7 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 24, 1914. EASTERN ASSOCIATES OF CHAMBERLAIN PAY SB Friends of Popular Govern r ment Strong in Desire for Return of Supporter. SUPERLATIVES ARE USED Staunch Defender of Oregon System Wot Liked, Eowitu, By the Or eat Corporations. There is a Strang demand from the frlenda of popular government in the eastern states and from his colleagues in the United States senate for tlm re-election of Senator Oeorge K. Cham berlain. Many of them have written .letters expressing their appreciation of the effective work Senator Cham berlain has done in the United States senate, and their hope that the people of Oregon will stand by their, most able friend. Judson King, executive secretary of the National Fofllar Government league, a non-partisan organization of Washington, I). C, which is working for popular government throughout the nation, points out. the valuable ser vice Henator Chamberlain has given in behalf of popular government. He says that Senator Chamberlain Ja fre quently called upon to defend the Ore gon system at public meetings and before state legislatures throughout the east. Corporations Against Direct i Actioft "The great corporations and the crooked politicians in all parties says Mr. King; "are today making a supreme effort to crush the advance Tf direct leglnlation in every lstate tn whlch it obtains and also to prevent Its extension in other states. You would be amazed to know the success with which they are meeting. Our league was formed to meet this in sldlous and powerful attack and we count Senator Chamberlain as one of our strongest men to defend popular government in this crisis. " "All progressive nven in every party B . . , 1 . i V ..1. ...... ..I i .1 . 1 . V. . . hFft a ITnltAri KtAte'M iunator frnm Ar. gon who would not valiantly uphold "the 'Orego system' on every occasion " either because he took no part in the nn VnTiSnthv with it vnrlrtn" Mr.. King eaysthat Senator Cham berlain la held in the highest esteem by -all progressive people, in all par ties, in.' Washington and throughout the central a'nd'eastern states. Regular in Attendance. "In a most -accidental way .it has been brought to my attention that at tacks have been -made- upon Senator CBamberlalh . in- that kind of an intil reft way which-should constrain vry friend of his to be on the alert," writes Senator .WllW'm E. Chilton of : West Virginia. "I- cannot reconcile -myself to the kind of camnalgtifna which would make an attack upon ..trie personal character of George E. Cham berlain," Me says he has known Senator Chamberlain intimately. ' ever since ha Ifiis been In the senate and has ob served his work both in public and Ip. private. "He has been regular in attendance upon the. senate except in cases where some" matter of public duty detained him. He is painstaking, accurate and faithful in his services upon committees, a-nd he has gained a position of Influence in the senate of which any member might well, be envious. . Welfare of Oregon at Heart. - "I have noted his brave fights on every question which , affects the in- terest and welfare of the people of the -great west and the Pacific coast, and when.' it comes to the estate of Ore gon' it is always, 'the apple of his . W-' ' ' - . , "His prominent part in the passage of the Alaska, bill. In homestnnd ! per i il lation4 looking to the relief, of home steaders, the extenstop of ttjrie to settlers within reclamation '"brolects for the 'payment o water rihts.rn the appropriation for the Improvement of rivers and harbors, from a national standpoints for. the ;1 preservation of the -army on . a-"strong- peace" footing without increasing Jt; beyond its pres ent maximum, but ,to maintain it in a high state c-f efficiency, and In hia support iof 'agricultural extension work, have been' the admiration of those-who have served with him here, ''He js." now chairman of the great committee on military affairs, and. he -is regarded now as one - of the" beist posted nien tipon the questiott-s which affect the military establishment and the war department." Position