The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 30, 1914, Page 16, Image 16

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Interested People Try to Cre
ate False Notion Electors
' Must Vote as Registered,
rfct rreedom la Guaranteed to
. Everyone to Cast Vote for Anyone
Information has come to The. Jour
Dai that an effort Js being made, by
pernotis interested in certain - candi
dalen. to make the ru-wly chfranchlaed
women voter and young men wno are
voting thin yar for the f irHt-ltme, be
lieve that they will be violating ajaw
If they'do not vote as they are registered.-
Thin la one of the most palpable at
tempts to Impose upon the lnexpericn-j
of new voters that has come to light
in a long time.
l'arty reglstratfon, has nothing what
ever to do with) the voting at the gen
eral election: 1 1 applicB only to the
primary nominating election. In the
primary election only registered mem
ber8 of a party are permitted to "par
ticipate In the nomination of that
party's candidates.
But in the general emotion the names
of all the ennd'tdates of ull parties and
independent candidates are- upon the
tame ballot, and the voter is supposed
to choose the men1 or women he wants,
to servTin puhllu office, according to
his ideasSrf" the fitness of the ones
he selects.
It is not a question of how voter is
registered. The question for the vot-?r
1st Who are the best men for office?
It is not a question of what party
label the various candidates bear. The
question for the voter is: Which, of the
candidates will best serve the interests
of the peoplo of the state?
The voter has the entire list of can
didates of all parties to choose from.
Any attempt to make new voters be
lieve they ure required to vote the
ticket of the party with wliich they are
registered is .a palpable fraud. The
whole purpose of the Australian' form
of ballot, which is used here. Is to
allow a voter to get away from such
partisan restraint. c
Old Fashioned Barn
Dance Is .Enjoyed
"Old Zip Coon"- and "Turkey in the
Straw," brayed out on thi horse fid
dle and si Wo -horn, gave raucous evi
dence to passetsby Wednesday "flight
that the Commercial club's harvest
dance was going fine. "Uorare Rams
dell's barn" was tire scene of the au
tumnal frolic. And barn it surely-was,
with sawdust on the floor, a big box
BtAll in a corner and; corn stalks and
giant, pumpkins piled ' her and there.
-.ln ordinary ' time,' the "I'ftrn" is the
big dining room o.f th Commercial
fvliili Nhla rnnifinrtmpnt helni? fafrlv
RtBrione(j in an Improvised "hay
lofl,"i- accessible: only by ladder, was
the orchestra, wh-lch was attired In
overalls and cowhide boots.
" A typical country hinner preceded
'the "brn "daTine,',' o which more than
800 people did Justice. AlTthe table
decorations suggested the harvest and
the sieasnn of Halloween. Jack o'lan
ternsi hlaek cats and numnklns adorned
the tables find the fall fruits and nuts
crifcHed by each diner with a hatchet
on a -small flatiron gavo the final
. Somehow these usually dignified
persons inanagod to forget many were
past young or even middle' aged and
romped Just as many of them used to
do at tlio frolics of corn shUckin' time.
. Many costumes suggestive of the farm
were in evidence and everything was
In opposition to any city stiffness or
formality. W. A. CadwelL'called" the
dances and Sanford I-,owngart and
Jlss, Florence Wolfe won the prize
waltz. V. J. Hofmann wajs chairman
of tho committee In charge of the
frolic and Ira Powers and J, Fred Lar-
aori assisted.
Letter1 Notes Great
Change in Condition
GMorg-e H. HLme Writes to JTrog-rea-ire
Business, Men's Club. Beysr ding
Vale, Or. v :. . '
George' H. Himes, secretary of the
Oregon Historical society, has been re
visiting Vaje.n Malheur county. He
has written,' to the Progressive Busi
ness Men's 61ub of the strangeness of
the sensattoln given him by returning
fc the plaj for the first time In 62
years. His" letter reads:
"Here's to you individually and col
lectively, from a spot of Oregon.
H-li-he (earth) upon which I stand
for the first time since the first week
in August, 1863 457 miles from Port
land. Then an Immigrant camp, with
scant muck-a-muck (food), louse-eating
Indians of an unspeakably low
type, sage brush, rattlesnakes, lizards,
a few starving rabbits, and occasional
hunches of grass; now, brick, build
ings, paved streets some of the other
sort, too high school, as well .as pri
mary and grammar schools, well im
proved and fertile farms, and a pros
perous and well regulated people.
"Once more: Ji'o hub counts for
service without spokes, felloes, and
tires; no city fulfills its mission un
less its influence aJds in building
upon the uttermost parts of the state
in which it is located. Make your own
application. Greetings from Malheur
county, which has a future of gretu
productiveness, the like of which can
scarcely be estimated at the present
Rate Suspended.
Washington, Oct. 30. The interstate
commerce commission suspended until
January 29, the passenger fare In
crease proposed by many western railroads.
