The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1914, Page 20, Image 20

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Charge Purchases T6mdir6 and Balance of Mdnth Go on November Accounts, Payable
Friday Smrprises Save You MmP
Mrs, Rosa B. Sutton Tells
' Efforts to Secure Inquiry
..Into Son's Death, '
letfaUtor Wot Only TattMul to Inter
ests o( PtopU of Ore.Ton, But of
Strangers "W ill-
Every Item ; at Almost Ac
tual Cost of the
Three Stores Packed Full
of Most Dependable
Buy Your Holiday Gifts
NOW, we will Store
them FREE
Early Shopping Means the
Avoidance of Rush Days
Near Christmas
Our Stocks Were Never So
Complete as They
Are Now
Service and Quality Mer
chandise Here ; at
All Times 6
A mother to whom Senator George
E. ehmt-Tliln rjave aid wh.P others
would not. him written to The Journal
dvlstiriH his r-cle Hon -for the goo
of Oror. She is Alrn. Ros 13.
Hutton. vrhOHf' .leterrnlned and piktient
effort to oltnr the cause of the cteath
of hw son, Mputpnant James '
Hutton ut Annapolis attracted National
attention years ago. Mrs,
Hutton, win. liv.-s at 7x4 Hoyt street.
1'ortland, Iihm written as follows;
"If thr mothers of 'Oregon only
knew him kind Senator ciqgrge K.
rhanih'-rhitn was to mc in Washington
In 19li) and how hard he tried to help
ni Hear the name of iby son, the 1W
Kleijienant J.unos. N. Sutton, I tun
mjre ihi'V would all want him to r-J.
turn and remain the limed fetaiesr
aenut.or from Oregon. We none of UH
know what is in store for us, and
whri'tw: have a man in the I'nited
ft3te.Jf sotiatc that has been tried and
not iiiiitKl wanting, why let us keep
him then-
"Senator 'hii mherlain is a fSther and
dearly low his family, and any
oriow that destroys a home touches'
hit: hfirt deeply.
In Mareii, J 9 10, Senator Chamber
lain introiiueed a Joint resolution in
the I 'lilted States senate asking for a
nnprepsi'inal investigation into the
faets and I'lreumstanepH attending tli;
rteatli of my won. Lieutenant .James N.
Kntton, and !' to tiie Influence of
the 1. 1 r us the resolution was
plKeon-lioled and that was the last
of It. Sim p the Demoi ruts have been
In power I have not heen able to re
turn 1" Washington on a'-eount of Ill
ness and il rcumbtances over which 1
had no coutrol.
"If w do not fight for the life and
rights of our Oregon hoys how can
we e r expect to have Oregon men.
With Hi" exception of four Republi
cans, and they were Progressives,
"next thing to Democrats," they did
riot want Lieutenant James N. Sut
ton's death Investigated. Why?
"It' auch. a crime should happen
under 1'resident Wilson's administra
tion, and lie did not see Justice done,
my, whnt a howl would go up to the
ery heavens from our good ' Kepubli -cans
out west. "In Oregon."
No matter when you go to Senator
Chamhei Iain's office in Washington
oii will always find him ready to JJ
all he can for you. A widow in
W astiington, whose son was dismissed
from West Point, wrote me of hor
Morruw and trouble. 1 told her to go
and see Senator Chamberlain, and if
the case was as she told me, Senator
t.'hamberlitJn was the man to go to;
he was the chairman on military af
fairs and would see Justice done.
"After 13 months the boy was re
Instated. The mother wrote me how
kind Senator Chamberlain had been to
her and she thought Oregon was
blessed to have such a man represent
Iter. S tiator Chamberlain had never
met the lady before, and had no In
tel est In the case, but to see Justice
and fair play.
"Now let the mothers come out and
vote for the man who We know will
look out for our hoys-. svlie ambition
lakes thcin to the far east
Huge Baskets, filled with Ribbon
Remnants of all lengths, worth
from 3 to 5 times this price. First
floor, Sixth . Street Building.
$25 to $40 Dresses at
Ninety-Five in the Lot! Just Received and Unpacked!
A Fortunate Purchase of Afternoon and Evening Dresses A Wonderful
Opportunity to Economize Greatly Choose One of These Dresses Tomorrow
The Vogue Decrees
These Net Top Laces
Scarcely 2 Alike! None on Approval!
See the Sixth Street Window Display
Mafer b Fruk1!
Garment Saloni
Fourth Ploor Sixth Street Bldg-.
