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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1914)
, ' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, , FRIDAY ' EVENING, OCTOBER 30, 1914. 11 HALLOWEEN, the day of all the 865 which u'.aet aside for play is almoat here. The end will see 'many pretty parties in which the huKe pumpkin Jack O'Lanterne with RhoBtly "heet encased figure, witches and all. the Other weird dream beings of childhood mll live for a few short hours. TDU venln Multnomah club will open Its season of dancing parties with a for mal ball at the club gym. The stellar ev-nt of the week Is the dinner dance tomorrow evening at the Waverly Country club given by WJrt Minor" for the pleasure of ' Miss Ailsa MeMaater, one of the most Popular debutante fit the year. There wilt be about 75 young people of tbe smart set seated for dinner. The. affair Js .to ba a typical Halloween event and yel low flowers anM auUimn leaves and ...lit ,Vm tltm. rUrArtionH pumpains "" " 1 UDUI Um ." Mrs. Whitney Howie. ' This afternoon at the drawing room of Alexandra Court. Mrs. Charles T. Whitney presided at a large tea. About 200 guests were bidden to call and throughout the hours the rooms were thronged with matrons and maids of the smart set. Copper and yellow toned chrysanthemums and other beautuui autumn flowers formed the decorations about the room and in the dining room the tea table was centered with; a love ly arrangement of fruit and handsome candelabrum. Presiding at the samo vars were: Mrs. Tnomas i. nu ic, man. Mrs. David T. . Bhindler, Mrs. fcJames D. Farrell and Mrs. James B Tioneyman. - Punch was served by Mrs. (Jeorge Schallc and Mrs. Harry Hem . Inghouse, a charming visitor from St. Paul. Assisting in serving were Miss Charlotte Laldlaw, Miss Anna Munly, Miss Margaret Mt-ars and Mlas Kath arine Laldlaw. The hostess was as sisted in the drawing room by Mrs. Elizabeth Freeman. Miss Brtha Tongue and Mrs. Hartz, wife of Lieu tenant Rutherford Hartz df Vancouver barrackB. An orchestra played during the af ternooa Tea a Charming Affair. ' Mrs. Hans Hirschberger was hostess for a delightful tea Thursday after noon from 3 to 5 o'clock. The dec orations In the drawing room were most effective, frrns and chrysanthe mums being used, and in the dining room pink carnations and ferns carried out the color scheme. Presiding at an attractive table, Mrs. R. Wilfred Shepherd poured teay and Mrs. John Ker served ices. Assist ing In the dining room were Miss 11a bella Macleay, Miss Elizabeth Jacobs and Miss Gladys Ross. Assisting the hostesa through the rooms were Mrs. Wells J. Oilbert, Mrs: J. C. Stuart. Mrs. D. W. Ross and Mrs. fc A. Hogue. About 100 smartly gowned women' called during the afternoon. Mrs. Thompson an daughter in New York, Mrs. D.. P. Thompson and Miss Gen evieve Thompson of Portland are rpendtng a few days in New York city and are registered at the Wocott hotel. They are enjoying, the beautiful Indian summer season on the east coast, motoring around the country. SMxnor-May Wedding. Tho . Woodlawn Methodist church was the scene of a pretty wedding ' Wednesday evening, October 28, when . Miss Hazel Irene May became the bride of Langdon Hall Spooner, Rev. Louis Thomas officiating. The bride viiiB uttlred In a smart traveling suit of dark blue, and worej a large black velv.'l hat. Miss Rachel May, ststefc of the bride, and Miss Mildred ,Taylor( , were attendants. They wore suits of dark blue- and black hats. They all were corsage boucjuets of violets and Bride roses. TJie bridegroom was at tended by his brother, Lloyd Spooner, and Percy Caufield. Preteding the ceremony Mrs. Dora Danforth sang ' t Dawning" (Cad man), and at the conclusion sang "Meet. Me By Moonlight Alone," and Mendelssohn's wedding march was played by Miss Lottie Peters. The church was beautifully decorated with white flowers and