2 A A . THE OREGON SUNDAY - JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER : 25, 1914.. mkey CATCHES FORWARD PASS AND GOESSIKTY;YARDS Oregon Scores Two Touch downs, Johnny Parsons Adding Second to List, OREGON STILL FUMBLING Xrooa TsUow Team Meats Consider able Opposltis In. Moaoow, but Tm1ih Xdakoas lesson. LOLA NEWMAN WINS THE JOURNAL PRIZE YALE BULL DOG GETS Moscow, Idaho, Oct. ?4 The Uni versity of Oregon football eleven tri umphed over the University of Idaho players today In th hardest-fought gridiron battle ever witnessed hero. The aooro waa 13 to 0. A f 0-yard run by Lao Malarkey, after ho had Intercepted a forward pass, cava the Lemon ana Yellow If ven Ita f (rat touchdown in the- sec ond period, and a forward paaa from Beckett to Parsons in the' fourth quar ter gave Beadek'e team another touch down. Parsons converted one of hla trlea for goal a. Iurtng the flrat and third periods neither team could gain against the line of the other team, and a punt ing duel followed, In which Phillips had the better. The punts of the Idaho captain averaged . 50 yards. Both teams held like atone walla in the third period. Idaho having a shade the better of the play In thia quar ter. A brief description of the game followa; In the first quartern neither team was able to make yardage through their opponents line and resorted to punting. In the middle, of the first quarter Idaho recovered tier own punt on Oregon's 30-yurd lino. A forward pass was incomplete) Burns tried a drop-kick and missed tho goal by onjy a few Inches.. .Idaho's goal waa not in danger' In the firtst quarter. The second quarter waa marked by repeat ed fumbling by Oregon, but she re- ' covered the ball In almost every In stance. Hot h lines' held like atone walls and moat of the yardage on each aide waa made y end runs. Phillips had the best of the punting . In this period. . his kicks averaging around 5 yards.5 Oregon .was weak in returning punts, while Idaho's 'returns usually netted ' her. from 10 to 20 yards. Oregon's first -touchdown' oame near the end of the aecond quarter., when Malarkey Intercepted Idaho's forward paaa and rah 60 yards In- a clear field for a goal. Anotfier point was added on , Paraona 'left-It. ' The second half opened with " tooth teams .playing rough ball, and Oregon fumbling, time after time! but recover ing the. ball for .long runs. Coach' Bead ek waa repeatedly warned 'by th of flclala throughout this quar ter for coachlng on the sidelines. ' The punting duel continued and Ore " fcAn tailed to' pierce Idaho a Una. The .visJtors opened up and tried a nurn- ber of forward passes, only one net ting "any ground.- Idaho had the bet ter of tho game alt through thia quar 'teT, most of- the playing being don in Oregon's- territory. About the mid dle of tH quarter. 4 Idaho recovered a ' punt on Otegon-a 88 yard line d ""tried. "... a forward pass for the Koal,,stift "failed. lOreRon scored a second touchrtovvn within three minutes after the opening of "tho fourth quarter, maki,njt a erft of short lipe bucks to Idaho's 30 yq,rd line. Then Beckett made a 20 yard '-. forward pass to Parsons, and the lat ter., carried the ball 10 yards for a touchdown. . Parsons . failed to kick- goal. '.. ; , ' . . .In the fourth quarter Idaho had the batter luck in getting through the- Ore- gon Una and, time after time pierced for good pains. Oregon Buffered much in this quarter from penalties. The game ended with th,h ball,, In Idaho's poBsessiorv- on her own 30 yafd line following" a punt by Oregon. Lineup Idaho Vtngler . wronger , Johnston I lay a- . . Klpp ... Phillips Dew a Id . Purdy ( s , I ' I t ' 'it u MUZZLE IN OWN BACK YARD FROM W. & J. Western Open Play Puzzles; Wards of Hinkey,' Who1 Lose 13 to 7. WOODMAN TEN PIN LEAGUE IS GREAT; SUCCESS George Washington Camp Has Won 15 Straight Games in Series, The Woodmen of the "World bow ling league has' been a greater euocesa than expected this season, as every team new has at least two class i grounds aave already been secured. Timber of members of the Degree of Honor have petitioned for authority to establish a local lodge of the auxiliary of the A, Q. U. W, Baby Show TlaaMfl. The Women of Woodcraft ef this city ia going to have the beat baby show at the Land Products exhibit. They have 100 babies entered and more promised. They hope to haftre 600 of the beat and most valuable