Little orie for Bedtime , BY TrtOR NTON W JBURff Sammy Jny' Meanage to Old Man , ' ' Coyote. . .TV hi lit Farmer Brown' Boy Co- lhf a lot of hard thinking about those ! traps ha had set for Old ; Man Coyote . - Sammy lay was making- a call on Old ".Man Coyote. Yes, sir, Sammy was ; calling on Old Man Coyte. You see, J ha had been sent with a. message from the little paopla of the Smtllnr Pool and tha Green Meadows., That mes sage was a vote of thanks to Old Man ,Coyote for leading Bowser tha Hound -Into a trap and so teaching Farmer Brown s BOy a lesson. You see, they . felt, what was really true..that Farmer ' Brown's Boy would almost rather hava hen caught himself, than ito have had Bowser caught. Sammy found Old Man Coyote at home, and what do you suppose he was doing? He was digging .out and un covering every one of the traps .that . Farmer Brown's Boy had set so care fully. And an he worked) he growled and grumbled to himself, for those traps made him very angry. Sammy Stopped to listen, a vry Impolite thing . to do, and he grinned as he heard Old Man Coyote ssv all kinds: of unplas- I . - . . . fitM,.,', Dnv ant things snout urmnr ';'""" i You know sammy is aiways muiuK iv V t..n.... , v. a. nf nnv one. When I Old Man Coyots looked up and saw Hammy h snarled at himi You know I no one Ukes to overheard talking to himself, especially when saying un- i plessant things. I ammy pretended that he had Just arrived and tnat he didn't notice Old Man Cqyotes had temper. 1 5 "Good morning. Mr. Coyote, said he. i making a grand bow and speaking as pleasantly as he knew how "I have l the honor to bring you a nieaftpre from the little people of tne ureen hiphuuwb and the Smiling Pool." Old Man Coyote prioked up his ears and grinned. "What's worrying them now?" he demanded. ,"You tan go straight bak and teH them that I like the Green Meadows and that I Intend to stay here. If they don't like It thev can go themselves." You see. he knew very well that he was the most feared of all the little ,nrl livln on the Green Meadows. ?, and that no one had any love for him. I "You've guessed wrong this time, chuckled Sammy. "You've guessed ' wrong this time, Mr. Coyote. It's a , vote of thanks." What?" exclaimed Old Man Coyote, looking very foolish and very much as it'he thought Sammy Jay was making fun Of him. Probably this was the ' first time In all his life that he had ; ever been thanked for rfnything, and it ; gave him a queer feeling. , "I said It's a vote of thanks," re i plied Sammy. i "What for?" asked Old Man Coyote y- K ftp "J fsfc&js, 9 .ft "Good morning, Mr. Baid he. Coyote gruffly, and looking very much pus- fclMl. "For leading Bowser the Hound Into a trao and so teaching him and ni manter what dreadful things traps am." renlied Sammy. 'Paoh. that's nothing!" said Old Man Coyote. "I guess that silly dog has learned a lesson, but that doesn't loK if hi master .has. does it?" He pointed to the traps he had Just uncov ered. ammv scratched his head thought fully. "Nd-o," said he slowly. "No-o, I cun't say that it does. What a pity it is that some one doesn't trap him. Then you people wouldn't have to worry. . I'm glad I live in trees and not -on the ground. I don't have to worry about traps." "Do you notice that T am doing much worrying?" grunted Old Man Coyote. "Traps don't bother me. It will take some one smarter than Farmer Brown's Boy to set a trap that will catch me." Sammy looked at Old Man Coyote in admiration, for it was very plain to nee that he was not bragging. He was i Just stating a fact. "My, how smart you are'. ex claimed Sammy. "I've always said that you .were the smartest person on the Green Meadows. Nobody else, not even Granny Fox, would have been smart enough to have found those traps." Old Man Coyote looked Very much flattered. Sammy's quick eyes saw It. "I mean it," he' said. Old Man Coyote looked up at him with a kinder expres sion in his yellow eyes than Sammy ever had seen before. It began to look as If they were going to be friends. lovely, colli dog that play an import ant part and proves to be a finished artlsMn canine pte.turecra.ft. A mysterious paper that is supposed to free Hargreave from persecution, makes its appearance and the plot el ement is given fresh impulse. The set tings are interesting and the film is more exciting than for several weeks. "Tha Ragged Earl" is a delightful peek Into Old Ireland where Irish hearts weave the most delightful