f THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,- PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 29, 1914. 17 GREECE'S OCCUPATION OF PART OF LIKELY TO SI TURKS; It Is Not Believed. Sultan Will Sit. by and Watch Ancient Enemy Gain Lands. ITALY'S HANDS ARE .TIED Impression Zs Growing That Austria Has Bought Italian neutrality Ty Staying Out of Albania. (t'nltrd PrMi Leased Wire.) London, Oct. 29. That matters were so developing in the near east as to promise an early spread of the war to that quarter In Europe was generally conceded in official circles here today. Greece's occupation of the Albanian districts Of Argyro, Castro and Pre moti and Italy's seizure of Avlona, Duraxao .and Scutari, in the same coun try, was more, it was believed, than Turkey could endure quietly. It was deemed practically certain that the sultan would draw the sword .very soon. On the whole, the nar eastern sit uation appeared to favor the Germans ' and Austriana rather than the Anglo-Franco-Russian combination. If the Turks Join in the war It will be on the German side, which the al lies naturally will not like. If Italy's Intervention in Albania meant war be tween the Italians and the Austrian, It would be considered as far more than offsetting such help as the Turks can give to the Teutoic allies. The Impression Is gaining ground, ' how ever, that Austrian acquiescence in whatever Italy sees fit to do in Al bania is the reward the Italians are to receive for remaining permanently neutral. Allies Oain Hew Enemy. If this surmise is correct and the belief that Turkey is about to take a hand In the war Is" well founded, the result Is a net loss for the allies, since they will have a new enemy in the sultan; and Italy's attitude will re main just an at present. If the Turks do take up arms, they . probably will not figure to any extent In the occidental field of fighting, though they might lend perhaps 100,- 000 very effective fighters for nervine either against the Russians or in the -west, but they are likely to prove seriously troublesome in Persia, in the general direction of India, in the Cau casus, and maybe in Egypt, or even farther to the- westward in northern Africa. There have even been rumors of a pact between Turkey and Af ghanlstan, which would bring trouble to the very Indian frontier itself. In their public expressions, British government offlcllals have generally spoken as If they expected to smash Turkey with great promptness the mo ment It showed signs of hostility. That the allies will mates short work of tak ing the sultan's pmrts no doubt exists Privately, however,, It Is conceded that s be probably can crrate alarming sltua 1 tlons In parts of the Asiatic, African, ' and even southeastern European In teriors, where British, French and Russian troops ar too fully occupied elsewhere to deal- with lUm. - "Holy War" Is Feared. The outcome Wiuuld depend to a great extent, of 'course, on how gen erally his call was heeded by peoples who, though not subjects at present of the Ottoman empire, do acknowledge its ruler's spiritual supremacy. The statement has been made that a "Holy war" Is no longer it possibility. Never theless, the question is one concern ing which there is considerable un easiness. How the dermans can manage to reconcile the Turks' desire, as the former's allies, to recognize Albania, with the fact that Italy Is supposed to be willing to remain neutral dnly on condition of having at least a part of this same territory, is not entirely clear. The bat guess is that the sul tan will be promined compensation in some other part of the Balkans for keeping out of northern Albania, GREEKS ARE ACTING FOR ALBANIANS' GOOD SAYS THEIR PREMIER Rome, Oct. S9 Premier Veniaeloa of Greece was Quoted here today to the effect that his country was actuated solely1 by humanitarian motives in oc cupying the Albanian districts of Ar gyro, (tastro and Prexnotl. Conditions were such, he said, that the Albanians' own welfare called for outside intervention. He added that the occupation was required as a means of protecting the Greek fron tier. That conquest was contemplated he denied. ; No complications with Austria, had developed from Italy's occupation of Avlona, Durazzo and Scutari, also In Albania, and the belief was growing that the Italians' action had been ap proved by the Vienna government in return for a pledge of neutrality throughout the remainder of the war. Reports of fighting at Alexandria between the British garrison and In dian troops could not be verified, but the persistency of the rumors sug Rested that there had been some sort of serious disorders at the Egyptian oity. It was at first supposed here that ths Fevntians had attempted a revolt under cover of the European war, but the statement that Indians instead of Egyptians were 'involved -gave rise to the surmise that there had been a mutiny, or perhaps only a riot, among native soldiers on their way from In dia to