THE: OREGON kSUND AY fcJQXIBNAL, PORTIANP, SUNDAY MORNING, . OCTOBER 7 1914.; 8 -" LUT0310BILES-ACCESSORIES 44 : (Continued) OflKGON MOTOR CAR COM- . PAN USED CAR DE ; PARTMENT. "WE give liberal, terms. OVEN SUNDAY. five ' in ' pa $300 I STODEBAKER "30, Benger touring car ... -JiLiMURli tOijririK car. In nuiw condition :" 8TUDEBAKEU "Four.") 1914 mod 1. like new, electric starter and lights $800 . b'l'UuEBAKKR "25" touring car. I -1913 model. In excellent condi JtJon $575 , x bTUDEBAKKH "20" touring car. V Just overhauled and re , painted $450 , ,;' REGAL touring car In godri con trition ..; $250 CHALMER8 '30," 1911 model. t Jptjansenger touring cat. overhauled l and repainted ,f BTUDIOHAKKIt "six," 7 pussen- gcr. like new '50 PARK V five i a-sKt- nger touring "Car in good running order . .JJ50 -r Oregon Motor Car Co, s (i'fi;i)KfiAKi;n budg.. '.Corner Chaptnnn and AidT Sts. Phones Alain iMu2, A-.b&b. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 iUDSON roaiisltr extra tires and tubes, high tension Bosch magneto, ew act of chains, model L, Shcpard tarburetor. In first class condition; a nap, $850. Two cylinder upright gas nglne, 18 II. l In Hint clays condl- ion. Juat the thlntr for mo mm at; 50; 1 V4 II- P. t-Wctrn niitor witn heostat; $-40. Also w-veral - KO"ri buys. OREGON At TO EXCHANGE, y 127 Lownsdale. NOTICE OK HA EE. A new. never used 1 y 1 4 franklin Mx-thtrty touring car, 5 pass., for als-'by the execytnrx or the estate oi 1 H. VllEcl. ilei -caned. J It can be Been it. the garage at the Bruly-Du Hois "mtO'Co., No. 33 'nth at., N, i'ortUnd, r. Scrrd sealed offers In Newton Mo ,Ty, room 715 Oregoiiian bldg.-, Port and, Or., till Novcimer 5, 1 'J H. PEED EEL 4 ton truck with plut- fm in body, ln perrec t running or der,' 11 GOO. Terms. MONITOR 1 ton tru' k with express body. In good repair J4oO ,-25," lf13 model, as good as a new car . . . ;oil c;isn. WE IjKAI, ONLY IN BARGAINS. i.Arni;i,-i;osi-; ; a rage. ast 40Hfi. 'JTth and K. Hurnmue. HA vi-: yok? Have fou an old model car In poor epulr to trade for a small nr that Is ike new? We want somrilung suit- ble lor a service car. Heie is a ihance O get rid of that old "burn-h of ac :- en Is and tret a small, erooomnal oar n perfect shape. I ,.iut H-Hom,- Garage, (Ul and E. Kurtiside. East "' VE have several customers who have , ,y.-,Aij uruti t'l new n ci,iioei injiiin r ho are willing to" accept I'm tland aal eniate or niuria- on the cars Hat they are lining at plcseiit. II J'OU Ivlsrh to malic a good ti.ide. write us a eaciipUou of your properly. COVEY MOTOR t AK LUJll'AM, Wasliington at. ?t .'1st. (Cont1aadl &5E3) m Biimmm WHITE 40 5 pass., 1912 model, new tires, repainted, thorough ly overhauled. Will feell for lesa than 1-3 original cost. MAXWELL 1910, 30 H. P.. 5 pass.. Just overhauled, car speaks for itself at price we ask. STODDARD DAYTON 1912, 7 pass., CO H. r.. fully equipped, newly painted. Ideal rent or stage car. THOMAS 6 cyl., 72 H. P., fully equipped. Cost $6500 new. Make you a price on this car that will surprise you. FORD 1914 taxicab; fine mechan ical condition. Fully equipped. New tires. OVERLAND "30" 5 pass. Just repainted and overhauled, ful ly equipped; a fine bargain. E. M. F. "30" 1912. 5 pass., fully equipped. A fine buy. YVINTON LIMOUSINE 1913 Ber lin body, elegantly upholster ed, self starter, electric lights, fully equipped, guaranteed. Has run but 700 miles. , Will sell for little more than half price. Investigate before this bargain is snapped up. WINTON SIXES All models thor oughly rebuilt and guaran teed, fully equipped, including new tires in 4, 5 and 7 pass, bodies. (Continued) USED CARS REBUILT,- SOLD ON TERMS, CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. MAXWELL roadster. 16 h. p 2 cylinder, 6 new tires, fully equipped, a snap at tzuu. I WARREN roadster, all new tires, repainted and a beauty for perform ance and appearance, fully equipped ! with everything, at J500. I MOL1NE, 5 passenger touring car, ! nothing like it offered for such a ! small amount as $350. I CHALMERS, 7 passenger touring ' car. rebuilt and fully equipped in every detail, $500. BUICK, 5 passenger touring car, i fully equipped, a dandy at $550. I KEGAL, 5 passenger, oversize tires snd full equipment, will sell quick at . $600. 2 blick 1500 id. delivery trucKs, choice $400. WE SELL THE BEST CARS FOR THE MONEY OLD OR NEW. Howard Auto Co, BTTICK DISTRIBUTORS, 14TH AND DAVIS STS. THE AVALON. Furnished or unfurnished, 3 room apartments, linen, silverware, private phone and bath, sleeping porch: nearest the Union depot of east side apart ments. 2S5 Ross st. Phone East 31 72.1 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 ' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 (Continued) SACRIFICE. (Con tinned) WE" have Just received a carload of bathtubs, roofing, pipe and plumb ing supplies. Bath tubs 16 to 16. Special prices on plumbing supplies. PIANO-OPPORTUNITY. TmrrrcrvETt! and other "RE- W.RTf?" STANTARD MAKcS ' If you want to save money, now Is AT SOULE BROS. PIANO CO. (NOW the time. See us before buying. Extra IN HANDS OF RECEIVER.) MUST special price for low-down toilets. BE SOLD THIS WEEK. MAKE OF- guaranteed new. Al condition. FER. YOUR OWN PRICE AND A bargain in sinks $2.75. TERMS (IN REASON) LESS THAN A Range boilers, $4.50. Look ovsr'our DOZEN LEFT (PIANOS AND PLAY- stock and see how easy it is to save ERS) OFFERED ABOUT HALF , money on fitting out your house. PRICE. NEARLY NEW, IN FIRST- Special Prices on Pipe. CLASS CONDITION. DON'T MISS -in, pipe $2.00 per 100 feet THIS FINAL SALE. THE BEST FOR THE LAST, 38S MORRISON ST. NEAR lOTli. PHONE MAIN 2S20. (EVENING APPOINTMENT.) HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 65 r IxTyOI? WANT TO , A GOOD. FIRST - CLASS OVERHAULED Let us demonstrate that these cars are bargains at the prices we ask for them. If you are In the market for real bargains in any kind or an automo DO SOME SHOPPING BEFORE YOU BU Y. COME IN and look over some of the BARGAINS we are offering this week. $33 UP. All of our used machines are thor oughly overhauled and put in first cla.Kg condition (in our own shop) be fore the-v are put on the floor for sale. LiBERAL TERMS GIVEN. Motorcycle and Bicycle Repairing." RSBOTIffiCVCLE&SIIJIIPIPLlfCi. 20!) 4th st. Main 78i9. 