THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 26t 1914. y 9 a ) 1 1 is LLl o o o o o ill Read How Your Moimey 9 pemit Furnished by the City Auditor From the Off icial Records on Application of Dr,; Geo; Farrish, in Accordance With the City Charter S See the Difference Between 1912 and 1914 The comp'arisoif of 1912 and 1914 is made, as Siring the year 1913 one-Jialt of, 'the year was under the .old and one-naif under the hew adrtiinislfatibn, , v .. . Owrag to theacToption of the commission form of government a number of: changes have been made in the Department of PubHc Vorics, aid in- the manner- of making appropriations, making- .comparison difficult. - -. The exptHiditures for 1914 are, 'estimates and include -'permanent work anJ special -appropriations Which are not all. properly ex' pfnscs of the Defra7trnivt 'of "Public Works. ' l'lia followitig; amo.dt)t.haVe been paid into.the city treasury and ' deducted: .- ' i ' Cnttinp weeds (assessments fo? 1914 no levied,-estimated at $3550.00) ........'.:.... .;..:;....,... $ 426.27 Construction oi sidewalk's..'- . ...; , 4,183.63 Construction of round corners..,,,.......,,.....'... Removal of earth......... Checking slide, St. Francis Hill.. Repairs. Broadway Brida-e ....... Changing grade Oregon Electric Co Repairs to sewers and eatchbasins........ Rolling pavement burucing roadway Cement tests Blue prints Filling and draining lots Removing track ....... t .$ 723,25 . 272.43 . 1.OQO.00 . 3,000.00 . 1.012.56 . , 160.19 1800 38-30 . 8.00 6,896.06 154.50 33.32 A comparison ot the payrolls of tbe various branches of tha City Engineering Sarvioe, net including the Bureau of Building Inspection, for month of June. 1918, the month prior to the present administration, and the month of Jvina, 1914, . is Riven below, The latter month also does not Include the cost of the wsed-eutUne campaign, which will h returned hy assessments against property, and is not properly eharge- aoie w in, wiartiptqf qx x-uouc warns. June, 1914, was 27 5, while tnose in June, izs.isf, or ' less, it wui te noted tnat in June. MIS. there were few engineers and a comparatively small office force, while the field force was large. In June, 1914, the figures are just the rgvers. There rks. The number et employes In ne, 1914, were 130. or Se less, yet 128.930, while for the latter wa waa a large engineering and office force and a comparatively small ' field force. This ta due to t,he fact that the present administration has created many divisions and subdivisions in the servk-e. each presided fcver by bureau chiefs and division heads drawing- big salaries. In t short, when formerly there were few generals and many privates, there ", ere now many generals and few privates, and endless red tape. It Is pertinent to eay that there was nowhere near the amount of Sublic improvement work in orogrees in June. 1814. aa there was -in ' une, 1913. and careful investigation leads to the belief that the pr.a- eot engineering bureaus are topheavy with expensive employes, the I services of many or wnom eouiq oe dispensed with, thus savtng the I "Of ': taxpayers economy, thousands of eouid dollars at dispensed with. this tlms when there ia need 1913. ;..Salgrt, : Fnginerrjng Department Salaries, tret Hcpair Fund ..... J02.8ST.M f6,34.8 1 " $279,314.89 "'Sui'plteH. material, fir., rcngineer s department.. . 4.8H6.b.i Htatlonery, etc, istationrry apd plonks account).. Oar ttfkets carfnre eccoiint) jJtipnlif , materiel, etj. (Street- repsir fund) . Patching streets ... '-. btreet maintenance (hard surface) . 