the European field of fighting. From French sources reports were received that the Qalllc troops who drove the Germans across the frontier in the direction of Meta were pressing hard after the enemy, and the predic tion was made that the changed situa tion would compel the kaiser's speedy abandonment of Saint Mlhlel, besides , probably forcing his troops' with drawal from the siege of Verdun, to escape being cut off. Northwest News L Registration in Lane. Eugene, Or., Oct. 29. The total reg istration of voters in Lane county for the November election Is 15,621. This i Includes 8481 Republicans, 3960 Demo crats, 931 Prohibitionists, 788 Social ists, 324 Progressives, 655 Independ ents and 382 classed as miscellaneous. The registration In 1913 for the spe cial election was a little over 1100, and that in 1913 between 8000 and 8000. Kay Wants Amendment. Salem. Or., Oct.' 29. State Treasurer Kay will recommend that the leglsla- ALBANIA tufe change th inheritance law so asf to include all estates having: a value I of over 15000. Under the present law !an estate must have a value of over i 110,000 in order to be liable for an in heritance tar, but everything over $5000 shall then be taxed. This means , that ah estate of the value of S9999 in Rvalue escapes taxation, while one of iu.uoq pays on everything- over $5000. Under the proposed amendment every estate having a value of oyer $5000 would pay an inheritance tax on the amount In excess of that amount. Unity Bridge Cat Off. Salem, Or., Oct. 29. An order was issued yesterday by the railroad com mission authorizing the discontinuance of a telephone station at Unity Bridge. It is now served by farmers' lines. Wife Sues Young Millionaire. . San Francisco, Oct. 29. Charging cruelty. Pearl E. Levi today filed suit for divorce from Milton J. Levi, son of the late millionaire merchant. Jacob Levi. The Levis were married last March. A month later they sep arated, and Mrs. Levi filed suit against her husband's mother for $180,000, charging alienation of LevTs affections. More Mine Victims Taken Out. Merrin. III., Oct. 29. Nine more bodies were recovered today from the Franklin County Coal company's mtno at Royalton, bringing the total number of corpses recovered up to 60. It was reported that Others were still miss ing, and it was feared tfiat a further search of the mine may reveal addi tional victims. Artificial lace which closely resem bles and wears better than the real article, is made from cellulose by a I rench process. la ffoct Oct. 1, 1612. ALL PRKVIOCS UATES CAh CELLED CQAHOKD aDVBHTlSKMENTSt Daily or Sunday, 1 cents per "ord par insertion. This charre 11 for all olasaiflcatlon. axeant Ing "For Ueut la Private v'amll," "Boom and board In PrWkte family," "tiltuutloa Wanted" and "Wanted to Bent" ad., which are IVi eenia per worn per luaaruon. Mo ad charged for leas than IS cents. CASH ADVERTISEMENTS 1H rente per word for all clarification, excepting "For Rent in Private Family." "Uooiu and Board la Private Family," "Situa tion Wanted" and "Waatad to Bent" ads., wbicb are 1 cent per word. Consecntlva Insertion of vuKl) want ads.: 8 Insertions 'or the price of 3 7 inmrtloiw for tta price of S MKKT1NG NOTICES 41 ACACIA club extends an in vitation to all Master Mauons to attend an address friveu by Brother Norris R. Cox, P. G. M., of Oregon, -on the subject, "Allegories," at the club room, 215 Com mercial Club building: at 8 o'clock Fri day, the 30th. By order of the presi dent. LESLIE S. PARKER, Secretary. WEBFOOT CAMP No, 66. "Woodmen of the World, meets every Friday night in W. O. W. temple, 128 Elev enth street. Ail mem bers requested to be present. Visitors wel comes, O. W. T. Muellhaupt, C. C. A. L. BARBTTR. Clerk. COLUMBIA LODGE No. II. A. K. & A. M. Special communication thi (Thurs day) evening at 7:80 o'clock. Masonic Temple. Labor in the F. C. degree. Visiting brethren always wleom. Bv order of w. M. FRED L. OISON, Secretary. TJitel Statistics fflarriages.Btrtbs. Deaths. MARRIAGE LICENSES James S. Kerr. 28 West Hnlmmi Ktrret lPial. and Kditb D. BradUb, 28 Wont Holffiaa strpct, legal. Albert Horn, Gnlde Hock, Wash . letfal. sod PrunceM A. Watkius, 6418 forty-first atreet, S. E., legal. C. A. icox, 9 Masoa strert, 30,. and Beulab Churchill, 709 Wj-gant street, 28.' liirjfc W. McCollnm, Iynts, lejeal, and t-..i.,u n. Monkres. 461 North Union avenue. ; legal. .uJtnas r. ttanner, vaaer. Wasb., lea-al, mid Km 1 11 Bcbairer, 407 Broadway, East, legal. l.anjilon TT. Spooner, Jennings Lodse, Or., lesral, and Hazel I. May, laiT East Fifteenth street, North, legal. hisra Edward Schumacher. Seattle. Wash.. lel. and Helena Schmidthe. 614 Highland street, legal. John Alexander Simpson. St. Johns, letal. and Anna Martini Paterr.on, St. Johns, legal. W. K. U'Uonuell. 