a .3 1 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 29, 1914. APPROPRIATION NOT SUFFICIENT TO CARE FOR STATE INSANE Report of Supt, Steiner Rec ommends. Completion of Receiving Hospital, NUMEROUS NEW CASES PtroU Law Aiked, That Patients May Bt Treated at Their Homes. rSl-rn BiirHa of Tin. Jonrnsl Halem. Or.. Oct. 29. In hi biennial report to the state board of control. filed today. Superintendent Steiner. of thf; ntatj hospital for the Insane here, nays that the p?r capita cost per month for each patient, which includes Clothing, food, nursing and medical treatment, was $14.61, or 48 cents per day. Dr. Steiner urges the necessity of completing the receiving hospital, no that male patients can have quar ters there. It is now available for women patients only. The report shows that on October 1, 1612. there wore 110 male and 55 J fe male patients, a total of 1704 In the usylum, and that, there were remaining j at the end of the biennial period, Sep-! teintjc.r 60, 1914, JOr.t males and 527 females, a total of 1576. During the biennial period 325 patients were trans ferred to the new eastern Oregon hos pital, 155 escaped and N2 were re captured, 271 recovered their reason, 192 were discharged as much improved, 113 were discharged as improved and 101 were discharged as not improved, rigrurea for Tear. During the biennial period 774 males and 474 females, a total of 1 248, were received. A total of eight, five males and three females, were discharged as not Insane and 293 patients died. The total number of those transferred, dis charged, died and escaped during the term was males and BOO females, a total of I45S, anil the total number tinder treatment during the term was 2007 males and 1 027 females, a total of S034. It Is pointed out In the report that 1248 patients were received during the term, but t7 less than the number re ceived during the proceeding biennial period, despite the fact that the east ern section of the state had been cut off and sent patients to the new hos pital at Pendleton. When the legis lature trade Its appropriation it based it on a daily average of 1500 patients, while the daily average was 1529.22. This naturally niusul the funds to be Inadequate. Causes of vasanity. Some interesting statistiis are given as to the forms of insanity, one item being that 95 cases are classed as al coholic bing due to the use of liquor. Tn this class are SI males and 11 fe males. According to the committ ments, only seven cases of insanity were due to love affatrV; while re ligion cause! 2n,,to lose their' reason. Worry laii'el 7.1 cases and tobacco four. OvPiwmlc Was blamed for 11 cases, and ungovernable temper for four What caused Insanity was un known, aceording to fiffS coimnitt- . merits. Mult rintna h led In the list of the admitted, there being a total of Hi 2. The uativ,- born patients admit ted tulaltd 7 11 and th, foreign born 1 9 S . ' The report deals at some length with the occupation and amusements of the patb-ntK. Hasktiv,, rug making, nee dlework, fanev sewing and laundry work formed the principal indoor oc cupations of the women and there was berry picking ,ind other work on the outside The men were employed in agricultural and other pursuits. No one was forced to work against his will, it Is asserted in the report. "We have fotimd that almost every patient can be taught or persuaded to -do something helpful if proper tact is employed." says the report. The attendants are not permitted to be brutal, it is asserted. In discussing this question, it is urged that stringent laws should be passed for the punish ment of attendants who may mistreat patients. If there is-any evidence tha an attendant hu-.i misused a patient; the attendant is promptly discharged, it Is stated. Asks Parole System. It is urged that a law should be passed making it possfblo to parole pa tients. It is asserted that under the present law this is impossible, and inofty. harmlessi patients could be cared for ftt home, at: least part of tho year. Kighty-three patients were deported during the year, effecting a saving of T43.!i.12. based upon a life expectancy of 10 years. Seventeen of the patients were deported by the federal govern ment. Expenditures for the biennial period totaled $."i45.fiW.07, leaving a balance of $6S.65 4.4.'