1M14 2-speed Indian, fully equip'd, $240 SECOND-HAND FURNITURE ON EASY PAYMENTS. EDWARDS EXCH. DEPT. $19.50 velour bed coucht $6. $12.50 patent steel couch, $u. $18 folding iron bed and steel spring, $8. $13.50 fumed oak settee, $6. 9'J Oak wood beds. $3.50. $7.50 white maple wood beds, $2. $16.50 flat top office desk, $10. $25 flat top office desk, 1 . f0. Comforts up to $3.50, spec. $1.25. Remnants, inlaid linoleum. 50c per yard. $1.25 carpets 50c per yafd. Rugs, regular 75c per yd. for 25c. $3.50 carpet sweepers. $1. $13.50 Rattan Go Carts, $3.50. $11.50 collapsible Go Carts, $5. Gas water heaters, con nected, $8. EDWARDS CO. 185-191 First street. A good place to trade. -in. pipe 2.50 per 100 feet 1- ln. pipe 3.35 per 100 reel 14 -in. pipe.... 4.25 per 100 feet lM-in. pipe 6.25 per 100 feet 2- in. pipe 6.90 per 100 feet Up to 10-inch at corresponding prices. All guaranteed first class con dition, with new threads and new couplings. W e give estimates on contract work for plumbing. If you want to do your own work, we can furnish all the I lumbing supplies. Also second-hand doors and windows. I A big stock of new and second-hand pipe, black and galvanized, from hi ! to 8 Inches. NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO.. 203-205 Front St., bet. Salmon &r Taylor SWAP COLUMN 23 (Continued) EDISON motion picture machine ln good second hand canditlon, with formastat, lamp house complete, re winding set. two electric fans with motors; three reels of films; whole out fit for $135; cost over $300; will take some personal property in exchange; a bargain for some one who acts promptly. J. S. Wheeler, CorvalUs. Or. 1150 fur-lined coat for exchange for two nobly tread tires 33x3 H or any thing of equal value or $50 cash. Beau tiful black dress suit size 38, cost $60, will take $20. P-969, Journal. WANTED Good mechanic to ex change carpenter work for rent of modern 5 room bungalow, furnished, nice neighborhood, close to car. Adults only. 59p3 45th ave., S. E. East 3743. To EXCHANGE, a wax model suitable for a millinery, hair dressing or suit house, for a lady s suit or coat. Phone Marshall 1941. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 (Continued) - WANTED The people of Portland to know that I pay highest cash price for second hand household goods. No amount of furniture too large or too small to consider. Prompt attention. N. M. Beater. 143 Russell st. East 6707. LEVIN HARDWARE & FCKNITUHB CO.. 221 Front St., buys 2dKid fur niture, carpets stoves, ranges, hard ware or tools of any kind. Call A-7174 or Main 9072. Our buyer calls promptly. "NOTICE TO MOVERS." We want to buy $1000 worth of sec ond hand furniture and pay all the cash it Is worth. Williams Ave. Fur niture Exchange. East 636. LEAVING city, have almost new $45 gas range, will sell for $25. Fine leather uph. Turkish rocker, cost $67.50. will sell for $25. 496 E. 7th street. North. New Home (drophead) .. Drophead Melville Drophead Gevurtz Drophead Domestic Drophead Davis FURNITURE Before buying second i Drophead Wilcox & Gibbs SEWING RffMHIME SALE These are machines we have1 taken in on new machines and we are dis posing of them regardless of price: Drop head Binger xia.oo 8.00 8.00 12.00 12.00 hanrl roods see what you can do i Box top Wilcox & Gibbs here on new goods tor casn. uei postea. William Gadsby, 1st and Washington. bile, we will be pleased to have you i-apeeu u.uuu, iuhj cltu.HK -- come in and get acquainted with us. 1913 Harley-Day fully equipped, lhO and let us prove to you that every 1912 Indian fully equipped .... 150 car listed here is the best bargain at "J Dayton, fully eqmp d 260 the price offered in Portland. XCkt l3,lor inn All rari on verv reajsnnahl a terms I912 Merkel, equipped 100 ..i1 . 5-. ." .very reaS0?ie...eJinL 1913 Readine Standard 165 the mmm m in 111 nvr FACTORY BRANCH. 23d and Washington Sts. Portland. Or. .loLihllA -Ml, ' pantl,. top deliv ery cur, thoroughly overhauled, new arts" tin oughotit. repainted, new over lzo tires, clriln.s. power pump. etc. 'rice $450 lor quick sale. See Mr. Kllller, Oregon Motor Car Co Stude- aker bldg.. Chapman and Alder sts. lain )9402. . 912 MAXWELL "36," special. Car as irood as new. Tires in excellent ondltion. A roomy 5 1 ussi ni;er, good ooking machine. Will acrlnce for .3 of original rust, .No al .tate onsidered. V ill d r 11 te to your atisfactlon. 10-4 to, Jouri ai. P 1914 OREGON V CLCAiN IZING CO. "The Tire Shop," 550 Wasi'hington St., at 18th Marshall 37'J. We get your tires lea iy for THE WKT STREETS. OVEREAND touring car. Am OVlng back east and am c u, pelled k -sacrifice -rnv Overland for cash. light extend terms to responsible arty. Car has only bti n used 3 nonths. H-R30. Journal. , BARGAINS' I. i'hfcp AL TOS f Large stock. Prices .il)0 to $7 50. , OREGON MOTOR CAR CO. V Stiidehaker bldg. Corner Chapman and Alder. 913 FIVE passenger Overiand. fully equipped, oversize tires, newiy paint d and in excellent shape. . fine bar ain. cash or terms to right party. 4o7. Jo, i rx 1 K 912 E. M7F. "30." AsBo"odas) Tiew. Will consider i-'ord or some light ar ln trade. No real estate. 11. E. GRIFFITH, 53 North 23rd St. READ! READ! READ! Never have we offered such bar gains as are listed today. 1913 BuicK, 2 pass., electric lights, starter, red body, black fen ders, nobby tires, one extra. ... $650 1913 Overland, 6 passenger, elec tric lights, starter, run 1000 miles, paint like new . . . . . . . 650 1912 Studebake. "30," 5 pass., rilfkel bumper, electric horn, five tires, new, nickeled, worth $200 more . 575 Studebaker "20," touring, in splen did shape 345 1914 Metz roadster 345 1913 Reo roadster, electric lights, Timken bearings throughout, .same as 1914 motor 675 See the new 1915 Oaklands expected to arrive today. We have some splen did buys in brand new Oaklands, 1914 models, ln sixes and fours. Honest representations. We tell you what's right and what's wrong. GENERAL AUTOS COMPANY. 523 Alder st. Main 2481 1913 Big Four Pope, equipped.. 1913 9 ti. i. Eagle, equipped... 90 175 155 45 1913 Excelsior. e.auiDDed 4 H P. Indian, eood condition 1913 Dayton, equipped 190 LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. . mnm cycle m. 210 Broadway. SECOND HAND MOTORCYCLES . .$150 . . 115 . . 50 . . 