' Kills' Wife, Self
Divorced by His Wife, Bt. Paul Xaa
Build Coffin for Himself, Write
Tazewen Wotes and Kills Both.
Minneapolis. Minn., Oct. SO. Making
his own coffin and writing? nine fare
well, notes to relatives, Joseph Zoback.
It years old, murdered his wife, aged
71, at. Hopkins, a suburb, and then
committed suicide .today. He thrust
a shotgun through the kitchen window
and killed his wife as she was pre
paring breakfast. Then he sent a
bullet into his own brain. The couple
formerly lived at Melvin, Iowa, but
were divorced five years ago. After
ward Mrs. Zoback came here to live
with her son, Edward ZobacTc, and
her husband followed her here.. She
refused to live with him again, and
he went to live a hermit's life in
aback at Hopkins, where he fashioned
a rough coffin and painted it black.
Commission Form
-Government Gains
Benjamin C. Sheldon of Medford Com
mercial Club Beports Many Towns
Flan Hew System...
Many of the larger Oregon cities
are progressing toward commission
government, or the city manager plan,
says Benjamin C. Sheldon, vice presi
dent of the Medford Commercial club,
who has been touring the state in the
Interest of the southern Oregon nor
mal school.
"Astoria. Albany and Corvallis will
take up- consideration of commission
charters very soon," he ,said. "Ash
land and Medford have now tentative
Terminal Company
Files Its Eeport
Salem, Or., Oct. 30. The Northern
Pacific Terminal company, controlled
by the Oregon-Washington Railroad &
'Navigation company, the Southern Pa
cific company and the Northern Pa
cific Railway company, as stockhold
ers, had the following income during
the fiscal year ending June 30, accord
. lng. to its annual report to the rail
' road commission: From lease of road,
$80,000; Joint facility rent Income,
(226,850.52; miscellaneous rent Income,
$3800; taxes, $117,927.53; gross income
$192,522.99. '
The company f)tvn.i 22.27 miles of
Toadin Oregon and operates under con
tract 3.02 miles and under trackage
rights 1.33 miles, making a total of
28.72 miles. Capital stock, par value,
authorized, outstanding, pledged as col
; lateral, totals $3,000,000. Funded debt
' authorized totals $5,000,000 and out
, standing is J3.161.000. The interest
rate is 8 per cent and the amount of
., Interest accrued and paid during the
year totaled $191,010. The cost of road
and equipment totals $1,269,096.16, less
' reserve for accrued depreciation. $27,
017.74. leaves a net total of $4,242,-078.42.
- John Strucken of Fairvlew and D. R.
Bttoemaker or uresham were each al-
lowed $25 Indemnity for one cow be
' longing to each slaughtered becayus
of tuberculoses, the state and county
each to pay. half of each claim.
Authority was given to D. G. To
rnasir.l and City Auditor Barbur to
, -purchase 45 three section voting
",booths at $3.50 each and 40 five sec
' ; tton booths at $4 each.
A bill for $25, for medical services
rendered to Frank Olson, injured Sep-
" , vv a-rica i V CTI 111 git
tway, presented by Dr. M.. Ditfebrandt,
; Was referred to County Physician
' . Geary.
'", The Cottage Undertaking parlors re-
r quested duplicate warrants for orlgl
: nals burned by mistake, and were dl-
. . 1 1 L 1 1 1 .
retiru, iu yreBem iiitir ums in regular
form with affidavit as to .ownership
: and loss of warrants and with' a bond
f :to protect the county. .
' J. C.-r. Bayer, contractor -. for work
on the east wing of the courthouse.
advised the board that the work would
1. Inspected as guaranteed. . y
Look for the red can, with
German-American Coffee
the label. It contains
the first steel cut coffee in
air tight tins, on the market
at 30c--to equal 35c and
40c coffees.
- Tomorrow's the Big Football Game
University of Washington
Oregon Agricultural College
Albany Train 10:40 A. M.
Arriving Albany 2:05 P. M.
Laeves North Bank Station 11:40 a. m.
"(No Stop at Jefferson St.)
Reduced Fares for the Round Trip
North Bank Station
JOth and Stark
Fifth and Stark Jef ferson-St. Station
10th and Morrison
After the hunt
commission plana- tinder consideration.
Salem and Oregon City are about to
vote on commission government. La
Grande passed 25 'amendments to Its
charter in establishing; a city manager
plan.. y Baker Is In the city manager
clat. . Roseburg is considering! com
mission government or mana
ger plan, but has not yet taken action.
"There Is evident throughout Oregon
a disposition on the part of the cities
to simplify municipal administration"
Mr. Sheldon spoke before the Pro
gressive Business Men's club yester
day 'in fayor Of the Ashland normal
school 'and the importance of reopen
ing it as sl training school for teachers
In cylmerica
1 Lb. 25c
who have charge, of the education of
children In Oregon schools. s
A May Get 'Trust" Back...