Have scores of uses. A eveat lot
of Swiss, Scrim, Silkoline, Cre
tonnes. Ninth Floor, Terpporary
"4 :
- g -
Buy Now for Xmas Gifts!
For Filmy Waists and Russian Tunics 75c to
85c Qualities 18 and 24 inches A (Tg
deep. Large and small scallop de- fcJLM-'
signs. First Floor, Sixth Street Bldg. Yard
j Scientific Hygienic Corset Fitting j
: Is being demonstrated daily by Mrs. A. L. Craig, j
Special Instructor from the Nemo Hygienic-Fashion 'Institute, 3
New York.
Introducing the latest styles in the famous Nemo Corsets.
You are cordially invited to be present.
MEIER & FRANK CO., Fifth Floor, 6th St. Building
On the First Floor, in Temporary Annex
800 Pieces of Austrian China
White and Gold Cups and Saucers and
Seven-Inch Breakfast Plates, With Gold
Edges and GoldHorizontal Stripes
Each Worth 50c Regular; Tomorrow at Each
Brown Bam boo
Jap. Fruit Baskets1
Two sizes. Mahogany finish, oblong
and round shape, with large handles.
Eighth Floor, Temporary Annex.
Visit Toy town Tomorrow! j
In our Temporary Annex No. 2,f Yeon
Building, Fifth and Alder Streets. First j
floor and basement required to house the j
myriad of Dolls and Toysl
Popular Plaid
$3.00 Cloakings
Yard $2.23
Students to Hear
Orchestra Rehearsal
Entertainment Will Be Olvtn la Helllg
Theatr Tomorrow; Concert Season
Will Open Sunday.
Students of thr- f.lnroln Hi;lt m-liool
innil of onp of thp grammar schools
jwlll axKrrnliU' immirrnw inorning at 10
O'clock at tl) HflliR thfHtrp, RroHd
wiy aivl Taylor street, to hear the
final rchfiirsal of the rnrtland Sym
" phony orrhestrtt for tt first c-oncert
of ttio 8e;ion next Sunday afternoon.
"The seatlni; rapacity of the theatre
will he filled tomorrow and It Is ex
pected also on Sunday afternoon.
The principal offering will be the
"Oreuf sympWiy In C. of Krana
. Sc:ml)ert. .This was the last impor
,. tant work of this now famous com
t poser and it is full of melodious and
-.'charmlnu nrrhestratlon. It M pener
- Bllv suipo?.H) to he a picture of gypsy
life. The symphony will form the
: ftrst l ulf of the program. The second
hulf will consist of 'Mignon." over
ture by Ambrose Thomas, a work full
of poetic beauty jirnl eliarm; "Kven-
mg in the Mountains." by Kdward
Grieg: "Moorish Kant asM" " a nd "Mal
nguena from the l.allet "Hoahdil "
by Moszkowskl. an.l Wotan's "Fare-
ei, n,,!,. .M.g... Fire- from "Die
. ronns HTe . n ;1 jsion of the most stu-
.penrtoifs of Wagnerian operas and will
prove a s-dcndifl closing number for
. an eitccllciitly built program.
Thl' Simd.iv afternoon concert will
begin at " o'clock. Harold ( Bayley
will conduct ;mi Herman S. Heller
win oe tr.e concert, master. The een
; ral sent sab- orens tomorrow morn-
n u.i iu oiiock at the Heilig.
54 inches wide Every desired
coloring. Third Floor Sixth
Street Building.
Boys' $7.50 and
$10.00 Suits at
Parents Heed This Sale!
Sizes for Boys 8 to 17 Years
Every Suit all wool Sampeck make All
Double Breasted. 2d Floor Temporary Annex.
$6.50 & $7 Waists (ft
of Crepe de Chine
In Plain White and Colors
Waists That Will Please All!
Seldom such a Sale! All are attractive for
their simplicity of 1 design. Fifth Floor Sixth
Street Building.
r? i i i. WJ
ror coia nignts warra
Flannelette Gowns at
Children's $1.25 Dresses of
Flowered Crepe andlP-
Gingham, sizes 2 to 5
. !
$1.00 Nainsook and Cambric
Gowns 63c
Second Floor, Sixth St. Bldg.
Two Wonderful Millinery Surprises!
New Trimmed Hats
$5.00 to $8.50 Models at
New Sailor and Smart Close-fitting styles, surprising selec
tion, DiacK and colors! And another shipment $2 to $4.00
Silk Velvet and Plush Un trimmed Shapes, Mil- dl QjJ
linery Parlors, Second floor, 6th Street Bldg. ip 1
Reports Made Upon
Election Measures
, rieven Bills and Amendments Report
ed to Bejr Association by Committee
. ' of 100 Lawyers; Only Two Approved.
