4 I tiH, .MJtt&UUN JUN K, juu jk.ix ju, fURi J-AiVor"o U j-OTTTW gxa II OTTO CTOiiJlC.JTTll- v Elks' Stag Sooial ;. Will Be Something ( , Committee Makes Promises Birt De clines .to CUT Petails That WooM ' JtT4 Secrets. . , The committee having In. charge the celebration of the, 25th anniversary of the founding of the Portland lodge of Elks,- Tueedav evening, November, I, "Will tvet give out ita program because It is .a profound secret. It ls-prOm-lead, however, that the stunts will make every Elk delighted. 'I -The' committee is headed by H. D. Griffin, James Burger, C. W. Cornel ius, IX Bolls . Cohen, T. B. , McDevttt, T. J Dowllrwr. K W. Ouimhv. John iSfnlly nd K. A, Marshall. It is to be stag party 6i the first dimensions. The committee has met with some disappointments, such as falling te 'secure the postponement of the state lection until after the celebration, in- I ability to obtain the presence of the j. governor-elect, impossibility of having as a guest of honor the Kaiser, or Prealdent Wilson, but it has .arranged to secure the. election returns on a bulletin board. Bond Sale Is Advertised, The Bond Buyer, NeW York finan cial paper - yesterday notified the 'county, commissioners that the adver tisements for (he sale of Multnomah county's interstate bridge bonds Would be published October 24, which Vas' yes'erriay, October 31 and No vember 7. The eale will bo Novem ber 9. The bondu will be Issued in vuch denominations that small Invest ors can handle them. State Treas urer Kay Informed the board that the State has no funds available for in vestment in tlie bonds. Vehicles resembling light automo biles, but without motors, are used in Some Eyropean mountain resorts for a ' sport resembling tobogganing in snow Jens H-a.sonx. MT AD IWl Number of letters to ' line. 19 Eiii of Type 2 Line JUS Hi RIAL I Line 15 4 Line 12 S Line WANTEP- $300, X'i, security $2000. H ARTM A N-THOM PSON BANK. ALL rK-VloUS BATES . JKI MCO CUAHGKJ) AllVKKTISKilENT iDalljr or Bunday, m cents per ord per insertion. This charge la fur all classification, except ing "Cor haul In I'rtvute Family," "Hoom and Board 4n l ilxlt : -oilly,' "Situation Wsuteil" and "Wanted to Kent" ads., which arc 114 cauiatpfcr wurd per laaertlon. No ad r turned for less than in cents. CAtfli ADVEUTlSliMKNTS IH rents mr word it all cUaalflcatlo-t. excepting "For Keut In Prlrate Family,' Uooin and Kuard In I'rlfate Kamllr," "Bltua tlon Wanted" and "Wanted lu Kent" ads.. Which are H4 ctuts per word. ConeecutlTe luavi'tlmi of cuMi wunt sdn.: g lusai tinus 'or the price of 2 . 7 liiKcrttonx f.r th- rle 'f S MKETIXti NOTICES 41 1' O K T L A N D S T A K HOMESTEAD NO. 4-. B. A. Y., meets every Thursday evenit:K in tne Moose hall of trie Royal bldg., 346 Morrison til. 8 W. cor. ta st. Visitoi- welcome. WKANL'BS FRY, 40 SlMfSUN r Phonr W Oil lawn 9 4. Corrt spindenl. 'ivlKKI'A'fRlt'K COUNCIL, N'o. .-227. KKliiht. and Ladies of Security Orand" Halloween sc,uerade . b- Vlnio ha 1. Uroauway and Morrison streets, Friday, October iin,.ii'u famous Union 30. 8.30 n. m. orchestra; 18 ennd ori7.es. AdinisHlon cents. D . MVrnbers and frlenda cordially Invited. NM'Sr MM -v No. i '"i ,-LV LI m tj rV nnmiriCPB its daneinK" party Friday. 0t 30 at Chrls tensen's hall. 11th and Yamhill sts. Klne 8:45 'p. m. Burchard s Orches- tm. AdmlnHlon 60c. THE Maccabees and their friends will have a Halloween party at K. of P. haltVand..Alder streets Thursday venlnK. oci. ism. " -,z quested to brinK pumpKin pie, Admt8- Ion free. caras and dancing. Re- freshments. ATTENTION Members of Alienor Council.. K. L. of H., you are request- A tn intt at your house, s-v Wednesday evening. Oct. 28, at 7:30 p i m. sharp for the purpose of pickinR 1 cards In the K. L. of 8. day in the l-ind Products show at the Armory. I ' A S00 party will be Riven in the I. O. h o K hall Enst 6th and Alder, on Tuesday evenini?. Oct. 27 by Queen I Kiiab..th Hive. L. O. T. M.; 4 prizes hnnd-painted China bv Mra. Roper. Ad mission 20c. Commlttea. K L. 8.. ANCHOR COUNCIL, No .46, 'at 85 H 6th street, will give a dance Tuesdav evening. October 27. Good prises for best waltzers. Everybody welcome. Admission 25c. MRS. BERTIE ROBINSON. Sec'y. ORI'lUA Temple I'vtliisn Siswj.3, meets on Thursday evening of eaon woek in K. Pf P. hall. 11th and v.ier. st 8 p m Hflen M T.amar, i.I or R. C ROYAL dancing club will give a dance Wednesday night, Oct. S. 129 4th St. Union music. Admission 25c. Vital Statistics IJlarriJjgcs.Birtbs, Deaths, MARRIAGE LICENSES fW. G, Smith & Co, siting cards. i Third floor. Morgan bldg. DRESS Buits for rent, all sizes. