The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1914, Page 19, Image 19

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Den of Alrlie Reaches Puget
Sound After Exciting Voyage,
British and Japanese Vessels Delay
Steamer Bound for Portland and
Examine Papers.
(Special to The Jonrnal.V
Seattle, Oct. 28. Completing a
voyage begun on June 5 at Antwerp
th British steamship Dean of Alrlie,
of the Iloyal Mall Steam Packet line.
Captain J. Thompson, reached Seattle
this afternoon from ports In Europe
ana the orient.
The Den of Air-He's master, In an
eriort to gain Borne time lont by d
lays In the orient due to the war,
brought his vexel direct from the
JaHnene coaling port of Kuchinotzu.
While '-.bound from Shanghai to
Hongkong, the liner was stopped by
the British steamer Himalaya of the
Jr. & o. Navigation company, which
has been armed and la being operated
a a scout cruiser. The commodore of
the Himalaya, after learning the flag
and destination g""T 1 u; io y al Mall
liner, allowed hffi- to procee
In the Cljlna Ssea, ptearfttnir with
doused HKhJthe Den of Alrlie
aroused the suspicion of the command
er. or tne .nritish steamship impress
or Asia, and the Central Pacific Rail
way company's bit; liner, which Is now
In the sorvice of the admiralty, gave
chape. &he soon overhauled the mer
chantman, and,, t coming up astern.
trained her searchlights on the ves
ael. Not satisfied with answers re
ceived as to destination and flag, of
ficers of the Empress of Asia boarded
-the Den of Alrlie and examined her
The first day out from Kuchlnotzu
the Den of Alrlie was stopped by tma
mighty Kongo, one of Japan's latest
dreadnoughts. it was in the early
evening and the Kongo, coming quite
ciose, was plainly visible. She sig
nailed Captain Thompson for partlc
Whys as to his vessel's flag and des
XTnatlon,. and after receiving the de
fsirea information steamed to sea.
Ihe liner's caruo. uart of which in
for Portland, consists of 20,000 bales
Of liemi) from Manila, shipments o
''iron from Antwerp and Chinese and
Japanese merchandise from pots in
me orient.
The British steamship Merioneth
ahlre of the Hoyal Mail Steam Packe
company, Captain R. H. Dadd. now a
Vancouver, B. C, will leave that port
lor Portland tomorrow afternoon. Th
vessel will return fri-m Portland to
the sound and then go to Vancouver
to complete voyage.
The most interesting Item of the
liner's outward shipments will be a
giant flagpole, which she will carry
to London, where it will be erected in
front of the British Columbia govern
ment offices. Tht stick is 230 feet
long ,and four feet in diameter at the
butt. It will be carried on the deck
of the Merionethshire.
The British bark Inverolyde arrived
from Callao today. The vessel Is tha
first of the fleet nnder charter to the
Albers Uros. Milling company to reach
port and win load a full .cargo of
wheat in Seattle for the United Kingdom.
for deJtrery at Boston. She will also
carry some general freight, but the
major part of her cargo will be made
from the cuttings of the Portland
The American steamer George W.
Fenwlck la finishing her cargo at the
Portland Lumber company this after
noon, and will sail during the night for
the Atlantic coast. She is being dis
patched by W. R. Grace & Co.
W. R. Grace & Co. will also clear the
American steamer Santa Cecelia from
this port within a few days. She is
one of their regular Atlantic & Pacific
liners, while the Fenwlck has been
chartered to attend to the heavy offer
ings made for th Atlantic coast, it
a not improbable that a fifth steamer
will be chartered within a day of two
by this company to care for the goods
which the American steamer bania
Catalina damaged by fire here two
weeks ago, would have taken to the
Atlantic coast.
The British steamer Vimerla, now
lo&dinr nut cario for Melbourne at
Eureka, will be in port Monday to load
1.000.000 feet of lumber. tone is 10
complete her cargo on the sound.
Davles d Fehon announce mat mey
have again taken the British steamer
Hurst for service between Australia,
Honolulu and the north Pacific, and
It is not improbable that she will come
here within the next two months. ,
Towboats . Will Pull on the Santa
Catalina Today.
At high tide today an attempt will
be made to float the American steamer
Santa Catalina from the beach above
Columbia City where she has been
since she was run there while afire
Sunday. Oct. 17. She had but iittle
headway when she struck and it is
believed that a stout tow will pun ner
off. The towboats shaver anl Dia
monds will be used.
The task of pumping her nun tree
of the water Used to quench the flames
was finished yesterday afternoon and
it left her in much better shape. . A
final survey will be made today and it
is expected that bids for the repairing
of the steamer will be advertised for
by W. R. Grace & Co., before the end
of the week.
On charges of carelessness and neg
lieence Bar Pilot Harry A. Mathews
will be tried November 2 by United
States Steamboat 'Inspectors i.dwards-1
and Fuller. Mathews was in charge or
the steamer Rochelle which was
wrecked a week ago at the mouth of
the Columbia river. '
The British steamer Gow&nburn is
loading at Montgomery dock No. 2
The office of the Portland & Coos
Bay Steamship company is temporarily
with the San Francisco & Portland
Steamship company at Ainsworth
dock, the offices formerly occupied by
the Coos Bay line being necessary for
the housing of the freight offices of
the O-W. Xi. fc M. company, formerly
on Albina dock.