autumn leaves. Both young people are popular among a large circle of friends. The groom is a salesman in one Of our leading stores. The bride, who has been the recipient of much entertaining, is a favorite among the younger sets and In church circles. After a two weeks' honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Spooner will be at home to their friends at Jen nings LJdge. For Mrs. Briggs. Complimenting Mrs. George E. Briggs of Hermiston, Or., aluncheon was given today by Mrs. George1 H. Upthjgrove at her home, 690 East Couch street. Those .present were Mrs. George E. Briggs, Mrs. C. K. Bland, Mrs. A. J. Macbonald, Mrs. W. H. Blanchard, Mrs. R. E. Alln, Mrs. ' F. C. Baker, Mrs. W. G. Harold, Mrs. Ira G. King, Mrs H. J. Uptjiegrove, Mrs. H. Blacksley, Mrs. J. A. Hood. Mrs. Z, E. Rose. ... In Honor of Mrs. Walden. Mrs. C. Walden of Sacramento, Cal., who is the house guest of Mrs. Leo Bauer, was the guest of honor at a Halloween luncheon Thursday given by Mrs. R. E. Frye of 564 Ladd avenue,, assisted by her daughter, Miss 'Uoldie. Covers were laid for nine. -oJurlng the course of the afternoon Mrs. Sb&nrym of Columbus, Ohio, who has a ."voice of .'rare sweetness, sang "The Rosary" and "Des Hold My Hand Tonight" 4 "J50 Party and Dance. Ladies' Auxiliary, A. O. H., division No. i, will give a 500 party and dance Monday evening, November 9,' in their' new hail on Russell street, between Rodney and Union avenues. Commit tee!: Mrs. Guy Kennedy, Mrs. A. O'Hanlon, Mrs. W. J. Smith. Miss Kate Cavanaugn, Miss Mary McCarthy and .Mies Catherine Gaffney. .Society Note. v Mr. and Mrs. Richard Everding and party, including Mrs. Charles Sweeney, Mis T. Harding and J. H. Willman, enjoyed a week end motor trip to Rhododendron tavern. They motored on to tjovernment camp to see Mount Hood at close range. Hot Lake, Or., Oct. 30. Recent ar rivals at the sanitarium Include: R. J. Thompson of Denver, Colo.; George Packer Jr., Denver, Colo.;.S. 8. Ter rell. Sumpter; Mr. and Mrs. At S. Ayers, Parker's Mill; Mrs. W. S..Spen cer, Heppner; Dr. Huntington, Star buck; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pureell, Walla Walla; N. Samson, Tacoma, and R. M. Brown, Z. A. Loigh and Miss Marie Love of Portland. All Charge Purchases Made Tomorrow Will Be Applied on November Account, Payable December 1st Visit Premium Parlors, 2d Floor Take Down-town Luncheon tomorrow In Our Beanlllul Tea Room on the 4th Floor Ladies and Gentlemen's Manicuring on the 2d Floor FRATERNAL NOTES Hibernians Issue Unique Invita tion to Smoker Xejct Monday. THIS POPULAR EMERSON IN ROSEWOOD .1 1 Friends Are "" The Ancient Order of Hibernians has issued to each member of the lo- ! cal division a rather unique Invitation in the form of a subjena to attend the . smoker it will give in its -clu brooms, 340 Russell street, next Monday eve- j ning. The subpena is signed K. J. Mur- nane, clerk, and T. J. Murphy, judge, I with Andy Weinberger as chancellor! of the doughnuts and D. W. Lane as j cider dispenser:" It is sealed with ' "Cead Mile Failthe," meaning thou sand welcomes-. There willow a brief business ses sion, afterwnrch the class of 50 can didates wflt'lw obligated. The friends of the members will be admitted after the business meeting and obligation. There will be singing and speaking and Irish step-danclngr also plenty of "pipes of peace" and cider and dough nuts for everyone.