i EIGHT PAGES A UTOMOBI IiE NEWS. GOOD ROADS SECTION FOUR NEWS OP THE THEATRES MOTION" 'PICTURES PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 25, 1914. 15 DOCK OWNE RS OBJECT TO SEATTLE PLAN OF IMPROVING HARBOR Port Commission Is Attacked . for Pushing Project to De velop Free Waterfront, Goods Purchased Monday and Balance of Month Go on December 1st Bill Tomorrow-A Day of Notable Sales Our Personal Service 0ureau gives individual and painstaking atten tion to every order received from out-of-town patrons, 4! ' ECONOMY A STATE ISSUE OoTarnor Xtieter Vrgim Election of -" UUtors Who Will Kelp Save Xh Taxpayers' Money. Ily Edward lounnbury. Seattle, Wash.. Oit. 24. The port commlHHlon has been Braining ahead o rapidly with Its harbor -tlevelopnu-nt plans that frlendH of the port project, for which bonds in oxcchh of $,000,000 have been nuthorlz-l. in criticising the rommiHslon'8 haute and expendi ture of money. (jf onrne tin; influ ' ni r or private loi k owners may have Komrthinic lo do with this criticism, though they mjrely.are lntere?tl taxpayer. Hut tlir-rc Ik a public feel ing that before further development there nhould l proof as to the reaulln of the present inveHtments in water tront property, the income from which Is now all Ruen work. Robert Bridget, a member of the eornmi.t.slon, returned from Olympia this t-'k wlth-tiie report that the - Htato officials who were watehlng the work on the Seattle port were of the opinion thnt the eommlMtiion wa Mpeml Iiir too rnui h money and putting out, too many bond l.s'sues. Mr. Urldgea went to the capital to confer with the state finance board with a view to Ret ting the Ktate to take an Ijwie of port l.onrlH, only to discover that they had already been taken by the tstate from a bond broker. Ho Tree Municipal Qolf Linkt. ObJ'ftlona to a fee for use of the municipal Rolf links soon to be opened has not moved the park board to change its announcement that it would charge a fe. This ratted a storm of pro tests, in which it was stated that all municipal links In the large cities were absolutely free, on the ground that it would be. as reasonable for the par board to charfce for the use of the ten nis courts In the, public parks. One taxpayer suggested that to get a re turn for tliu money spent in building boulevards open only to pleasure traf fic; automobiles uting these thorough fares be. charged a fee. Mayor Gill gave it us his opinion thnt at least the municipal links should v. mi Saturdays. Sundays and holiday. While the mayor was in California on business the park board ; gave out a statement that tho links I would be operated on the fee systen; aa long, as ttic receipts from a reason-I able fee will maintain them, and when the links fail to be self supporting they will be closed. Governor Lister XTrfea Economy. The state administration has taken ...It l ,. I'laui tri Up the eco-.iomy cry mm . - influencing the incoming legislature to pare the appropriations at the ses sion next winter. Governor Lister era phaslxed this point in two speeches he made in this city for the Democratic party Wednesday night. He said the big issue in the election of the next i.,,i.i,iiiir. i conomv. He said he wanted men elected us representatives and senators regardless of party affili ations, men who would cooperate with him in curtailing the state's expenses, contending that a hostile legislature might easily upset the administration's plans to lighten the burden of the tax payers. Two years ago he said the legislature made appropriations of $20,000,000. and that with the use of the veto he was able only to cut this sum down to $15,000,000. A Suit A Dress A Blouse Each One Representing a New Fall Style ALL GO ON SALE MONDAY AT VERY SPECIAL PRICES $37.50NewestMan-T adored Suits.Spec'l $26.85 The practical viewpoint demands quality and