I! L -il COME HERE TOMORROW Remember vare only a few TOMQRROW ONLY Your choice of the finest Pot RoastsT Rolled Roasts and Hamburger Steaks n A FEW MORE BEEF SPECIALS . Tenderloin, Sirloin and Round Steaks. Everybody loves a good C Steak. Pound. . 1 OL Fine Boiling Beef. Choice and good. 1 n Pound 1UL Beefl I lib. BETTER Canned Goods NiCC YOUIig Smoked Meats SAUSAGE Vewport Cream. 7C ' KlnMd Clunc-ttn i. Sugar-cured Bacon 1 Q Ow (s Kottmidi ry BtitUr. roll. . OC . fl'sT 5 4l.rn t Back. 11. .'. aOV' Sausage we know youTl Valley Creamery fie 10c, 15c, 20c 111C11I12 Sugar-eared Ba- "1 01 " gutter, roll OOC con Strip. 1. 1C FISH S?!'. 15c tit, TlJ, COMPOUND of U kindi and fresh Suprem, Cond.n.ed-I C. I l)A I I fXi)CL Cottage Kama, "I f 45 Try day. Milk. 3 cans .for. . IOC UUJfO XX W per rb. AOC tin 10s 85 TATE MI AIRES. s.t. tas worth of Where our Cash Register I jf " Mtpti ua fit i i u . m worth of Meat free. SUGArVGURED H A M S 15c POUND Good Creamery Butter FANCY LEG LAMB 12V2clb. Veal Roast . . Beef Roast . Pork Roast . Beef Steak. Lamb Chops Pound 12Jc Hamburger. . . Sausage Meat . Boiling Beef . . Pound Veal Cjtiops, lb . . 12c 17 lbs Potatoes. .25c 17 lbs Dry Onions 25c FANCY ORANGES Dozen . . .15c 10c ,Took Second Prize at Oregon. State Fair . ' Highest Score of Any Portland; Creamery K Order From Your Grocer Ptone RYAN GROCERY CO. FOR LIQUORS Corner Ninth anid oweip TTIhiaiini Ewcbip AND SAVE minutes from the center of the shopping district It will down here , and get acquainted. Come tomorrow Mottttoo TOMORROW ONLY Your choice of the finest SHOULDERS OF MUTTON A FEW MORE MUT TON SPECIALS Hind Quarters of Mutton extra good f A. Pound 1UC Mutton Chops, rich and Pound. . 10c Quality Reigns Supreme M . fj 1 a A a G-: w- m m- m Borax Soap 8 Bars 25c Corn Meal 91b Sack 27c Fancy Prunes 4 pounds 25c Lard -lb. pail 65c 3-lb. pail . . . .40c WASHINGTON CORNER FIRST AND WASHINGTON ST. Davis Both Phones II m -hint i TOMORROW ONLY Your choice of the finest SHOULDER ROASTS OF PORK A FEW MORE PORK SPECIALS Choice Pork Chops and Leg Roast of Pork. Pound . l Ot Some extra fancy Loin Pork Chops. . 1 Q Pound .....IOC vyuu u vuu 1 lib. and the Price Is Always Low i Bav. $35 won JJ gr "B - 1 on Cain Beglster B I . i-a 1.1 LI POUND 10c 2 lbs. 55c Salmon, lb 5c Silver Smelt, lb. . 10c Cooked Crawfish, per dozen 25c SUGAR 18 lbs. $1.00 ROLLED OATS 6 pounds ....... 25c BLUESTEM PATENT FLOUR $1.40 Sack FANCY PEKIN and INDIAN RUNNER DUCKS Special Tomorrow IScLb. Thla Is a risal Special. Tou can't equal it anywhero any time. -. - MACE MARKET - - . FoaitiTIy b Brwieh SKiiel Botn phones. Auto deliTcry "to any part of the city. Cor ner Broadway and Couch Sts. Only 3 mlauta from Wubiagv Picnic Hams BE ECONOMICAL pay EVEN YOU to come Veal TOMORROW ONLY Some Very Nica VEAL STEW A FEW MORE VEAL SPECIALS x Shoulder Roast of Veal iht:...1212c Leg Roast of Veal and Veal Cutlets. Cr Pound.. IOC ir IT U 1 1 w a gn 11 worth of Jttaai free. Z?C Green Trading Stamps FREE SATURDAY OHLT nOJtTAJTT This ad must ha fcronfht with yon at tha tima of purchase- 55 Etaxaps win b given with cash pnrchMs only. Partlas holding yaDow tlckats (lyam by our alea- a mam will ha only eatttlad to 34 Stamp. r I lb. JkLJ Burns Saturday Specials EASTERN HAMS Per pound ... . 