ro mances in fiction. The. story in this picture is no exception to that rule. The Interior and exterior settings are striking. The cast is uniformly good. Orml Hawley is beautiful and a clever actress. A character of unusual ap peal Is the old nurse of Gerald. Mr, Mack. He is the same rollicking actor on the screen that he has been on the stage. The little sister is cunning and the old roue is splendidly done. Bill Is Exceptionally Good. Every week the Sunset bills seem to have additions made in entertain ment and length. "A Prince of India," an Eclectic feature, heads the bill. The plot hinges on a ruby, "the Kiss of Death," and the incidents resulting from Its attempted theft, its acci dental loss. Kb actual theft and final recovery. The picture is given a good cast end settings but the story leans strongly to the melodramatic and the photography is not uniformly good. An American heart Interest drama is "Sweet and Low" in which a little tot brings a lost father and daughter to eetheri "Shot in the Excitement" is the Keystone comedy that is free of objectionable features and full of laughs. The picture bill Is completed with Northwest local views of Apple day and snatches of the Jefferson Lincoln football game. The Tramp quartet were popular in their vocal numbers. tovSuOpperatid ilouseKeeper Information as to where any of the articles mentioned in these columns may be purchased, . may ba secured by addressing The Shopper, care of The Journal. AMERICAN FASHIONS Next story: "Old Man Coyote Tells Where He Came From." : 1. it FRATERNAL ROTES Salem Eastern Star Members Pay Visit to Ixxlpe in Albany. i i, i 5i , i lodge, meeting, in fourth Tuesday. Hurst hall every Guests Are Banqjaeted. Tuesday evening. October 27, a large I arty of members of the Eastern Star, , n,..T.,iu rhinlur No. 37. of Halertl. (' chartered a csr on tha Oregon Electric i H and went to Albany to meet with Bar- vlllai chapter, No. 16. An elaborate I Briquet was provided. Among the guests accompanying the Salem chap ter were James E. Godfrey and Clyde Evans, past worthy grand patrons; Mis. Oscar llayter of Dallas, past worthy grand matron; Mrs. James Godfrey, worthy grand matron, and Walter M. Smith, worthy grand patron, About 125 members and guests were aboard when the train left Salem for the metropolis of Linn county , One Applicant Drowns. : Bert Noble, district deputy for the ;.' Modern Woodmen, secured 24 applica- 1 tlons for the Astoria ramp In that i city last week. Recently one of the .applicants secured by Deputy Noble there was drowned before his certlfi- . tate had been, issued by the head I camp, and an entertainment was given f that netted over 150 for the widow, ; who wss left in needy circumstances. i Card Party WsU Attended,, Alberta camp, M. W. A., gave a t card party last Monday evening that was well attended. The Neighbors of ; the Modern Woodmen in Upper Alblna , njoy the socials given every month ? bv this camp at Williams avenue and i liiiHHi 1. and always have a number of viMtors from other camps. Two Orders United. The Fraternal Aid and the Fraternal " L'nion. two beneficiary, orders, have united, under the name of Fraternal ' . Aid union, wnich gives tnem a mem- f hernhip ot 80,000. In Salem, the Or- ganisation has a flourishing loral f '. .. ....!... ' 1 rr. I "Brownatone" 1 Tints YourHair In a Minute All So -Called "Restorers" That Claim to "Gradually Restore" Color to Your Hair Are Sim 1 ply Slow Acting Dyes. Tbe stratghtest road and the short ' est cut" to the certainty of an attrac t tlvo and beautiful appearance is the J use of "Browna. tons" Hair Stsln. prepara- instantly gray, streaked or faded hair to the soft est and richest golden brown medium or brown or Just as you Knights of Columbus Initiate. Portland council. Knights of Colum bus, initiated a class of 27 members last Sunday, after which a banquet at the Portland hotel followed. J. Frank Sinnott, retiring grand knight, acted as toastmaster. Archbishop Christie and others responded. New Arcanum Xrodge. Frank Wilmot, grand regent of the Royal Arcanum for Oregon, says there will be a new lodge established in Albany shortly after the general elec tion. By that time it Is thought a larger interest will be taken in the proceedings. J Halloween Farty Tomorrow. At Manchester hall, 854 Fifth street, tomorrow, the Royal Neighbors of America will give a Halloween par ty that will be sure to attract a crowd of Modern