The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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CWilson Club in Marching Or-
der1 Give Unusual .Recep
tion to the Senator.
K" ' -. :
' i '
J I fpukir Warns Against Calumnies and
VeUa Sow Or.gonlan Helped Block
the Klvers and Harbors BUI.
By a Staff Correspondent,
r pallaa. Or., Oct. -29 The pretty llt
tU city of Dallas, nestled In the foot
bills of the Coast range, gave to Sen
ator George K. Chamberlain last night
em of the warmest welcomed he has
I yet received 1n bis present campaign
.1 . .j . i . v. ww t .t ww a n m a
. .. - . . . . . . . . f v a i.njitnir mnnev on real estate
M vol only rrom une men oi me cny, uui i " ' . ,
more unfairly. When I was working
on the rivers and harbors bill that
paper fought the measure tooth and
nail, although In its heart It wanted
money for the improvement of the
Columbia, Willamette and other Ore
gon streams. Yet it would defeat the
whole measure to Injure me. People In
J the east were led to believe this paper
i reflected the sentiment of the people
or Oregon.
Oregonian Blocks Appropriations.
"When I would go to other senators
and beseech their favorable considera
tion of items dear to Oregon they
would pull an editorial from the Ore
gonlan from their pockets attacking
the rivers and harbors bill and then
ask me why1 I should ask them for
anything when the leading paper of
my state, so-called, was opposing the
In his discussion of administration
measures Senator Chamberlain de
scribed In detail the currency act and
termed it a party but not a partizan
measure as it was supported in con
gress by men of all shades of political
opinion. He quoted A. L. Mills, presi
dent of the First National bank of
Portland, a Republican, as saying that
the new system would serve as an ef
fective check on panics. "My op
ponent," said Senator Chamberlain,
"mv th nniiripR of the president
should be reversed. This is one of
them, having among its features the
establishment of a reserve system and
atithorlclng the redlscountlng of notes.
i; ww .w. , -,.11
! ' Sharing with the men the reception
i f the senator Jn this city was the
i "Wilson club, an organization of Demo-
j eratlc women, 60 strong, pledged to
the policies of Woodrow Wilson and
devoted to th candidacy of George E.
t Chamberlain for United Statea sena-
tor. . .
; j;. .) Welcome of Women's Club.
' Headed by their president, Mrs. M.
Boyd, wife of the editor of the Polk
i Count r Itemlzer. they marched, two
i by two, to tho New Scott hotel before
!' the (neetlng to meet the senator at an
;; Informal reception in the hotel par
ij .lor a. Each wore a tiny American flag
; 'and each pronounced herself to be "a
ij Chamberlain woman."
: 1 Without, the town band played rag
j time and stirring marches; scores of.
V people lined the street along the
I courthouse square, and the hotel lobby
was packed. It was a gala occasion.
;. It was Chamberlain night.
i ' . And then, preceded by the band, the
.1 Women of the Wilson club formed In
, ooluitm of two an an escort ftf honor
i to their distinguished visitor. Senator
' Chamberlain brought up at the rear on
S the arm of Mayor J. G. Van Orsdel,
! who acted as chairman of the even-
tag. .
I Anolenoe Pills Armory.
i . The party walked the three blocks
I to the Dallas armory to find it filled
'with an audlenoe of over 600 persons.
Who greeted the senator with enthus
iastic, applause as he mounted the
platform, which was decorated with
American flags and fresh cut flowers.
lffayorVan Orsdel had finished his In
troductory speech and Senator Cham
berlain had stepped to the front of
'the platform, when an American flag
trapped from the wall behind him, dis
closing: likenesses of both President
! Wilson and Oregon's senior senator.
This was the signal for wild applause.
. I The senator spoke for nearly two
ifcoara, explaining the policies of the
V!e3 ministration and Btatlng his own
kmn Ms diacuanrton nf th TTnderwnorl
law be pointed to yie present
fcdgh prices of wheat and other com
! modifies to disprove the calamity
jliowling cry- of hard times and to
" ahow that the oft repeated frar of low
j prices because of decreased duties was
without basis.