18c COTTAGE HAMS Per pound. 16ic White Rose Hard Wheat Flour, per sack $1.40 Per bbl. Juno Coffee, regular 40c grade 35c, special 3 lbs. $1.00 .Fancy Red Cheek Pippin "Apples, pier box 80c Hood River Apples, per box 90c, $1.00 and $1.25 Table Raisins, New 1914, 1 lb. cartons 20c Special 3 lbs. for ...$1.00 New Eastern 1914 Buckwheat, 9 lb. sacks, special... 60c D. C. Burns Company 208-210 Third St., Bet. H- Portland, Or. SFECXAX. sTATT. OBOES SESTICJE. WXXTS rOS CATAXOOTTZ. mm LOWER 15c to 17c per lb. Creamery Bn.tter, roll d-5f Egg, per dozen .30 Ranch Eggs, per dozen ....VtS4 Full Cream Cheese,, 2 lbs... 35 Swiss Cheese, per lb. ...... .25 Picnic Hams, per lb-......1.4 La Grande Creamery 264 YAMHILL Free AU kinds. Boasters, Broilers, Fryers, Get one than good Where We Save You Mdney You save money on Groceries when you buy steadily where prices are uniformly low. The plan, which many merchants follow, of taking an actual loss on a few "leaders"- and then making it up on other articles is neither saving or satisfactory to you. Every store must pay a profit or the business cannot exist. You do not expect to buy for less than cost but You owe it to yourself to buy where prices aTe lowest. We can save you money on the month's purchases because our immense volume of business en ables; us to sell ALL SUPPLIES FOR LESS MONEY. Thousands are, enjoying that saving each month. Try it your self and see how much you are ahead by the end of the month. Phone us a trial order today. You'll see the saving at once. For Country Customers we maintain a splendid ly equipped mail order de partment, filling all orders promptly. Prices are most attractive and will save you money. GET OUR CATALOG. We issue a monthly bulletin, list ing everything in groceries and supplies. A postal puts you on our mailing list. Ardmore Coffee Our Sr. 40e Ardmor Coffa 3 lbs. $1.10 and 65 Graea Trading Stamps fraa on aU purchases ma da and paid for at our atora tomorrow. Satur day, Octobar 31. Orders may he sent sent out later on the regular de livery days. 209 Salmon St Bet. Front and 1st. ,. Phone Kaln 3262. $5.50 One and One-Half Blocks sours muo maszxt Fhones SSaln 616. A-1628 Salmon and Taylor Sts. Hessians Specials Free Auto Delivery Potatoes Apples Extra Choke F u 1 1 Weight $1.25 Per Hundred Pounds 42 Pounds to the Box Fresh Roat4 Mseoot Coffe. 35e FLOUR at Hcs that Arm hard to beat. Wby pairnle Um public mar ket and pay higher prices? Zf not rifht we make It rlfht. 4dth anH Hawthorne Phones Koms, S-3M9. Tabor 961- Hessian Grocery to Introduce Army and Navy Coffee at 20c Lb. we will give 1 pound of Loaf Sugar ABSOLUTELY FREE with each pound of Coffee. i- CKXCXXV 16c lb. Sugar, 18 lbs Delivered supplies. for Sunday." meat. Costs no more; Sugar, sack Condensed Milk Holly Milk. 2 cans ...15 Case, 4 dozen ....83.50 2 cans Supreme 5 2 cans Aster 15i 2 cans Marigold 1E 3 cans Carnation 25 3 cans Pioneer . . 25 Eagle Brand, per can 15 Per dozen ....... 