Woodmen, as well as the fair members of the Royal Neigh bors. Visiting' Valley Assemblies. Mrs. Ella Watt, supreme instructor Of the United Articans, is visiting all the local assemblies in the Willam ette valley instructing the officers and teams in the ritual apd in drill work. Speaks to Boyal Arcanum. The Royal Arcanum, at their lunch eon at the Iraaelwood last Monday, had for a speaker Judge L. T. Harris of Eugene, who Is one of the leading members of the ord??r in that city. Lodge Growing Tart. The St. Johns Moose have over 400 members, with 35 on the way. George Munter, deputy director, hopes to make the number 500 before the year is out. Pleasant Time Promised. Friday evening the Halloween party Of Kirkpatrlok council. Knights and Ladi?s of Security, to be held in Moose hall, promises to be a pleasant evening's enjoyment to many. Z. O. O. T, Convention. The I. O. O. F. district convention for Wasco, Hood River and Sherman counties, will meet in Dufur Novem ber . ladles' xriglit Held. P. J. Oilmore, secretary of the 6t Johns Loyal Order of Moose, led the St Johns visitors to the ladies' night last evening. Two Hundred Applications. The Portland Loyal Order of Moose has over 200 applications ort the way to the altar. A hat design as smart as It Is practical. By Lillian E. Young. "Rakish" best describes the tilt and general lines of the newest chapeaux. If, in themselves, they do not exploit a very decided slant, they must be placed atop the head at a positively perilous angle, whether they are large or small. The vogue of the small hat is respon sible for the simplified method of hair dressing, which is undoubtedly one thing to its credit. There is no deny ing the charm of small hats. A cer tain well-defined "dash" about them commends them to high favor. One-sided effects are a noticeable Innovation, and height, whether con fined to one-sided effects or due to trimmings, Is. sought after just now. The season has been marked by this trend. This Is exemplified in the model of today's sketch, where the hat Itself is uite small, but given extra height at the already high left side by an up tanding trimming of heron feathers. The shape shows the military persua. ion in the sharp, tn-corner lines of the brim. It is made In black velvet bound about the top with a silver galloon. The top is filled in with velvet just puck rea enough to avoid a too stiff and plain appearance. The sheaf of plum age Is arranged at the top of the brim under a long flat bow of galloon. Although large hats have come back to us. It is difficult to tell whether hey or the small shapes are most popular, for despite the decided growth n the size of hats the small ones. having become so well liked, hold their own. Beauty ffint. "This liquid face powder is without doubt tha finest thing of the sort we have ever had, for it seexna to fill in the wrinkles .round out the face and make it look fresher and rosier than any face preparation X know of," thus said the head of the toilet goods , de partment in one of the big town shops while she showed me a French lotion eomlng in all shades, white, flesh and brunette. Beware of a Jealous Jttuband. Here is a bit of wisdom born of experience and coming straight from a very level headed little Portland woman: "The jealous man as a hus band la not a success; for such a man can make life most uncomfortable. When you ara first married it may seem Clever to have a man JalOusly watching every move you make; but it soon ceases to be a pleasure when you see his eyes turn green at some commonplace remark you receive- from a mala friend. Soma women think that where there is no jealousy there la no true love; but I say where there is confidence ther is peace, and the green eyed monster does not abide long, even if he does make a fleeting visit. What bids for happiness is absolute trust, and the compliment of such trust goes far to keep a man straight. So avoid the Jealous man, for he is likely to be exacting and petty in other ways. The New Blouses, I was admitted to the "holy, of holies"- of tho waist department of a big downtown firm yesterday that is, the buyer's office, where the very latest novelties are received either singly or in lots Of half a dozen. The newest wrinkle noted was the lily waist, a stiffy-starched waist with rolling collar of lily shape and funny little pointed cuffs that are quite the perkiest things imaginable. Halloween Zs IT ext. The decorative