products of Oregon for viaitors to sea Saturday afternoon from l to . October SL To Establish Soma. Odd Fellows of Idaho have decided to establish a home at Caldwell and to begin to accumulate funds by a per capita tax with which to build it. The YALE MAKES 1ST SCORE Blue Phalanx Starts ia Oreat Style, but Blooke4 Punt Gives Winners Qhaaoe to Score Touchdown. ; A bowlers, thereby having a well balanced league. While George Washington team, having won 15 straight games with t out a loss, undoubtedly had the best quintet to start, the other managers i have so far strengthened their teams that they will surely give some battle to the leaders from now on. The league rolls every Monday nlsrht I at ftvAcmv. nll... Jt iL. . 24 Tale ! anu ih iuiii sure - ! ihwi uuauanus ana brothers (?) bowl. Tomorrow evening. Prospect vs. Geo. I I Washington, Webfoot vs. Portland and L . 1T..U w . . uuiwuiunn v. Arieia, The following is the standing of the teams and averages of all bowlers In not less than nine games: New Haven, Conn., Qot. lost its first game of the season to day when, completely outplayed by Washington and Jefferson. . she fin ished a bitterly contested affair the short end of a 13 to 1 score. I Yale outplayed the visitors in the first period, scoring its early touch down after Knowles and Wilson hit tha Washington and Jefferson line for two 15-yard advances and a double Geo. Washington. 15 pass, Wilson to Legore, allowing the j Webfoot ......... 8 latter to race over the line. Portland 7 In the last minute of the first half I Multnomah 7 Boville blocked Legore's kick at the I Prospect 8 Yale 30-yard Una. Two end runs by I Arleta . 2 ITS - : 1 1 1 it . V, 1 1 tW T3-1! it 10-yard line, but a 15-yard penalty haft 19T- Housed 191 ' checked the visitor's advance a. the ' . UB' first neriod closed. :.."' Starting the second period on Yale s Won. Lost. PI. 9 15 7 S 8 9 13 15 15 15 15 15 137; Kruse, Pr. ct. J.000 .533 .467 .467 .400 .133 190: 181; Hanson, 177; 185; Blaney, Krause, 171; Aaron, Cahyonvitle, Or., Oct. 24. Miss Lola Newman, of this city, for the neaiest and best kept account of labor and expense in preparing an exhibit for the recent fair here, was awarded the Daily and Sunday Journal subscription prize of which she is very proud. Miss New. man has also . taken first prize for a home made dress for the last two years, and also- won a bread making prise. HONOLULU JOHN ANDKREMERAKE HAMMERED HASP Kanaka Lasts Only Fraction Over Two Innings in a 12 to 2 Game. jci iuu UM A ca l . - - 30-yard line, an end run by Spiegel it if' ""san, ms; uapen, 164; Sholln, gained 10 yards, and Goodwin's for- 163: Berthold, 163; Abrams, 162; ward pass to Boville allowed that I Woodman, 162; Hoge, 180; McNamara, ployer to shoot over the Yale line 149: Bowe, 147; Dudley, 146;, Kunkel, with the first touchdown registered j 142 ; Ed, Mathis, 138; George, 138; R. against Yale. Washington and Jeffer- i S. Chapin, 137; Kling, 135; Jordan, Members on Increase. The Fraternal Order of Owls has postponed organization until after election. S. Ambrose, the deputy gen eral organizer, says he has a con stantly increasing list of charter members, and as soon as the elections blow over he hopes to secure. a greatly increased number. ytve BTundred Far, The officers and guard of Portland hive No. 7. L. O. T. M., will give a five hundred party at the home of Mrs, Kinnear, 1069 Water street, next Tues day afternoon, October 27.' Take "3" car south and get off at Hamilton ave nue, one block west. Portland assembly No. 2 of the United Artisans gave a Dutch whist party in its hall on Mtlwaukie avenue and Karl street, Friday evening at which a large erowd attended. A Dutch lunch was served and prises were awarded, after which there was dancing. The Fraternal Order of Eagles have sent out over 500 invitations to their ball on the evening of Saturday, Octo ber 31. They expect to have their hall at Third and Madison well filled. MAY BEAM HARVARD TEAM BE DUE FOR BY YOST'S RUSHERS Absence of Brickley Will Be Sorely Felt by Cambridge Squad of Pigskinners, WOLVERINES ARE STRONG Old "Hurry Up" flans to Chow Strong est Xiiaeup Against Team, Be Has Been Trying fos Tears to Meet. Bj Frank G. Meake. New York, Oct 24.