'ZA h.st Thirty-first street. North, legal, and Mildred Eva O'Malley, 865 Williams avenue, legal. Frank N. Uorr. laeoma. Wasn.. legal, and Sadie A. Teel, 142 Florida street, legal. UharleB Augustus Trowbridge. .Jolin Day. Or.. legal, and Bertha Olga Bayce, 808 fourteenth street, legal. W. G, Smith & Co, SgVdt Third floor, Morgan bldg. bRESs suit9 for rent, all si2es. Tailoring Co., 309 Btark st. BIRTHS HOTTER To Mr. and Mra, Adolph Hotter, naa 2Sm. street. October 10. a son. PORCEIXI To Mr. and Mrs. V. I'orcelli, 180 riarrison strt. uctooer io. a son. TRE8ER To Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Trebex, ai9 railing street, uetoDer ., a danc&ter FALLON To Mr. and Mra. William F. Fallon. 728 Belmont street, Oetoner 23, a daughter. E1TLKM ANTo Mr. and Mra. Conrad Eitle min, 892 East Taylor street, Ootobar 23, a son. COBBRLKY -To Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Ooberley, 105 M Fremont street. October 25. a ron. BACHJSR To Mr. and Mrs. John Bachef. 4lS East Keventb (treat, fsorth, October 22, aaugnter. , JEFF OUGHT TO HAVE THE ONLY DOG I HFt-U, Or uHR 2XD YOU G&T TH5 POOCH ? -- ' iZ '." "" " ' 11 1 'I Ml 'l ,. L .i.i-i.. - ' ., ..' I 'I II ' III I . - I" XOl'NU To Mr. and Mra. Frank C. Young, 14 East Twenty-ninth street. North, October 1, a soa. .... HODGES To Mr. and Mrs. George B, Hodges, Ellsworth Apartments, October 23, a aaugn- ter. DEATHS AND FUNERALS T5 GRIMM In this city, October 28. at her late residence, ftluetr-antn ana r,ast was sireei, Mra. Elisabeth Grimm, aged 60 years, 6 month and 7 days, beloved wife ef Philip Grimm, and mother of William Grimm, and Mrs. J. Whalen, of WlUapa, Wash.; Mrs. B. W. Patric, of Grays River, Waah. ; Oscar, George, Amy, Carl, and Lewis Grimm, of this city, runerai notice later. JlsNSMA -In this city, October 2S, 114. at Kig&ty-rourtn and Eaat Washington streets, Mrs. V. Jenstna, aged 72 yean, of senility, beloved mother of John Jenama of Portland. Funeral services will be held at the grave Friday, October fiO, at 3 p. m. Interment Multnomah cemetery private EWEN In thla city. October 'JSi. at the fani- lly residence. 284 North Twentieth street. jane Kwen. aeea an rears, loe tunerai ren- lees will be held Friday, October 30, at 2:30 o clock d. m.. at the above residence, menus invited. interment at mverview wbikkt BELLING Caroline Selling. Widow, of the late P. Selling, mother of Ben seiung ana aura. 31. Tsicnei. rtotiee oi tunerai later. CCKTJg Harriet A. Curtis, Piue Knot Bta tlnn ortxiber UK. HI rears; cancer oi oreaai KATTERMAN Magduleae Rattermau, Oood Mamaritan hospital, uetooer xa, 5 yeant; shock hysterectomy for carcinoma. llABN'HAKT Noah P. Barnhart. 2S2 Fourth arrant ntnYu 2fV SO vpin: nnftuinonm . EMANCEL hutb 1). Emanuel, 321 East Twen- v-elehth street. North. ' October 2(1. four days; pneumonia and pulmonary edema. LlttTMAJNM ttenry uiaimann, o rji fif teenth street. North, October 2o, il years; concer of bladder. K ALSTON Cyrena Ralston, 53 Et Slrty flr street, North. October 25, 54 years; KflrtiirtmA ,if crallhldflrlpr. BEMIS Sarah U. JBemts, monnt view anav tMrinm- October 25. 48 rears; apoplexy TOZIEB Susan Tozier, 6617 Sixtieth avenue. S. E., October So, 7& year; senility. M4RTIN & FORBES CO.. florists, 34 Wash. Main 269, A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arrangea. iLAKKh iJROH., florists, tine llowers and floral nesiarns. 287 Morraon st. iVl aX M. SMl'l'H, ilorist, 11 alb St.. in PelHner bldR. Main 7Z15. CT sprays as low as .o. Lubllner, florists. Portland hotel blR FUNERAL DIRECTORS A splendid residence undertaking s. tabilsnment, witn private anveway, J. P. FINLEY & SON, Montgomery at Fifth. MR. EDWARD HOLMAN, the leading funeral director. 220 3d St.. corner Salmon. Lady assistant. Phones A 1611. Main 607. F, S. Dunning, Inc. East Bide Funeral Directors, East Alder st. East 52, B-2526. 414 Dunning &McEntee HSSSSTn every detail. 7th arid Pine. Main 430, A-4568. Lady assistant. A. R.2eilerCo.l2stTo1 iams ave. East 1088. C-1088. Lady attendant. Day and night service. WALTER C. KENWORTHY, successor to A. B. Hemstocit. 1687 m. iatn. Beliwood 71, B-1123 Lady assistant. Chambers Co, and Kerby. Wood- lawn 3308, C-1133. Automobile bearse. A. D. KEN WORTH y & CO. calls promptly answered in all parts of city., I. u. r . ma., ients. itoor ozoi. R, T, Byrnes Williams and Knott. East HIS, C-1943. ERICSONgf 6188, A-2286. 445 Mors. SKEWES Undertaking Co. Main 4152 A-2S21. Cor. 3d and Clay. UarY1jnr1 K. 80th and Glisah. S"u liailllllUII neral services. Tabor 4313. PF A RQHM Undertakers. Has 1 CAAnOUlM S69-371 Russell st. Hast 1080. P. Li. LERC1I, leading east side under- taKcr. K. Ilth & Clajlf. B-1883, E. 781. t MONUMENTS PORTLAND MARBLE WKS. 264-266 4th St., opp. city hall. M. 8564, A-1516. TO LKASE BUILDING ON RAILROAD TRACTS TO LEASE. We Will lease or rent otir buildlner. 50x240, and sufficient ground to meet requirements, to desirable parties wanting factory, laundry, warehouse. etc., premises. Kee Owner. 30 11th st. