. ' ' : , '. -. -N J' - .' " ' - $ i . (, '. . ... - , . . i jj . ' VOL 'XIII. NO. 199. . PORTLAND. . OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 27, 1914. EIGHTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS. c xnAras AND MITW Srii-NCB FIVE CENTS ! " : . . . ' . - 1 1 - f " , f- - - l-t ARRAS SHELLED BY GERMANS IS LEFI IN RUINS German Onslas on French and British tiSes Continue With Terrific Force, and Slaughter Is Unparalleled. GERMANS AGAIN NEAR SEA, SHIPS FIRE ON THEM Kaiser Gives Orders That Ca lais and Dunkirk Must Fall, Whatever the Cost. "Calais Must rail!" London, Oct. 27. Calais' rupture regardless of cost was declared today by the TimeH' Copenhagen correspondent to havo been ordered by the era peror of Germany. The cor respondent added that his majesty was In Belgium Sun day, received reports from the officers and told them that the German occupation of' Dunkirk and Calais, especially the lat ter, was vital to his plans.. A Berlin dispatch received by way of Copenhagen stated to day that the German emperor hass been accepted as commander-in-chief, not only of all hlh own.but of all the Austrian land and se, forces. - r.a,rge forces of Austrian troops of the first line are be ginning to appear at the fight 'ing front in northern France, .and I.ielgluilu -it was stated in news agency dispatches from Amsterdam and Rotterdam. ' cf"n!ted Piess Leaned Wire.) Bordeaux, Oct. 27. The, Ger mans were stated officially here today to be bombarding Arras and it was said the entire city was practically destroyed. . The Hague, Oct. 27. The fight ing which marked the crossing of 4he Yser by the. German' troop$ was spoken, of today in messages re ceived here frpa? the front as bbmethirrg unparalleled in warfare. The sluggish-'waters of the YBer canal were Jsaid to have been thrck wjth the Godies of the dead and crimson with the blood of the vic tims. All along the banks corpses lay thick. Whole companies- were declared to have .been wiped out practically to the last man. The artillery was said, to have so ( Concluded on Pane Three, Column FlTe) 105 ARE KILLED BY OuUf 372 in Mine 267 Were Rescued; -Fifteen 'Bodies Recovered Already, (t'nlte.d 'fcresa Leased Wire. Herrin, 111., Oct.' 27. One. hundred and five, eoal miners were believed to have met death today. In an explosion of gas at the North, mine, owned by the Franklin County Coal company, at Royalton, near here, i'p to noon,. 16 bodies had been recovered. Mine officials admitted that 372 men were trapped by the explosion. . Of this number. 62 were rescued alive. If the figures given out by the mine officials are correct, 90 men are BtuU entombed and rescuers have abandoned all hope of bringing them out alive.' The explosion occurred at 7:25 o'clock, shortly after the day shift reporiea ilt amj. fircy otner men were waiting to enter the shaft when it was completely wrecked by the inrcn of the eVplosion below. Appeals for volunteers to aid In res cue work wore immediately' sent out, and scores of men responded. James Harris, father of Russell Harris, one of the entombed men, led the first res cue party. Harris and his assistants ' saved 15 men. Harris thinks it will be Impossible to save any of the men still remaining in the mine. He says the entire west entry is in flames, and that the res cuers were compelled to" abandon ef- . forts to penetrate still farther into the the workings. Many of the men rescued alive were suffering from burns and other hurts. The 15 corpses recovered "were found at the bottom' of the 'shaf t., The entrance' to the shaft has been roped off to .prevent wutnen and child ren from trying to descend. The Royalton is one of the largest and richest In southern Illinois. The quality of the coal mined there-Is un usually, nne. . i ne Koyalton's shaft .was fitink 10 'years, ago. The mine lies near ane Letter mineat ZJegler. A - a cio-k mis auernoon It was s announced that 25 bodies of victims had been recovered from the mine. It was said that all hope of rescuing SO other men remaining in the mine had been abandoned and that they prob- aoiy had been cremated. Fifty of the IS2 men rescued were lnjurtd, some probably fataly. . . COAL MINE EXPLOSION AT HERRIN, ILLINOIS AMERICAN DESTROYER SPAULDING IS ASHORE Gale Off Cape Henry Drives Her on Rock Near Lynn haven Inlet, Va. (United Vn9i 'Leased Wire.) Norfolk, V., Oct. 27. Th destroyer Spaulding, with 60 persons aboard, was driven ashore today near Xiynnhaven Inlet, two milea