The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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who tnarrUg to Harry A.
8wrt will take place No
vember 11, le receiving much
intert&lrilng. Laat wek Mrs. David
Chambers entertained for her Satur
lr afternoon with a bridge party, and
frlday Mrs." George Sweirea gave a
luncheon of 15 covers. This weeltMra.
Walter r Cox entertained Tuesday
rlth a luncheon for six, Mrs. Frank
UaCauley a bridge Wednesday and
(bia afternoon Mlsa Grace Jarvis gave
i luncheon In her honor.
tfrt. Arnold of Hood River Guest
& the City,
Mrs. Ilosmer K. Arnold of Hood
River arrived this morning to pass, a
wo tit In the city. She will first visit
i few days with Mrs. William Gray at
icr home at WUsonla, near Riverdale,
ind later will he the guest of Mrs.
lohn 1j. Travis, who Is now ensconced
ji her city residence, 90 East Sixteenth
it reft, after having spent the spring
itid summer at her country place at
U the University Club.
Tiie next of the University club
nonthly dances will be held on Frl
lay, November 6, the dinner reserva
:ions being limited to 150 plates. A
Tiost pleasant and enjoyable evening
m anticipated, a contributing factor
elng the excellence of the club cul
ilne. At the last affair the fine old
;,ns;llsh dancing hall presented a
triliiant appearance when the parties
were seated. The ladies greatly ap
preciated the novn-ity of dining In the
asually tabooed qiuarters of a gentle
man's club.
On Saturday, October 31, at a dinner
to be held at the University club in
the large dining hall. W. 13. Wheel
wright will address the guests present
n the European situation, a scholarly
nd Impartial presentation of the pres
ent debacle In Europe will be made.
Mr. Wheel wrlht is particularly quali
fied beoauHo of his recent trip through
the countries involved In war, and by
Dla natusal gifts of acute observation.
ngagement Announced.
An pnnajtcment of interest to a
larse circlo of friends is that of Mlsa
ICdlth (,'lerln and Edward Glenn
Smyth, which wasi announced at a large
reception Wednesday afternoon by
Mrs. G. I. Clerin. Smartly gowned
matrons and maids thronged the
L'lerin residence during the hours of
I to 6. Mrs. Clerin and her daughter
were assisted in receiving by Mrs.
Hldney Smyth. A color scheme of
yellow was earned out in the draw
ing rooms with huge bowls of chry
Ranthemutns, and in the dining room
yellow dahlias were the decorations.
Mrs. Robert A. Lomberson and Mrs.
W. Y. Masters presided at the samo
vars and cut ices, assisted by Miss
M-arguerlte Deeilng, Miss Genevieve
Caiighey, Miss Elizabeth McGaw and
Miss -Marian Grebel. Assisting about
the rooms were Mrs. Prank W. Swan
ton, Mrs. Herbert Taylor Scott, Miss
Louise lioyd and Miss Agnes Beach.
Little Annette Byford and Mary Clerin
received the cards at the door. Over
a hundred guests called during the
if ternoon.
Mr. Smyth Is a mining engineer, en
gaged in .the quarrying business ' in
southern California. He is the son of
Mr. - and Mrs. Sidney Smyth- of this
city, a graduate, of the University of
California and a member of Beta Theta
PI fraternity. Miss Clerin, Who la a
charming member of the younger set,
also attended thte University of Cali
fornia and is popular in Delto Gamma
sorority. The date for the wedding
has not been announced.
For Muss Whlttaker.
Miss Geraldlne Whlttaker, whose
wedding1 to Uurton Charles Haines 1
takes place in December, was the guest !
of hnor at an elaborate bridge lunch
eon given by Mrs. Levi M. Lacy and
Mrs. bldward Keller at the home of the
latter, Saturday, October 24. 'Covers
were laid fur -. In the drawing room
mountain laurel and red tulle wore
ued profusely,, while in the dining
room and din rofd carnations and ferns
termed beautiful centerpieces and cor
ners. Red hrarta and flying cuplds
were everywhere. Clusters of red
rose buds and maiden hair ferns
adorned the lunch tables, A cupld
cunningly perched on the mantle held
fast the chair occupied by the honor
guest with reins of red tulle. Card
honors were awarded to Mrs. Shirley
Tarkor and Mrs. George W. Akera.