Means Much to Coast. . "Inasmuch as the matters concern ing the rivers and harbors come large ly under' the jurisdiction of the war department. and inasmuch as the questions which will affect -Alaska.) will be largely executed by the en gineers under the war. department, the position of Senator Chamberlain as chairman of the military committee will be. of inestimable value to tha great Pacific slope and especially to the state of Oregon, whose expanding commerce and growing importance upon the Pacif lo coast will develop in the proportion that Alaska ma be developed;"- - t Senator Chilton points. out that Sen4 ator Chamberlain went to the senate when there were' few Democratic mem-! bers and obtained, committee appoint-! merits that would likely take another, many yeufs to secure. - - ' -fj Senator-; Luke L,ea of Tennessee ex4 presses hl.s deep regret that there is 'nothing h-e can do to contribute to Sen4 ator' Chamberla.tnjj re-election. ' - "I-am- taking the liberty of writing to .you this unsolicited, letter on ac coifht of my great interest in. the re . election of', Senator Chamberlain," hi nays in his letter. ' - j rw Men As Valuable. i "Both from . party standpoint and from patriotic motives, all of us whi have sarved with Senator Chamberlain here are' Keenly desirous of his re-elec- tion. There are few men in the sen ate who are capable of rendering and who do render as intelligent and effi cient public service as Senator Chami berlain. ' "He' Is always present and always ready and willing to give his best ef forts to public affairs. He is chairt ,man of one of the most important committees of the senate, and the splendid work he did as chairman of the military affairs committee during the threatened war with Mexico, was sufficient in itself ta- convince any one how, invaluable his public services are." ; Henry M. Rose, assistant secretary of the senate, and whose desk is closer to the eat of Benator Chamberlain man to tnat of any other senator, pays a fine tribute to the work ot Henator Chamberlain in a letter he bas written to a friend. "I. regard Mr. Chamberlain is among the most useful, most attentive, and 1AT0RHIGHIBUTE most highly regarded senators," he says. "Few are more constant i'h at tendance. He is alert, active and pow erful whenever any question touching the interests of Oregon or the Pacif io states is before congress or the de partments." ROSEBURG EXTENDS WARM WELCOME TO OREGON SENATOR (Continued from Page One.) wards of the state should be allowed to take their wives with them. There are eight of these cottages, housing as many families. And how glad these veterans were to see the senator! Many had not seen him for several years; others who had but re cently entered the home were there to shake his hand for the first timn. But their welcome was a testimonial to the universal love .and esteem in which the senator is held. Following his visit to the home, the senator was introduced to the 150 or more teachers of Douglas county at the Lane school for a brief talk by County Superin tendent O. C. Brown. "I am willing to wager," sail the senator, "that I am the old est teacher in the room, and how the art of teaching has changed since then! You teachers are fortu nate to be teaching the young in, the slate or Oregon, for Oregon by reason of its political system gives added weight to the teacher's niisslon. bur system or government which was once ucalied a freak requires that the people think for themselves. The teacher, plays an important part In that she prepares the future voter for his du ties of citizenship. Oregon has now come to be recognized to be the leader of the states of the union in the ad vancement of political ideas and ofcher commonwealths, instead of jeerin are. following in her footsteps. Upon you teacners devolves the responslbil ity of making good citizens." In the evening Senator Chamberlain held an informal reception to the vot ers of Roseburg in the lobby of the Umpqua hotel, scores coming in to greet him. He was guest at dinner of County Judge Dexter Rice, chairman or the county central committee of