schemes for All Hal loween are exceptionally clever this year. Quaint table- adornments and favors are seen in the shops In al most bewildering variety. Grotesque Jack-o-lanterns and weird shapes of Halloween symbols are all so allur ing that everyone wants to f give a party. Appeals to the hostess in search of novelties are bats, owls, pumpkins, witches and black cats, all in varying sizes and degrees of quaint ness. Saint Matrimony is the patron saint of Halloween, and it is tha night of all nights to peer into the future, and particularly for discover ing just what sort of a husband or wife fate has decreed for the un married. Here is a particularly clever recipe for a part of your refreshments at your Halloween party: Ghost Apples Large perfect ap ples are cored and baked until soft. but not long eaough. to burst the skins. Tiiese are cooiea ana ssrvea singly to each person, together with a marshmaiiow, tnree cunes or cugar and a liquor glass of brandy. The majshmallows are pushed down into the bottom of the cavities left by the removal of the cores and the remain ing space filled With the cubes of sugar. Upon these the brandy is poured and then lighted. It burns N8 It : i -J . fXl 71-V hair t iTV vt "Brownatone" i7i?f will always give V: Qj&AV'fc22 you the most : CSaV14r Pleaslhg r e s u 1 ts 1 T THEATRICAL NEWS Flgman'e Skill as Actor Severely Tested in "What's His Name". Sole Is Trying One. Max Flgman is paying another eel- lUlOid Visit to Portia mi TVila llm. dark I 4. n t the Star 4n "WViofo VI i iv' blackT a film adaptation of George Barr Mc- u " "" i i ;iiir-.neotv nnvei nf that ttn r,-u JUHI twill" l I rol in wMCh Mr liMlrmAn anr..B t brush it into your not Bn f . , sun retain tne aamiration of his audi ence. But Mr. Figman's skill is ennal to tne taeK and he gives a splendid portrayal filled with whimsical humor and arenuiriA hanrt aisncol and you need have vu , ffti .... had no previous ,,mo .ir, wi.n ,,. T"'e i . uttugiuci, in experience. I TV., X tw . V 4t impossible of detection, will not also This screen wife and th , rub or wash off. and needs retouch- f Li? ?iJ1!,m. 5 . e Cai!S9 J ing only as the hair grows out. r i11 "J trouble. She gives her - Brownatone nair stain is rar gu. wusini penormancc. i'tt, iui w vij, vnu km ausuiuieiT i ,m mat m . email town harmless in every way. couple. Tha wife finds an nnnnrh.nit. e meantime Sold by all update .druggists, in to go Ton T the rTndbeon,". th Tj two sizes, 25c and $1.00. If you ara e ., v-v t iT .. i! L offered a substitute" save annoyance .tlt"-?.!, meantim 8 , t ci by refusing It and ordering "Browna- PPrting the husband and llt- tone" direct from the makers. e a&ugmer, wnom sne leaves after Insist on "Brownatone" at vonr I a time, only to be reunited in tha jiairurpener si. A trial Pottle and interesting book-1 wBv - m, i.. .,, .11.4 ... , a - -. " " wm rn. ,c milieu iui xv tcuw. i ThAPA Ik nlontv aA . D..n..ui . ,. i i . j vmiiuie ana Vo. vin"-7 o. , ?- I romance at tne Columbia Wher tha program is composed of "The Ragged can wnn Anarew Mack in his old Co.. 581 Pike 8t.. Covington, Ky. For Sale by THE OWL DRUG CO. to Stores on the Tacifio Coast part, and the Million Dollar. Mystery I -.i"j uuucigiuuna niver. A tieW viur appears in tne nraim. with a ghostly blue flame until the alcohol is consumed and the sugar melted. "The apples are then eaten With cream. Bulgarian. Vanity Bags. We have all seen vanity bags and vanity bags, until we thought there could not possibly be anything new under the sun in the way of these trifles; 'yet a the toilet goods depart ment of one of the downtown shops I was shown the quaintest conceit I have yet seen. It was rather small and was embroidered in gay Bulgarian colors, and inside were tiny pockets containing the powder, rouge, mirror and all the things which the perfectly groomed woman of this year of our Lord 191 requires. Bluebird. Bohemian Glass. Maeterlinck's wohderful bluebird. the symbol of happiness, now comes to us from far off Bohemia, where it is spreading its lovely blue wings across the expanse of glass moulded into charming vases, nappies, flower baskets, bowls and other odd pieces. A varied assortment of these lovely new pieces' of Bohemian glass are to to be fouhd in one Of the big down town shops, where imported novelties are so often first seen. fashion's Manifesto. Corduroys will be worn "again, vel veteens and velours will be elegant and