--Harvard. with out its marvelous Brickley seems due fer a beating when tt tackles the pow erful Michigan team that "Hurry Up" Yost has assembled, and which he will send against the Crimson warriors in Cambridge next Saturday. One of the most regrettable features of the year, from the sporting view point, ia the fact that Brickley has been forced out of the Harvard lineup that he will spend next Saturday in the hospital, recuperating from an op eration, when his. services are so badly needed by his team. With Brickley In the lineup, the game promised to be a thriller. It promised to be one of the greatest bat tles in football - history. But with Brlekley hors de combat, only a few of the staunchest Harvard supporters feel that the Crimson will triumph stsj the Maize and Blue. 1 The Harvard team was built around I Brickley. The great fuUback was tho main cog in the Harvard machine. With that cog removed, the machine seems minus its power and Its tre mendous drive. To Brickley, more than any one else, is due he credit for Harvard's great showing during the past three years. Brickley's boot beat Yale and- Princaton last year, and it was figured that Brickley's boot might repeat against Michigan. Hot Drilled for Touchdowns. The Harvard team during the past three seasons has not been drilled to make touchdowna against its strongest foes. It hasn't been drilled to smash through the enemy's lines, and smash and smash again, until it has carried the ball over the line. Its main drill ing has been to get the ball to within 20 or SQ yards of the rival line, and to leave the rest to Brickley and his foot. Rarely has tha Harvard team at tempted to carry the "ban over the line of its powerful foes since Brickley joined the squad. Coach Haughton probably figured there wasn't any use in taking a chance on having his men battered in a fierce fight in the shad ows of the goal posts when he had Brickley's toe to lead Harvard to an easier and less dangerou3ssay to vic tory. Brickley's absence from the Harvard lineup leaves Harvard without a real drop-kicker. Mahan has some skill In that line. So has Hard wick. But neither has more than ordinary. Haughton now is face to face with the task ef drilling the Harvard team into becoming a touchdown machine. He realises that he must school it not only to carry the ball to the 20 or 30 yard line, but then carry it over the line. Ha has no Brickley now to fore stall a bitter battle within the 10 yard line. The task that he faces in the limited time that he has is a huge one. Haughton may succeed. Harvard may give Michigan a heating when they meet next Saturday. This is the year vk all tha -dopa" la being; up- ' set. . Bat if Harvard wins, it will be a surprise and a his; Hebecause Har vard wilj be pitted against a powerful eleven. The Michigan team of 1914 Is team that its every foe must respect and fear. It isn't cluttered with all-star men. It isn't given o indi vidual playing, but the team is per fect in its machine work.- it is fast . and it surely can fight, ft is equally powerful on defense and offense. Tost's Orsat Ambition., Yost has schooled his men as he never before schooled a team. The greatest ambition of his life has been to beat Harvard. The opportunity lies before him- and he means to grasp It. He is drilling his men to use an alter nating attack on Harvard a mixture of old football with the new. And Yost, too, has taught his men some tricks that only the wonderful brain of Yost can figure out-trlcks Intended to amaze the spectators and sweep Harvard off ita feet. It's too bad, for the sake of the game, that Brickley won't be able to play. A wonderful and thrilling grid iron contest was in prospect,, with both . teams Bending their full strength into bajtle a battle that would net permit alibis, such as are likely to come rrora Harvard and with Justification if Harvard is beaten. WILLIAM IN VAUDEVILLE E. Je. Vanetta. of Otterbein, Ind.. owner of William 2:00). has lgned a contract to show his famous pacing stallion on a middle west vaudeville circuit for a period of 10 week, begin nlng October 18, at Milwaukee. He will be the first harness horsj ever to appear before the footlights, f 09 Soccer Teams in Philadelphia. Philadelphia has 69 soccer-teams af filiated with the Football Association of Kastern Pennsylvania and district. San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 24. Oak land hammered ' "Honolulu" Johnny Wiliams and Roy Kremer at will to day, ' winning another great exhibi tion of the tail end