Douglas county. Wilson Administration Indorsed. At Koseburg, as in others cities of Oregon visited on the present tour. the warmth of the reception accorded 10 benator Chamberlain shows how highly he is regarded by the people of Oregon. Douglas county with the rest or the state is manifesting the great est Itrferest in his campaign for re election. The policies of Woodrow Wilson are admired and respected on ail sides, by men and women of every siiaae 01 political -opinion., As one man said yesterday, a Republican too, "Oregon would be grossly lax in its duty to the nation if she should fall to return Senator Chamberlain to the senate." And this is what the ma jority of people think all along the line. Senator Chamberlain will speak at Cottage Grove this afternoon and at Kugene, the stronghold of his oppo nent, on the Republican ticket, to night. A record-breaking audience is anticipated In the Lane county city FLEGEL'S STAND FOR WILSON WINS BUSY ' MEN'S ATTENTION (Continued from Page One.) : . give me a picture?" was the significant request pf one. "He didn't put up men to be shot, was the comment of sev eral. "He didn't '.put up men 'to be shot." That is a worklngman's tribute to President Wilson's Mexican policy. Men sho.ving trucks In the railroad freight warehouses Know that in the event of w.ar, either with' Mexico or another nation, it, is . the ' man who shoves trucks who' -would ..be "put up to be shot.'y . . "1 am-'k' "Republican and' a Wilson irjan," said a man in charge of a sec tion of .the freight handlers. .He was a man of intelligence and few words. He wanted a picture of the president to take home tohis family. .-He got it, but' The Journal representatiye got no --Ylr-natinn fmm tVf man rf hie of'at- Iment, "I am a Republican and a Wilson man." While'in the sheds a younc man from upstairs grasped Mr. Flegel by the arm. VWe want to see you up in the otf Ices," wag the' message- t Flegel went upstairs after having supplied the freight handlers with their demands.' "I stand for President . 11 Bon' ' was the announcement . to men anil women who use pens and pencils. -There was a -cessation of worlt while Southern Pacific employes Holding clerteal positions walked up tc the counter, and secured pictures of the president.. "I stand for President Wilson," was again a winning slogan.' There was no argument aoout .issues, no taiK about the tariff, no objection to the candidate's party designation... But when Mr. Fleget" was about to leave he was given three cheers. ' Other working people were met 1n "other places,- some on the street and some as they were leaving for sup rer. Flegel's reception was the same because he "stands for Wilson." On the street car the candidate for con gress had a few pictures yet undis tributed. He saw a woman he knew" and gave her a likeness of Woodrow Wilson. ! mat is to remind you that I stalnd for Woodrow Wilson." said Mr. Flegel. The car was crowded with working men and women going home. But the supply of Wilson pictures was too meager. . Men and women asked for them and gave earnest attention to Mr. Flegel's declaration, "I stand for that man. If you wish to aid him at the White tfouse, vote for me for con gress, but if you are against Wilson, vote for any of the other candidates." "I want the people to know first hand where I stand," said the candi date. "I expect to be elected and lam determined that my election shall not come through false pretenses. I 'am for the man in the White House." BEER IS NOT ALCOHOL Beer is the combined extract of ,malt and hops malt builds up tissue; hops, is an invigorating tonic. ' Beer contains natural carbonic acid gas, which gives it sparkling effervescence. Beer contains 3K to 4 per cent of alcohol devel oped by-natural fermentation just enough tq preserve it. y PhonesMain 72, A-1172 Henry Weinhard Brewery Portland, Oregon LIST OF VOTING PLACES FOR RECALL ELECTION All votes in Tuesdays recall election. It is expected, will be counted by 11 o'clock the same night,, according to City Auditor. Barbur, and for that rea son he is allowing nothing for meals for the night judges and clerks. The polls will be open from 8 o'clock in the morning until 8 o'clock at night. The pollfng places are the same as those used by the county, and, with precinct numbers, are as follows: 1 Croo Garage, Tbnrmas, between S2d and Bngby. 