west of Cap Henry, In a 60 mile gale. Life savers were try lag to reach the vessel. BALLOTING IN RECALL VOTE WILL BE LARGE Women Much in Evidence at the Various Precincts of the City; Polls Close at 8 P, M. That a heavy vote will have been cast In the recall election when the polls close tonight at 8 o'clock is In dicated by reports gathered today by The Journal from various precincts scattered throughout the city. Voting began withtrength from the' time the polls opened this morning and a notable fact in this connection was the large turnout of women. On the east and west sides in several pre cincts the women's vote outnumbered the men and a number of polling places reported that an average of between 25 and 30 votes an hour were cast during the forenoon. ' With the afternoon and evening when men are returning from work, it is anticipated that the voting will be much heavier and if the present rate obtains throughout the day, an unusually large proportion of the 95, 000 registered voters will have re corded their wishes in regard to the recall. Voting; Begins Early. In Portland there are 68,135 men registered and 37,791 women. Should the women continue to vote as they have during the first part of the day theif proportional total will exceed that-'of the men.- In precinct- 15, where the polling place Is at .Hill's Military amademy, a total of 76 votes out of 385 In the precinct had beeri cast up to 10:30 o'clock. . Voting In precinct 35 Is being held at the Dulmage-Manly Auto company's building on Twentieth, near Washing ton street, and at ,10:30 .o'clock 35 out of 250" registered had cast their bal lots. In the vicinity of Twenty-eighth and Thurnian streets. In precinct 2, the vote was reported as good and was divided -' equally between men and wo men. Precinct No. 11, In the vicinity of Fourteenth and Lovejoy streets, re ported eight votes of 119 cast up to 10 o'clock., t , " . From the polling place at Twenty- first and Northrup, precinct 14, out of 476 registered 54 had voted up to 11 o'clock, and the women exceeded the men. Honors Are Even. At 11 a, m. women and men were breaking even in voting at Kast Twen ty-ninth and Yamhill streets, precinct 171. Fifty-two ballots had been cast out qf a total registration of 300. The woman vote predominated at 11 o'clock In precinct 140, polling place, 982 Division street. Forty-five votes were cast and the total registration Is 442. In precinct 1SS, polling place 3421 East Fiftieth, a good vote was being polled and honors were even between men and women. At Fiftieth and Hawthorne In pre cinct 166 where the registration is 672, there had been 61 votes cast up to 10:30 o'clock. The women outnumbered the men. The Y. M. C. A. precinct headquar ters for No. 52 reports ,that approxi mately one third of the 54 votes cast up to 10:30 were women's. The pre cinct registration4 is 296. 1 The Sellwood Y. M. C. A., polling place for precinct 103, reported 30 votes cast in an hour and the vote in creasing in volume. At East Seventy-fourth and Powell 27 votes were cast in an hour, and th majority of voters were women. Fifty people had voted at precinct No. 175, on East .Twenty-eighth, be tween Main and Madison streets, bo fore 10 o'clock. Many women were among them and as the morning wore on the number of women rather pre dominated over the number of men. Election officials considered this a fairly good showing so early In tne day. German Commander Said to Be Suicide London, Oct. 27. That General von Beseler, the Gerrrftn commander who vaptured Antwerp, bad committed sui cide at Brusres was given as an uncon firmed report in a Rotterdam dispatch received this afternoon by the News. No reason why he should have done so was given. ' - WEST'S SPEAKING PLACES Governor, West' will deliver an ad dress tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock in Baker's rhalL Seventeenth and Alberta- streets. Tomorrow night he will speak In the Maccabee hall In LInnton. ' ' . Brittania Rules Allied Fleets. London. Oct.' 27. -France, and Rus. sia are reported to have given the su preme command of their navies for the rest of the war to the British. WITH M ON BOARD INDICATES lLUIIUH GREAT CROWD SEES OPENING OF Manufacturers' & Land Prod ucts Exposition at Armory Ushered Into Existence With'lmpressive Ceremony. EXHIBITION EXCEEDS EVERY EXPECTATION Unanimous Opinion Expressed Event Greatest in N-W. Ex cept World's Fairs. Xand Show Program. Tonight East Side Business Men's association