refinement, but these features which are so necessary are really of little worth unless the suit possesses good style, and you will find that these suits are reproductions and adap tations of the latest models. They are strictly man-tailored in every sense of the word, made of a fine quality of all-wool poplin in black, navy, green and brown. Made Hth 45-inch coat, with the very new cutaway fronts and plaited back, new shawl-shaped reveres, velvet collar and cuffs, and a fancy girdle of silk at the waistline, finished at the ends with ornaments. Lined through out with extra nualitv neau Ae- rvvn aillr Thi skirt is marl in th new voke-tot) stvle. nlaited at the sides. An extremely serviceable suit and one that will always look welL $22.50 Serge Dresses in Basque Effect Special $14.85 A woman's wardrobe is never complete without a practical, yet smart dress of serviceable serge, always ready to slip into a frock that can be worn on so many occasions. And these dresses which we place on sale Monday are fashioned in the newest modified basque effect, with long plaited tunic skirt. The waist is trimmed with silk braid and buttons and finished with deep collar of white pique with cuffs to match. A wide crushed girdle, which ties in the back, made of soft black satin, com pletes one of the most attractive models we have received this season. They are made of an extra fine quality of all-wool mannish serge, in black, navy, Copen and a beautiful new shade of green. Most exceptional and attractive dresses at any price. $7.50 Crepe de Chine and Washable Satin Blouses $5,00 Designed in 20 different styles in the newest Autumn fashions, models that have never been shown before. Made of crepe de chine. Georgette crepe, washable satin and pussy willow crepe, in white, maize, flesh, emer " aid, navy and gray. They show set-in and kimono sleeves, ruffles, large flaring collars of silk and organdie, and so many other fascinating style features that , it is impossible to describe them more fully. Come and see them More charming blouses we have never seen. Third Floor C"Merchandis9 ofcJ Mot-it Only" f GELOW RUGS AND OTHER STANDARD MAKES Splendid, Surfaced, lronLike-W earing Bungalow Rugs for Monday's Selling Wiltons. Axminsters, Brussels at Sale Prices A NOTABLE EVENT SO IMPORTANT That It Demands Immediate Attention ! Cries of Victim Are Forever With Him X.oadon Tlower Vender Buns German Through With Bayonet and Is Un nerved Thereby. London, Oct. 2 1. " 'K carn't sleep,' the maid who makes my bed told me. Her brother is in one of the hospitals here, nerve broken. There isnt' a mark on him. "but "he has Rone to pieces. The maid whtaipers quietly in the corners. R used. to be such a fine boy." she said. "Sold flahers, "e did, at Co vent GardW market. The wye 'e -Bed to o on about his roses " The nice bov, it seems, joined the army because his fclrl liked anoiner fel low too well. He went through that frightful first week of the British troops without weakness. For eight days not one of his company had a rhance to take off his boots. When they reached the front, after three davs spent continually in boats or on trains, they marched 54 miles in two davs. Then they lay In trenches tin der fire for ?4 hours. Almost every one was green at tne game, ai im they got a chance with the bayonet. fid you ever regard bayonet close ly? l.Hd it ever occur to you that this pointed ro.i of steel is devised to be thrust thtough the soft, yielding vitals of a man'.' ' " E said. ' my maid told me, snif fling, "that e stuck it at two or three ".ermans In that charge, but e don t think e hit anybody until he got a big Herman cornered and began jabbing at 'im With it. The German 'e Jabbefi back, but at last stepped back and dropped 'is gun. And Alfred, 'e stuck tliat pore oul in 'is big, soft stomach, just like 'e was lifting hay