65 1913 Excelsior 7, fully equipped 1913 Excelsior 7 1 Thor. 4 h. p. 1 Indian, sin trie 1914 Excelsior 7 h. p.. fully equipped $150. Second hand bicycles from $10 up. APEX BICYCLE CO.. 124-126 12th st. Phones: Main 2956. A-3306 1913 2-speed Indian, aream tandem, Rushmore lights and Presto tank, complete, $150 if taken at once. W. F. Flemming, 149 E. 34th st Used Auto Snaps WILL trade a $50 bicycle, used two months, for diamond ring. Address 266 Taylor st. Call Main 8747; ask for Joe. 1914 HA RLE Y DAVIDSON twin, fully equipped; used 4 months; $225; leav ing town. Main 434S or no in. jzq st. BICYCLE English made; probably finest in Portland. Price $30; sac rifice. On view, 33 N. 17th st. 1914 TWIN Excelsior, tandem, fully equipped, perfect condition, little used. $150. 194 1st. 1814 TWIN Indian tandem, siren. Presto; must be sold. 661 Haw thorne ave. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. 1914 CHEVROLET, 2 pass., electric starter and lights $675 1912 HERRESCHOFF, 5 pass., over hauled and repainted.. . $456 1911 COLE. 2 pass., 30 h. p.. over- 1 hauled $475 I 1912 STUDEBAKER. 30 h. n.. 5 pass., A-l condition $575 WANTED Side car for motorcycle; 1911 BABCOCK ELECTRIC, coupe, must be in good condition and cheap rine conaiuon; oniy oao i for cash. F-965, Journal CALL OR PHONE FOR DEMON STRATION. Northwest Auto Co. BICYCLE, English make; probably finest In Portland: sacrifice. On view. 33 N. 17th st. I WANTED 2d hand motorcycle for cash. Single preferred, call 1109 Hawthorne. Not Sunday. FOR six rooms, coimplete; most of it only been used six months; bargain for $150. Owner leaving town. 168 East 3d st. N. Alberta car. TWO good gas ranges, $5 each; one nearly new wood or coai range, as; cost $57.50 new. 224 E. 1st N. Call Monday. Montgomery Ward (drophead) singer tailor machine Standard Tailor machine SliNGEK SEWING MACHINE CO. Mar. 721. 382 Morrison A-6110 25.00 12.00 .12.00 25.00 12.00 STORE FIXTURES AND HOUSE HOLD GOODS. 2 counters, 2 shelvings, 2 standing desks, 2 filine cabinets, letter press. I refrigerator, candy jars, small scales. WE buy, sell and exchange new and ranges, z heaters, 1 dressers, i phono- second hand iurniture or an tunas. epnH, omger sewing inacuine. i c;oin- Phone Marshall 4783. Bell Auction & I mon barber chair, bathtub, iron beds, Com. Co.. 191 Second street. 1 tables .chairs. 112 Union ave., next to vnn Sil.F PHE4P finorl ht.r I VooLonice. A NEW hand vacuum cleaner, also new Stoddard library, half lavant leather. Will exchange for chickens or what have you. Call Woodlawn 89. MAKE ine an offer on $400 worm 01 tiver water Power Lien Development certificates. L-193, Journal. ROOM rent, housekeeping, single, fur nished or unfurnished, for furniture, chickens or anything can use. 328 Va North 17th et. MAKE me an offer on eight lots at Yaqulna Bay. Will trade for any thing of value. W-53, Journal. WANTED Tailor made clothes ln ex change, for automobile or light true Y-61. Journal. MOTORCYCLE in fine condition, ex- change for furniture. Flnley, 87 Grand avenue. COZY California bungalow tor busi ness or lots; good location. 469 Bldwell, Sellwood car. R-495. Journal. SACKS. No. 1 sacks. 6c; No. : teed in good condition. Front st. Main 994. i, 6c. Guaran ty Fendel, 215 THE GLOBE STORE WANTS SECOND HAND CLOTHING. And everything. Highest prices paid. Main 2080. 285 1st. near Jefferson. PERSONAL (Oo&tlnued) MEN and women, those suffering- f oh every curable disease or habit, tr4t ed and cured by the latest natural healing methods, including radf&A, electricity, heat, light, baths, mangi latlon, adjustments and massage operations, no medicine, free cca.s liga tion. Dr. P. E. Lewis, successorsso Dr. W. E. Mallory. Naturopath, , Rothchild bldg. ' LADLES Ask for Antfko ,- Mixture No. 8. "Better tsaa 1 pills for female ills." A quC If fate and sure regulator, tie; to use, worm iiKe mpui without harm, pain or inJM terence wun worn. rncijri ;: lis 222 Morrison, CALL u E. 6520. M. R. Seater, to sell your furniture. Prompt attention, highest cash prices. 368-374 Hawthorne BE WISE Get more for your second hand furniture by selling it to Ford Auction Co., 211 1st. Main 8951. Ilnubl. strength. 16.00 sale by Heiiona irug; rt, ison, near First. I'jfL?8- A FIGHT- on HJ orices. Why psMfa GENTLEMAN'S trunk, traveling bag. or suitcase. Give phone. R-4S1, I Journal. I WAN TED to rent or buy, loom for weaving rag carpets. Address 11 E. t., N. Phone Woodlawn 64. 6th st., BATTERIES Will buy second hand starting' or lighting batteries of all makes. Multnomah garage. Mar. 2300. to $10 for patriae classes, when law fit your eyes with: first quality leat-a in a gold filled frame as low as $3e.7 C. W. Goodman, 191 Morrison sU, &irr bridge. Satisfaction guaranteed. EXPERT work in dy-nff. remodeling and resjjoj lng plumes. Modeale charges and prompt jieir- "vice. THE PLUMKy?i6A M ojganjj ldg. Madn ffiOftfc MASSAGE. , -f Vibratory. alcohol. an4 mariittCV treatments. Also baths. 204 Majtteai bldg. (2d floor). 286 Washington s. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 9 p. to. Ls4iwii only. ': , itif DIAMOND, value $400, want -fully equipped motorcycle; must be a dandy. C-507, Journal. WHAT have you to trade for a ladies' Persian lamb fur coat and two seal skin caps. Phone B-2644. WANTED To trade moving picture machine, films, traveling outfit, for light automobile. 333 Oak st. FIRST-CLASS leather sample case to exchange for tools or anything I can use. Main 4387 or 301 1st st. dresser and iron bed. north. 255 E. 64th St. FIRELESS cooker, $8.60; 5 pieces of hardwood furniture, upholstered and hi good condition, $70. Tabor 4912. FOR SALE Furniture of three rooms cheap; flat for rent. 286 16th st.. near Jefferson. $28 HEATER. Hot Blast, for $16, A-l condition. $6 down and $a a montn. Tabor 838. FOK SALE, Buck's steel cookstove and Brussels rug 3x12, nearly new; reasonable. Inquire at 55o 6th st. HESSIAN Grocery, staple and fancy groceries, hardware, tinware, school supplies. Orders taken and promptly delivered to all parts city. Why pat ronize public markets when you can buy for less from the retailer? Bar gains in land and city property. If not right we make it right. W. A Hes sian, prop.. 1193 Hawthorne ave Ta bor 981 or B-2549. OAK dresser, sanitary couch, rocker. oil heater. 