brand of base ball by a score of 12 to 2. Nineteen hits is the sum total of the bombard ment of Christian s men and three son forced the play and twice had the ball at the Yale 20-yard line, only losing it on a forward pass that was Intercepted by Wilson and the next time being" set back by a penalty and forced to punt. Yala opened the sec ond half with a desperate attempt to gain ground, taking the hall from her 10-yard line to the Washington and Jefferson 0-yard line, only to lose it on downs. Washington and Jefferson came crashing back and had reached the Yala 20-yard line when the period closed. On the second play of the next per iod,; Goodwin's forward pass to Flem ing sent the latter over the line with the winning touchdown. Fleming missed goal. Yale -desperately rushed the ball to the Washington and Jefferson 30-yard line iu the last four minutes of play but was held on downs and the visit ors rushed the ball back to raidfield as the game closed. The lineup: Yale Position W. andJ. Higginbotham ...LE Boville Scham, Trask Church Letts, Burnker ..LT Patterson Conroy, Oakes ...LG McKean Wiley. White C Cruikshank Miller Walden, J. Shaden R G. Tonkins Shelden KT Wesbrecher Whittlesey W. Wilson, Brann.RE 131; Marsh, 128; Holmes. 127; Enouf, ; 127; high single game, Krauss (Pros- i pact), 286; high three games, Kruse' (Webfoot). .639; high team game, I Multnomah, 963: high team tHr-ae games, Geo. Washington, a7. I FRATERNAL NOTES Star of Bethlehem Court One of Hill&boro's Leading Fraternities. A. Wilson .Q B. . . Scoville. Wait Ainsworth L H . . A Wilson Knowles, MacLetshRH. . . . . Heyman McOreighton Goodwin Spiegel Fleming . FB Young. Heyman Washington and Jef ferson 13. Touchdowns Legre, Bo ville. Fleming. Goals Legore, Flem- ing Referee GiUetter, of Pennsyl- more tjian .two Innings. In that time town." Head linesman Moffatt. of the Oaka had slammed him for eight 1 Princeton. Time of periods 15 mln hits which netted five runs. Kremef i utes. managed to- ivom the Oaks Tijnless ' i n o innings oui m tne nintn they fell on him for five hits, which aided errors by Mission helped them In the Legere. 6urnsey run getting, Harry Abies was touched Score Yale 7, ror ten hits but errorless work be hind him helped him to his victory. Williams lasted only a fraction gave them five tal- Pos. R K L ... .R T t. . . .....RGL.... .,...c.v... ....LOR... ,...LTR... LER..:. Q . . i . T Jardi RHL... Burns LHR-.,. Mrown F. . ... Substitutions Idaho: Jardina for Purdy; Hamilton for Jardlneh GerlougV ror Uewaid; Betty tor uammon; Ham ilton for Dingle; Bufflngton for, Johnston. Oregon: Bigbee for Welst; Huntington for Cornell. Officials Referee, Fawcett; umpire, Mgyer; head linesman, Jones. ' Oregon . . . Wei st . Beckett . . Snyder .. Itisley Cook . . Philbiu . Garrett , . Cornell Malarkey . Parsons Bryant ny i oung s error, lies. Van Buren scored for Mission In the third being hi.t by a pitched ball, tak ing second on a sacrifice and scoring on Lynn's sinsrte. In the eighth Shinn and Young singled and Orr walked. After Kent and Tennant had gone out. Shinn scored on Gay's 'single. Score: " , " 'Oakland AR. Qutnlan ft . . ;net, 3b -v. . Miclilletun. If ,Ns. -L'b ( Jiirihipr.. 1 b Zaclirr, of . . fe;'iH(s, -sb . AleiiHncV'r, e Ablwi, p . . . DunJplg. , cf Totals .. . . . 6 4 5 , 5 5 3 4 5 4 2 . A B SKrfiiv rf , 5 Youue. b 5 Orr; " 3 Hallliian, h 2 Tennaot, 'lb . , 4: Gay. 3b . . . . . 4 Vau Burjffio, If........... "8 l.yuo, o . 4 J. William, n , .. 0 " Kremer, p 3 Kent, sa 2 Rottrer '.".,... 1 NEW FIELD FOR KTECK" Boston Technology's new athletic field In Cambridge opened last- week was constructed by "Spa rorw" Robert son, well known as the builder of the Cast ' track at ,Travers Island,- itt'Y. Va the j-Teck" track he has used cin ders mixed with loam Instead of clay, and claims that it will be by next spring the fastest track in the Coun try, and will have a 220-yard straight away SO feet wide, the widest in -the cguntry. - X-COUNTRY RACE NOV. 21 The annual eastern intercollegiate orosa-couatry race will be decided over the Yale university course on the mornrng of the, Yale vs. Harvard loot ball match Saturday. November 21 Tne JMon&wesf conference will stage its first cross-couri,try running race at CorVallis (Or. on November 7. Batted for Kremer. In ntntfc. - , . SCORE BY INNINGS Oakland 1 2 4 0 0 0 005 12 tins . . . : , z