Mrs. Ralph Rolilnson, accompanied by
Mrs. Percy Allen on the violin and
Miss WhlttakeB on the piano, sang
several pleasing numbers, after which
the bride-elect ,was showered with a
complete aluminum and electrlo klteh
rn outfit. Thoue present were: Mrs.
George W. Akirrs. Mrs. Tercy Allen,
Mrs. George Anderson, Mrs. Alexander
M. Clark, Mrs. O. C. Celt. Mrs. B. C,
Pafnadl. "Mrs. Walter P. Dickey, Mrs.
J. Harvey Ternier, Mrs. Fred Glenn,
Mrs. Franklin T. Griffith, Miss Apnea
Hickman. Mrs;, Edward Kellen, Mrs.
Otto Kettenbach, M"rs. Levi M. Lacv.
Mrs. F. J. Leonard, Mrs. W. G. Lloyd,
Miss Bess Lloyd. Mrs. Robert Mene
fee, Mrs. J. Howard Miller, Mrs. C. M.
Noe of Cincinnati, Mrs. Shirley Parker,
Mrs. Ralph Rcjbinactn, Mrs. Edwin C.
Veasey. Mrs.,; Andre J. Wolff, Mrs.
George aegpner. Miss Geraldlne
wnittaker airai R. M. C. Whlttaker.
Wedding at Wrboort.
Cornelius, Or Oct. 28. The mar
riage of Miss Nellie Vanderzanden,
daughter of Mrs. Henry Vanderzanden,
end Oscar Lahale of the Verboort sec
tion.' took place this morning at 8:30
nt the verboort church. Rev. leather
LeMiller officiating. The bride and
groom are well known and popular
young people (Of this section, and a
largn number of relatives and friends
wore present at the wedding. A wed
ding breakfast followed at the rest
'dence of the bride at 12 o'clock.
Foil leg, November 6.
Of much Interest In academic circles
; the High School Follies to be given
November h nt Cotillion hall. The
academic schools of the city have
united in presenting this affair, which
wlil be a short entertainment followed
by a dance. The patronesses Will be:
Mrs. Dunbar, Mrs. Welch and Mra.
W ymore.
The committee Is: Hazel Wymore.
wary uumoar, Harnette Harlow, June
Correct Dancing
can be attained only by Individual
One Step, hesitation. Iiuln Faflo,
Castle's Half and Half, Maxlxe,
Pox Trot.
Private Class (a or 4 persona)
Special rates.
Flak, Kenneth TomllnBon, Walter Fret-
waia, jaCK Price. Irwin Hansen. Jack
Eruhn. JOhn Piatt. Gilbert Shea.
Marlon Grebel. Neilia Hamlin. Mar
garet Crittenden.. MirMt w1-h
Lillian Stevenson, Harry Brubaker,
Aaron Whltmer, Harrlette Cummings
mi jaargaret Aianeneid.
W. C. O. of Foresters.
St Marys Court No. 1046. W. C. O.
F., will entertain with a "500" party
Tuesday evening, November 8, In the
Foresters" hall. East Fifteenth and
Davis streets. All other courts and
their friends are cordially invited to
St. Mary's Court is th Infant court
of the city, organized August 6, 1914.
The committee on arrangements con
sists of Mesdames W. A. Elvers,- T. S.
"ogan, m. j. unscoii, Ellen Ryan,
Anna Glenn and the Misses Marv
Frances McCarthy. Katherin Oninn.
Katherine Boos, Marie Boos and Win
ifred Ralston. Refreshments will be
Clan Macleay for Red Cross.