Salem, Or., Oct- SO. Whether com
panies which had the word trust" in
their names - and ' changed them upon
olfters from State Bank Superintendent
Sargent can regain the old cognomen.'
no that the supreme court has held
that- tW. bank 'superintendent had .no
authority lo force companies organised
before the passage of the act early in I
191 J to discard! the word -trust." is a
Question which ; has-beeti put up to At
torney General Crawford,-following the
receipt of- an inquiry from one of the
companies Involved. 1
"journal- Want Ads bring results.
Mored to Oar New Home, 449 Washington St
To "Do. t Electrically"
InOrange It's Edison
In Portland It's Knight
when you think of light,
think of Knight-t-and when
you think of the sun, moon,
, Edison, Mazda or anything
calculated to make your way
lighter, "do it electrically,"
and write, phoneor call at
Our New Home
449 Washington, Between
Twelfth and Thirteenth
You aTe special
ly invited to visit
us tomorrow,
on the
Opening Day
New Home
(Removed From
291 E.Morrison)
Established 1897.
II -JhTf' rsJ f
Ee'JU"' I
& CO.
For tight It's Xnlght."
XI. Ii. mOET
Every Woman
: Of the Same Opinion
No more need of Baking! The ideal bread at last is found
... The IVW
"BpTTER-NttT Bread
stands as the crowning achievement of the baker's art.
Thousands of women know this. You will know it
,if you'll try lust one loaf.
For your own sake, make the trial today.
All good grocera sell Butter-Nut S and 10 cents the
loaf. The Butter-Nut label U oa the genuine. 13
Corner East Eleventh and Flanders
are made of Roman Meal Hotcakea
that help to replace the daily waste
of tissue in muscle and bone and cre
ate body energy a real food full of
nutriment and readily assimilated by
the .digestive organs.
Dissrible tod Nutritious
Pound, for pound .Roman Meal has a
greater total food value than meat.
Roman Meal costs SlAc per pound
the average cost of meats is 20c per
is made of whole wheat, rye and
deodorized flax with all the good
fef t in them, not drawn out by over
refining. The endurance and vitality
of the old Roman soldiers who con
quered the world, were established by
eating food of this character. Roman
Meal is a builder of strength.
R6man Meal makes a number of most palatable dishes:
Mush, Muffins, Gems, Hotcakes, Cookies
Puddings, Fruitrocks, Gingerbread, etc.
Ask your physician about the health promoting qualities of Roman Meal.
He will know and knowing, recommend it. Roman Meal
by supplying the necessary bulk to promote the natural muscular
movements of the bowels, the deodorized flax supplying a natural
lubricant. Your own doctor will know about Roman Meal; ask him.
The most persistent and stubborn cases of constipation are positively
regulated by the use of Roman Meal.
Roman Meal should be in daily use in your home. The price is 25c for
a full 3 lb. package more pounds, mere food.
Ask yours for a package today
A bottle of good old
Main 49.
G&mbrinus Brewing Co.
You. should also try Roman Meal Bread
All good grocers have it.
ite Clover CartoE Butter
Made From Strictly "Graded and Pasteurize" Cream
. ' , "-"""",I
- 'A ihVM ' t ii 71 ,s v-7?- ;$ Mnftts w
I Oim New Home
I East
u . 'in . -r,,,... r,7
Every Package
bearing this
brand and trade
mark is of itself
a guarantee of
the standard of
quality ap
proved by our
customers and
backed by us. .
Specially. Designed for Sanitary Production
of "White Clover Product." Is Located at
Seventh and Everett Streets
To Be Sure"
o. 1.1
Bottled in Bood
TO be sure, that's the thing to say" if you want to b
certain of a high-ball or one "down" that is always
right. At all leading Dealers, Clubs, Bars, Restau
rants and Hotels, you'll find CEDAR BROOK in the lead.
Largest selling brand of high-grade Kentucky whiskey in
the world. Because it has maintained the same sure,
superior quality since 1847.
R0THCH1LD BROS., Distributors
316 X YES
Paid advertisement by S. O. Corrcll. Baker, 'Or.
- . i
1 Seattle JJ
Day trains three between Portland and
Puget Sound, carry parlor cars, high-back,
seat modern coaches, dining cars; night trajn
has standard and tourist sleeping cars, coaches.
! TO AND FROM 'v i;
' Three fine trains each day. r
Two trains.
if f thX
i a l
Tickets and aJU information at
255 MORRISON ST. j -Phones
Main 244. A-1244. j "'
EXCURSION FARES from all stations to
Manufacturers and Land Products Show!.
Portland, October 28-November 14. i
Northern Pacific Railway
J I W.viter. Excursions , to Florida in Nov.,' Dec., Jaiu
I v