The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 28, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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    f r
301at PAY OF 1914.)
Reed college on the measures up be-! This la the first anniversary of the
EAKEkt-BroadwsT tod Sixth. Curtalna 2:20
-and 8:Aj. Matinee huuday, WeduestUy
d Halurdajr. linker fUjen In "IJuQgiit
. aud I'ald Fur."
BAkKH fcleveutn and Morrison. Curtain
. and i:'A. Uatiuees Sunday, YYetiiu-
day aud bsiurdur. iiutr llsjers, No. J,
lu "Motlier." , ...
FAMTAlifcl Broadway at Alder. Vaudeville.
Curtain 2: Jo, 7:JO and 9:10.
LOEWS LMfHtfVi Uruadwujr at Yamhill.
Vaudeville. ConUBUuua 1-Su tu 5:UO, 0:30
to 11 week davs. C'uuUuuuua I to 11 Hun
day. LY K1C Fourth at Btaik. CurUlna 2:30, 7:20
and 0:10; Keatlu- Flood Musical Com
edy Company lu "flie Motile of l'aria."
COLC.MblA fciiUi, ktnetu WaabluKtun and
fclarfc street. Motion picture. 11 a. m. to
11 u. ui.
FbOl'lE West 1'aik at Alder street. Mo
tion pictures. UUJO a. ni. to 11:30 p. m.
BTAU, WasbluKtou at Park. Motion pictures,
11 a. ni. t' 11 l. ui.
CLOLtfc Wa.tiUitfiuu at Kleventh. Motion pic
tures. 12 ui. to 11 p. u.
ii-SJlSSTK a'ulugtwu at Park. Motion pic
tures. 11 4. Ui. 10 11 p. IU.
HLAbi.X W jiiiiitou bt ttroudnay. Motion
lliiures. 11 a. iu. to ll p. uj.
CluCLli l-'oiirtu aud WashltiKtou. Motion pic
tures. 1U;J-J a. Iu. lo HUo u. IU.
ART MLScLil Finn aud 'laylor. ilour to
-6 week days, 2 to a ttuudu, tree nfternoou
of Xuesduy, Itiuisday, Imuaj, Saturday aud
Public Library' Meetings.
All October uieetluK are traa and open to
toe public.
October 2& aud 31 Democratic state com
uctooer 28 to 20, Inclusive, 8 a. ni. U 5
p. ui., except Friday, 'Jcluuer oO, ifcorulug sea-
iou only. dials Conreutlou Oregon cougie
st Uwlliers.
Today's Events.
Manufacturer. ' mid i.vud 1'roUucts Show
at Armory, October is to November 11.
Harvest uiuuer duuev ut Oouiuiercuil, club,
st 7 o'cloi-k.
Columbia play 11111 Acadero - at football.
Uultnomah Held, at o.U o'clock.
1'aclllc oituvfteiii Uouiereiice of Ajner-
Irau dumlay Kcuuol I uiuii, October 28. Y
V C. A. buildiua;, lodu ; if- M. C. A-. build
ing tonight.
Coming Events.
ProgrcsblTe llmtiuess .Men club luncheon
at Hotel MullliouiaU October 2M. -
Jelteifon ultih plays 1'ortlaud Academy at
fuutba 1. Muliuoiuab field, October iiu.
IttaUy Hoard luacueou at the Beuaun Octo
ber MJ.
Oregon-Civic league luncheon at Multnomah
hoiel. October iil. .
opeuluK concert of . Symphony orchestra No
vember l.
blectlou day, November 3.
Kutury club luncheon st Hotel Benson, No
veuiber ii.
'1 ranaportatlon clu'a luncheon at Hotel Mult
nuuiab, .November U.
Klter Trips.
Steamer Georglaua to Astoria, dally except
Monday. WasUiuictOD street dock.
I'Hlles City, to The Dalles and Cascade
LorkM. dallv except Sunday. Alder street dock.
bleuiuir iSUile of Wasbliiglou to The Dalles
dally except luuraday. Taylor street dock
Tort Information Supplied.
In forma I lou regarding this port may be ob
tained from the ruruund cnauiber or com
Uierce. Bl Uttu street. Telephone Main Wtt3
r A 12US.
fore the people at the coming elec
tion. The next lecture In the Reed col
lege extension coarse 12 natural sci
ence, will be given tomorrow after
noon at 3 o'clock: in the biological lec
ture room of the college by Dr. Wil
liam Conger Morgan. His topic will
be "The Autobiography of the Earth.