3,5 2d st.. Apt. iz. FOR SALE High-top wooden bed. 1578 Haven st, St. Johns car. NEW furniture of 6-room bungalow. Apply 25 E. 10th, corner Abu. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND SECOND HAND STOVES. 2 counters, 2 shelvings, 2 standing desks, 2 filing cabinets, letter press, refrigerator, small scales, ranges, 60 heaters, 2 dressers. 2 phonographs, 1 common barber chair, bath tub. Iron beds, tables, chairs. 112 Union ave., next postoff ice. TYPEWRITERS v 4 1 ALL Makes Factory Rebuilt LARGEST STOCK LOWEST PRICES EASIEST TERMS SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 321 Washington St.. Portland, Or. Stores in all Pacific Coast cities. PIPE PIPE PIPE Galvanized and black, new and second-hand, to 6-inch. A large stock of plumbing supplies at wholesale prices. Bathtubs from $6 to $14. Toi lets from $6 to $10. PORTLAND PIPE SHOP. 269 Front. Main 6325. GASOLINE AND OIL ENGINES. Marine & stationary Marine Hardware. Write for catalogue GAS POWER & SUPPLY CO.. 168-172 Front st, Portland, Oregon. ONE lot of used sewing machines must be sold. The sale starts Mon day. New Home, White, Free, Davis and a good many other makes. To close them out we will sell them from $5 and up. 4 days only. All guaran tee a, Morrison st 12 PARKER hammerless $28.50. L. C, Smith 16 hammerless automatic ejector $27.50. Solid gold 12 size 14 karat 21 Jewel Howard watch, cost $125, price $80. Buescher alto horn $35. 3ft. floor show case $15. Safe, 31 in. wide, 88 in. high, $60. 13 N. 3d. WILL exchange fine talking outfit for good piano. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. $425 MORTGAGE due the 1st of the year, on city lots, for auto. D-8lfi. Journal. LOT in a growing Washington town for visible typewriter. 612 Swetland bldg., Portland. WANTED, 1000 cords best cordwood; best prices" first letter. Portland. C.508. Journal. WANTED Baby carriage and high- chair; must be n first-class condi tion and cheap. E-433, Journal. LOST AND POUND 21 THE following articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power company, and owners thereof may claim same at the First and Alder street station: October 23 Marshall 5100. A-6131 2 suit cases, 1 wheel, 1 milk can, 1 Jar fruit. 1 basket. 1 length stove pipe, 1 book school tickets, 1 pair gloves, 2 purses. 1 containing 40c; 1 pitcher, 1 plasterer's trowel, 1 pkg. overalls, 1 pkg. marbles, 1 lunch box, - 1 pin, 1 handbag, 1 card case, 1 purse, 1 rain coat, 1 roll carpet. 1 hand saw, 1 bank book. 1 child's cap. 1 box, 1 check. FOUR weeks old calf to trade for potatoes, wood.- hay. chickens or anything of equal value. Tabor 767. I HAVE a quantity of hall carpet, new, to exchange for Inlaid linoleum. Phone Main 3919. WHAT have you to trade for $800 electric piano; must go this week; no real estate. Main 2707. TO TRADE An Overland auto for painting and paperhanging; Va cash; price $500. East 287. FOR TRADE Span of horses, harness and wagon for good auto. Ford pre- ferred. 206 Marie St.. Lents. TYPEWRITER for lady's blcycleor opera glasses. Also furniture to ex- change. Tabor 5745. LOST Between E. 9th and Hawthorne and 3d and Pine, loose leaf memo book with 3 letters addressed to Lang & Co., Western B. Co. and Allen & Lewis. V LOST At Star theatre, silver mesh bag containing prescription and $1. Reward. Coin purse containing key and change. Return both to 704 Broad way bldg. MME. DREYFUS -fTlP' "uu vthjj iui- years 'oEtincrn 3no ; giftea clairvoyant, is demonstrlijmA j and teaching mind healing and rrkutat suggestion. 4)5 Goodnough. bldSP- i posite postofflce. ,.jV. ft GENTLEMAN. 45. good hotel Vi&Bj . owning one-half interest in at j;ood. little hotel in an eastern Oregonjj jtbwif? wouio iiKe to correspond with who would buy the other half .journal. - ABOUT HAIR GOODS I Don t trust peddlers with comfclnt fc let us make them up. 95c up. i4 i toupes a specialty. '20 yrs. est d. Fpt & Hanebut, 147Breadway. nr. MoVri' n. MRS. STEVENS, 21 years i'orff&JiS ' renowned palmist and clalrvp lait, n has her book "Palmistry Made Sis'." - i GERMAN TRAINED NURSE i ments for rheumatism, lumbagS fctc. A Massage and baths. 452 Salmon? t., cor. 13th. Mar. 5033. Open Susie .Vs.; ft SPIRITUAL medium. Rev.' Vk-t nla- Rnnr. I? . 1. 1 . .l.-i, .T. " , . cles Tuesday and Friday evenfti- 3 8) REWARD Lost, one package contain ing two small ledgers, containing blacksmith accts.. wrapping paper was rink. Return to Chas. Myers, Yamhill, Or. LOST $20 bill on Stark street, be tween Broadway and 6th or on 6th between Stark and Ankeny. Tabor 4S97. Reward. WANT graphophone; have for trade wood cook stove, coal heater, sewing machine. U-82, Journal. PIANO teacher wishes to exchange music lessons for dressmaking, ref erences exchanged. E-434, Journal ROY'AL typewriter and Victrola with 20 records, for piano. Wdln. 1129. LOST Purse between 15c . store and Jones Cash store,- containing $11. Reward. Return to The Journal busi ness office. LOST Fur scarf at Baker thatre, Wednesday evening. October 21. Re ward. Miss Dolphin. Main 1082. The Morton Apts. NATURAL hot air baths 25c, if t if fc day, Friday, Saturday, at 1 Ijv I Also Sunday 9 a. m. Take Monll) i' a' car, 81 E. 28th Everett. East 446) . fV niWDRrF Without notoriety Jo fcf UIVUIlULOtult4tlon free 208 ?le)- ;j linger bldg. Mar. 4368. 8 a. m. to Cj- $ j j96f0. BLUE roan horse 6 years old. weighs about 1000 lbs. Owner pay for ad vertising and care T. L. Idleman, rhone Tabor 246 or Tabor 3313. SPIRITUALISM. Rev. M. A. Pri. cles, Tues. 2 p. m.; Wed., Sun." & readings daily. 603 5tn st. Maif;; MADAM OLGA l"i Teaches palm and card readJSi 165 10th st. Yd Ul VUrkOLOperience, reliable. free. 404 Rothchild bldg. 287 Vi :V?ast HAVE your, hair permanently WA - Guaranteed to laasu toanitary tjiuty. Parlors. 400 Dekum. M a rshal jig 02., THE FUR SHOP. if'i ? V New orders, remodeling, bestJ-Wori, 1 owest price a. 717 Swetl a n d b Id &, -DR. G. V. KETCH UM vbmen',nl? adies and acute diseases otf im-are. Wash, bldg.. 4th & Wash. Km. 41. IfeL 4I TIMBER claim to exchange for any good business. Box 4 26, city. NEW 9x12. $25 Axminster rug. trade for good range. Woodlawn 1341. WILL trade my $700 lot for diamonds. Call Main 9451. BROADWAY AND COUCH. Main 8887 A-4959 FOR SALE OU TRADE. A No. 1 Overland delivery car at ess than one-half of new; will take n exchange a 6 pass. I-'ord If In good onditlon. P. O. Box 23. Oregon City. V'NICE residence or busints lot to exchange lor a runabout auto at half ayment; value of lot $150. Near 'onesmore addition. Phone Tabor 4627. Sunday. . We have 15 different models In stock to choose from, 1910, 1911. 