The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 30, 1914, Page 1, Image 1

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VOL. XIII. NO. 202.
Se i si ,t 11 I Lz III f Mil I r J I I J I '-FtTTZ-t i-iTVV.x 1 i K11N PS r , I I 1 II S3.' -.IS a 1 " i""'5"-
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Declaration of War Expected Momentarily Be
tween Russia and Turkey; London Hears That
Russian Ambassador to Constantinople and
the Consuls Throughout Turkey Have Been
Called Home.
Vessels Bought by Turkey Following Outbreak
of War and Manned by German Crews
Take Part in Bombardment.
(United Press Leased Wire)
Washington, Oct. 30. That Odessa was bombarded last night
and much American property destroyed was the information con
tained in aj cablegram received today at the state department
from tire United States embassy in Petrograd.;.
The embassy's information was based on a report from the
American consul at Odessa.
The amount of property damage was not stated.
It was assumed by state department officials that Turkish
warships bombarded Odessa.
The message indicated that the bombardment occurred Wed
nesday night. It was not stated whether notice of the bom
k bardment was given in .advance.
I.ecausc of. tire destruction of American property, America
has inquired whether notice of the bombardment was given.
London, Sept. , :50. Advices from several sources agreed to
night in confirming the statement that the czar had recalled his
ambassador at Constantinople and all Russion consuls in Tur
key. It was added- that "a state
yesterday, when Turkish warups began hostilities, and that a
' formal exchange rif declarations was expected shortly.
LOSSES ARE 200,000 -IN
Germans Caught in "Waters
of Yser When Dykes Are
Cut and, Forced to Retire.
(linUni Pwa T,r Wlre,
Paris. Oct. 30. F.vm the military
authorities here wore wtaggered today
by reports of losses in the past fort
night's fighting .on "'.the- Franco-Bel-jrian
frontier. '
In killed, wounded and captured, it
was said to he cerjain that '.the el
Hes had loBt .at least r.O.OW. . Gorman
casualties were said to be three or
four .times greater than those suf
fered by . thfi allies. ', . j
X)lxunide, it was stated, had been com
pletely jObllterated.
Substantial ' gainrf by the allies
against the Germans were" claimed In
the Bordeaux war office's- daily state
ment, rer-elycd hTe this afternoon.
The- Belgians having cu.t the dikes
of the lower Ysci ' and flooded the
country . which the kalsers . forces oc
cupied, the French aiirt ms.h. U was
. recounted, opened a terrific artillery
fire on th Teutons, who, wallowing
In the water, were powerless to make
an effective defense and had to re
treat well tothe north.
The allies vere declared to be ad
vancing tn the vicinity of' Ypres and a
. heavy ccmnter attack - which the Ger-
' mans launched against the British in
the neighborhood of T-a Basse was
' said to have been repulsed after a
desperate hand to hand fight.
The British , were reported to be re
occupylrrK ground from which they
(Conuladrd n t age two. uniumn Two.i
British Hospital
Ship Is Wrecked
XohlUa, Bound for Belgium With Bed
Cross itnnei and Doctors, Comes to
Orlef J Xfurses Are Rescued.
Whitby. Eng., Oct. 30. The hospital
ship Rohilla, on its way to Belgium,
with Red Cross nijrses, physicians and
some other passengers on board, was
.wrecked - off here today.
The second officer launched a boat
and landed the nurses, but eight mem- I
bers or the crew and the other passen
gers remained clinging to the Rortil
la's bow. Seven bodies had been
washed ashore. '
The vessel was fast on the rocks,
snd the weather was very heavy. Ex
cept for the one which brought the
nurses ashore, the launching of boats
had proved Impossible, j
Washington, Oct. 30. The res! An
tion of George . K. Roberts,' director of,
me mini, was received end accepted
todav bv President wii
plans to enter prlvite business. r J
of war" had existed since early
Petrograd, Oct. SO. Russia was de
laying a declaration of war against
Turkey this afternoon on the theory
that even yet the sultan may repudiate
the acts of his naval commanders in
attacking the czar's ports and shipping.