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 EAST Lincoln street snap; 5 ,room bun galow, corner lot, 1 block to car: a big snap at $2200; $100 down and $15 per month. ZADOW & ALEXANDER, 414 Corbett bldg. .A-1416, Marshall 92. $525 equity in modern bungalow, 15 minute out tor $3uo. Main 7609, Apt. 4. $25 DOWN. $18.60 fER MO. 5 roomed modern bungalow. Sell. 2204. Owner, $700 equity in 5 room modern bunga low; must sell quick today; price si uo, 88 iutn. Marsnau VERY fin home cheap, Irvington, 7 rooms, choice, select mahogany and oak finish. W. H.Herdrdan, East 2 73. $650 BUYS my dandy little 3 room house on good carline, close in. See owner. 512 Piatt bldg. COZY home, good location, all modern, easy terms. Mrs, Smith, 469 BidWell ave. Sellwood car. r 61 $2000 - J20 MONTHLYNO MORE. New - double constructed bun galow, basement, Dutch kitchen, laundry trays,- full plumbing, 2 bedrooms, lot 50x100, with al ley, close to Mt. Tabor carlina. Only small cash payments re quired. The Oregon Home Builders , 1330 Northwestern Bank bldg., Marshall 8718. A-6291. LOOK.! Look! I am forced to raise money. Read and eee! If lookinar for a home, you will never beat this. A 6 rom new house, just finished. at the price of a 4. Listen; hard wood floors, fireplace, all built in conveniences, big-basement, 28x36, tre mendous attic, double constructed, every room lajge, finest plumbing fix ture; best shower bath on market, pedestal china lavatory, etc.; built by day; ioo feet from car. Soma terms. rrice 2700. Owner, Woodlawn 3186. 26 pEii MONTH, which includes in terest, buys new S room bungalow, injiin yvivii, want, iiicpiavCf all built-in conveniences, hardwood rioors, gas ana electric rixtures ana window shades installed, one large well lighted room for sewing or double bed room, full concrete basement with ce ment floor, stationary wash trays and wood hoist, cement sidewalks; near good streetcar line, schools, churches and park. Ready for occupancy Nov. 1st. .Phone East 6687. $750 Small house, beautiful 50x100 foot lot; disappearing, bed. 550 cash pay ment clown, balance at 15 Per month. including interest. Tak Rose City Park car to 7 2d st. See' Austin. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. WILL sacrifice swell modern 2 fam ily flat. S and 6 rooms, worth $8600, now $5900, $1000 down and $25 per mo. Walking distance on E. Yamhill et. See owner, 171 E. 23d. Phone East 5948. $25 DOWN and $15 per month will buy a pretty 5 room bungalow with lot 50x100. In Fern Park: a ereat ba.r2a.in for 11000: on these attractive terms buyer must give rererence.s. Apply tjuick HAMMOND MORTGAGE CO. 423 Chamber Of Commerce. $850' 3 room shack on a half acre of ground. This property lays level and overlooks the ' east side moun tains. City water piped in front of ihi tract, lr you are looking tor a rome site it wlll'pay you to see thla; $50 down, $10 a-month. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg.. EAST Franklin street snap. Fine room modern house, 4 bedrooms, furnace; a big snap at $300U; $250 down, $15 per month; near East Stith. Make an otter. ZADOW & ALEXANDER. 414 Corbett bldg. A-1416, Marshall 92 LET US BUILD YOU A HOME. On your lot or ours; by your Own plans or ours; pay us like rent. THE OREGON HOME-BUILDERS, 1330 Northwestern Bank bldg. 80x2d0, 3 room house, $5 monthly, $650. Broom modern house, $15 monthly, including interest; $1700. A. C. MARSTERS, 202 WILCOX BLD. MAIN 8517 A-7340 TABOR 1770. BY, owner, good business corner lot with 8 room house, on Greeley and Portland boulevard. Take St. Johns car. $2300; your own terms. WHEN you answer These Want Ads, mention The Journat. FOR SALE LOTS 16 $1300 EQUITY An lot in Ladd's addi tion for $650; balance $1000 at 6, with second mortgage privilege to builder. Close to Hawthorne and 12th and worth double what I ask, but I must sell. Would take clear suburban lot. K-248, Journal. $o50 Quarter acre tract located on the west side, 5e car fare, city water piped in front of this property. This is positively the beat buy around Port land. Lays high and sightly, fine soil; terms $10 down, $5 a month. M. E. Lee. 505 CQTbett bldg. REAL sacrifice, 3 beautiful lots, 50x 125 each, close to car; streets im proved, no gravel, alley in back; forced sate with , loss to me. See and be ileve; $375 each. Owner. Woodlawn 3186. WILL sell 2 lots at great sacrifice on E. Stark St., near 83d st. C-S39, Jour nal. Phone Marshall 6896. WHEN you answer thbeu Want Ada, mention The Journal. ACREAGE 57 5 ACRES FOR $260 $10 down and $5 per month buys 6 acres good logged-of f land 1 mile from main fine of railroad and town of 1000 gopulatlon. with cannery, creamery, etween Portland and Astoria- Land from $35 to $60 per acre on these terms. Many 5 acre tracts to choose from. BELL REAL ESTATE CO., SIS Railway Exchange bet 3d and 4th sts. on stark. IMPROVE your condition; move right on an improved acre with buildings and fruit trees, in Oregon's greatest little town, Woodburn; sidewalks to place; a rare opportunity, at $950. Terms. Owner, Woodlawn S18B. IMPROVED 20 acres, 2 miles north of Mt. Angel; 40 rods to good (school. Q. W. Leap, Woodburn, Or. R. F. . No. 2. A. QUARTER of an acre worth $500, will seil for $276; on Mt Soott car- line, 10 minutes east of Lenta; half casn. Mam 4Z36. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention rne journal. IN THE SHOW LIKE UrCt He ANT MO A COP. - FOR SALE HOUSES i -i. -i -u..-u.t5?fty??c?- - a 57 CHICKEN and fruit rancnes near Port land; Gresham district, electric sta tion hi mile. New subdivision. Sun shine Valley orchard tracts; best soil, free wood; elegant location. Prices only )7S to $160 per acre In small tracts; easy terms. Frank McFariand Realty Co., 80S Yeon bldg., Portland. Or. Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, ( close to car line, easy terms; will build to emit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or Sell wood 476. . John H. Gibson, owner. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 76 1700 BUYS a half acre tract, located on west side, 6c car fare, city water piped in front of the tract, soil free from rock and gravel, lies level. Why pay rent when you can get a piece of ground this size where you can grow all your vegetables, chickens, etc. xerms, zo casn, $io a month., m. m. Lee, 50S Corbett bldg. FOR SALE FARMS 17 TO one wishing cheap brush land should buy this direct from the owner and save commission fees; 160 acres, about one half level enough to piow; about ao acres old growtn tim ber: youn? orchard, small house and barn; no rock; $12 per acre if sold immemateiyi. For runner particulars, M. W. Ruble, Alsea, Or. . 48y ACRES, 1 miles from Oregon V A t a ov-oei i rt Mil tivti 4j-i crrrr 1 room house. 3 wells, 12 cows, 3 horses, good milk route, all kinds of farm im plements; no waste land; a big snap at tl5,800; $3000 down and $50 per month or will take Portland property. ZAIXJW & ALEXANUEK, 414 Corbett bldg. A-1416, Marshall 92. JJUiU i tai HI VliCl 111 UUIUilTCDl, 5 and 10 acre tracts beaverdam land In live section, with R. R.. stores, schawls, etc., convenient home market. This land selling fast to people know ing: soil and land values. Will furnish lumber and cattle to reliable people, all on easy terms. o27 Corbett bldg. CHANCE FOR A POOR MAN. 10 acres, 13 miles to Portland, 3 to Sherwood, on county road, best of soil, 600 cords of wood. $90 Der acre: $150 ash, $100 pef year, 6 per cent. W. 11. SElTZi & CO., 310 Spalding bldg. Main 6584 OWNER must raise cash; wFll sell to the highest bidder, 640 acres, near w aurora, Washington; bidder ai lowed three weeks to examine land Further information. W. W. Jordan, S02 Lumbermens bldg. 20 ACRES $800. Splendid, level farm land, close to school station. 81 fare from Portland. $100 cash. Claude Cole, S17 Board of Trade. . FOR SALE 38 acres, 14 in cuitiv' tion. miles from railroad. $1 fare to Portland; $50 per acre. If you haven t money aon t answer. u-z Journal. WHiv' you answer these Want Ad, mention The Journal. FARMS WANTED RENT OR RUY 88 "WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention 'rne journal. HOMESTEADS 47 160 ACRE homestead relinquishment, 2 miles from R. R. and mile from creek; south'of Portland; J250. Home stead Realty Co., 232 Washington sU, room IB. GET the best homestead land in Ore gon; level, rich soil, no rock or stumps: uood water, timber, free, near railroad now building; unlimited free stock range. ii.h St. Main nil EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 EAST SIDE four flats, modern house, and one vacant lot. cash value $14. 000; will trade $10,000 equity for good farm within 60 miles Of Portland, near station: must be good potato land. Two lots on E. Sherman, near 24th, for Irvington house, and assume. Acre near station and diamond jewel ry for Studebaker machine. Goldschmidt s Agency, 208 Stock Kx- cnange bldg., ad and amniii FINE wheat land, with young fruit trees, 1 mile from Madras, or., so acres; to exchange for Portland or Hillsboro property. For Information writ to owner. Mrs. Mary Thiele man, Madras Or. HAVE splendid 160 acre farm, 1 mile -. . ' 1 1 . . . 1 ; u .i a4.--v-. Or. Air.. l- fenced aind cross-fenced, good build ings, level, rich soil; want acreage or citv property. Claude Cole, B17 Board of Trade. $700 equity la 6 room modern bun- eraiow tor automobile, furniture. diamonds or anything of value. Must go. 8ft loth st. TO TRADE Equit,y Of $765 in lOOx 100 corner lots in vvarrenton ior dia monds or good mortgage not to ex ceed 81000. or will sell cheap. B-999, Journal. TWO clear lots on west side, $8000; will exchange for modern 5 or 6 room bungalow on east side. A. J. Farmer 407 Stock Exchange. If your real estate has value and you want to make a good exchange for other property, see us. Sell Real iz&r tate c:o.. sis Railway Kxenange Did:. CLEAR city property, close in. $7000; will trade for small improved farm, near Portland. A. J. Farmer. 407 Stock Exchange, bldg, TEN acres, Salem Electric, Greenburg station, accept trade. Wolfstein, 105 Alisky bldg. 6 ROOM modern house for improved far,m or acreage; will assume. 