THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 30, 1914. ti imrxm rrrl A nATiAM ap unn rAn Aro 1 am i i A-rv n n m r O r U IP U C D l urciiiT o ULULMrnuuiN ur vvttt rurcLCo vvnnni rmuno niuriLiv CHICKEN MARKET IS UNHEALTHY WITH A GOOD SUPPLY HERE Market I Not (UhhI Kept fr the ami Only Small Per cent of the Nhowinx I of This Claws. COUNTRY CALVES-ARE WEAK FEATURE TODAY ALONG FRONT STREET Sales Are Hard to Force Kven at 10 and 11c lor Extreme Quality; Kvcn the liig Ketailers lialk at Buying Just at the Present Time. Th .market for chicken 'is showing a veiy dragging tone., along Front atreet. While for some ji-xtra fancy hens lite trade is firm with values holding kt 1 lc a pound, ami this price U bung oltM in J in ;t limited way lor Hmall springs, the general market for Mpring H'i'l Hvenige quality hens is rather slow even at 1 Sc a pound. U fact, some rec ent (leulK have been C.loll'll us low HH l-'2'. Whilf the market mr chickens can mil be considered extra VK-ak, the feel ing In the trail); is not cl'-aithy. There has no' !' n a i-ittKlr d.v for ow.:r a wock wbn the Hade h.ix been able to entirely i b an up Hh to-ka, and accti iililain.'. e.neclally of poor quality, arc tin- rule A vcrv l.irsp per rent ot the arriv als In the chicken truile. at thin time lOimiHts of. poor quality, only a frac tion of tne receipts bring of cli:irac ter to find .ready alc at extreme quota tion. . "No' (hanffp is shown in the market for el ut-l. No gee .ip are .arriving, nut there i practically no call lor pile. ' m oak mahki:t down again Much' weakness au.sed a further drop ol ;!"c per hundred pounds in the f'-b-e of till gradi s of refined sugar In this aticl oilier Pacific coast mar ket.! to(i;i. The- beet season is well on u nd litis Is a wc-aKetiuig factor. KAOK (LAMS NOT COMING P'neupples 1 T meruielons. No arrivals of razor clams - were shown from roast points today -and the trade was very much disappointed. There are again quite lair receipts of crab.1. I'rb eM are. showing no change. CKLKKY MAKKKT IS WEAK EH , While a very limited amount of ex tra fancy pack celery i.s stul selling along the Ktreet an high as 75c a dozen, the general price for best Is a dime below this, with ordinary stock down to 4ui50c. The market for country killed calves Is in a very bad position along front street. There is an utter lack of snap in the buying, even the larger retail ers refusing to take hold at this time unless values below the actual worth of the stuff are named. Fancy calves are selling generally in the Front street trace today at lccv lie a pound: While a few lots may be mild to small butchers here and there, far the greater bulk of thd stuff 1m disposed of at the lower figures. Kven at that there is little inclination among retailers to take hold. Sales are being forced at this time because of weather conditions which make de ferred holding rather hazardous. S-Vlarket for country hogs is fSiaiiig steady generally along the Street with best offering trommanding lc. A few sales are reported for best down to N'c a pound. Provision trade in general remains quiet with no further change in prices announced. Edited by Hyman If. Cohen. MOR E VESSELS ARE TAKEN TO TAKE OUR TO EUROPE GRAIN Straus &-Co. Take Two Sailors and Other Firms Reported Active; Great Strength Is Shown for Wheat in the Interior Sections. WHEAT CARGOES HKJHEK. Ixmdou, Oot. IW. Wlieat cargoes on passage 3 to tid higher: HOG MARKET A DIME HIGHER HERE TODAY WITH $7 TOP PRICE Itather Liberal Run Comes Forward Over Nl$ht at North Portland, but Buyers Take Hold Readily; Cattle Situation Continues- Slow. POHTIAXt)S LIVESTOCK RUN. liogs. Cattle. CHlyes. Sheep. LIVERPOOL, WHEAT HIGHER. l.lverjKHil, Oet. :S0. Wheat: , Oot. 30. Oet. -"J. Otieu. Close. October .".... 1(1 . 6s LHc-emler ...Us yd ix 2d rORTLAMJ GRAIN KKCK'I ITS. W heal. Bar ley .Flour. Oats. Hay. Monday H'.l 17 a li Tuesday tiT Hi tt 7 5 Wednesday IK. 17 ! 7 b Thm-sdaj 51 5 12 " III Eiid.-.i Ui 1 1 7 U 7 Veai ago lob C H :i 21 ifeamii lc- date- ..72ti:i 7(Ki tHBS S7 7.'J j Year ago "I'l 1212 .V1 iHl U77 Friday Thursday Wetiuesday .... Tuesday Alcmday , . Saturday Week ago Year ago Two years ago Three years ago . . l ,;: . . 54 . . :ur . .2t78 . 532 . .12W4 . . &5 .. 119 .. Si 14S 4H 5 260 129.1 ' 230 4ol 111 731 ia 47 173 7u 51 1007 3s 22oe 258 CANNED SALMON IS HELD BACK OR NEW RATE TO TAKE EFFECT Reduction in the Railroad Freight Charge to Central West and South Causes Buyers to Order Stock to Kern a in in This Market. There was an advance of a dime ing the price of hogs at North Portland toaay, notwithstanding the fact that a very good supply came forward to the market overnight. Totals were 843 compared witn ii a year ago. Shipments of canned salmon from the Pacific Northwest to the central west and south are being held back by purchasers and few aro expected to go forward until about the turn of the yean..' .Expectations of the naming of a 60c freight rate by the railroads to south ern as well as middle west points com pared with the present rate