At 11 o'clock the steamer Bear, Cap
tain Nopander, was alongside of Ains
worth dock discharging a light load of
passengers and freight.
saLJ? JrAXiBiiiBT erttivJuBi
TXAirsrottTATXoir xroxs.
Plants in Many Industries
Working "Overtime in Ex
port Trade. y
President of the Worth Bank Boad Re
turns With Cheering' News of Bail
ness Outlook.
has the big-""-Mai
Copyright. 1M. tnternctleaal Neva Service
Plavaj;-A (Meat
Pact m THa-wtx
F&fcN iwm; the
Is Bob living on his father-in-
The Customer Are you quite sure Hampton A bird In the hand Is
these cakes are perfectly sanitary? 4- Tinks What country
Th P.akprw Man take vcnr irest standing army? law?
precaution, ma'am. We don't even al- Rhodes A bird In the butcher shop Binks TCe have. On the trolley and Rai I guess so. 1 heard ne was liv
low the lady fingers to touch 'em. is worth three times as much. subway cars. lng like a lord.
Manufacturing in the east has
taken a sudden revival in the last few
weeks and conditions show a most en
couraging improvement," declared L.
C. Gilman, president of the Spokane,
Portland & Seattle railway, on his re
turn from Philadelphia. He had par
ticipated in the launching ceremonies
at the Cramp shipyard, for the new
"Northern Pacific."
During his visit to the east, Mr. Gil
roan made definite inquiries along sev
eral lines to determine for his own
satisfaction just what effect the war
is having upon industry. He found
t , . , - I I II I- I!
Brief Paragraphs Give Journal Readers the News of Late Yesterday
Afternoon and Last Night.
European War.
Holland feels the. effect of the war
almost as severely as if it was en
gaged in it, and the massing of Ger
man troops on the border causes
The Duch force of 300.000 is al
ready scattered, at vital points on the
shoe manufacturers, clothing manu- border in readiness for actualities,
facturers, plants for the manufacture". The Dutch army is in fine condition
of food products, all working over- and is chanigng its uniforms from
time to keep, up with export orders. At blue to gray.
livestock exchanges he learned of or- Belgian refugees to th estimated
ders placed for American horses to be number of 800,000 are being cared for
sent to Europe. All this, he said, is- by the Holland government, and the
in addition to the call for wheat. government is paying cities 30 cents
"Whatever the outcome of the war a day for food for each refugee,
may be, it is apparent that while it Is Belgian refugees are unwilling to
in progress, the demand for American return to their own country, although
manufactured goods will continue," he they are offered free transportation,
said. "As arrangements are made for The British army now in the field
ships to take care of this export busi- and in training in the United Kingdom
ness, conditions may be expected to totals 1,500,000, the territorials num-
become even more favorable." bering 600,000.
Mr. Gilman said unusually rapid The British territorials ar consid-
progress has been made on the two ered the flower of the forces, as they
snips or me great northern pacinc are used to athletics and come from
company's fleet to ply between the Co- middle and upper classes.
lumbia river and San Francisco. One hundred thousand DAnnni-tn
If work continues at the rate it is I Jerusalem ata flit i il tn r. falnp ntar-
golng now. the 'Great Northern' will vation as result of disturbed condi
start on its cruise from New York tions following the outbreak of the
luiuugn tue x an a in a canai on January i war.
in. ne saia. "&ne win De ready lor I Twn tv,i.-o e ., e T
rtl ?" n Jvte November or galem are Jews, and they usually de-
ITr . .7, v orinii x-a- pend upon the tourist trade for their
cific will be ready not more than six uvinS. This source has been cut off
rv crna xa ici .
Mr. Gilman
Vessel hail From San Francisco
for New York and Hostori.
San Francisco, Cal., Oct 29. The
American-Hawaiian steamer Georgian,"
sailing today for New York and Bos
ton, carries 3000 tons of canned and
driPd fruit and wine. Tomorrow the
British-steamer Historian is scheduled
to sail for Liverpool and Dortdon; the
steamer Neches for New York and
Philadelphia; Saturday the steamer
Damara sails for New York, Charles
ton and Norfolk, all via the canal.
1 lie crew of the British steamer
Orange River, arriving l;tt nisht with
a cargo of coal from Newcastle, were
transferred to Angel Island today.
Small pox Is suspected on board.
The steamer J. B. Stetson sails to
night for Portland with full cargo and
few passengers.
With 60 cabin passengers and a full
earo of general merchandise the
Oceanic liner Sierra from Honolulu,
according to her wireless reports, will
reach here early tomorrow morning.
The big Pacific Mail liner Korea due
here Monday, is bringing 87 cabin, 200
steerage passengers and a cargo of
6800 tons of 'merchandise Including 270
tons of raw and manufactured silk.
The American-Hawaiian steamer
Honluluan arrived last night with the
distinction of being the first vessel
carrying passengers to make the round
trip from San Francisco to New York
Via the canal. The steamer brought
three honeymoon couples, and a big
cargo of merchandise.
Arrivals, October S9.
Bear, Am. etr.. Captain Nopandw, pasaen
gers and freight, from Saa Pedro and waj
porta, S. J. 4 f. S. i to
Departure, Ootober 29,
Geo. W. Fenwlck, Am. atr.. Captain Self,
lumber, for New York, W. R. Grace 4 Co.
Tillamook, gam ach.. Captain Johnson, freight
for Bandon, Klmore.
Steamships to Arrive.