distinctive. Quaint little bead tassels appear on the basques of some of the new basque designs. Many of the fashions now In favor have been inspired by the costumes worn in Russia, a cnarming nnisn to a gown is a little hood lined with velvet and fin ished With a tassel. The more simple tailored suits have coats a little shorter, not exceeding half lengths. No collection of frocks is complete without one of the black and white combinations. The fad of the hour in footwear is the fawn, tan, gray or brocaded cloth topped boots. Beads are playing an important part in dress. They trim girdles, blouses and gowns. Do not forget to add the collar and cuffs of black velvet, when planning your new suit. The new aanca frocks are very short and their skirts a"e wider than they have been for some time. Upstanding ruches are very effec tive on brack satin afternoon gowns; they are used even on the skirts. A reminiscence of the oriental fash ion of a few years ago is the heavily beaded ornament for the girdle. Vests are worn with the smarter styles of coats, and they generally fasten up to the neck, with the lower fastenings undone. Black and white neckwear Is fash Ion's latest whim. There are charm ing chemisettes in black and white to Wear with the coat suit. The smock, frock is new. This stun ning frock is an adaptation of loose hanging smocks worn by the peasants of Normandy and Touraine. to get the most out Of it? Does it bring in all I wantT How can I work less hard without being fired? Docs my job treat MB right? These are some of our thou ah ts oh the business. But it's well to get On the other side ClulDActivities B&t& To Reorganize Minnesota Society. Seventy-five r.atlVKa anil fsnnar f. ones in a while. To look at the whole; idents of the Oopher state held an in- thing from tha boss's noint. Ask yourself a few questions such as he might be supposed to make. Is it paying me to keep on Miss Blank? DO the returns she brings in warrant the salary I'm paying her? Would another girl at a less salary do- as well is she interested enough in my business to civs it the best there is in her? Does she waste a lot of the firm's time? Will She attract custom ers or repel them? formal meeting at Central library Tuesday night and chose a temporary set or officers, and appointed a com mittee on permanent organisation. A large number of those present ware one time workers In the old Minne sota society, which had the largest membership of any of the state dubs, nearly 1700 names being on the regis ter. Many informal talks were given on the good times in store for the so ciety in a social way, and aa a means These are a few of the auestions he "i"' "T.- 1T7 V1- t,.r vu.i1i.uw 'U ""ln'",S How will he answer them? Your future may depend very largely on to at. Just try answering them yourself. and ahswefing them fairly. Think over each Item carefully, looking our- seir squareiy in tne eye. If you find.. that perhaps he may be answering one or two not quite so favorably as you'd like, turn in to make him change his Opinion In that direction. Keep at yourself until you can feel pretty certain that when the boss asks himself questions about you the an swers are going to be all on your side. If you do that right along, you can soon ask the boss a question or two yourself. You might even ask for a raise! Work for Belgian Eelief Is Begun Portland Hopes to Get ruad to Corn pars Favorably With San Xranois co's 3rnnd of $8000. ' With a written appeal to be circu lated among the Belgians of the city asking them to give what they can themselves, and co-operate in the ef fort to have other persons give for the relief of the Belgian victims of war, the work of the Belgian relief com mittee, which was organized yesterday, was started this morning. The meet ing was held in the'Labbe building and Dr. O. G. Goffin was elected chair man of the committee. The other of ficers are R. M. Van Hoomissen, sec retary; C, Henri Labbe. treasurer, and Joseph Closset, H. M. deFrance, A. Colsen, E. P. Lamotte, J. Dossche, J. H. Boon and A Guyot, members of the executive committee. The Belgian re lief committee at San Francisco col lected $8000 to be forwarded to the re lief of the refugees, and it Is hoped to raise a sum here that will compare favorably. Electric ovens for bakeries require less than one-fourth of the floor space of brick ovens of equal capacity. THE POINT OF VIEW By Jessie Roberts. Do you know, girls, a lot of