will cele brate at Manufacturers' and Land Products Show; State Woman's Press club, vocal and instrumental musical program; band music and entertainment. W e d n e s d a y afternoon Vaudeville features, motion pictures, in free theatre; lec ture by M. J. Duryea of Eu gene Commercial club. Wednesday night Special en tertainment and Jollification by Knights and Ladies of Secur ity. "With music, addresses and a per sonal message from President Wilson the Manufacturers' and Land Products Show was formerly opened last night a4 the Armory and will be the civic and social center of activity for the next three weeks. The big doors of the Armory and agricultural hall swung open to the general public shortly after 7 o'clock, and from then on people began to pour into the brilliantly lighted buildings by scores and hundreds. The formal ceremonies attendant upon the opening began at 8:30. but long before that, time the aisles and passageways between the artistically arranged booths and splendid exhibits were packed, crammed with people of me. laughter loving sort, a seeming never ending tide of humankind that Jostled Its way good humoredly from building to building, seeing and enjoy ing everything. In less than two hours, more than 5000 people had passed the entrance by actual count and the number did not include exhibitors and others who went through the pass gates. Everybody Is Surprised. Many had come with the expectation vi seeing a iew oig pumpKins. some macninery and grains. They left mar veling at the comprehensive collection or sou-grown products, the $100,000 worth of manufactured products on display and the hundreds of other (Concluded on Page SeTen. Column One) OF Djm. SMITH Withycombe Is Considered a "Figurehead" by One; An other Revolts Nominee. Another Republican newspaper, The Banks Herald, has come out strongly in support of Dr. C. J. Smith, as the ousiness canqiaate ror governor. It opposes tne candidacy of Dr. James wiinycomDe, tne Kepublican nominee because it says the people of Oregaii do not want a figurehead in the office oi tne cniei executive. A few days ago the Ashland Tidings, a Biauiiiu nepuuiican paper for 40 years, revolted against having a "corked" candidate crammed down th people's throat and it turned to Dr Smith as the candidate the voters of the state should elect governor on No vember 3. . The Tidings declared it was going to support Dr Smith because he stands boldly for ''strict law enforcement, and does not hesitate to announce his principles without inuendo or evasion. ' Withycombe Termed "Spineless." On the other hand the paper char acterizes Dr. Withycombe as "spine less," and points out that "he an nounces no principles, takes no stand "v iiu"tjr ana preaches to doctrine that has not been censored by his managers and approved by the machine." The Banks Herald objects to Dr Withycombe and has given Its suth port to Dr. Smith for much the same reasons. In a prominent editorial The Herald says : "There are two big points involved in the present contest for the gover norship: "The first point is contained' in the question as to which candidate will give the more business-like adminis tration. "The second is as to which can be relied upon to protect popular govern ment. "Mr. Smith's record as school dirw- tor for 18 years in Pendleton, as maydr of Pendleton, and as state senator, is known. It is as a result of his untir ing efforts that Pendleton now has such an efficient and splendid school system. ' O. J. Smith's Record Approved. - "It was as a resu-lt of his vigilance as mayor of Pendletbn, that Pendleton today . exercises a" control over tele phone,", railway and 'other public utility franchises, and owns And controls her Aoeloded on Page Nine, Column Fire) : BIG SHOW REPUBLICAN PAPERS SUPPORT CANDIDACY BEGINNING i . a. . v j- i v ai y ,i vmumi " c v i i wm a' vi 11 f ri m ni v m i i tit, C. J. SMITH LEAVES NO ONE IN DOUBT AS TO WHERE HE STANDS flatfooted Statement Made at Mt, Tabor; "Old Gang" As sembly Attacked, In clear cut statement that left ab solutely no doubt as to his meaning. Dr. C. J. Smith, candidate for governor. last nlgbt at the Mount Tabor school, to a large crowd of voters of that vi cinity; outlined exactly what he stands for In seeking the gubernatorial of fice. The assembly bill ws attacked; hlB plan of state expense retrenchment was outlined; Dr. Wlthycombe's "har mony" program with the legislature was assailed, and. the Introduction of Asiatic labor, as