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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1914)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 27, 1914. 15 NEW TODAY Business, Property to Lease for term of years. New warehouse with two floors, 46x100, yard 60x100. surrounded by 12 ft. fence with en trance. New 2 room office building nd small stable. Opposite Oregon Klectrio and United Ry. tracks on Water and Montgomery, IB blocks from Ird and Morrison. Splendid lo eatlon for liKht manufacturing, stor age, automobile, machine or sheet Iron works. Rent very reasonable. Also store on 21st and Glisan. rent $20, and store with' built-in fixtures for groceries at 60S 2nd. near Bjier man, rent $10. Inquire II. B. Davis, owner. 453 4th. Main 2421. In effect Del. 1, 1013 ALL PREVIOUS RATES C.i-CEILgD CBABOKLD ADVKKTlREMENTtf Dally or Sunday, 1U Mnli ncr -ord or insertion. Tl. chare li for all claaaUlcatlon. aieept- ' Ins "for Kent lo Private i'anjilj." "Room and board in Private ramlir," "situation Wanted" and "Wantad to Rent" ada., which are 1)4 eaola per word pat lnaertloa, tio ad charred for lraa tbaa 15 rent. CASU AI1VEKTI8EKKNTS IV) rents per word for all elanalflcations. t-ffepiirig "For Rent la PrWata Family," "UoAm aad Board In Private Family." "Bltna tloti '"Waated" and "WauUd to Rent" ads which are Mi cents per word. Consecutive InM-rtlnn of roab wiot ads.: 8 Inaertlooe 'or toe price of 3 7 Insertion for the price of 6 MKKTINO NOTICES 41 A M P meets every -107 Wednesday evening In W. O. W. terapie, 12S 11th et. AU mem. CAMP bers requested to at tend. Visitors welcome. 'W.o.w it ,J. P. LEMAN, C. C HKKMAN BLHALfi. Clerk. "IlAWTHortNE I.06GKNO, 111. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication mis (Tuesday) evening at 7:30. Work in the F. C. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. C. K. MII-.LKK, Secretary. ATTENTION Members of Anchor (Council. K. L. S. ypu are requested to! meet at your hall 85 V Fifth street. Wednesday evelng October 28, at 7:30 sharp for the purpose of taking part Ini the Land Product Show. j ZJital Statistics i marriages, Births, Deaths MARIUAGE LICENSES Uolilan Percy Ihubanda, Molalla. Or.. 18, and Dora May Marr, 7001 Flf ty-elgttb arenue h. K is. rl Piano, 210 Stark atreet,. 30, and FYaDClaca Cniliiniheni Second street. 20.. Alfred t). Krelwalfl, Sheridan, Or., legal, and Florence C'urran, 453 Last Fifty-third street Knrth 'lel. Uti II. Lack, fherldiu. Or., 27. and Lena Yorom, iW4 Fjaat Forty second treet, IS. Frank William Wood. toiy Keltnout utreet 26. and Mellxsa Koblnsun. 3u2V lielmont strteet. 10. Ken 1). Brar. 542fl Forty -Keennd a-enue H. i K., 22, and Dab Hpemer, 5715 Foster B1, IK. 1-red Earl Baldwin. Iloatilam. Wash.. 30. and Lillian K tenia Juhnaou, 211 Cast Eightieth meet. North, 27 kl r 0-Ul, SThr, Wedding and VVi Ui Olllllll Ut UU, viBitingcaraa. Third floor, Morgan blJg. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes. Unique iTalloring Co., 309 Stark at- HIRTIfS WI8B To Mr. and Mr. Wllllnm Wlae, 1079 , Bast Reetiteenth street. North. October 7 a danehter. HODOKINSON To Mr. and Mr. Robert TV llodfe-klnaon. H(r7 Kant YamblU street, Oc tooer a, a aHugmer. EfJUY To Mr. and Mra. Biiinuel T.. Eddy OS East Thlrty-sirttt street. October,,?, dturbter. HjMKDORN To Mr. and Mra. Edmont Hage- . Aorn. 603 East Eleventb street. North, Oc tober 4 a danehter. PliAMONDON To Mr. and Mrs. Louis N Plamondon, Woodland, WaHh., September 24) a son. " SMITH To Mr. and Mfi. Fred O. Smith, 835 Bait Tblrty-flfth street. South, September 3f. a daughter. HCHWENTEll To Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scbwenter, 00 East Forty-sixth street. Oc LBNDGRTCBN To Mr? end Mrs. Rdward Lund- green, twl Tnurmsn street, October it. HOT To Mr. end Mra. Emanuel F. Roy. B75 Kat Mtark street. October ai. a daughter 'HOH,N-Tu Mr. aitd Mrs. Oscar Hohn, city October '21. a dauahter. RKAM8 To Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Reams, 80 KinMHan atret. Octoiier 1. a son. SOKKR To Mr. snd Mrs. Fred Cooper, 1073 Hudiwr avenue. October 23. a daushter SPRaUU To Mr. and Mra. Earl R. aproul, AU East rSereulleJU street, October 21 riiWl.KR To Mr and Mr. Oeorire W. Fowler 065 East Twentieth street. North, October ..IV, a son. - DEATHS AND FUNERALS 73 BEMfS In f this city. $ctoter 25, Sarah O. Bemfa, ageil 4S vear beloved wife of J. W. llemla, mid Urlnn mother of Mrs. Frank Geere. f Geneaee, Idaho; Hester Bemia. Mrs. Jr. men - Krame, Jesse, Iluasell, Joale, Olle snd ', Nelaoii Beuita, all of Oottage Grove.' Ths re- sialna sill bv forwarded to Cottage Grove lor Interment by F. S. 1'unnlng, Inff. ' (lAVOOEATlie fuuerai service of the late Victor ('-avians will be held todpy (Tues day). October 27, from Dniinlnir & McEuteo's chapel! at 3 p. m. KTlenda Invited. Inter ment" Mount Roott Park cemetery. Ulflfi-flie fuuerai services of . (he late Frank C. IUku will held Wednesday, -October 2X, at 11 a. m., from thiv chapel of A. U. Kenworlby Co., Lenta. FiJenda Invited. In terment Moun4, BcoU 1'ark cemetery. 'WADi)KYiL In ."tills city, . October 20. Jesse WaddeH, aged 64 years. The remains re ' st the residence eatsbllshment f 1. 1". Flnley A poa. Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of fu neral nercaner. BEJOH IulKe J. BeKK". 40T East Flfty- fourth atreet, October 22, Co years; carainoma of stomach. UASOVKK Joseph Lasovke. St. Vlncenfs hos pital, October 23, 4 years; nasal and laryn geal diphtheria. . , iiOULING WORTH Joseph HoHlngworth, 6027 Seventy -ecoud street, October 2a, 77 years; cerebral apoplexy. . . , tHUHCH Myra M. Church, Fifteenth 4nd Al berta streets, October 22, 34 years; pollom yellrls anlerla chronica. g MARTIN & FORBES CO., florists, 347 Wash. Main 269, A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged VUAKKh tiliUti.. florists,, tine llowors and floral designs. 287 Worrtoo s( MA A M. SMITH, florist. 141 btbl et, in Selling bldg. Main 7215. CASKET sprays as low is $1.50. Lublfner. florists. Portland hotel blk. FUNERAL DIRECTORS A splendid residence? undertaking es tablishment, with private ariveway, J. P. FINLEY & SON, . Montgomery at Fifths n,.:r, JP. KA.Cnnn Undertakers UUIIIIHI& mwL-iucc -Modern in every detail. 7th and Pine. Main 430 A-4558. uay assistant. A R 7plpr Cc 62 Mi'm ve- Ai 111 .CIICI OUi jiast J08.8; C-1088. Iady attendant: Day an d night service, WALTER C. KEN WORTHY, successor toA. B. Hemstock. 1687 E. 18th. Senwood 71, B-1122. Lady assistant. Chambers Co, and Kerby. Wbod- lawn au. y-xiao. Automopue nearse. T Dxrnoe Williams and Knott. , i DyillcaEast 1115, C-1943. CRIPQnM16115053 UND. PLS. rniLOWIlM. 6133. A-2235. 445. Mors. ClCACQ Undertaking Co. Main 4162 OrXLVV LO A-2321. Cor. 3d and Clay. Hamilton 80th and Glisan- .u- neral services. Tabor 4313. PFARQHM Undertakers. East 1080. r LMnOUlM $69-371 BusseUst. FUNERAL DIRECTORS MR, EDWARD HOLMAN, the leading funeral director, 220 3d sc. corner Salmon. Lady assistant Phones- A 1511, Main 607. F, S. Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral Directors. 414 iast Aioer gt. gast 5Z, B-Z5Z&, P. L. LERCH, leading east side under- taxer. e. nth & Clay. B-1883, E. 781. MONUMENTS PORTLAND MARBLE WKS. 264-268 4th St.. opp. city halL M. 8564, A-1518. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 LOOK! Look! I am forced to raise money. Read and see! If looking for a home, you will never beat this. A 6 room new house, just finished. at the price of a 4- Listen; hard wood floors, fireplace, all built - in conveniences, his; basement 28x36. tre mendous attic, double constructed. every room large, finest plumbing fix ture; best shower bath - on market, pedestal china lavatory, etc.; built by day; 100 feet from car. Soma terms. rTlce JZ700 Owner, Woodlawn 3185. Sz a PKK MONTH, which includes in terest, buys new 5 room bungalow, with sleeping porch, bath, fireplace, all built-in conveniences, hardwood floors, gas and electric fixtures and window shades installed, one large well lighted room for sewing or double bed room, full concrete basement with ce ment floor, stationary wash trays and wood hoist, cement sidewalks: near good streetcar line, schools, churches ana pam. eaay ror occupancy xmov, 1st. rnone Kast 6687. WILL sacrifice swell modern 2 fam ily flat. 6 and 6 rooms, worth S8500. now $500; $1000 down and $25 per mo. Walking distance on t.. XamhllL St. See owner. 171 K. 23d Phone East S948 $750 i Small house, beautiful 50x100 foot lot; disappearing bed. $50 cash pay ment down, balance at Jib per month, including Interest. Take Rose City ram car io iza st. See Austin. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. We will build in any part or city HOMES costing from $2000 to 320,000. Also apart ments and flats. We have money to loan. can and see plans. F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. Commercial Club bldg. 25 DOWN and $15 per month will buy a pretty u iuuih ottngaiow witn lot &0X10O, in i-ctii ram a erpar nfl rpn i n rnr xinnn- on thescattractive terms buyer must give reierences. Apply Uulclc HAMMOND MORTGAGE CO. 423 Chamber of Commerce. A REAL PIEDMONT HOME, 1203 RODNEY AVE. One of the finest, most lmprpsive in this distinctive district. An ideal home for the enjoyment of family and friends. Price and terms very attrac tive Rnllrinr anH Tt'r, TJ nnni more. Phone C-2198; 129f Rodney ave. PIEDMONT snap, nice 7 room house, 4 bedrooms, lot 60x130. east facing; big snap. $2850; $150 down and $15 per month; on Rodney ave.. 3 blocks to car. ZADOW & ALEXANDER. 414 Corbett bldg. A-1416. Marshall 92 NEW modern 6 room house, 15 min utes out on good car service, all modern , improvements; a beauty, which I will sell at a bargain and take sorpe trade, either acreage or any chattel of value. See owner, 512 Piatt bldg. EAST Franklin st. enap Fine 7 room modern house: 4 bedrooms, furnace, $1500. now $1000; $500 down and $15 per month; near 36th. Make an offer. ZADOW & ALEXANDER, 414 Corbett bldg. A-1416, Marshall 92 LET US ffUILD YOU A HOME. On your lot or ours; by your own plans or ours; pay us like rent. THE OREGON HOME-BUILDERS. 1330 Northwestern Bank bldg. 80x200, 3 room house, $5 monthly, $650. 6room modern house, $15 monthly. Including interest; $1700. A. C. MARSTERS, 202 WILCOX BLD. MAIN 3517 A-7340 TABOR 1770. BY owner, good business corner lot with 8 room house, on Greeley and Portland- boulevard. Take St Johns car. $2300; your own terms. , $25 DOWN, $18.50 PER MO. 5 roomed modern buniralow. Owner. Sell. 2204. e rooms, choice, select mahogany and oak rinisn. w. h. Herdman, East 273. $660 BUYS my dandy little 3 room house on good carline. close in. See owner. 