4,637.8i 3.9S9.24 $9,,7K 2,181. 1,128.67 $352,685.73 Total , ,.$11,736.21 The special appropriations aUo include repairs to tRe Union Ave nue Bridge, $11,193: Grand Avenue Bridge, $12,000, and Front Street Bridge, $10,000. On the former two of these bfidges the railway company will be assessed their proportion. In 1912 there were no special surveys made. . ii4. Estimated amounts of expenditure Department ef Public Works, exclusive of Bureau of Buildings, etc. Salaries . . Supplies Materials : . !5iuipment .' Repairs . 3ower, etc . . .,,,.,,.,..,,. Transportation and communication .. , Contingencies . , Iixed charges Maintenance tnara surrae streets) , Permanent , works (includes salaries) Special appropriations (include some salaries), ..$278,637.03 . . 12,275.00 , . 24,073.00 6,540,00 8,247.00 35.00 1O.S37.0O 1,669 00 590,00 17,851,42 85.185.00 67,707.90 PAT ROLLS. June. 1913. Building Tiippector's Department Kn striper's Department Plumbing Inspector's Department Knffinper'B Department, Inspectors , Appraisers Street Kxtensions , Inspector of Olssed Cement Pipe street Repair Fund -$452,824.35 3S3.S83.7S - ' - - . I.. . Increased cost pf 1914 ever 1912...... $100,138,62 2,411.68 13.6S7.83 $78.00 7,276.25 425.00 125.00 6,769.50 -$ 28.920.24 PAY ROLLS. June. 1814,- Engineer's Office " , ; Commissioner's Office Main Office Bureau of Buildings , Bureau of Surveys Bureau of Standards Bureau of Sewers Bureau of. Highways and Bridges . . , Kepairs to Bridge Public Markets Cutting Weeds Elimination of Grade Crossings f 550.00 W7.88 3.Q91. S3 2,93.7 6,544.50 641.50 4,589.30 9,083.31 260.84 S7.0: 1,101.84 S9S.00 Total cost of all street improvements 1912 (108.6 miles) .$3,073,421.00 Total cost of all street improvements 1914, estimated (no mileage available)... 1,430,000.00 Total cost of sewers 1912 (no mileage available). Total cost of sewers 1914 (estimated) .. -$ 28,134.87 .$566,073.00 . 500,000.00 t 1 - Decrease street improvements, less than in 1912. .... . $1,543,421 .QQ Decrease in sewers less than in 1912,.....,,.,.......$ 66,073.00 But stop, look listen to the increased cost .to the taxpayers for a great deal less wotk. COMPARE THESE OFFICES, Kncineer of Engineer of Chauffeur '. Chief Clerk Chief Clerks, Filing Clerk Sewers Monuments each SUMMARY QF EMPLOYES JN KNGINESRINO june, ui, City Engineer $200.00 Principal Assistant Engineer , 156.00 Offioe Engineer 150.00 Pistrjct Engineers, each 180.00 160.00 150,00 100.09 ,. 180.00 110.00 1B5.00 Clerks . , . ., 100.00 Stenographer 100.00 gtenogrupher . . , 90.00 Stenographer , 78.00 Ohlef Computer, Street Department 135.00 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 4 1 O 1 1 1 1 1 Chief Computer. Sewer Department 1 Assistant Computer, Street Department S Computers, each . . ! 6 Computers, each , 1 S Draughtsmen, eaeh 1 Draughtsman 1 structural and Bridge Draughtsman 1 citemist I Cement Tester 1 Inspector of Materials 1 Right of Way Agent . 1 City Hall Carpenter . 1 Blue Print Ooerator". . 