of 70o is causing buyers of canned salmon to order a stoppage of shipments to those points. It takes 30 days for the law to be come effective after it is published by tne interstate commerce commission WEST SIDE -PUBLIC IS TO DOCK NOW EQUAL DAII Una, DAD DOCK New Rule Affects Handling of Inbound and Outbound Oriental Trade, WHARFAGE IS ABSORBED Announcwwent Made td Commission by TraffJjf, Maaagrer of S., V. ft S. Kailroad Company. LOCAL BUSINESS NEWS, Small Orders for Cloth for Uniforms for Euro pean Soldiers Received Here Are Believed to Only Forerunners of Big Contracts. RESERVE BANK TO RELEASE BIG SUM SWEET lOTATOES ARE DOWN Market for sweet potato'. is again weak hh'I lower, with salesreported ljj the wholesale market - t0dj)c, gener ally at $ 1 .hiidi I SO a cental. Another carload arrived Irom the south in good condition-' today. L.AST TOKAYS A HE ROLLING What is believed to be I he last full car of Tokay grain, to come from the Mouth this season Is now rolling in this direction. Oiie Varload came for ward and was unloaded along the street this morning. Price unchanged. MORE WEAKNESS IN BUTTER While no further general change in the price of creamery butter Is an nounced, the general trade continues to shade quotations, except for cer ,taln brands. ' State creamery is espe- gCmlly weak at lower - prices. SHIPPERS' WEATHER NOTICE fol- . The weather bureau sends the lowing notice to shippers: Protect shipments as far north jas Heattlo against minimum temperatures of about 48 degrees; northeaist to SnS kruie. 40 degrees; southeast to Boise, 4u degrees-, south to Ashland. 46 de grees. Minimum temperature at Port land tonight, about'-50 degrees. 7c pouud; cantaloupes, tl Co. 1.25; UOcftel.oo: caoabas. tl.00 crate: pears, 7.R.'il.i.o: Today srrapes, 1.10 crate; Luiieurils, li'-jc- basket. Al'l'CES Uical, 0(JciU$l-5O uvx, according to cpidltty. VtiliE'l A BEES Turnips, $1.25; beets, $1.50; rarrols, $1.25; parsuips, $lftil.iU") acW ; cab las, 75ci1.0O; tomatoes, California. $1.0o per lujs; lucal, 4Uc per li; gieeu onicms, 10 ttlSc per (loaeii buiicber.; pejciHij, hell, liy; 5 hi i-; head lettucp, 75c dozen; celery, 4iklin, uiicii; orin; iiliuit, ic; i-aiilitloiver. 4of4t7oc-ci'-xt-u, I'reiich arllehuaes, tiOfcyoe doxeo ; s Iritis Leans. 5617c; ctieuucUers. hothouse 4c: oui Uooi'. 20fcjtiUe dozen; reea corn, i5cl sack; ciaicUi-rrleH. eaatem. 4u.5o lbl.. local, $3.5u box; peas, loc; sprouts, 7jHe poUDd. ONIONS Local, f5c; CaliforBij, 75c; sarlie. 17 Vie.' 1 OTATOES Selling price. Extra choice, Sl.l.VcJ l.2." per rental; sweets. $1 .SCg 1.90. Hops, Wool and Hides. HOPS Buyiu price, ihoice, lOfelOMic; prime, '.HiU'iK-ii; medium to pniuu. He, uedluiu, i(ac poiiud. : CillTlUl OR CASCARA BARK Car lots, 4c; less thau car lots, 4c. M 0 1 li 1U 1 42 1 (2 1 I. c. WOOL Niiiulual, 1U14 clip; Willamette al ley coarse totswold, 17 Vic; mtillunj Shrop hire, ls'ae; cholca faucy lots, lu&2oc lb.; euatern iMeKvn, 14'si20c, according to sbriuk age. HIDES Df$r bides. 25c lb.; ?reen. 12--sailed hides, 13e; bulla, green salt, lie; kips, 13fil4c; calves, di 25c; calf stlus an lied or green, lsc; greeu hides, lc less thau united; sheep pells, ulteu, shcariuifs, loi I 25c; dry, IOC. J I''jc'-, greai-e, S j, f'l 4c. Meats, Fith and Provision. l)KESSi-i) AltlAlS Selling price Country killed; hoji. laucy. Sy-ftiWc; ordinary, Sc; rough ahd heavy, 7(47VJc; fancy veals. 11c; oidiuary, 10Hilo;.c; poor, (csc; goats, 34c; spring lambs, loc. HA.VIS, BACON, ETC. Hatus. 17H21c; breakfast bacon, 2050c; Dolled ham, 2Kc; picnics, 14c; cottage, 17 iiEATS Fackiug house Steers, No. 1 stock, 12c; cowa. No. 1 stock, 11c; ewes, 10c; weth ers, llyjc; laoilis, 12'3c; pork loiua, lic; dressed uogs, 12c, OYSTERS Otyinpia, per gallon, $3.75; canued eastern, 55c can; $6.50 dozen; easteru. In siicfll, $1.75(jrj.2.0o per 1UO; raxur clams, $2.00(2.25 box; easleru oysters, per gallon, solid pack, $3.50t($3.75. FISH Oressed ilouuders, 7c; chloook sal mon, tite'Se; allver side, 6c; perch. tKiaiSe lb.; lobsters, 25c lb.; silver smelt, 8c; salmon trout, lc, halibut, ".(a 10c pound. LA RD -Tierces, 12J,sc; compound, tierces, 11c. CRABS Large. $1.50; medium. $1.00 doa rami ana uui, LINSEED OIL Haw. bbls,, U7j per gal.; kettle boiled, bbla., tWc; raw, cases, 72c; boiled esses, 74c gal.; lots of 250 gallons, lc less; oil cake meal, $44 per too. WHITE LEAD Ion lots, 7 Vic per lb.; Botj lb. lots, 7;ijC per lb.; leas lots, 8c per lb. OIL MEAL Carload lots, $34. TURPENTINE lu cases, o7c; tanks, 60c per gallon. COAL oil Water white on drums, and iron barrels, 10c. JOBBING PRICES OF PORTLAND Theae prices are those' at which wholealers ell to retailers, except ns otherwise stated: BUTTER Nominal Willamette vi-lley cream ery, cubes, selling price, 2!'ci50c; stale prints, (M$f32c; ranch butter. 1sh2ocl city cream ery, cane lots, 34 Vic less case lots, Vic lb. extra. BUTTER FAT No. 1. Portland delivery, EOflS Neartiy, freshly gathered 40t??42',c candled, local extBn. white. 