Farahdine Bey, the Turkish ambassa
dor here, also remained at his post,
awaiting .Instructions. He expressed
the unchanged opinion that his country
would remain neutral. Personally he
declared he regretted the latest devel
opments, of which, he added, he had as
yet rgceived only unofficial news.
Fetrograd officialdom, commenting
(Concluded ou Page Seven, Column Three)
The old machine is trying to come back to power. Every
old reactionary war horse is lined up solidly behind Dr.
Withycombe. For, proof, look at the men who are fighting
for him- McCamant, Fen ton, tiuston, Moser, Geer and kin
dred souls, not a progressive Republican among them. For
further proof, turn to page 88 of the state pamphlet and read
what is there. If Dr. Withycombe is not harmonious with
the program of these men why are they fighting so aggres
sively for him?
One of two candidates will be elected governor. Either
C. J. .Smith will be elected, of Dr. Withycombe will be
elected. No third candidate has a ghost of a show.
The one chance to- prevent the old crowd from seizing the
government and coming back into power is to elect C. J.
Smith. Are the rights and privileges won by the people
through 10 years of hard fighting worth preserving? If so,
the governorship with its power to resist intrigue and legis
lative conspiracies, is the stake that must be won.
A progressive .vote cast for any other candidate than C.
J. Smith is half a vote for the old crowd to come back.
Italy, Greece, Roumania and
L Bulgaria Can Scarcely. Re
main Out Longer, .
London, Oct. 30. With Turkey a
participant in the Kuropean war, diplo
mats here declared it extremely like
ly that Italy, and practically certain
that Greece, Roumania and Bulgaria,
would be drawn Into the struggle. If
Italy enters the war, it was considered
a foregone conclusion that it would
be on the side of the Anglo-Kranco-Russian
alliance. Its original declara
tion of hostilities, should one tome,
may be against Turkey, it was thought,
since- the latter'a entrance Into the
f if id promises to jeopardize interests
which are vital to the, Italians. The
opinio! was general, however, that
with conditions as they are at present,
Italy cannot fight Turkey without
fighting Austria as well. This would
align it against Germany, too, though
It was thought likely enough they
might never be actually opposed to
one another, slnca taeir frontiers no
where adjoin.
So far as Turkey is concerned; It
was assumed that an Italian campaign
would be by sea. In case of hostili
ties with Austria, the supposition was
that King Victor Emmanuel's troops
would invade that country's Italian
provinces, with a view to occupying
them permanentl.Vi There would also
b every probability of fighting be
tween the two navies.
Greece Will Aid Allies.
I Greece will assuredly be with the
allies and against Turkey and its
frishds. It is not certain that it will
be with Italy, however, Jealousies hav-
! ing developed between the two nations
over their Albanian ambitions.
Such a situation as would develop
with Italy and Greece on the same
side so far as the allies are con
cerned, both opposed to Turkey and
yet fighting between themselves over
(Concluded on Page Three. Column One)
Democratic Candidate for
Governor Also Outlines His
Plans for Reducing Taxes.
Tr. C. J. Smith, candidate for gov
ernor, and Senator Harry L,ane ad
dressed 500 people at the Jefferson
high school last night. Dr. Smith urged
them to protect the direct primary
law by voting against the assembly
bill, which has been initiated by the
opponents of the Oregon system of pop
ular government. ' He also told his
plans for lowering taxes.
Senator I-ane cautioned the voters
against sending to the ITntted States
senate a man with such an insatiable
appetite for timber - lands as is pos
sessed by R A. Booth. He also told
of the desperate efforts of the'rOrc
gonian to stir up trouble between him
self -and Senator Chamberlain. He said
the Oregonian's efforts failed because
he and Senator Chamberlain are work
ing in complete cooperation for the
good of Oregon.
The audience greeted both of the
speakers, who were introduced by
Thomas C Burke, with enthusiastic
applause, and heartily applauded them
frequently throughout their addresses.
- Against Assembly BiS. r
"I am agafrrst the assembly and all
It stands for, because it Is a denial of
democracy," declared Dr. Smith. "Pop
ular government as developed In Ore
gon is the purest expression of democ
racy achieved In the known world.
