' I1 ' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY ' EVENING, OCTOBER 29, 1914. G WILLAMETTE VALLEY : DAY IS OBSERVED AT PRODUCTS EXHIBITION Out-of-Town Guests "Enter r" tained; Rosarians to Hold . Forth This Evenintg, i ATTENDANCE INCREASING I Crowds Are Highly FlsaseA Wit Bpe- rial restores Which An on th Program for Each ay. ! ; : land show Program. Tonight 8 P. M. Arrival of RAyal Rottarians with queens of festival cities and guests. Ceremonies in Armory Ball room. ft:l4kHalf hour concert by University 6f Oregon glee club quartet in rfree theatre. 9 P. M. Portland Grocers and Merchant association. Tomorrow afternopn--3 P. M. , W'oodhnrn Day.! Arrival of delegation. ' i P. Ms Portland, Realty Board. Parade from Commer- clal club. 2:30 Canning; contests. T.ee- .tiirow aixj 'motion pictures in theatre. Tomorrow nlKht A f t e r ' inarch from club bundling Klka of Portland and from mate at large will celebrate and Klks' band, will give a concert. ballroom 1a a safety first show. Every safeguard suggested by the. city flr; officials has been Installed. As safe-Sr guard against fire, there are four fire men on duty, four police. IS militia men and at night four watchmen. Saturday night Manufacturers night at the exposition $750 worth of goods will be given away. Each per son attending will be given a number and 26 of these will be winners and entitle the lucky holders to prizes ranging In value from $1 to $50. Last night the Knights and Ladies of Security enjoyed the show. The search for "Official Knight and Lady." wbose capture would have netted the captor $10 for each one. proved Inter esting. But Postmaster Myers con cealed them too well and they were not discovered. Dr. A. K. Higgs presided at the platform exercises and L. M. Thomas and Arthur Moulton spoke. corIHTTan for the relief of unemployed in view Meeting of Business Men Held at Which Matter of Getting Work Is Discussed, " NATIONAL THEATRE IS ADMIRED BY THRONG OF INVITED GUESTS gTviit the- repatatfoB of being thJ program; Sand piles, cimtea, swings, most: advanced nWinn nigrum enter I shovels dolls. Teddy bears ana ..au In the country and that It would be the policy of the management to conduct the National theatre in such a way as to deserve the continued appreciation and good will of its friends and pa trons. ... ;' books Idke "eal Theatre." The feature of the new theatre that seemed to give the most astonishment was that it seemed like a "real the atre' and not a show house for motion pictures. In every respect it is equipped with a completeness and lux i! i r ii : e NeW IVIOIIOn rICIUre nOUSe ury that betoken the standard place of Equals in 'Beauty Playhouse in City. Any FORMAL OPENING TONIGHT Children's Playground in Basement Xs Startling Innovation j Big Hippo drome Sucoess Feature of Bill, ill This afternoon is Willamette valley day at the AlanufHrturers' and Land Products fliow, and tonight the Royal Reparians of Portland wfll entertain their mcmbcrBhlp and do full honors to Queen, Thelma of th4 Rose Fes . tlval and out of tovn royalty from Other festival cities. The visiting f ..queens will Include Quetpn Anne IV (Miss ('rare Lilly) of Salom; Queen Is Jllldrcfl Inrnan of ICugene; Mrs. T. , Forstrom, queen of the Astoria regat X ta: MIhh Vera Ferrell, Vifueen of the , K-?nnewlck Grape festival;; Miss Mabel Miller, 4ipen of the Rostiburg Straw i beiry carnival, and Howard Tosslyn, ; tye of Klories Seattle F!Otlatch. In full uniform and accompanied by delegations froin oth.T cities, the Ro- saltans will march from the Com , merclal club to the Armiorv, convoy- frig guests whfcf will ride in afctomo 'i toller. f 'I his will follow a banquet at the Commercial cluh at whlcfh Raaarwns, '' their lariles and guests Will attend at ' $ o'clock. i 'At the Armory ceremonies will be t held in tho ball room prior to hlsrh 1 JinkB. The committer In charge con . alsta of t ('. Colt, chairman; C, C. Cliapmnn, William M Murray, Mavor Albee. II. L. Plttock. K. jX. Krilm, Jul j ius L. Meier, Judge P. O. Morrow, 1 ' John M. Scott, George M. Hyland. J. R. 1 ratternon. Thomas Hyslnp, Adjutant it General W. K. Flnzer and Hy Kilers. The Portland drovers anid Merchants' S association will celebrate tonight also. Willamette valley people are cele brating this afternoon. Among the del egations that arrived today was one 119 strong from 'Forest Grove which Ws headed by Mayor Goff. The dele gation is at tho Portland Commercial club. . Canning