- Two boxing bouts will also be a 'feature. The committee having charge of the "smoker" consists of: D. W. Lane, Andy Weinberger, K. J. Murnane, A. B. Cain. W. P. Lillis, A. Campbell, John McGreal, F. J. Riordan, J. D. Doyle. Has Many Candidates. The Loyal Order of Moose in this cfty will have a large class of candi dates to take- in next Wednesday eve ning. There will probably be in the hands of the clerk by that time 250 ap plications or more. They . will have another reception to, the ladies In De cember. Edgar Ea'ster, director for Oregon of organization work. Is con fident that he will pass the 4000 marii for membership by the first of the year, having less than 500 more to se cure. ' Spanish War Veterans. The Sons and Daughters of the Span ish War Veterans will give a Hallo ween ball at Klllingsworth and Missis- I sippl avenues tomorrow evening. The ' drum corps and the flag circle (boys i and girls) will be out in parade and ; march around the hall Just before the i grand opening. A number of inter- , esting .features will be presented that will make 4t entirely different from the ordinary dance or balL ' mm , Important Meeting Monday. ! Court Oregon No. 9244, Ancient jr- ; der of Foresters, will hold an "import ant session Monday evening to elect new officers and initiate a class of 25 j new members. This court Is making9 rapid progress as a fraternal organiza- I tion and hopes to shortly take the lead of all local courts on the Pacific i coast. Two organizers are in the field hustling for members. j New Lodge Started. Thursday evening, in Sherwood, the ! A. M. F, started under dispensation a new lodge of that order, and gave the degree of entered apprentice to a number of candidates. . There were , present from Portland a number of visitors. ' Amon' them were John I Ditchburn. Tbad Minard, G. S. BreU- lng and G. B. M. Summerville. - Portland Camp Entertains. Portland Camp, 107, W. O. W., gave an informal dance ana card party at the W. O. W. Temple Wednesday eve ning with its degree team as the com mittee of arrangements. The mem bers of the team were all present in full uniform' and gave every atten tion to the guests. V Banquet Zs Held. Robert, Bruce Lodge No. 47. A, M. F.. assembled at a banquet in its Tem l.e at the Auditorium on Third street Wednesday evening 'and after 126 seats had been filled, proceeded to do jus tice to a banquet spread before them. Masquerada Ball Tomorrow. Tomorrow evening the masquerade ball of Kirkpatrick Council, Knights and Ladies of Security, will occupy Moose hall In the Royal building with probably 200 couples or more. Deputy Commander at Jfswbarg. G. A." 3 raves, deputy state command er. Knights of the Maccabees, was in Newberg the early part of this week visiting the local tent at that city. , t i Will Qiv Informal Dance. i Court Multnomah, Foresters of, America, will give an Informal dance ( Wednesday evening, November- 11, at ' W. O. W. Temple. Visits Southern Oregon Tents. ' J. Sherwood, state commander for Oregon, .Knights of the Macca bees, Is visiting the local tents lu southern Oregon. Sane Was Wall Attended. Thursday evening the Knights of the Maccabees gave a well attended j dance, card party and social In K or P. hall. $155 Cash . or $6 Month to a We deliver.1; at- our expense, .getner itn: stool to match. Graves Musif Co. . 151- FOURTH ST. Candy Pay Tomorrow At the Bargain Cir cle, Main Floor Sup ply your Halloween needs here at special reduced prices. ME, WdDirttmniaie (S: KMgj Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Pacific Phone Marshall 4800 Home Phone A -6 231 TOYLAND FOURTH FLOOR The Kiddies' Paradise Bring the little folks here and watch their eyes open wide at the marvelous display of Toys, Dolls, Games. Foundry , Work Figures. ; Salem, Or., Oct.. 30. The foundries, machine and repair shops of Oregon play an Important part in furnishing payrolls for the people of the state, according to Labor Commissioner Hoff, whO has secured figures show ing that employment Is furnished' 4228 persons and that the total amount paid out during the last fiscal year for wages was 14,067,334, skilled workmen receiving . $2,603,968, un skilled Jl.215,477, off ice "males 1343. 