311 All sky bldg. 3 7-ROOM modern houses, on one lot. for improved acreage, ciose in. 311 Alisky bldg. FOR EXCHANGE Vacant lots or cot tage for some . kind oi Business. Main ,1242. WHAT hav you to trade fir vacant lots or cottages? Main 1Z13. MULTNOMAH ABSTRACT CO. moved to 315 Northwest bldg. Main 4033 WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention rne journal. THIS, AT THAT wrecc what RG you GoH(H(K 0 WTTN Htf? PUT ACREAGE f ContlnaeSl) EXCHANGE REAXi ESTATE 24 (Continued) WE HAVE FOR EXCHANGE barn, stock and machinery, for east ern ore. tarm. Several modern houses ior larms. Acreage in cult, for house and lot. IS urn Oram! Junction. Col., all imp.. Vi fruit, house, etc., for Portland nouse. 800 acre wheat farm for valley or Portland property. Many more good properties. GARLAND & LIND. 191 4th St. To EXCHANGE Substantial equity in 6 room buntralow. in Vancouver. Price- J2000: want medium priced acre age in southern Oregon. Owners only. isox 44, castierocK, rwasru WANTED Cheap lot as first payment on 4 room bungalow; sleeping porch, fixtures, shades; price $1800; 801 Ger llnger bldg. j WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 WANT to buy a 6 room modern hunsraJnw In Hawthorne or Sunny- side district, not necessarily new, but In good condition; room for garage; to cost about $3000; large lot, good loca tion, as first payment; 10&4 iiaw thorne; Tabor 2017 or Tabor 2912. WANTED 5 or 6 roam bungalow from party who will take lot as first payment; full description in first let ter. iu-zbS), journal. . WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. ROOMING HOUSES 53 Bargain Hunters 11 rnnrti hntj and cold water every room. hot. witfir heat call bells, hard wood finish, all nicely furnished, rent only $76. One of the most modern hotels In the city, well worth $3tuu. First on comes gets mis ior aauu. terms. Peters, 15 is. Btn st. 9 Rooms, Rent $25 Fine Wet Side corner; nice home with a fair income; for business rea Ki.ri.- miinr son cmirk: nrice cut to $250; vi cash. Inquire 88 10th, near Stark. i ROOMIKfl house. 10 rooms, nice, mod em place, all H. K.; well furnished and clean; fine, close In location, west Ktdft rent "Aniv 128 month: nrloe. all complete. $250, terms $150 cash. Call 91 4tn st. Swell Place 11 room roominsr house In White Temple district; hot, cold water in rooms, steam heat, cheap rent, cleanest place in city; worth $600, price today ior an tzsu. meters, 10 n. on. 12 Room Apt., $200 12TIT ST.. NEAR YAMHILL. Good furn.. worth $650; price today at sacrifice. This is a snap. Rent $30. 408 Gerlinger Bldg. ROOMING house, 23 rooms, rent $50 month, brick building, rine location, well furnished; price $660. Good money maker. Call iwi 4tn st. S2i CASH PAYMENT. PRICE $150. 7 rooms of fair furniture, 2 blocks of city hall, rent $20. Some income and free rent. Call 804 4th. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. BUSLNESS CHANCES 20 -------saagBa-BaBaa-SSai FOR RENT Restaurant completely equipped, fine location. If you are in the market for a good restaurant it will pay you to see this, as we aro in a Dositlon to make a very attrac tive ..price. W. J. Davie 605 Corbett b de. YOUR chance to buy an up-to-date confectionery store, with 10 fx. foun tain, comoleta in every way. In live country . town; terminus of electria railway being finished; worth $2200 Price, ir taken at once, iieuo. vv-v SI, Journal, $1100 Grocery Snap ALL FOR $1,100. TODAY. Invoice $1900. First-class stock, busv location. West Side, reasonable rwnt. Must leave city. 408 Gerlinger mag. A PROMINENT collection agency, known throughout the country for Integrity and efficiency, will sell the agency for Portland to a party Who can furnish the best of references aa to character, etc. YX-952, Journal. Beautiful Store, $390 Worth double, grocery, confection ery, etc., 2 furnished ing rooms. stock alone worm tne money. 502 toucn mag. iKED stole, in a C. & E. R. R. town in Linn county. Dwelling house and lot alongside. S Fine location. Only $1000 cash; cheap. E. M. Ittmball, Solo, Or. FOR SALE 3 chair barber shop, do ing good business; other business cause for selling; price $800 cash; wood in for winter. W. E. Anderson, Pox 295, Tillamook, or. WANTED To buy small restaurant or hotel in or out of town, or will taka half rntQrent. Address B. Gates, 144 11th at., citv. hTgT? class confectionery and iunch business for Bale cheap; clears $250 month. Can try it, before you buy. Room 829. Morgan bldg. PARTNER wanted for a small repair shop; pay you $100 month. Room 329, Morgan bldg. 1000 Business Cards, 75c Ryder Ptg. On , R. W cor. 36 & Morrison HAVE you small amount to Invest and wlllinsr to work 8 hours a rlav for $150 month? Call 303 Lumber Ex. 1000 Business Cards, 75c Rose Citjf Prlntery, 9d and Taylor, WANTED Partner, clpaninr. press ing; $75 required; will teach busi ness. 231 6th 'HaRTSER shop for sale, easy terms. 