1912. 1913 and 1914. All ln the pink of condi tion. Prices right and terms easy. Also one 1914 Ford, used 3 months, jTUDEBAKER 20, 1912. Thoroughly $450; $200 down and $50 per month. I overhauled, all tires Dractieallv new. !f J you want a light car h re is a nap. Will give terms to responsible 'arty, f-'jwj, journal. V ritten guar antee with every spring. 26 N. 15th st. UNITED Anting Auto Top Co. f-easonale;" factory finished. lSin end Wash, Mar. 945. Lowit & Mossman. iJRUSH ruriahout for sale or trade. I Newly painted, good condition. Suit able tor salesman or light delivery. 465 viomgomtry. main Y344. J. W. LEAYITT & CO. 629 WASHINGTON ST. Mar. S535. A-2444. OPEN SUNDAY. 1912 CHALMERS "36." TOURING CAR TO TRADE. Extra fine Chalmers touring car, 6 pass., ln A-l condition, equipped with oversize tires, bumper, etc cost $2375 WANTED New motorcycle or Ford auto for house and lot. call A.-&it. 83 oth. Room 303. Carlock. 1913 7-h. p. Excelsior, fully equipped, in excellent condition. $110 cash. B-1829. SINGLE Harley, excellent condition; bargain; will trade. East 1068. 1 horsepower twin Indian, fully equip- ped, $100. R. H. Blocker, 228M, 1st st LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 Launch Bargain Must sell my 30 ft. launch by Nov. 5. Latest equipment, 20 h. p., 4 cylin der, 4 cycle engine. Cost of engine alone, without high tension magneto, $900. Will sacrifice all for $300. Main 8333. E-425, Jonrnal. FINE launch, must be sold Sunday or Monday, V4 of original cost. Call at toathouse under Hawthorne ave. brjdge. NEW skiffs for sale, 12 to 18 feet also one launch, 20 foot long, 4 horse power. Danielson's Boat Shop, foot of Nebraska st. DANDY auto for business, I ? rred; will pay $50 i.r' ,' r month; phone 10 to VANTE1 Llsht i roadster- - prefer town una 2. pe i today, Ma i a 892 or C-7u.' , Journ a 1. 5NAP 5. pass. Michigan. 19KT eTm I :trlc lights and starter. Has seen TOderate service only. This is a real ' 'S-figa"'- Cash only. Call Main 6334. ;NAPH. 20 H. P. liEh't deli r7"rai I In A-l condition; $250..- Lots of other Margains. Garage E. 10th and Mill sts. :ast 2652. 1.914 SIX cylinder car, ' slightly used. new tires. Will sell for less Xhan wo thirds of list price. Cash or. terms. o real estate. 0-243. Journal. ttll 6-passengei' Cadillac, fore doors, -demountable rims. $T0 speedometer, S rood-tires, 3 extra inner tubes; $600, $160 down, $150 a month. 309 Stark. i . - FEDERAL . TRUCK. I Federal truck with express body ind top, in first class condition; easy elms. U-50. Journal. - EXCHANGE diamond set hs sunburst, value $5o0,. for 5 pass, automobile, Overland or Studebaker preferred. vVoodlawn 2297. Will trade for real estate, first mort- vn cr or Tpotifl.hl rn At Aral gtve full particulars. H-952, Jour- 5 room furnished houseboat. auick sale $350 cash. $375 terms (worth $750). Sellwood 1450. Answer- ! FIVE room boathouse for sale; foot of ? Ford Motor 4 cylinder with ' transmission; for a quick sale we will take $75 cash. We also have a 6 cylinder engine in A-l condition, at a bargain price. IPMFfiCTfliEOiyjlFfLYCi. 325-327 Burnside.- California st.. Fulton. Charlie Bauprez. Inquire for FOR RENT, furnished Sellwood 82. house boat. FOR SALE Furnished 5 room house boat. Phone Main 4840. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 GILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Underwoods, Remingtons, . L. C Rmith. Oliver. Smith Premier. Royal. etc, $15 and up; terms. Agents for NOTICE to blacksmiths and stable the "Corona" folding typewriter. Type- , men. We have on hand 60,000 writer desks, tables and chairs. The J. pounds of rubber belting suitable for K Gill Co.. 3d and Alder sts. i wagon brake blocks and stable chutes. WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on , Xuy all you want at a very low price, nil m,.k of tvnewrlters. Send for , J- Leve. 186 Columbia street. Phone our illustrated folder: retail depart- 1 Main 519b. , ment WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington st. Electric Motors YOU can rent visible typewriters 3 Electric motors bought, months for $4; convenient at home, 1 sold, rented and repaired, delivered and- all rent applied on pur- Walker Electric Wks., 10 chase. Main 6273, or A-4441. Z44 star, and .Burnside. Main 5674. TYPEWRITERS for rent. 3 months : NEW SEWING MACHINE STORE. for $5 and up; 6 months' rental ap- 50 slightly used machines of all nlied on purchase price. Remington 'leading makes at very low prices. We Typewriter Company, 86 Broadway. give Scrip on all cash sales 25c and JUST like new, $105 Oliver visible 1 UP- White Sewing Machine Store, 243 o..niritor nr. v !5n X I It nnwil X K fid "'"r'- j-iiunc raaiu i, a , a. monthly. 350 Aldei NEW. re rates. P ! FOR SALE New and second hand carom and pocket billiard tables and hullf "nrl hand rontal cut-, "m" ajia pocaei Dlllja D C Co 231 Stark M 1407 bowling alleys and access c- btafK- I4-y.'-- tures of all kinds, easy p ories, bar f ix- UNDERWOOD, wide carriage; good Brunswick-Balke-Colander Co.. 46-48 condition; $30. Call Monday, 93 1st, eth st Main 769, A-1769. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 Rain Sticks New and repaired, new covers and low prices. G. P. Russell, East 4644. FERTILIZER. I am ln a position to furnish well rotted black horse and cow manure to any part of the city, manure for all purposes, big load. At home before 8, after 6 p. m. Phone Tabor 5914. FOR SALE; One fine game cock or will trade for hens. 55 E. 82d st. S. WANTED to exchange large safe for motor poat. staples the Jewc'cr. LOST Gold wrist watch at .or be tween cooking school at 11th and Morrison and 4th and Morrison. Re turn to Journal. Reward. LOST Black Cocker spaniel, white breast, answers to name of Ted. Re turn to 455 E. Clay for -reward. LOST-t-Between East Couch and Haw thorne, fancy work bag containing scissors, etc. l aoor 4usl. LOST Airedale dog. answers name of Biff. Reward paid for return to T. .1. Seufert. 