;j Signer Frloes for Farmers.
ji "I am not foolish enough to mn
i tend," he said, "that because the duty
'has been removed prices are up, but I
4to deny that high duties are the cause
! f low prices. Prices are regulated
y the great law of supply and de
J tnand, and high prices are now obtain
: able for American farm products be
j earuse scarcity of foodstuffs in for
; edgn countries where war now rages
t..'kas brought about an Increased de
; tnaJid. Vessels are beginning to move,
ijthe ecean lanes of commerce now be-
Ing free, and with the prospect of a
long drawn out war in Kurope, even
j higher prices for American commodl-
ties are to be expected.
v The commodity for which prices
' are low Is that of the crowd which is
j'trylmr to beat me the lumber Indus
try. There is no complaint anywhere
else along the line."
li Senator Chamberlain referred to the
bitter personal attacks which are be-
collateral and the fixing of legal rates
of interest. Would you reverse it?"
Other Towns Visited.
Senator Chamberlain left Corvallls
early yesterday morning lor Mon
mouth covering the 20 miles between
the two, cities by auto. He addressed an
audience of about 150 persons in a
Monmouth theatre being greeted on his
arrival by the Monmouth band. Mayor
P. H. Johnson introduced him.
The senator went directly to in
dependence following his morning
talk, speaking at the Isis theatre in
the Hop City during the afternoon.
N. L. Butler, an Independence pioneer.
Introduced him. Senator Cbambenain
was enthusiastically received in both
cities. Over 250 persons heard him in
the afternoon.
He came to Dallas by , auto with
Postmaster D. P. Fiske and County
Chairman F. H. Fawk Of Dallas late
in the afternoon.
Today he was to visit Dayton, Mc
Minnville, Carlton and Hillsboro.
tinue with my law. enforcement policy,
as I have in the past.'
Prisoners Are well Treated. ,
Roscoe P. Hurst, in his talk, referred
to Sheriff Word and the manner in
which he had enforced the law, and
how he handled the prisoners.'
"I had heard from the opponents
of Word that he was giving hish pris
oners poor food, and bis treatment was
inhuman. I happened to be in his
office on day and asked him about
it. "We'll go out to th rockpile right
now,', said Word, and out we went.
The men in charge of the rockpile did
not know we were coming, so nothing
could have been arranged for my ben
efit. "We arrived In time for dinner,
and I can tell you that the prisoners'
dinner, of which I partook, was just
as good as many of us are eating
every day. The food was clean and
wholesome. thB kind of which no one
could complain."
Mr. Hurst told how his' opponent!
u. m, iiuriDurt, naa Deen repuaiatea
Dy the Republican party after it had
been found the kind of man Hurlbur
was. He said that he (Hurst) had
received the indorsement of the Re
publican party, and the only thing the
people could do was to vote for him
for the legislature.
(Continued from Page One.)
Hint made against him and warned his
I i (hearers to expect even baser calutn
I tardea before the conclusion of the pi-
1 i - mant "umnnlrn as hio onnnnenfa nero
I i Unable to point to a single public act
Of his that could bo seriously critic
ised. Faithful to His Duty. r
i 1 have never neglected my duty,"
fee said. "T challenge comparison of my
record with that of any of my col-
4 leagues In the senate. During my
term of service I have failed to an
swer but about 150 roll calls out o.f
8000. The records of the senate show
The senator told how a great metro
politan paper In Portland had handi
capped his efforts in behalf- of the peo
ple of Oregon "Never have I received
i J fair treatment from ? the Oregonian,"
ne saia. ino paper nas ireaiea me
bers, thieves and' corrupt publio of
ficials. Opposes Cheap Oriental Labor.
"1 am very much Interested In build
ing up mankind and much can be done
by helping the American laborer. The
way to drag down the American
laborer is to bring Chinese, Japanese
and Hindus here as has been advocated
by one of the candidates for governor.
If I am elected, and have any power, I
will do everything possible to supple
ment the rulings of the federal govern
ment in this regard and will even go
further by taking such steps as are
necessary to protect the state of Ore-
egon from such encroachment.
"There Is a very grave danger star
ing us all in the face and that is the
bill to turn back to the old assembly
system. Its adoption means the end
of the direct primary.. It will give
the same old gang of political bosses
the right to call an assembly so that
they can name the ticket, and you will
have to swallow what they give you.
The adoption of that vicious bill will
set us back 25 years.
Flan Attack on Primary.