Shall we go back? It is true certain
interests have not fared as well under
this system as they formerly did, but
they were not the Interests of the
"The slaughter in Europe should
be a reminder to us all of the imperish
able value of our system of govern
ment. Aristocracy breeds militarism,.
Democracy never. The sons of the
toilers of Europe would not be lining
the trenches tonight did democratic
government exist in that land, and
useless barbaric war will never smite
(Concluded on Page Seven. Column Three)
Audience Expresses Approval
of Administration's Policies
and of Senator's Fight for
Makes Plain, Straight-Forward,
Personal Appeal;
Warmly Applauded.
By a Staff Correspondent.
Hillsboro, Or., Oct. 30. Cries of "No,
No, No," answered Senator George E.
Chamberlain here last night when in
the course of his. speech he asked his
audience whether they wished the poli
cies of Woodrow Wilson reversed.
"My opponents say,'1 he said, "that
the policies of the president should be
reversed. What one of them would
you reverse of all these great meas
ures framed for the best interests of
all the people and indorsed by pro
gressive thinking men of all parties?
"Jly opponents also say that you
should vote for me if you don't wish
to reverse these policies. I am in
clined to agree with them. But would
you reverse a single one of them?"
And "No" thundered forth from the
throats of the 500 or more in the audi
ence. Senator Chamberlain was received
with enthusiasm in this city. Over 100
persons, men and women, met nim at
the depot as he descended from one
of the big, red cars from McMinnville,
and the Orenco military band played
for fully an hour before the Washing
ton hotel.
The senator was the guest of honor
at an informal banquet immediately
preceding the meeting. About 75 per
sons sat down at one long table in
the hotel with the senator at the head.
It was an old fashioned picnic meal
with everything from soup to desert
on the table at the start. The senator
enjoyed it hugely.
The meeting at the local opera house
was one of the best of the entire triD.
The senator, although he had spolten
three times before during the day, was
in excellent form, and the audience
was both appreciative and demonstra
tive. John XU Wail acted u chairman,
and N. Ai Ixng introduced the speaker.
saying, "With the corporations ever
DarKing at his heels, George E. Cham
berlain has risen as no other .Yian In
Oregon has risen to heights of fame.
Again and again during the course
(Concluded op Page Two. Column Three.)
Ayala Plan Adopted by Mex
ican Peace Delegates Will
Distribute .Huge Holdings.
(United Fresi Leased 1VIre.
El Paso. Texas, Oct, SO. Fighting
between Carranzista and Vlllista
troops, was reported today at San Gil,
20 miles west of Aguas Calientes. The
Vlllistas there, it was stated, attempt
ed to prevent the mobilization of Car
ranza forces, who threatened the gen
erals participating In the Aguas Caii
entes peace conference. The Vilhs
tas are said to have defeated the Car
ranzista troops.
Other reports said Carranza had
mobilized 15,000 additional troops at
Ieona, "0 miles south of Aguas Cali
entes. General Villa, it was said, was
diverting large forces around Aguas
Calientes and a clash was expected.
In secret session of the peace dele
gates. Governor Felipe Riveros of
Sinaloa appealetl to the conference to
sustain the sovereignty of his state.
He said Carrunza had threatened to
arrest state officials, and that he al
ready had arrested two military com
manders. Carranza Starts Excitement.
In a message to the convention.
General Carraaza is said to have an
nounced that unless Generals Villa
and Zapata resigned from the army
and retired to private life, he would
Immediately call on the army to sus
tain him in power. This message pre
cipated an uproar among the dele
gates. .General Viliereal, presiding over the
convention, announced that hereafter
delegates wouJ4 not be permitted to
carry firearms into the convention
The plan of Ayala, adopted yester
day, to repJi.ce Carranza's Guadeluse
plan, enables the generals to eliminate
Carranza immediately as provisional
president. "
Big1 Tract to Be Cut Up.