512 Piatt bldg. $1800 5 room, modern, close to Moa- tavllla car, on 6th. Take lot, $500, first payment. Owner, 312 Henry bldg. FOR SALE LOTS 16 SUNNYSIDE snap; lot 33 1-3x100 on East Washington, bet. 38th and 39th: hard surface all in and paid; worth $1500. now $100; $500 down and $15 per month. ZADOW & ALEXANDER. 4!4 Corbett bldg. A-1416. Marshall 92 REAL sacrifice. 3 beautiful lots. 60it 125 each, close to car; streets Im proved, nd gravel, alley in back; forced salo with loss to me. See and be lieve; $375 each. Owner. Woodlawn 3186.. BEAUTIFUL view, large homesite. west side. 5c fare. 16 minutes car ride, best value in the city, for $850, siu aown and $5 a month. M. -fci. 505 Corbett bldg. 4350, $10 CASH, $5 a month buys a quarter ol an acre on the west side, 15 minutes' ride. 6c fare, water piped in front of tract. M. E. Lee. 505 Cor bett bldg. JEFF WAS PERFECTLY RIGHT AT THAT r : i 1 : 1 Mj-. i Aitw-afR., 4&vylB r v ly i f we :if ' ' ''' IJ ' S . . - . . r t . . J - -. " - l f ' . : : : : fTM ' FOR SALE LOTS J.6 (Continued) - - WILL sell 2 lots at great saerlftoe) on E. Stark st.. near 83d st. 083t. Jour nal. Phone Marshall 5886. ACREAGE 57 S ACRES FOR 1260 S10 down And S3 per month burs 6 acres good logged-off land 1 mile from main line ox railroad ana town or 1000 population, with cannery, creamery, between Portland and Astoria. Land from $35 to $60 per acre on these terms. Many 6 acre tracts to choose from. BELL REAL ESTATE CO., Sit Railway Exchange bet. 3d and 4th sts. on Stark. CHICKEN and fruit rancnes near Port land; Oresham district, electric sta tion 4 mile. New subdivision. Sun shins Valley orchard tracts; best Boil, free wood; elegant location. Prices only $75 to $150 per acre In small tracts; easy terms. Frank McFarland Realty Co., 30 Yeon bldg., Portland, Or. Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, ( close to car line, easy terms; will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or Sell' wood 476. John IL Gibson, owner. IMPROVE your condition; move right on an Improved acre with buildings and fruit trees, in Oregon's greatest little town. Wood burn; sidewalks to place; a rare opportunity, at $950. Taring. Owner, Woodlawn 3186. SMALL tract near electric, line, 35 minutes from downtown district. Low price for a quick turn. R. C: nuiDert, lzoi i eon piag. MAKE your home, 2 acres, 20 minutes' ride, church, school, stores, chickens. Terms. Owner. ZeUa Cosset t, 7 West Killingsworth ave. IMPROVED 20 acres. 3 miles north of Mt Angel- 40 rods to good school. Q. W. Leap. Woodburn, Or. R. F. D. No. 2. EVERGREEN station, Oregon City line, 1 acre, cheap for cash. Box 30, Park wood. ACRE, 8 room house, eement walk, in St. Johns. 2 blocks oil car. $17J0 604 McKay bldg FOR SALE FARMS 17 TO one wishing cheap brush land should buy this direct from the owner and save commission fees; 160 acres, about one half level enough to plow; about 20 acres old growth tim ber; young orchard, small house and barn; no rock; $12 per acre if sold Immediately. For further particulars, M. W. Ruble, Alsea, Or. 4SM ACRES, IMs miles from Oregon City, 41 acres in cultivation, good 7 room house, 3 wells, 12 cows, 3 horses. good milk route, an Kinds or larm lm plements; no waste land; a big snap at $15,800; $3000 down and $50 per month or will take Portland property. 414 Corbett bldg. A-1416. Mar. 92. 205 ACRES, very best land, at only S65 Der acre. 1 miles from thriv ing town, steam and electric cars to Portland hourly; estate property and must be sold at once. Terms to suit. b on aererrea payment BOID REALTY CO.. 206 Alder st. CHANCE FOR A POOR MAN. 10 acres, 13 miles to Portland. 3 to Sherwood, on county road, best of soil 600 cords of wood. $90 per acre. $ibu casn. iuj per year, b. W. H. 8EITZ & CO., . 310 Spalding bldg. Main C7S4 80 ACRES. 3 miles Woodland. Wash.. graveled road, 16 acres in cultiva tion, good son, meal lor dairy; so acres good piling timber, 500 cords first growth fir. Particulars, Borders & T.. Woodland. R, F. D. No. 1. box 18, Wash. OWNER must raise cash; , will soil I to the highest bidder, 640 acres, near Hanford, Washington; bidder al lowed three weeks to examine land. Further information. W. W. Jordan. 02 Lumbermens bldg. 20 ACRES $800, Splendid level farm land, close to schooL station. $1 fare from Portland. $100 cash. Claude Cole, 917 Board of Trade. FOR SALE 5 acres, 3 In cultivation. 4 mile from enere station, on ure gon Electric; faces county road, good location; reasonable terms. Fred L. Johnson. R. 1, box 35, Hubbard, Or. $4000 80 acres improved dairy ranch near Scappoose. Terms. Parker, 603 Corhett bldg. 80 ACKES, new buildings, close in on railroad, $7000. Wolfsteln, 205 Alisky bldg. 40 ACRES, 10 cleared, 12 slashed, running water; near Kelso; sacrifice for $800 cash. 201 First st. HOMESTEADS 47 GET the best homestead land In Ore gon; level, rich soil. no rock er stumps; good water, timber, free, near railroad now building; unlimited free stock range. 191 4th st. Main 8774. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 3o ACKEts, highly improved, with stock and implements. Will take Portland house as part payment. 