equity in house, value
$400, balance $1050; payable monthly,
for a good team, wagon and harness
or cows; 2 blocks school and car; a
bargain; sidewalk paid for. 4930 66th
st. S. E.
TO i.A.ChA.SGK Substantial equity
in 5 room bungalow, in Vancouver.
Frlc $2000; want medium priced acre
age In southern Oregon. Owners only.
Lox 44, Castlerock, Wash.
WANTED Cheap lot as first payment
on 4 room bungalow; sleeping porch,
fixtures, shades; price $1800; 801 Ger-
Unger bldg.
$700 EQUITY In 5 room modern bun-
galow for automobile, furniture
diamonds or anything of value. Must
go. 88 10th st.
IF your real estate has value and yon
want to make good exchange Tor
other property, see us. Bell Real Es
tate'Co., 318 Railway Exchange bldg.
S ROOM modern bouse for improved
farm or acreage; will assume. 811
Alisky bldg.
3. 7-ROOM modern houses, on one lot.
for improved acreage, close In. 311
Allsky bldg.
FOR EXCHANGE Vacant lots or cot-
tage for
Borne kind . of business.
Main 1242.
WHAT have you to trade for vacant
lots Or cottagesT Main 1242.
WHEN you answer these Want Ada,
mention Tho Journal.
1 Want a Farm
If you have a farm of 20,
acres or more, well stocked, and
priced right, I want It, provided
you will accept my fully mod
ern 6 room house in lrvlngton
district, practically free of In
cumbrance, as first payment and .
give me good time on the bal
ance. Price of my property is
$6000, incumbrance, including
street assessments, which are
all in of $700. 1 want only a
straightforward, legitimate deal.
If you have anything, submit it
to my agents.
Hargrove & Sons
122 N. 5th St., Near Glisan.
Main 4381. A-7259.
i WANTED a or 6 room bungalow
from Darty who will take lot as first
payment: full description in first let
ter, k-'jbs, journal.
9 Rooms, Rent $25
Fine- west side corner; nice home
with a fair income; for business rea
sons must sell quick; price cut to
$250; H cash. Inquire 88 10th st.
WHEN you answer these Want Ads.
mention The Journal.
A SUBSTANTIAL, interest in oldest
established high class mercantile' in
stition on Puget sound can bo secured
by a capable business man who can
assume active part In management.
This business has made several for
tunes and is capable of making many
more; at least $20,000 cash and not to
exceed $36,000 required. "Address prin
cipals direct, care H. Erwin French,
P. O. Box 1902. Seattle. Wash.
A PROMINENT collection agency,
known throughout the country for
Integrity and efficiency, will sell the
agency for Portland to a party who
can furnish the best of references as
to character, etc. YX-952. journal.'
Classy place, living rooms In rear; la
worth $600; will take $375 cash.- 310
Lumber Ex. bldg., 2d and Stark.
HAVE patented article that wilL sell
wherever coal or wood stoves are
used. Will sell, or" you can manufac
ture on royalty basis. Hickman, 405
1st st. .
1EED store, in a C & E. R. R. town
in Linn county. Dwelling house and
lot alongside. Fine location. Only
$1000 cash; cheap. E. M. Kimball,
Scios Or. .
FOR SALE 3 chair barber shop, do
ing good business; other business
causa for selling; price uu casn;
wood in for winter. W. E. Anderson,
Box 295. Tillamook. Or.
A Wt-LL equipped delicatessen, pay-
ing well, in good location on west
side. Owner's health is failing and
must sell immediately. E-443, journal.
Kim half: Grocery store, fine loea-
Grocery store, fine loca-
tiou, under apartment house; good
caen iraan j&piieTn uvuig "'"
heat and $1S- Phone Tabor 1187.
DRAY hiSdrfesa for tale In the beat
town in Oregon, established 14 years;
books open for inspection. For partlc-
ulars address Box 51, Eugene, or.
"i"'.?1 - I
FOR SALE Grocery cheap rent,-Best
corner location, east siue; iui een
at once. Phone Woodlawn 2700.
WANT to go east. A dandy grocery
store and horse and wagon for sale.
Phone Seliwood 240.
FOR SALE-r-Pool room;
iMh T
46J, journal.
town near .Portland;
ance easy terms. J-
BOOT repair, party worked up; must
.sell, 25; part or store rent ana
Ugnt J mOTitn. G9& in sc.
1000 Business Cards, 75c
Ryder Ptg, Co.. S. W. cor. 3d ft Morrison
SHOE repair shop. 3 living roms, low
rent, sell cheap; good chance to
mauke money. Inquire 362 1st st.
1000 Business Cards, 75c
Rose City Printery, 3d and Taylor.
RESTAURANT, seats 48 cheap rent;
daily sales average $45; will sacri
fice for $450. 803 Lumber Ilitchange.
W A NT ED Partner,
Ing; $75 required;
cleaning, press
will teach busl-
nes?. zji otn.-
A MAN that understands pressing and
cleaning for partner. E-442, Journal.
WHEN you answer these Want AUa,
mention The Journal.