favored by the Re publican candidate, was vigorously de nounced. "You are now each and every one a delegate to your own county and state convention," declared Dr. Smith in discussing the assembly measure. "You do not have to swallow the slate that used to be made up by three or four politicians in the back room of a saloon. "The same class of fellows are mixed up in this assembly scheme that got away with your school lands, your tide lands and your timber lands. The men who dominated this state from 1890 to 1900 are the most vicious, obnoxious bunch of tslsccj i that ever disgraced a state. Just tne Sam Old Crowd. "It is this same crowd, almost iden tically, that is saying today that you voters don't know what you want. And yet the people of the state have shown that they are far more intelligent than the ones who framed the slates under the old system. The old gang was frustrated, Dr. Smith observed, with the passage of the great primary bill of 1904, and resolved to come back In the .legisla ture. Its members dominated the leg- (Concluded on Page Two, Column FItc ) OF TO FLEGEL People Sickened of Mis-Rep resentative Lafferty; Mc Arthur's Record Bad, Voters of the Third congressional district, Multnomah county, who do not wish to be misrepresented at Washing ton by either McArthur or Lafferty, are turning by thousands, to A. F. Fle geL The prospects of Flegel's election grow stronger every day, Congressman Lafferty is making a desperate effort to secure reelection. His record shows that Oregon never had a more unfaithful representative at Washington. f For five months this summer, while congress was in session Lafferty was here in Portland. Although some of the most important legislatlori of the generation was being considered and enacted at Washington, Lafferty re mained in Oregon, busily engaged In campaigning to retain his job. Lafferty returned to Washington only when notified by the sergeant at arms of the house of representatives that Mb pay '.ould be stopped if he RALLYING VOTERS RENDERS ELECTION CERTAINTY (Concluded on Pace Two, Column Four). CRACK! SENATOR LANE SAYS FLEGEL WILL MAKE FINE REPRESENTATIVE Candidate's Training Pa'ficu lariy Fits Him for Place; Chamberlain Most Capable, Absolute disavowal of any slate or ticket, numbers of which nave ap peared In the last few days, whether they bear his name or not. was the keynote of the earlier part or tne address of A- F. Flegel, candidate ror congress, speaking before a large meeting in Mount Tabor school last evening. I wish to announce in most em phatic language," he said, "that I have not consented to and will not consent to the use of my name on any ticket of any organization. I am steering this campaign alone, and I will win or go down on the merits or my own fight" Mr. Flegel again spoke upon tne fuedamental principle of his campaign, saying that his election will mean that the people of. the district wish to indorse President Wilson. The president was characterized as the greatest national leader since the days of Lincoln; as the first national leader in many years who had carried out his campaign promise that the tariff would be reduced; and as the instigator of a foreign policy that in these troublous times is causing every nation at war to trust its international diplomatic problems to our ambassa dorial and ministerial staff. Patriotism Weeded How. "Now Is th time for citizens of the United States to be patriotic and not partisan," counseled Mr. Flegel, amidst much applause. "The president has asked that we give him an indorse ment. Only by voting for those who are his out and out supporters can this be done." Although the audience had been in- Lformed that Senator Lane would not be able to appear ana aner tne lasi speaker had concluded and the peo ple were leaving for home. Sheriff Tom Word announced that he baa Just gov ten in touch with the senator and that he was on his way. The crowd eager ly settled back for 10 minutes. "Senator Chamberlain has been one of the most capable men in the sen ate." declared Senator Lane. "I have HVed on the east side of Portland 50 years. The people know me and be lieve me. I could not afford to make this statement if I did not know It is so. If I didn't believe In him I wouldn't be here to fight for him. The senator drew a laugh from his auditors many times in picturing Mr Booth's "insatiable appetite" for tim ber land and in describing Hanleys laree estates in eastern Oregon. Booth and Hanley