!. Maintenance totaled 1543,723.07. A .large amount of dental work was done during the year and much good resulted, the report says. A total of 1198 patients had their teeth fixed. New Measures Are Considered by Club Anxious that Its members shall be Informed on the measures submitted ! for vote November 3. the Rotary club devoted "Tuesday's program in the Ben son hotel to thie shb.lect and unanimous ly voted to use next Tuesday's luncheon program in the same way. Este "Snedecor, leeal member of the club, in discussing the measures, said that citi zens In order 'lo vote intel ligentlv will b forced to study closely, and that! many of the measures seem to have been addressed by one class of people to another, the "small home owner" particularly. Trie club has arranged to Contribute to charity this year through a performance of the plav "Mother." at the old Heilig thertre, Tuesday ntglit. Apple day was observed in the menu. wnich began with apple cider and end - ed with apple-pie and raw apples. To Make Hairs Vanish From Face, Neck or Arms Keep a little powdered delatone hand v and wlten hairv onm, v. .... make a paste -.vith some of the powder turn a. nine aer, men spread over hairy surface? After - - v " "iim t rztr rub off. wash; the skin and it will be -nureiy rree ; rrom hair or blemish. This simple treatment is unfailing, but care snouiu rue exercised to be sure and get genuine delatone. otherwise' Pacific Phone All Purchases Promptly j Home Phone Marshall 5080 Delivered to All Parts of! A-2112 City, Vancouver and Oregon City. Parcels Post and Express Packages Prepaid on $5 Purchases. Mail Orders Promptly, Carefully Filled. Phones: Mar. 5080; A-2112 Store Opens Daily at 8:30 a. m., on Saturdays 9 a. m. Store Closes Daily at 5:30 p. m., Saturdays at 6 p. m. r- III 1 II II II MM THE MOST IN VALUE THE BEST IN QUALITY Bargain Friday at this store means something more than a jumble of odds and ends or "seconds" at sen sationally low valuation. It stands for seasonable and new offerings in i reliable- merchandise at little cost And so we lay stress upon the attractiveness of our Bargain Friday Offerings They are values that are always seasonable and always taken from our regular stock on hand. Be among those who will profit by the following: Another Fine Underpriced Lot off Fer guson & MoHinney Guaranteed Shirts Coat Style With Attached Cuffs, All Sizes, inf QQ Plain Blue and Assorted Patterns. $1.25 Grade atl O VL Men who have profited by our past sales of these well-known ifehirts will be the first to respond to this announcement, for they knowifrom past experiences how well they fit arid what splendid service .'gtlvey give. Those in this lot are shown in negligee coat style with attached cuffs. They come in plain blue and in assorted neat patterns. They are fully guaranteed not to fade or prove unsatisfactory in any matuSer. QQ The best $1.25 grade will be placed on sale tomorrow at jf. .. OUi .Men's Underwear in Winter Weight Fine Wo1pl Shirts and Drawers, Very Soft Finish, Nicely Tailored flil A T Garments, Sold Elsewhere at $1.25, This Sale 4 I UO Men who are particular as to the fit, quality and finish of tlifeir Under wear will be pleased with the garments offered at this undefjsriced sale of one of the best known makes of men's natural .gray Wool Wnderwear. Included are both shirts and drawers in all sizes, and in correct Winter ieight. Garments of very soft finish that have been finely tailored, A quality garment sold everywhere at $1.25. On sale tomorrow at. Showing and Sale Women's and Misses' New Fall and Winter Coats BALMACAAN, BELTED, CAPE AND OTHER POP ULAR STYLES IN DONGAL TWEEDS, PLAIDS ZIBELINES, ETCALL SIZES, PLAIN COLORS AND NOVELTIES, 45 AND 48-INCH