311 Alisky bldg. $2500, H4 acre, new bungalow. Will take clear lot as firet payment. Trade 5 acres also 80 acres; Owner, box 10b, oak Grove, Ore, TWO clear lots on west side, $3000: will exchange for modern 5 or 6 room bungalow on east side. A. J. Farmer, 407 Htock Exchange. 15 ACRES east of Woodburn. Sell or trade for house and lot or rooming house, box ai. Lents, ur. ZU5 7th ave. 6 ROOM house, $3000, clear, acres, improved, close in. 311 Alisky bldg. Want 20 EXCHANGES Every kind. Get busy, trade. Some splendid opportunities. b02 couch Diag. THE "Miniature farm" 135x200. still unsold, a complete home; want smaller place. Sellwood 1230. $4600 WEST side houBe, clear, want small well improved iarm. will as sume. 311 Alisky Bldg. WANTED To build residence or bun galow in exchange for gocd lot. Fnone Tabor 5389, FOR EXCHANGE Vacant lots or cot tage foe some kind of business. Main 1242. A $400 EQUITY in cheap acreage and $100 cash for a lot. 0-255, Journal. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 21 ; jy (Continued) Dandy All Purpose Ranch With a good two story S room house, bam 48x60, 3 chicken houses with yards, and all necessary outbuildings; one acre in Italian prunes, a good as sorted orchard In full bearing, and small fruits; good well and a spring stream from which fine trout are caught; 32 acres In all about 20 acres under cultivation and balance quite easily cleared; uncleared land In pas ture, considerable firewood; three fourths mile from country town, in tnicKiy settled locality, all rural ad vantages, 10 miles out on good road, price $6500. $2600 In mortgage; equity for larger farm or city property. I hompson & bwan 512 Main et. Vancouver, Wash. IRRIGATED FRUIT HOME. 10 acres, irrigated, in Rogue River valley, in 8-year-old pears and ap ples, with plenty of small fruit now producing; comfortable buildings, equipped for poultry; worth $6000, in cumbrance $850, to trade for Portland iots or close-in Improved acreage. Stream across the place; owner must mane change. COIjOiNY land CO., 504 Broadway Bldg. EXCHANGE HEADQUARTERS. We hava over 2500 nronerties in all parts of Oregon and Washington to trade. Bring in your TRADES, we can match you. OUR SPECIALTY IS TRADING. 22 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO, 618-619 Yeon Bldg. Main 481. HOUSE AND TWO LOTS. Five rooms, bath, toilet, hot and cold water, gas. electric lights, con crete rounaauon. uutcn Kitchen, rruit trees and berries, close to car. Want close in acre. Owner, 6244 Foster Road. ML Scott car to Laurelwood station. WHAt' hav you to offer In exchange for the best 30 acre orchard or beaches and walnuts (6 years old) in the valley? Will consider either town or country property. Address owner, JX-464, Journal. 200 FEET by 135 & feet- corner, im proved, fenced, house, 5 rooms, 30 minutes ride; equity $1525, incum brance $1475. Exchange equity for rooming house, grocery, or other property, equal value. F-1B9, Journal. FINE wheat land, with young fruit trees, 1 mile from Madras, Or.. 80 acres; to exchange for Portland or Hlllsboro property. For Information wnuj to owner. Mrs. Mary Tiueio- man, Madras, or. HOUSE, west side,4r ho us en east siae; wiu assume. $6000 west side house, clear. Want farm between Columbia and Clacka mas rlvera. 311 Alisky bldg HAVE splendid 160 acre farm. 1 mile from Cunningham, Adams Co- Wash., fenced and cross-fenced, good build ings, level, rich soil: want acreage or city property. Claude Cole. 817 Board or xraae. $6000 STRICTLY modern house. Rossmere, want Improved farm with stock. Willamette valley or Umatilla prererrea. win assume, ail Aiisky tu l ldlng. TO sell or trade, Montana apple land. about 80 acres set out to line orch ard. 20 in bearing. Famous Clark's Fort valley. Inquire owner, Charles E. jonnson. uaa Main, city. QUARTER block Portland Heights grand view, fruit, shade trees, lm proved streets', value $7000; for east Or west side home or improved acre age close in. E-154. journal. TO EXCHANGE Substantial equity in v room bungalow, in Vancouver. Price $2000; want medium priced acre age in southern Oregon. Owners only, box 44, castierock, wash. EXCEPTIONAL offer, large lot near city park. $950, for cleared acreage, radius 20 miles or east aide lot. Owner, u-Bl. journal. will trade for small improved farm. near Portland. A. J. Farmer, 407 Stock h,xcnange blag. HAVE you a house and lot In Oakland, Berkeley or Alameda that you would trade for a house and lot in this city? l"x.-l&6, journal. IF your real estate has value and you want to make a good exchange for other property, see us. Bell Real Es tate Co.. 318 Railway Exchange bldg. TEN acres, Salem Electric, Greenburg station, accept trade, woirstein, 205 Alisky bldg. MULTNOMAH ABSTRACT CO. moved to 315 Northwest bldg. Main 4033. FOR quick action on real estate ex- cnanges see Brace, bo. Mcnay piag. WANTED REAL ESTATE" 31 I WANT to buy an acre or two with good house: must have some trees. In or out of city lirnits close to car; please state full description, best cash price, or terms in nrst letter, i am not a real estate dealer. A-861. Jour nal. , ROOMING HOUSES 53 . THIS IS A REAL PICKUP. SACRIFICE BARGAIN. 