Kleren measures were reported on
by th" committee of one hundred of
the ai-ultnomah Bar association at a
meeting Tuesday night. The committee
Advised a negative vote on 9 of the 11
3t approved the bills to mak all
' , terms of county officers four years.
fnd to Increase the pay of legislators
- fjfom j: to $" a day.
. The oommltt'e disapproved the $1500
: exemption mensure, proportional rep
resentatioit. the abolishing of the des-
, rt land board, the "riht to work"
, amendment, the tld-land amendment,
the nnti-partlsan judiciary bill, the
etKht hour law for female workers,
the sur-tav amendment, the bill abol
ishing the state senate. No recom
mendatlon was made as to the prohibi
tion amendrhent. The non-partisan
. judiciary bill was rejected as improp-
; Tfi r doiitlstry bill submitted for
. vot Xcvemter 3 Is disapproved in a
vrTort -Py a s'll--ommittee of the com
initte? 'of ICO appointed by the' Bar
Astonishing Values
Kid Gloves
at Wholesale Prices
Perrin's, Dent's, Ireland's, Bacmo, Tre
fousse and other famous makes for men,
women and children.
Men's and Boys' Gloves
First Floor, Temporary
Annex No. 1
Women's and Children's
Gloves, First Floor,
Sixth-St. Building
$4 Umbrellas, women's
styles, silk and linen
Waterproof and Fast Col
ors, Black, Red, Navy,
Green, Taupe, Brown,
Purple. First Floor Sixth
Street Building.
Men Savje 63c on Eyery
$1.56 Nofade Shirt
1200 New Shirts to select from all sizes, 17. Plain
and Pleated Bosoms. A great number are black and white
stripe patterns. Men's store, First FPr, Temporary? Annex.
65c Collar and
Cuff Sets at 25c
Imported! 65c Collar and
Cuff Sets at 25c. Of beau
tiful lace, white, cream,
ecru all new! First Floor
Sixth Street Building.
Every Home Will Find Many
Places For These Rugs
$2.00 Axminster Rugs, 27x54 $1.49
$2.25 Axminster Rugs, 27x54 . . .$1.69
$4.00 Axminster Rugs, 36x72 $2.95
Remnants of Carpet 50c, 75c and $1.00
1 yard to 14 yard lengths
Btrentb Tloor Temporary Annex.
For Quick Selling
800 Pairs of Women's $1
Silk Hose pajr Ot
for . .- . . ODC
A special Purchase twelve
strand Silk Lisle Tops,
Black and Colors. First
Floor Sixth Street Bldg.
70e Hemmed Sheet) 59c
Size 81x90. Heavy, serv iceable, seam
less. :-' Sheeting torn tbefore lemming.
Heavy Hemmed Sheets 43c
Size 68x90. With weldec; seam in
center. Suitable for rocrmirig; houses
and hotels. -,f
20c Scalloped Pillow Cases 15c
J?ize 42x36. Neatly embroBlered seal
1oi5. ?
25c Scalloped Pillow Cases 17c
"Size 45x36, Scalloped edgijs.
75c Hemmed Sheet 65c
Size 81x99. Heavy, serviceable, seam
less. Torn before hemming;!:
Third. Tluui sixth aet Bids.
$14 Cedar Chests $9.75
Selected Tennessee Cedar,
nicely finished, copper
trimmed. Buy for gifts.
Tenth Floor, Temporary
Annex. No. 1,
Toilet Goods Surprises
Kirk's Jap Rose Glycerine Soap 6c
California Medicated Soap x ... 5c
Williams Arlolet or Carnation
Talcum ... . . ...... . . . . . .10c
Imp'ted WoooTbury's Facial., Cream
for . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . , 15c
Tttmt noor Sixth Street Bldg-.
1807 ! -. ."' " - 19rt
TMEr Quality: Stoh& of- PorjlAHd
FN. -Six Tfcrwisoiv AkUr ata.
Save on Groceries!
Eastern Oregon Flour J J Q
Condensed Milk
6 cans . . U7C
Butternut Butter-roll
BlNWlt, 6th St. Bid.
Trousers for men and
young men, 230(t A 1 C
pairs to sell at P X 1 0
Three pairs for ..... .il.. .$3.00
Sizes 28 to 46 wais meas
ure. Men's store, second
Floor Temp. Ahneirj. No. 1
' ; . "
. j;