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark t. IURTIIS rEDEKSEN Tb Mt. nd Mrs. J.ns C. Terter sen. I.ents, Or., September 15. daucliter. IKICKSON To Wr. Slid Mrs. Charles, J. Krlekon, ll:M Esst Sixteenth street. North, October 0. daughter. Bl'KNS Tn Mr. sua Mrs. Archibald E. Burns 1119 (Vinrord itraet. ttcfober 20, a daughter ANDERSON To Mr. and Mrs. James O. An . dersea. Rust Bleveuth aud Ilaucock street, nioipr , wo. JUNES To Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Jones, i- ni -weoiicia sireei, neptemoer is, a uovgaier. yALUKX To Mr. and Mrs. Nash Yaldea, junnnooiau Doapiisi, uiouer ii, a dauahter L.ESTEH T(T Mr. and Mrs. B. L. lister, aiuj zjwi xweuiy-eigniu sxreei. D.orth Uc- tober 15. a sun. l-NKOUS To Mr. and Mrs. Ilarry W. Negus . 4T4 Hancock street. October ltt. a danarhtAr HAUL AM TV Mr. and Mrs. William Hallani jr.,- Mist, or., October IT, a sun. YEKKKS To Mr. and Mrs. Miltnn A Trrk.s ' 1002 East Mueteeutb street. North, October 18, a daughter. ' W ACTS To Mr. sod Mra. A. B. Walts, 1100 nam nasmngsoa street, October 18, daghter.- UAVIX Te Mr. and Mrs; Thomas Oai SJH Jackson atreet, AnfUKt IS, a daughter. ni'nr to mr. ana urn. inartes a. Hunt, ieiv Bi-tiou avenue, . tn,, October 1J, ' daughter. . Ml 'HAN Te Mr. end Mrs. John J. Moran - 305 Ckaptuan atreet, October 13. a dusb tr. M fXAlN To Mr. and Mrs. Chester H. Mc- - . tiam toa oooseYeu SUgr-tt. street, October 13. a wmi ads wait ad mm In eKccl Oel. 1. Iul DEATHS AND FUNERALS 75 LOTTMAJK-In tW citr, Oetobe? 24, William n. uoiinao, tfQ yean. iu bibh ill be (or warded Monday morning, October will 26, hi T. P. Finley 4 Son, to Butte-iUe, Or.. w her r-lw will ba held at 1 o'clock D. m. at the Congregational eburch. FricBO in vites. Interment In tae family plot. hpokine. ty ii an., yaytrt pie ,opy. EAKKISi In Uita city, October 21, at tbe family residence, 42a Larrabee atreet, John Rankin, aged 76 years, 6 months, and 25 daya, Bern sear lialmn. SweUeq. Beloved husband of liedde Hankie, end fatter of llen, U. Abbs M.. Ham-as. end Oaptaln O. P. Uankln. Tbe funeral services will be beld today (Sunday), October 2a, at 2:30 o'clock p. m. at tiie residence establishment of 1. P. lTlnley It Son. Montgomery at 'if tb. Friends invited. Ipterment at Bl-erview cemetery. 'BALL In this city, October 22, Ellaf Hall. sgaa Oo years, late oi rare siren. Tbe remains will be forwarded today (Sun day), by J. P. Holey Sob to Joseph, Or., where aerTlcaa will be bald and interment mnde. UOLLINUW7JUTH Tbe funeral service of tbe 1st Joseph Uolllngworth will be beld tomorrow (Sunday), October 25, at 8 p. m.. 6S-7 Beenty-aeuo atreet. S E. terueut at Mount Scott Park cemetery. titJl.UXCiWOKTLI The funeral aeiflcea of "the late Jonepb Holllnswortb will be beld today (gutidaf), October So, at 8 p m.. from fth. family residence, 6627 Seventy -eecond t, H. E. Inurnieut at Mt. Sett Park cemetery. tilLKCU In this eity, October 22, Myra M. Church, aged 3a yeara. Funeral serrlce will be beld at P. L. Lerch undertaking parlors, ksst Eleventh and Clay (tracts, tiuudsy at 8 p. m. Prlenda iprlted. BAKKlt John Theodore Baker,- 27 Ninth nue South, Octgber 0, JW yeara; Interstitial nephritis. ' BllAUKUaX Clyde C. gbadburo, 2HA First street, October 22, 7 years; pulmonary tubrrculoeU. bMllH Daiaen Smith, 87 Bast TwalKh street. North, Ootuber U, 01 years; gas trie ulcer. . I'FI-UG MACHKR -Eoitgrde Pflugmacher .98 East rwenty-seenth atreet, October 21, 7 years; senility. UOOT Bertha May Boot, St. Vlnceofa hoa- pltal, October 2, 6 jears; uerittipitiji. UAH AN John J. W. Mahan, 1. O. O. F. borne, October 22, 78 yeara; perlphlegla. MARTIN A FORBES CO., florista, 347 Wash. Main B6, A-1268. Flowers ff all occasions artistically arranged. CLARK-, riitub., florists, fine flowers and floral designs. 