18 rooms, price for all $550. terms: clears $60 or better; no attic or base ment rooms, all outside, good furni ture; rent $50. 408 GERLINGER BLDG. Swell Place 11 room rooming house In White Temple district. Hot cold water in rooms, steam heat, cheap rent, clean est place in city; worth $600; price touay tor an $zt. r'etcrs, 15 in. 6tn. FOR SALE 9 room well furuiehed, suitable for private boardln house or II. K. rooms, 1 block from L'ncoln high. Walking distance, for particu lars address F. B. S 327 W. Park. Portland, Oregon. 80 ROOMS brick, rent low, nice furni ture. Price $1200; $400 down, balance monthly. Will consider some trade. If you mean business we can deal, Hoyt-Quigley, Stock Exchange. BY owner. 17 room apartment steam heat, furnished, clean, low rent, al ways full. $750; terms. 272 Wil lisms ave. $25 CASH PAYMENT. PRICE $150. 7 rooms of fair furniture, 2 blocks of city hall, rent $20. Some income and free rent. Call 304 4th. 12 ROOMS nice furniture, central, rent $30, price S3VU. -ius, journal. ROOMING HOUSES 53 CContlnned) Bargain Hunters 44 rooms, hot and cold water rery room. Hot water heat Call bells. Hard wood finieh. All nicely furnished. Rent only $75. One of the most mod ern hotels in the city, well worth sjbuu. rirst one comes gets this zor $800; terms. Peters, 15 N. 5th sC SNAP H room rooming house, always iuu; A-i proposition; must De soia this week. Owner. 413 Main st. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 A SUBSTANTIAL interest in oldesl established hiah class mercantile in- stition on Puget sound can be secured by a capable business man who can assume active part in management. rnis Dusmess has made several ior tunes and Is capable of making many more; at least $20,006 cash and not to exceed $35,000 required. Address prin cipals direct, care H. Erwin French, P. O. Box 1902, Seattle, Wash. BUTCHER business in a good town in eastern Oreeon. established 8 years and is doinsr an annual business of $35,- "00. Equipped In first class style. 2-4 large cold storage rooms, good slaugh ter ousQ and yards. Owners want to retire from business and will sell cheap. Will give good terms. For details phone Marshall 3506 CONFECTIONERY. Dandy little store handling full line soda water, ice cream, stationery, magazines, etc.: eood trade. iou can convince yourself this is all right, if you will take the trouble to look it up. owner, 6244 Foster Koatl. mt Scott car to Laurelwood station. Tradel. Trade! Iradei GROCERT STORES. ROOMING HOUSES. AU kinds of business propositions. I manipulate and hlp to finance your deals. IGet busy. C. L. GODDARD. 408 Gerllnger bldg. -Barbers, Here You Are Barber shop combined with confec tioneryand lunch room, living rooms. Rent $12. . Cleared $1500 last year. Wife can rup store. A dandy busi ness; auu ouys it noyx vuigiey o.. Stock Exchange bldg. Wood Yard 2V, lots: wood and coal sheds: barn. 1 large team. 2 wagons; business clear ing from $150 to $250 mo. About $1200 cash required. Call 61$ Yeon bldg. 10790 Here's Some Snap Store Beautifully equipped, well located, money maker; grocery, confectionery, Heard Bt.tMnArir H.lin.t.e.An, O eS, nished living rooms; rent $22. 6b; price M; invoices J;sc t02 couch bldg. Blacksmith Shop In thickly settled farming commun ity; well established: well eauipped. Price complete $550. Might make terms. .particulars and photo, room 618 yeon bldg. (C723). FOR SALE 3 chair barber shop, do ing good business; other business cause for selling; price $800 cash; wood In for winter. W. E, Anderson, Box 235, Tillamook. Or. Drug Store A-l west side location; established 5 years; low rent; good lease; $2000 cash required. Further particulars. room olo yeon blag. (Cst). WHOLESALE houso wants additional capital and willing worker who can eep accounts or sell goods; small in vestment. Y-101, Journal. Pool Hall A-l west side location; S tables; bandies cigars and tobaccos: rent only $25 month; $600 cash will handle. Par ticulars, room 618 Yeon bldg. (C780). WOOD and coal business, only $806 cash required; will show you it is clearing $200 month before you invest one dollar. Room 329 Morgan bldg. FOR SALE Cheap; good established oyster cocktail business; must sell on account of sickness. Marshall 2764. 234 Gibbs. FOR SALE: Restaurant, west side, at verv attractive price, r or partioxi- lars inquire W. J. Davie, 505 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE CHEAP Grocery and del icatessen, west siae, line location, rash or part trade; price $800. BOIL) REALTY CO.. 20. Aider ot STEADY man who can invest $150 and go to work; good pay; must have ref- erences. 803 Lumber Exchange. PARTNER wanted for a little repair shop; will pay you $100 month, call room 329 Morgan bldg. 1000 Business Cards, 75c R yd erP t g. Co.. S. W. cor. 8d & Morrison 1000 Business Cards, 75c Rose City Prlntery, 3d and Taylor. GROCERY bargain; if you are. look ing tor a snap, call at 8 54 East 7th st. Make an offer; no trade. BAJiBER shop for sale, easy terms. 1162 Union ave. FOR SALE cheap, by owner, a 900 lb. team or horses and wapon. 