on is fork. And then he saw the German was try ing to surrender." The soft hearted flower merchant threw himself on his knees beside the '.'big. fat German'" and begged the poor devil to forgive him. He flurp his mow useless gun on the ground, th bayonet bent like copper wire. The Germs n was screaming. Even above the noise of battle Albert could hear those screams. H hears them yet. At night he in feels the yielding renistnnce of that German's soft, white body as the steel goes through bun. and hears the grinding cry with which he died." "The doctor says," my maid tc!ls me, -"that Albert is done for. 'E'll never be fit t go to war again. Unprecedented Low Prices Rule 300 room-size rugs, suitable for every room iri. the house. In all sizes and specially selected patterns. All of the best standard makes. Oriental and conventional designs .in small all-over figures or medallion patterns. In the most desirable colors and combinations. $60.00 Wilton Rugs 9x12 $45.00 Wilton Rugs. 9x12 $37.50 Seamless Axminster 9x12 $35.00 Body Brussels .9x12 $30.00 Body Brussels 8-3x10-6 $22.50 Tapestry Brussels .9x12 $35.00 Axminster 9x12 $30.00 Axminster. . 9x12 $17.50 to $20.00 Axminster .6x 9 $18.00 to $20.00 Art Wool : .9x12 $12.00 Wool and Fiber. . 9x12 Small size Axminster rugs in Oriental and floral designs in small allover patterns and medallion effect. All the most de sirable colors. $5.00 Axminster Rugs 36x72 $4.50 Axminster Rugs 36x72 $3.50 Axminster Rugs 36x68 $2.75 Axminster Rugs 27x60 $2.50 Axminster Rugs 27x54 Washable bathroom rugs in dainty 'tile patterns with pretty key and line borders in colors of light blue and dark blue. $2.50 Bathroom Rugs 27x54 $1.73 $4.00 Bathroom Rugs 36x72 $2.79 Heavy quality Colonial rag rugs in hit-and-miss patterns with pretty fancy striped border to match. $1.50 Colonial Rag Rugs 30x60 98c . ' Fifth Floor.. $43.50 $34.85 $27.45 $24.95 $22.45 $14.45 $22.85 $17.45 $12.95 $11.45 $ 6.45 $3.23 $2.95 $2.68 $2.19 $1.89 LINENS STERLING SILVER TABLEWARE doing! Liomg! Monday ! A T LOWEST KNO WN PRICES -Of course it required exceptional conditions to be able to an nounce a sale of heavy, solid sterling silver tableware at such ii i . . - . exceptionally tow prices. But tne occasion presented itself and we took advantage of it, and therefore offer our patrons the benefit of this transaction. Only one set of a kind. For a Christ mas gift, a weddihg gift, for your own personal use, nothing more- elegant than sterling silver tableware. Here is your opportunity. $18.00 large size bowls, beautifully designed .$13.50 $44.50 12-piece Ramakin set, silver mounted. $3338 $42.50 bread and butter set, 6 pieces, pierced design $32.88 $32.50 coffee set, in Lenox china, in silver case .... $24.38 $44.50 6-pc. bouillon set, Lenox china, sil. mounted $3338 $22.50 French bowls, engraved and pierced designs $16.88 $200.00 sterling tea sets, 4-piece, Colonial designs $148.00 $21.00 cheese and cracker set, beautifully pierced $16.50 $129.00 tea set, empire pattern, extra heavy, 4-piece $96.75 $19.75 almond set, 7 -piece, in pierced design. .... .$14.82 $19.75 casserole, Lenox china, sterling mounted. . .$14.82 First Floor. TABLE AND BED & eale TABLE LINENS of Irish man ufacture, pattern cloths and napkins made of pure high-grade linen flax, bleached by the celebrated Meadow Bleachery. Patterned in the latest cir cular designs in poppy, conventional, scroll, rose, bow-knot, marguerite, flower basket and ribbon patterns. $3.50 Cloths, 2x2 yards, $2.89 $4.50 Cloths, 2V2x2 yds., $3.59 $5.50 Cloths, 3x2 yards, $4:39 $6.50 Cloths, 3V2x2 yds., $5.00 $7.25 Cloths, 4x2 yards, $5.85 NAPKINS to match, $4 doz. 75c LUNCH CLOTHS, 49c Size 44 inches, made of full bleached mercerized damask.' In stripe and dot patterns, bordered on four sides with key and floral border, Hemmed ready for use. HEMSTITCHED