4(V; rase count, to jinn f. o. b. Portland. User eastern, "fresh," 15c; Chinese. IMc 007. . LIVE I'OCI.TRY Hens. 13 lies' 14c; broilers, ."((ftl4i-; dueks, Pekln. Ilfctl2c; colored. Hie; urkevs. lStCrtlle; dressed, ( ): plseons, $1 (d-5; qut, $2.2."i(i2.4) doien; geese, 10c. j, JACK RABBITS Faucy dressed, $1.50a l;Vt doien. CHEESE Nominal. Fresh Oregon, fancy full rres.111 twins and triplets. 15VaCg)i6c; l'oung America, l(Ji4'tlTc. Urocerles. i SirUAR -Cube, $0 115; isiWclcred. $0.55: fruit or berry, $I!.IKJ: heel,; dry granulated, tC.Op; 1) yellow. $."ttto. (Above quotatlous are 11 dnj's net rash.) RICE J upon tj le. No. I. 5fg;5V4e; New Orleans, head. 6 V tf Creole, 5c. HON El-New. $.;.2."(ii3.50 per case. BEANS- -Sum 11 white, 5Vie; large white, 4c- pink. 4ic; lluias, OLjO, bayou, 5c; red. n'cjrj tA,Lrf -c-Conrse, half grounds, 100s. $10 per ton;' 50s. $10.75; taide dairy, 50. $18; 10s, $17.50; bales. $2.2"); extra fine barrels. 2s" Its aud -los, $5.2;ua.0O; lump rock, $2.50 per ton... fruit and Vtaetablea. FRESH FRUIT oranges, $3.003.25; ha nsnss', 3li,a4c lb.; lemons, $4.50iu5'.50; limes ll.OU oVr 1K: grapeerult. tt.50r.iiij per cMe: NORTHWEST BANK STATEMENT Clearings Fiiduy Thursday Weduesday Tuesday Mouday . . Portland Banks. This week. $1.51,012.12 1.525,1135.20 1.027,274.55 1.U..4, 003.74 l,0O,3O0.10 Year ago. $1,777,011.33 i 1 ..)fti,702.4S I eefl Two more sailing vessels have been chartered to carry grain from Port land to Kngland. The charters were inaoe by Straus & Co. and will be loaded by the JSorthern Grain & Ware house company, their representatives, the North Hank dock. Showing the great strength of the wheat market and the real demand for the cereal is the visit to this city of James Livingston. United States man ager of Straus & Co. at San Francisco. vith Mr. 11 vinszston's visit to this fity, comes the announcement that the I great lOnglish firm will participate in the buying at Pacific Northwest points , hereafter on a scale heretofore un known. Tlii- war between Turkey and Russia i.s said to have a direct bearing upon further chartering of grain vessels to carry supplies from this port to Ku rope. Other vessels are being nego tiated for by various firms and a fresh burst of record breaking charter ing is expected here almost any day. There is again a general scramble for wheat at interior points by export ing interests and higher prices are again noted in the country. The prin cipal strength is for November and December delivery. Wheat showed a sharp advance .at Chicago this morning as a result of the overnight war developments In Eu rope. London cargoes were again very strong with a further advance of 3 to fid re-ported this morning. Liverpool options arc also higher and the entire world's trade is again a mass of strength. CLUVEK SLJiO Buying price: Nominal. No. 1 recleaned. 13 (w 14c; or dinary, HV212c pound; alsike, 11c pound. FLOUR Selling price: Patent, $5.60 ; Willamette valley, $5.60; local straight, $4.ti0; export straight. $4; cutoff, $4.26; bakers', $5.40fi 5.60. HAY New crop producers' price: Willamette valley timothy, fancy $13; eastern Oregon-luaho fancy tim othy, $14.75 15.00; alfalfa, $13.50; vetch and oats, $9.Q010.00; clover, $8 per ton. GRAIN BAGS Nominal; No. 1 Cal cutta, $8.25(8" S.50. On the Portland Merchants' Ex change todav there was a firmer tone and higher -bids for wheat. Bluestem was up kc, fortyfold unchanged, club 2c higher, red Russian lc and red fife 2c a bushel above yesterday. Both feed and brewing barley bids were off 50c a ton for the day, while feed oats were, unchanged. Bran and short bids were each 25c a ton lower. . There were no sales on the exchange today, but for December red Russian $1.04 was bid and for December oats $L'S.r0 bid. Official Merchants- tienonge prices: Friday . Bid. Ask. Bluestem $1,111;! $1.14 Fortyfold $l.ln $1.15 ('hib $1.0tt $1.12 Red Russian $1.02Vj $l.o4 Red Fife $1.03 and as no publication has yet ' been made it will likely be around the first Top hogsieasily commanded $7 in the i f the year before the order and re cal yardsTat the opening of the day's duction becomes effective. It is be- good stuff came t nevea oy tne canned satmon iraae mat tne puDiication win do maue witnin a short time. Canning operations on- the Columbia are limited at thi salmon consists or chums. Fishine at likewise showing a big decrease and. this Is reported true of other Oregoia coast points. Fresh , salmon is there fore less plentiful. Thurs. Wed. Mon. Bid. Bid. Bid. Bid $1.11 $1.10 $1.12 $1.12 $1.10 Jl.OO'i; $1.10 $1.11 $1.07 $1.07 $1.09 ' -$1.08Mi $1.01 $1.00 $1.00 $1.01 $1.02 $1.01 $1.02 $1.02 1.SS5.175.53 2,25,SH2.81 2.515.013.10 Week to date $S,4!!2.701.71 $10.(!22,873.25 Seattle Banks. Clearings Bulances Clearings Balances Taooma Banks, . . .$1,707,846.00 1 18.9SU.O0 271,451.00 42,182.00 TRANSPORTATION COOS BAY AND EUREKA S.S.ELDER AAtLS StfSDAY, NOV. 1, . AT 9 A. M. FORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. Freight Office Ticket Offios , 4 22 A 3d St. MAIN 1314 A-1.-H4 Foot Maiu Northruo St. 5203. A-5422 0 111a hit Sheep Higher. South Omaha, Neb., Oct. 30. Cattle. 