Contest Feature. Among the features ef the after .noon la the girls' canning contest-, which will he held- tomorrow and Sat urday also In the O. A. C. booth. The tf contest, wnlch Is under the direction H cf Ii! .1. ChHpin of Salem and P. W. ! Rndft of Lane county, is between two , teurnM of five girls eacJh. The Che Jltnawa Indian school tram consists, of t Alice Keeley, Clara McKinnev, Mary Lester, Fratves Auherry and Leona 1 John, The Lane count v team' memhTViln Is: Irene Holdredae. F3d nn rtnvnf An Eleanor Cruzan. I'liyllis Morseman and TpfMle Hellers. The I nlversity of Oregon Olee club Quartet will give a concert tonight In ins irmporary ineatre anid H. B. Mll'er win sWk on "Some Fhases of the wit-nun muusrriai Murvy .Tomorrow will be Woodburn day. f uiiniia KeaitV HASlril aim .111 jpend an hour or so at the exposition following the regular Fnlday luncheon and at night the Elks, headed by the i-lKs band, will parade the streets The attendance at the exposition is im-rrwinK eacn succeeding day, illO ri ex nit) t Is attrantin. .V, Anoiner interesting exhibit in the A corporation to relieve unemploy ment in Portland may be the result of a meeting by a voluntary committee of business men Tuesday afternoon. Various plans were discussed, but that which found most favor was a proposal to organize a company . which will be represented by a thoroughly competent manager in locating jobs of land clearing, wood splitting and road ! repair for men who need work, it may be found feasible to encourage men to i j make contracts for splitting cordwood fl rlrlni7 land, hnldtntr them re- I sponsible both to the land owner and the company, the company to advance enough to meet the cost and to be re imbursed out of the contract price paid by the land owner. ACnst Do Real Work. But. whatever Is done, it was em phatically agreed that jobless men for whom work Is found must be willing to do good stiff work for not much more than enough to live on. Portland is to be made no mecca for the ldl because business men and public officials concern themselves for ! their employment, it was insisted. j The meeting was held in the offices! of Franklin T. Griffith, president of j thP Portland Hallway, Light & Power company. Mr. Griffith presided. Oth ers present were W. B. Ayer, president! of the Kastern & Western Lumber 1 company; J. C. Knglish, president of ; 1 the Kotary club; Levi Johnson, mana get-of the Men's Resort; Hy Kilers of 1 d Kilers Piano House; Arthur L. Fish, ' business manager of The Journal; W. ' ' L. Brewster, city commissioner of pub- ! l 11c affairs; W. L. Llghtner, county i commissioner; John P. Carroll, pub Usher of the Telegram; C. C. Chap man, publicity manager of the Com- raercial club. . . ; Commissioner Brewster said he be-' lieved splitting cord wood and paying men by the cord offers the most feas ible way of relieving unemployment. Details Arc Given. The details of the plan for organis ing a company to relieve unemploy ment weie given by Mr. Fish. Commissioner Lightner Said he doubted if the county could do any- mjng until arter tne rirst or the year, as the money for the road fund does not begin to oome in until that time. All were agreed that such a shelter for the unemployed as was afforded last winter in the Gipsy Smith audi torium should never be opened again. J. C. English, Amos Benson and Levi Johnson were appointed a com mittee to formulate a definite plan of action. When Melvin G. Winstock made the statement last evening from the stage of the new National theatre that he and his associates, although they may not have reached their highest ideal, had given to Portland a theatre in which the entire' citizenship could take pride, he voiced the sentiment of the hundreds of guests who assembled for the private opening. Mr. Winstock paid high tribute to the architect, the builders, the artisans and all those who had given their ser vices in making the National the cli max of motion picture building and equipment In Portland. He said that the work of the exhibitors in Portland had been of such high quality as .to amusement of high class. There is not a more beautiful theatre in the city than the new National. . Its color scheme has been developed in ivory, buff and Dutch blue. The draperies and carpets are all in blue with the seats upholstered in leather of, lighter blue grey. Splendid discretion has been used in the decoration and there is not a discordant note nor too much of