"The same old crowd that robbed
you before by taking your timber
lands, your school lands and your
tide lands, is behind the Initiative bill
to provide for an assembly. Through
the assembly they plan to strike at
direct legislation. There are too
nmny deputies in the county and state
offices now, but the same crowd be
hind the assembly bill like this, for it
means a place for their friends.
"Extravagance in handling the busi
ness of the state has greatly increased
your taxes. The lefislalum ia r.or,,.
" xvuuiuun. vvuai are you
going to do when the legislature
passes Wg appropriations? My op
ponent tells you that he believes in
harmoiy betwen the governor and the
legislature, but I tell you the only
way that these enormous annmnri,.
tlons can be stopped is by vetoing the
Democrats Hold Lead.
A straw ballot was taxen in the
Baltimore dairy lunch room, on Wash
ington street, yesterday noon. The
vote was as follows: For senator.
Booth 14, Chamberlain 28, Hanley S;
for congressman, Flegel 18, Lafferty
13, McArthur 11, Moulton 6; for gov
ernor, C. J. Smith 23, Wlthycombe 15,
U'Ren 2; for sheriff. Word 32, Hurl
bur f 18.
Milton A. Miller will leave today for
Crook county, where he will deliver
five addresses FrWay and Saturday
in the interest of Senator Chamber
lain and Dr. C. J. Smith, candidate for
governor. He will speak at Bend, Mad
ras, Redmond, Sisters and Prineville.
Progressive candidates, are now
holding street meetings each night.
They are also delivering addresses In
various motion picture theatres, be
tween films.
"As long as more than one half of
the land of the state of Oregon lies
idle and undeveloped the people of
the state can expect to pay high cost
for living." stated William Hanley,
one of the largest land holders in the
state and candidate for the senate, in
an address at the Brooklyn theatre
last night. He -urged cheaper money
for farm loans, and said the govern
ment should do something to bring
about a reduction in interest rates.
(Continued from Page One.)
Now are you going to send a man to
the office of chief executive who is
spineless, who advances no ideas for
better government? Those who profit
by organized vice, those who profit by
plundering the public interest, are al
ways' in favor of the man with the
least force of character, because they
can profit by his weakness.
"It is to your interest to elect a man
who will run the state business in
business-like way. If Dr. Withyoombe
is elected he will soon be called upon
to write a message to the legislature.
surely ne nas some ideas or bis own
unless he Intends to let the Oregonian
crowd write his message for hinu It
would be a daisy then. Did you work
ing people ever know Of the Oregbnian
advocating any measure for your ben
"Here Is Dr. Wlthycombe complain
ing about conditions at the statehouse.
but he has not pointed out a single im
provement he would make. He has not
advanced a single idea. In a recent
speech he declared that our trees point
to the heavens, and our rivers run to
the sea. No one denies it.
Ho Doubt About It.
Tn the speech 1 Just read he says:
Oh, my friends, seed time and harvest
are sure here." No one denies that.
But what use is it all unless we have
good government? ,
"He talks about high taxes. We all
think taxes are too high, and always
have. But he does not tell you a
single thing he intends to do to lower
taxes. Dr. C. J. Smith and the other
candidates for governor are going
over the state telling what they will
do to lower taxes and give you a busi
ness administration, but you near
nothing of this kind from Dr. Withy
The governor spoke yesterday after
noon in Baker's hall, East Seventeenth
and Alberta streets. At last night
meeting the governor was Introduced
by. Dr. S. M. Mann.
The governor told or the seirisn in
terests that ran the last legislature,
of the selfish Interests that .gobbled
up the school lands, o f the Oregonian a
selfishness in taking money to pro
tect the state printing graft and . in
taking "hush", money from gamblers.
and Said it was the same selfish in
terests that now wanted to take the
power of popular government from
the people.
Chamberlain Paid Tribute.
The gdvernor reviewed Senator
Chamberlain's succesful efforts for
the protection of the school lands, that
were left when he was elected gover-
nor, and for saving to the public the
water cower of the state.
"While R. A. Bootn. in puonc omce,
was a-etting school lands, taking from
the school children of the state their
birthrieht for a mere pittance," said
the governor, "Chamberlain, in office.
was doing all in his power for the pro
tection of the public's lnteresta."