4000; mcrket steady; steeis, $9XKfy; 10.50; cows and heifers, $5.75(7.00. Hogs, 3300; market steady; bulk, $7.0O(gi 7.15; tops, $7.2o. Sheep, market steady to 10c higher; yearlings, $G.00fa!).0O; .ewes. $5.10 5. 35. Chicago Livestock Stead-. Chicago, Oct. 30. Hogs. 20,000; market steady; Tight, $7.05&7.55; mixed, $7 .IO447.7O; heavy, $7 .or i!i7.65; rough, $7.05ii 7.15. Caitle, 230o, market steady. Sheep, 15,000; market steady. $2S.O0 Feed $22.00 Brewini $j;.oo Bran $21.00 Stwirts $22.lK) OATS. $29.00 $2S.OO $27.50 $23.25 $29.00 BARLEY. $22.50 $22.00 $22.50 $22.50 $23.50 $22.50 $23.00 $23.50 MILLSTUFFS. $23.00 $21.25 $21.25 $21.50 $22.00 $24.00 $22.25 $22.25 $22.00 $23.00 loca trade. Some rather '-2 1 forward and these were quickly picked up oy Duyers. At Chicago there was a steady tone generally in the hog market for the any with tops $7.70. Kansas City hog market was strong er with an advance of 5c. Tops, $7.50. Omaha hog market ruled steady with tops $7.20. General hog market: Best light $6.90 U 7. 00 Meaium light 6.80t-a'6.85 Good and heavy " 6.75 Rough ana heavy 6.00ti.i-5 Cattle Market Dull. There was only a small run of cat tle reported in the yards over night. The stock train that arrived yesterday i-fternoon at a late hour did not have more than a few loads. General conditions in the cattle mar ket are just about the same as vester- day. Extreme tops in the steer di vision would probably reach up to 57 but it would take exceptional qualitv to do this and the bulk of the good stuff is not quoted above $6.756.85. At Chicago there was a steady tone in the cattle trade for the day, prices being unchanged. Kansas City cattle market . was strong at an advance of 5c. Oraaba cattle market was steady with tops unchanged. General cattle market range: Selected steers $6.90 W 7 00 Good to prime 6.75 6.85 Good to choice 6.50 Ordinary to fair -. 5.75f&!6.25 Best cows 5.75 Good to prime 5.65 Ordinary 5.255.50 Selected calves 8.00 Fancy bulls 6.25-5.50 Ordinary ' 4.004.25 Sheep Market Is Holding:. There was only a handful of mutton leported in the North Portland yards overnight; in fact, not enough came forward to thoroughly test the situa tion. However, it isthe general opin ion of the trade that conditions are steady at former range of prices. At Chicago there was a steady tone in the sheep trade for the day. Kansas City sheep market ruled strong at an advance of a dime. Omaha sheep trade was steady to a dime better than yesterday. General mutton market: Best yearlings ... $5.505.60 Old wethers .... . 5.25 5.35 Best ewes 4 354.50 Best east mountain lambs.. 6.00 Valley light young lambs.. 3.655.85 Heavy spring lambs 5.00 5.50 t Today's Livestock Shipper. Hogs A. B. Hall, Wallowa, 1 load; Farmers' Society of Equity, Nampa. Idaho, 1 load; L. H. Spring, Payette, Idaho. 1 load"; E. B. Coats, I load; A. R. Cooke, McCoy, 1 load; A. D. Mes singer, Goldendale, Wash., .1 load; Robert McCrow, l load; Potter & An derson, Patterson, Wash., 1 load; E. T. Norran, Warwick, Wrash., 1 load; F. B. Decker, Gervais, 1 load direct to Union Meat company. Cattle Walter A. Gover, Robinette, 1 load; William Couper, Union Junc tion, 1 load. Cattle and calves J. W. Sevier, Eu gene, 2 loads. Mixed stuff Patton & Overton, Brownsville, 1 load cattle, calves, hoga and shep. Thursday Afternoon Sales. The 'est side pufene dock has been placed on an equality with the railroad docks An the handling of inbound and outbo'and oriental business to or from competitive points, aiso In the handling of caained salmon and pickled fish. W D. Skinner, traffic manager of the i'S.. p. & s. company, announced to the dock commission yesterday that hi coijipany had agreed to absorb wharf. :l'f, loading and unloading1 charges on tla classes of business mentioned When consigned to or from competitive) fioints to the extent of 50 cents a ton. this being the present extent of absorp- 11s time, ihe run of ti0ns on railroad docks, principally of dogs 1 Th s lh tacifi, ting at Tillamook is 1 ne fcoutlern Pacini COMMUTE LOPS OFF S48.000 FROM DECK BUDGET ESTIMATES Special Appropriations for Work Under Way Subject ed to Pruning Knife, Willamette valley wheat generally lc above the club. War Eeports Big Aid to All Wheat Chicago Market Closes 2c Up for Day; Report of Spring Crop Sales Bullish Feature. Kansas City Sheep Higher. Kansas City, Oct. 30. Hogs 7000, market 5c higher; tops, $7.50. Cattle, 2OU0; market 5e higher. Sheep, 3O0O; market loc higher. San Francisco Dairy Produce. San Francisco, Oct. 30. Eggs, extras, S2U,c: pullets, 40c; California storage, extras, 30c. Batter, , extras, 30Mtc; prime firsts, 27c; firsts, 2tic; seconds, 24c. Cheese, , California fancy, 16Vic; firsts, 12Vic; seconds, 10c. TOW Seattle Produce Market. Seattle. Wash.. Oct. 30. Eggs, fresh ranch, 50fl52c; fresh eastern, 35(Jj40c; orientals lsc Butter, loca; cubes, 34c; bricks. 35c;' Ore gon cubes, 32g33c. Cheese, Wisconsin, 19e; Washington 17Hc lSc. 4 C'Sicat 8. S. BEAK Tor KAN FRANCISCO LOS AN(i ULES 3 P. M., Ko-v. a The San Praneisoo ft Portland S. 8.. Cc.. Id and- Washington Sta, (with O.