a o l o 2 s 19 SitiMUltMJ o o 1 o u o'o 1 o 2 . v i v t m a t iu SUMMARY Fire runs, S hits. .15 at bat off. Williams lit a 1-3 - Innings. Three-base hit Uuiulau. Two-Unse ait OulnUni. Zactiur. AUles. Sac rifit ,il Metises. Base on balls Off . Kre- raf,."" .iuie i. jnrues ojii ay vwi llama X: by ble 7. Hit by pitcaep Vau Burau. Uoubl lilayit Able . . to OarUaer. .Passed balls William 3; Abies 2;' Kremer 4. . Wild Bitch Alexander, K'-'emer. Ttoie -1:30. Im- ptre Mccurtny and 'ii-i. HARVARD HAS CREW OUT Treatment 1 ton F1D08 Sample treatment of Pyramid Pile Remedy mailed free for - trial gives .quick relief, stops itching, bleeding or i protruding plies, hemorrhoids and all reetal troubles, in the privacy of your erwa home. Pyramid Pile Remedy is lor alo a all druggists, eOo a box,. Mail this Coupon to the PYRAMID. DRUG COMPANY, 6ift Pyramid Bid a, Marshall. Mich, with your full name and address on a slip of paper, and sample treat ment ' of the great Pyramid Pile Remedy, will then be sent you at once by snail, FRKM. in plain wrapper. Totals R. H. PO. A. E. 1 4 1 0 0 0 2 0 1ft 1 1 1 o 0 0 12 3 0 2 2. 13 . O 0 1 - r o o o 2 4 1 2 o .3 2 T -" 0 0 1 2 1 ,7 i) 10 10 0 12 19 27 13 0 S . R. II. PO. A. E. 1 . 2 1 . 1 1 0 M .3 2 1 0 -O, 3 O 0 10 4 0 0 1 12 o o 0 2 2 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 0. 1-2 21 e o -o o .o 0 0 11 0 0 10 4 0 0 1 0 0 o 2 10 27 li. 8 Penn State, IS; Harvard, 18. J Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 24. Pennsyl ; vania. State held Harvard to a, 1J-13 ! tie this afternoon in a hard fought game before a crowd of 12,000. A 68 yard ftftor a touchdown by Wilcox ' and a goal .from a difficult angle by ; .Wlthington during the last: minute of play put the crimson on even terms. : The playing of Lamb and James for I Pennsylvania State and of Bradlee for. j Harvard were the features of the ! gjame. Until the final quarter, Pennsylvania; State held a big lead and the Crimson rooters were, engulfed in gloom. It was 10 to 0 at the. end of the first period with the Pennsylvania's on the long end, Then Harvard got six in" the second quarter. Harvard got a touch i down and subsequent goal in. the -final ! period and Pennsylvania State scored a field goal. Eugene Maka Big Scoro. Eugene, Or., Oct. 24 Eugene hjgh school defeated Cotage Grove high school on Kincaid field this- afternoon by a score of Si to 0. Hugh McCallum. right guard on the Eugene team broke Mis arm during the game. Harvard university crew candidates recently manned 17' crews which 'prac-. tlced on the, Charles river. The eights included four 'varsity crews, three freshmen boats and 10 graded crews made up from the rest of the upper classmen. , . , LANGFORD WILL REFEREE Referee William S. Laneford will officiate' at the Haxvad vs. Michigan football game at Cambridge on Sat urday, October 31. : He will also have charge of the- Harvard vs. ' Princeton contest and the annual Penn. vs. Cor nel game. Langford has been left out of JJfale's big games. 7B CORNELL CREW MEETS Recently at the 40th anniversary of the founding of Cornell university every member of its first victorious crew of i$75 was present and looked fitta take his place ia the boat and row against ahy crew with similar age which might he gathered together, i .Teaching Duke to Start. ! G. Freith. swimming coach of thai v-" vM.v.v uuu, is leacning Duke Kahanamoku to turn and start, which were the only points about swimming that the Honolulu expert did not know, and it i expected that "the duke's" time will he much im proved in races hereafter. Is Voup If You'll Hark Its location on tht Below Diagram and Send It in . We Will Mail Treatment ABSOLUTELY FBEE. THOUSANDS WHITE U9 OB CURES. Tha Rice Method has brought such re- marsaoie results to sucn a multitude of former rupture sufferers, that it scarcely needs any -otner proof pi its vara, nowaver, we are always wuiing p prove i wany oiewuo may be interested, and the best proof is an actual trial. That's wny we now oner you absolutely fre of cttarse and orepaid a tFial treatment- to show what this wonderful method can do in your case. Just mark (as near as you can) the location of your. rupture on tuts diagram of a uouy, manung rignt over me Type. Henct this to W. B. 126R Slain St- Adams. Witt New York, JT Ufl X. asoace, y lag There is aoraaaoatntfce world why roe should coatiaae to saner tie discom