Om. VT. Elder.... Eureka and way. ...Oct. 30
RnuokB a. J. ana way.....isoT. i
faralao .. . F. ana way jsot. a
ttniit ........... S. P. and waj Not. 3
yulnaali ......... Alaska bot. 4
Breakwater ...... Cooa Bay .Nov. 1
Vncatan ......... S. D. and way. ...Nov. 8
Rom Citr ........ S. P. and waj Nov. 8
Bear S. P. and way Nov. It
Daisy Gateby ..S. F Nov. 1
Alrarado B. F Not. 3
Honoluiaa ....... N. Y. ............ Not. 6
lowan ........... N. Y. ............Nor. 14
Thomas U. wand. Alaska .Not. 14
Pauaman ........ N. Y. . ..Not. 18
Nevadan ......... N. Y. ............Nor. 24
Isthmian N. Y. ...... ...... JioT. 27
Pennsylvaaian ... N. Y. Dec. 3
Obloan ........... Pi. z. .......... lec
Steamers Dae to Depart.
Name From. Dta.
Ueo. W. Elder.... Eureka and way Not.
Bear S. P. and way.... Not.
Breakwater ...... Coos Bay Not.
Roanoke ......... s. J. and way ....Not. 4
Uulnault Aiarka Not.
Bearer ........... S. P. and way. ...Not.
i'ueatan ......... S. D. and way. ...Not. 11
Rose City H. F. and way Not. 12
t'aralao. Am S. F . Not. 13
Santa Catafli....N. Y Not.
leuowiniw o. r . ana way.,..NoT.
Dalay Gadsby ... O. B. A S. - Not.
AlTeraao c u. & a. F.......Not.
Activity Sets Records Since the
Resinning of War.
More lumher will leave this port
Within the next two weeks than at
any time since the outbreak of the Eu
ropean war. One cargo, that of the
British steamer Strathdene, has left
port within the week.l while four oth
ers will be shipped. Within the next 10
- Arriving here last lght, the huge
carrier of the Boston Pacific line, the
Atlantic, making her maiden trip, will
commence loading a cargo of lumber
Houolnlan N. Y.
Tnomaa U. Wand. Alaska
iowan ........... N. Y.
Panaman .... . N. Y.
Nevadan ......... N. Y.
Isthmian ........ N. Y.
PrnnsylTaniaa . N. Y.
Uhiuan N. -,Y ,
Moiauito iieat Bailinaa.
Patsy Siuslaw
Hlrene Newport & Toledo
Site U. Elmore... Tillamook
fillamook ....... Bandon ..........
Not. IB
Not. 18
Not. 22
..Not. i$
.......Dec. 7
...Dec. 11
inese dates are I
ervti .nrffeTad,t?XPeCTed with th Germans the principal mem
SIh nf tuP Z propltlo"s or, e ber of the commission branota of Wes
delivery of the ships even ahead of the -i ,x ,
contract time. , ouplz ai cingaiun, ja-
ordered to leave.
.Astoria s Ane war nas only begun, in tne
..Astoria opinion of Armand Falleries, ex-presi-"
"Astoria dent OJf France, who says the French
! "Astoria wiU remain in the fight until the last
Astoria i man is gone.
The dominion government decided
cans visiting Syria are having a hard
time to get away.
American Minister Brand Whitlock
at Antwerp saved the cathedrals and
other notable buildings by giving Ger
mans maps of the city before the
bombardment began.
It was announced at the Mississippi
Valley Medical association at Cincin
nati, Ohio, that epilepsy had been
cured in a number of instances by
surgical operations on the intestines. -
Representative Sherley said that
the United States was now so well
fortified that it could withstand any
attack directed on it from the sea.
There are only two weak spots re
maining. All big guns are modern
and are capable of destroying the most
modern dreadnought.
The Manhattan Flyer, on the Dela
ware, Lackawanna. & Western railroad
near Fulton, N. Y-, was wrecked by
feeble minded persdns, JswfcOk tampered
with the switch. The accident re
sulted in two deaths.
The explosion of a miner's lamp
caused the disaster resulting in 60
deaths in the mine Of the Franklin
Coal & Coke Co. near Royalton, 111.
Many were saved by a fan.
Mable Gale, Am. Kb...........
Virginia. Am. ach
Et. Nicholas, Am. ah. ........
Kence, Am. ach...
Kort, Ger. ah
Inene. Am. srb...
UeTl G. Bnrgeas. Am. ah. ............ .Glob
W. F. Jewett, Am. sch ....Astoria
King Cyrns. Am. sch
Arnoldua Vinnen, Ger. sh
Marine Almanac
Weather at River's Mouth.
Worth Head. Wash.. Oct. 29. OondlOon at
the month of the river at 8 a. in., smooth;
wind sooth 22 miles; weather, cloudy.
Sons and Tides. October SO.
Srm rises, 6:48 a. m. Son sets, 6:02 p. m.
Tidoa at Astoria.
JTlrh water. Low water.
KV-37 a. m 8.2 feet. I 4:SS a. m.. 1.5 feet.
11:0 p. m 7 feet. ( 5:22 p. m., 1U feet.
Daily River Readings.
saiem ....
Portland .
t ) Falling.
River Forecast.
The Willamette rlTer at Portland will fall
slightly Friday and Saturday and remain near
ly stationary Sunday.
! '.Astoria to interne German and Austrian sub-
. .Astoria Jects who might become "useful to
their countries in the present war.