287 Morr'son st. MAX M. SMITH, florist, 141V4 eth st, in Helling bldg. Main 7.16. CASKET sprays as low as tl.SO. T.ubllner. florists. Portland hotel blk. FUNERAL. DIRECTORS A splendid residence undertaking es tablishment, with private driveway. J. P. FINLEY & SON, Montgomery at Fifth MR. EDWARD HOLMAN, the leading funeral director, 220 3d St., corner Salmon. Lady assistant. Phones A- 1511, Main 507. F, S. Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral Direotors, East Alder st. East 62, B-2525. 414 Dunning A fylcEntee ertakers Modern 1 n every detail. 7th and Fine. Main 430, A -(a. Lady assistant. A rT 7pIIpt Pn 593 Williams ave Mi Hi CIICJ UUi East 1088j c'-1088 Iady attendant. Day and night service. WALTER C. KEN WORTHY, successor to A. B. Hemstock. 1687 E. 13tn. Sellwood 71, B-1122. Lady assistant. Chambers Co, fnyinKgerTy,:thw ave. ood- lawn 3306, C-1133. Automobile hearse. R T RvrnPC; Williams and K Knott. 3 FRIPQnM RESIDENCE TJND. PLS. LIIIWUI, 6133 Ar2236. 445 Mom 9 k FAFQUndert-k'ng Co. Main 4152 A-.321. Cor. 8d and Clay Hamilton E- 80th and Glisan. Fu UIIIIlTl neral -vno III! . ivco. inuut 1,1 i) Ft- ARSDN Undertakers W atS-37l Russell st. P L. LERCH, leading east side under taker. E. 11th & Clay. B-1883, E. 781. MONUMENTS runibAnu MAKBLE WKS. 264-866 iliLgJL-JgP- c'ty hall. M. 8564. A-1S16 TO LEASE cnoice aucjc lakes near R R.. faclfic hlirhwav onH PnimKu "i., lu ua.ianca or season A 804, Journal. GENEl-A-i REAL ESTATE 62 :50 gives you deed for 50x100 lot .uo cash and XSOO. terms, semi ri U 3 lots on Daved atrc-t imnr. ments Dald ' B . ei?- mja i o u acre farm eastern Or.; io cash and )S per FOR SALE HOUSES 61 SACRIFICED TO THE LIMIT. mueru car line, s rooms. 100x100 .fTi,K ruii trees, berries etc. cuhi ai.ou veara au-n: nrlr. tnn cash. No Incumbrance, only blocks i voj . D--UJ, journal. MUVINCi out of city; modern house, , iuu,,"!,i ". aitio; hot and cold 'ol;lij iisnis ana gas; 0x250 fine garden, fruit and berrUs: $2900 your own terms. Phone res. B-21U FOR QUICK SALE. 7 room modern hous lik-a nr. lots, 9 bearing fruit tree's, rose bushes nd lawn. For J1700. Call and see it o.i vf- mi, a-cott car, ruK sal Dy owner. 2 new modprn houses in Irvinaton. h wn u-nmt and Brazee, at a bargain, also several t'luitt iuia in same vicinity for sale at a sacrifice. Come and see for vonr. self. Owner at 635 East 10th Vorth $12o0 NEW 3 room house, lot 80x1(5 ail fenced and cultivated; also good chicken house 12x40. Terms, $10 per month. Akerson Gooch. 614 sinok i -v- change bldg. Main 6766. n rvjn saiiHi i room house- mnii.rn iiuui uv eiiittiiiH: nn rr r-stn-. o j . iiBiiiiig dol engine installed- net. o-,i -J - ; J. . , . - . . .w ai, i. L . rack; house and boat all go for $1400. "-a'u, oKiimoKawa, Wash. NEW 7 room strictly modern house 1 block from Arleta school: fot itnn goes for $1900,' $700 cash, balance on murtgage. See owner, 55,11 Foster road; Archer Place. 100x100 AND 4 room plastered hous.,. 12 bearina fruit trees, berries rhi. :. en house and run, garden; i.ice $o '0 mortgage $1360; make me an offer '. equity. 301-2 Lumbermens bldo-. i new t room nome on fh -w. .t side; cost me about $5000; I nv.st raise some money and will sacrifice for $42a0 if I can get $1750 cash;ad dress R-482, Journal. FOR SALE OR TRADE -A modern -room house in good location, cor ner lot, 75x100, paved streets, sewer in and 1 block to car, for a smaller place or acreage. K-243. Journal. &-KOOM bungalow, up to date every way; will rent or will take auto as payment or small payments down. y--u oua o-u m., ttose tjity Park car. rort bALfe, Isew a room house, plas . !t?:.wa,.baAem.en Dch kitchen. block to car. Tabor 3710. 