us fall down on our Job because we never think "of looking at it except from oUr own point of view? What can it do for ME? How am I new ones. Dr. A. M. Webster. Mrs. Webster, Sam Olson, Mrs. McOowan, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Rogers and many others mads addresses, and Phil Bates told of the efforts to form an .organization for each state that would not only prove an interesting social club, but would help in entertaining our relatives and friends as they pass through Port land on their journey of business or pleasure. C. T. Haas was made temporary chairman and George Dries, secre tary. Both these men were hard workers In the old society. A committee on organization was appointed, as follows, with George Dries, chairman: Mrs. Clark. Mrs. McGowan Dr. A. M. Webster and Samuel Olson. The next meeting will be held Friday night. November I 6, in Central library. Every member of the old society is urged to be pres ent and all native or former residents of the Gopher state will be welcomed. R R Tuesday Afternoon Club. Mrs. A. A. Bailey, 1516 Hawthorne avenue, entertained the Tuesday Aft ernoon club ,thls week. The study of Scandinavian drama was continued and the following program given: "Peer Gynt. an Art Drama," Mrs. Merwln Pugh; "Ghosys, a Social Drama." Mrs. K. M. Miles; "Bjornson and Ibsen." Mrs. Frank McKay. Mrs. D. L. McKay read a cutting from "The Lady of the Hea." The guests of the club were Mrs. J, C. Whitney and Mrs. Moore. The club will meet November 3 with Mrs. Henry Berger, 850 Wasco street. Vancouver Woman's Club. Provided that the cost of making improvements Is not too great, the Vancouver Women' club will fix up a small park at the foot of Main street, and a committee has been appointed to look into the matter and ascertain the cost of putting the ground into shape. Arrangements can be made with the railroad company whereby the tract can be secured and as soon as the cost of improving the same can be estimated work will begin. Another matter which the club will consider will be that of a playground in the vicinity of Arnada scihol. This matter was brought to thl attention of the club by Mrs. C. W. Nhols, who discussed "Playgrounds afid Parks." Will Entertain ShakespeSire Club. Mr. W. W. Downard wifii entertain the members of the PortlaBS Shakes- ; pears club and their husbaKaa Thurs day evening with a Halloren iiarly at her home, 5J3 E. J.lnetetn street, north. During the evening reports from the Stats FederatloCwlii he given and the year books Vir be dis tributed. si n n at jr Cornelius Woman's Club. The Women' Civic Injprovement club held a meeting here lpt evening. Mrs. Wilcox, the past preedent. who had Just returned from Eufene, where she went as -a delegate totthe ' state convention of the Civic Federation of Clubs, made a very, interacting re port. At the next mtetlng Jo be held ot November 3, the school library, park and station Improvement work will be taken up and aeteipfupon. H, H eV i; Irvlngton Park Cab. The Irvlngton Park cluB will give an old fashioned Halloweeni larty Sat urday evening in the club hMl, corner Thirtieth street and nvljjingsworlh avenue. All members and jfriends are invited and are requested-jto bring a box luncheon for two perjjns. fct e st V; C. T. U, Meeting. The regular weekly Meeting of Central W. C. T. U. was hj-ld in their rooms yesterday afternoorgi This be-' ing the last meeting befogs the elec tion, there was a large r Attendance and much Interest was sianifetitcd. Mrs. Hattie Wilson preicaed. Mrs. Mary Mallet and Mrs. M.fjL. T. lii.l den spoke on the amendments to be voted on at the coming election. R P. K. O. Luncheon TcjJiorrovr. The regular monthly fjincheon of tha P. E. O. Sisterhood 111 be held tomorrow at Olds, Wortmf'n & Klna'a tea room at Vi:S0. Alt vjfiting P. K. O. members are cordially invited lo be present. , FAMILY IS IN CgSTRESS There Is acute sufferlngUn a family at 619 Kerby street because the fath er and mother have beeiB'f unable to secure work to support i jheir three small children. The father has been without work for five or six montiitc The mother is also willing to work, but can find none. The fsjnily ha nra food In the house. Offeriof relief any kind may be made tp5kliss Mayer, 364 Schuyler street, whoie telephone number is East 6924. g' H EH H H HH (SI HH M H ID 13 H " I. . . "we sell everything a First Class Drug Store should 39 Burglar and Cop Fight on High Roof