1162 Union ave. WANT to trade auto for small stock of groweries or timber. C-257$. WlilrN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. XOC SHOW HA HA YDW DOMT EKPGCT TO G&T A. PftX.G Wrm THfVr rAOrVGAEL TK YOCI? HtM M THS fcHOU. 20 (Continued) A SUBSTANTIAL Interest m oldest established high class mercantile in stitlon on Puget sound can be secured by a capable business man who can assume active part In management. mis ousmess nas maae severni for tunes and is capable of making many more; at least $20,000 cash and not to exceed $35,000 required. Address prin cipals direct, care H. Erwln French, f. O. Box 10Z, Seattle, wasn. Trade, Trade, Trade Business Opportunities Grocery utores. roominar houses. hotels, restaurants, etc. I manipulate and neip to rinance your aeais. uei busy. . L. GODDARD, 408 Gerlinger bldg. IAVE patented article that will sell wherever coal or wood stoves are used. Will sell, or you can manufac ture on royalty basis. Hickman, ua 1st , st. MONEY" TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 LOANS on lninroved citv Drooertv or for building purposes; advance made as Duiiding progresses; iiDerai repay ment privileges; no commissiort J. P. Lipscombs, 242 stark st. tm WE have money to loan on your real estate; first mortgages only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423 Chamber of Commerce. Mortgage Loans r I. L. WHITE. 701 Selling bide, BUILDING LOAN'S on city and subur ban property; money advanced aa work progresses. W. G. Beck, 316 Fall ing oiag. Main 84U. $100,000 on mnrteares. citv and farm nroDertv.' fire insurance McKensie & Co., Gefllnger bldg., 2d and Alder. MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 to $5300 on city property. A. H. Bell, 201 Gerlin gerbl d g. MORTGAGE LOANS. Mortgages bought and sold. John L. Karnopp, Railway Exchange) bldg. To Loan Any Amount HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK. REAL estate loans, mortgages, bought and sold. u. a. Hartman. ill rii- tock block. CASH paid for mortgages, notes, eon tracts; mortgage loans; reasonable rates. F. H. Lewis & Co., Lewis bdlg. MORTGAGE loans at current rates. Real estate security. Apply room 202 Stock Exchange. 3d and lamniu. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Beltz & Co,.' 810 Spalding Didg. MORTGAGE LOANS, S and 7 per cent. Louis Salomon & Co., zaB stark at. MORTGAGE loans I to I per cent. Fred c. King, 814 Hpaiomg niog. MONEY TO IX) AN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDING, ,8 13 Cham, of Com. $1000 to $7000 for city or farm loan. Tabor 2520 or C-6 56, Journal. $40,000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON. 80 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. VARIOUS amounts for mortgages; no commission, ward, Alisky bldg. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The journal. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 7 IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT EASTERN RATES, W have one of the finest retail jewelry stores in the city. A loan de partment is conducted in connection with same, making business bikiui Lt CONFIDENTIAL. Absolutely no ilgns designating loan business dis played in front of our store. All mer chandise nledaed Is held for a period of seven months, Whether or not In terest la Daid when due. wo aro n censed and have been established since 1899. No connection with any Other lnavn Ktahliahments in this citv. A. & M. DELOVAGE, JEWELERS. 354 Wrasningto st. WE MAKIO LOANS IN ft Hotjk3v TIME At Legal Rates We loan money on diamonds, pianos, real estate, plain notes or furniture. Portland Loan Co. (Licensed.) Room 05 Rothchild bid. Bet. 4th and 6th on Washington st. $ $ $ STATE SECURl'rV CO. $ $ $ is u ) rs. r n a SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES $10 TO $100 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. Business Strictly Confidential. STATE SECURITY CO.. . $ $ $ 3 0 FAILING BLDG. $ $ m6ney at "once. PRIVATE PLACE to OBTAIN LOANS Diamonds, watches. Jewelry, etc. SEPARATE DEPT. FOR LADIES. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDEN TIAL. ELBY CO. (Lloensedj. 820 Lumber Ek. bldg., 2d and Stark. MONEY on chattels, notes and mtks bought. Columbia Loan Co., 206 S wet land. . LOANS on real estate, diamonds, jew. elry. Wm. Holl, R 8, Washington bldg. MONEY to loan on diamonds Jawelry. S. w. King, 4 5 Washington Diog. LOANS on diamonds, jewelry, strictly confidential. 141 a tt, near Ajasr. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. LOANS WANTKD SO WE have a client who wants to bor row $10,000 to $12,000 giving as se curity good inside property, THE OREGON llOMK BUILDERS. 1330 Northwestern Bank building. Marshall 371 S A-8291 WANTED To borrow $600 on a house and lot worth $1400, located on the west side. W. J. Davie, 505 Corbett bldg WANTED. $500. 