81. T5 Heinz Sweet Relish, in bulk, quart 25t Snider's Catsup 20 Flour and Cereals These wholesome and eco nomical necessities are sup plied by us at prices which materially solve the high cost of living. New Buckwheat 9-lb. sack 50 Corn Meal 9-lb. sack 35 Roman Meal 20 Shredded Wheat 10 Uncle Sam 20i Quaker Oats 2 pkgs. Violet Oats ...25 3 pkgs. Violet Wheat 25 Cream of Wheat 15 2 pkgs. Wheat Eats ,..25d Cranberries, quart ...10 Chow Chow, quart jar 25 Del Monte Sardines. . .15i Eggs. 2 dozen 55 Swifts Premium Oleo margarine, 2 lbs. ...55 Marigold Oleomargarine, 2 lbs. 50 , Cracker Specials Snowflakes, large box 20 3 pkgs., small 25 Peerless Sodas, large 20 Quarter case 75 Swedish Health Bread 2 lbs 25 Pretzels, lb. . .15 We tafce telephone orders Prtday re- ning-s until o'olocX, Phones: 5700 A -6253 Main Sunnyside store 994-996 Belmont Por th convenience of customers living in the Sunn ysids District. - a Phones I Tabor 18 B-1215 free Tomorrow From 2 to 4 ia Lb. Red Rock Cottage Cheese with every 50c purchase . (Stall 26) ! ROAST STALL 30 Eggs SATURDAY ONLY SOcDoz, ter block. PORK Msm IS Guaranteed .lV?e."lll CNV i B I mm l'. SB 3 res tct TT IT BTJQAB -Sl.OO with $1 worth of other .$5.65 Salt and Smoked Fish With erltpti mornings, theao wnolaiom -daap - sea foods ara taking thalz placa as nourishing assets of the table. Ordar on of tha fol lowing for Sunday breakfast: Mackarei. small. 4 for. .25 Medium, 3 for 2oC Smoked Salmon, lb 15c Salt Salmon, lb.. 104 Salmon Bellies, lb 154 Holland Herring-, dos...30c Alaska Herring-, la-lb. Pall l.QO HOMESTEAD BHAHS Salad Oil 254 Butter. fnU roU ?5 Catsup, 3 for 25 Prep. iXnstsrd, Qt. Jar.. 25 Coffee, lb -..30 Peanut Butter, Pt '. . 25 HOTTSEHO&B BJJtOAZSrS A g-ood Broom 2f A ftod Mop 20 6 lbs. Sal Soda lOd Xilg-ht House Cleanser. . . - 5 Aero Washing' Powder, Heff. 25o, special. Swift's Prld Cleanser, Beg-. 35c, special 15 2arg- bar Glycerine Toilet Soap Wire Clothes Iilne 16 APPLES Splendid quality of choice fruit. Keep them in the home and youH have a healthier .family. ; Rome Beauties, bdx ..05 Baldwins 45 Jonathans ."...95 Winter Bananas Extra fancy . . $1.20 Basket Raisins (new choice stock), pkg 15 Boiled Cider pint ...20 Quart 35 Clams. 3 cans 25 Oysters. 3 cans .......25 Salmon, 3 cans 25 Shad, 3 cans 25 , Tuna Fish. 1 can 15 Il 9TC AMD .1 Note the Extra Special ! For Tomorrow Razor Clams, 3 Cans 25c Fancy Kippered Herring, Ea. 5c Here Is the Story In Detail Read Carefully! STILL 30 Roast Pork, lb tZd Beef Roast, lb 12H Jjcgs Lamb, lb 15f Good Bacon, lb 1S Smoked Beef Tongues, lb 30 Pail Compound 25 BTA11. 7 Columbia River Fall Salmon, . per lb. , . .j . . . . . .5 BTAI.I. -r Fresh CrearnerjfvButKr, roil.70 Honey, 2 combs 25$ Good Egjs. doz.' 25 8TALX. IS LarRe bottle Snider's Catsup. 20d Milwaukee Summer Sausage. per lb Ltjrge can Anchovies. 25d 8TAXZ. 19 Dfluble Stamps with Blue Ribbon -Butter until o'clock. foll.75 vT C. Special, roll ....TO Dtflft Brand Butter, roll JOtf Hotaey, large g'aa, cach....20t STAlt. 31 Casabas, each 15 8TAIXS 4 AKO 5 Oroeeries, Kruits and Vege taOles. Free deliveries east and weBt sides. -Phone M. 63S2. Special Oleomargarine. roll.50 Wesson's Salad Oil 30c -BTAIA 36 Free tomorrow from 2 to 4 o'clock, Vz lb. Red Rock Cottage Cheese with every 60c purchase. 