823 3d, WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. MONEY TO LOAN" 27 REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOANS. Mortgages bought and sold. John L. Karnopp, Railway Exchange bldg. REAL estate loans, mortgages, bought and. sold. G. A. Hartman, 711 Pit- took block. CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con tracts; mortgage loans; reasonable rates. F. II. Lewis & Co., 3 Lewis bdlg. MORTGAGE loans at current rates. Real estate security.- Apply room 202 Stock Exchange, 3- and Yamhill. LOANS of $50 or up on real or per sonal property, .write run particu lars in confidence. Box 364, Lenta. MONEY to loan. 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Seiti & Co.. 310 Spalding Piag. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent Louis Salomon & Co.. 229 Stark st MORTGAGE loans 6 to 8 per cent Fred C. King, 314 Spalding bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ONREAL ESTATE A. H. HARDING, 313 Cham, of Com. 27 ( Continued ) 1. -w It. LOANS on Improved city property or for building purposes; advance made as building progresses; liberal repay ment privileges; no commission. J. P. Lipscombe, 242 Starkest. Main 44ZQ. WE have money to loan on your real estate: first mortcajres only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423 Chamber of Commerce. Mortgage Loans I. L. WHITE, 701 Selling bldg. BUILDING LOANS on city and subur ban - property; money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 315 Fail in j? bid sr. Main 3407. To Loan Any Amount HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK. $100,000 on mortgages, city and farm property, fire insurance. - McKenzie A Co., Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder. MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 to $5000 on city property. A. H. Bell, 201 Qerllnger bldg. $1000 to $7000 for city or farm loan. Tabor 2520 or C-655, Journal. $40,000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON. 80 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES 67 IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT EASTERN RATES. We have one of the finest retail jewelry stores in the city. A loan de partment is conducted in connection with same, making business STRICT LY confidential. Absolutely no rfifrna deaisnatinar loan business ais played in front or our store, ah mer chandise pledged is held for a period of seven months, whether or not in terest is paid when due. We are 11 censed and have been established since 1899. No connection with any other loan establishments in this city. A. & M. DELOVAGE, JEWELERS, 3o4 ashington st. WE MAKE LOANS IN 6 HOURS' TIME At Legal .Rates" We loan money on diamonds, piano, real estate, plain notes or furniture. Portland Loan Co. (Licensed.) Room 206 Rothchild bldg. Bet. 4th and Sth on Washington st. $ $ $ 6TATE- SECUIUTY CO. $ $ $ SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES $10 TO $100 CHEAPEST AND fcsKST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. -Business Strictly Confidential. STATE SECURITY CO., $ $ $ 309 FAILING BLDG. $ $ $ MONEY AT ONCE. PRIVATE PLACE to OBTAIN LOANS Diamonds, watches, jewelry, etc. SEPARATE DEPT. FOR LADIES. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDEN TIAL. ELBY CO. (Licensed). 320 Lumber Ex. bldg.. 2d and Stark, MONEY on chattels, notes and mtgs, bought. Columbia Loan Co.. 200 Swetland. LOANS on real estate, diamonds, jew elry. Wm. Holl, R 8, Washington bldg. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry, S. W. King, 4 5 Washington biog. LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry, strictly confidential. 141 3d at., near Aiaer WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. LOANS WANTED SO $5000 ON 90x100, Hawthorne ave. value $15,000. $450 on 100x100, Wood me re, value $1200. BOID REALTY CO.. 206 Alder St. $2000 FIRST mortsaee. 14 lots in side city limits. Box 30, Parkwood, Oregon. WANTED. $500, 8 PER CENT. HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK. WANT to borrow $4200 at 8 per cent on farm worth $26,000. Jt Fuchs, 420 Chamber of Commerce. $500 FOR three years, property value $Z-t)o; no agents. -i3, journal. WHEN you answer these- Want AUs, mention l he journal. FINANCIAL 51 FIRST and second mortgages, also sel lers interest in contracts purchase-. Oregon and Washington. H. E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg. STOCKS AND BONDS 58 NOTICE Los Angeles, Cal., Oct 20. 1914. The undersigned desires to purchase bonds of Home Telephone & Telegraph company of Portland, Or., to invest a sum not to exceed sitxy seven hundred dollars, all unmatured interest coupons to accompany bonds. Submit offers in writing not later than Nov. 7, 1814, at 6 p. m. Address J. II. Coverly, trust officer, Title Insurance and Trust company. Title Insurance building, Log Angeles, Cal. WILL buy Alaska Pet St Coal stock. Pacific States Fire Insurance and Home Telephone bonds. B-829, Jour nal. 1 MUST raise money soon; will sell my Home Telephone bonds and five shares of Pacific States Fire Ins. stock. E-439, Journal. TO save my property, must sell 6000 or 10,000 shores Ogle Mt stock by 1st A-869. Journal. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED A man who needs a dollar and is willing to work If given an opportunity to earn a sood salary; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Company. Salem. Or. YOU should earn a living easy; others do the work, you be the boss; all I want is a fair trade for what I pro duce. This is no fake. Ohio Invest ment Co., 202 Gerlinger bldg. WANTED at once, man to learn auto repairing and driving. Call Haw thorne Garage. 