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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1914)
Tmi OSEQQl? SUIfDAY JPTONAI PQBTfcAN STOP AY IQBNING QCTQPER f :?&5 J91. 3 IT NOW IN SOUTH Harvard's Athletes Open Settlements Boston, Mass., Oct. 1 4 Harvard College athletes hare opened up three settlement houses In the poop sections of Cambridge and Boston, f-tid also have- taken rhareja of a half dosen boys clubs which, the college men dl- Antl-Prlzeflght Amendment 5SiT.??K tt I '. tii'ii r r a ew xorK millionaire, is the airee- laW Will UOnie Up IU1 VUlWtor of th work tnunir the boys, and nas practically bis whole crew of strong-armed darsmea, pu,tttng in their evening among the boys.' Delinquents are encouraged, poor boys are bup- FLOURISHING IN N' YAWK a?i?B15rk' lLliZ0 reformed by the co'.tege men In con nection with the Juvenile courts. An other important branch of the work is the Instruction of pewly-arriyed for eigners In American customs and American Ideals, which, are best taught by personal .touch. at November Election. LATEST PICTURES OF PORTLAND'S LIGHTWEIGHT FIGHTER Janes Johnston Takes Charge of Gar den la Metropolis, and Bays Tight era will Work on percentage. ' By Ringside. New York, Oct. J4.-The ancient sport of boxing Is In a precarious con dltloa out in California. The ring game Is doomed, fr'oro all Indications, In the state which' has fostered more CHESS Conducted by A. G. Johnson, Of tbe many Chans ODenlnai la vosoe. two championship battles than any other I "e particular! interesting beeauaa Uiey art commonwealth in the world. l1'.";!!1 .?w?m "1,er" ?anlhlV Uttle did Arthur Carroll, a. prelim- v.Trs .Jo. "r. X Inary boxer, know that when he dellv- a thorough annlrsls of (be opening sod met ered the blow that resulted In the I 5re" acCa in pwyiog toe -Jerome" aeatn or , tmi iiuaay. several weeks Uien In tbt . leuitK 0t ni. career an wm'i ago, that he was also delivering the thhmr.ton, succumbed in his first attempt to death blow Of boxing on the Pacific dtfend the gambit. AUbougU tbs opening ta T" HtVdy "Pired fTV?,! 6"eCi8 Rice of tUtw1. .SI of a beating he received at the hands Yorsary's k.lmz Is displaced and drawn into the ci-nter of tbe board whets all kind, of complication may arise. The following rarla- iiuu vi me jernma, waicn is ramer ravorable to wWte reveals soma of tbe possibilities of the gambit: 'Jerome" Gambit. P K4 Kt QB3 1 P K4 2 Kt KB3 B U-i 4 BiPtb 5 KtxI'ch ' 8 J Kfti b 8 P Q4 9 Kt K3 10. Q I A 11 Kt K Kt5ch KtxKt K K8 BxP Kt K2 (J Raq K Hi KKt K BS lieht- adTanfflA tr whit. Tbe otlier opening Invented bv an Imertonn la the celebrated ulee gambit, which ia i.toduct from, tbe mind of Professur Isaac L. Rice of New York city. Thla gambit, whlcjj la an offshoot from , the Klexerltzky gambit, was invented about 15 .year ago, when Pro febor Bice wn a member of the faculty of Columbia university. The Inventor, who la well to do, baa spent a fortune la analysing and testing the opening, and even today many analyeta are working upon it. The fol kulght and forma tbs Bice gambit. 1 P Ki r K4 2 P KB I PxP ' 3 Kt KB3 VKKt 4 P KB4 1' Kt5 C Kt Kr, Kt KB 3 0 B B4, P Qi 7 PiP 0 K3 8 Caatlea which allows black to capture the Weight and forms the Bice gambit. This chesa column, which hae been oon-di-cted for two ' years, will be discontinued after the issue of November 8. On that date 100 chesa problems will have been publishes aLnce tbe initiation of tills column. of Carroll In a San Francisco ring - Whether or not the ring game is to survive will b determined within a fortnight. Supporters of the anti prizefight referendum law, to be voted on at the November election, were qulok to seise on the tragedy as an ar gument; and they will depend upon It to press, f heir1 point wltn vigor until the polls sfo' closed Hot Tirst Shaky Time. This la-not the first time the r'nff game has been on trial In California Van-inrilctfUv . agitations are started I 12 KtxB 1 Vi n p . K.i , In I n. I IS Q K.lch '". .""'"S "i d., i X4 iyn4 with Ink the' promoters and warning them against unscrupulous dealings, have permitted the game to go on. Every year, however, added pressure Is being brought to bear on the law dispensers to abolish boxing in Can fornla. Last winter a measure was in.