Clan Macleay Order of Scottish
cians win give a Halloween concert
and dance Friday evening, October SO,
at tne K. of P. hall. Eleventh and Al
der streets. In aid of Red Cross funds.
Ad excellent program has been pre
pared, as follows: Songs by Miss
Christine Denholm, Miss Dagmar Kel
ly, Hartrldge Whipp, Charles Thomp.
son, Mr. Hoose and Mr. Belding; chil
dren s exercises by class of Mrs
Grace Wilton Petersen;; Highland
Fling, Miss Trixie Williamson; bag
pipe selections. Pipe Majof McDonald.
Mrs. Leonara Fisher Whlpp, accom
The Yacht Club Party.
. The ladles of the Oregon Tacht club,
ronowihj their well known custom,
have plans for a Halloween party Sat
urday night.
There will be games of all kinds In
keeping with the Idea, ghost dances
and card playing. Mr. and Mrs. J. T.
Mendenhall, Dr. and Mrs. Jack, M.
Yates, Mrs. Ramsey, Mrs. Newton and
ir r.merson win te in cttarge, as
sisted by the entertainment commit
tee Mr. Rainey, Mr. Lane and Mr.
Gnerin-Kxogstad Wedding.
The wedding of Miss Agnes V. Krog
stad, daughter of Otto O. Krogstad, of
683 Nehalem avenue, and Harold T.
Guerln. son of Mrs. Sarah Guerln of
645 East BurnPide street, was solmn
ized Wednesday at Oakland, Cal.,
where Mr. Guerin is engaed In busi
ness. Upon their return from a
honeymoon automobile tour through
California, Mr. and Mrs. Guerln will
make their home in Oakland.
Mutual Art Association.
Monday evenlg, November 2, st the
Manufacturers and Land Products
Show, the Mutual Art association will
behosts of the evening. A reception
at 9 o'clock will be held, with musical
program, following, under the direction
of Dr. Clement "R. Shaw, Joseph H.
Finley and Mrs. E. D. M. Fowler. All
active associate and honorary mem
bers are requested to be present..
At Hibernian Hall.
St. Francis Court, Catholic Order of
Foresters, will give a dancing party
In the Hibernian hall, 340 Rueseil
street, on the evening of November 20.
The Amlous club will entertain on
November 11 with an informal dance
In the Hibernian hall, 310. Russell
street, between Rodney and Union
The Hibernian Bocial club will give
a rlanclng party November 18 at the
Hibernian hall. 340 Russell street.
which Is the first of a series this club
will give during the season.
Exhibition to Close.
The exhibition of original calntine-s
by Everett Knowles which has been
held in suite 307-809 Tllford building
for the past 10 days, will close Octo
ber 31. The hours are from 2 until
9 p. m.
To Give Hard Times Party.
The Ladles' Altar society. St.
Stephen's Altar society. Forty-second
and Taylor streets, will stive A hard
times party Friday evening, October
Society Notes.
Mrs. Iva J. Munter. wife Of George
Munter, the deputy director of the
Loyal Order of Moose, is visiting her
mother for a few .days In Seattle. She
is accompanied by her litle son.
Mrs. Rosq Coursen Reed Is living at
the Hawthorne apartments during ths
alteration of her residence.
Mrs. Fred Gulick and baby, who
have been visiting her mother. Mrs.
William Blusher in Pendleton for sev
eral weeks, have returned home. Mrs
Slusher accompanied her daughter and
will visit at the Alameda Park resi
dence of Dr. and Mrs. Gulish for a
short ime.
Edward Rosenblum of 212 Caruthers
street has left for Los Angeles, Cal.,
to make his home In that city.
Policemen to Guard
Halloween Night
Chief of Police Clark Xssnes Orders to
Captains of Three Beliefs; eo Men
. In Plain, Clothes.