The interned prisoners of Germany
and Austria will not be placed In any
penal institution, although they will
be kept under guard.
Germans are making use of many
second rate horses, which they had
formerly rejected as being unfit, says
a Brussels report.
The German troops in Belgium have
virtually exhausted the supply ol
petrol, oil being issued now only to
high officers, and then only in smalt
German hostility toward the English
la shown constantly in the fighting,
but a more cordial feeling prevails
toward the French.
All nationalities in Austria are be
coming united as the wax nroer esses.
Jn'JX It s announced at Berlin.
o'oo' Several Syrians declare they escaped
0.00 service In the army by bribing offi
0.00 ciala to give them forged passports.
its full strength.
Syrians who are "naturalized Amerl-
3.21 0.1
4.21 0
Pacific Coast.
A recall petition containing 100
names has been filed at Lewlston,
Idaho, against Councllmen Wisner and
Thompson and employment of a de
tective and open gambling are
Governor Haynea, of Idaho, named
K. H. Dewey, mayor of Nampa, state
treasurer to fill the unexpired term
of O. V. Allen, defaulting treasurer.
now serving a penitentiary sentence
for embezzling $70,000.
Judgment enabling Mrs. $lla Helm
to get an accounting of $6,000,000
worth of Alaska mining property, the 1
ownership of which has been in dis
pute, was rendered by Judge Troutt,
at San Francisco.
Word was received at San Francis
co that the cruiser Cleveland had been
ordered from San Diego to San Fran
cisco to keep a stricter guard on that
porfs neutrality.
The majority of the American boys
are muscularly weak from the waist
line up, the legs equally showing up
well as regards strength, says Surgeon
J. A. Murphy in a report to the navy
Winter's chilling blasts which
brought killing frosts and biting tem
peratures in many sections of the
country, has exhausted itself, says the
weather bureau at Washington. Low
temperature prevailed in the south,
but warmer weather was predicted.
Representative W. C Hawley, of Or
egon, spent $250 in his campaign for
preelection, and Representative Sinnott,
of Oregon spent $212, according to
statements filed under the publicity
est lot . undivided half interest north
half lota 15. 10, block 3. Broadway
addition 10
Clarence Lewis and wife to Harry Fall
man et al. lots 1. 18. block 13. Clem
boii addition 1
Same to same, lot 3. block 12. Chi- .
caa-o 1
Johanna F. Hills and husband to At
nete M. Ptafhr. lot 4, block 5. City
View Park 1
W. H. Knowlron and wife to John Do-
menlro. lots 3. 4. blork "A. subdivis
ion, block I. 2i 3. Parkhnrst addition 450
Isa belle A. Carpenter to Emma F. Bmwn,
lot 10. block 8. Isabelle A. Carpen
ter addition 450
O. K. Jeffery and wife to Harrison
R. Kincaid. lot 36. north SVi feet lot
85. block 11. Hawthorne Arena ad
dition 1
The Oreson Home Builders to Harrison
R. , Kincaid. north A lot IS. lots 10.
20. block 26. Inrinicton 10
Knme tn Kame lot 11. blooti 38. Laurel-
hurst u
Same to same, lot 5, block 38, Luurel-
hurst 10
W. F. Hubbard and wife to Over-
atreet. lot 1. block 141. Woodstock.,. 1.200
Emma A. Abrey and husbnnd to M. K.
Bailev et al. 10 acres in section .
townshin 1. S. R. 2 E 10.T30
Emma A. Abrey and husband to M. K.
Bailey et al. land in setion 4. town-
ahlo 1. 8. It. 2 K 1
B. May Roach and hnsband to Herman
A. Olds et al. lot 12, block 8. Alder
8niin 10
W. A. Craven to E. 8. CraTen
45r76 feet in section 1. township l,
S. It. 1 E 1.400
E. 8. Craven and wife to W. A. Craven,
AAv'Trt ft in Motion 1. townahln 1.
S. R. 1 K 3,400
Provident Trust Co. to Charles Oteson,
lots 3, 4, block 102. Irvtnjston Park . . 10
Same to Mary B. Oleson. lot 5. block
102. Irvineton Park 10
Brong Maary Co. to Charles A. Seaburg.
lot 10. block 7, Loveleitrh 556
Claude P. Starr and wife to Florence
II RAlmH W half In. X 4. block
7 East IrVlntrton addition 7.500
Welleslev Land Co. to Albert A. Cairnes
et al. lota IT. 18. blork 23. Welleslev 800
Ed - W. Mueller and wife to Philip
Jones, west 10 feet lot 5. east 27 Vi
feet lot 6. block 1, Linnwood 10
Same tr same, part lot 15, block 7,
Paradise Swings tract 10
Wakefield . Holmes and wife to Claude
D. Starr, lot 3. block 10. Wllliatne
Avenue addition 10.000
Stratton Investment Co. to J. 3. Pan-
ton, lots. 2. 3. block- 1. lot 3. mock
2. lots 7. 8, 9, 10. block 3. lots S.
0. block 5. lot 2, block 7. Helen L.
Stratton addition 1O0
Ellen M. White to Peter A. McDonald,
lot , block 7, Elisabeth Irving ad
dition 1
R. B. Carey and wife to H. T. Mas
roan et al. lots 0. 0. block 3. Penin
sular addition 600
The Oreron Home Builders to J. C.
