THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 25. 1914. HSOCI AL EVENTS OE THE WEEKp& J color. The guests were Mrs. George Bell, Mn. Hamuel V. Ham, Mrs. Stew, art, Mrs. Herbert C. Ollner, Mrs. Wil son Chase. Mrs. James B. Woojnough, Mrs. Robert L. Weeks. Mrs. Fred W. Bugboe, Mrs. John H. Page Jr.. Mm. John Tage Sr.. and Miss Ball, of Washington, D. C. lieutenant Robert T. Snow and Lieutenant Frank Klley are expected to return next week from Boston, where they have been spending six ' weeks' leave of absence. The Post Music club will hold Us first meeting next Friday afternoon with Mrs. John H. Page Jr. ' - Mrs. Bell and Miss Bell, mother and sister of General George Bell, left Tupsday for their home in Washing ton, D. C. SOCIETY PERSONALS Mrs. Isaiah 81 Sichel has been takcu home from BC Vlncenfs hospital, after a three week's Illness. Miss Clara Louise West of Irvlag ton had as her guest Mlsa Mary Tot ham of Toronto, Ontario. Miss Tot ham arrived Tuesday of last week and returned home Friday. Miss West has given a number of Informal par ties for her guest. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Webber left Wednesday evening for San Francisco. They will close their concert tour in .Salt Lake about about December 1 and then return to Portland. Mrs. May Catherine Beaver re turned last week from a visit at Scotts Mills, wnere she was the guest 'jI Miss Jennie Hartman. She also spent a few days at Wllholt Springs. "w W Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Flynn have re turned to their home in Parsons, Kan. after spending the past week at the home of the latler's sister, Mrs. C. G. Monks, 1250 Halght avenue. tr it Miss Nan Raleigh,, who has been vis iting her cousin. Mrs. C. B. King, at the latter' s home, 841 Thompson street. In Irvlngton, left last Saturday night for nor home in New York, via San Franrlsi-o. Miss Raleigh has been here sln'e last spring, renewing old ac quaintances. She Is the daughter of Mrs. M. T. Raleigh, a former Portland woman. Ladles of the Modern Maccabees, Or egon's first hive. No. 081, will give a nrd party Thursday, October 29, at Allskey hall. This is the second of a series of six parties planned for this year. Mr. and Mrs. a. U. West and their daughter. Miss Garnet, have returned from a five months' trip abroaJ. w Mrs. Millie Garver Hillman of Dodge Center, Minn., and Mrs. Helen Garver Westeott of Yorkton, Saskatchewan, re the guests of their cousin, Mrs. C. K. Kline, whom they met here last Saturday for the first time in 60 years. Tney were former schoolmates in In diana and Ohio. Mrs. Hillman and Mrs. Westcott will pass the winter In Los Angeles. i Mrs. W. G. Oberteuffer was callsd east on account of the serious illness of; her mother, Mrs. Robert C. Fox, In' Washington, 1). C. Mrs. Oberteuf fer left Tuesday, October 13, and her mother passed away Thursday while she was en route. She will spend sev eral weeks In Washington, D. C, at her mothir's home, in Dupont apart ments. w Mrs. Charles E. Cope of Salida, Colo., who .lias been spending the summer in Portland and at the seashore as the guest of her sister, leaves Thursday by boat for The Dalles, accompanied by Mrs. Arthur Barr, from which place she will return to her home. Mrs. James T. Barron has left for a visit east. She went south first to pars some time in San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cornelius Sum inervllle (Blanche Lottie Moffittl. whose wedding took place Tuesday st the bride's home In Salem, are pass ing their honeymoon In Portland and t he sound cities. Mr. and Mrs. A. . Allen (Iva L. Me.sslnger. whose wedding was an ' d'AA m . '( ' r ( ..vvf A i :et?xW ft " ' n V nk. UP ViiMif5 0 I -Photo by Bushne.l. y It w ' 1 I JT :' y.,f - - ' r ' - ' II i - f' s ' . ffiMtMiiiiini niiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiinrn 1 1 1 n hiiimi J) ? and Mrs. WEDDINGS event of October 7. at the bride's home, in Kansas City, Mo., have returned from their wedding trip, and are at home to their Portland friends at 527 Kearney street. w Mr. and Mrs. Max G. Pollta re turned Saturday from an extensive trip east, visiting New York, Chicago and many large eastern cities. Mrs. H. M. Cake of Portland is stopping at the Wolcott in New York city. Miss Roxie Hilen and Germaine Dod der arrived from Seattle last week for an extended visit here. Mrs. Jennie C. Walker, of Columbus, Neb., is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Frank Clifford. Mrs. G. R. Chrisman, of Kugene, Or., is the house guest of Mrs. R. M. Silk netter for a fortnight. w Mrs. H. S. Rudd and two children left last Monday for a three months' visit with relatives in the East. Mrs. Thomas H. Dickson of St. Paul, Minn.. Is