could not be such bitter enemies, asserted Senator Lane, when Dame Rumor linked Booth close ly with the Weyerhaeuser interests and Hanley with the Hill Interests through the Oregon Western Coloni zation company and when both of thes big holding companies are connected through the railway systems. rieg-el Is Praised. Flegel was complimented by Sen ator Lane for his good service in the citv council while the senator was mayor. "There are 30,000 bills pending b fore congress now," Dr. Lane said. "The bills are nicely worded and ap pear on their faces to have been in stituted with the best motives. But burled down somewhere in their bod ies one finds a little paragraph, just a sentence or so, that changes the en tire meaning of the bill. That is the joker. A man In congress must be able to see these things, and he must be able to distinguish quickly the good and bad in legislation. I know no better training' for .that . than to serve several terms In the council of a large city. Mr. Flegel was one o the very best men-tn my council, and i E IS GIVEN CHAMBERLAIN BY ALBANY CITIZENS Senator Receives Ovation at Greatest Political Gathering in Linn County. . By Staff Correspondent.' Albany, Or., Oct. 27, To the strains of "Dixie" by the High School band. to the thunderous applause and cheers of between 1500 and 2000 ..trsons Sjens,tor George B. Chamberlain mount ed the platform In the local armory ast night to address the largest po litlcal audience ever assembled In Al bany. Senator Chamberlain has yet to find an unappreclatlve audience; he has yet io spean 10 empty sears; ne is attract ing the largest crowds of any candi date now before the people for elec tion; but last night's reception crown ed them all. It was an ovation: thero s no j&ther name for it. It was a tribute; it was a genuine welcome on the part of Albany people to a former son. The meeting was billed to start at 8 o'clock, but at 7 scores of people Btood without the armory entrance clamor- ng'for admittance. Every chair was taken and Albany had been pcoureii for extra chairs. Sadiates With Hospitality. . The balcony of the big building was crammed with humanity. It was impossible) to count the numbers that stood. Armories as a rule are cold, bare, forbidding structures, but in the warmth of the reception given Ore gon's senior senator' this particular building fairly glowed. It radiated hospitality. Albany for many years was the home of Senator Chamberlain, and It was here - he made his start as a young man. He has been away for a number of years and Albany has grown and changed, but George K. Chamberlain in the face of bitter at tacks on his character and reputation (Concluded on Pace Five. Column One.) WARM WEL COM Late Telegraphic News ATTEMPT TO XIX I. TIUA. El Paso, Texas, Oct. 37. An attempt was made last night to assassinate General Francisco Villa at Guadalupe, Zacatecaa. The would-be assassin was captured and confessed, it was said, before Americas Consular Agent Ca ro tiers, General Villa and the members of his staff. Following a drumhead courtmartial the prisoner, Francisco Hujica, was executed. . SXuJica was formerly a con vict at Mexico City. He said he was commissioned by General Francisco Sobelo, President Carranza's inspec tor of police, to kill Villa. japs GBOwrzro uunobt. Washington, Oct. 27. A note from Toklo requesting the expulsion of the German gunboat Geiers from Hono lulu was delivered to state depart ment officials today by Japanese Am bassador Chlnda. Honolulu authorities were ordered to report immediately as to whether the Geiers Is seaworthy. If so, she must depart at once. The Japanese note said all repairs to the vessel had been completed and that international law required that she leave Honolulu immediately. STBEZi BZVZBEKB CUT. ' Sew York, Oct. 37. The United State Steel corporation today declared, a dividend of one-half of 1 per cent on' its common stock. This was a reduc tion of three-quarters of 1 per cent from the preceding quarter xu reg ular quarterly dividend pf li per cent on its preferred stock was declared. Journal Lights and r . Screen Will Give Election Returns By signal lights The Journal will announce tonight the re sult of the recall -election being lield today. If the recall falls. The Jour nal building will be Illuminat ed. If the recall carries, red lights will be displayed from the four corners of the build ing. If the recall partially carries green lights will be displayed from the four