Ainsworth, lot 8. block KT; Irvinirton
addition, lot 7. block 6. Broadwsy
addition, lot 14. block 38. Alumeda
Park, lot 13. block 40. Alameda Park 10
Portland Trnst Savings Bank to Katie
A. Cook, lot 11, block 3. Irvindale BM
John K. Ness and wife to Ida Pntlo, lot
1. block 7. Hutchinson's addition... 3,306
Herman Johnson and wife to Martin
P y.tmm,rmin At al IntJl S. 4. block
4, Wall street addition 19
P W. Thorsen and wife to Cornelius
Tonseth et al. undivided 4 lot 5.
lota 6. 7. 8. block 4. Larson's addi
tion 10
Title & Trust Co. to P. Herns, part
lot 4, block o0. Rose City Park .... 10
A. L. Bwaggert and wife to C. S.
Wheeler et al, undivided 4 interest,
lft acres, beginning at southeast cor
ner, northwest section 34, towtt
shb 1 north, range 2 east S.zOO
jof-epn ii. walker, ana wire to jicvo
R. Walker and Nrife to Jacob De-
Shaver, lot 6. block 14. Swtntoo.-.. 1
Christina Cutler to Mary J. Walker, lota
13, 14, block 14, Greanoe Heights
addition 800
Meade L. Lord to Harry V. Klaafrsly,
lot 3. block 7. Maadellne Park: 1T
J Welder to J. H. lietcalf. lot 19,
block 3, Arleta Park No. 4
Orlotta A. b'Connor and wife to Joseph
Schomus, lot 18, block 14, Clerdale
Extn. No. 2 : W
L. 6. Parker and wife to Silas H. Sonle. .
west 23 feet lot 6. eaU 10 reet lot
7. block Hornins'a addition 1
T. M. Word, sheriff, to Seth L. Roberta,
east H lots 3, 4, block 3, ntmetta
A: Lehman Davis to Alexander Velvlck,
lots 4!. 50. block 1. Stanley l
Lcr.relhumt Co. to ("rist Christenaon,
lot 8, block 110. Laurelhnrst . , !.
oh wrtH
-"wf I.
J1 lOJI Ac
:: L': y
; A-.-
saCj ''
v x
It. A. Has IUciug Hold-Up Squad.
Los Angeles, Oct. 29. Four holdups
by a pair of negro thugs brought out
the police department's new "strong
arm squad" early today, but the band
its escaped. Organized for quick work I
against holdup men, the new squad
travels in racing automobiles. Its first !
call, yesterday, resulted- in a capture.?
A t Neighboring ' Ports.
.Astoria, Or., Oct. 29. Sailed at 2 a. m., atr.
Rose City, for San Francisco and San Pedro.
Arrived at 3 and left up at 4:10 a. m., str.
Bear, from San Pedro and San Francisco.
Sailed at 4 a. ni., str. Yucatan, for San Diego
ana way ports; tsr. str. urutano, lor Seattle.
Today Happenings. With the Builders Architect, Coartractort and
Realty Broken.
Mother Stanislaus
Tells of Recovery
Neglected throat trouble, and continued
eoagbs and colds, often weaken th system.
Ii'vestisate reports of recoveries brought about
by Eckman's Alterative. Here Is one:
Convent of St. Anne. Sanford, Fla.
"Gentlemen: In February, 1911. fonr doc
tors examined my throat and pronooaced th
r.fcessitv nf mi llnvln heard mt
I'eeksklll. N. Y.. Motherbouse of the Bisters :
of IM. Krancls, where I was visiting, of -Eck- !
man s Attentive, l ietennlnel as a last re
sort to try It. After taking four or five bot-,
ties large pieces of diseased tissue came sway,
1 continued tne AlteraUve. to mjr graterul
and dally relief. In ten months I was re
stored to perfect health. I would like them
ti pee anil near rmm my own Hp, ir ifiej
so desire, all 1 would. say Of It."
Eckman'a Alterative Is most efficacious in
bronchial -catarrh 11 nd severe throat and lung
affections and Ubulidlu; the system. Con
tain no harmful or babtt-formlng drugs. Ac
cept no substitutes. Small sire. 1; regular
flae, i Hold hy Th owl Urug Co. Write
Eckmnn Laboratory, Philadelphia, Pa,, foe
booklet of recoveries. (Adv.)
lis ir moo i. ,
V Mo-- aS Vex)
t r' til " HVD
How Thin People
Can Put On Flesh
Bow Tills "Wonderful Ointment Ends
Itching1 and Basil Skin Eruptions.
Permit for Church Building.
Construction will start immediately
Balboa, Oct. 28. Arrived, Br. str. Inreric, I on the $25,000 Mormon church which!
-Oct. 30
. Nov. 1
from Portland, for Cork and Dublin: Nor. str. I mill cm nn s f IhA ertllthMUt fYimof A'f
Tricolor, from Portland, for West coast. v7Z vZ,J,tr7rti
Astoria, Oct. 28. Arrived down at 2:15 nd Est Twenty-fif th and Madison
sailed at 4 p. m., str. Thoe. L. Wand, for Streets.
Nerak"aWwayrsane"p7 i! , A building permit was yes-
French bk. Gen. de Sonis, for Qaeenstown or terday to M. J. Ballard of 264 Jbi&st
Falmoath. Sailed at 4:30 p. str. Break- Twenty-fifth street north. - The work
wter. tor Coos Bay. will ha done nnder the direction of
Cityfmporuail. " Mexlc0 Rev. BalUrd, who has employed Alec
San Pedro, Oct. 2S. AmveO, str. I oyuires aa luicmau
ette, from Portland.