7 Transit Men, eaoh 1$5.00 11 Levelmen,-each , 110.00 37 Ohainmen, 'each 85-00 I PAYROLLS SUMMARY OK EMPLOYES JN ENOINEERING OFFICES. June, 1914, 1 Commissioner $418.81 1 City Engineer 8&0.00 1 Principal Assistant , , ,, 'JOG. 00 iunier ureu of nignways ano Mrmgee Assistant Engineers Highways and Bridges, each..,. x Assistant engineer Assistant Engineer . . . Chief Bureau standards Chief Bureau Hewers 1 t t 'Mtl"tIM 125.00 11500 105.00 95.00 126.00 100.00 160.00 138,00 136,00 86,00 126.00 $7.80 0.00 3 3 6 16 65 1 1 3 4 1 5 Annraiser of Values Clerks, each District inspectors 1 .... . Inspectors Trunk Sewers. Class inspectors irunn newers, A," eaeh Class "B," per day. . Street and Pipe Inspectors, Class "A," each... Street and Pipe Inspectors, Class "h," per day Street Maintenance inspector Sewer Maintenance Inspector Traction Engineers, per hour Foremen Laborers, tier hour Bridge Carpenter Foreman, per day aridee uaroeniers. ner nay . , . , 1 Head Inspector, permit work, per month. ............ I......... .... ... ...,..... ...... . . . , . 150.00 100.Q0 1SS.00 ISw.OO 4.00 85.00 8.00 135,00 ni.oo .45 .80 4.80 3.60 $0.00 a, 00 Aasistanf Inspectors, permit work, per month.,...,.,.....,.. i foreman sewer repair crew 20 Iaborers Sewer Renal re. rer day" 1 Inspector Trenches, per month 180.00 1 Assistant Inspector Trenches, per day 8.00 1 Cement Finisher, per day ..... 8.00 5 Laborers Sidewalk Crew, per day.. ............, 8.00 $4 Laborers Street Repairs, per day .... M ................... . $.00 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 4 1 3 1 8 1 3 16 IS 7 36 I 4 3 35 T 8 1 8 1 1 8$ 1$ 200.00 160.00 150.00 145.00 150.00 200,00 ft vil Engineer , 135.00 Municipal Engineer 145.09 Surv Assistant Engineer Bureau Municipal miigineer Secretary to Commissioner Stenographer Stenographer , Messenger , , . , chaurreur . , , . , Senior Draughtsmen, Bureau pf Highways and Bridges, eiuh Head Draughtsman, Surveys ,, Junior Draughtsmen, each Chief Cemnuter Computers each Computer , . . Computers, each Chief Clerk . . . Other Clerks . , . Instrument Men Instrument Men Chainmsn Chief Sewer Inspector m,oos; truer Inspectors 1 80.00s r 1 ..... ...fkV 175.00 145.00 135.00 h 00 100.00 105.00 1 ,"n.fuv 10a 00 126.00 100.00 90,00 v$T0 . , S6.oO.f5f . .. 11 0.00 if .. 125.00i 80.00; $ Sewer Inspectors Junior Inspector! Senior Sewer InNpeotors , , , Inspector Sidewalks Junior Inspectors ... Inspector Bureau of Standard). Superintendents Street Repairs Junior Inspectors Street Rtpuirs ... Foreman Street Repair Foremen Street Repairs , Foremen Sewers Foreman Bridge Carpenters, per. day. Bridge Carpenters, per day Trartion Engineers Chauffeur . . , Special Inspector, per day Paver, per day Cement Finisher, per day v mont r ininner, per gay ,$75,00 to .$7500 to 100.00.1 iLiioe??; 9(1 00: f It&fOst S5 oo;l 95.7S1 3 8H 4.5'frs 3.5ftlf 1 ft i 9 rt ; 55.0 5 nrf rl 1 ftO'i Blueprinter . , lftOOSU S Assistant Bluenrtr.ter Physical Laboratory Inspector Asphalt Plant Inspector Laborers Street Repair Laborerg Sewer 85.061 .ne.$ iNras i .. 1 Wit- Vi 4 a a X.:yy.OW)W;)W.,W. To Succeed Robert G. Dieck. ' ; for ! '.. Commissioner . MY PLATFORM If I am elected I will during my term of office advocate civil service ; fewejr laws and strict enforcement; lower taxes; the game economic handling of public money as I would give mine ; the office will always be open to the public" at all times, regardless of poli tics, religion, or station in life ; will oppose the issue of any more public bonds at this time. EFFICIENCY SERVICE ALWAYS WELCOME COURTESY As the recall has been filed, and being a taxpayer, and not being able to receive jus tice, and. being unable to interview the present administration in matters of public busi ness, I have allowed my friends to use my name as a candidate against Mr. Lieck. ILooIk!! Oteira.! When Will This Increase Stop? Stop ? v " .at ' . , 'Mr. Stoo - ' XL - Taxpayer ook!! Expenditures Errgineenng Department 1912 : . . .