5 ROOM bungalow, new and up-to-date! . only 31660. let 45x126. ThU Is a 5Lhm9 t.at rlht price; i block from cmr. C-894, Journal. uou dujo iuy aanay mue 3 room -JjJ-t?? lLine- l9e in, se VERY fin. home cheap, IrvingtOn, T rooms, choice, select mahogany and oak finisfi. W. H. Herdman. East 27a $1850 6 ROOM house, nice lawn, roses na yuuiig ruii trees, owner, R 486. Journal, 61 6 room new bungalow, fine firet)la.ce. bookcase, beam ceiling, enamel Dutch Ititenen. extra large living and dining room, doubly constructed, cement flooj and laundry trays, concrete porch, brick pillars, a genuine bungalow, on E. 26th st, near Wygant, block to Alberta car; snap, $2750; $100 cash and $16 per month. GRUSSI & BOLDS," 326 Board of Trade. Main 7452. Gol , Go! Go! Look at 1323 E. Marli son t K rnnm new bungalow, house unlocked all day; absolutely the best buy in this district, l diock to mwtnorne ave., get off at 46th. When you look, if interested for price and terms, they will surprise you. Phone owner and builder. Tabor 6483. You will be under no obligation to buy because you communicate. $25 pOWN and $15 per month will buy a pretty 5 room bungalow with lot 50x100, in Fern Park; a great bargain for $1000; on these attractive terms buyer must give reierences. Apply yuick HAWMUAU MUKTUAU- CO. 423 Chamber of Commerce, BARGAIN BARGAIN 1AX TKMS. KfiOf K rnnm m utrt Kim era 1 n In a vr4 wood floors, fireplace, furpace, puffet oooaeases, 4utcn aitcnen, cement basement and .laundry, 'lot 60x100, I block to ear. Price $2860, $100 down, bal. 125 per morUh, Mar. 6370, C. G. REAGAN. $88 Champer of CoiBmerce. $3000 New, modern, a room bungalow. narawooQ zioofb, nrepiace, nea-nea ceiling, Dutch kitchen, electric fix tures, window shad.es, cement base ment, large attic; located on E. 13th St., near Ainswortn, close to wooa lawn car; $500 cash qt trade, balance to suit. Taxgart. 41 s (Jnamber of Commerce. ONE block to car, 6 room cottage with barn, chicken yard and .0 bearing fruit trees, some small fruit. 3 large Jots, with alley. This place will be sold at a big sacririce. wome out today and look it over, some terms. W. H. Betts, 6204 60th ave., S. E. Phone Sellwood 1233. A REAL. PIEDMONT HOME, 1?03 RODNEY AVtt. One of the finest, most Impressive in this distinctive district. An ideal home for the enjoyment of family and friends. price and terms very at tractive. Builder and owner, II. b. Gallimore. Phone C-2198, 1297 Rodney ave. $3000 Is 'the price of that new 5 room bungalow, on is. vist. lust nortn or Sandy road. If you are looking for an up-to-now nome in a line district at a very low price and easy .terms. see this. 1 11-1 2 Abington bldg. . FOR SALE or exchange, my $00 equity in 6 room modern house in Woodstock, value $1800; 1 block from car. 4 blocks from school. 16 minute:' walk from Reed college: chicaen house and run 20x50; will sell on terms or trade for vacant property; address U , journal. FOR SALE---Only $2000, 5 room bun galow, close in, modern plumbing and wiring, good basement, only three blocks to Hawthorne car. This home is going to be sold for $600 less than it was one year ago. Are you inter ested in this? Call owner. Tabor J782. NEW modern 6 room house, 15 min utes out , on good car' service, all modern improvements; a beauty, which I will sell at a bargain and take seme trade, either acreage or any chattel of value. See owner, 512 r'latt nidg. SOUTH PORTLAND. Close in, beautiful view, hard sur face paid, new 7 room bungalow. Bieeplng porch; forced to sell; $4750. $300 cash, balance easy or will dis count big for cash; 325 Railway Ex. MT. TABOR CAR. $1750. One hundred fifty dollar cash, twen ty per menth, interest included, buys a 5 room new modern house bath, full basement, cement floor, full lot, with alley. Butterworth, Couch building. FOR SALE $1100 cash buys my house and lot. furniture and winter's wood. bearing friut trees, berries, shrubbery ana lawn, valued at jl&bu. .fnone Ta bor 1047. PRICE ONLY $3000. Good 7 room house, bath, pantry, lot 60x100; also barn, fruit trees on same. See - owner on ground Sunday. 37 West Skidmore st. $200 CASH, balance time, takes best new, modern, 7 room bungalow, in the city. Owner, phone Woodlawn 1 671. FOR SALE--HOUSES JEFF HAD NO TROUBLE IN EXPLAINING HEiAveM r A P4TNCJ&fUL , Ten 1 HOW TCRRlB Virr trf i.7v .. s-" I I f I v woD .fvood' 1 a .oh ocftR.u M y ; ! o "" ' ; a-iiisM:ii--iii Ti. T i ii i 1 inr-ii Hir ' - - - T n , j - . , f-..-- . - i7- --r -f, - .- j--' TW- - --- l - - 61 Ej 55I$ BUSINESS IB BETTER. 