Sixty police officers will be in plain
clothes Saturday evening to prevent
Halloween vandalism. This was the
order issued today by Chief of Police
Clark to the captains of the three re
liefs. Instead of reporting in uniform,
most of the patrolmen will report in
plain clothes for this occasion.
The orders carry the usual instruc
tions that all disorder and rowdyism
must bo suppressed. Destruction of
property will pot be tolerated. Lou J
and unreasonable noise will not be al
lowed. Policemen of the day relief
will return to work at 7 o'clock, being
sprinkled throughout the city in plain
clothes. Members of the second night
relief will go to work at 10 o'clock, in
stead of midnight
Seeks Reservations
for 1915 Round-Up
Pendleton. Or.. Oct. 29. Thoueh the
last Cheers for the 1914 Round-Up have-
recently died oirt, request has already
been received for reservations for the
1915 show. Robert M. Betts, manager
Of the Cornucopia Mines company of
New York, has written that some New
Tork mining men intend to take In the
Round-Up neyt year, and: to secure the
best possible accommodations for them
h filed his appUtion early.
SSI JolIn the Frcc Classes In Knitting and Crocheting, 9 to 12,1 to 5 Dally Second Floor
cnarge rarcnases Aiaae Tomorrow ana Kemainaer oi Month iio on Your Nov. Account
1 rgly-C
Pre-Hollday Sale Men's Neckwear
At 60c, 65c, 85C, $le!9
MAIN FLOOR An lanprtcedented Opportunity to
ehoott Christmas Neckwear at noteworthy savings.
Hundreds of beautiful new patterns. Very latest
wide flowing-end styles. See spedal window display.
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Pacific Phcme Marshall 4800
Home Phone A-6231
Neckwear Hall Price
MAIN FLOOR Beautiful hand-embroidered Coat Col
lars In large styles, many exquisite patterns to select
from. Fine sheer batiste combined with Irish crochet
and hand-made Irish Crochet Pieces ranging In price
from 15.00 to 25.oo now on sale at HALF PRICE
POTMe Stamps Tomniorrow
With Cash Purchases; ol WOMEN'S and CHIL
DREN'S Ready to Wear Apparel
lOUBLEQn Second Floor
This includes Women's Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts,
STAMPS .your dollars do their full duty shop here tomorrow and get Double Stamps with all cash
81.25 to S1.50 Kid Gloves S1.15
$1.00 to $1.50 Silk Hose 95c
MAIN FLOOR A stirring sale of MAIN FLOOR Women's fine
Women's Kid Gloves for Friday, quality JMack Silk Hose at a re
Standard qualities in 1.2$ and duced price. 500 pairs In this
$1.50 real kid and fine lambskin lot Styled with deep garter top
in P. K. and overseam sewn of finest lisle. Reinforced heels
styles. Fresh new stock. Shown and toes. Splendid range of all
in black, white, tan. Buy Christ- sizes. Standard $1.00 and $1.50
mas Gloves here and, ei lJ grades offered for Friday QC
save. $l.25-$1.50 valsll) at only, the pair VDC
50c Embroideries
MAIN FLOOR Broken lines and
small lots of Embroidery priced
for quick clean-up. Galloons and
insertions in great variety of
styles and. widths. Embroideries
in this assortment worth up to
50c the yard. Be on hand early
tomorrow ana nave first choice.