fort and tortore of i that binding, chafing j trass wit boat male-1 log an effort to , tree yourself i irom its slavery. Bend for tBljl tree treatment I today Youll sever M eoredr-ead you'll c throaghllfewKh that rapture 11 you don't do tome- Uling about it, TThy i now at least, see what this tree; treatment caa do , for you Send for it right . away this vary nuaato. CATARRH of the BLADDER relieved in 24 HOURS Each Cap sole bears the aam- Only Tea Old. ! Star of Bethlehem Court, Tribe of : Ben-Hur, is one of the leading and ac- ; tive fraternities of Hrllsboro. Its ' chief is John R. Marshall, and Us de gree team leader is 1 J. Perkins, known all over Washington, county as a fraternal hustler, tnd incidentally as county recorder, it is only a year old, but has 126 members, and is now start-4 ing a campaign for 100 more, with every prospect of getting them. Al ready this fall it has given two theatre parties and several entertainments and socials. It has a baseball team, well equipped with uniforms and supplies, and one of the best trained musical choirs of any fraternal organization in the state. BUI Considered Too Stringent. A hill is being prepared for introduc tion into the Michigan legislature, which representative officials of fra ternal orders say will wipe most of them out of existence In that state. Leading men In fraternal orders of Pregon who have seen the bill pro nounce It a dangerous one, and are somewhat apprehensive that some thing of the sort may be attempted in Sal era next winter. "CM Another" is Slogan. "Get another member" is the slogan going out from the supreme offices of the fraternal organizations all over the country. They are sending "get an other" letters to every member, and 'speeding postage, time and money en deavoring to instill the psychology of action into the minds of all. Like a grocery store or a peanut stand, the fraternal orders must have new mem bers ip order to do a paying business; and they- are all going out after them as never . before. Camels Campaign tn Astoria. A representative of the new order of Camels is at work In Astoria. - Big Time Is Xxpeoted. The Woodmen of the World of Eu gene are working up enthusiasm for a big log-rolling on the evening of Pri day, October 30. Xrfarga Turnout Expected. The United Degree Teams. W. O. "W, will give a theatre party in the Elev enth street theatre, October 30, tho play helng entitled "Mother." The dif ferent degree teams -of the eight local camps in the city have sold the tlok ets. It is expected that the camps' meetings that evening will adjourn early and visit the theatre in a body. A large tournout is expected. Field Work in Baker. " Bert Oakman, deputy head consul of the. Modern Woodmen, is doing field work in Baker county. Will Give Farty, -"The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Hiber nians will give a card party at the new Hibernian building next Tuesday. Program Is Bendered. Last Tuesday evening the woman's auxiliary to Scout Young camp, united Spanish War Yeterans, gave an enter tainment in the courthouse to the aux iliary of Company H. Mrs. Auterson opened with a. piano solo; Mrs. Hazel G. Bell, a vocal solo; Mrs. Ella Vessy, a humerous reading; Mrs. Eva vavid son, vocal solo; Mrs. Susie Reed Nich olson, vocal sarto; Mrs. William Coplan recited "Opportunity;' Miss Carol Mitchel. monologue; Mrs, Roy Kesl, piano selection, and on encore, "La Paloma." Light refreshments were served at the card tables. The enter- tainment committee was Mrs. M. Becker, Mrs. Minnie Woelm. Mrs. Kva Davidson, Mrs. H. P. Cleyes. , Degree of Honor. I The .Degree of Honor bazaar at 129 Fourth street was well attended Fri day evening by a large number of members and also of the A. O. U. W. The hall was decorated with lanterns and streamers and the different booths were well attended by ladies represent ing the different lodges. Back From Tour. Mrs. Margarita Wall, deputy grand president of the Degree of Honor, re turned from a tour of eastern Oregon Thursday night. She visited Baker. Sumpter, La Grande. Pendleton, John Day and other cities and reports con ditions good and tha people confident. ; At nearly every place she visited she J secured classes of applicants. e Big Smoker. Th Elks at Vancouver are to have a big smoker next Tuesday. The Port land Elks' band, will be on hand. It Is hoped to have 250 visitors