..... Nestucca
Newport ...
. .Nov.
. . Nov.
. . Nov.
. - Nov.
5S22&3. ruTS. IS TOtam Foster. Bids for the plumb-
lug wuf iv ib uuw ueuuj iKeirw ouu
later other contracts will be asked
Vessels In Port.
Inca. Am. sch
Urania, Nor. bk
Solano, Am. str
Oesalx, Fr. sh
Marosa, Nor. sh
anta Catalina, Am. str.
Invercoe. Br. sh
Uowantxirn, Br. str
Ventura de Larrlnga, Br. Btr
Queen Elizabeth. Br. ah....
Kehalem, Am. atr
Geo. W. Fenwlck, Am. str...
Col. P. 3. MRhie. dredge..
Atlantic, Am. str.....
Klfcklyon, Am. str
Navajo, Am. str
Temple B. Dorr, Am. str
.Oregon Dry dock
St. Helens
. .E. & XV. Mill
North Bank
..l.-P. Lbr. Co.
..Port. Lbr. Co.
. . ... Astoria
.Municipal Dock
St. Helens
N. P. Lbr. Co.
Davenport, San Francisco, 10 a. m.
Victoria, B. C, Oct. 29. Arrived Jap. str.
Chicago Maru, 2S days from Hong Kong, 8:25
a. m.
Nanalmo. B. V.. Oct. 29. Arrived. Br. str.
Strathdene, Columbia river.
Port Townsend. Wash.. Oct. 20. Arrived.
Br. sh. Invcrclyde, CaUao, 8 a. m.
Bear, Am. str Ainsworth
vessels Disengaged.
Akutan, Am. atr...
Alliance. Am. atr
Berlin, Am. bk
Chinook. U. 8. dredge...
David Evans, Br. scb...
Dalbek, Qer. bk
Golden Gat. Am. atr....
, v-. Astoria
. . . Victoria-Uol I) h
) O t?
Vou Should Worn? Ef
it were difficult to find a safe and reliable remedy for the
ailments due to irregular or defective action of the stomath,
liver or bowels. These ailments are likely to attack
anyone; likely, too, to lead to worse sickness if not relieved.
BegeMnfs Pills
mt famous the world over, for their power to correct these
"troubles certainly and safely. They cleanse the system, purify
the blood and, act as a general tonic upon body, brain and nerves.
Indigestion, biliousness, constipation might, indeed, cause you pro
longed suffering and expose you to danger if Beecham's Pills
Were Not On Band
The Largest Sale of Any Mcdicta In the WarldL
Sol4 eTwywkarsj. La boss. 10c 35c
The concrete contract was awarded
as the work proceeds.
Postoffice Plans on File.
'A number of northwestern contrae-
Port Orescent, Wash., Oct. 29. Passed in, lng firms including some from Tacoma
ana Seattle, are Buonuiung dius xor
th construction of the proposed post
office to be built at The, Dalles.
The building will be two stories
high and contain a full basement. The
Am. str. Kentnckian, from Portland, 9:40 a. m.
San Francisco. Oct. 29. Arrived. Am. str.
Roanoke. Saa Diego. 2:15 a. m. ; Am. str. F.
A. Kilbum.- Eureka, 5:5v a. m. : Am. str.
Johan Paulsen. San, Pedro, 6:05 a. in.; Am.
atr. Eureka, i Ventura, 5:50 a. m.; Am. atr.
Hardy. Coos I Bay. 8 :06 a. m.; Am. str. San I ground area wlU be 5084 square feet.
reuro, Ajoion, t)..yu a. ut. omira. am. sir. I n-f T,,r,,nn
tianatei. r-ureaa, 11 :o a. m. ; Am. str. 6a I iim-tiuc- u w vu.
Pedro, Los Angeles, 1:30 p. m. : Am. str. I file at The Builders Exchange. The
Am. str.
contract will Include the structure
complete. The custodian at The Dalles
has plans. Bids close at S o'clock on
the afternoon of November 12
Pasadena. Albion. 1:30 r. m.
Marsniieid. or.. Oct. 2. Arrived. Am. str.
Breakwater, Portland, 8:45 a. m. Sailed, Am.
tr. Paraiso, San Francisco, 8:48 a. m.
Seattle, Wash., Oct. 29. Arrived. Br. str.
Den of Airlle, Antwerp via Orient, 12:30 p. m.;
Am. str. piortniana, Alaska, csaneo, Am. str.
Admiral Schley, San Francisco, 5 p. m.; Am.
str. City of Sesttle, Alaska, 8 p. m. : Am. atr.
t-oraoya, Aiasaa, o p. m., am. r. Boaiuun, i nt .--, nrrHl,. V.!.
New York via san VTancisco; iigat nouse ten- I0""' . - " , ' ; "
School Bids Invited.
According to P. A. Narramore, su-
be called for the latter part of next
week. The estimated cost is $55,000.
The building will be of concrete.
der Heather, for cruise, 2:10 p. m.
Victoria, Oct. 28. Arrived and
Strathdene, Astoria, for Nsnaimo. B.
Vancouver, B. C Oct. 28. sailed. An. str.
Cordelis, Port rfarford.
Port Wells, Oct. 28. Arrived, Am. str. EI
Sefundo, Saa Francisco, 2:30 p. in.