While they last on sal
at special, the yard
10 c
Presses Worffltn to $37.50
Priced Special For FRIDAY Sale At
SECOND FLOOR This lot Is composed of garments from our
regular stock lines which have sold down to one or two of a
kind. Good serviceable styles one model is of charmeuse with
shawl collar and fancy vest effect of cream lace. Over draped
skirt trimmed with cloth-covered buttons. Another model is of
crepe meteor with chiffon tunic many other stylish dresses of
velvets, charmeuse, crepe meteor, serge, crepe de chine, etc., in
good range of desirable shades. This is one of the most important dress sales we
have announced for some time and undoubtedly there will be rapid selling while any
of these are to be had. Dresses in this assortment priced to sell up to $37.50 early
in the season. Take your choice of scores of pretty models during 1 C Afl
this sale at the low price. . . sflUsUU
250 New Dress Skirts on Sale at 85.00 Each
Dainty New Waists Special $2.69
SECOND FLOOR Special purchase Of
2 So Women's smart new Dress Skirts to
go on sale tomorrow at $5. Stylish new
models in yoke effect or yoke tunic style
somejrimmed with braids, others with
bone buttons. Plain colors and attractive
combination styles, also many In th
beautiful new tweed mixtures ?c nil
SECOND FLOOR Many pretty styles
are shown in these new Tub Waists. Long
sleeves and low necks. Effectively
trimmed with lace insertions, embroi
deries and tucks. Materials include plain
and embroidered voiles, batiste and
crepe. Don't miss this opportunity to
buy a handsome new Waist at special
low price. JFull range of all M fQ
sizes. Your choice at fc.Wrf
in all colors. Very special, each
Attrsctlv New Waists of Organdie, Crape, etc.. Special $2.98
Stylish New Coats
$12.50, 315.00, $18.50"
SECOND FLOOR Tomorrow- we feature new lines of
Women's and Misses' Winter Coats at popular prices.
The styles and fabrics are of the' best produced at the
price. Ask to' see the many handsome models shown
at $12.50, $15.00 and $18.50.
AT $12.50 Women's and Misses Coats in smart new
belted effects also in long waist styles and flare skirt
models. Many of these are designed especialy for school
girls and small women. Mixtures and plain 1 O Cf
colors. Velvet and button trimmed. Price tf M.&&9
AT $13.00 Great variety of models at this price
one especially stylish Coat is in the popular Balmacaan
effect Sleeves and shoulder lined with excel- C HA
lent quality satin. Plain colors and mixtures. P AaJ.vy
AT $18.50 Women's and Misses Winter Coats in
Balmacaans, belted styles, Balkan models and Redingote
effects. Tweeds, cheviots, kersey, boucle, MO Cn
etc. Many models at plO.JV
Girls' Coats
brown baby lamb trimmed
with plush collars and cuffs.
Also smart styles In Zibelines
in all the wanted colors and
well-made and handsomely fin-
shea. Ages 6 to 14.
Priced special at. . .
New Balmacaans
At $15.50
Just received a new shipment
of Balmacaan Coats for girls S
to 14 years of age. Made of
Crayenetted English Mixtures
with Hat to match. (1C CA
Priced special at ffi).0U
Girls' Fall Dresses
At S4.98 and S6.48
and Buster styles of serges and
wool plaids, trimmed with
belts, buttons, etc Ages 6
to 14. Placed on iQ
sale at... $4.98 and 30.zd
Men's 4.50 Calf Shoes $369
Women's $5.00 Shoes at $3.69
FLOOR Men's extra duality
fall and
Chilean Calf Shoes in stylish
winter lasts, including smart short
vamped, high-toe models with heavy
double oak-tanned soles. Firm, close
grained stock. We also include a special
fine of Men's Tan Russian Calf on the
flat English model. All sizes. Q q
Standard $4.50 Shoes, pair.. OJ.Ut
MAIN FLOOR Women's button and
lace Shoes In a wide range of styles and
materials. Genuine Black Ooze, Suede,
Patent Leather, Dull Calf and Vicl Kid..
Up-to-the-minute lasts and shapes also
the common sense models for those seek
ing foot comfort. Complete assortment
of sizes and widths. Standard tfQ ft
$5.00 Shoes, the pair $O.Uf
$3.00 Shoes for "Biff Girls" Special at $2.45
MAIN FLOOR Shoes made especially for rrowing feet.
with cloth or goat toppings. Flat heels and wide toes.