The Reed college conference on labor
problems will meet tomorrow evening
at 7 o'clock In the seminar room of
the social sciences.
society and officers for the coming
year will be elected. All members of
the society are urgently requested to
be present. Alio, former Kansans wel
His license ztevoked. The state
board of medical examiners Monday
afternoon revoked the license of Dr.
C. J. Dean. Sheriff "Word raided his
museum of anatomy," at Second and
Morrison, . last Saturday and carried
away numerous clay models to be used
as evidence. Circuit Judge Gatens re
fused a restraining order asked for by
the attorneys of Dean. Dean has been
practicing in this state since July 6,
1910, -first opening in Baker. The Ore
gon "Social Hygiene society presented
the evidence against him.
Judge Medina and Sr. Chapman to
speak. A meeting under the auspices
of the Everybodys' Equal Suffrage
league will be held this evening at 8
o'clock in Room H at the Central li
brary. Tenth and Yamhill streets, to
consider the amendments to be voted
on in the November election. Judge
McGinn and Dr. C. II. Chapman will
speak. Judge McGinn will speak par
ticularly of the non-partisan judiciary
bill. Miss Lida M. O'Bryon will pre
side. Everybody is invited.
Injured Child Disappears. While
Fred Green, 1500 Hawthorne avenue,
was telephoning the police last evening
that his auto had struck a child, a
sister of the Injured child took her
home and Green was unable to find
the child when he sought to give med
ical attention. The child was playing
in the street at Twenty-first and Hoyt
Btreets. In some manner Green's auto
mobile knocked it to the pavement. The
Injuries were slight.
Br. S. C Brown, Eye, Ear. Mohawk
building. (Adv.)
Alleged Violation
Being Investigated
Acta of Cmt-to-Win Prohibition Party
in Attacking County Clark Coffey
Wow Under Scrutiny.
District Attorney Evans is investi
gating an alleged violation of the cor
rupt practices act by the "Out to Win
Prohibition Party," and will present
his evidence to the' grand Jury Fri
day. A circular letter was Issued by
the Prohibitionists and signed by S.
Alice Hanson, . J. Sanger Fox, W. T.
Mallory, N. G. Hedin and J. Allen
Harrison, in which charges are made
against John B. Coffey, county clerk.
"Is the county clerk's office cor
rupt?" is asked in a prominent line
on the j cover of the circular. In the
circular letter it is charged that too
much money has been paid for print
ing sample ballots and other ballots.
Mr. Coffey designates the charges as
"silly." The law provides that charges
made against a candidate must be
first submitted to him 15 days before
t ublicatfon, and Mr. Coffey alleges
in a letter that the circular and letter
was not submitted to him until the
27th, although the letter was dated
the 2 2d. He says that section 3519,
.Lord's Oregon Laws, has been vlo-
luted, and accordingly turned the mat
ter over, to the district attorney. At
the headquarter of the "Out to -Win'
Prohibition pary in the Behnke,Walker
building, one of the committee was
seen, but refused to say" anything
whatever about the matter, or to give
he name of the attorney consulted
y the defense.
The official count of the ballots cast
in yesterday's election must, according
to law, begin within five days. It Is
probable, however, that it will be
started' this afternoon. The ..election
officials may receive . their pay some
time within the next three weeks.
Club Will Give Social.
The Musical and Literary Club soci
ety of the Hawthorne Park Presby
terian church will give a Halloween
social Saturday evening at 8 o'clock in
the church parlors. Games, program
and refreshments will be indulged in.
All young people of the church and
community are invited.
, This Is the Life!
Selling high grade men's clothing
upstairs. : I give the people more for
their money and escape the high-rent
landlord. The men's suits and over
coats! sell at $14.75 and Ji8.75 would
cost you $20 and $25 in a ground-floor
store. Jimmy .Dunn, aib-io-iv oregu
nian building. Elevator to third
floor. (Adv.)
Card of Thanks.
We wish to thank our many friends
and neighbors for their kindness -and
svmDathv shown us during our late
bereavement in the death of our be
loved husband and father.
Villa Will Depose
General Carranza
Delegates to Peace Conference Agra
to Make xt the Sovereign Powrr in
the Mexican Republic
El Paso. Texas, Oct. 28. Reports
received here today from Aguas Cali
entes said that General Villa's dele
gates to the peace conference had car
ried a measure declaring the conven
tion to be the sovereign power of the
republic, and that General Carranza
would be deposed as provisional presi
dent. The meeting, it was said, was
an especially stormy one.