Mr. Miller paid a high tribute to the
aecomnlishments Of the Wilson ad
ministration, and to the work of Sena
tor Chamberlain. He also spoke
strongly In behalf of Dr. C J. Smith
for srovernor.
"If you want a man who will stand
up and contend for your right as
Governor Chamberlain did, as Gover
nor West has done, then you want to
vote for Dr. C. J. Smith," he said.
fine prices. That spells prosperity and
warrants optimism."
-"We couldn't keep prosperity away
If wt tried." said Wilfrid P. Jones,
vice president of the. Merchants Na
tional bank. "We've got 10 aamii inw
we've s-one through somewnat or a
sweating process, but we are going to
be all the better for it. What we have
to sell is being bought; demands ate
War Has, Good Result.
"Had it not been for th war busi
ness would have been moving steadily
upward before this. President Wilson
would have announced that the admin
istration policies were established and
business could go ahead. The war
came and created temporary choas.
But it had an indirectly good result."
"Financial Interests and President
Wilson had been on strained terms.
The war came in like a person who
tries to settle trouble between a man
and his wife. They are both apt to
turn on that person. So the war made
business and the administration stand
together with the result that business
finds it can have confidence in the
president and can safely plan pro
gress." Factories Getting Xaay Orders.
"I find great cause of optimism in
the orders that are being received by
manufacturing plants throughout the
country," said Edgar H. Sensenich,
cashier of the Northwestern National
bank. Shoe factories, woolen mills,
powder manufactories, makers of gen
eral supplies are getting orders that
cause some of them to run night and
day. We are going to prosper as a
nation and as individuals."
"If we had no cause of hope In any
other direction, the sale of our agri
cultural products would afford us legi
timate cause for gratification," said
Edward Cookingham, vice president of
the Ladd & Tilton bank. "Our food
stuffs, our salmon, our flour, are
wanted by foreign countries, and
prices are excellent. There is money
with which to move crops. The money
is not theory, but fact. Oregon will
prosper and so will Portland." i
"Leaking" Honey Now.
Pendleton, Or., Oct. 29. To have a
leaky roof overhead is bad enough,
but to have onejthat drips honey in
stead of water i a little worse. This
is what CouncaSian D. D. Phelps of
this city has toWontend with, and he
will have to teaMout an old chimney
before he can stop the leak. A swarm
of bees have converted the disused
chimney into a hive, and have filled
it with honey. The warmth of an ad
jacent chimney with the lighting of
fall fires has caused the honey to drip
out and saturate the ceiling.
Take Your Stamps
20--Extra 20
Bring this coupon and
get 20 extra "S. & H."
Trading Stamps on your
.first dollar cash pur
chase and double stamps
on balance of purchase. Good on
first three floors. Friday and
Saturday, October 30 and SI.
(Continued from Page One)
show a balance of $19,000,000 to $20
000,000 of exports over imports."
Business Decks Cleared for Action.
"From speculation to progress" was
the descriptive phrase used by E. G.
Crawford, vice president of the Lum
bermans National bank. "In the busi
ness world our decks are cleared for
action," he said. "Or, to use another
figure of speech, business is getting
on solid ground. It must be admitted
that we made progress artificially, that
we made unwarranted business ven
tures. Our prosperity is based on two
things the production-- and sale of
farm products and the manufacture
of the raw into th finished produce
Our farm products and our manufac
tured articles are both in demand at
Dennison's Famous Hallow
een Novelties at Half Price
to Close Out
CAMS, special OOW
. 60c and $1.00 Winter Games, special 33q
AFFixrrrr. plaza.
"Wood -Lark" Playing Cards, congress OCSf.
finish, art backs, gold edges; 50c card at -vlV
25c Woodbury's Facial
Soap, 15c
25c Packer's Tar Soap 15i
50c Luxus Rouge (Bourgois) 33C
$1.00 Othlne. double strength 85
$1.50 Oriental Cream 984
$1.00 Pink Lady Perfume, os. 50
60c Hind's Honey Almond Cream 35c
256 Lyon's Tooth Powder
50c Bempre Giovine '..
Strong, yet very r wtHFR
soft and pliable, AlOl11'1
perfectly absorb- xj iyv,-viA
ent. and thor
oughly medicat
ed to heal and
prevent chafing,
scalding or other
irritation of the
tender skin.