2 Terrace Grocery, southwest corner 28th nil Thorman. 3 Northwest corner 25th and Upshur. 4 Southweat corner 25th and Thurman. 9 End 24tb street on N'icolal. 6 352 North 2Sd near Karier. - 7 OH7 Wilson, between 21at and 22d.' 8 tt."5 Thurman, between 20th and 21st. 9 307 North 17th, between Savier and Thur man. 10 80 Broadway North, between Everett and rianaers. 11 Dodge Mfg. Co.. southeast corner 14th and Lurejoy. , 245 North 17th, between Marshall and Northop. 290 North 21st,- between Overton and Pettjsrrove. 14 B. Helmer'a Grocery, northwest corner 21st and Northnn. 15 Hill Military Academy. 821 Marshall. 17 171 North Slat street, between Irrlng and jonnson. 16 Ensrlne No. 17. 24th and Johnson 18 Irring Tailors, 153 North 23d, between uort and Irving'. 18 E. Hoch's Garage, 25d, between Hoyt and Irvine. 20 Basement Harford Apartments, northwest corner Zlst and Flanders. 21 Fisher-Thorsen Garage, 21st, between Kearney and Loreloy. 22 668 Ullsan. near 21st. 23 Portable building. Couch school. 17th and IxreJoy. 24 Portland Van ft Storage Co. -office, north west corner lath and Kearney. 2o 123 North 16th. near Ullsan. 1!6 Patterson Furniture Hospital, southwest corner 14th and Ullsan. 27 89 Broadway, between Ererett and Flan ders. 28 05 North Second, between Paris and Ever ett. ' 29 310 Eyerett. between 6th and 6th. 30 409 Burnside, between 9th and 10th. 31 Armory. 11th street entrance. 32 Speedwell Motor' Co., southwest corner i4tn ana iOucn. 33 603 Washington, between 19th and Trinity. 34 Dulmaee-Manlr A Mo Co.. 46 worth sutn 35 66 North 23d, between Washington and Everett. 36 229 Cornell Road, Scott's Gara.re. 37 133 Stark, between 11th and 12th. 38 414 Stark, corner 11th. 89 62 6th street, near Pine. 40 Engine No. 21. Second and Oak. 41 87 5th. between Stark and Oak. 42 134 2d, between Washington and Alder. 43 128 Psr, between Washington and Alder. 44 Northwest corner 10th and Alder. 43 1904 Washington, between 14th and 115th. 46 644 Washington, between 20th and Ella. 47 609 Jefferson, corner Stout. 48 782 Washington, between Ford and City Park. 49 Garage, 16th street, between Yamhill and Taylor. 50 171 11th, between Morrison and Yamhill. 51 Masonic .Temple. WTest Park and YamhiU. 52 Y. M. C. A., 6th and Taylor. 63 Engine No. 1, Fourth street, between Mor rison and Yamhill. 54 224 M, Third, between Salmon and Main. 55 East entrance Courthouse. 56 202 Broadway, between Taylor and Sal mon. 57 206 13th. between Taylor and Salmon, basement. 58 The Mattingly, 269 14th, between Jeffer son and Madison. 59 Jefferson Street Uarage office, 16th and Jefferson. 60 42j Jefferson, between 11th and 12th. bl Tenth street entrance Ladd School, 10th and Jefferson. 62 City Hall, east entrance. 254 Third, corner Madison. t4 233 ClaV street, betweao. 1st and 2d. 63 347 First, between Mill and Market. 66 292 Third, between Jefferson and Colum bia. 6T Northwest corner 4th and Clay. 68 Corbett's Garage, northwest corner Broad way and Columbia. 69 Church basement, southwest corner Park and Jefferson. 70 Northwest corner 12th and Market. 71 Mrs. Campbell's garage, Jefferson, be- Iwwn 13th and 14th. 72 Basement northeast corner 14th and Mont gomery. rn .v Jefferson, between 17th and Chapman. 74 Garage back of 866 Market street, be tween Chapman ana -iwm. 75 Engine No. 16, between Lownsdale and Montgomery. 6 430 Harrison, between 11th and 12th. 77 White Palace Grocery, northwest corner 6th and Hall. 78 Garage 429 5th, between Hall and College. 79 Engine No. 4, Fourth street, between Mill amd Market. 80 371 Front. 81 423 First, near Hall. 82 Northwest corner First and ' Sherman, Cottel Drug Co. 83 Northeast corner 6th and Lincoln grocery. 84 Monroe's Garsge, northwest corner West Park and College. 85 554 Seventh, corner Lincoln. K(i Ijimherfs. 54S Twentieth. 87 Engine No. 15, 20th and Spring. 