300 Journal bldg. s4 tj i- exs ?vlc SPIRITUAL medium, Eniellna Pear son; readings dally; circles -'.Tuesday. Thursday eve. 431 Salmon. ; - SPECIAL, 2 mo. only, 18 Chlropractio treatments, $10. 1-3 regulars price. t-v .--i ii ri i A 1 1 - l v. i j -- WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 WANTED, box top or drop head Sin ger sewing machines ln any condl tlon. Must be cheap. C-510, Journal. WOULD like to buy 100 yds. of first class Inlaid linoleum. Hyatt Talk lng Machine Co., 350 Alder. SECOND hand work harness, price. B-831. Journal. State WILL buy cheap, used, common fire brick. 127 W. Wygant. W ILL trade 5 acres of land near Sum mer Lake, for furniture. Mar. 87. WANTED Young milch goat. Journal. A-849. CASH paid for diamonds. Elby Co., 320 Lumber Er. bldg.. 2d and Stark. LOST 35x4 Nobby tire, mounted tin Baker rim. on Portland-Oregon City road: reward Main 9575. STRAYED From 669 Halsey, large dark Maltese cat, "William." Re ward. C-3156. LOST Pair of motorcycle tan gloves on Glisan. near 2nd. Tahor 2953. LOST A cameo pendant set ln pearls. Finder call A-2292. Reward, WHEN y-u answer these Waul Aua, mention Th Journal. PERSONAL PLEASANT home for invalids. 4New Thought teaching and healing.; 311 11th st. Main 3924. . PHEASANTS It prepared for hats. 717 Swetlands bldg. LESSONS ln phrenology and ca.iA read ings. 235 6th st. Phone MaiJt 7641, NOTICES 26 Sealed bids will be receired by tb n'moB council of tbe city of Dayton, Or., a a til Mob. dax, November 2, 1914. at tbe hour of T:f p. in., for all or parti of an lesae of f539.25 street Improvement bond to be iaaueoV under nectiona 8245 to 8253 Lord'! OrcfcoBi lawa. Interest 6 per cent per annum, parable aeml ar.Dually at Fiscal egenrj of Oreun at New York. Certified check of 8 per cent aa cuar antee of eood faltb. Tne right to reject an and all bids reserved. Address W. T. 11. Tucker. TtecordAi of tbe city of Iayton. Dayton, Or.. October 4. 1914. EASTERN trained electric operator, facial and scalp treatments. 125 6th St.. office 2. CHIROPRACTIC, 121 4th. Chronic cases; 18 treatments $10. Others less i A AVF R Consultation free. Main Lrt Winn 4993. 70S Selling bldg. HIGHEST price paid for rifles, shot guns. cameras. Hochfeld. 44 Vi N. 3d. FOR best prices on your household j BALM of Figs remedy for diseases goods call Secord, East 4238. of women. 504 Davis st. Main 2393. WILL buy band saw; must be in HOT BATHS AND MASSAGE, good working order. F-163, Journal. ' Magnetic healer. Main 8527, A-7271. C, S. ENGINEER office, Portland, .Or.. Oc tober 27, 1914. Sealed proposals! ;for fur nlKhlng and delivering aboat ROOO tons bitumin ous coal for nae on Tbe DullM-OHlo canal conatmctton work will bit received here until 11 a. m., November 27, 1914. and tbe publicly opened. Information on application.! Jay J. Morrow. MaJ. Kngrs. ; - V. S. ENGINEEIt offlc. t'ortland. JOr.. Oc tober 2S. .1914. Scaled pruposale Jor eight steel swing bridges for Dallei-CellU. mnal will be received here ontil 11 a. m., IembeT 7, 1P14. and then pnbllcly npened. Information on application. Jay J. aiorrow, M.hMl Kagrs. Professional and Business Directory , r v ACCORDION PLEATTNO POOL BALLS. Have 200 cue balls, free from dents, as good as new, 50c apiece. 114 N. 6th st. FOR SALE Doctor's complete outfit, everything new, 40 volumes in li brary, $200; Ad. J. P. Hunt, Wood burn, Or. ALL nation flags. 6x8. at wholesale; price $11.50 per 1000. Send 15c for sample. 114 N. 6th. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," 'Type writers" and "Household Goods" are separate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective classifications. Look them over. SEWING MACHINES Will close out 100 slightly used machines; all lead ing makes. Dropheads, $10 and up, or will sell the whole lot at wholesale. S. S. Sigel, 231 Alder. Main 2978. SINGLE hammerless 12 guage Rem ington shot gun, $5. 202 Gerlinger bldg, FOR horses and vehicles, dogs and household pets or poultry, read the ads under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other mediums in these classifications. HEAR the new wonderful new Edison disc machine. No needles to change. - , O n t-1' ii- tli. nutorol t nm. ' .o wvt all FINE 1913 f ive-nK!fnrr HU fini. tires, eleeant tra'nnitn. ' models and sold on easy payments. Cost $2350. Will exchange for house fnd: , for catalogue. Hyatt Talking and lot or first-class lot. K-238. Machine Co.. 350 Alder. Journal. V'HITE 1914 anioulance and equipment for sale; will take small touring car is part payment; terms. Phone M-aln 7725 for appointment. 1912 AUTO WANTED. Will trade a $1200 mortgage for a" Ford or Overland at th-eir worth. Take balance in cash. Call 306 Gerlinger oio& . , AUTO WANTED. Vlctrolas for rent. Talking machines for rent. Talking tables for rent. $1 per week, including records. Address or phone. 552 Emerson st. C-3180. I FINE Edison Home phonograph, plays SAFES All sizes at cost; safes re paired. Mosler Safe Co., 409 North western Bank hide. Main 7676. Two clear lots to exchange for a 2 and 4-minute records, and 30 small 6- pass, auto; Hup or Overland ' nrst-ciass tour-minute records, only preferred. Call 30fi Gerlinger bidg. ! -5.: $5 dow,n' 2"50 monthly. Hyatt ONE Model L Loco. 1 Model I Loco One Peerless 4 cylinder . . . CASE AUTO CO: Vs TON delivery truck. 20 H. P.," . in good condition, sioo. looo E. 29th. N. A Car 7 - . 550 00 ouo nil. i i--v piayer piano, u rec 300 00 ' ords, $247 paid, balance $13 per mo., j Will 111 tuiri rot L yj n.nyKJUC W UU will take over contract. Main 3132. Resal roadster. underslunt! .! WiN'TF.n Prusfn tank "for TTntvi f-a r equipped, lamps, presto tank and top. Phone Marshall 114. 200 Graham ;326 cash. No terms, no trades. Call ; aVenue. s 'ynoott, aiam Monday. i5 BUYS HIGH GRADE PIANO. 326 LUMBER EX. BLDG.. 2D AND STARK STS. AM leaving city, i S pass. Mitchell for $375. 103i :ar.- 1 1 1 W T1 1 V iibaiI Hrpa larcant .tl. Will sell my 1911 ! in Portland. $3 to $15. Fine repair ing. .Tire supply uo.. i), Madison all in uood order I E. 11th St.. .V Alberta I , -.'.. z Trr E. t jpou snijfi vntiip lur laaii, a. rora I tnnrinir rar. Address Rnv 49S fllnri- stone. DANDY Kimball upright piano, ma hogany case. Room 9, Washington bldg. PIANO. ;cost $250, slightly sun burned, goes for $,5. 