anything. Above the proscenium arch is a beautiful piece o mural painting typi fying peace and liberty. The ceiling is centered with a massive indirect lighting fixture suspended from the center of a great circle of exquisite mural work. The stage is large enough to accommodate a small dra matic performance, and last evening it was given a magnificent setting. An innovation that met with great favor is the promenade that extends from Park to West Park on the bal cony floor. It is beautifully furnished, as are the men's smoking rooms and the women's rest rooms. In the wom en's room a maid is in attendance. Playground Great Innovation. Perhaps the greatest innovation of all. is the children's playground in the basement, where two maids are in charge, and mothers are invited to leave their kiddies while attending a mi-ta ..At fascinating Juvenile attrac tions are there to amuse the little people, who gave the playground a thorough initiation last evening. There are three distinct ventilating systems so that the air in every por tion of the theatre 1 kept- constantly pure. There are more exits man uie law requires. The floral decorations for the opening are exceptionally beautiful. The balconies, on , either side of the proscenium arch, are banked with yellow chrysanthemums and flaming autumn leaves and great vases and baskets of yellow or mauve chrysanthemums were in the foyer, in the. promenade, on either side of the stage and. in fact, every place where they could be used to advantage. "America" Featnre of Program. The feature of the opening program is a film Version of the New York Hippodrome's monster spectacle, "America." It is so big that it is dif ficult to realise that a stage spectacle and not an outdoor scene is Deing viewed. Automobiles whia by, troops of horses gallop on and off, the fire department rushes on and the immense Hippodrome chorus looks like a small army. The climax of the picture is toward the close in the court of honor where the chorus girls do their famous submarine walk and vanish under wa ter to remain there until they are al most forgotten when they bob up to sing the finale. A capital Vitagraph comedy is "The Peacemaker" with Nor ma Talmadge and other of the big V. stars. The first number on the program was music by the seven piece orchestra. Dr. R. M. Emerson followed with vocal selections and met with an ovation. The National trio of male singers also scored heavily. The remaining vocal attraction was the solos of Miss Eva Da Turns. The attendance was so great that . It was necessary to give two performances In order to accom modate the guests. The theatre will be formally opened and dedicated to the public this evening. Civic League Will Discuss Measures Proposed Bills Will Be Explained at Meeting of Zeagna at Multnomah Hotel Saturday Noon. Explanation of measures for the November 3 vote is to ocupy the Oregon Civic league program at the Multno mah hotel Saturday noon. The subjects and speakers are an nounced as follows: "Abolishing Uniform Taxation Rule and Classification for Taxation Pur poses," C. E. Warner; "Surrender of City Charter," Miss Elsa Grelle; "Compensation for Members in the Legislature," Miss Eleanor Rowlawn; "$1500 Tax Exemption," J. Hunt Hen drickson; "Public Docks and Water Frontage and Municipal Wharves and Docks," R. W. Montague; "Consolidat ing Corporation and Insurance De partments." Hamilton Johnstone; "Term of County Officers," Miss Grace DeGraff; "Tax Code Commission," Jo nah B. Wise; "Abolishing Desert Land Board," A. H. Harris; "Proportional Representation, " George Rebec; "Abol ishing State Senate," Miss Ruth Cat lln; "Primary Delegate Election Bill." Miss Henrietta. Eliot; "Taxation Two Thirds Vote to Further Amend or Re peal," H. W. Stone. Isaac Swett will be chairman. OLD TAYLOR STREET TO "SHELTER CHURCH THE HOMELESS MEN Announcement Made by Dr, Frank Loveland of the First M, E, Church, DEAL IS MADE WITH CITY Dissenting' Paction Continues With Plans for Carrying on Court Tight; Definite Action Due Soon.' Peru has the highest railroad sta tion in the world, 15,866 feet above eea level, at Ticllo. Announcement was made today by Dr. Frank L..oveland. pastor of the. First Methodist church, that the old churcK. building at Third and Taylor streetsj Abandoned by the congrega tion recently, has been turned over to the city for the winter for the purpose of housing homeless men out of work. The building will be used as a shelter for the same