-W B . N. CoO Tel. Marshall 4500. A-8m. Denver Cattle Firm. Denver, Colo., Oft. 30. Cattle, 1700; mar ket firm; steers, $(i.50(jj 7.:Xi; cows and hcif crt, $5. 00 a 0.3"; stockers aud Iceders, Sii.00 tti'; calves, $7.5O(rt9.0il. Hogs, o, market weak. Sheep, 52O0. market steadT: lamhs irt sofin 7.25; ewes. $4.00c64.96. Coos Bay Line a STEAMSHIP BREAKWATER Valla from Ainsworth dock. Portland. 8 p. m f lenr foesday Freight and ticket office Jowfe Aln.wortb dock. 4'. &.'? B. S. S. Line L. H. Keating, Agent, l"h0ne Hale 3000. A--JI3S2. City ticket office, ,HO Sixt-. atreet. C. W. Stluser. Agent. Phones Marshall 450O. A-6121. American-Hawaiian S. S. Co. Ti Panama Canal Zdn EXPRE8S rREIOHT BERTICB -.f . - Between Portland. Hw York, Charleston and ' rnuaaeipma. " Kor Information as to rates, sailings, . etc,, can on or aaaress C. D. KENNEDY. Agent. t70 Stark atreet, Portland. Or, go, Oct. 30. wneat ciosea 23c up. ' There was a rusn ot Duymg ai the outset today. There was hedging by elevator people ajul generai selling by pit leaders and brokerage firms for leaders who were doubtful of the ad vance. After a reaction of c to lc from the best prices of the morning, a second strong swell carried quota tions up to $1.16 and $1.22 V4 . The tone of the Liverpool cable and the ac tion of Turkey in beginning hostili ties aealnst Russia, rfhich means, the experts say, a permarK-nt closing of the Dardanelles. Reports from thq north west that leaders there are claiming 69 per cent of the spring crop off the farms was the features back of the excited buying. At the best prices of session eorri futures were lc over the close of the strong rally yesterday. Firm and high er cable and the large export sales confirmed after tbe close Thursday st' Tled to more than offset the very fine map In all quarters for handling new corn. No great swing was noted in the oats trade. Prices at the best point were about ic over the close yester day, December a shade under " 49 o, and May split over 53 Vic at the best point. ' STEERS. Section No. At. lbs. Price. Washington 1 1120 $6.75 Washington 3 113 6.35 Washington 22 1255 6.25 Washington 2 12S5 5.75 COWS. Washington 2 6.-.0 $5.25 Washington 2 1155 5.25 Oregon 2 1035 6.00 Oregon 4 1115 6.00 HEIFERS. Washington 1 840 $4.25 BULLS. Washington 1 ir,10 $4-00 Oregon 1 1230 4.00 LAMBS. Washington 1 80 $6.25 Washington 12s 67 5.00 HOGS. Oregon 10 148 $8.00 Friday Morning Sales. STEERS. Section ..o. Ar. lbs. Price. Washington 0 1008 $8.00 COWS. Oregon 1 900 $3.00 CALVES. Oregon 8 253 $6-25 i BULLS. Oregon 1 1160 $4.25 Oregon 1 1310 4-25 Oregon 1 1020 4.26 Oregon . , .' " I 640 3.00 LAMBS. Oregon SO 72 $6.00 EWES. Oregon 14 lift $4.35 Oregon 3 90 3.00 HOGS. Idaho 55 179 $7.00 Idaho 30 142 7.00 Idaho 100 1?SJ 7.0O Washington 12 32'J 7.00 Washington ,s 5tt 2l 7.00 Washington. 94 195 7.0o Washington 71 19;; 7.00 Oregou .42 1S7 6.90 Idaho 2 290 0.50 Washington 138 6.40 Oregon ' 3S 6.00 Idaho 1 36i .00 Idaho- '. - 2 330 6.00 Washington 1 330 6.00 Washington 1 490 6.00 Washington 1 410 6.00 Approximately $48,00(0 was cut from the budget estimates flbr supplies, ma terial, etc.. In the department of pub lic works in charge of Commissioner Dleck by the budget committee yester day afternoon. Wteile amounts had been asked for special appropriations to continue some work now under way the committee allarsved only a portion of them. While more automobiles tad been asked for by the department the com mittee only allowed one runabout, to cost not more than $565. sThe pur chase of even this machine" was op posed by Commissioners iDaly and Bigelow. Commissioner Bigeiow stated that nearly every morning there are half a dozen or more idle city ma chines lined sup In front of the city ball. The councfll also allowed the pur chase of a truck to be used by the highway department to cost not more than $3150. - The committee in its work yesterday eliminated, an appropriation of $15,000 sought for cutting weeds and brush next spring and summer. 'This means that another process will have to be used Instead bf the one used this year by the city cutting the weeds and as sessing: the cost to the property owner. Only $4000 of $10,000 asked for a continuation of the Peninsula sewer surveys was allowed and an appropria tion of $4000 for repairs to Tanner Creek sewer was eliminated. Although" practtically all of the curb corners In the main business section; have been cut Commissioner Dieck had requested $8900 to continue work oil the west side, on corners north of Stark street. rate committee refused this amount, however, but allowed $2009, as it was deemed that was sufficient. Other ap propriations were treated likewise. The committee allowed $2000 for, a machine to be used in testing steel to be used in buildings. It is proposed to establish a place in the city hall where such steel can be tested upon payment of a nominal charge for the work. Another session will be held this afternoon. Women Will Keep Headquarters Open In Aid of Dr, Smith has been ab sorbing, and the O.