445 Hawthorne ave. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. CHEFHeadquarters and helpers. Cal ifornia Wine Depot, 285 Yamhill. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE HELP WANTED MALE C Contlnned) ; DON'T look for work. There Is big demand for automobile drivers and repair men. Our expert instructors qualify you in three to five weeks and assist in securing gooa positions. .Bring this ad. lor one free lesson. PACIFIC AUTO & -GAS ENGINE SCHOOL. 266-268 11th st. (Near Jefferson.) M. C. A. EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Record for year 1913: j Calls for men 2685 Positions filled ; 1941 All young men seeking employment are cordially invited to consult with the secretary of the employment de- partment. WANTED To meet man who plays piano or ituitar for road work. 223 West Park st., Kinersly. HELP WANTED MISC. 49 WE TEACH automobile repairing and driving. gas engineering and ma chine shop work, with actual machin ery in operation, everything practical and un-to-date. Call or write. West ern Automobile and Engineering School office 371 Hawthorne ave. OREGON LAW SCHOOL A tborougn Practical course in law: no time lost from regular occupation; recitations. evenings, bamuel 1. Kicnarason. aean; M. Morehead, sec. 316-317 Common- wealth bldg., Portland. Or USE your spare time to build up a mall order business or your own. We help you start for a share in profits: 27 opportunities. Particllars free. Dept. A-25. Opportunities Exch Buffalo, N. Y. MOLER Barber College wants men and women to learn the trade. In 8 weeks. clean work, percentage Paid whl'e learning; tools free; scalp and face massage a specialty ; send for Zra cat alogue, 48 N. id st. MKN and women over 18 wanted. $65 to $160 per month; U. S. govern ment life jobs, common education. Write immediately for list of positions open to you. Franklin Institute, Dept. A1-21U. i-tochester, in. . $150 salary for 60 days' work paid ladv in each town to distribute free circulars and take orders for White Ribbon Concentrated Flavoring. J. S. Ziegler Co., Chicago. HUNDREDS government jobs open to women. sig pay; list rree. Frank lin Institute. Deut. 705-S. Rchster. RAILWAY" mail clerks wanted. Com mence $7o month. -Sample examina tion questions free. Franklin Insti tute. Dept. 34SS. nochester. N. Y. THOUSANDS government Jobs open to men ana women. . to itu month. Write for list Franklin Institute. Dept $50 8, Rochester, N. Y. SHORTHAND. typewriting. experi enced teacher, low tuition 711 E. 61st st. N. Tabor 6864. THOUSANDS government Jobs open . to men and women. Positions ob tainable. List free. AX-666, Journal. EXPERIENCED teacher wants foreign pupils. $5 per mo. Room 304 Byron hotel. MRS. HINSDALE'S Business School, 502 Empress bldg. Individual in- tructions; positions when competent, UNCALLED for tailor made suits $6.50 up. Taylor, the Tailor, 289 V. Burnslde. PACIFIC Chiropractic College Ins 407 to 418 Commonwealth bldg. WHEN you answer thes Want Ads, mention The Journal. HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 YOU should earn a living easy; others do the work, you be the boas; all I want is a fait trade for what I pro duce. This is no rake. Ohio invest- ment Co.. 202 Gerlinger nidg. WANTED Ladles to. demonstrate re-' sidentlal work, $2 per day and up. Call room 505 10 a. m. Columbia bldg, WANTED Good girl to assist with light housekeeping for home and some wages. Call 66 E. 19th st N. WANTED Competent high class cook private family with best of references. fhone Main zs7. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 29 Oregon Barber College will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tui tion reduced this term. 233 Madison. WANTED AGENTS 6 SOLICITORS for out-of-town commis sions. 516 Commonwealth bldg. SITUATIONS MALE 3 DESTITUTE man with family must have work; can slash or clear land, farming or driving team; will do pick and shovel work. A-1617, Main 717. MAN with family to support must get some kind of work at once: day la bor or anything; references. Main 717, A-1517. BY EXPERIENCED packer as ship ping or delivering clerk. Address W. H. B.. 31 N. Park. PAINTING, tinting, papering", guaran teed work; hard times prices. Phone East 6467. YOUNG man wishes work of any kind7 so that he may attend night school. Call B-3444. A HARDWARE man wants position; good references; would do other work. P-119, Journal. CHINESE boy wishes to work in a family. Wants time to attend a school. Add rrssj 29 Glisan st, city. EXPERIENCED shepherder wants work herding or job on stock ranch 5311 8. E. 72d st STRONG young man whose mother is ill wants steadv work or odd Jobs at once. A-4434 orfrain 717 FAINTER, good all around hand, mar ried, wants work, $3 per day; good references. G-23S. Journal, - BIRST-CLASS machinist seeks situ ation with some reliable firm. U 84, Journal. EXPERIENCED milk peddler or milk er wishes position. write or call L. Jensen. 