88 W. J. Patton's old house, Talbot talbot and Pat- ton. 89 667 First, between Sheridan and Arthur. 90 Falling School, Porter, near Front. 91 County store room. Third and Hopker. 92 75 Gibbs. corner ilth. 93 815 Front, corner Whittaker. 94 863 Corbett. 95 Holman School.' Corbett and Bancroft. 96 Northeast corner Corbett and Seymour. 97 Third and Miles, ft" 1565 Macadam. 09 1695 East 13th, between Umatilla and Harney. 100 Northwest corner East 17th and Clatsop, Sellwood. 101 1663 East 13th. between Umatilla and Tenino. 102 Gatewood real estate office, 568 Umatilla between 13th and lath. 103 Sellwood Y. M. C. A., 15th and Spokane. Ktruhlmsn'. Hall. 13th and Spokane. 106 Or. Cahlll's office. Mliwaukle and Bybee street. 106 Midway hose bouse, Mliwaukle and South street. IO'i 657 Beedway, near Milwaukle. log Club bouse, corner Charles and Shelby street, Berkeley. 109 442 1 60th avenue. S. E., between 44th and 4otu street. 110 Woodstock M. E. church, basement, 60th aveuue, northwest corner 44th street. 111 Southwest corner 41st and Holgate. 112 501O 41st street, S. E., between SOtU and 52d avenue. 113 5626 (Kith avenue. S. E., -between 66th and 571b. streets. 114 ro5 72(1 street, Millard avenue Station. il.T Woodmere Hall, Woodmere Station. H(j Uarage, 50tn avenue, between 73d and 74th streets. 117 Own residence. 118 Office Grays Crossing Land Co., Grays Crossing. East 74th and Powell. 119 Building Second avenue and Mount Scott carllue. Lenta. 120 Coffmau's Uarage, South Main street, Lents. ' ; 121 Mount Scott Printing Co. building. North Main stn-et, Lents. 122 Grange Hall. Lents. 123 Enpiue No. 31, 67th street and 46th ave nue. 124 Northwest corner 40th avenue and 70th street, residence, curllne. Lenta. 125 W. O. W. Hall, East 65th, between '45U avenue and Foster. 126 6321 45th avenue, between 63d and 64th streets. 127 Old South Mount Tabor school. East 65th and Division. 128 Idlemsn Real Estate office. East 60th and Division. 129 6533 Foster, between 64th and 66th streets. 130 6020 Foster Road, Stewarts Station. 131 4533 62d, between 45tb and 46th avenues. 132 Creston school, Powell, near East 4Stb. 133 Fowles Grocery, 3421 East 60th street. e. E.. near Powell. 134 Hall, southwest corner East 43d and Division. . 136 Richmond Garage,' southeast corner East iwth and Division. 136 Engine No. 25, France and Greenwood avenue. 137 Northwest corner East 29th and Glad stone. 138 653 East 21st, near Powell. 139 Clinton Kelly Manual Training , school. Eaat 28tb and Franklin. 140 Metoalf Grocery, southeast corner East 33d and Division. 141809 Clinton, between 25th and 26th. 142 its Clinton, between East 20tn ana feast 21st. - 143 613 Milwaukle, corner Cole. 144 Back room. 694 Milwaukle. 145 Southwest corner Milwaukle and Bismark 146 Brooklyn hotel office. Grand avenue and Divis; ton. 147 loo East 6th between Eaat Grant and East Lincoln. 148 Engine No. 23, East 7th, between Steph ens and East xiarnaon. 149 327 Grand avenue, between Market and Mia. ISO Evangelical church. East 16th and Pop lar. 151 989 Division, between East 33d and 34th. 152 Secidence, 296 East 32d, between Haw thorne and East Market. 153 1024 Hawthorne, ueteen East 34th and East 35th 154 399 East 39th. between Eas. Grait and Eaat Lincoln 155 1104 Hawthorne, between 37th and 38th. 156 Lewthwaite Garage, Hawthorne and East 4tn street. 1571406 Hawthorne, between 60th and 51st 158 245 Grand avenue, between East Main and East Madison 159 153 V, Grand avenue, between East Mor rison and Belmont. 160 104 Grand avenue, between East Alder and East Washington. 161 Southwest corner Grand avenue and East Stark. 162- Southeast corner East 7th and East Pine. 163 East Side Library. East 11th and East Alder. K 4 Frances ft Kadderly Garage. Bast 13th and Hawthorne. 166 Northeast corner East 17th and East Madison, basement. 166 Davies Garage, East 14th. between Bel mont and East Morrison. 167 Stark street, entrance Washington high school. 168 695 East Morrison, corner East 201 h. 169 146 East 20th, corner East Morrison. 1 170 Barnes building, northeast corner East ' 20th and Hawthorne. . 171 Belmont Cleaners, East 29th, between Belmont and Yamhill. 