The Carranza generals fought the
resolution bitterly, but the Villistas,
with the support of the Zapatistas
mustered a considerable majority. Full
details of the proceedings have not
been received here. It was announced
today that Francisco Mujica's confes
sion of his attempted assassination of
Villa caused much excitement In the
convention when It and Villa's formal
protest against such tactics were read.
Mujica was executed for his attack on
Villa. K
and Chicago limited on the Chesapeake
& Ohio railroad jumped the track today
at Berbersvllle, W. Va. The ears were
all of steel construction and there was
no telescoping.
Los Angeles Man Is
Murdered in Desert
Member of Pioneer Los Angeles Fam
ily Shot Wear Mojave, His Gold,
Which Ha was Carrying' Out, Is Gone.
Los Angeles, Oct. 28. Murdered in
the desert and robbed, the body of
Joseph Sepulveda, member of a pio
neer Los Angeles family, has been
fourtd near Mojave, according to mes
sages to his relatives here. Sepul
veda was last seen several weeks ago
when he left Simi, a desert station, for
Los Angeles. He drove three horses
and carried a quantity of gold. He
was shot through the shoulder and the
head, and the gold was missing.
Limited Jumps the
Track, 18 Are Hurt
Chesapeake ft Ohio Past Train Wracked
at Berbexsville, W. Va.; Steel Cars
Pail to Telescope.
Richmond, Va., Oct. 28. Eighteen
passengers were injured, five serious
ly, when three Pullmans and .a day
coach of the Richmond, Washington
In sending want ads for The Sun
day journal by -mail be sure you al
low enough time. All want ads must
be at The Journal office before 8 p. m.
fcaturaay in order to secure proper
classification in The Sunday Journa
Card of Thanks.
We wish to express our appreciation
and thanks to our friends and neigh
bors who so kindly and sympathetioally
assisted us during the illness, death
and bereavement of our loving daugh
ter and Bister: also for the many beau
tiful floral offerings.
FAMILY. (Adv.)
An old business House
will quit f previa:!
By David M. Botaford
Q Old timers in Portland
can look back 20, 30, 40
years, to the time when the
name Rummelin & Gut
mann was a familiar sight
over the old fur store down
on First street.
J Today I met the Misses
Rummelin, now in charge
of this business. They are
TIRE STORE winding up
the affairs of this old-established
firm and QUITTING
Q I am not a (fur expert,
but I could readily see' that
while their FURS WERE
MINUTE, they were of
q If the iyOMEN OF
PORTLAND; only realized
stock of fu
posed of ;
long in
is being dis-SACRIFICE
theypjvvould not be
FURS to btf isold at HALF
PRICE! . Gyving to the;
great respotfee Monday and'
Tuesday, this EXTRAOR-
be continue; until . the 100
are sold.' $i . "
Q RemembfsH the location.
G. P. R U l M E L II &
SONS Quitting business
forever feECOND ST.
Kanley Meeting for Women tomor
row afternoon. There will be a Hanley
meeting at the Central library, 3 p. m.,
when matters of special interest to all
women will be discussed. Mr. Hanley,
candidate for U. S. senate, will be
there. Miss Anne Shannon Monroe will I
preside. All women specially invited.
Woman Zs In JureiL M rs. Edna Rutt,
388 East Burnside street, fell from a
stseet car Sunday evening at Fifth and
Washington streets and injured hr
hick and side. The injuries caused
her removal this morning to the Good
Samaritan hospital from her home,
where she-was taken immediately after
the accident.
Fire .and Police.
Fire department Main 770O, A-1323.
folic department Main 7181. A-0751.
Today's Forecast.
Portland and Tlclr-lty: Fair, tonight aud
Tturnlny; easterly i inds.
Oregon aud Wusblngtun: Fair tonight and
Thursday; easterly ivluds.
Idaho: Fair toulgbt and Thursday.
Weather Conditions.
A large high pressure overlies the gulf and
' south Atlantic states and the barometer la
relatively high over the llocky mountain
states. A dt-pre.uloii of great magnitude la
central northeast of the lake region. Scarcely
any rain fell lu the United States during the
last 24 hours. Temperatures have risen de
cidedly lu the plains states. It Is unusually
cold everywhere east of the Mississippi river.
On the Pacific slope the temperatures are
slightly nbova normal.
The conditions are favorable for fair weath
er In this district tonight and Thursday
with no marked chineea In temperature.
District Forecaster.
A Bad PalL While' M. E. Shorb,
1727 East Sixteenth streetwas work
ing on a tower wagon yesterday after
noon at Maplewood, his support gave
away, and he fell 10 feet to the ground.