12000 New, auil built-in conveniences, 5 rooms, basement, close t9 ear. Easy terms. $3400 5 rooms, furnace, fireplace, hardwood. floors throughout, basement, laundry, cloe to car; easy terms. $3850 6 rooms; furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, hardsurface, easy terms. Discount for cash on all (he above houses. Mar. 6379. C. Or. REAGAN, 332 Chamber of Commerce. HOME BARGAIN. My Hose City Parle home at a sac rifice. Has 7 large rooms, sleeping porch and den, oak floors, furnace, fireplace, china buffet, bookcases, it bedrooms downstairs, sleeping porch and 2 bedrooms upstairs. will sell for less than first cost of nouee and lot. Terms can be arranged. Price $3250. Will sell furniture if desired. See ewner, Mr. Crew, at 212 Selling bldg.. Provident Trust Co. $25 PER MONTH, wnich includ in terest, buys 'new five room bungalow. with sleeping porch, bath, fire place, all built In conveniences, hard wood floors, gas and electric' fixtures and window shades installed, one large well lighted room for sewing or double bed room, full conerete basement with ce ment fleor, stationary wash trays and wood hoist, cement sidewalks; near good street car line, schools, churches and park. Beady for occupancy Nov. 1st. Phone East 6687. No Payments" for Une Year acre, bFand new Jf room house, plastered,, tinted, electric lighted, eity fas. Ball Bun water; 6 cent carfare; blocks from large graded school, price $1360; terms. $126 down, no more pay ments for a year. This will give you an opportunity to get nicely started in your new home before payments begin. Let us explain to you our plan. Geo. T. Moore Co., 618 Abington bldg. $26 A MONTH FOR 6 ROOM BUNGALOW WITH SLEEPING PORCH. This price includes interest. Home is located in good restricted neigh borhood, only 2 blocks from car line. Home has living room with fireplace, dining room with buffet, Dutch kitch en, bath, lighting fixtures, blinds and everything to make a home. -Street work in and paid for. Call evenings East 2670. $750 Small house, beautiful 50x100 foot lot; disappearing bed. $50 cash pay ment down, balance at $16 per month, including interest. Take Kose City Park car to 72d st. See Austin. GREGORY. INVESTMENT CO. We will build, in ny part of city HOMES cesting from $2000 to $20,000. Also apart ments and flats. We have money tp loan. Call and see plans. F. E. BOWMAN & CO., Commercial Club bldg. WILL sacrifice swell, modern, 2 fam ily flat, 5 and 6 rooms, worth $8500, now $5900; $1000 down and $25 per mo. Walking distance on E. Yamhill st See owner. 171 E. 23d. Phone East 5948. S50 UU YS a 3 . room shack on the west side, with ever a half acre of ground, fine soil. 5c carfare, city water piped in front of this tract. This tract has a beautiful view of the east side and mountains.- The ground alone is cheap at this price as prop erty in ine vicinity is selling at a much higher figure. Terms, $o0 cash, $10 a month, M. E. Lee, &g& cor- bett bldg, MODERN bungalow, Hawthorne dis trict: furnace, fireplace, laundrv: mahogany furniture, oak dining room suite, good pictures, silk window drapes, good rugs and linoleum kitchen and bedroom furniture. A few hun. dred dollars will put you In possession of nice home. Call 710 Lewis bldg. Marshall 4200. A-7168. LET US BUILD YOU A HOME. On your lot or ours; by your own plans or ours; pay us like rent. THE OREGON HOME-BUILDERS, 1330 Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR SALE HOUSES . (Conttnnsd) - 4 IV-" " I Y - 1 I ' ' nrr:-":.0 r - r - . 01 (Contiaaed) UST'B TO 5 Room Bungalow and Sleep ing Porch Never occupied, new and strictly modern, full concrete basement 7 ft. high, 26x3 ( ft., electria fixtures, beamed celling, paneled dining room, elegant buffet, Dutch kitehen. artistic front porcb with pretty pergola, wood bft, wash tray, splendid bath and lavatory; street assessments all paid. Fine neighborhood and only Va block to carline. Plenty built-in effects, gee this today. Owner there 10 to 6 daily until sold. TAKE ALBERTA CAR TO 29TH ST., THEN hi BLOCK SOUTH. PHONE EAST 6466 EVENINGS JTOB APPOINTMENTS. It's a Real Dream 8 Room Bungalow 2 BIks. From Hawthorne Ave. Double constructed, hardwood, floors, Faneiea aining room, beamed ceiling, urnace, fireplace, bookcase, buffet, Dutch kitchen, stationary wash trays. run cement