5010 63rd st. A sure bargain. POST case, 212 cells. Visible type writer. Jewelry store, all or part, G-227. Journal. 200 SECOND hand and slightly used machines from $3 up. White Sewing Machine store, 243 Alder st. FUR COLLARS And cuffs, detachable, low prices. The Fur Shop, 717 Swetland bldg. THREE R, R. tickets to Ashland, Or., or way points; either sex can use them; owners delayed here. C-715, Journal. FINE sanitary rolltop desk, flat top desk, settee, tables, etc All firt class. Cost $150, wiU take $76. 6010 63 rd st. S. E. TWELVE massive volumes, leather binding, encyclopedia. Trade for anything equal value. Sellwood 1184. MEAT sheer, electric coffee mill, cheese cutter and account register; cheap. 93 1st st. FOR SALE Cheap; showcases, wall cases, soda fountain, tables, chairs, two pool tables. Phone East 1610. PERFECT holly trees, 3 to 4 feet, $1. 862 Michigan ave. AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found under these different headings. 12 STATIONS Lamson Majestic Parcel carriers; practically new. WiU sell all or part at $25 per station, in stalled. 93 1st st. LiOAltsiiO sewing machine, splendid condition, will sacrifice, $10. Am leaving town. Inquire 303 12th st Marshall 794. DIAMOND paint, $1.65 gai. Port. Door & Window Co.. 230 Front. Mar. 100. GEVURTZ furniture store. 208 1st. Lowest cash prices in the city. , 1610 model O White sterner, thor 1 Oughly overhauled, in fine condition. 5300 .cash or will trade for gas car. St. loons Gara g e,S t. Johns , t ) i Col. 587. .VANTED. Work for auto delivery car. ' Can-haul lOOO to 1200 lbs. Inquire 1308 E. Stark st. r AUTO SPRINUSVu.- Frank 'Large' 228 Salmon. Main 181. WANT small auto: will trade beach lot, painting, decorating. F-15S, Journal. ; SIX room house, close in, for Ford, . auto or light car or lot. E-4J1, Journal. I FOR SALE Good upright Fischer pi ano, only $100; cost 375. Bargain. I B-2632. . 1 FOR SALE A $65 Stad violin and I leather case for $35. 455 E. 53d I st. Hawthorne car. j FINE Columbia banjo, folding metal 1 music stand and books; only $5. 1214 Glenn ave. splendid I.. A 1 1 C A T ' C nnac . it , . . lnot a ,t,. 1., ' $400 PIANO. almost new c" ?," .rfA m i rff fpT wair V I tone, good condition: a snap. $125 " " " -- . ----- o i i 1- l. 'vfh-i nrra ;WQULD like t buy a 1914 Hndson light six, a Buick or. smular lig;it ?hone TaboT 415S. Richmond Garage. j car." M-2'21, Jdurnal. J5 II. P. 4, cycle roadster, tirst class 1 WANT light roadster in good co-ndl- WOULD like to buy a Victrola or Graphanola for cash. N-17, Journal. condition, good tires, top, , electric igh $195. 561 Hawthorne ave. WANl'ED To buy scrap rubber and . metals. Highest cash prices paid. J,;Xev.- 1SS Columbia sK- Main 51 S. .914 FORD taxicab, sllnhtly lised. Has .new-ttres with one extra. WiU con- ;ldfT- ternis. K-155, Journal. .914 FORTT. Practicaiay new, well' - equipped; a bargain. Q-309, Journal. QH SALE B passenger auto, in good -condition, $350.- 402 Couch bldg. tlon and. $200 -for my 5. pass, fore- door auto. Q-398.'. Journal. WANT diamond in part pa-Vment for 1912,. 5 pass, foredoor-auto. H-593, Journal. WANTED to trade 1914 Ford as part payment on'lV4 or 2 ton truck, call Tabor 2967. . , FORD car. in good mechanical condl tlon; state price. - B-832, Journal. 6 PASS, 1911 Warren, good order. $325. Call $88 Morrison st Main 2830. LATE model 88-note player piano at great sacrifiee! 388 Morrison. $25 COLUMBIA phonograph and rec ords. $7.50. 127 W. Wygant. Washbl RN guitar in good icondition, $15. 1$9 Blandena st. , M USE. of piano wanted - for storage. Phone C-2677. $12.50 DROPHEAD Bewing machine with attachments. 152 Grand ave. ONE Peerless Vacuum Cleaner, cost $26.50, brand new, $7.50; one $55 polished top, leg base. Charter Oak range, new, $37. &0. 430 E. Burnside. Central Fuel Co, and0"aibpb'ne ltwii, A-l l6, 249 2d. Small orders a specialty. hOU'K ton ice making and refrigerat ing machine. Washington. 444 Wash. $125 IF YOU WANT TO BUY A GOOD DIAMOND REASONABLE SEE ELBY CO.. 320 LUMBER EX. BLDG.. ST. XT II t ' -T- A TIT' I -T" C - "-J Aim Diana. QXJ. J , . r j- I " FOK SALE Mitcheil heavy size drag LUletSen lUel UQi saw, in good order; cuts 4 root log in 10 minutes; cash $175. Phone owner, H. Grebe, Tigard, Or. . 8TEFHAN Hemstitching, accordion, aide and snnburat pleating; buttons corered; goods sponged. Scalloping. 883 Alder. M-987.4. ASSAYER8 WE boy eld geld, sUver, pUtlnanv, ec ere eajnplae. rccJcering at oo., auwn, iuv Northwest bldg.. 6th and Washington ate. BLANK BOOK MAKERS DAVIS A HOLMAN, Inc. 10 2d el Blank book manufacturers; agenta for Jonee im proved Loose Leaf Ledgers. See tne new Eureka Leaf. A-31S3. Main 183 BUSINESS COLLEGES LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, oth floor, Til ford bldg., Portland. Or. phone Mln IW83. CAB.PET CLEANING. JOYCE BB03. Electric Cleaning works, car pets cleaned and laid, refitting our spe cialty. East 440. B-lPtt3. 204 K. 19th at. N. DANCING WHITING-IUELAND Dancing Academy. Max Ixe. One-Step. UesUatioo. Leaaons dally. 'Ail avllaky bldg., 3d and klorrlson. alalo hoik. MUSIC SCHOOLS AT7D TEACHERS El TH1KLHOUN, vtuiia teacher, pupil Sevclk. 207 Klledner bldg. A-41WI. Marshall lHI. T. E. LAW. SON. piano atudlo, 422 Morrlaon. alain (H5U. Lesaona. (MV. . POPUEAS. MUSIC RAGTIME on piano guaranteed beginners ia 10 leasons. 1'lcture ultijln. free demon stration. Free Miklet.7 XiOl Kllers bldg. atOTOR AND : ELECTRIC M DYNAMOS. atuTuKs. generator botAght, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kind of repairing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. 11. M. 11. Electric Co.. 31 N. in t. Phone Main 921U. HEET METAL WOE KB (See kesl Estate Section.) TAXIDERMISTS CHKAPEiiT and beat work oa coast. flnley. Oroville. Cat .: r, a. T KAN SEER AJTD STORAGt CAUl'ETS cleaned, .-efilting aad lajlng. Packer. Tabor 105. CARPET WEAVING. NORTHWEST UCU CO., rugt front eld car. peta, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. 18S E. 8th. Work called for. Earn 35SO. B-12K0. f EM.NSOLA liag Worke Rag rug and car pet weaving. 1518 Patton ave. Wldn. 2683. CHIROPRACTORS DR. McUABON, 121 4tb. 370 Williams ave., 1H adjuotments glO. Patients get well. COAL AND WOOD. NEER&FARR and oak cordwood Also aawed to order. Prompt de- PHA! livery. Wain 45W. A -4647. jJrL- Mt, Hood Fuel Co, S&r1 Ilr. oat. all kinds of coal. WE bay, sell, rent and exchange new and second band motors, repair work a specialty. Western Electric Works. 