His injuries consisted of bruises of the
ips and side. He was taken to the
Good Samaritan hospital.
Kanley Meeting. Mrs. Florence Fos-
ter Hammond and Mrs. B. G. Skulason .
are to be the soloists at Women's Han-
ey club meeting, Central library, to-
morrow 3 p. m. Ail women specially
asked. (Adv.) j
Engine Catches Pire, The engine in
the auto of William Hildebrandt, 421
Yeon building, took fire last evening
at Fifth and Alder streets. The fire
department was called to put out the
Por Orphans' Benefit. The Colum
bus club boys, assisted by the Y. L. S.
girls, are to entertain at a Halloween
card party and dance for the benefit
of the orphans at Columbus club
Thursday evening, October 29.
ftaker, Or,
Boise, Idaho
Boston. -Mass
Chicago, 111. ".
Denver, Colo
Iluluth, Minn
l-i.relta, C'al
Fresno, Cal
Galveston, Texai ...v
Havre, Mont
Jacksonville, Fla. . . t
Kansas City, Mo. ....
Lew Is ton. I dab" ....
Los Angeles, CaL
alsrshfield. Or. .....
New Orlesns. I,s. ,..
New York, N. Y. ...
North Head, Wash..
North Yakima, Wa-.ii.
l'hoenlx, Arls
fYrtland, Or
Kvweburg, Or.
Sacramento, CaL ....
ISt. Louis, Mo
Salt Ike. Utah
San Francisco, aCal.. .
Battle, Wash
Bltka. Alaska
Spokane, Wssh
Tacoma, Wash. ......
Totoosb Isl'd., Wash
Vitldez, Alaska
Walla Walla, Wash..
Washington, 'D. ...
Winnipeg, Man
Temperature. s
i -2
. 3 a
:! S r$ 2$ i
K ti 35
5 " V
r. P c ? si
a 3 ta
f 0 38 10 0
40 70 42 4 0
Wi 2 28 10 O
40 48 38 20 0
38 7(( 8 8 0
32 42 32 0 0
82 SS 50 6 0
60 88 GO 0 0
58 64 58 4 0
30 58 30 4 0
48 68 46 12 0
42 50 40 14 O
:t8 .. 38 0 O
OS 00 64 8 0
46 70 44 O 0
46 G2 44 8 0
36 42 30 20 0
CO 72 50 6 0
.18 70 38 4 0
O0 81) 60 4 0
52 71 52 2 0
50 08 48 4 0
56 84 56 4 0
38 46 36 24 0
48 68 48 4 O
58 76 56 4 O
46 02 46 4 0
(A) 52 38 2 .10
31 M 31 4 O
42 62 42 4 O
52 58 52 20 0
"2 ..32 4 .28
46 62 46 4 O
, .'18 44 32 6 0
38 50 30 4 Q
P. M. report of preceding day.
Thanks for lantern Slides. Arthur
M. Geary, of Columbia university.
New York city, has written the Port
land Commercial club his thanks for a
set of lantern slides covering the
beauties of the Columbia river, which
was sent him to assist in a series of
lectures on the west. On his first lec
ture, in the Harlem district, he says
he was greeted with a large and eager
crowed" which fairly went wild when
the pictures of the Columbia gorge
and other rugged scenes were thrown
on the screen.
Autobiography of the Earth. At
the assembly hour tomorrow morn
lng, 11 o'clock, Dr. William Melding
Oghurn will .talk td the students of
First e? Oak Streets
Telephones: Main i6y A1165
Hotel Lenox
has more attractive accommodations
and rates, than any modern hotel in
the city for permanent guests $15
tnd up.
1 AHA Business
Cards for
A Get-Acquainted Special for 30 days,
yjooa worn, good stoctt. Mention ad
All kinds of commercial printing rea
Steamer Jesse Harking for Camas,
Washougal and .way landings, daily ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
dock at 2 p. m. (Adv.)
Pumpkins, made Into nice, tooth
some, spicy, iragrant pumpKin pies, i.
for a quarter. Halloween oraer at
once, eitner orancn noyai tsaiserj;, au.
TTBen, Independent for Governor,
speaks at noon tomorrow, Sixth and i
Yamhill. (Adv.)
S5 Beward, Beautiful Maltese , Cat,
dark blue, "William," lost between Ir
vington and Hawthorne. C-3156. Adv.
AH Invited to See Kewpies', Hallow
een Tango party at House of 1000
Gifts. Mrs. Lincoln, 405 Morrison
St., block above O. W. K. t.Adv.)