LENGTHS ARE PERFECT FITTING AND WELL TAILORED VALUES TO $19.50, PRICED FOR FRIDAY AT For . Choice Fortunate indeed will be the woman or young lady who has not already selected a new Fall or Winter Coat, and who can arrange to attend this sale, for values are far and be yond the ordinary. Tomorrow you have choice from an extensive showing of the most popular new styles, including Balmacaan, Belted, Cape and other models in 45 and 48-inch lengths. They are perfect fitting, well tailored garments of fine materials, shown in both plain colors and novelties. Dongal Tweeds, Plaids, Zibelines, etc All sizes. d A Of Garments that were made to sell regularly up to $19.50. On Sale Bargain Friday MU2L) A Special Underpricing of Women's Dainty Well-Made Wash. Dresses Of Standard Percale Ginghams and Chambrays, Plain Colors, Stripes and Checks Values up to $1.50 Specially Priced for Bargain Friday When you see what fine dresses these really are, how well they have been made and fin ished, and how attractive the styles are, you will realize that this is an offering well worth your best attention. The assortment includes various styles in high and low neck models and a splendid range of patterns and colors plain shades, neat stripes and all size checks. They are perfect fitting garments, made of standard quality gingham, percales and cham ways, ihey were unusually good values at $1.25 and $1.50. lomorrow You AO May Choose From the Assortment at jC 93c Extra! Special Friday! Sale Large Bars Castile Soap Reg. 25c Value t Qr on Sale at, Bar 1 x V At the Drug Sundry counter we have arranged this special sale of La Perla and Floating Cas tile Soap. A Soap of standard quality, shown in large size bars that sell regularly at 25c. Priced as a leader -t Q tomorrow at 1C Continued With Renewed Lots This Season's Greatest Silk Sale INCLUDED ARE PRINTED CREPES, BROCADED POP LINS, FANCY MESSALINES, LOUISINES AND TAF FETASA WONDERFUL VARIETY OF WEAVES AND COLORINGS THEY ARE SUITABLE FOR WAISTS, DRESSES, EVENING GOWNS AND HOLIDAY SEWING KLUULAK $1.UU 1U Sl.SU ljU AL1 1 JiH oALt. A I Those who have not already attended this sale must needs hurry for tomorrow will posi tively be the last day of this great stock reducing sale. It will be your last opportunity to secure the most beautiful high grade silks at such a great saving. The assortment includes yard wide Brocaded silk poplins, in a great many popular colors ; 40-inch fancy printed crepes in an extensive variety of new small designs ; yard wide plain colored silk poplins ; 27-inch plain colored swiss messaline in most any wanted shade ; 27-inch brocaded lining satins; a full variety of designs and colorings; 24 to 27-inch fancy messalines, louisines and taffetas ; liberty satins and an endless assortment of other fashionable weaves and pat terns in silks of standard qualities and widths. Silks suitable for waists, dresses, coats, street or evening gowns, fancy work or holiday sewing. The kind regularly sold JQ at $1.00, $1.25 to $1.50 a yard. All repriced for this sale at, the yard OiC Extra! Special Friday! A Great Sale of Waist Porms Reg.$2VaL1 Now, EachtD 1 mOs Tomorrow at the Notion Counter we place on sale a limited number of the well known Achine Waist Forms that ' are so popu lar with modiste and home sewers. They are made of extra quality Papier-Mache for founda tion with fine quality Jersey covering, and they are finished at neck and arms with rosettes. All sizes from 32 to 42. Best $2.00 values. tf QQ Friday only at 1.0 Elegant Styles in This Big Salje of Women's Fall and Winter Shoes PARTICULARLY ATTRACTIVE MODELS IN CLOTH- TOP BUTTON BOOTS, IN GENUINE STERLING COLT AND PATENT KID ALSO HAND-TURNED SHOES IN GUNMETAL AND OVERWEIGHT KID VALS. TO $4 (LfPair Those who appreciate what is correct in dress and street Shoes will be quick to embrace this saving opportunity to purchase high grade reliable quality footwear. The continued dry weather has retarded sales i this sec tion and we have arranged these special offerings to