Steamer for Panama Route.
Newport News, Va., Oct. 29. The j
new steamship Edward Pierce will be
launched Saturday at the yards of Cro
well & Thurlow here and when com
pleted will enter the service through
the Panama canal between North Pa
cific coast ports and New York city.
She is being, constructed for Sudden &
for the construction of the last ttrrit
sailed. I of th Richmond school nrobablv will
Proteus Lost Propeller.
New York. Oct. 29. Wireless mes
sages said ,the Southern Pacific freigh
ter El Orients was towing the passen-
ger steamer Proteus, of the same line,
after picking it up in the gulf minus
Its propellor.
Wilson Indorses Black.
(Washington Bureau" of The Journal.)
Washington, Oct. 29. President
Wilson indorsed the candidacy of W.
W. Black for the United States senate
from Washington, in a campaign letter i
issued today at the White House.
Ms. '
Sample of Pyramid Pile Remedy)
mailed free for trial gives Quick reUef,
stops itching, bleeding or protruding!
piles, hemorrhoids and all rectal'
troubles, in the privacy of your own:
home. 60c a box at all drnggists. Fr
ampl) for trial with booklet mailed;
free la plain wrapper.
bit pyramid, xiias- Aiarsnau, mien.
mvA ma a ITenA MtnnlA nf
Pyraisid PU Ramedy. tn plain wrapper.
Nam . . . .
Street . . .
Will Open Bids Tomorrow.
Bids will be opened tomorrow by
MacNaughton & Raymond, architects
in the Title Trust building, for the
construction of a two story brick
building at the northeast corner of
Thirteenth and Washington streets.
.Building Permits.
H. Gordon, repair two story frame store
and residence, northwest corner Seventeenth
and Olastop; builder, F. G. Oppeulauder; $100.
Mrs. H. Yott, repair two story frame store
and rooming bouse, Foster Road, between Main
and Marian; builder, L. H. yott: 2O0.
Mrs. Foray the, repair one story frame dwell
ing. Second avenue, between Morret Scott car
line and Maria street; builder, Hallock Build,
lng Co.; $400.
Hallock Building Co., repair one story frame
dwelling, Morgan, between East Fifteenth and
at Seventeenth; builder, same; $4U0.
F. W. Arias, erect one story frame garage.
East Twenty-eighth, between Kast Everett
and Kast Davis; builder, same; $150.
Title & Trust Co., repair eight story fire
proof reinforced concrete office building.
Fourth street, between Oak aad Stark streets;
builder. John O Hare: $500.
Mary C. Robinson, repair three story frame
Hospital, rortn Twenty -second, between Kear
ney and lovejoy: builder, Colombia Wire &
Iron Works; $150.
Mary Shirley, repair one story frame dwell,
lng. Bast Majn, between Forty-second and
jjortj-iaira; miuaer. s is. rsniriej; $:s.
H. P. Rolf e, erect one frame garage. Mar
guerite, between Lincoln and Grant; builder.
Kelly & Schwenter. move one storv frame
garage, soatheast corner Forty-thirl and Kast
wasnington streets; mover, A. u. Moodie; $7.'..
Edwin F. James, repair two story semi
firaproof theatre,- corner Park and Washing
ton streets; builder, same; $100.
Stites & Co., agents, repair one story tent.
Union, between Husseli and Knott; builder, W.
U. Mack; $50.
O. Li. Dsy, erect one story frame storage
rooms. East Twenty-seventh, between Emer
son and Killings worth ; builder, George Scott;
R, r. Johnson, erectne story frame dwell'
lng. East Twenty-seventh, between Thompson
and Brasee; builder, same; $2500.
Henry Wemme, repair two story brick or
dinary boilding, Broadway, between Burnside
and Couch; bailder, W. F. Ball; '$25.
Real Estate Transfers.
Em 11 G. Zech to Adelaide Zech. lot 5.
9.- block 2, Kern Park $ t
T. M.I Word, sheriff, to J. F. Donahue,
lot 8, block 8. North Irvington 1.1 gf
Clara B. King .and husband to Nis V.
Nonken et al, lot 4, block 18, Lincolo
Park Au. 16
R. H. Thompson and wife to W. D.
BUckborn, lot 8, block 9. Coles ad
dition 600
W. H. Buoy and wife to Cornelia
Sparkman. wast 211 feet, lot 1, Prim
rose -Acres if
J. C. Ainsworth and wife to the Ore-,
goo Borne Builders, north, half lot 18,
lots 1. 20, block 00. lot 19, 20, block
2ft. lrvlotrton ...................... 1
The Oregon 11 que Builders to Harrison
R. Kincvd. lot 23. block 12, River
side addition ....... w M
A. L. Wstson et al to ary Beekmaa.
lot 2. block 112. part lots S. tf. block
1O0. Caratnera addition
Traders Trust Co. of Oregon to Marlon
Investment Co,, ndivide3 half lnter-
The soothing, healing medication In
Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap
penetrates the tiny pores of the skin,
clears them 'of impurities, and stops
itching instantly. . Resinol speedily
heals eczema, rashes, ringworm and
other eruptions, and clears away dis
figuring pimples and blackheads, when
many treatments prove worse man
Resinol Ointment (50c and ?1) and
Resinol Soap (26c). are also speedily
effective for pimples, blotches, dand
ruff, sores and many forms of piles.