LOANS on improved city property or
for building purposes; advance made
as building progresses; liberal repay
ment privilegas; no commission. J. P.
Llpscombe, 242 Stark st. wain 4420.
tanc st. warn
WE have money to loan on your real
estate; nrst mortgages oniy.
423 Chamber of commerce.
Mortgage Loans
701 Selling bldg.'
tjiin mvn T m va nn t r rA aiiKu .
hun r.rnnortv W.nv Aiivanrtwl AJ
work progresses. W. G. Beck. 315 F&ll
in(r bfde. Main 2407.
$100,000 on raortgages, city and tann
nronertv. fire insurance. McKenzie
& Co.. Gerlinger bldg.. 2d and Alder.
MONEY to loan in amounts or ioo
to $5300 on city property. A. Ii- Bell,
201 Gerlinger bldg.
Mortgages bought and sold. John LI
Karnopp, naiiway Kxctiange oiog.
REAL estate loans, mortgages, bought
and Bold. G. A. Hartxuan. 711 Pit.
CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con
tracts; mortgage loans; reasonable
rates. F. H. Lewis & Co., 4 Lewis Ddig.
MORTGAGE loans at current rates.
Real estate security. Apply room 202
Stock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill.
MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H.
Seits & Co., 310 spaiding Diag.
MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent.
Louis Salomon & Co., 229 Stark st.
MORTGAGE loans 6 to 8 per cent.
Fred C King, 3l4 Spalding bldg.
a h WAHniNa 31S fhm. of Com.
$1000 to $7000 for city or farm loan.
! Tabor 2520 or C-655, Journal.
80 4tn st. iioara or inae Diag. fr.r ,nrgttgM- n
. .....ww ' ' - -" V.. 13 .
commission. Ward. Alisky bids.
WHEN you answer these Want Ads,
mention The Journal.
We loan money on diamonds, pianos,
real estate, plain notes or furniture.
Portland Loan' Co. .
Room 20 Rothchiid bldg.
Bet. 4th and 5th on Washington st
$ $ $ STATE SECURITY CO. $ $ $
B R O-K--E R S
$10 TO 8100
Business Strictly-Confidential.
$ $ $ 309 FAILING BLDQ. VI t
pptv iTc pi Tnw V nv-.-aTVj rniKa
TIAL. ELBY CO. (Licensed).
820 Lumber Ex. bldg., 8d and 8tark.
MONEY on chattels, notes and mtgs.
bought, Columbia Loan Co, 206
LOANS on rea.1 estate, diamonds, lew
giry. vv III. JT1U11, , WMMllftlWl PlQg.
MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry.
o. tt. xviua, if iiuuwtwo uiug.
JVe have one. of the finest retail
I Jewelry stores In the eity A loan de
partment la conducted In connection
...... ian.v, v""1 iv ,
LT CONFinKMTlAT Absolutely nl
signs' designating loan business die- '
piayea in rront or our store. 'Ait mer
chandise pledged ia held for a period
, 01 seven months, wnetner or cot in-
terest is paid when due. Wa aia li
censed and 'have been established since
1899. No connection witto any other;
loan establishments in this city.
A. &
854 Washington st. ' f
LOANS on diamonds, jewelry, strictly
confidential. 141H id st., near Alder. -
WHEN you answer these Want Ada,
mention The Journal..
WE have a client who wants to bor--row
$10,000 to $12,000 giving aa se
curity good Inside property.
1330 Northwestern Bank building. -
Marshall 8718 ' - . . ' A-H291
WANTED. $600, 8. PER CENT. . . .
SKCURITY, $2200. V;
WHEN you answer these Want Ada,
mention The Journal.
FIRST and second mortgage, also aeV- ,
iers interest in cv" purcnaavo. .
Oregon and Washington. II. E. Nob), :
Lumbermens blog.
WHEN you answer these Want Ads.
mention The Journal.
NOTICE Los Angeles, Cal".. Oct. 20,
1914. The undersigned desires to
purchase bonds1 of Home Telephone V
Telegraph company of .Portland, Or.,
to invest a sum not to exceed altxy-
seven hundred dollars, all unmatured
interest coupons to accompany bonus,
Submit offers in writing not later thtfn
Nov. 7, 1SU, at 5 P. m. Address J. II.
Coveriy, trust officer. Title Insuranca
interest coupons to accompany bonds.
iurance J
and lriiet company. Title Insurance
nulldtng, loh Angeles, Cal.
DON'T look for work
There ia big
demand, for automobile drivera an
repair anen.- Our expert instructors '
qualify you in th.'ce to five weeks and
assist in securing good positions. Bring; ;
this ad. for one free lesson.
263-268 11th' st. (Near Jefferon. .
Record for year. 1813:
Calls f or iwn ; ... 2685 .
Positions filled! 12
All young men aeeklng employment
ara cordially Invited to consult with
the secretary of the employment d-y
partment j -
MEN and women over 18 wanted, r.
$65 to $150 per month;-U. S. govern
ment life Joli common education..
Write Immediately for lisfrtrf poBltlons
open to you. Franklin liTstltute, Dept.