-W. R. & N. will absorb, the charges on freight to com petitive points. The new tariff of the S., V. & -3. be comes effective December 4. The . S., p. & fe, issued its tariff covering the wharfage absorption yes terday, following advices from Seattle that a conference involving all the roads and wharl'age'charges at all the northern ports apparently had not reached -any definite conclusion. Re alizing that the interests .of this port required some positive stction by some road, the S., P. & S. decided to go ahead regardless of any possible con certed, action and issue the tariff cov ering the absorption that already had been prepared. The Southern Pacific, which has been absorbing wharf charges at all docks, railroad, public and private, had intended to cancel its tariff on November 16, reeling that its own in terests were suffering inasmuch as the other roads had not met the. is sue. It will,' however, keep the tariff in force. O -W. R. & N. officials stated that a tariff covering absorptions had not been prepared, but intimated that it will include the same factors as the S., P. & S. tariff. "This will furnish impetus to the business over the public docks," said F. W. Mulkcy, chairman of the dock commission, "It means that oriental liners may dock at the public dock on the same terms as at the vrailroad docks. It is a very important conces sion." Hood River Parents After the Smokers Orders for cloth to outfit the sol diers of Kuiopean warring nations have actually been received by local woolen mills, although the volume is com paratively light. -Advices indicate that some big contracts are about to be let to Americans and a liberal portion is expected to reach the mills here. Sam plea of eloth manufactured in Ore gon have been forwarded to the buyers for the European armies and messages received are to the effect that the ex amination shows them to be fully up to requirements. This being the cane it ia likely that Oregon woolen mills will receive tneir full share of the ex port business. a Scramble for Wool. f Aaturally this is causing a general scramble for wool by mill interests. All over the world there Is today more in terests in the wool market than ever before. Stocks of fleece in all posi tions have been found to be inadequate to filL the demand. Even before the present great record demand for wool ens appeared the market for wool showed an actual shortage, but since the war in Kurope this shortage has been more fully realized. There is, consequently, small surprise expressed that efforts are being made at Pacific northwest points to contract the com ing clip at a substantial advance over the record values of last season. Means Good Price for -Tears. This is not the full extent of the meaning of the preseGifcvar in Kurope or its effects upon the" wool trade of the Pacific northwest. With the war being waged, stocks of sheep are being further reduced in leading Kusooean centers and it will likely b many years before production of wool will again be brought back to the normal even though many sections of the United States will show an increase in the number of sheep raised. Other sections of the country will show a further decreii sc, therefore the total holdings of sheep in the country, as a whole, are not likely to b much greater, if as great as at this time. Pore Wool Bill a Help. perhaps one of the biggest factors that will tend to elevate thj price of wool in the United .States, even put ting into eclipse the great demand for woolens from Europe, will be the pura.; wool bill that will likely receive much " attention from the next session of con gress. This measure has already re ceived the BUpport of the department of agriculture and it la likely to be an ad ministration affair. Clothing made from wool that has been utilized before will not, under the " provisions of the bill, be nllowed to carry a wool label, but one ot shoddy. This means, there lore, that the average person now pur- fhfivlntr a cn.j.ulluH r, t r- rtr rr 1 I C i , v., ill. hereafter demand it. and if the measure becomes a law it means that only vlr. gin wool will be used in: the making of the cloth. Getting- tne Banks Beady, - The work of organizing mor fully the federal reserve bank on this pacific coast is w'ell under way. Witti the. calling by the government yesterday for one-sixth of the subscription of thecj iiuiioiiai uaiiivB ui rui uaim tu me I e- serve banks, it means that the work of placing the new financial system into effect will not be long delayed. The formal opening of the bank' at San Francisco wilt mean the turning louKe of much money here and else where along the coast. ; The "banks are full of money but under the old law the national institutions were greatly testrictcd in the manner in which this money couid be lent. There seems to be a general opinion among banking interests here that within a short time after the opening of the San Francisco restrve bank, that branch banks will be opened at both