- troduced to stamp out 'the game. A counter bill was submitted, and the latter passed by the margin, of a sin gle vote. So It can readily be seen how dangerously close to oblivion the sport of "boxing Is in California. Despite this untoward state of af fairs, coast promoters are $oing along as If the sport were never to be threat ened. They are busy arranging all sorts of matches, but as yet not one hat been definitely consummated. It ing a bold front to mask underlying L.e "MJg&ng gj fears. games. Negotiations are also pending between Meanwhile boxing Is thriving in this the local club and Los Angeles tor a tele .i.Hn,,. mott-nrna Trs,rvthlnn nre- graphic match to decide the coamplonship of sages the most Successful Winter the A. Q. Johnson will trim a almnltnnAona or. anort has ever rnloyed here. There are I hibltion on Tuesday erenlus. October 27. at a number of reasons for this optimistio 8 o'clock, in the quarters of the Portland i, k ohi.f amnn- thm to th ?hes .. Checker club, room 101 Waahing- - - i ion tinuaing annex, ZTOrS Washington street. fact that a new era has entered tnt Local players wbo are Interested are InTlted nort with tha advent of James John-I to take part in the performance. .ton rerotthaShow associa- n. game wbich .-jJ by tlon. which will hold forth In the m- the Bmlatt tournament of 1912, ia ft pur rem ta FBKNCH DEFENCE. Had Big Matches Johnston Is not a newcomer In the promoting field.. He has successfully engineered many big matches, but at smaller clubs The Garden moguls needed man who could stage boxing matches without losing money for them. Johnston was selected, and a better selection could npt have been made. , Johnston has a wide scope of things pugilistic, and his theory is that "a boxer is not worth one penny more than he can draw in at the box office." With this legend in mind, Johnston has announced that every boxer who per forms for him will have to fight on a percentage basis. No more guarantees wtU be given. Says Johnston: '(This ultimatum for I consider It such goes for Mike Gibbons, Freddie Welsh, Johnny Kllbane, Kid Williams. Leach Cross and all the others who have pretensions to championships. If they think they can attract large gatherings to see them in action, they will be the beneficiaries; for the more money they can put Into the coffers, the more they will be paid-for fight ing. Fal enough, isn't it,?" Quite fair enough. Is the opinion of the majority of us. Johnston as installed- as boss of the Garden less than two weeks ago, but he Is already at work arranging for the. best matches In. sight. First, h de sires, to settla the "White Hope" dis pute by bringing together Jess WUlard . arid Ounboat Smith, the two leaders of the heavyweight class. Buckley Would Xnok "Bit." This meeting ' would doubtless fill the Garden to capacity. But a little bitch arises In tha arrangements. Johnston, of course, wilt give no guar an tee. adhering to his laudable per centage scheme. However, Jim Buckley, manager for Bmith. insists on $7100 for his charge to display his wares. Buckley does not make this demand af Johnston, but desires to have wii lard's mentor, Tom Jones, come across with that sum. wucmey ciaims jones nrnmlttl ta sruaraAtee Smith $7500 If the Gunner would consent to meet Wil lard several months back. Now Buck- lay wants Jones to keep bis promise. So It is up to tha loquacious Jones Whether we are to aea r battle that promises to settle the Wliite Hope" question, lor me time oeing, ai itjat- BILLIARDISTS GET BUSY In (he -absence of the English bil . Hard - champion the annual $5000 ; . tournament In London has attracted entries from six players who are rep - resenta.tlv of the highest class of . , English style play Including George 'Gray, H. W. Stevenson. Tom Reece, ( Edward Dlggle, T6m Newman and W. emitn Lewitxky. White. 