One Suit Pressed Each Wee $1.50
a month. unique Tailoring jo.,
Stark. Main L14. A-4314. (Adv.)
Aak for Packwood Coal, $6 per ton.'
It makes the heat. Economy Fuel Co.,
31 Grand ave. East 214, B-2343. (Adv.)
Kansans to Mast. There win be a
meeting of the Kansas society tonight
in Manchester hall, 85 Fifth street.
TFyou aredvis-
itor to the city,
you will enjoy enter
taining or being en
tertained' at THE
In cuisine and service
The Portland Grill is not
equaled in-he city. It
is the favorite rendez
vous for many of the
city's best people.
It's proximity to the
leading playhouses ren
ders it an extremely con
venient place for dining,
either before or after the
play. Rates at The Port
land are no higher than
those of other first-class
dining places.
. Listen to the delightful-music
played, by the or
chestra throughout
the evening.
The Portland Hotel
G. J. Kaufmann, Mgr.
The Verdict Has Been Kenderec
Price Cut
' mi
The Reason
Read Every Word
It's the same old story too much stock.
The weather . unseasonable No Winter.
We Must Unload !
rRemember We have never in our long
business experience in this city, advertised a
sale otherwise than a genuine or bona fide
Tremendous Millinery Stock Sacrificed! IflSS
500 Velvet, Velour
and Plush Hats
id $2.50
to $2.50
100 dozen
Black Silk
Velvet Un
trimmed Shapes
VALS. TO $3.50
I! v:
Remember too Our merchandise is the
newest the most fashionable We have the
largest variety to select from.
No fob Lots No OldStock!
Everything New, Up-to-Date
Of course, we are somewhat hampered here
for space All we can say is: Follow the
crowds Come early.
The Wonder
No need to trim or block over old hats
when you can bujj new ones at these prices.
Every Article Marked
One Price to All
at Cost
Stoles and
Iceland Fox
Red Fox
Blue Wolf
' Second Floor
Nobby Trim
med Hats
A hat to suit every face. Never
sold for less than $3.50.
All colors.
Watch Our Windows Something New
Each Day!
$6.00 Trirnmed Hats $3.45
$5.00 Trimmed Hate .$2.95
Lyons Velvet, Velour du Nord and Fine
Plush $5.00 Shapes $2.35
Imported OstrichiNovelties
and Imported Stick-Ups!
To $1.45 .11;. ,.45tf
To $2.45 ........ill... 95tf
To $3.50 $1.15
Thousands of Them tof&elect From.
Main Floor".-
Children'! Hats
Our Entire Dept.
Good, serviceable French Felt Un- "J
trimmed Shapes lOL'
Hundreds of them every new color. Values up to
$2.45. Watch them go!
Wonderful $5.00 Trimmed Hats $1.95
Most remarkable values ever offered. No two- alike.
All worth $5.00 all beauties.
Special Reduced Prices
on all Children's
Furs. too.
A Deposit WU1 Hold
Furs Until Wanted.
100 Dozen
All going at 15c All
marked regularly to $1.45.
Now 1
and $30.00
Pattern Hats
$8.50 and $10.00 Trimmed Hats $4.45
You never saw values like this before.
See our windows.
All our finest Lyon's Velvet Hand Blocked
Imported Shapes. Also Hatter's Plush
Shapes All selling regularly at $7.50 to
$10.00. Special this sale $3.15
3 Lots
Choice at
45c, 95c .
Trimmed Velvets, Welour Plushes, Etc.
2500 yards Fancy Ribbons at 15c yard
Birds ofParadisk Plumage
and Spravs at Cost!
$25.00 Paradise ...
$20.00 Paradise .......
$15.00 Paradise
$ 5.00 Paradise
V -
. .$ 2.95
French Plumes extra special at
14 inches long, male stock. All colors, including
black and white.
$2.50 Ostrich Bands 95c
"Eney trim a hat completely.
Buckram and Linette Frames
Male stock,
very wide, at
Black, white and
all colors, worth
Two Only to a Customer
Outing and Tailored Felt Hats 50c
Hundreds of styles. Every new color. Values to $3.50
Roman and Oriental Shaded Plumes
Especially adapted for Black Hats. 1
$5.50 was the price. Now $2.95
100 Dz.
Every new style
and color. Priced
regularly lo $5.
Special this sale
for fl.85
i '
No C O. D. No 'Exchanges No
Deliveries-No MU Orders
At Morrison and Fourth Streets
O ,
- M - - -i
We Give You What We Advertise"
4 j
sonable. Bose City Printary, 3rd and