purpose that the Gypsy Smith auditorium was used last year, but the arrangement is much better. The decision to make this use of the old building was reached by the church trusteed early this week, and Drf Love land was authorised to carry on the negotiations. He saw Commissioner Brewster and Mayor Albee yesterday. and they heartily .ppr,ove tEi, arrange-' ment r - Captain in Charger-( The building will be under the'su . pervision of Staff Captain Andrews of the Salvation Army, but kfi will be backed up in the work bys:,Commis sioner Brewster, It was atat4t- . The ground floor or church base ment can be admirably usedsajs a place for meetings ana a readlngjdoom, and cooking can be done in tne, kitchen. It is planned to turn, the Auditorium into a dormitory, and it taought that at least 400 men can j! accom modated there. Another flr can .be built across between the balconies that will accommodate 400 molrj men if necessary. The city will. expectea to stand heating and lightirjg expense. The building will be turnef j over for this purpose as soon as ?iieceasary, and is given rent free to April 1. Court right Z.oomf,: When the congregation Httoved to Grace church at Twelfth nd Taylor streets, nearly 300 members refused to leave Third and Tayloar! streets. The old building was lockep-J to them, and they have been meetrg in the street In front of the structure. These people have been insislinjj. on me right to worship at Third grd Taylor streets, and an action in ccatrt Is now being considered. ' ' j Attorney Martin L. Pipes hs been retained by the "insurgents'' and will make some, move 'within a; few day a. Prominent members of tfie "Insurg ents" said they were greatlj surprised at this last action of the ll'regulars" with regard to the build ing.( k Name Not Offlct. Washington, Oct. 2R Grace Harr, postmistress at Watkln., Jackson county, has married and . jbeen reap pointed as Grace Lewis. Ei . lill!!;!!;:!'!!!!':'!:!!:.!!;!!;! Sales May Come and Sales May Go But It Is Extremely Doubtful If There Ever Will Be Another Like This Daily the Crowds j j Join Them at This Great Sale Tomorrow ! Get the People's stock out, and get it quick, come the orders from head quarters. In taking over this great stock it was the location we wanted, not the merchandise. We bought it for a song, and now the public benefits Doors Open at 9 A. M. 'U Open Until lO P. M. Saturday Entire Stock Sold to Satisfy Tlie Creditors Men's Highest Grade Hats, Clothing and Furnish ing Goods Almost Given Away Obey That Impulse, Come Now Monday Game Here Called Off by Stars Seattle, Wash., Oct. 29. Frank Bancroft, directing the All-National-All-American tour, has canceled the game scheduled for next Monday with the Portland all-star team. The game was arranged through a misunder standing, as the big leaguers are booked to play In Medford Monday. JUDGE BENNETT SPEAKS Judge A. S. Bennett of The Dalles will speak tonight in Sheridan in sup port of the candidacies of Senator Chamberlain and Dr. C. J. Smith and others on the Dexmocratic ticket. Judge Bennett will speak tomorrow night in Beaverton and Saturday night In Eu gene. l ilv3j Tea 1 ill fijff nm. li Ism . aa II : jrW met tne requirements of the M I t Jl l n mil - Igc Jffl i kJ- ir Ponc Coast . j " " " " J jEanBHSBSSSSMSBaSBSHBMBaS" yrup has stood the test of time and met tne requirements of most exacting food experts. Accept no substitutes. Your grocer sells Tea Garden Free Preserves; Save Coupons t , Name , City Grocer's Name Save the coupon above and when vnn have ten, take them to yo" grocer wi?h s5rSnd and9heawU? C8n of GardeS ayrup. and he will give you a jar of Tp Garden Preserves absolutely free. Pacific Coast Co. Portland, Or. m i 3 Km 9kA pi 4 A Save Those ft ' r? f A "if A. s'-T 6 5r i' Save Those 5S & 4?' 4 f " A 5 -ToV Atw r r m 50c Work Shirt C!,...,39c 25c Hose on sale here, full box, 6 pairs, how vr s ; Newest Fall Merchandise All Included in This Monstrous Closing Out Sale . - -- i I n t m i .1. 50c Neckwear, newest Qf patterns, on sale here at. . . JL s $2 Men's Underwear, Shirts Q Q r and Drawers, now garment. O' Here is a photograph showing part of crowds that flock to this sal There's a Reason. M. SCHULTZ & CO., OF CHICAGO NOW SELLING OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK OF 1 ' 3 .-; FEOF '1 ' 15 CLOTHING CO MM-1 0 (S THIRD STREET j Between Washington & Stark -4 tit' ' v-. '.i ''''''4!fcV" i-.x3 -j lllilllllllllilitillililllllliili -A-'- I