1 P Q4 J P K4 3 Kt QB3 4 St M3 5 KPxP 6 B K2 7 Cast lea 8 B KKtS 9 TiP 10 Kt Q4 11 KtxB 12 B Kti 13 B K3 14 Q Q2 15 BxKt 10 Qii q IT Q K2 H PxB 19 RrP(b) 20 O KS 21 H r K5 5 Q Kt5 S3 H QB8 (d) 24 Kcsigns. Botes by tL, Helm, (a) With this "pin." black gets a grip on me position. (b) A determined bid to recover bis pawn. but Marshall scents bidden poslbilitles In the situation and proceeds to unearth them. (c) If 20 V KKt3; 21. Q K5, etc. (d) With the Intention of continuing with It IS7. followed by Q K8 or O K7. but Mar- stall's extraordinary reply completely' take tbe wind out of hia sails. " (e) One might search the records la Tain tKairiA r 4 tha wcti-t an4 Villi n tVilatli for a counterpart a conclusion like tbis. HZ-Z "t -i VLV , the qneeu being of- "". " i . Marshall. Black. P K3 P Q4 P QB4 Kt QB3 Kt-jJ3 B K8 Castles B K3 BxP PxKt Q Q3 QB K B Kt5(a) RxB Q B4 BxKt 5xP Kt Q5 QU-KB(c) H R3 BxB Q KKts (e) good XTI -I - v: " i III fidfef :4? : rv-x , i v :: Yxi M - s 'twill ,' S -lL f- k : d'A AA vMf i - - 'fr"y,' ','- - . 'v xs'i f . vs --V u V T' ; " 'V 1 : ; If I 2.v..::-.v--jf:.f--K:o:-:S:xviS a 4. v. v . -.XTs v. i : :cvj::-: fts :'.. :-::-.5-fc..:-V-A: . if. 1 f f . O "t. ' - jf'TM ? , v ' t - ' v iL1t " ' H lit t&?&?$& - Uv i . - - -.V V ?iS 4 1 111 i -" fs? j tvtifSr 4 1 k: ,yr ?'-l V S' 'i: . - . aJkll' W " ' . f ll yy , P-'f ,V . 'V ' "---v " ' ' "J1ftf I Ifpi ?Vv tilt L li w"rT-'-'-' 'xiii-, jlfijl' ''t Hi pf fv 1 VST I vy Played Small Fart In "Merkle" Boner -Hank- CDay for tha flrat time Rives fals version of tbe celebrated Merkle pUy, . whlco decided tha Na tional eafua championship at New yorlt Beptemebr tz, B08. ODay was chief of umpires at tha fame. The Jzn was declared a tie at 1 to 1. O'Day. admitting himself settled at recent comments on himself by John it. vers, said tnai tsvee was tna small est factor in the play. "We did not make tha decisions be cause Ever touched acond whan Mer kle started for the clubhouse, as Is commonly supposed,'? said 6"Day. "We did It because Joa McGlnnlty, when the ball was thrown back to tha Infield by Artie Hofrnan. interfered with Pfiester. a Cub b layer, who picked u$ Hofman'a throw. "McGlnnity wrested the ball from Pfiester and threw it into the crowd, which by this time was swarming; onto the grounds back of third base, Stein feld retrieved the bati and raa to aeo oad base with it, tQasins H to Elvers Just before reaching the baa;. If Mc Cinnlty's, lnterefernce had not given us that clear "point to rule on th credit for the play on Merkle would have gone to Hofman, who deserves It, anyway, for he threw the bail In when most fielders, following custom, would have kept It and fled to the club house (n the belief that tha game was over." Briokley Case : IiikeTbatof Earl Pickering of Minn. Boston, Oct. ; S 4. Charles Brtckley, Harvara'p fotbaU star, e la rapidly eeco'vetina; from his ?. e operation tor-apRendlcltls. and tha medical authorities are swapping oplnlona aa to whethr T he; will be aWe to get lnta) the gasna again tela yea. The moat Important eplnlon 1 that of Dr. H. 3U Wtlltana, coach of the Unlvarslty of Minnesota, whQ predicts Brick ley will get Into: tha Yale game. He cites the case of Ear! Mck erlng. one of the stars at Min nesota four year ago, who, tt days after ja alm)lar opera tion, played tha first 20 ralnuta period agalnst Wisconsin that year and a week later 