the house guest of her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. William M. Gregory at their home, 818 Hancock street. it Joseph L. Travis arrived last week from the orient to visit his brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Travis. Mr. Travis has been traveling In th$ orient for several years. He is a former newspaper man of Portland and has many friends here. He will leave Monday for Michigan to visit his sister and her husband, Professor and Mrs. Robert S. Shaw. Professor Shaw is dean of the Agricultural col lege at Lansing, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jefferson of Buzzards' Bay, Mass., son and daugh- ter-in-iaw, oi tne lamous actor, vpe late Joseph Jefferson, were Portia visitors last week, guests of of Mr. and Mrs. Wells Gilbert. They were en route to San Francisco on the Orpheum circuit, in which they are playing a clever sketch, "Poor Old Jim." 1 Exclusive Sbops A. LIPPMAN THE NEEDLECRAFT SHOP Ladies Tailor devoted ExcxxrsiTEz.T to 311 Selling Bolldin SSESLXWOBX AITS FANCY Fancy and Tailored Suits of the GOODS. Kxcluslve Kind. 342 Alder, near Broadway. . The Shop of Fine Arts THE CAT'N FIDDLE for the xnuuai la Confectionery and Tea Room GIFTS XMlnaiv., Qniet, Bflntd 145 BROADWAY 323 Broadway. Cor. Salmon Special Shoppers' tuncaeon, 35c ' NU BONE CORSETS 3 Z Worn the World Over A, J?X-Jff V by Well Gowned Women GC&OQ. POPULAR PRICES designer atomaker of Pnr.ors 202 Broadway, Ground Floor Mtln Thirteenth St. fTfllBITK Is Individual- MAX M. SMITH I KturSlnSe'- wjth . FLORIST added craee A di- ' JL. . appreciated. 141 Sixth St, Selling Bldg-. Mala 7215. A-3121 F!Min07v Kosentfial listers Antique Curios, a A J fk Hair Dressers Chinese and Japan- li"'lJW Manicurists ese Fancy Goods. II I l u R , 3314 Morrison Bet. UlfHLlLl -" L,d's Gentlemen Sth aad Broadway J 110 Broadway Phone 8711 N. M. UNGAR CO. art, ?n$J3SZVl?m WILLIAM KLUMPP ca 7XBE PTJTUi &.,.7,;re.,no5el" ,n Fur Engravers and Stationers. Price the lowest, consistent with our Manrtard of quality. Phone Stain 9353 32 6 WaaMngon C3H ELINOR RILEY THebruce flfji DECORATOR OF CP; HAT SHOP INTERIORS EXCLUSIVE MODELS AND kstjgaT 151 10th St. - MODELS TO ORDER Maraaau 5841 Mala 3181 383H Aider St. Top, left to right Mrs. J. L. Eysmans of Philadelphia Thomas L.. Emory (Mary Campbell). Bottom Miss Esther Crawford, who is home after passing the sum mer, abroad. Colonel and Mrs. Cornelius Gardner with their children, have moved from their apartments at the Mallory hotel and are now at their newly completed home on Portland Heights. 740. Sher wood Drive. Lieutenant and Mrs. Bon Kraser ' Ristine, Twenty-third Infantry, U. S. A., who are en route to their new station at Fort Bcn.lamln Harrison af ter three years' residence in the Phil ippines and Japan are the pucsts for a few days of Colonel and Mrs. Gard ner. . Congratulations are finding; their way to the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Miller on the birth, October 18, of a baby girl. Mrs. Robert William Prescott and her small son, Robert Jr.. of Eugene, are the guests of Mrs. Thomas Wynne Watts (Nell Holbrook). Mrs. Prescott will be remembered as Miss Florence Allen of Portland, prior to her mar riage. Miss Marjorie Collins of Seattle ar rived last week to pass the winter with her cousin, Mrs. Thomas H. Ed wards, at the latter's home in Irving- ton, i Mr. and . Mrs. Philip ' H. Carroll j (Frances Nelson) of Hood River are i visiting Mr. Carroll's mother, Mrs. Emma B. Carroll. Mr. Carroll is con valescing from a recent operation for appendicitis. EVENTS OF WEEK Es -a The Evergreen "500" club was de lightfully entertained Tuesday after noon at the home of Mrs. A. Hugner -in Piedmont. Some high scores were made and a lively game was enjoyed. Mrs. H. Schroeder scored first and Mrs. Frederick Llnd'was second. The game was followed by a social chat and de licious refreshments. Those present were: Mrs. H. Schroeder, Mrs. V. Darl ing, Mrs. M. Wenzel, Mrs. G. Morris, Mrs. F. Lind, Mrs. Holts, Mrs. Redner Mrs. T. Calouri, Mrs. F. Jennings, Mrs. R. Marsch, Mrs. W. M. Riot, Mrs. Groce, Mrs. F. Buck, Master vell3 Darling and the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. August Story cele brated their silver wedding at their home, 431 Flint street, last Saturday evening, October 17. s The house was prettily decorated with autumn leaves and potted plants. Supper was served at 10 p. m. and the remainder of tho evening spent . in having a general good time. Only members of the im mediate family were invited. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Phil Rip- -4 v Monday afternoon with a surprise party on the occasion of her sixty eighth birthday. About 30 guests were present, including the members of the women's society of the Anabe; Presbyterian church. Mrs. Stewart is one of the oldest members of the or ganization. Miss Lavelle Long entertained at a dinner party at the home of her pa rents. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Long, at their apartments at the Sheffield Thursday evening, it being her 14th birthday. Covers were laid for 14 guests. The rooms were beautiful in Haloween decorations and chrysan themums. Miss Long is a very tal ented young pianist. The home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Blessing, 545 Miller avenue, was the scene of a delightful reception October 1", given in honor of the seventy-fifth birthday of Mrs. Julia B. Ellis. The affair was a complete surpise to Mrs. Ellis. Autumn flowers and woodland ferns brightened the rooms. Covers were laid for tfi. The table was cen tered with a mass of pink rosebuds. pink geraniums and asparagus fern. veil was caught In place with a coro net of orange blossoms. She carried a beautiful arm bouquet of white chrysanthemums and carnations. Mlds Gleason wore light blue crepe satin with lace trimming and picture hat to match. Miss Marie feandercook. a cousin of the bride, sang an offertory solo. After the ceremony the bridal party and the relatives in attendance at the ceremony enjoyed a wedding breakfast at the Benson hotel. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. McCurry, Mis Mary Gleason, Mrs. "A. Sander cook, an aunt of the bride. Miss Marie Sandercook. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kan dercook. Rev. Father Chapoton. Charles Le May and Carl F. Schwarzbeck. The bridegroom Is in business at Grays Crossing, where they will make their home. At the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Oreenburg, at Greenburg station, on the Oregon Electric, Miss Hen rietta W. Greenburg and Bert C. Rue were married yesterday afternoon at a pretty though simple ceremony. Only the relatives and a few close friends were present. The young couple stood unattended, and the Rev. Mr. Larson cf the Lutheran church officiated. The afternoon of October 17 the marriage of Miss Charlotte Austin Seeley and Dr. Neal Lynn Zimmer man was solemnised at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Uri Seeley, who have recently come from Seattle to reside in Portland. The double ring ceremony of the Methodist Episcopal church was used. Rev. Frank La Fayette Loveland officiating. After a brief honeymoon trip Dr. and Mrs. Zimmerman will be at home to their friends at 562 East Fifty-sixth street north, w Miss Elizabeth Maud Cuslck and D. Perry Evans, well known Portland Fople. are receiving congratula tions on their marriage from their many friends. The wedding ceremony was performed at Vancouver. Wash.. Oct.. 10 by Rev. W. G. Randolph. The bride is popular in club circles and the bridegroom has been in business in Portland for the past seven years. He is secretary of the Photographers' As sociation of the Pacific Northwest and I is one of therdirectors of the Orpheus! Male chorus. The young couple will be at home at their residence, 950 Kerby street after November 1. Miss Maude E. Ross and Edward Dirrett were married at the residence of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Williams, at 169 East Fifteenth street, this city. Thursday, October 15, Rev. W. T. Sprigg, pastor of the Arleta Baptist church, officiat ing. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ross of Albany, Or., and the groom Is a young business man of that city, at which place they will make their home, A quiet wedding was that of R. B. Skinner and Miss Lula E. Lewis of this city, which took place October 17. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. Bowersox at 1170 Omaha avenue in the presence of a few friends. Mr. Skinner Is of Linn county and he and his bride will make their home on the farm. Paul Cochran and Miss Gladys Gar vin were married at the bride's home, 904 Central avenue, at 2 o'clock Tues day afternoon. Tommy Cochran was best man and Miss Luclle Wiiaylen acted as bridesmaid. The couple will reside at their own home, 100i South Jersey street, St. Johns. The home of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Hall. 303 East Thirty-fourth street, was the 6cene of a very pretty wed- X ; a - .... . -v. Ii K-.'-' -i : - Bb Miss Kit e Henderson of Eugene, who was a much feted visitor in the city last week. f . t The guest of honor was presented . ding Saturday evening, October 1" wueri ineir UHUguier, Aiiss vera ax., db- with a handsome cassarole and other presents. Mrs. ,EUis is one of the most dearly beloved and highly es teemed residents of Sellwood. ' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ladd Corbett will entertain this evening with an other of their delightful Informal dancing parties at their home in Wrest Tark street. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Wood has been gladdened with the arrival of a baby boy. IP- WEDDINGS pen. Dr. J. B. Roth and family, Mr. and Mrs. F. Wirlitsch. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vigeluis, Miss Gladys Bowman and Miss Lillian Davidson. Charles btorz came down from O. A. C. to be present at the function. Mrs. Bella Stewart of 530S Thirty sixth avenue southeast was honored H Miss Jessie Johnson and William McCurry were married Monday morn ing at an early mass at St. Francis church. Rev. Father Joseph A. Chap toton, former pastor at the bride's old home in Detroit, Mich., read the cere mony, and Rev. Father Black cele brated mass. Miss Mary Gleason was bridesmaid and Charles Le May was the best man. The bride was charmingly attired in white crepe meteor elaborated with lace and pearl trimming and her long A Splendid Showing of the Choicest Skms for the Popular New Trim mings for rVrap or Gown came the bride of Frank E. Dutcher, of this city. The decorations were beau tiful, each room carried out in its own special colore. The beautiful solo, "I Ixve You Truly." was rendered by Miss Mar guerite Moore, accompanied by Miss Laura Fox." JThe ceremony was short, simple and very effectively performed by Rev. F. M. Conner, of the First Christian church. The bride was beau tiful in White lace and gray crepe me teor and pink rose buds. She carried a beautiful shower bouquet of aspar agus fern and Bride roses. Mr. and Mr. Dutcher are both well known in the city. Mrs. Dutcher hav ing lived here nearly all her life. They will be at home to their friends after November 1 at the Juliette "apartments. An October wedding of beauty was solemnized Wednesday evening, Octo ber 21, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. WebBter, 55 East Twenty-second street North. Lewis Baloch and Miss Eleanor Francis Webster were united in marriage by the Rev. Dr. James Di mond Corby, pastor of the First Uni versalist church., The best man. was Anthony Baloch. and the bride was at tended by Mrs. D. T. DeMent. Many relatives and friends were present at the ceremony, the rooms were trimmed attractively, and after the service dainty refreshments were served. The young people will make their home in Portland. it J. B. DuBois of Mejkjinnville and Miss Jennie Agnes Mitchell of Pom- eroy. Wash., were married at the First Christian church at 8 o'clock last Wednesday evening. Rev. E. S. Muck ley officiating. The ceremony was witnessed by a small company of rel- 1 : ; stives and friends. J.ater the wedding -party was elaborately dined at the Seward hotel. A son wedding trip will be taken, arterSwhlch the couple will be at home in .jjcMlnnville at the Hotel Yamhill. Mr. DuBois is the daughter of Lieuternt John Mitchell, who gained considerable fame as an ' Indian fighter in If 56 and 1858. . . At his residence, Q02 Broadway, Dr. . James Dlmond Corny, pastor of the , ' First Unlversalist -$t rch, officiated at the nuptials of Davd M. Waddel and Miss Amy Graeff.' bojh df McMlnnvlll. After a wedding jeurney, they will make their home In cMlnnville. Miss Harriette I0rig, daughter of V Mr. and Mrs. K. H. jrhapln of Tacoma, Wash., and R. . H. Thompson Jr.,. of this city, were married at. the Multno jnah hotel royal suiQe Saturday, Octo ' ber 17, at 7:30 p. ift$ Dr. Loveland, of the Methodist Epitope I church, of-.", firiated. Miss G. Qoggers of Tacoma " was maid of honor land William Frits of this city acted as best man. The bride was gowned ini a white brocaded satin, trimmed in wljlte point lace and pcaris, mil? carrieqj a jarge nouquri of white Bride ros-Js. The maid ot honor was attired i pink silk, elabs- oraiea wiin pieaied ecnuron. one car rted a large bouquet of pink roses. 'tne riower gin. nss rtnyie inrig, and Robert R. H. Thompson as ring bearer, led the way : following were the i.t"nui ucu on riiiuwin rB.; D AME FASHION decrees that the modish garments ba trimmed with contrasting; or harmonizing Furs. Our specially selected Furs lend themselves ad mirably to narrow cutting and to the texture of the season's fabrics. All new this season's selection. See Our New Sets, Neckpieces anH Muffs At the Sign of the Bear Tie Tars that he prefers H Lleb 288 Morrison St. Near Fifth J. P. Plagemann, ? Manager r 1 B. m the caiir at ftlhe gsmrie jhm see tib&mni eve w irywini 15: ere linni ten to fnlFity r is Suits $19.50 UpBird Tliird Floor X i All : Alterations Fres EENl SELLING it . Morrison at Foutlh , ! : ;5.1 A Shop for .Qcmtlcbmca -: . &