471, 'and office females 1 41 8. The value of the product was 315,269,336. There are' 140 plants In the state. Skilled' workmen averaged $3.62 a day nd unskiled workmen $2.33. ID) 0 UBLE STAMPS With Cash Purchases Made Tomorrow Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings, Main Floor Also With Cash Purchases in Shoe Department, Main Fl. 4PS $1.25 and $1.50 Kid Gloves Now $1.15 MAIN FLOOR, MORRISON STREET WAY Improve this opportun ity to buy Christmas Gloves! Standard $1.25 and $1.50 grades in real kid and fine lambskin Gloves for women. P. K. and overseam styles in black, white and tan. Perfect-fitting Gloves of excellent quaU ity, on sale Saturday at, pair Ask for Green Trading Stamps $1.15 JOIN. THE REVELERS ON Hallowe'en , Countless ? suggestion here rfor Prank Night entertaining. E HAVE devbted the Cen tt r J ter Circle- oh the Main- Moor to a special shuwini; of Halloween Noveltie the largest and most complete display in the fity. , . Black Cats. Ghost, Pumpkins. Witches, Lanterns, Silhouettes. Stickers, Skulls, Fortune Telling Cards, Invitations, Garlands, Place Cards, etc., etc., in grat variety. is. Halr Bow Ribbons 25c Yard Main Floor New hair bow Taf feta with fancy edgeshown in black, white and all the popular colors. Yard 25. , . . e Ice Skates 4th Floor Best makes for Men, Women, Children. Better come in tomorrow and choose yours! Also completerline Skating Shoes and jerseys. ' Girls Winter Coals Now at 85.98 Girls' Balmacaans at $15.50 : Second Floor Girls' stylish new Winter Coats' of baby lamb trimmed with plush collars and models of Zibe lines in all the avanted colors. Exceptionally well-tailored and nicely finished."- Sizes for girls 6 to 14 years of age. "On special sale at $5.98 Second Floor New line of the "popular Balmacaans just received. These are unusually smart and are made of imported English Cravenetted mixtures in hand some colorings. Hat to- match. Shown in sizes for girls 8 to' 14 years of age. Priced special now at . .. $15.50 Girls' Two-Piece and Buster Wool Dresses Special' f 4.98 and ?6.48 Saturday Sale ot Women's Aprons Women's Coverall Aprons, two styles, special at, each 4 67 Women's Belted Back Gingham Aprons for 89 Sale oil 100 Men's $25.00 SMtts all $19.85 : : : Special showing Men's and Young. Men's Balmacaans at $5.0(f to $25.00 ARE YOJJ GOING TO BE ONE OF THE HI7NDRED MEN to share in this moneyf saving event? Prompt action is necessary come in the morning and have the advantage of chopfeng from, the entire assortment. Every Suit is from our regular stock all are well-known makes anp the tailoring is of the finest. Splendid range of patterns in serviceable colors for fall and, winter wear and there are several of the season's smartest models in the assortment. Thrifty me'n those vffio count fhe cost will appreciate this offering. Standard $25.00 Suits in an excellent range of siis. C A OC XJnderpriced for Saturday .li . . lJmO J Boys' Blue Serge Norlollfs '...te.iargiPgW'iii! m 95c Men's $1.25 Shirts tor 95c Choice Line ot Patterns MAIN FLOOR Men's high-grade Shirts in plain or pleated bosom styles with soft or stiff cuffs. Shown in great assortment of new striped '.and figured patterns also some in plain white Hand-laundered. All sizes. standard $1.25 Shirts at '.... Men's $2 Underwear 95c Good Winter Weights MAIN FLOOR Broken lines Men's Winter weight Underwear to be closed out at once. Shirts and Drawers in good assortment of sizes. Look to. your underwear needs! Garments in this lot worth up to $2.00. Priced for Sat- QP urday's selling at www Special Showing of "Carter" Underwear for Menl Men's $1.50 Gray or Jan Mocha Gloves $1.15 Bath Robes and House Coats $3-50 to $18.00 At 4.95 MAIN FLOOR Men's fine quality Mocha Gloves in tan or gray in a com plete line of all sizes. Standard $1.50 Gloves underpriced for Satur day at, the pair $1.15 MAIN FLOOR Men's Bath Robes and House Coats in beautiful new fall and Winter colors and styles. Ideal for gift- giving. Faced during this sale at f 3.50 to $18.00 maiiNfloor F or style and