The Ayala plan deals mostly with
the distribution of large tracts of land
among the common people, and the sol
diers of the revolutionary army. It
says that nearly all the present large
land holdings were obtained Illegally,
but that before they shall be appropri
ated the owners may take their cases
before special tribunals, which the plan
arranges, to be convened on the suc
cess o. General Zapata's revolution.
The plan further provides for a con
vention of military chiefs to select a
provisional president, who, in turn, will
immediately call a national election. It
provides that the appointment of gor
ernors shall be made by different mili
tary groups, and, that each-state shall
be represented i in,- the convention.
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Dr. V. J. Smith, candidate
. C. J.
Republicans Desert Their
Candidafe Fearing His Ad
visors Would Control Him4.
( Salem Bureau jif The Journal. I
Salem, Or., Oct. 2. Gains made by
Dr. C. J. Smith over Dr. Withycombe
as a candidate for governor have been
the feature of the political situation
in Marion county during the past
week. While it has ,been admitted
generally by Republicans, some . of
them , of state-wide prominence, that
Booth's chances of election were ex
tremely doubtful, it has been insisted
that Dr. Withycombe had a good fol
lowing, and, would surtly . be elected.
If Withycombe has lost "ground in
other counties of the state as he has
in Marlon ooyjrty, he stands no show
of election.
Republicans by the hundreds who
had - intended to vote for him have
openly " declared that they will back
Smith, because they believe he will
carry'out the economical and progres
sive policies he has advocated. Friends
of Smith thoroughly' canvassed the
county this week, and say they were
amazed by the change of sentiment
In his favor.
. Kverywnere mere was the same
story that they had intended voting
for Withycombe. but had reached the
t Concluded ou I'age Tone. Cslonw. iwor
for governor of Oregon.
Two Boats and a .
Whale Hit Mines
Steam Trawler and a Fishing; Boat
Sunk by German Klses; Bare Whals
Comes Ashore at Marguts.
lxndon, Oct. 30. Hitting a mine off
Jhe east coast, the steam trkwler Ro
4sella was sunk today. The captain and
Jchii f officer .were mlslng and sup
posedly nrownea.
The fishing boat Our Tom was also
reported sunk by a mine with he loss
of three of its crew. v
A giant whale.' evidently killed by a
tnird mine,' drifted ashore at Margate.
Late Telegraphic lews
UTTASioir or botft fiwasbits
XVottdoa, Oct. 30 Bedonins
massing' under ' Qtraun officers, ' ap
parently preparatory to laTacUnr
Egrypt, aocordlnr to nsws from ' Da
ma sens. Serious antl-Brittah dsmotv
strationB were in progress n Damas
cus. Strong forces of Turkish caval
ry were moving- along'" the Golf of
" a. fttjaja, - . . ai4w.
Petrograd, Oct. 90. That the Bus-'
slaa ambassador at Constantinople had
demanded hie passports was officially
announced here today. i i
I was added' that th caare Black
Sea fleet had, sailed to meet the Turk
ish squadron. - . ,
TTnconf irmad ' reports - were -current
that the latter- was. on its 'fray te
Odessa, ' . :
GZBMAjrS TAXI omnrszTx.'
London, Oct. 30. rigkting on tUm
Franco-Belgian . frontier has been re
Prohibitionists Ar6 Indignant
Over Bold Attempt Which v
Is Made by the Standpat- f
ters at Eleventh Hour.
Letter Repudiated; Booth's
Evasion of Oregon Issue
Is Citeid.
1 1 aj
Intense indignation h;s been aroused
among Oregon prohiblonlsts over sn
attempt of the Boothj and stand-pat
Republican forces to nwiike an eleventh- .
hour grab of the prohibition votes.