172 Northwest corner .East 29th and East . Stark. 173 1013 Belmont, between East 33d and 34th. 174 Southeast corner East 33d and Belmont. 175 Garage, East 28th, between East Maia and East Madison. 176 261 East 37th, corner East Madison. 177 Engine House, East 36th and Belmont, 17b 1039 Belmont, between East 34th and 35th. 179 144 East 39th, between Belmont and East Stark. '' 180 1187 Eaat Madison, between East 39th and 40th. 181 Home Telephone Exchange, East 45th and East Madison. 182 Northwest corner East 45th and Bel mont. 193 Garage, East Madison, between East 51s t and 6 2d. 164 W. O. W. Hall. East 60th and East Mor rison. 185 Southweat corner East 69th and Bel- mant, 186 1986 East Stark, opposite East 79th. 187 Southwest corner East 81st and East 8tark. , ICS Engine No. 27, East 82d and East Bur side. 189 1989 East Stark, between East 79th and 80th. 190 Southwest corner East 80th and East Gllsan. 191 Northeast obraer East 74th and East Glisan. ' 192 Northwest corner Eaat 80th and East Glisan streets. 193 Basement Jonesmore school, . 81st and Tillamook. 194 Jenks Keal Estate office, 67th and Sandy boulevard. 196 Congregational Sunday school. East Gli san, between 60th and 61st. 194 Southeast corner East 69th and East ' ' Glisan. 197 1580 East Glisan, between East 60th and 61st. ioh Southeast corner 47th and Bast Glisan. 199 Northwest corner East 62a and East 200 Engine No.' 23, East 66th and Sandy boulevard. 201 1234 Sandy boulevard, between East 4 2d and 43d. 202 West end Laurelhurct office. East 39 th and Gllaan. 203 865 Sandy boulevard, between East 28th and 20th. 204 42 East 28th, between East Couch and Davis. 206 2fe East 23th, near East Ankeny. 206 East 27th and Couch, street, entrance Kearns school. 207 T. J. Nealand's Garage, northwest cor ner 22d and East Ankeny. 208 East Side Baptist church. East 20th and East Ankeny. 209 Mrs. Maber's Garage, 674 East Couch, corner 14th. 210 Southwest corner East 11th and East Everett, church basement. 211 507 East Burnside, between East 10th and East 11th. 212 Southwest corner East 6th and East Burn- side. 213 Osborne -hotel, Grand avenue and East Ash. 214 9 Union avenue North, between East Couch and Davis. 215 Garage. 739 Sandv boulevard, between East 21st and 22d. 216 241 East 21st, tetween Multnomah and Oregon. 217 Nicolal's Garage, Hasaalo. between East - 8th and th. 218 Engine No. 13, northwest corner Grand avenue and Multnomah. 219 326 Holladay avenue, between East First and Second. 220 247 Holladay. near Larabee. 221 160 Broadway, east end Broadway blrdge. 222 Basement 434 Larrabee avenue, corner Dupont. 223 245 Broadway, corner Wheeler.. 224 333 Union avenue. North, between Halsey and Widler. 225 5S6 Broadway, between Eaat 14th and Kast lath. 226 McMonles Garage, East 17th, between cos 3 0 Kennvler and Hancock. I 227 Yerstecg's Garage, 694 Broadway, near j tatn. 228 Garage. East 22d, between Tillamook ana Thompson. 229 Engine No. 18, East 24th, between Tilla mook and Thompson. 230 Boulevard Garage, 1209 Sandy boulevard, between 41st and 42d. 231 596 East 67th, between Sandy boulevard and Stanton street. 232 Hubbell ft Son's Meat Estate office. East 52d sjmI Sandy boulevard. 233 Piries' Garage, southwest corner East 41st and. Knott. 234 Northeast corner East 24th and Knott, real Mtate office. 235 Garage, northeast corner Eaat 16th and Brasee. 236 Manual Training school. Irvington school. 237 678 Union aveuue, southeast corner Gra ham. 238 Bleid's Garage. . southwest corner 10th and Thompson. 239 400 Union avenue. North, between Bra- zee and Sacramento, 240 147 Union avenue. North, between Eu gene and Tillamook. 241 3o2 Russell street, between Williams and Rodney. 212662 Williams avenue, between Graham and Knott. 243 702 Williams avenue, between Cook and Ivy. 244 723 Williams avenue, between Fremont and Ivy. 215647 Williams, between Morris and Mon roe. 246 232 Kusi-ell, between Flint and Ganten- bein. . " 247 136 UueselL between Borthwick and Al- blna. 248 137 Bussell street, between Borthwick ' and Albina. 249 681 Mississippi avenue, betweeu Cook and Monroe. 