2 lbs. Peanut Butter 25d Breakfast Blend Coffee, lb..l9 Sanitary Butter, best. roll..T5 Kagle Brand Butter, roll 60 BULL 33 Chok-s Fresh Meats with double Stamps at this stall. Tiller Meat Co. - STAX,I. 18 Special Fancy KippcredV Herrin?, each . -.5? Fancy fresh killed Chickens. STAXi 14 Kresh Swedish Hardtack and Rye Bread. 60c Teas, lb KO 36c Coffee, lb.. r 30 11 Monmouth Butter 75 Clover Blossom Butter, 70 Oregon Cream Cheese, lb....20 Guaranteed JEegs. Saturday, only, dozen ... 30d STALL 30 Razor Clams, 2 cans 25 3 bottles Ammonia ...25t 3 boxes Cornstarch 254 OPElf 8 iTTBDAT J5TEMIHOB )) SW H Inl Q LI L Corner Second and Yamhill Streets TEAL Veal Roast. Shoulder, lb. . . . . v. 12H Veal Chops, lb.. 12V4i Stew, lb. ...i..i....l2Hei Breast, lb l..12H Sausage, lb. ...... ...... 12Hc Loin or Leg Roast ........ ... . IOC A Quick Way to Buy Satisfactorily: Make up a list of things you may want and phone us for prices on such articles as you do not see in our adver-. tisements. . Remember, that our advertisements .can list but a very small part of our stock, and we do not put Headers" in our advertising, but merely goods selected at random. -Everything uv the store is equally low priced. Ask the maii jrt the phone to give you prices on .- hams, ba con and lard- oni soaps,, on teas, coffees and spices: on flour on all the -. regular1 ' ne cessities, or -anything , you fancy you may .want. Remem ber, too. that our phone serv ice is planned to give you per fect shopping satisfaction' while you are comfortable at home. Don't hesitate to ask us questions over the phone. We can save you money if you will give us a chance. . Ask us about cheese. jMbst families fail to make -the most of this wholesome and eco nomical food. If your stock of bean's and macaroni and rice is low, ask us about our prices. This is the time of the year . when raisins and nuts, citron and orange and lemon ppel -are in vogue. We have them all at low prices. Ask about them. Deliveries Sellwood, Tuesdays and Thursdays., Boss City Park, , Xern Park, Arleta, Tremont and Lents, r W e d n e sdays and Fridays. Montavllla and Portland- He lg-hts, Thursdays. Other tectlffus dally. Saturday Only Cren Trading Sutmps Free -to jjur Patrons Wrth AU Pur chf'ses. 20th Century 5 -lbs. Granulated Sugar for 25 cents, when accompanied by a purchase of 2 lbs. of our "Fresh Roasted Coffee.' 10 lbs. Granulated Bugar for 50 cents, when accompanied by a purchase of 4 lbs. of our Freshly Roasted Coffees. We offer as follows and KUr te values: 45 cent Coffees for 33 cents, 40 cent for 28 cents. and 30 cent for 22 cents.' 25 cents will buy: 4 lbs. So. 1 White Navy Beans 5 lbn. Maca roni. Spaghetti. Vermicelli or Noodles. 3 lbs.' new Roat Pea, nuts, Bulk Crackers, 3 packages N'ewly Heeded Raisins -r 5 lbs. Sago or Tapioca. New pack Tomatoes. 8 cents can. Double : Stamps With Blue Ribbon But ter Until 3 o'Clock Meat Specials STALL 16 Pork Roast . . . .124$ Boiling Beef ......... 9 Lean Pork Steak . . .15 Veal Stevy ...... .1254 Pickled Pork, lb...l2d STALLS 22 AND 24 Veal. -...12 Fresh Side Pork . , 12 Pickled Pork 12 Pork Steak . . U. ;...15cJ Fork Koast . . . -120 Grocery BB8BSZS88b88s88sS8888B8b8B8VH8B'