present. Want Iiocal XKKlgeu At Mt. Vernon, a town nine miles , A sage to rus. Vital Mes oraeiie dl en inanity I Have Proved to others and will prove to YOU, by actual results in hundreds of severe cases that Says Ho Waa Entirely CURED In Pour Months "I have worn the Schulling- Rapture Leek 4 months and aow aa entirely cured. I have at at more than 30 cases to this Company and many of them are cured or well satisfied. Anyone who wants to write me I will tell them all about my case and how I got cared with that wonderfp! Lock. ETery rupture sufferer should haT one." Cicero, Indiana. QOMWIB CASK. Now Believes Rupture Entirely CURED This Man Is 81 Years Old "I repaired the Behalllng Bnptare Lock and I hare had n trouble -with my ruptue since patting it oa. I had never hoped to set anything te hold my rapture aa I am eighty-one years old. At my age I have sever ex pected a cure, but now have every reason to believe that yoer wonderful invention cared me. I thank 70a to all yon have dose fer me." J. D. ROGERS, Arkansas City, Kans. Says Largest Rupture Was CURED In Seven Months' Time "For twenty years I have suffered with doable rupture. Wore the Schuilmg Rapture Lock steadily for even months, and fuoad that the largest rapture waa entirely cured, bat the other side was a little weak yet, sa will wear a pad 00 that side for a little while yet for protection. Lot anyone that wishes write me. I will be (led to answer." Ludington, Mich. A. J. TOWER. READ WHAT II 1 1 v 11 ..rm, these tm&t J) )a.h.schuiun6 ( i- )) W SCHUILINS s, Can be held per fectly comfortable and HEALED absolutely, with out a truss or an operation. Says Schulling Rupture Lock CURED Him in. About 2 Montlis " purcha-d one of your Bfhitlllng Bnptnre Lock. I fpund it wai n am-lKr and lx-k aure eiifMi(th, fw It atayd junt whrre I iat it. In about two month the rupture was mull, but I wore the 1-ock about a inontti limirer nntll 1 waa sure I waa at rung, t then ii.k tlie Iotk off and tumid I waa entirely sound. Uaxlaud, Kansas. B. J. BUY ANT. M Father Says Btty Waa CURED In Three Months boy Carl wa ruptured alsoe It kept gvfiiug larger all the Uuutiira Ixick Uit my- 1 got a bought SCHUILIN6 RUPTURE INSTITUTE. My Dirts, time. self and bought one fur the boy,, toe. We put it nn him and In three months' tluia he was nil well. 1 will gladly tell auy one wrlttpg we atmuc our caaw. EDWARD SDirKRRXON, Cor. Preacott and Grand Hapida. DlvUiuD kits. - Mkh. Feels That He Is So CURED Wears Lock for Safety "I have been ruptured for seven years. Have wore nearly every ktud of tru. Never found one which would bold my rupture until I got a ScnulUng Rupture L-k. The rupture never cam ilowa a single time after putting tu Luk on. 1 feel that I am cared, hut for- the salte of agfety I am g lng to wear tt a little kiugpr. K. F. V. No. 6. Canton. Texas. 0. W. STEKU m t 1 Glorious Blessings that Every Rupture Sufferer Can Now Enjoy Sent on Thirty Days' Trial Freedom from Truss Slavery. Freedom from Rupture Misery! Perfect Holding! Perfect Comfort! Wonderful, Grand, Luxurious Relief. Test the Wonderful Scfcniliag Rupture! me this very day and get uy . tree book sad "Down Again" A Common Occurence to Tkose Woo Wear ID-Fitting Trasses. Have you not had this same tfeiBg happen t& you In getting off or on a street car, cr In straining or sxert ing your body in some slight wayT You know what misery It causes you. But do you know that you ars liable to serious injury, every time your rupture slips down and is pinched beneath a truss padt This never happens to wearers of the Schulling Rupture Lock, f r once it is properly adjusted it holds with wonderful firmness and yet with perfect comfort. It simply cannot slip or get out of place, . no matter what position the wearer may get iato. No matter how rough or hard or strenuous your work may be, no matter how yu twist or squirm or run or jump, no matter how much you pull or tug ot strain, your rup ture CAN"? get pinched, baaeaui a pad and cause you tha untold misery you have perhaps often suffered from aa 1 IV-fitting truss. Lock in Anj Way Yon Wish. Yon'fl See Results Yon Never Dreamed Were Possible. If voa are one ot the many mature sufferers who go about harnessed up like an overbur-dt-cvd truek horse with cruel atel aprings. tinaanltary elastic bunds aud leg strap, or soma otkei uncomfortable 111 fitting contrap tion that Is court