$352,685 73 Expenditures Engineering Department ipU. 407,897.14 Increased expense $ 55,21 L41 Total cost of improvements 1912 $3,639,494 'Total cost of improvements 1914 , 1,940,000 Decrease in improvements $1,609,494 Pay roll 1912 $352,685.73 Improvements $3,639,494 Pal roll 1914 ........ 407,897.14 Improvements 1,930,000 ,1i.t. 555,21 Al more to d0 $1,930,000 worth of work, which is $1,609,494 less than m 1912- In other words, it colt the taxpay ers $55,211.41 to do $1,609,494 less work in 1914. P Should not these figures be sufficient to convince every voter that there should be a change in the administration of the De partment of Public Works? .. OFFICE ENGINEERS. Promotions and .new appointees Formerly 4 men getting $7,800.00 per year. Now 9 men getting $23,720.00 per year. tape Ostein ! !'! RECORD OFFICE. Formerly ...1 Now .....4 This due to a more complicated system, involving more red MAIN OFFICE. Formerly ,..3 Now Due to more complicated system, DRAFTING OFFICE Formerly 5 Now .. Dae to making necessary maps artcj charts. .11 The charts show supposed advantages of commission form of government and ar for political purposes; traffic an other questionable surveys not necessary and not consistent with a policy to keep down taxes. " For me Year J.910; Total StreeHmproveiiiftnt Work Total Sewers Constructed . , . Cool Engineering Department For the Year 1911: Total Street-Improvement Work Total Sewers Constructed . . . Cost of Engineering Department For the Year Total street-improvement Work Total Sewers Constructed . . Cost of Engineering Department For the Year 1913: Total Street-Improvement Work Total Sewers Constructed . , 04,816,132.00 OQ7.T1 8.QO 18Dt535.S9 Percent 07,021 ;361 .OO 550,291 .OO 180,208,59 Per cent S49672.801e00 480,173.00 1 4 is i If i23 Cost ot Engineering Department To September 1. 1914; Total Street-Improvement Work Total Sewers Constructed 207,834.00 Percent I J52.5Q1 ,415.00 itoua,u7b,ui) 03.G6S.303.00 2l9.OS7.17 Per cent 0- - w 4. 1 . . O 898,000,00 . . 382,000.00 $1,277,000.00 COSt Of Public Works Dept. to Sept. 1st, 200,000.00 Per Cent VOTE FOR 22 x Yes For Recall of Commissioner of Public Works VOTE FOR ,ir" Mcond PVo. 17 Geo. Parrlsh x ) GEOEC SIHIaTrihi Maim Yom Need He is a man who ha made a success of his own pri vate business and is a large taxpayer. Every railroad corporation and large business concern always selects a man of executive ability, and he surrounds himself with men of ability who look after the different departments.. It; is not necessary that a Commissioner of Public Works should be a Civil Engineer. He should be a man of executive ability and good, sound business judgment. He should have a City Engineer able to handle the big gest engineering projects. He should have men at the headvof each department peculiarly fitted for the posi tions they hold. The Commissioner should be the ex ecutive head of his department only, administering its affairs as he would manage his own private business, and Mner tVissf fif iiVsnrr1int(it nfrfnrm nil trHnical worlc properly. If a Commissioner does this, he will have performed his duty and performed it well. That's w1ir( flftnrcft ParrinVi savit Via will rn if lrrfr1. ifi A T1 21 jj Dr. Geo, Parrish's Statements of tKe Last 1 0 Davs Have Saved Listen now the Commissioners Are Cutting ' 1 X the Budget theTaayers Thousands of Dollars, Stop, L)k of 1915 m the Department of Public Works (Paid Advertisement by Go. P.. Henry. j!03 Prescolt St.)