DAMASK SCARFS, 25c Full-bleached damask scarfs, size 18x50 inches. In floral, dot and con ventional designs, bordered on sides and ends with key, conventional and assorted floral designs. $1.75 TABLE CLOTHS, $1.19 Hemmed ready for use. Absolutely pure Austrian linen, soft finish, in as sorted patterns, bordered on four sides. Size 60x57 inches. SHEETS AND PILLO W CASES Made of A-l cotton sheeting, no seams or rough places; pure white, torn before nemming, insuring perfect shape after being laundered. ' Made with four-inch head hem and one-inch foot hem. 2y2x2 yards, special. . . . .59c 2yx2y yards, special. . ,65c 2x2VA yards, special. . .72c CASES, 42x36 inches, each 12c CASES, 45x36 inches, each 13c 18c LINEN CRASH, 15c $7 inches wide, made of pure linen, triple-stripe border in blue and red. Heavily woven and full bleached Ideal kitchen and roller towels. lOcINDlVIDUALTOWELS 8c Of German manufacture,, half linen, all white, firmly woven huck. Size 18x 13 inches, with hemmed ends. $1.25 CROCHET BED SPREADS, 98c These spreads are sufficiently large tor an ordinary doable bed, ful bleached, firmly made, in assorted patterns, made with hemmed ends Basement Announcement An Interesting Woman Owes It to Herself to Have Interesting Clothes It Is Easy to Act on the Belief, Too, For TOMORROW, MONDAY We Announce the Most Important Sale (Hrtstnal aris Jlobete bentng anb Afternoon OTiraps , Cbentng anb Afternoon (Sotons Half Regular Prices Drecoll Paquin Callot Sceurs Doucet Premet Bernard Bechoff David Francis Maurice Mayer Pellard PAQUIN EVENING COAT of sealette with gold embroidered flounce and fur edging. BERNARD EVENING WRAP of rose-colored silk plush, trimmed with large shawl collar and cuffs of white fox. PREMET CALLING COAT of black silk velour. handsomely em broidered with silver and passamen terie and trimmed with gray squirrel. BEER EVENING WRAP of helio silk velour. heavily trimmed flounce and cuffs with hand-made lace and edged with fur. DRECOLL EVENING WRAP of royal blue silk plush, trimmed with large shawl collar and cuffs of white fox. BRAUNSTEIN EVE'G WRAP of flesh-colored brocaded satin, char meuse lined with chiffon and trimmed with ermine. MAURICE, MAYER WRAP of rose-colored embroidered panned silk plush. PREMET EVENING COAT of white silk matelasse trimmed with cords and ornaments. DRECOLL AFTERNON AND CALLING COAT of brown bro caded silk plush with plain silk plush flounce and trimming. MAURICE MAYER COAT of gold embroidered crepe, trimmed with gold lace and cords. GERSON AFTERNOON COAT of brown brocaded chiffon silk velvet, trimmed with satin and"ornaments. PELLARD MODEL CALLING AND AFTERNOON COAT of black silk charmeuse. trimmed with shawl collar and cuffs, of black marten. PELLARD EVENING COAT of rose-colored chiffon silk plush, draped and ornament trimmings. BECHOFF DAVID COAT of black silk charmeuse, trimmed with hand-embroidered lace and edged with black marten. PELLARD EVENING COAT of white silk charmeuse. trimmed with crochet ornaments and large fur shawl collar and cuffs. BECHOFF DAVID WRAP of royal blue silk plush, lined and trimmed with gray silk and fringe. Originally Now Originally Now Originally Now Originally Now Originally' Now Originally Now Originally Now Originally Now Originally Now Originally Now Originally Now Originally Now Originally Now Originally Now Originally Now $225.00 $112.50 $250.00 $125.00 $225.00 $112.50 Originally Now $185.00 $92.50 $265.00 $132.50 $175.00 $87.50 $150.00 $75.00 $150.00 $75.00 $185.00 $92.50 $125.00 $62.50 $110.00 $55.00 $175.00 $87.50 $135.00 $67.50 $165.00 $82.50 $150.00 $75.00 $250.00 $125.00 It's Mighty Encouraging When Men Bring Their Friends; And Brag of the Shirts We Have onlSale MONDAY $1.50 AND $1.35 SHIRTJS 95c There is no mystery, no wonder, nor surprje at the suc cess of our shirt sales. For years shirts