'played through tha ehtira game with Michigan. And,;aya Coach Wil liams, Pickering neve fal$ th slightest after-effeota. The Harvard doctors ara not so optimistic, however, and tha parents of Brtcklay ara, put ting their ban on futura foot ball glory for jhe Harvard star. . ! ! jit Colin ReU. the jiuatrallan, la Wsna- what of a disappointment, . , ; f The new AXTKX, brick apartment building, at cor ner 21st and Overton streets, will be completed thla week. Bach apartment will contain six rooms. Includ ing one combination room, convertible into a-sleeping forch, sewing or play room. Tha main entranca la of talian marble. Each apartment has private reception hall, with large plate glass mirror: nardwooJ floora throughout, beam ceilings, fireplace with asbentoa gas log, built-in buffets, tile bathroom, complete with best center pedestal basin, shower bath, linen closet, medi cine chests, eta Kitchen Is finished In white, Includ ing extra large all porcelain steet refrigerators ' and enameled porcelain gaa range with glass door In bake oven. One chamber has steel combination lock safe for your valuables, four large clothes closets,; modem electric fixtures. glSBs door knobs; nice lare lawn (when finished); vacuum cleaner, steam heatiot and cold water, janitor service, and maids' room: In base ment Included. If you are looking for the beajt at very reasonable rates, see the apartments, compare them with others at double the rent; 10 minutes on car Una to Sixth and Morrison streets. Referencea required. Phone for appolatmeht or reservations to losuranca Service Company 118 Morgan bldg. Main 8 or Main 3194, at the apartment. Jlalpb, Qrqman, tbs 19-year-old protege of Hairy Foley, wO expects to make ft world's championship out of the Portlander. Gruman's name was spelled "Grunan'' in his first few fights in tha four round game in California and he never took the trouble to change it. He Is'a bit superstitious and that is probably the reason why lie let it tick. San Francisco i3 already clalminf him as, local product, now that he is about to become nationally, famous. Gruman steps out Of the four round ranks next Tuesday night, whan he meets "Willie FiUsimmons, one of the toughest lightweights In California, over the ten round rout before the Oakland Wheel men's club. The following Friday night he may meet the eld timer, Johnny McCarthy, In a four round main event in San Francis co. The photographs show that lalph is getting bigger and his muscles more thoroughly developed under the tutelage of Fpley. His shoulders are beginning to bulije put, wtyle he is taking more weight in the legs. Considerable interest is being expressed in the ten round fight Tuesday night, and a large number of fans will no doubt critically scan the Oregonian's ability to step ten rounds against such a rugged exponent of the fighting game as Fitzsimmons. Will Ereot Memorial To Late M. Murphy University of ePnnsylvani plans to erect a memorial building in honor of the late Michael C. Murphy, the famous t is. a genuine problem. fered tor sacrifice in tbree different wars. If 24. BP or UPxQ. Kt K7rh forces the mate. If 24. Q.vQ. Kt K7ch; 25. K K, KtxQch; 2fl. K Kt. KtxK, emersion Vlth a knight ahead. rrooiem an, vo oy tcwua s ocaauas. BLACK. TBI B BAPS m sis "Ml 1 1 ft! i greatest of America's athletes, a com' mittee is visiting the various Penn sylvania alumni clubs all over tha United St&tes securing subscriptions and. it Is reported, over 8100,000 has already been ' secured. A former pro tege of the great trainer has offered his services in the drawing of plans and' specifications for the building. It is proposed to construct it at the south entrance pf Franklin field, the big athletic stadium of the university. N. 0. MAY HAVE RACING New Orleans business men and merchants are considering a plan to stage