service these splen did "Blue Serge Norfolks are unequaTejl in Portland at the price. Hand-tailored throughout with lined and double-taped pants and serge-lind coats. Wc includefat this special price Boys' one-and two-pant Norfolks in the serviceable mixtures in browns, grays, etc. Full line of sizrs. Priced AP special at Boys Corduroy Pants $1.50 Boys' School Blouses 50c Main . Floor Another j big shipment of Boys' i Corduroy Pants in the much anted dark brown just received. Ex tra well made. Cf All sizes at $1.DU, 50c Boys' Balmacaans $5.00 to $20.00 Main FloCr Blouses for boys' school wear. Mad to stand hardest kind oi usage,. Ciit in good full sizes. tntoice new pat terns and color ings. I'rjced at MAIN FLOOR Styled just like outtMen's Coats hand-tailored arid the patterns are distinctive to a degree. , Pre-Holiday Sale of Men's Ties continues tomorrow Four great lots .50c, 65cf 85c, $1.19 Our Great Millinery Sale Continues Trimmed Hats Worth Up to $50 for $15 trimmed Hats Worth Up to $12 for $4 MILLINERY SALONS, SECOND FLOOR At $15 we' offer our entire line of beautiful trimmed Hats which are marked to sell up to $50. This includes all Imported Pattern Hats ABSOLUTELY NONE RESERVED! The sea son's newest and most pleasing models from world-famous designers trimmed with Ostrich, raraaise, uura, fur and other novelties. Trimmed Hats selling heretofore up to and including $50.00 Saturday $15.00 SECOND FLOOR All Trimmed Hats selling heretofore up to and including $12.00 to go Saturday at four dollars each. The assortment comprises the season's most favored models in velvets and plushes with trimmings of ostrich, fancy feathers, flowers, ribbons, fur, etc. Hundreds of them for you to select from. Black and all the wanted colors. Hats selling heretofore up to and including $12.00 Saturday for $4.00 Don't MUs This Onr Greatest Millinery Offering oi tbe Sensbn Women's, Misses' Coats Free Classes in Knitting and Crocheting 9 to 12 and 1 to 5 daily in Art Dept., Second Floor. Under the personal direction of an ex pert from the Fleisher Yarn Factory. Children's Free Classes every Saturday front 9:30 a. m. to 12. 4 ' 1 Saturday Grocery Specials Telephones: Marshall 4800; A-6231 Sweet Cider for Halloween Special at 45c Gallon Sliced Boiled Ham Sat urday, a pound a Isle of Pines Grape' Fruit special at 3 for . . . 35c 25c Sweet Potatoes on sale Saturday 10 lbs. for... Choice Wisconsin Brick Cheese Saturday, lb 25c 25c V,. Imported Liver Paste Pate Special for Saturday at, the can 15? Women's Best $5.00 Shoes for $3.69 Double Stamps with cash purchases tomorrow in Shoe Dept., Main Floor. MAIN FLOOR Women's New Fall and Winter Shoes in a wide range , of. styles nd materials. Genuine black Ooze, Patent, Dull Calf, Suede and Vici in all the popular lasts all styles heels and toes. Standard $5.00 qualities. On sale at, the pair Men's $4.50 Calf Shoes, at $3.69 S3i69 Gills' $3.00 Shoes at $2-45 extra i Main, Floor Shoes for big great girls Patent, gunmetal and kid with cloth or goat top pings. .Sizes 2 to 6 at $2.95 pair. Sizes fcO C 12 to 2, $3 grade 0.4D Double Trading Stamps With Cash Purchases Tomorrow Main Floor Men's aualitv Calf Shoes in assortment of styles in both lace and button effects. Also tan Russian" Calf. Re. $4.50 1 Shoes $3.69 amps Wi 1000 Pairs of Women's Crocheted House Slippers, Standard $1 Grade, 48c Pair Women's Felt House Slippers in All. Popular Colors, Specially Priced at 98c Basement Millinery Special Sale 200 Hats Now Af $1.00 of Velvet, Plush 4and Satin in a great assortment of models jaunty close - fitting turbans, sailors, roll-brims and other popular styles trimmed with quills, ribbons, flowers and fancy novelties. Black and all the wanted colors. Hats in this group worth up to $5. 