Patent, Gunmetal and Kid
Sizes from 2J4
wun cioin or goai loppings, rut neeis ana wide toes. Sizes from 2J4 o AC
to 6, regular $4.00 grades for $2.95. Sixes 12 to 2, $3.00 grades, at 2.4
Women's Felt Slippers at, the Pair 98c -Women's Chocheted Slippers at, Pair. 48c
Men's $25.00 Suits $19.85
World Famous Makes
MAIN FLOOR In going through our stock
we nave come across a number of broken
lines which we wish to close out at once,
hence the special reduction noted above.
Every Suit is hand-tailored throughout with
the very best of linings, canvas, etc. In
cluded in this lot are many of the season's
best selling models made by America's fore
most clothiers, uood assortment of sizes
and neat patterns. Standard $25 flQ QC
Suits priced very special at.... pl70)
Men's $1.25 Shirts 95c 1
MAIN FLOOR Dozens of distinctive new
patterns in neat stripes or figured effects.
Plain or pleated bosoms with soft or starched
cuffs. These are all hand-laundered and the .
sizes are cut full. Standard $1.25 AC-
Shirts priced special at 7JC
Men's $2.00 Underwear
Special 95c
MAIN FLOOR Odd lines Men's Shirts and
Drawers priced for quick disposal. Mostly
all sizes good weights. Grades worth QC
to $2.00 a garment at VDQ
Men's $1.50 Gray or Tan Mocha Gloves $1.15
Man's "Shedrain" Waterproof Hats for $3,00
Men's Balmacaan Waterproof Hats only $2.00
Bath Robes and House Coats $3.50 to $18.00
Boys' Blue Serge Suits at 4.95
Boys' Corduroy Pants S1.50 Pair
Kr-v- r IB Via I :
mm ' a l !m IE m
MAIN FLOOR Boys' smart new
Norfolk Suits of splendid quality
-wool serge. Pants lined through
out with double taped seams. Coats
lined with serge. We also include
at this price 200 Boys' Norfolk in
novelty weaves with one or two
pair pants. Suits made QC
for wear. Priced special ?
MAIN FLOOR We-have Just re-
celvea by express a large shipment
of the much wanted dark brown
Corduroy Pants for Boys school
wear. These are extra well made
and are of good weight. Complete
range of sizes for boys 6 .to 17
years of age. Pnced at pl fn
only, the pair ........ eyl.tlU
Boys' Coats on Sale at $5.00j to $20.00
Sale ol Boys' Blouses At 50c Sach
MAIN FLOOR Extensive showing
of Boys' New Balmacaans In the
beautiful new tweeds and mixtures.
Styled exactly like our men's mod.
els. Alt sizes in the COfl fifi
lot. Priced $5.00 to pUUU
MAIN FLOOR Our Boys' Shirts
and Blouses are nude from the best
tf materials obtainable and the
styles and patterns are most at
tractive. Ask to see those Cf ,
priced at only . . ...... . Oil
Basement 2-Pay Sale
Women's Coats
In the Basement Underprice Store
Friday and Saturday
$15 to $20 Winter Coats
See Display In Alder Street Window
500 New Winter Coats purchased at less than manufacturer's
cost are involved in this extraordinary sale in the Underprice Store
Friday and Saturday. Every garment is new approved models for 1914
- . - . II.. - . . i-X- l.LS. - -. f XI 1 1 Lt S
mwijr mure cquauj as auraibivc. muauy iu luicc-quiuci icagius, al
though there are some full length and a few in short styles. Materials,
are of the tetter grades in Chinchilla, Fancy Plaids, Zibelines, Pebble'
Cheviots, Tweeds, Mixtures,- etc. Beautiful range of rich colors and
patterns. Sizes 14, 16, 18 and 26 for Misses and 36 to 42 for a qq
women. Standard $lS, $16.50, $18, $20 and $22.50 Coats p7.90
Per Unparalleled Millinery Ofifleipiragg
For Friday and Sattmirday
Our entire stock of Trimmetf Hati in Millinery Salons on the Second
Floor included in this sensational sale. Absolutely none reserved.