Prescribed by doctors for the past 19
years, and sold by all druggists, ror
free samples, write to Dept. 3&-K,
Resinol, Baltimore, Ml (Adv.)
A New Discovery.
Thin men and women that big. hearty.
filling dinner you ate last night. What bo-
came of all the fat-producing nourishment it
contained? You haven't gained in weight one
ounce. That food passed from your body Ilk
utburned ..eual through an open grate. The
material was there, but your food doesn't
work and stick, and th plain troth la yon
hardly get enough nourishment from roar
meals to pay for the coat of cooking. This
is true of thin folks the world over. Your
putrltlve organs, your functions of assimila
tion, are sadly out of gear and need reconstruction.
Cot out the foolish foods aad fanny saw
dust diets. Omit th flesh cream rub-ons.
Cut out everything but the meals you are
eating now and eat wllb every one of those
single Sargol tablet. In two sleeks note
the difference. Five to eight good solid
pounds of healthy, "stay 1 there" fat should
be the net result. Sargol chargei your wesk,
stagnant blood with mill km of fresh new red
blood corpuscles gives the blood the carry
ing power to deliver every ounce of fat-mak
ing material in your food to every part of your
body. bargol, too, mixes with yonr food
snd prepares it for the blood in' easily as
similated form. Thin- people gain all the
way from 10 to 25 pounda a monfh while
itaing Bargoi, ana tne new rievn stays pat. i
sargol tablets are a scientific combination I
of six of the best fleab-producing elements
known to cnemistry. rnej come ) tablets to
a package, are pleasant, harmless and Inex
pensive, and all druggists In Portland and
vicinity tell them subject to an absolute guar
antee wf weight increase or money , back. Adv.
Look Youmz! Common Garden
Bage and Sulphur Darkens So
Naturally Nobody Can Tell.
IMV CUM), DjfeSQCllll ,
I At5K lHt IT IS gl
Grandmother kept her hair beauti
fully darkened, glossy, and abundant
th a brew ofSage Tea ana butptiar
Whenever her hair fell Out or took on
that dull, faded or streaked appearance,
tins simple mixture was applied with
wonderful effect. By asking at any
drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sui
phur Compound," you will get a large
bottle pf this old time recipe, ready to
use, -for about 50 cents. This simple
mixture can be depended upon to re
store natural color and beauty to the
hair and is splendid for dandruff, dry.
itchy scalp and falling hair..
A well-known downtown druggist
says everybody uses Wyeth's Sage and
Sulphur, because it darkens so natural
ly and evenly that nobody can tell it
has been applied it's so easy to use,
too. You simply dampen a comb or
soft brush and draw it through your
hair, taking one strand at a time. By
morning the gray hair disappears; after
another application or two. It is re
stored to its natural oolor and looks
glossy, soft and abundant. (Adv.)
By a Stomach Specialist.
As a specialist who. has (spent many
years in the study and treatment of
stomach troubles, I have been forced
to the conclusion that most people
who complain of stomach trouble pos
sess stomachs that are absolutely
healthy and normal. . The real trou
ble, that, which causes all the pain
and difliculty. is excessive acid' in
the stomach, aggravated by food fer
mentation. Hyper-acidity irritates the
delicate lining of the stomach and
tood fermentation causes wind, which
distends the stomach abnormally,
causing that full bloated feeling.
Thus both axid and fermentation in
terlere with and retard the process
of digestion. The stomach is usually
healthy and normal, but irritated al
most past endurance by these foreign
elements acid and wind. In all such
cases and thy comprise over 90 per
cent of all stomach difficulties! the
firat anA Atllv nt.n isj,ecceea .., t. ..r
neutralize the acid and stop the fer- '
mentation by taking in a little warm f
or cold water immediately after eat- t
ing, from one tocSvo teaspoonf ills of '
Disurated magnesia, which Is doubt
less the best and only really effective
antacid and food correct., known.
The acid will be neutralised and the
formentation stopped alo?ufc - instant
ly, and your stomach will at ones
proceed to digest the food in a
healthy, normal manner. Be sure to.
ask yonr druggist xor the blsurated
magnesia, as I have found other
forms utterly lacking in its peculiar
ly valuable properties. F, 3. Q. Adv.
(AwTlHov Sweet mk)
Ijjn MiHffr)
i A1 T
Geo. H, Mayr of 154 Wniting street,
Chicago, I1L, a prominent druggist, has
published a guide to health, in which
he shows how he cured himself and
brought Telief to thousands of other
sufferers from constipation, bilious
ness, Indigestion and intestinal trou
bles by the use of. Freneh healing oils.
One dose usually convinces. The most
chronic cases rarely need over three
dose. Anyone wanting a copy of this
book can get It at the drug store free.
Mayrs Wonderful stomach Remedy Is
now sold. here by all druggists. Adv.
Free Relief
8ead to n for generous free sample enough
for several days' treatment for cold in bead,
chronic nasal Catarrh, dry catarrh, core nose.
; Orfglnel and Genulna
standard remedy lor 25 year, 16.000.000
tabes have been sold. Applied inside nostrils,
it brings quick relief. Completely heals in-,
flamed nasal passage. Get a 25c or 50c rube
from your druggist. 35.000 drngejsts sell It
and guarantee it. Money back if it falls.
Refuse substitutes. Tbey are dangerous.
KONDON MFG. CO., Minneapolis. Minn.
tj EPPttOFurHW
; j I
t ... r '
rwut tie papep.
V .- n 1