a race meet in that city during the season extending from January 1, until after the Mrd Gras. Hoppp Is 27 Years Old. Champion billiard player sUle JJoppe Is 1 years old. Harvard's Captains Are Unlucky Sort Probably no big college football team in tha country has' had more mlsfor tunes happen to its varsity captains than Harvard, whose captain fqr tbis season, Charles Brickley, may not play again this year following the recent operation. Almost every season for the past 20 years the coachers have bad something to worry about because of more or less important injuries that have come to the crimson leaders and It has often happened that Harvard teams hav played out their Tale games without' the captain being on the field. G0UIDING S PRESIDENT George H. Gouging, world's cham pion walker, is president of tha To ronto Central Walkers' club just formed in the Canadian city to boom heel and toe walking. KUng to Represent K. O. Johnny KUng,' the former baseball catcher, will represent Kansas City In the Interstate three cushion bil liard league. An Invitation COME IN Clothing of Class is our specialty overcoat will hav The suit or ourcbase here ame hall mark you the sa of nuaritv as that of the best oustom made garments. Tha only difference, is that Of price, and It stands to reason that garments made In wholesale quantities can he produced at much less cost than those made singly. The Store With a Single Price Which Never select ar garment you- take . ay fancy to and TRY IT ONa are pleased to shovj what we have in stQc)q if you see something that suits you, and are in the market, buy it; but if you do not see, what you want, there is no harm done and we will part friends, fv28& y,m i i. ' j Tacoma wrj 1 Seattle J : ( . FOIJK TRAINS Jll . '. ' ID TVaU( BLOCK OFF Changes. REMARKABLE PICTURE OF PRINCETON TEAM ATTEMPTING TO BLOCK A PUNT WHITB. Vihlta to play and mate In two mores. Tha names of thosn aencline In porrpct noln- tlons to this problem will be pnbllsliod two woeks from today. Picas address all chess communications to A. G. Johnson, 394 flftk street, Portland. Or. Problem No. 9fl depends npom B 'QB3 as a spy more, aouiiioni were received rrom Don ald McMaster of Vancouver ' U'lksh. C V Pntaej and Oeos;g B. Somers of Corrallis, u. A. nitisetir or Astoria. Edwin Wldmer, Alexander K. Sohwarts. v.' I. Dent and J. Vnle of Portland. Additional solutions to problem 95 were received from5 Nell H. Rows 6f Spokane ana Donald Mciiaster of Van couver. Waaa. Over 60 Trotters at 2:10. v more tnan bo trotters nave entered I the 3:10 list this season. LANE & JOHNSON TAILORS NOW IgQQATED 4Qlr38 NorthweftOT Na. tiohal Bank Bldg., Corner Sixth and Morrison St. w .i i I i i t Mi i w zr x y & .. r-T i iV t if 1 1 1 I JT JS ft -y... 111 - f;; : Jv I I . N-'A m if A V Z s if ft - &y- .l .14:1.4. -T 1 irA-us..,., .1, , ., , --f - a rf-'- Z!Li2F"j-m'mm-!- - -: t- t - - - ar the New Home of the LANE & JOHNSON Thirties Day traint) three--between PortWrtd and uget 3ound, carry parVir cars, hjgh-back seat modern coaches, dining cars,; nifht train has standard and tourist sleeping cars,$coaches. TO ANP FROM ABERDEEN-HOQUIAM Three fine trauif each day. h RAYMOND, SOUTH BEND, 0LYMPIA Two trains. Tickets and all information at 255 MORRISON ST. Phone? Main 244, A;J244. ill i Thlg photograph shows splendidly tha. great spaed thf Princeton footbalj line. Thif q ipen haye bfpien tbrqql to blopk tx punt and two are actually in tha air irftlt both feet Just af iQepajii caojer jcks, AQifeer man' has been thrown to his knees. uis live men in me pilars, Qnr tftrf aitpjetjier are pn the STQurO. It seldom such a remarkable ation picture" is EXCURSION FARES from all stations to Manufacturers' a,n4 Iand Productst Shpw, Portland, October 2tf-November 14. Northern r Facif ic Winter cwfJon fq Florida m tia; Pc Veil. ,1