Grouped into two great lots and priced as follows;
Hats Worth Up to $50 at $15
Hats Worth Up to 12 Now $4
Unrestricted choice of All Trimmed Hats, In
cluding beautiful Imported Pattern Hats trimmed
with Ostrich, Paradise, Oura and other exquisite
novelties. This season's very choicest creations
from world-famous designers. Hats which were
marked to sell heretofore up to $50 C C Aft
Your choice Friday and Saturday at $1)UU
At $4.00 we place on sale our entire remaining
C ri lr rtf T ! m mo1 If ntc nfhSd kiw. a1 A 1 s.sA.
fore up to and including $12.00 think of it!
An opportunity to choose iri hundreds of the
season s newest and rest models in all shapes,
all colors, all trimmings. Hats that
are worth to $12.00 for ...
in all shapes, u.
Any Untrlmmed Hat in the Basement Now lor 98c v
Sweeping disposal of all Untrlmmed Hats in the Basement Millinery at 98c each. Very latest
models, including, new soft crown sailors With larze or small brims telescope crowns with nar
row brims and side-rolls round crowns with roll-brims also many different styles in popular,
turbanl. Best quality velvets and plushes., ABSOLUTELY NONE RESERVED. Your no
choice of the entire stock at 27 oC
rrrf xjari fit.
" ; ft''-
Hosiery Sale
25c Hbso ,15c Odd lines of
Women's Hose in black, tan
and red. Standard 25c
grades priced for C
Friday at, the pair luC
25c Hose 19c Women's black
cotton and lisle Hose in
heavy and Tight weights.
Full line of all sizes. 1A.
25c Hose sp'L pair 1.JC
35c Hose 29c Women's
heavy black full fashioned
Hose and lisle Hose in tan.
3 pairs for 85c or, Of).
the pair &VC
50c How 39c Women's silk
pleated and silk lisle Hose
in tan, white, black. Three
pairs at $1.15 or, OQ
the pair ........ . OVC
Annual Sale Lib bey Cot Glass
Exclusive Designs Exquisite Quality
THIRD FLOOR For practically a
the standard of excellence. Now is
at special low prices. Our entire
$1.75 Cut Glass Nappies at $1.40
$2.00 Cut Glass Olives at $2.60
$3.50 Handled Jellies now $2.80
$5.00 Cut Fruit Bowls 'only $4.00
$6.00 Cut fruit Bowls only $4.80
century Llbbey'Cut Glass has been
the time to select your holiday gifts
ine Cut Glass on sale at 20 OFF
$5.50 Sugar and Cream at $4.40
$8.00 Sugar and Cream at $6.40
$5.00 Cut Cheese Plate at $4.00
$8.00 Cut Bread Plate at $6.40
$4.0OXandle Stick at only $3.20
New Sterling Silverware in Plain Designs
Mazda Lamps tor Perlect Light I .
Mazda Electric Lamps will double your light at same cost or save half
the expense with same light. We have Maada Lamps for every putpoie.
40-watt Mazda Lights 30c 60-watt size 40c 100-watt size at 70e
IT-Vf f Fine quality Parlor Brooms with white enameled f!
ElfhiLEihandles. Priced special at only. OJfC
Glenwood Butter
75c Square
Grocery Dept., 4th Floor
Fresh, shipments received
dally. Uniform quality and
delicious flafpr. 2-1 b. 7 c
square at only I DC
20c Comb Honey special 15c
Another carload just received.
Spitzenberg,! Ortleys and De
licious finf even pack. Are
$1.25, $1.S0i and $2 box
SOO BozeW Baldwin Applos
Special. 75c Box
- - -3
Imported Kbliand Bulbs Hy
acinths, Tulips, Jonquils,
Snowdrops ia'md Narcissus.