basement, bedrooms, bath pni kitchen finished in white enamel; all rooms tinted; street Improvements all in and paid for; the finest of ma terial is used in construction; come and see this beautiful heme, between 3 and 6 Sunday, 840 48th st. The frice is a sacrifice; the terms are what you have been looking for. Wilberg-Uppegard Inv. Co, 609 Stock Exchange Bldg Marshall 609. No Cash Payment $3250; $15 AND INT. PER MONTH. Near Division and East 34th. Modern, new 5 room bungalow. Hardwood floors, fireplace. Bookcases buffet Dutch kitchen. Laundry tubs ana stove Very large attic, full basement. Fred F, Huntress -84 Oak Street. - . 6 room bungalow, $1900; Including shades and fixtures. $25 cash, interest. $20 per month. Including East 18th st, 65 feet to paving; 60x 100 lot. Restricted district; fine car service; 21 minutes out. B-247. Journal. 80x200, 3 room house, $5 monthly, $650. groom modern house, $15 monthly, including interest; $1700. A. C. MARSTERS, 202 WILCOX BLD. MAIN 3517 A-7340 TABOR 1770. EAST SIDE, not far from Hawthorne ave. 6 room house, free from incum brance. Terms. A bargain. Owner. C-714, Journal. BARGAIN $200 down, $15 Der month, 5 room new modern house in Park hurst addition, C400 below cost. 31 Henry bldg. $15 DOWN, $16 month buys lot and 2 room ceiled tent house, $676; bare lot -cost roe $650. Inquire 6.3 Liberty st. Wotnllawn car. AIL ST sell my $1200 equity in modern bungalow. $400 takes it. Investi gation will convince you it's a bargain. E-485, Journal. FOR SALE Corner lot, 7 room house, linoleum on kitchen, gas range, water beater, $16, Richmond car. 651 E. 39th St.. keya at 1153 Woodward av. $25 DOWN. $18.60 1ER MO. 6 roomed modern bungalow. Owner, Sell. 2204. - $360 -4 room bouse and lot near Pen- insular ave. Inquire 186 E. 27th at. Sunnyslde car. SNAP 3 room house, corner lot, 60x 105; 1 block to car; $800. Cal Ta bor 1831. S700 eaulty in 6 room modern bunga low; must sell quick Monday; price $120; ss lotn, Marsnaii izvk. IT PR.rV 1-AST MKiHr. 1 &X VMS NT Tn HfA,VC-N FOR SAIE--HOrSES II ST. "mm mm t 01 New Bungalow Never occupied; has 5 good sized rooms, large attic, base ment, nice fireplace, built-in bookcase; the Interior of the tiouse is well finished-, has large front porch facjog east, cement walks, graded streets; it is a lovely bouse; can be bought for I2S00; $15 cash and $ per month, without interest. Otto & Harkson Realty Co, 183 First Street. FOR SALE LOTS 16 60x100 month. lot, $426; $26 cash. $6 per East 21st st.; paved street all the way to business eenter; 2nd mortgage arrangement If desired, B-248, Journal. $350. fine quarter acre tract, lays level, fine soil,, located oa the west side, 6c carfare, eity water. On a tract this sixe you ean raise all your vegetables and chickens, which will help you to solve the high cost of living. Terms $10 cash, $5 a month. M. E. Lee. 506 Corbett bldg. $700 BUYS a half aere tract eloae in on the west side, 6c carfare, eity water piped In front, best of eoil, free from rock and gravel. It will pay you to see this property. Positively the best value around Portland. Terms $20 eash, $10 a month. M. E. Lee. 606 Corbett bldg. Just Think Only $650 Fine let in Piedmont district. Just 1 block from Union ave., with 4 fine prune trees. Tnis wi reduced from lioou to 160. See owner at 614 Cham ber of Commerce. tiktl 7Vinn ln fin. 1 !., west side, 6c carfare, city water. If you are looking for your future home, it will pay you to let us show you this property. ierms. $10 cash, $5 per montn. m, sei. lee, 605 corbett bldg. PIEDMONT lot, $100 down, balance $10 per month, 50x100, faces east on jievi.na. Second lot south of Hoi man. Second mortgage privilege. Price $1000. Dorr E. Keaeey & Co., 2d floor Chamber of Com. Bldg. B. Bargain for Cash, $1050 S. W. cor. 63d and E. Glisan sts. 11$ ft. front, sewer, cement walks in, paid ior. bu it. street. tj-M3, journal. $4000 buys my new, modern Irving ton home and garage, worth $6000 Close to carline. I must have $500 by November 1. Easy terms on balance. 1--2526. FINE building Bite. 100x120. East 57th near Lincoln. 