Portland and Seattle. Bids for Supplies Aaked. Stalcd bids have been asked by K. S. Gunning, judge of Wasco countyi for furnishing manual: training depart ment for The Dalles public schools. Full details for bidders are published elsewhere in The Journal. Coal Bids Reqaeated, : Sealed proposals ares asked by the United States engineer's office here for I'll rnisl i i n c. unit iel i v,4ri ns? ahnut 50111) tons of coal for use 6n i onstruction work on The Lhilles-Celilo canal. Th engineer's pf fice also rails fcrr proposals for furnishing eight sttil swing bridges for the same projecf. Details aro published in the classified columns. The car passed Pocatello Idaho, Wed nesday night, and sped eastward as fast as the limited train could take it. evidence bjeeusht out tn the caae. Jt is expected tnat tne car will reac& New York at 7:45 a. m. Sunday. ACQUITTED OF MURDER Teachers Given Control Over Students ' on Way to and From school and Sheriff and Chief Will Act. Hood River, Or., Oct. 30. The Parent-Teacher meeting held last night at the: Hood River High school was the largest -attended meeting of the season. The chapel room was filled to overflowing by parents and teach ers, who met for the purpose of dis cussing the'-conditions prevailing in the local uchool relative to the use of tobacco by the students. Professor J. O. McLaughlin, city superintendent of schols, said that it would be im possible for the school to deal success fully with the problem unless the fac ulty were fully supported by the par ents, and statistics prepared bV the superintendent indicated that the larg er percentage of the high school stu dents ar tobacco users. A motion was unanimously adopted that the chief of police and sheriff be requested to enforce the letter of the law governing the sale of tobacco to I minors throughout the county, and that those who were buying and giving to minors be prosecuted. The Parent- Teacher association went on record as favoririg the enforcement of the school law giving the teachers super vision and power over the students while going to and from school to their homes, and if necessary, suspend Litucents who refuse to refrain from smoking, while going to and from school. Giovanni Luciano was acquitted of the charge of first degree murder for the killinjfegof Secondino Coco when a jury in Circuit Judge McGinn s court last night returned a verdict of not guilty. The shooting occurred after trouble had started between the two men in Luciano's saloon, 641 Fourth street, September 19- Luciano was re leased from jail shortly after the ver dict. He had been confined since the tragedy. Judge McGinn will recom mend to 'the city council that thai li cense of the saloon operated by Lu ciano be"rev"oked, as he ald that too many fights occur there, judging from TO PASS DEATH SENTENCE - pr - Circuit Judge' Morrow will sentence. Lloyd H. Wllkins to ifjeath this after noon at 2 o'clock, fixing the date on which the death penalty will be in flicted. Wilklns kiHcVl hou Winters nearly a year ago and was sentenced to -die, but a stay waii secured by an appeal to the upremedourt. TIiku PBeme court af f irmedf the conviction. Wilkins will ! taken! to the peniten tiary after sentence til await the end. His only hope Is for ajcommutation of the sentence by Goveiihor Went. Wireless stations Hjong the Baltic sea are lined by Uutiia to transmit weather reports to Pfjrt.grad. Range of Chicago prices furnished by Sarx. Francisco Grain Market. Ssu "Francfsco, Oet. 30. Barley calls: Oct. 30. -Oct. 29. Obeli. Close. c-ln.o December ...$1.19V4 $1.19V Sl.ltW K May 1.2S 1.28 1.24-li .Spot prices: "Wheat. Walla Walla. $l.S2Va(a j 1S5; red Russian. tl.mtol.Vi: Turk rJ ' $1,8511.90; blestem. $1.00(1.05. teed barley, $1.1061. 12V White outs, $l.oo4tl.55. Brmi, S25.O0; middlings. SmonCTHi no- shorts, $25.O0(ii26.0O. Rail Crew Reached Molalla Today Molalla, Or., Oct. 30.- The rail-laying crew of the Willamette Valley South ern RailrToad company, reached Mo lalla today. The new steel highway will be pushed right' on to Mt. Angel. When the wires have been strung so that service may be started. Molalla will celebrate the advent of the new road in a fitting manner. Overbeck & Cooke company, Board of Trade building: WHEAT. Open. Dec $1.144 May 1.20 Dec. May Dec. May Jan. May, Jan. Kor. Jan. 68 49 .52-. .$18.90 .. 19.20 :.$ 9.90 , . 10.75 . .$ 9.87 High. $1.18 1.22V4 CORN. .09 Vi '"' OATS. .49 53 Vs PORK. $18.97 19.2V LARD. $ 9.95 10.75 RIBS. $ 9.90 Low. $1.14V4 1-20 .68 .71 Ve -49 -52 :i6- zi; Close. $1.16 1.21 .68 A' 71 B .49 A .52 B $18.90 19.10 $ 9.90 10.02 $18.95 19.15 $ 9.92 10.72 $ 9.8T $ 9.87 Germany to Annex Belgium j r Is Report London, Oct. 30. Preparations for formally announcing Belgium's an nexation by Germany are in progress In Berlin, according to a Copenhagen message received here today. Alleged Violation Being Investigated Grand Jury Take TTp Case of Pamph let Issued by Prohibition Party of County. The alleged violation of the corrupt practices act by the Multnomah coun ty committee of the Prohibition party, charged by County Clerk Coffey, was taken up this, morning by the grand jury; The investigation will go to the bottom, according- to District Attorney Evans. i'The charge ' Is made that, a pamphlet was issued without proper regard for certain provisions of the act. Mr.