have;; been offered in this city at prices just as low and even leaver than an nounced by this store. Great quantities oij them. But what were they? In most instances, seconds ill-fitting skimped poorly made garments, the onlyTattraction be ing the price. -Come tomorrow! Judge for yourself tese ihirtS'Ot 95c. Take a tape line, measure them withfany shirts in this- store; they will measure up in fullness, ih size, and in tailoring. They are well made, perfect fitting, and we guarantee them. Z Of madras and percale in stripes and small-figures, quiet patterns and designs that appeal to men of refinement and good taste. m& Men's $1.50 Silk Hose 7c Pair For Monday's selling we announce the offering of 500 pairs of men's heavjf silk sox. Without fear of contradiction, we make the assertion that this is thenost important sale of men's silk sox, offering the greatest economy, ever held W this store. if They come to us from one of thefpre most makers of high-grade silk hosiery in America. Every pair is pure silll, full fashioned and fully reinforced, double heel and toes. ' In black, gray, white, tan, helir and navy. Sizes 9x to liy. Men's Store, just off WashingtoniSt. Entrance. V t. Additional Importaht-Storje- News Next Page J . Tblra Tloor Infants Week A Set Event INFANTS' AND CHILDREN'S DRESSES AND SLIPS HALF PRICE J Were 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.50 to $10.00 Sale, 38c, 50c, 75c, $1.25 to $1.00 Long slips and dresses for infants adn childreji to 5 years. In many dainty styles with yokes of lace and insertion, or in waisted style trimmed with embroidery or lace. Made c"J fine lawn, nain sook, Swisses and linine. 75c AND 85c INFANTS' SHORT DRESSES', 59c Ages 6 months to 2 years. Made in dainty new.styles, with yokes of hand or machine embroidery, fine tucks, VaL laes, shirred yokes, necks and sleeves finished with braid and VaL edrfes. "Made of soft materials, with plain deep hem at bottom. .i $1.25 AND $1.35 INFANTS' SHORT pRESSES, 95c Fine nainsook and crepe dresses in sizes 6 rrJonths to 2 years., Made with round yokes of fine hand embroidery r dainty embroid ery designs, lace insertions, or in bishop styl with turn-down feather-stitched collar, lace edged. Skirts with dejp tucks and plain hems. f $1.75 INFANTS' SHORT DRESSES, SPECIAL, $1J29 $2.00 INFANTS' SHORT DRESSES, SPECIAL, $1.59 Made of fine nainsook with round or V-neck r. dainty insets of embroidery combined with fine tucking, lace insertions "and edgings. Skirts trimmed with embroidery and lace,- othe -is with tucks and deep hems. Ages 6 months to 2 years. , -J " $2.50 TO $2.75 INFANTS' AFGHANS, $2.19 In plain lynx stitch in pink, bhie and white, prjpf eiderdown yarn in white- and colors. AH hand made in dainty patterns and border designs. v ' HAND-QUILTED SILK CARRIAGE ROBES, AT $2.75 Made of China silk, heavily hand quilted, with hand-embroidered designs in each corner. They come in pink or blue. . INFANTS' LONG CASHMERE WRAPPERS ' Regularly $1.75, $2.25, $4.00; Now $1$9, $1.69, $2.98 White cashmere wrappers with crochet or s411oped edges and embroidery in pink, blue or. all white. Made i round-neck style or with collars. - M INFANTS' TOQUES, SPECIAL, 25? AND 35c Infants' and children's wool toques, in all vJjiite or white with light blue,' pink or gray trimmings, or in gray Und red with white combinations. Also plain colors, finished with t;asseL Infants' sacques 50c Toilet sets ';$1.00 to $5.00 to $1.75 Paper diapers, package 25c t r f en ac nn Tr j of- rr LlUng J1L3 ifAJV IV T.W Infants' caps 35c to $5.00 Infants' baskets 50c to $2.50 Bassinettes on stands t $4 to $9.50 Comb, brush sets, 50c to $1.25 Infants' shifts 25c to $1.75 Pinning blankets 35c , to . . ..$1.75 infants' baids 15c to 65c Waterproof diapers . ..25c to 50c New sweatir $1J0 to $5 Infants bdptees 15c to $1 rovrtfc Tloor s-v '