corners of the building. A large force will be em ployed In gathering the election returns, which will be shown on a screen in front of The Jour nal building. ' ARE WITHYCOMBE'S 'AUDIENCES' TO BE HAND-PICKED, TOO? Secrecy About Republican's Speaking Schedule Looks Queer to Those "Outside," Apparently his "advisors" have de cided to permit Dr. James Withycombe, candidate for governor, to speak only to hand-picked audiences during the remainder of the campaign. This morning a Republican voter called up Wlthycombe's headquarters and asked for information as to where Dr. Withycombe is going to speak today. "Is this Main 106, the Withycombe headquarters." the voter asked over the wire. "Yes, yes, this is the headquarters," came the answer. "Would you please tell me If Dr, Withycombe is going to speak today. and where?" the -voter asked. "Well, I don't think he has any fixed program, came the resDonse, some what evasively. "Dr. Withycombe Is circulating among his friends, but I don't think he is down for any regular speech. He may possibly go out to Sherwood today or some other nearby places and talk In a sort of an Informal way. But," the man at the headquar ters asked suspiciously, "who's talk' lng? What's your name?" "I'm a Republican, and thought Td like to bear Dr. Withycombe, but can't see that my name matters. You are not afraid to have anyone hear what your candidate has to say, axe you?" "Well, we axe not going t ten where Dt. Withycombe speaks unless we know to whom we are talking." "That beats alL I supposed Dr. Withycombe speaks because he wants to be heard, and by as many as pos sible," the voter exclaimed in ur Drise, and rang off. Learning of the nnsuecemtul at tempt of this Republican voter. The Journal sought to gain, the Informa tion for him. So the headquarters were called again. Secretary Baldwin said he wasn't sure that Dr. Withycombe was going to make any more: speeches. He said his next speech was scheduled for As toria tomorrow night, but that his advisors would meet today and they might cancel thru date. He said no definite information could be glyen. At Hillsboro last Saturday evening Dr. Withycombe "declared his intention to "speak right out in meeting." But the "advTsors' are evidently growing skittish. . Steamship Sunk by Mine in Atlantic London, Oet. 27. The steamship Manchester Commerce, bound from Manchester to Montreal, has been sunk by a mine off the British west coast, according to information furnished by a trawler which arrived today at Carlouprh Bay, Ireland, with 30 sur vivors of the crew. The captain and 13 members of the crew were said to have perished.! TJ. S. CAW EEIiF BEX.GZAHB. Washington, Oct. 27. The state de partment received word today that tha German military governor of Belgium had notified the American and Span ish ambassadors that Germany would not interfere with the distribution of food and clothing to destitute Bel gians. A cablegram today from Ambassa dor Page said it would be useless to Sendi money. , T'ha Belgians need food and cloth ing," he said. "Money will do them no good." OBEXES XlAXTO ZH AZ.BAHZA. Borne, Oct. 27. Italy bavins; made a landing on the Albania coast, the Greeks were reported today operating in the southern part of the same ter ritory. Zt was believed the Borne and Athens governments would co-operate with one another hut Essad Pasha, the newly proclaimed Albanian king, was considered likely to make a hard fight against these-forces. OEBKAR POBT STLEMTCXD. Toklo, Oct. 27. The Anglo-Japanese bombardment of the Germans' Xiao Chau fortifications increased in vio lence today. The Xltisf ert, "one of. the chain of defenses, had been silenced and others showed the damaging; effect of the besiegers' runs. -''- QUAKE IK ZTAX.T . Borne, Oct. 27. Turin wae shaken by another sllzht earthquake shock todav4 - : z-iozence aiso leit tne oisrarhance. ZJttle damage wae done in either place, though, many of the inhabitants were thrown into a Panlo. BOOTH ISiUNFIT FOR A SiATGf S LANE Republican Canfjidate's Inter ests Not Sucfeas to Enable Him to Guardilhe People's Rights, It Is Pointed Out. SAYS BOOTH'SiTIMBER APPETITE IS STRONG Dr. C J. Smith! A. F. Flegel, Tom Word nd Others Speak. - i How could R. A. Ijjooth, whose com pany owns 324,000 Nacres of timber , lands, much of it jcquired by ques- t 1 1 . i - -. .. ... . . . meuioas, ftP to tne unitea States senate and -ve the Interests of the plain people J Oregon? Senator Harry LaSe told the people of