935 Kerby st. Portland. CARPENTER, first class, wants work. day or contract Kenwood .241. BANK employe wishes new pcfcitloh. A-R57. Journal. BRICK cement plaster carpenter work and pips fitting. H. M.. 419 E. 31st S. srnJATioxrX--4 &le CContmnrdh YOUNG man clerking? In fimntry stor wishes to make a cngm five years experience; can give jtrt-rence ana cash bond if required if ou need m. please answer at once-r UNk 41, Brock- way. Or. - ' YOUNG Englishman, 3.Jar9 of age. who lost every thlngon Jtne steamer immediately: is an extierW Jced fireman for steam boilers, orJnaNhinlst; will do work of any kind. Mjj717. A-1617. ABLE bodied Germak Si years old. who has a family 8 'ihildren, the oldest a cripple, mijitt. h3ve work at once; iexperlenced iB'i.caffenter work and has all toois? w3ll so anything. , . . . ., , ... v L -- - 1 E11 uut wama n. stymy jijy. aa-.-ri-i, POSITION wanted bjxhauf feurS of 4 vears' exDerianus Vifith both trucks. and touring cars; AtS' repairman, bestj - or reierences.., u. craso-rf .atn st. oj E. Phone Tabor 583 1 iy -r -. EXPERIENCED elevor man25 year old, who has also JorKd. on iarm, desires steady einplupmelil; has wif but no children; refenctift. Black 685, or A-1517. j - mi aeu uiit. i enced in steam drilling. roCk Kjiarrj arries ana farm work, demres swh which is steady. but will takSfodUj 1517. j obs. Mala 717. A MAN and wife vilm w k and taks charge or aparunesx refuse, or any work of trust; very rfijasC, wages; best of references. aii 2994. or Ta bor 2080. - ALL AROUND maa miliar wlta deslgning of butldirs ind construc tion thereof, desires josn ion, able to plan, superintend, etejf ASO. J-urnaL CHAUFFEUR wants , position; ? years' experience op and driving; willing to start om $1 0 per day. C-1873. ! AGE 24. single, 4 yarsvin city, gar age and dritlngexjUrlence; tak any kind of work; cjgy jeferred. A. 853. Journal. . fS U ELDERLY man, honest nd industrl- ous, wants janitorj r i.'jihie work ot anv kind, where cah'lrimihpfmBll wages; much in need of worhj A11517, M. 717 VARNlsHER and by trads must Kt work IBimt4lateI y ; ha four small children m nei(l; will take common day labor. jjglniinj' 7 17, A-1517. SlTUATIOXS3-I ALE X'g- "JgV- STENOGRAPHER, ci.patuo and trust worthy, vouii- wrjari..ieslres uosl- tion; experienced; srfill'; salary where an; experienced; sr?5Ui;; salary where Ivancement. ExccJfenjE reference tione Woodlawn 173S. IE - EFIN E D lady wieiTl position as Phone REF housekeeper for iie : r more mtf or man and child;: jworM appreciate a arood h lomer best of.f-efr (ences: phone mfernings. East 4158i', rf'162. Journal. MIDDLE asred wur-lunj-lexi wants position as itoul ' in boarding house or hotel; w ill Wig Jo go out of town; references. : uimi ill, or A-1517. . WANTED Sewing RV y by elderly seamress, expf-letfied, special rates &fiiy sewlngviiy itek or would assist With EnglishSS Tor 2492. YOUNG lay wlsues rltljn in tullor's snop as tiejper orsrsieaiang ar.u uys ing establishment. Mmrshall 3822, room 65. 'j ..u ; LADY wants poswion'ias workinic housekeerer, lnusti have work - at once. 2 82 Fourth st.V'ropm 4, upstairs. EXPERIENCED laito'lrNs. does laca and fancy curtains firt y lmene and laundry, etspeciiilly .'poit, fc- ladies; at home, need work, lypt 4 38. RELIABLE wotnanj ! wihts ay work, ' washing, ironing, (leading, etc. jas( '--a Id like dftyj w-jfcrk, plain sew illng. irohigiff anytiiing In LADY woult 1 n T.r..i that line. Phone Mn. j!)9. LACE curtains lauijdelfd, 10 years' experience; 15c u.'j,- ' fabor' 5933, 1 2095. Mrs. Scott.uJ m GOOD hou in family y; refcrcnijeaf Jlven. G-23J, journal REFINED, neut hus iiteeper wants. employment. Mri tlpaljaers, 471 Morrison st. Main :5B8li.t MIDDLE aged wonu&i unts to work on ranch. K-33'J,; Joa, !nal. COMl'ICTENT womsiiswtjnts any kinJ of day work. Piftm'.i .-iOast 6942. COOK and second fsi a Mi w I sh s 1 1 tiona; references. Journal. LADY wants posilgfm f4houseiteeptng, ty. Main :,z4. in cl CHILDREN cared Tforsj-by the day, week or month. 5?oidlawfT 3238. RASTVKV Cnseisiiiatjiy. graduate wants piano pupltw XJabor 4144 SEWING, mending aid tAtrnlng bj by th day. Main 1311. .-J 3F sekeeper. rt,..1, - , OL1 ...t- ' DRESSSgilif. ka 40 DRESSMAKING. f p'I'U ; newlng,,. chil dren's work by isi &,! home. Main 3987. , MRS. Work BLACK, e'!i dressmaker. reaonabll MS R89 Wash NICE home and Jjard for children, trained nurse, miJUfrrtl conveniences; terma reasonable. ;Ti tir 2687. MATERNITY nurs; j wants eaite; will do light houew(r. iaMarshall 2K66. FURNISHlirt ItOOMS WEST44SHE R rif'VC ITjni f A M hr,ll fth mrui Waih. ington; new. firroCl brick, every modern ecnven!enfs'tl Jmonth up. HU1 EL ARTHUR. Slth 4er Morrison.' Transient and per mar 'nt. rooms with all modern convenleicei ; 3 17.60 mo. up. $3.50 WEEK up a$-solritHir the latest modern comforts! :i 11 ittel Grant, 461 Wash. Cheaper by Tn fflUi. kENlLWoRTH H0.1-1.1228V6 2d. Low rents. Miss tevsirt' Main 1I8Z Nicely furnished A D"2) 25c day up 228I. Wash. St.. MpU;J I $1.60 wk. dp hOuilS and a Da 1 3 i r a NltlS CO rtireri&iin modern- ho k ridpn. 4S6 Allr, J?ffe"rn, nicely fur. - tel. $ 2.5ft we THE KING. 309 KING. 309 JellifSon, c rha. modern. ifljttM. $2 EL NORRIS, ftj3lsAld roo room up. HOTEL NORRIS, bl3 Alder, cheer- ful outside roomy.'. ntlern. $3 wk. up. CCoatinaad osZTtt Page) r By "Baa" Fisher 0