100 ft. off Hawthorne carline; improvements in; east front. have commission and buy from owner A good buy ror cash. Tabor 2329. FOR SALE 50x20 improved land in city, $250; $100 cash, balance $5 per month. Also acre, with 4 room plas tered house. Information call Tabor -353 Sunday. 46TH ST., $850 EAST FACI"NG COR. ROSE CITY PARK 3 V. blocks to car, 2nd mortgage privilege, terms, $150 down, balance $15 month, 7. E 437. Journal. SCHUYLER STREET, NEAR 36TH. $800 for this 50x100 foot, give awav. Street improvements only 3169. 0-266, Journal. WILL sell 2 lots at great sacrifice on E. Stark st.. near 83d st. C-939, Jour nal. Phone Marshall 6898. MUST raise money; will sacrifice one to seven lots n Peninsula. G-226, Journal. WESTOVER Terrace view lot at big bargain if taken at once. P-966, Journal. LOT 60x100 feet, in East Mount Tabor, near Altamead, at a sacrifice; $200; easy terms. Y-98, Journal. LOT in Hawthorne district, 69x100, $700; 'part cash; improvements in and partly paid. Tabor 1831. A BARGAIN- Lots in Willamette ad- dition. A-2844. TWO good business lots, one a corner. for sale cheap. Phone Tabor 642. OCEAN VIEW lot for sale cheap at Seaside. Main 4191. FOR SALE HOUSES t Con tinned) 19 FINE lot, E. 34th, near Division; hart surfaced, all in and paid. Cest $1350 cash. Price $950. 1100 down, SS monthly. E. B. Hyatt. 360 Alder. ACREAGE 57 WtJAitrtR and half acres at half price; this week will be your last chance to get one; only & few left; 6 blocks smith tf filanl.v An Can,w Y -" j, vm mt IDf ave.; water to each niace: there aj-e gome in fruit; easy terms as before; H acres at $580. acre. $266; eome out and see them; office at station; only SO minutes' ride; all cars on Es- tacada line stop at Stanley. W, F. Miller. 13 1-2 Acre Sacrifice 12 acres hisrhlv cultivated. hAlinr- natural rove; 3 acres orchard, mostly ucaiuiB, iuia ceriectiy ,evei: no Bet ter soil: on hard aurface road, lVi ml. from Gladstone station, Oregon City Carlisle-, price $3260; $2600 cash; fair set buildings. ' jauub haas. 308 Ueriinger bldg. 14 ACRES FOR 1500 FINE CHICKEN OR HOG RANCH. Just SO miles from Portland. 1 mile to R. R, station, level, eounty road through tract, fine creek and spring, very fertile soil, easily cleared. $100 down and easy payment on balance at J. H, KULET CO., 928 Chamber of Commerce. $30 PER ACRE. 20 acres or more, 4V miles N. B. of Cathlamet, macadam road to the tracts, fine running water, grass all year for stoek, few scattering stumps. deep, rich soil, $50 down then $50 every 8 months. 6 per cent. F. E. Sea- chrest. 332 Chamber of Commerce. Acre Tract, Only $235 Only 4 miles from city limits, close to electric line. 11c carfare; can be bought for $9 a month. ATCHISON & ALLEN, 810 Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder sts. $100 DOWN BUYS 8 ACRES. 12 miles from Portland, borders elec trio line; all fine rich soil, no rock: lies fine. Ideal chicken ranch, good onion land. Price $900, easy monthly payments. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913-917 Chamber of Commerce. BEST BUY IN BEAVERTON. I must raise $500 quick. Two years ago I bought the biggest 5 acre enap in Beaverton. I'll sell you half this tract for what I paid. If you have the cash and know a bltr uian when it's offered see me Monday at 210 Gerlln- yer ning. GARDEN! LAND 20 acres 1 miles to town Yamhill county, all fine rich bottom land , all in clover, creamery close by, price fsvuu. 3uo down, balance long time 6 per cent. F. E. Seachrest, 332 C rtamber of Commerce. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port land; Gresham district, -electric eta tlon Va. mile. New subdivision. Sun shine Valley orchard tracts; best soil, free wood; elegant location. Prices only $76 to $160 per acre In small tracts; easy terms. Frank McFarland Realty Co.. 809 Yeon bldg., Portland, Or, FOR SALE 6.45 acres, 2 acres cleared. bal. easily cleared, on eounty road. Good water, good sell, 1H story new house, barn, chicken house. hb. -mile of good school and macadam road, 3 milea of good town. Price $960. Terms. Wesley Hill, Goble, Or. Gibson Half Acres Good soil,- city water, ( close to car line, easy terms; will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1685 or Sell. wood 476. John H. Gibson, owner. 