Dually slipping, binding, pinching and goHKiitg your flesh and causing you constant treublo, you can now rejoice, fvr at last your day of deliverance has coma. You caa be free from the torture and bur den. You eaa be free from the danger, the worry, trouble, annoyances. You enjoy free dom of actios and perfect comfort 'JA hours of the day. You can go about your dutl no matter hew hard or rough your work may be, without the allgbtett fuar of your rup ture coming down or being "pinched." iu caa glory and revel in the knowledge that your rupture CAN'T some down, and CAN'T get pinched, Be matter what poaittua you may get into. That is exactly what you can expect if you are wearing the wonderful SCH11L1NG RfJP TtjRK LOCK, the greatest and oue of the almplest devices ever tuveoted for the treat ment and euro of rupture. ia fact you caa expect more, for Hundreds Tell of Positive Cures, Think of it. CUBES: Rupture is actually being cured by thia vunderful. scientific Lock. Persons who had suffered for years, persona who bad wasted hundreds of duller on cruel trusses and 'harneas" contraptions and had lost all hope of ever finding a cure; persons who would have been overjoyed and delighted with even comforting relief, say that they have feand more tnaa they had hoped for and huudrediiha ve written that soon after putting on the WONDER"!. L SCUUJLINCl RUPTURE LOCK the ruptur'd p-ining grew smaller and smaller and heated UB entirely. For Your Own Sake Investigate This, I want voa te know- what this wonderful Lock has done snd what it is doing today for hundreds of sufferers in all part of this country. You owe It to yourself to find this out. I say it is the greatest and moat won derfoL the nest comfortable, the most perf--t fitting and the moat successful device for the treatmeBt of rupture that has ever been in. ; veated. I WANT YOU. tor yot own sake, to full nsrtlrulara. Hundreds of other sufferers sr writing every day. thousands are wesriaf this wva derful Lock and enjoying its luxurious com forts at tbla moment, others who bsvs used It a little longer sr. taking it off cared and free with no longer any oeed for it. Why abould yon continue la your misery t You Need Not Risk a Penny. You can get the wonderful SCHUIUNQ RUPTCRU LOCK and wear If for So days; you can put It on and try it, yoa can enjoy tha welcome relief it will give yon, yoa caa tent It by walking, by jumping, by ruanlsg, by pulling and atrainlog sod tugging to your heart's content, to proe that it will HOLD your rupture as nothing else has EVER done, prove that It will give you, the COMFQKT, ek. and freedom yog have so loages fox. You can prove by netnal experience in your own cae that it will give you MOB! relief, MORS COMFORT, MOKE peace of mind tbaa you bav. known ia many s day and yoa ass d' all tbla without the risk of a penny. Free Hook and Trial Offer. Yon do not obligate yourself In any war by sending for our new, illustrated boos-, wnth fully describes the SHrlI.INO rtlTPTURK LOCK AND MOW IT WORKS. I wast yon to aee it S4 read It. I will gladly sead It U you tree snd postage paid and will -aWo sesd yon full particulars of our 30-day trial offer. send today, now NOW while you are think ing of tt and have the addrers before yea. Just t-ar off the coupon, write your name and ad dress plainly and mall It; or write a note or post card if you prefer. You'll be thankful the longest day yon live. Send fo, The Real Tjest A Michigan telephone rno wear ing a Sohuillng Rupture Sock, says be can climb telephone p3les with? out fear of the Lock sapping or rupture coming down. 17 A Montana ranchman, (writes - us that since putting on thsji Schulling Rupture Lock, he rides anj "breaks" WILJ) horses, and that 1ft holds his rupture perfectly. M Railroad men, blacksmHhs. fann ers, teamsters; men dtlnf all kinds of hard, rough work arj wearing Schulling Rupture locks, and say their ruptures never com down or cause them the, slightest stress. - ii I want to send you It Iters from these men and many others. Mali this coupon today and jit me ex plain in detail the most j wonderful rupture device ever kno n. r TRIAL COUPON SEND THIS T( )DAY SCHUlliNG RDPTURE INSTITDTt Nt. 347, Ei Geia a, Isdi? ioKs, Ini Please Send SO Bar Trial OffeZ. end Book. "Sow ta raat 1 an xtr.ru. i ay Name Street or R. F. IX e- t Town. . Stats.. . f . . "4 li from John Day in Grant county, i