Sunnysitre, in an Address, last night at the Sunnysldo scbool. that he could not. From the vigorous applause It was apparent that the audience heart ily agreed with Senator Lane. ,. wer ouu persons ; were out to near Senator Lane, Dr. J. Smith, candi date for governor; fcv., F. Flegel, can didate for "congress: Sheriff Tom Word, and Dr. A. Ki Higgs and T. O. - Hague, candidate tor state represen tative. They show Id their pleasure at meeting Senator tfane again by giv ing hlm.an ovationywhen he aose to speak. .'They applauded and yelled and waved handkerchief. Glad to Betrtrn Horn. Dr. Smith and Totii Word were also accorded particularly! hearty applause. Senator Lane sald lhe was glad to ba back in Oregon whi)' the women havi a right to voto. i 1 !j "If they had hadthe right to vote when I was mayor j; would have had a better government' he declared. "I came home a few days ahead of adjournment of the'fpnate to take thna to Impress upon yog the services ren dered by Senator bhamberlaln.? ha said. He referred tc$ the effort of cer tain papers to stlrt'jip strife between s himself and ChainfjerlaJn. He said Senator ChamberlaLn supported him In thA Ijtst- rnmnfliffu nrtA m ft r Vim a elected, met him jf Washington and j gave him every assistance In getting i started in his work- t "I found he was of the most In. 7 fluential and one of j the best senators, there, and absolutely": devoted to tha in- terests of his stajle," said Senator' T n a T i.fc.'. . IW. - I . - V ' ' -a w rcT ji Aicjii iiiib ntiu uiw - Inet officers for thijgs ho wanted fof i his state, and hav seen him appeal i; from their decision. to the president. and In that way go what he thought ' Booth Hot ajight Type. "If I did not th&k he is the best mans, for you to send back there. I would not stand up- here and tell you so. If I thought Jtr. Booth was tha best man I wouldis'iot support Cham berlain. I would b3 honest with youi Booth Is not thsi type of man to ' ma. im a guua senatvr. ins interests are not such to enable him to be a good senator. I itppe you can aea that a; I do." .! 'A Senator Lane srnNeil. pleasantly. Ha was among his frieHi.s, th people who had given him hli (strongest support when he was flghtlfk corruption whil mayor of Portland!? so thoroughly appreciated the unfitness of Booth t represent Oregon Injtne United State senatethat he seenfed to feel that his friends ought to stse the sltmatloo mm he sees At. And the. audience was r- -mnrkahl v rewnonnlvi isooin is not so siroateo: that B can go back there ?.nd glva yon thai slngl-e minded servjSce .that Chamber lain can," he continued. "Ha has JS4, 000 acres of timber lands. Did yotx ever look at no much land? Ton eoakX not go over it In a. day with an aato- mobile. You would .need a flying ma chine to see It all. I'll bet be never saw It all. I ' Has Tlmbei Appetite. "He has the . greatest appetite fof timber land I ever Jaw, If I had an acre of timber landlin the Wlllametta valley I would loc it up 'In the cel lar that man has sch an appetite for timber land." :.:. Senator T.fLn saH th lnni, whlrh produces the biggeet and finest tim ber is the best landjfor agrtcultureor It wouldn't grow sflfch fine trees. He explained the condit Sons of the O. C railroad land grant, 41 he terms of which were that the lands! actual settlers In tK should be sold to acts of not more at a price not to than 320 acres anflr exceed $2.50 an aci'fa. He said hun dreds of applicant)! who wanted to buy some of the lanMs for homes, were refused, but ty som.1 means the Booth- (Concluded on rfe; Colo ma One) Christmas5hip Gifts Are Off .. The carload .of gifts for tha Christmas' Ship retributed by the r-eoole of the ticifie Northwest through THE JOl CRN AL' la ready for Its long Jourrpy. This afternoon wooden packing lie many large ases containing the contribution;!. which were packed by Lipmfrf, Wolfe & Co., were hauled to (he Union Depot by the Oregon Ti pnsfer company, who kindly volueieered this serv ice. -Mi later in the day?; aboard a baggl Union Dei-ot, whf Chicago tonlgh train No. 10 ov N. This railrca the Oregon Shorf hey were placed ge . car at. the h will leave for ; on passenger the O-W. R. & together with Line, the Union I'aclfic and th; Northwestern, to Chfcago free will itaui tne ca Of charge. The car will &r)lve in Chicago Friday evening I and . from" there -will be hauled if "the Chrieunaa Ship at Brooklynbver the Krle. - ASSERT (Concluded on Page .Six, Oolnma Tw.) - ' .- -- ' 7- .IE