10 AND 20 acre tracts. 7 miles Van couver. Th finest place for berries and chickens. $50 per acre; terms. No better land in same locality $100 to $25u acre. 182 Ainsworth ave. Wood lawn 1242. MAKE your home, 3 acres. 20 minutes' ride, church, school, stores, chickens. Terms. Owner, Zella Gossett. 7 West Killlngsworth ave. IMPROVED 20 acres. 8 miles north of MtAngel: 40 rods to good school. G. W. Leap, Woodburn, Or. R. F. D. No. 2. EVERGREEN station, Oregon Cily line, 1 acre, aheap for eash. Box 30, Parkwood. hi ACRES at a sacrifice for cash; or will trade for auto. Paclflo Scale & Supply Co.. 46 Front st. ACRE, 8 room house, cement walk, in St. Johns. 2 blocks off car. $17J0. 604 McKay bldg wen. i vwas Teuuiru(, -me ANeci ABxfr TMt TEP fN OMG Ol-T ANCU !5!jr FOR SAU& LOTS (Co,tim) 87 .-MfTI UETZQER irRHlWoifTS Own VOur own hnmi A (..( . day 25 minute from Je(f erson street station on Oregon EUcUc, commuta tion fare c; floe deep fertile soil: cn rais year PWB vegetable, chicken etc.; school, church, store, postoffice; I am selling Metxgcr acr tracts at war prices. Tou can buy un acre for one-third the .price you wii pay for a city lot a far or farther out than my tracts. Think of it. Terms to suit Have a talk with the wner at room 402. Title & Trust bldgl 8 4th st. Office hours 8:30 to 4:30or call at Metrger station en Oregon Electric y. HtHMAN METSSUEH, OWNEll. r4 All good land In high state of rulti- vatior beautiful location, family or- small fruit, 8 room plastered house, good well, windmill and tank, burn 0x30. place 1 mile f rum Oregon City court house on scenic road; 300 feet from Pacific highway. Only $2850; small payment down, balance on' your terms. Dillman & Howland 8th and Main. Oregon City. Or. 10 Acres, $300: 36 CASH, $6 PER MONTH. 20 Acres, -$600 V 112 CASH $12 PER MONTH.' $1 fare to Portland. On a good road. Neighbors. . school, telephones. Deep, fertile soil, no rocks. All the land tillable -Some trade will he accepted, i Fred F, Huntress " 284 Oak Street. 16.38 ACRES, $1100. j - . . . -. J V lilVIHU.. W per cent. 2 miles tn town in .n.Mu County, partly cultivated, part, timber. running water all rich soil. ; 10 acres. 4 miles to town jnd R. H., lots of grass for stock, fine run ning water, eome cultivated, some tim ber, good soil, $50 per acre. $600 down, balance 6 per cent. 10 aores. close to Amity. 8 cres In cultivation, all fine rich soli. Price $1000, $100 down, $50 every 6 months, 6 pet cent. F. E. Seachrest, 332 Chamber of Commerce. Two Acres for the price of a lot; 30 minutes by Oregon Electric, 10c fare, right at station; fine- soil, high cultivation-; can live here, grow your vegetables and poultry., reduce your living to the minimum and work In town; only $1200; $20 cash and guod terms. Call on JOS. C. GIBSON. 806 Qerltijger bldg., Portland. Or. ...DO YOU WANT 5 ACRES? $260 cash will put you in possession pf the best 6 acres in the Tualatin val ley and onlv 44ninute 4th anrl V-m. Lhill, served Hy both Oregon Eleetrlo J and 4th Bt. line. An especially desir- able place for chickens, berries, gar dening ana .iruu. rugrit in toe neart of a highly developed section. The price Is way toa low for Its real value, being only $1250. J. G, RAINEY, 1304 Yeon bldg. Marshall 31t7. SACRIFICE. Scenic Home Site 2 acres at station, Oregon City car; 6Vc fare, 30 minutes frqm First and Alder; living rreek, natural wood land, hill and dale; the last word in a rustic home site, where car-convenience is a requirement; only $?5oj. Call at once. JOS. C. GIBSON. 306 Gerlinger bldg.. Portland. Or. 6 ACRES FOR $.60 110 down and $6 per month buys 5 acres good logged-oft land 1-mile from main line of railroad and town of 1000 population, with tannery, creamery, between Portland and Astoria. Land from $35 to $60 per acre on these terms. Many 5 acre tracts to chouse from. BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 818 Railway Exchange bet. 3d and 4th sts. on Stark. FOR SALE By owner. -0 aci's, $50 per acre; 1 mile from Rainier: the right party can subdivide and "ell fer double what I ask. Lock Box 695, Rainier. Or. ( Continued en Kext Page) By "Bud" Fisher 3 QtHP, - R.l&tJE. Fuoob KCVT FtX'NO ACREAC ' 'I.