Worn Inside the
liallnl cloth ! dla-
?er and thrown away or burned when soiled,
he unpleasant feature of Baby's laundry is
avoided. Endorsed by physicians, nurses and
thousands of grateful mothers.
Displayed at Our Photo Section
Friday and Saturday.
Art Studies of Wonderful Scenry Adjacent
to Portland. Courtesy of Mr. C. F. Rich
son, president the Oregon Camera Club.
Toilet Paper Special Good 5c value, today,
the dozen &
Bleach the dark colors light, then dye
and color. Special
.lOr 15-1
15d if fll
ra 0 1 1 MV
Small Paints and Varnishes
Stove Pipe Enamel 15e.
Bath Tub and Sink Enamel.. 15c
White Paint
White Enamel
1 lb. Putty in Oil ,
Sand Paper, 3 for
Small Varnish Brush ....
Gold and Silver Enamels..
Cederoil for Mops
Floor Varnishes and Stains
Japalao Varnishes 4 15c
Whiting-Adams Shoe Sets
Regular 75c. $1.00 and $1.25 values, special
at 67c 89c and 81.11
TEX Vegetable Bath Sponge, regular 15a, CZn
special "C
Kent's Tooth Brushes
Assorted styles, regularly- priced at 60o QQ , I
and 60c. Special a-SV H
Adams' Hair Brushes at ...81.25 to S7.50
A new shipment of Hughes' Ideal Hair
Brushes at 75c to S3.25
.' P- -. : .1 ;
Is Now in Full Blast!
A representation. of the w b-o 1 e
Pacific Northwest Industries,
resources and development
shown on one floorj : You can
not aiford to miss M.
25c Piso's Cough Remedy 20c
60c Chamberlain's Liniment 4Qc
50c Jtegulin e....4Qc
50c Gude's Peptomangan 83c
$1.00 Ayefs Hair Vigor 66c
Absorbent Cotton, pound 204
1 lb. Powdered Borax lOc
15c Domestic Ammonia 9c
lOo Babbitt's Lye 8c
25c Castor Oil 17c
10c Sodium Bicarbonate 7c
Imperial Granum Food
for the Nursing Mother
luality and
strength to bear the strain or
Increases the an
of her milk and gives
rial Granum Is the food that
gives hard, firm flesh, good
bone and rich, red blood.
A magnificent display on exhibi
tion every day, Sundays In
cluded, to November; 14, at
The ArAiory
Portland, Oregon-
Tickets and Information upon
application to any agent of the
& Navigation Co.
The Location
Corner Park and Alder
Opp. Cornelius Hotel
The Location
Corner Park and Alder
Opp. Cornelius Hotel
Don't Merely "Stop" a
top the Thing- that Causes It
and the Cough will
Stop Itself.
bills. That is what I will do
"The legislator makes his reputa
tion by securing big appropriations
ror his county, so naturally each does
what he can to get through the bills.
W e have seen the effect of a harmony
program before. The nam. nmw,,,,
that worked out the harmony program i
In the 'S0s is now for the BBmhi
"If tho r.ct v. ... . - -
- v. iuq Dung tttn go lOr- !
waid . km.. .1 . . I .
nvo ma puDiic scnoois we
will have something of which to boast
We should apply vocational principles
in our public schools. The prosperity I
jjcuie men in coming years,
will be In knowing how to care for
Flegel Discusses Bational Xssns.
Mr. Flegel outlined the policies of
President Woodrow Wilson. dH9rin.
that he stood for tk. com. i-i
that the president was advocating t
"They criticised President Wllanm !
I ma peace policy in regard to Mexico,"
j stated Mr. Flegel. "but now when the
big European countries are involve in
,a terrible conflict there is no one to
, cnucise tne president's policy. There 1
'"" ueen i treaties or peace negoti
ated, signed and completed under
President Wilson.
"The president has asked the people
to show their confidence in him ftnrl
his policies by giv;ing him a congress
that will support him.
"Now Is the time Tor patriotism-
not the patriotism of war, but the
patriotism that stands for Wnrn.
Wilsoit Give him the support that he
asks. Let the Unite state. t..j .t..
Treat the nations. in th
eal the inflamed membranes, us all stand tothf in ,.