M-210. Rochester. N. Y.
NOTICE to well drillers: Bids wanl-
1 ed to drive a 5 inch pipe-or casing
hn a f00t dug well, contractor fc
furnish nine. WX-87 Journal.
WHEN you an-wcr these Want Adv
mention The! Journal.
f'liwtr Heiid,iirrern and helnera. Cal.
lfornia Wine Depot. 285 Yamhill.
WE TEACH automobile repairing and
driving. aas i enaineeriiiK and ma-
ln operation, everything -practical.
and up-to-date ! Call or write. West-t
i rn Automobiic aBd Engineering School :
j office 371 Hawthorne ave.
UH.u-.ioN , AW 'riCHOOl A thorouao
ometleal eaurin in law. no tiro lost '
iron) regular occupation; recitations-,
evenlriga. $arouel 1. Richardson, dean;
M, Morehead, sec. 816-317 Common
wealth bldg.. Portland, or.
USE your Kpare lime to build up a
mall order business of your own.
We help you1 start for a share in
profits: 2-7 opportunities. Particulars
free. Dept. A-25, Opportunities Each., .
Buffalo. N. Y, -
MOLER Barber College wants men and
women to learn tne traae. tn s wee.
clean work, percentage paid irht'a
learning; tools free; scalp and face
massage a specialty,; send for free cat
alogue. 48 N 2d st. :,r
til i i iJit u.ijo aoverniiieiii juus me,n iu
women, ijlg pay.; list free, frank
lin Institute, JJepL 706-8, Rochester.
N. Y.
RA1LW.AY mail clerks wanted. Com
mence $75 month. Sample examina
tion questions- free. Franklin lnstl-
tute. Dept. 8488, Rochester. N. Y ,
THOUSANDS government Jobs open to
men and women. e& to ibt month.
Write for lint. Franklin Institute
Dept. 300 8, Rochester, N. Y.
ft WOUTIJ A Ml) ' tvne urillnr OTnart.
-.""XVJ 'iJT' ";lV,Tn UiK."
giBt Bt. N. Tabor 5864. f. "
MRS. HINSDALE'S Business School
602 . Emnress hi dir. individual in-
tructlons; position when competent.'
UNCALLED for tailor made suits $6.50
up. Taylor, the Tailor, 281) Burnwlde.
PACIFIC Chiropractic College' Ta
I ,. -,73.77,1. -
I BAKlH Wanted; Diafl Or WO BR an.
3d st.
WHEN you answer these Want Ada,.
mention The Journal.
I WANTED High school girl as a com-
nan ion and ' to assist with 'house
I work; good home; no children. C-241L
Sunday. .
WANTED In. a. minister's family of
7 iwoj-giri ror general nousewora. Ap-
,.,Jr.1t E" 1Jthi "U betWen B1
1 o. clock. ,
I I.lf-kT'tttrU'CI.-'.Ph'W tfmoll nlarA'. will
give board and r,oom for work.
g, journal. y. ,
WANTED A 'lady to oars for an oil
ladv at night for room and board..
Tabor 2492. 1
LwHKN you answer these Want Ads
mention TheyJournal.
Oregon Barber Tcoliege will-teach you
the trade in: weeks; scalp and face
massage speclaMy) tools free; position
guaranteed; pV while, learning;. tul
tton thV, 288 Madln-, 1
AMATEUR vaudeville team, man and
woman, for road. Call afternoons,
room 7, 241 Bfjl st. B. Harts.
I w you . answer iness wan.
I m an , Thai JAIirTUII.
(1RHMAN laborer is in desperate need
671 of work. Has wife' and 8 children.
rwiiiinar to do uiv Kind 01 wors. Main-
7.17 or call 1st ri. Bin st. onu.',,i
STRONG boy S of 18 wants . vidrk
1 ianay ai uwn .ayumtK ni hiu
do ony kind cf work.
-Main 717, . A.
SINGLE man,? 36, good habits, good
- record nay? locornouve, oynmmoa.
motors, stationary boilers, wants work
city or country, ta-xt i. journal.
SINGLE man! of 40. experienced in
rouern cariiemer or repair wuii, tw
painter, wants- work Willing to d
I any kind of WpTk. Main 717, A-l17
J PICK and shovel worker desires posl-
tlon. Can lib anything. Main 717. :
it . 1 si? . ii . . .
i'OUN6 man, long experience In hard;
war Business; in or out 01 city." jn-
228. Journal
ItRICKLAVEKj who can do cement!
nouse repairs, in. m... i n. it st.
I UAKHIiil) mam wants any - kind of
I . work. Mr. Miller. Phone Marshall
I YOUNO man wants to dig potatoes on'
I shares: will 8 do any
mna.or work.
.wain 71?. a-i&iy.
f WAN TED liaae you cordwood you.
I wish cut? Address G-220. Jfximal.
- j YOUNG German cook wants a Job as
I COOK. J. t.,'Z04 t.OlomPla St.
1 POSITi6N waited of any kind; smaii
-i wages. a. joumu.