8 PER" CENT.' SECURITY, $2200. HARTMAN-THOMPFON BANK, WHEN you answer these Wast Ada, mention The Journal. a- a suae; i Mifxr set rN Trie PaMO OrT A t6 A SLEAU tXSci BUSINESS CHANCES 51 FIRST and second mortgages, also sew . lers interest in contracts purchased. Oregon and Washington. H. K. Nobis, Lumbermens bldg. ;j j . WHEN you answer thesw Want Auj, mention The Jotiriiiii. STOCKS ANU ! BONDS 53 NOTICE Los Angelas. CaL, Oct, 20,. 1814. ' The undersigned desires to purchase bonds of I lame Telephone & Telegraph company ft Pornand. Or (A r 7 , Mi.n, n A " r a v .. 1 .1,--. seven hundred dollarftj all unmatured interest coupons to iqoompany bonds. Buomu orrers in wnmg not later tnan Nov. ?. 1914. at 6 n. Hi: Addresa J. M Coverly, trust of ffcefl Title Insurance and Trust company iTitle Insurance ouiiqing. uon AnRelfry, t.-ai. HELP WANT:l MALE 1 DON'T look for woflcr-There-Is blc demand for autontpbile drivers ana repair men. Our expert Instructors qualify you in three 3o five weeks and assist in securing goja positions. Jdring this ad. for one free! lesson. PACIFIC AUTO M GAS ENGINE SCHOL. 166-268 11th kt. fear Jefferson.) Y. M. C. A. EMPLOYMENT DEPT. r Record for year IjflS; Calls for men ... .t,. ............ 2685 Positions filled 194i All young men staking' employment are cordially in vitej to consult With the secretary of ttt I employment de partment. WANTED Partner! icleanlng, press - Ing; 476 requlredif jwlll teach busi ness. 231 6th. ;S J WANTED Two livi i8olicltors. tw call on mercantile trade. 613 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED at one. nan to learn auto.v repairing and driving. Call Haw thorne Garage, 445 Hawthorne ave. WANTED To me; J man who play piano or guitar fjrj road work. 223 West Park at.. Kinegsly, WHEN you answerf these Want Ads, mention Tne jourwiai- CHEF Headquartefe and helpers, Cal ifornia wine Deign. d$f) xamnin. HELP WANTED MISC. 40 WE TEACH automobile repairing and driving, km engineering and ma chine shop work, h actual machin ery in operation, fverytning practical and un-to-date. Cj!1 or write. West era Automobile and iingineering School orrice oi. nawtnorie ave. - OREGON LAW SCHOOL A thorougn practical course in law: bo tims lost from regular occtfbation: recitations evenings. Samuel "K. Richardson, dean; M, Morengaa, sec. 310-317 wommon- weaitn dw, portwnd. ur. USE youfspare ame to build up ai mail Atttacr business of your own. We bfflp you siatjt for a share In proflt; 27 opportltnlties. PartlcUars free. Dent, A-25, pportunlUes Exclu. Buffalo. N. Y. f : . MOLER Barber Cotiege wants men and women, to ii-arn tae trade, in a weeks. Clean work, percentage paid wht learning; tools rre; scaip aiid laoa massage a special cialtrfj d st. 2 end for free catn aiogue, 48 im Sd HUNDREDS govesrttnent Jobs open to women, tsig pay: net tree. Frank lin Institute, Depi.! 706-B, Rochester, N. Y. i RAILWAY mail clicks wanted. Com mence $75 monUf i Sample examina tion questions fr8!. Franklin Inati- tuta. liept. 4 W w. ljiij;nwter. N. Y . THOUSANDS government jobs open to men and womenj $65 to $160 month. Write for list. IfFranklln Institute, Dept. 350 Si Rochester. N. Y. SHORTHAND, tiicwrlting. experP onced teacher, piw tuition 711 E. 6 1st st. N. Tabo 6864. S5rs H I N S O A LMSi Business SchooC 502 Empress bpg. Individual in tructlons; positions; when competent. UNCALLED for tijlor made suits $6.50 up. Taylor, the "jailor, 289 ft Burnslde. PcTfIC Chiropractic College. Too, 407 to 418 ComSionwealth hid. WHEN you answ-Ji' these Want Ada, mention The Jdyjnal. HEfJ WAN PKMALK 2 ' I AM widower vltti one boy, school" age. Want a IJMsekeeper on ranch. No objections to Sine or two children. Address Bo 171,junlon, Oregon. WANTED High School girl as a com panion and toil assist with' hou work; good home Quo children. C-2411 rk; good home g no children. C-2411 l ay. I J.t lNTEd4 In a Snlnister's family of wo, girl for tji-ijoral housework. Ap- nunaa Wan twe ply 140 E. 12th i- between 9 and 2 o CIOCK. W ANTED A lad to care for an old. lady at night t room and board Tabor 2492. if WaTTTTSD Rpf InStl housekeeper on farm, w-7 8, Jsjurnai. WHEN you ans&f these Want Ada, mention The Journal. h1 LP WANT!) MALE AN1 FINANCIAL FijljCALK-- - Oregon barber CiJlWewUl teachott the trade in 8 eks; scalp and face massage speclaltjif tools free; positional' guaranteed; payWhiie learning; tu tlpn reduced this jff-m. 33 Madison. ': AMATEUR vaudigkllle team, man and woman, for refcd. Call afternoons -room 7, 241 5th B. Harta. v HEN -you antswVr theso Want AO' mention -Th Journal. F5 KITUATI0XH MALK PAINTING, tlntlse. oa d ring. Guaran teed work; haras times prices. - Phono East 6467. il - i YOtJNG man wiat!H work of any klnd7 so that he mair! attend night school. Call B-3444. H ; STRONG young -ijiati whose mother Is 111 wants steaxfv work or odd job ftt once. At34jjari Main 717. A HARDWARE-' itlan wants posltionj good reference.; would do other work, f-ll. Journal, POSITION wsntfefiTof any kTSd; "stnMll wages. K-248j Journal. Carpenter, ftest class, wants work, day or contrae.i Sellwood 2M1. rr By ud" Fisher .1 3