2IH 6th at. Mar. BUo. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. fUOEMX Iron Work a, i,t 3d and Haw thorne. General machine sml Couudry work. FURNITURE REPAIRING 421 HAWTHORNE, furniture repairers; 20 i. ln Portland. Free delivery. East 3044. MESSENGERS. MOTORCYCLES and bicycle. 1'bone Mala 6a. A-2163. HASTY MESSENGER CO NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. PHILLIPS l'aralysia, nervoua and chron ic dlseaaea. Oregonlan bldg. hi. 3142. OSTRICH PLUMES. East 303. C-iK3. 262 Stark. LADIES' gold watch, value $30; will sell for $20. U-71, Journal. BOAT hull, 30x5 feet, for sale cheap. Pall E-5424. BIG collection of Indian arrow heads for sale. Call or write. 608 Holgate. SAFES New and second hand, bar gains. 101 tut st. Main 3S6S. 11-inch Barnes lathe. with counter shaft nd chuck, Just like new, $90, on terms, or $85 cash. Day ton Hardware and Mach. Co., 194 1st. WAYNE electric vibrator; Leauaine day and night field glass and fil ing cabinet. Tabor 4386. OLD violin for sale; made 1690. dress Box 506. Lents, Or. Ad- FOR SALE 1 range, 2 heating stoves, practically new, cheap if taken at I once. 9d3 Glenn ave., cor. Prescott. HOUSE tent, 18x22, bargain. Haw thorne car to 67th St. 1 square south. CHARTER Oak range, rotary wash ing machine and household goods. Tabor 4386. FOR SALE. 2 dump wagons, almost new. Phone East 5827. 845 E Stark. FOR SALE, two fine deer horns. Bid well ave. 733 i CRUISER 43x11 feet; Ketch rig; 15 i. p. motor; bargain; at lacnt club. Cwner, 507 Broadway bldg. FIRST class steel range, for sale. cheap. Inquire 387 1st st. Landlady. MARLIN repeater and single barrel shotgun. Call 375 E. 16th N. PHONOGRAPH for sale and 40 rec ords or will trade. Phone East 5827. PHONOGRAPH and records for sale. 300 12th st. FOR SALE Good wicker baby buggy. East 4820. . TWO overcoats, sheep lined coat, rain coat. 968 East Stark. 150 HEATING STOVES. 75c to $10. 112 Union ave. ONE 4-h. p. engine $25. 1 hand drill press. $3. Northwest Lead Works, 311 Front street. HEATING Stove for sale, good as new. cost $20, will take $10. Sellw. 155 week days. SWAP COLUMN i K. J. EVERTS, MAI a.m. CharCOal FOOT OF CURRY STREET DRY al.b and box. wood, corowood ana coau Kt.ndarrt Wood Co.. East i3lS. B W- WHEN you answer these want aas. mention The Journal. COLLECTIONS "BUY account, bille. notes and Judgments of every name and nature anywhere. For inlck results anawer M-583. Journal. OPEN accounts, notes Judgment eoUec t ed. Adopt short methoda for quick re.ult. ShorT Adjustment Co.. 82B N. W. Bank. M. 9T4 CONTRACTING AHD BTJTLDIKQ (See Real Estate Section.) Hartness Plume bhop. cor. Park and Y an nul. ' Main 1509. OMrU-b. paradise, fancy feathers, remodeled, cleaned, dyed to match aamplea. Work guaranteed. FAINTING. PAPERHANGING. TINTING PAINTING. Papering. Tinting. $2.0(1 per room up. C. A. Barnew. Marshall 228. (See Real Estate Section.) PAVING COMPANIES THE BARBER ASPHALT PAV1NU CO.. Pot land office. Bf).'. Electric bldr RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS ALSO teoclU, trade check, brant algna. PACJKtC COAST STAMP WORKS 231 Wauhlnet.-m st Moln 710 A--7IO. SEWING MACHINES SEWING MACHINES All makes, new aun second band, for sale or rent. All prices. Sewing Machine Em porium, H0 Third, near Tay lor. Main 9431. GOING EAST or CO UIXQ WEST We Can Ssve Ton Money . Rednced rate en Household GaxxIp, Plaaoa, Automobllea, etc. Through consolidated ears Insuring prompt delivery and careful handling. Ratee and Information furnished oc. request, PACIFIC COAST PORWARDINU U1MPAMZ. Phone Maraball 244)7. j 201 WUcox ituildiug. Portland, Ofega. 'j-1 i C O. Pick Transfer A Storage Co. Ofllee and eoD,moJiou 4 story brick warehouse with aepsrate iron too ma and flrep;oof vault for valuables. N. W. corner M and Plo ale. Piano aad furnltare moved and packed for skipping. Special rates made on ygood. la through car, to all domeatle aaf furelga point. Mala StttV A-1B&6. I OLSEN-RO TRANS1UB Or! Hew fireproof warenonae withj separate rooms. We move and pack household goods end nianos and ahip at reduced ratea. Auto vans and teams for moving. Forwarding and distributing agenta. Free trackage. Office and ware&euae. l&tb and Hoyt. Main 647. A-Z24. OREGON TRANSFER CO. Established 1870. f Transfer and forwarding areata, Storage, tree trackage. , Office and storage 74 Ullsan at. -18 and Gllaan. Malna. A-ll STORAGE. MANNING WAREHOUSE TRANSfEB CO. 13TH AND EVERETT ST$. Let aa move, pack or ahip yours household goods. Reduced freight rates ei eastera shipments. Through car service. MAIN 70.".. A -2214. BAGGAGE Xranfer Service Main 120. A-1203. H Pine su WHEN you answer tbeae want adi, mention The Journal. TRUCKS AND BAOOAGS TRCCK for hire by hour or Job. Oell 84 B. Bnrnalde. Phone E. 8ll. WALL PAPER - (See Reel Eatata Sect I at, I WINDOW CLEANING (See Real Eaute Section.) EXE. EAR, NOSE. THROAT, LUNGS. s'wclallat. Moderate prices. Glasaea fitted. Or. IT F CaaaeSay. B17 Deknm bldg.. d A Wash. EDUCATIONAL DANCING PROF. WAL WILSON'S Waits, hesitation, one-atep. two-step; schottlache; teseons 25c morning, afternoon, rj-: .tu"0 J?,,1'? anybody who walka how to dance. 85 Sth at bet Stark and Oak. 4 private lessons i; 8 clashes. Phone Main 7637. THREE ! lot. to e trade for plumbinn;. K .nd mm 'nugEtl Call Tabor 4762. I wjlw and "wo-etep guaranteed In 4 private $350 PIANO for cheap suburban lot; I lessons; claa Mon. and Fri. eve., T to 9; as- MXSDLJ V.1 ICil 4WA7I MVasswvtJ, a.we T-276, Journal, Manufacturers Jobbers -Wholesalers BREWERS ie BOTTLERS HENRY WEI.NHa.KD. 13th sod Burnside. - DRY GOODS WHOLESALE Fleischner, Mayer & Co. TARM IMPLEMENTS AND VEHICLES R. M. Wade & Co.. 822-326 Hawthorne ave. GRAIN MERCHANTS M. H. HOUSKR. Board of Trade hldg. LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHAS. L. MAST1CK ac CO.. 74 front, ef every description; findings. eat her MElT'g AHD WOMEN'S NECKWEAR COLUMBIA Neckwear Mfg. Co.. , 3 6th at. PAINT. OIL AXV GLASS (See Real Estate Sectioa". ) PIPE WOOD PIPg: PORTLAND WOOD PIPE C Factory and r Z4tn ana York ts,r Main t efftee PLUMBING PIPE STEAM ' SUPPLIES M. t. KLINE PROTrtrrRBKT. SOFE AHD BINDER -THINE Portland Cordage Co, - j