induce immediate purchases. In cluded are the new cloth-top button Boots in genuine Sterling Colt and Patentfvtd leath ers, both narrow and short vamp models, also hand turned kid Shoes with mediun toe and in both button and lace styles. With plain or mat tops. Baby Doll, gunmetaland over weight kid Shoes with Goodyear welt soles and broad short toe and flat heelsJrfQ ti All sizes and widths in regular values to $4.00. Priced for this sale at. ....... !yJ,UU 3 Women's Shoes in all styles and leathers, $2.50 Grade, This Sale at only $1.98 jooys veiour vair onoes sizes to 5, on sale at Boys Veiour Calf Shoes Sizes 9 to on sale at. $1.98 $1.75 Girls High Grade Shoes Sizes;i ja Sy2 to 11, on sale at Girls' High Grade 8y2 to 2, on sale at, Shoes Size 1S1.75 See Morrison St. Window for Pretty Printed Ohiffonso ETets THEY ARE SUITABLE FOR FANCY WAISTS, PARTY DRESSES, ETC. BEAUTIFUL PURE SILK CHIFFON AND BOTH SILK AND COTTON NETS COME IN A s WONDERFUL VARIETY OF DESIGNS AND COLORS THE VALUES RANGE FROM $1.25 TO $1.75 A YARD AND THEY ARE SPECIALLY PRICED FOR THIS SALE We have just unpacked a special purchase of several hundred yards of printed chiffons and nets and certainly never were such goods more original in design ' or more charming in effect And you will be astonished to know that such splendid qualities are being of fered at such a ridiculously low price. The chiffons are of pure silk, and full 42 inches wide. They are shown in both small and large designs in beautiful up-to-date patterns and rich colorings. The nets are 40 inches wide and come in both silk and cotton Both white and cream ground with pretty printed patterns in the popular light shadings. Fabrics especially adapted for fancy waists and party dresses in regular $1.25 to $1.75 JTtk qualities. This, sale only at, yard DUC Extra! Special Friday! Flag Pillow Tops With Back Reg. 50c Kind 1 Qr on Sale, Each 1 VL At less than half price we are closing out a small lot of stamped pillow tops with backs. They come in a good size and are shown in single or grouped flag patterns. Stamped on high grade white art crash, 50c val ues. While they Q last Friday at....jC An Opportune Sale of Celebra ted R. & G. and Merito Coiseis COMFORTABLE, PERFECT FITTING CORSETS, SHOWN IN MEDIUM AND LOW BUST STYLES WITH LONG HIP AND BACK THEY ARE FINISHED WITH NEAT EMBROIDERY AND LACE AND HEAVY HOSE SUPPORTERS $1.50 LINES BARGAIN FRIDAY AT Tc 4- rvi a tntiMi nmm n ronf mnliftn or 111 i"fVi oclnrr rf new Fall and Winter Garments comes, this great ffnderpriced sale of Corsets instyles that will conform the figure to the prevailing lines of fashion. It is a sale of the celebrated R. & G. and Merito Corsets made of excellent quality coutil with neat trimmings )f lace and embroidery and finished with extra heavy iiose supporters. They are shown i the popu lar straight line models with cither medium or low bust, and long over hip Tand A back. All sizes. Regular $1.50 lines. Priced for this sale only at..... . . .'. .05 C A Glean-up Sale of Broken Lines and Odds and Ends in Neckwear NARROW TRIMMING BRAIDS AND VAL. AND TORCHON LACES A REGULAR RUMMAGE SALE, OFFERING EX. TRAQRDINARY VALUES TO THOSE WHO ACT PROMPTLY LINES SELLING REGULARLY UP TO 35c ALL GO FRIDAY Each or Yard Although sensational values may be had down to the last sale from this as sortment of odds and ends and broken lines we urge an early attendance. The first choice is always best choice and we hardly expect these lots to last throughout the day You have choice from Val. and Torchon laces in many widths and patterns, both edges and insertions in broken sets. Regular 5c to 8c qualities. Also Narrow Trimming Braids Edges, guimpes and bands in a wide variety of widths and colorings. Ones that formally sold up to 25c yard. The Neckwear consists1 of collars, stocks, bows arrd jabots in various good styles and ma terials, Pieces that have become soiled from display or handle. Regular values , v up to 35c. Priced while they last tomorrow at ..tQ Extra! Special Friday! Sale of Stamped Pillow Slips Reg. 65c Vals. AH c on Sale, Each Tl t In the Art Section are to be found many attractive values that will help you with your holiday sewing. For tomorrow we have underpriced a fine lot of Pillow Slips. 