1 A A Saturday special .... $JL.UU New Trimmings Basement Special showing of latest effects in quills, flowers, fancy feathers, black and white aigrettes, etc. Reasonable prices Just In by Express New shipment of Trimmed Hats for mid-winter wear. Also smart new velvet shapes in black. Ask to see these new arrivals. Y 87.50 to S28.50 Distinctive new models in Bal macaans, Russian, Belted and Balkan effects. Superbly tailored. OU have-not ' seen the latest until you view these handsome new Coats we dis play tomorrow! Snappy new models for VVomen, Missei add Juniors in Bal macaans, Russian, Belted and Balkan effects, in Cheviots, Boucle, Broad cloth, Zibelines, Plush, Caracul, Velours and mix tures. Three - quarter, .seven - eighttts and full length Coats with latest English sleeves, patch or slash pockets, etc. Shown irt all the most desirable colors. Beau tiful patterns. Prices (OQ Cf range from $7.50 to oLQmOM $37.50 Dresses. At $15 Second Floor Special lot of Woman's and Misses' Dresses se lected from regular stock and marked for quick disposal. Vel vets, Charmeuse, Crepe Meteor, Crepe de Chine, Serge, etc. Many dainty styles are included in this offering. Dresses selling hereto fore up to $37.50. For flft Saturday's selling at $lv.UU Our 15.00 to 22.50 Coats All $9.98 C -1 r Jf . s If: .: o'uui mwcu iui vv uiiicu ana in jbocs : Continuation tomorrow of Our Great Basement Sal f Women' and Misses' Fall and Winter Coats AN EVENT which is creating greatest interest throughout the entire city! Smart i&ew models m Chinchilla, Fancy Plaids, Zibelines, Pebble Cfceviotsjf;Tweeds, Nov elty Mixtures and other wanted coatings. -Mostly three-quarter lengths although there are some in full length and ;ltherji in short styles. Beautiful new patterns and colors. Sizes 14. 1 18 and 20 for misses'and from 36 to 42 for women. Standard $1S& $16, d ft ftft $18, $20 and $22.50 Coats underpriced at, choice .... . . 7t j . . . J Drugs and Toilet Articles Standard Lines Now Underpriced 5 bars Ivory Soap Q 1 bar of Lurline Soap IOC Limit 6 bars to customer. No deliveries except with other purchase in the Drug Department. 25c English Bath Soap at 15c Pears" Unscented Soap 12 10c 4711 White Rose Soap at 8? 10c Old Dutch Cleanser at 7 25c Packer's Tar Soap only 12 Jergen's 25c Rice Powder 10t 25c Messatla Talc, Powder lOf All Paralyn Ivory now at OFF See windows. ? Williams Talcum Powder. Stand ard price 15c Onsale now 11 Denver Mud 25c size now 18 Denver Mud 50c size now 35 Denver Mud $1 size only 80$ 50c Hind's Hpney. ad Almond Cream on- sale Saturday at 28 Jergen's, Benzoin and Almond, Lotion Saturday at,i, special 17 Daggett & 1 Ramsdell's Cold "Cream, standard price 50c, 33 Pebeco Tooth Paste, standard. 5Uc size at 28c Special Demonstration Bor den's Malted Milk in Dru Department, on Main Flour 25c Recksecker's Dental Cream on sale Saturday at only lO Dr. .Lyon's Tooth Powder standard price 25c now at 3L2 SPECICAL FREE OFFER One jar, 50c size, Hedden's Cold Cream will be given free with every bottle of 75c or $1.40 size of Hedden's Toilet Water made in the Drug Dept. on Sat urday. . t $1.50 and $2.00 Hot Water Bags and Syringes special now $1.00 Sanitary Douche Spray Syringes on special sale at only $1.25 50c Rubber Cushion Hair Brushes Saturday for only 25 Manufacturers' samples of rubber-lined ..Traveling Cases, worth up to $1.50. Choice now "at 50 Tooth Brushes in a variety of styles. Standard 35c kinds 19 Hand Mirrors in as sorted styles. 50c vals. 39c 7? Dressing Comb s 1 strfdand 15c-20c vals. 1UC Maurlne Toilet Goods . i, , i . Free full treatment of these well known preparations if you visit the rest rooms on the Second Floor tomorrow 1. . . Beauty Lotion at 50, fl.OO Maurine Satin Cream 50, $1 Rosebud Rouge priced, at 50 -Maurine Skin Food SO, $1 Maurine Hand Lotion, price 25 Maurine Hair Tonic priced fi Parlor Brooms og extra fine quality with whife ciameled handles on sp&cif sale. At 5$c THIRD FLOOR fa i II.. . m : f i. us ,j I I, It K 1 11--- LI if