XT- 1 . j . " -- T "CCUUU
is a. uuunriuwn iciuewy mm gets i ana go to tne polls as patriots and not
right at th cause and will make an I as partisans." v a not
'f""1.? "?i."isn r? uly Word Gets Cordial Becentlon
j Put 2H ounces of Pine (50 cents . h I? Lf law enforc-
nMKi i rvi hnti. in . ment has won him the resnert f oit
: tie with plain granulated sugar syrup.! lUt Iw abldin element as shown by
; This gives you a full pint of the most I Vs sllug at 016 Tar"
pleasant and effective cough remedy 1 . . ga wher he has been. He
', ;iyou ever used, at a cost of only, 64 reclved a tremendous ovation at both
cents. No bother to nr.iur. T?,.ii K'erings lasi mgnt.
i .. .. r- - . -- . . I'Tii . i
j i airections witn 1'inex.
It heals the inflamed membranes so
' I'. ; gently and promptly that you wonder
5 how It does It. Also loosens a dry,
j hoarse or tight cough and stops the
;;, formation of-phlegm in the throat and
A cough is really one of our best
! friends. It warns us that there Is in-
si , rlammatlon or obstruction in a danger-
ous place. Therefore, when you get a
I; bad cough don't proceed to dose your
self witn a lot. or drugs that merely
"stop" the cough temporarily by dead- asks.
ening the throa nerves.
Sample Coats and Suits of the most approved styles at from 35c to 60c on the dollar. This is a sale unprecedented in history of the Cloak and Suit business. SALESMAN
IS instructed to CLOSE OUT ENTIRE STOCK AT ONCE at a STUPENDOUS SACRIFICE. THE ADDRESS, 360 Alder St, Cor. Park and Alder, opposite Cornelius Hotel.
The Woman or Miss Who Is Going to Buy a Suit or Coat in the Next Three Months
Big Plans Make Big Events
We have put more time into planning this event
than preparing a year's businessit took more effort,
because, added to all the other good points of our
suits, are the wonderful bargains.
Style Newness the Prime Feature
Money will not buy newer styles than those in
troduced in this sale. Some have never been shown
before. Others are the big sellers, such as would be
in strong demand regardless of price.
Varieties Make Pleasing Selection
A choice of all the fabrics and colors you would
expect to get if you paid the regular prices, and a
range of models that reach from the very plain to
the ultra-dressy.
J bronchial tubes, thus ending the per
l eisiem loose cougn.
h' : Pinex .ls a highly concentrated com-
pound of Norway pine extract rich in
f i;; guaiaeol, and is famous the world over
j ,; for its healing effect on the mem
' hranea, v
I ; 1 To avoid disappointment, ask your
; druggist for "2 ounces of Pinex," and
' ' don't accept anything else. A guar
. an tee of absolute satisfaction, or
money, promptly refunded, goes with
tnis preparation. M'D Pinex Co.i Ft.
j Wayne, Ind, , lAdr.) :
me Oregonian and th tv. .!,.,,
News wold tell you lots of things about
me, ueuaiea onerirr word, "but I
luiuo. j, can ten you more about myself
than they can. I am for law enforce
ment first, last and all th tim. t
have closed the roadhouses and gam-
.now, ana lr elected I
will continue to enforce the law as I
una on me statute books.
"The News would tell you that my
iicaiwuii ui prisoners nas been in-
numan. jet me tell you right now
the county Jail is always open to the
uuyayers 01 mis county and it is
f- ume ana see ror yourselvui
the way the prisoners ar ha nrii a
"One thing more if th
i J " victiiuu, x a. in going to keen I
it dry; and If It goes wet. I will con-j
Swagger Flared Styles
Full-Belted Models
Half-Belted Models
Box-Pleated Styles
Straight-Line Effects
Smart Balmacaans
Stylish Cape Coats
Every Style
S7.50 I
Sale Prices Make Large Savings
The grade you usually get for much lets than
you usually pay, or the price you usually, pay for a
grade very much better and they could not come
at a more acceptable time. i.
Chiffon Broadcloths
ISpifr: Gaberdines
jflndoo Lynx
wilty Mixtures
Zibelines j
Scotch Plaids;
Every "rice
co At
Store Opens 10 tfClocR Friday A. M. $15.00 COAT $S.95
See Windows and Signs
Opposite Cornell usf Hotel