36 by 12 inches. They are made of good quality tubing and are shown in many pretty designs, including those suitable for Davl Slips. Regular G5c value Friday only 47c Apron Ginghams and Chambrays Profit By This Sale of 6000 Ydrds ALL SIZfcS BLUE AND Wrillt CHECKS AL5U Irifc Bfcl SHADES IN PLAIN BLUE, TAN, PINK AND GRAY STAND ARD QUALITY IN FULL WIDTH THE KIND REGULARLY SOLD AT 7c AND 9c SPECIAL FOR TOMORROW AT ONLY Yd. From a manufacturer we secured some 6000 yards of standard qual ity, fast-colored Apron Ginghams and Chambrays a small lot which he was willing to close out at a worthy price concession. We now pass. these goods along to you at the same great saving. The assortment includes all size checki in blue and white gingham and the best plain shades in pink, blue, tan, brown qualities. On sale Friday at, th yd. Uv EXTRA! SPECIAL F01 FRIDAY! Cotton Batting for Com fort Mflk- 1 n ing, Reg. 30c Quality, the Hbll L 1 L Of equal importance is this special under pricing of cases of cotton battinig. Full one pound rolls of pure white sanitay cotton of a quality made to sell regularly 30c a roll. This limited lot will be placed onjsale tomor row at a wortnv. saving vjne puna rolls at and gray chambrays. Regular 7c and 9c EXTRA! SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY! Cotton Challies for Comfort H U n Coverings, Reg. YLxAc Yard C Housekeepers will find this to be a splendid opportunity to secure fine cotton challies suitable for comfort coverings because, of this important price reduction. They come in 10 to 20 yard lengths and full 3Q inches wide. They are shown in desirable styles and colorings and are of a quality reg- y I ularly sold at 12j4c yard. Tomorrow 2 Q 21 Extra! Special Friday! Children'sBelts in Broken Lines Reg. 25c Vals. 1 fr on Sale, Each 1 VfW Included are both straight and dip-front styles in black, red, cream and white and in most all sizes. Not shop-worn goods but good reliable belts that are regularly sold at 25c. Priced for Friday while they last at... 10c Decided Savings in Sale of Women's Heavy Cotton Fleeced Vests AND PANTS THEY ARE FINE ELASTIC RIBBED GARMENTS, ALL 1An SIZES OUR REGULAR 65c LINE ON SPECIAL SALE, GARMENT t"C Look well to your underwear needs jand profit by purchasing at this important sale of women's fine-ribbed, heavy-fleeced White Cott'on Vests and. Pants. Garments of shapely finish that will be found both comfortable and durable. In all dO sizes and regularly sold at 65c a garment. Underpriced for tomorrow at. . uC WOMEN'S HOSE, 20c Grade, 11 Special for This Sale, the Pair I 1C A special introductory sale of a splendid new line of women's fast black cotton Stockings Made with double heel, sole and toe All sizes. It is a Stocking that will especially appeal to you, because of its unusual dura- CHILDREN'S HOSE, Reg. 20c r Grade, . Specially Priced, a Pair 1 1 Ct Parents who find it difficult to keep the chil dren supplied with Stockings should pur chase liberally at this sale of fast black cot ton Stockings, for they may buy two pairs at the usual cost of-one. These Stockings are of medium weight and are'made in the popular one by one rib. Regular 20c values. This sale at only ...... '0 .... . J 1 C biuty and line lit. J tocKing mace to sell regularly at 20c. This sale only 1 xC WOMEN'S $1.25 FLEECED COTTON UNION SUITS PRICED AT ONLY 79c Of equal importance is this special underpricing of a fine, line of Women's Fine Ribbed, Heavy Fleeced White Cotton Union Suits. All sizes in form-fitting styles Garments that ave been finished and trimmed in a perfect manner and 70r that ate well worth full price, $1.25 a suit. , A leader for tomorrow al . . 7v rv v i i - r you may do, disappointed. .(Adv.) . . , . - -. - . r. .- -;- ; ..: ----- ---- m: s ' . -. - - - ... . i