- Coffey and Chief Deputy County Clerk Bush swere called before the in vestigating body. FISHER IS FIRST SEA LORD Woman's Smith-for-Governor headquarters in the Hotel Portland will keep open house for all the women of Portland tomorrow night. All are invit ed. They will be greeted by leading supporters of Dr. C. j. Smith, candidate for governor.. The entrance to the Smlth-for, Governor headquarters is on the -est side of the Hotel Port land at Broadway and Yamhill street. There will also be a woman's Smith-for-Governor rally at Gresham tomorrow night. " The enthusiasm among the women for Dr. Smith's candi dacy is growing daily, it was stated this morning. There are many callers at the headquar ters. The number of volun teer workers is added to con stantly. All classes are rep resented in their support of Dr. .C. J. Smith for governor. ARMORY, SITE QUESTION Brigadier General W. E. Plnzer, O N. G., this morning transmitted to the county commissioners a copy of reso lutlons adopted by the general staff of the militia- October 16 recommending that an armory site be selected on the east side, that $15,000 be spent in re pairing the present Armory, that when possible a new armory be erected and that a reasonable amount be spent for maintainance of troops and upbuilding or service m accordance with the de sires of the war department. He an nounced that further action will be taken at another meeting. No action was taken in the matter by the com missioners. Police Give Serenade. ' In the interests of 'Its dance to be eiven at Cotillion hall this mveninir the London. Oct 30. Lord Fisher was Portland Police hand naradod the ornciaiiy gazetted tms aiternoon as streets of the downtown district thi first sea. lord, succeeding prince uouis noon, stopping in front of The Journal or Battenberg. - j of f ice to play a lively - air. Large I crowds gathered to listen wherever Journal Want Ada brinr 'results, 'they stopped. VOTE 316 X YES Taid advertisement by P. A. Wotthinpton, rortl.-.nd Or. Judge McGinn Says He. Was Misquoted Article In Hews Arouses Besentxnent In Matter of Conditions at the County Jail. - In a' statement of unqualified denial Circuit Judge McGinn this morning took exception to an article which ap peared last night on the front page of the Portland News with his picture. The article is an attack upon Sheriff Tom Word and quotes Judge McGinn in an effort to bolster up charges which have been made repeatedly by the News that conditions in the county jail are not as they should be. Judge McGipn said that ne naa Deen misquoted by the reporter ror tne paper, and tnat ne iounu me jau j" excellent condition. He said that the trip of inspection taken last week was not made for the purpose or investi gating the jail, but for the purpose of looking after prisoners there to see that they were getting justice. He said that he had only praise for the treatment being accorded prisoners by Sheriff Word and that the only cen sure would be against conditions which made long waits in the Jail possible and the Jailing of many of the pris oners a reality. CHRISTMAS CAR AT OMAHA At 7:40 o'clock this morning the Un ion Pacific railroad turned over to the Northwestern road, at Omaha, the O- W. R. & N. baggage car on which read ers of The Journal had loaded their contributions to the Christmas snip. lfff??fm. Grand. mrA ssrp EFFECTIVE OCTOBEB 4. 1914 Trunk Pacific Steamships RINCE GEORGE" reave Seattle, Wash., Every Sunday at Midnight PBOM PXXB, 'A Victoria, Vancouver, Prince Rupert. Anyox (Granby Bay) and Stewart. c . w Him Twin.- inns n.,-on Tisn tonnectins at fints; and & ; GHAUTS TKUBK PACXPIO H ATX WAY, 10 a. m. Wednesday n: D..-4 1 for Hazelton, Smithers, Prince George, Kdmonton, Winnipeg rnnce Kupert(and local points. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM We are prepared to quote on application VEB.Y LOW COZ.OKZST BATXB from Eastern Canada and New England states to Seattle and other western cities City Ticket Office 116 3d St.. Cor. Washington- Portland. , Or. j laarshall 197s DORSET B. SMTH. J. H. BUB.OIS. O. A. P. D.. P. k t. A. Seattle, wash. Overbeck & Cooke Co. Gtocka. Bonds. Cotton. Grain, sta. 816-217 Board of Trade Building. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Members Chicago Board of Trade, Correspondents of Logan & Bryan. imjij, New York. PERSONAL" In the Lumbermens Na-' SUPERVISION tional Bank, , our officers BY OFFICERS person a lluHvise the. affairs of the day. Here you will find an, efficient staff willing and anxious g to cooperate with deposit- 1 . a ors in all banking and financial matters. lumsermens National bank FIFTH AND STARK : i Ladd & Tilton Bank Established 1859 'CAPITAL. AND SURPLUS $2,000,000.00 Commercial and Savings Deposits