Los Angeles, r'al., Oct. 29. Police Servant John Mart fought a revolver duel with a burglar today, on the roof of a tall apartment building. The burglar escaped down a drain pipe. after. Mart believes, he had been wounded. From his beat Mart saw the man slip over the roof, to which he had ascended by means of a drain pipe. The officer took an elevator to the roof, and confronted ihe marauder as he attempted to lower himself throueh a trap door. Over the roof, behind chimhevs. the pair fought. The burglar fired sev eral shots at Mart, but tha officer was uninjured. The burglar escaped down the drain pipe he had ascended. Patient Resting Easily. Mrs. Clara M. Baldwin, wife of L. B. Baldwin of the Oregon Agricultural college. Corvallis, is resting easily after a critical operation Saturday morning at Good Samaritan hospital. u wo This Coat Be Simply Perfect to Wear with the Basque Waist I Just Bought at 'Cherry's?" "It's a COLLEGE COAT. Adrienne. See the stunning wide belt and these cute pleats at the back and front! And what nifty buttons, too! And, my dear.- will you loo" at the price just $12.95 and buyable on CREDIT! "Well, I'm going to take this coat home With me this minute! I've ar ranged to pay for it BY THE WEEK and 1 11 do the same with this coat." "Say, I ought to have one of these College Coats, too, Mabel. This nifty striped one would look, fine with mv Redingote Dress. Oh, yes, I bought that here at CHERRY'S, too. "There- are some awfully stylish checked patterns here, ' too. Mabel. Hurry! Let's tell their we'll get these ON CREDIT, Most of the girls know about CHERRY'S Washington street, 389-391 in the Pittock block. (Adv.) Music tor E very Home Music is as necessary to the home where contentment and joy reign, as are light and air. What is there that can take the place of music? What is there that is at once so exhilarating and so sooth ing? Dullness is unknown where music is, especially when it is music of your own production. iilltaSii . -X- i IS5 555 With the ANGELUS Player Piano you can play all the music of all the world The ANGELUS is a marvelous means that imme diately gives you control of all the music making possibilities of the piano. No previous skill is required. All that is needed is a love of music and a desire to produce it. The wonderful Phrasing Lever, requiring but a slight pressure of the finger, will enable you to put in the tempo nuances, while the Melodant will bring out the mel ody clear and sparkling, and emphasized just the way you .prefer it. 1 will be your own personal playing as truly as though you were the most skilled pianist in the whole world. The Phrasing Lever and the Melo dant are patented devices indis pensable to musical expression and are found only on the Angelus. It Is these features that distin guish ANGELUS playing from that of all other instruments; that permit individual expression. " ir- ".i.jjjf riii f" -- i Musio Rolls of tha XAtest "Hits" for all Standard Players Morrison Street at Broadway OTHER STORES Saa Francisco, Oakland. Sacramento, San ?ose, os Angeles, San Diego and other aoaat cities. . ,-Jii. m Alkaline Solution) as a re lief for that catarrhal condition 29c Bisurated Magnesia . . . 30c Bromo Quinine 12c Cuticura Ointment .. .32c Capillaris 29c , Correspondence Cards, gilt edge, special 15c Dioxogen 14c Doan's Kidney Pills . . 29c Fels Naptha Soap, 6 for 25c Fellows' Syrup Hypophos phites, $1.50 size. . .98c Hays' Hair Health 30c Hair - Brushes, regular 50c value ........ 39c Garfield Tea 14c Distributers in This City ot "VINOL" THE GREAT TO1TI0 Hospital Cotton, 1 - pound;; package Hood's Sarsaparilla . . 66ci Kirk Cough Balsam, re J: lieves that hacking cough 15ci! - ?: Lemon or Vanilla Extract J full attamgth . . 2 f or 25c Lyon's Tooth Powder or!? loom rasie iuc Murine Eye Remedy . . 28r a- Pond's Extract, 50c size at?5 only 29f Papes' Cold Compound I 6ff i. Swamp Root 59cj Spratt's Dog Cakes . . . 17 Wyeth's Sage and Sulphu (for the hair) 32 Ezolnaiva Slatrihator of "REX ALL" OTTAXAVTEXTD REMEDIES. say Ml CANDY SPECIALS 15c Reg. 25c lb. Chocolate Drops Special, lb. Regular 35c lb. Gum Drops Special, lb. Old -Fashioned Stick IQ, Candy 2-lb. box . . . OC 20c Regular 35c a lb. Chocolate Marshmallows A- Special, lb LXiC BARR'S SATURDAY CANDY on sale at 29c a lb. Saturdays Only. Ml "Satisfaction in Every Transaction" s TWENTY STORES ON THE PACIFIC COAST WASHINGTON AT BROADWAY, PORTLAND, OREGON m 5 m