A 'Booth steal Is: the name given
the maneuver by the ()ut-to-W in Pro
hibition committee. I'
A letter written y iff. S. Stine, Fro -
hibltlon candidate fop United States
senator advising- Prohibit ionists to
throw their votes to IJooth has been
repudiated by the comi-nlttee. Demand
has been made on Stjge that "he repu
diate the Utter. il
'We have evidence iitiat the Repub
lican central cominl'iiee waited on
Stine, told him he hd no chance of ;
election, represfnted 04 him that Booth : .
stood for national prohibition, anil In
duced him to write thJetter addressed
to the lTohibltlonlstsj. of Oregon sd- '
vising them to vote2for Booth," tie- -clared
J. S. Pox; actinysecretary of the
Out-to-Win Pohlbltidj. campaign, yes
terday evening. ?pi
"The letter wrltleg by Stine was
gotten out from the fSjooth headquar
ters by the Booth pe(pl and'by them
sent to the prohibitionists of the '
state. S
Booth DodgS Xssas.
;it is nothing moto nor. less than
a Booth steal. Whether Stine rcpu- ,
dlates the letter or jt, we do. ?
"We oppose any adiSce that any pro
hibitionist vote for Bfjoth for senator."
A letter written by'SMr. Fox to Stine .
at Medford, asking j,rm to xcpudiste ,
the letter, contains jjte following ex
pression as to Boothja! "
"He has distinctly ImVaded the issue
of state-wide prohibEmon, although ne ,
does stand for nat!nal prohibition.
He refused to consider: our nomination
prior to the plnrafyif3T-"fettnt our .
label would lose hlrjf! the nomination
at the, hands of bisydwn party."
Thfdudignatlon ofrthe prohibition
ists oer the action jj' even more vig
orously expressed by! a Portland mln-
lster who Yeceived o? of the letters.
"Of all the partiaspr persons from
whom the least slvou be expected for
the prohibition cause" it is a standpa
Republican," he assess in a letter to f
The Journal. I
Act Called :Trsasoa.
"With, this kind oil; electioneering X
have no sympathy.''! he writes, "for
Concluded on !' Column OM)
Chamberlaiil Speaks
Here Tomorrow. Eve .
Senior Senator and j. T. Xlsrei WiU
Bs Kaiaxd Tirst at.Washlnrtos Xlf b
and Bwxat Xdntxffn Hifh. ' t
. Senator George E Chamberlain and
A. V. Flejrel will delVer two addresses
to Portlanders tomog-ow night. - Thsy
will speak at the Washington high
school. East Foutjtjsenth and Kast '.
Washington streets;": and at Lincoln -,
high school. Park sfsd Market streets.
Henator Chamberlain has a message
for the people of Pd&tlsnd and tomor
row 1 night is his f ljst opportunity tt
deliver it. There 1G every Indication
that the auditoriumsfin the two school
houses will be fUledalto the last bit crf
space, as thousands yant to hear Ore
gon's senior United States senator.
The meeting wilVffegln at the Wash
ington high schoofpit 7:30 At that,
tlmts Mr. Flegel wilHspeak. At about
o'clock Senator ..Chamberlain will ;
begin speaking thervj
Mr. Hegel will jjien hurry across
the city to the Lincoln high. School,
where he is expected., to. begin speak
lng at 8:15, and wilspeak until about
'9 o'clock, when Senator Chamberlain
Will begin his addrs.
At the Washingtf school Municipal
Judge John, H. Stev)hsoii will preside,
and Democratic Htnie Chairman Bert
Haney will presidj$j at the Lincoln
school. ii' "
Senator Harry L(jne. who has been
speaking in Portlanttiln behalf of Sen
ator Chamberlain, Ir, C. J. -Smith and
Mr. Flegel. will spsak in Corvallls tOf
'morrow night. ? ' v
newed with the greatest violence, a-
ooratng to dispatchee from Amster
dam. The Oermaas' had been power
fully reinforced at eebrngge and" fol
lowed it hy restt4ng the off snsire
all along the line!, Bleven thonaan4
German marines were declared to hare
oeenpied Bamsoape-near BT"t
Britlsh the steamship
troops win remain M Cnu, Ksz- -
loo, mntU Provisional president Oar- ,
ernmeat that foreijners win be pro
tected and a satisfactory- agreement is
had regarding nstoms receipts, lt
officially stated here today. -
Xt was stated tat the administra
tion place no confidence in the prom- '
ises of General Ajrullar who already ,
.has assured . America concerning the
situation at vera ctus. . . .
t '