250 861 Maryland, between Shaver and Mason. 251 ISO Willamette boulevard, near Gay street. 252 78 East Killingsworth, between Michigan and Missouri. 253 Latham's Keal Esiate offire. Skidmore, between Mississippi and Michigan. 254 781 Mississippi avenue, northwest corner Buchanan. 255 772 Mississippi avenue, between Buchan an and Fremont. 256 809 Williams avenue, between Buchanan and Falling. 257 929 Williams aven-ie. between Sktdmore and MaiHili. 258 Gnrage No. 1130 Albina' avenue, corner Brabiard. 259 Wood's carpenter shop. 860 Williams, , between Shaver and Mason. 260 949 Union avenue. North, opposite Fres- " 261 1015 Union avenue. North, between Wy- gant and Alberta. 262 806 Union avenue. North, between Falling and Buehauau. oa Smithwef mnwr East fith and Mason. 264 69 Union avenue, between Wygant and uoing. 265 Maguire's Real Esate office, 15th and Prcscctt f; 266 672'4 Alberta, between Eaat 18th and lth. . . . 267 712 Alberta, between 20th and Zlat. 268 Keal Estate office. Eaat 29 La, between Mason and Duntley. 269 Mrs. Griffith's Garage, East S3d and Alberta. . 270 Plumbing shop, 889 Alberta, between 28th and 29th. 271 Oorrall'a Garage, northwest comer Eaat 16th aad Kuungswortn. 272 691 Alberta, northeast comer East 19th. 27a Tin shop. 858 Alberta, between 12th and 274 Piedmont Garage, northeast corner Union and summer street. 278 Swan'a Real estate office. Church street, between Union and Grand avenues. 276 444 Dekum, between East 7th an Btn streets. . 277 555 Dekum, between Morse and Winona. 278 427 Durham, between Dekum and Ma- drona. 279 Woodlawn school basement. Union ave nue and Dekum. 280 Besidencc, 1159 Rodney, corner Killings worth. 281 131 Killingsworth, corner Albina avenue. 22119 Killingswortn. 283 Kenton club. Ruasett, between Fatten and Fen wick. 284 Kenwood hotel, Kenton. 285 Arbor Lodge, fire hall. Arbor lodge Sta- tIon- . Aon if iiiinirKwnrth. corner Gar street. 287 Zygowskl Real Estate office, Greely street, between Alnswortu and Holman. 2P8 1587 Peninsular, between Lombard and 289 463 Lombard, between Wabash and Washburn. I 2SO rChurch basement, northeast corner Flfke and Lombard. 291 680 Lombard, between Stockton and i 292 808 Lombard, near Ports month. 29a Glass Brothers, Real Estate office, 815 Lombard. Debate Challenge Hurled by Barzee Proposed Creation of Industrial De partment Topic? ChaUeng-e Aimed at aeorge C. Hason. A challenge for a debate on the proposed creation of an industrial de partment, which is on the November ballot was issued today by C. W. Bar zee to George C. Mason, manager of the Non-Partisan league. In issuing the challenge Mr. Barzee says that he considers the measure of importance because it deals with the problem of the unemployed. He wishes to debate the proposition further, for the reason, he says, that the discussion between himself and Mason before the Business Men's dub recently was too limited and received as a result but little press notice. He suggests that the debate be held at the public library but is willing to talk some other place at an early date of Mason's choosing. Another Hold-Up Party. Centralia, Wash., Oct. 24. A holdup yesterday afternoon held up Louis Lallos, a Greek and foreman of the mill company, at Helsing Junction and robbed him Of about $15. The holdup is believed to be the same one who has held up the Jaaska store at the junction three times within the past month. 008 & SX358l&33 INALIENABLE RIGHTS OF THE PUBLIC FORM WHARF BILLS' BASIS ntent of Proposed Acts Per fectly Plain Though Oppo- , - n i ai r x ; nentS rUrpOSely UbtUSCate i j . nnftTWT a oti a fior-rf rnuitui hoiuml uocno Owners of Foreshore Who Kits Uved Up to Tract Imposed Must Be Compensated. By J. B. Ziegler. Every law has or should have a basis in some accepted principle of human justice. The law to be per manent must be as solidly founded upon such basis as a house upon its foundations. The basic principle may be ob scured by the expressed terms to meet the specific causes giving rise to the acts, and are often obscured by modi fications introduced by opponents of its purpose. The basic principle of the wharf bill (328 and 330) is obvious, and yet nas been overlooked and disregarded even by judges on the bench. They have obscured it in consideration of private equities which have grown up on the shores of navigable waters un der the pioneer policy of leaving Im provements to the upland owner. A great jurist in adjudicating a California case has said: "I do not see that such considerations (private equities) should be allowed to affect the determination of principles of law of such fundamental importance to the welfare of the state." The error of the Oregon court was a grave one and overruled the accepted principle established by a long line of decisions in the state. I think I can make it plain. The court refused the state and city the right to Improve an unimproved piece of the foreshore, held by a claimant as upland, ' down to the low water and to the pier-head line under the wharf act of 1862. The basic principle Is the pdblic right of all the people to benefit by the use of all navigable waters for commerce and navigation, .according to their need. The authority to protect this right is reserved, ii the federal constitution, to congress, and is vested in the war department, which limits Its Jurisdic tion by harbor lines established from time to time located everywhere within the banks of the river. The state and its subject munici palities have a concurrent right to locate other pierhead lines for the same purpose benefit of cemmerce on condition merely that they are made accessible to ships. (Mont gomery v Portland.) The occupancy by any private indi- A. W. XlAJPTEKTT Speaking dates for tonight, which will be kept, rain or shine. Music by union musicians. Everybody invited. 8 p. m. Mississippi Ave. and Rus sell St. 8:16 Commercial St. and Cook Ave. 8:30 Mississippi Ave. and Shaver St. 8:46 Albina Ave. and Blandena St. 9:00 Albina Ave. and Portland Blvd. 9:15 Albina Ave. and Pippin St. 9:80 At Kenton. A W. LAFFERTY, 738-36 Pittock Blk. (Paid Advertisement) r :.' i r iv 1 vilnal within V, lmmmt tu-i,ni a tV tit navigable waters the - ordinary . high water line is conditional, for the bei eflt of public commerce and naviga tion, and - subordinate to- the public right therein. If they' use it in loyal consistence with this trust. ; their right of occu pancy is a valid one which cannot be taken , away without compensation; but If they do not so use it, if they fail to establish any public utility upon,' It, or to ' improve it i at all. It they merely capitalise it according to the public need of a use which their occupancy deprives the public;', such use is not in consistence with the pub lic right to which it. is subservient. ana ine puouc. nas a rignt to reoccupy the property and evoteit to the use to which American law has subject- ed it. When a court upholds an unused and the public has a right to reoccupy Mair 49. Gambrinu T rac ' i'i After the hunt, a bottle of , jjy deer, ,h :;sj TO j-3 Spokaii gfjiN the!;.: By Day 4 . j j By Night 9:55 A.M. Leave Portland-7.25 P. M. 9:4-5 P. M. Arrive Spokane47:20A. M. 4 . . iff via ; The NORTH BANK ROAD Men, money and material made The North Ban Road the twentieth-century construction standard. The engineers' attainment of easy gTade and curve produces the smoothness train movlmcat' for whichthis line is noted. The best equipmertgives everyicmo fort obse'nration, parlor, dining and sleeping ca, and: large om fortablecoachei. jj Tickets, parlor and sleeping-car accommodatis and details at: CITY TICKET OFFICE, Fifth and Stark Strata. NORTH BANK STATION. Tenth nd Hoyt Street. NEW THROUGH SLEEPING CAR SERVICE VIA ' GREAT NORTHERN RilLWAY PORTLAND to VANCOUVER, BC. NORTHBOUND TRAIN N(X 456 ' Leaving Portland 5 p. m. daily, now jarries through Standard Sleeping Car, arriving Vancou ver, B. C, 7:30 a. mJ This is a very desirable train for busk business men and others, as practically no time is lost. EXCELLENT DINING-CAR SERVICE SIMILAR SERVICE RETURNING Two Other Good Train Leave Portland Daily 10 a.m. and 12:30 midnight For Tacoma, Seattle, Vancouver, Ef C:, and in termediate points. l i All trains from NORTH BANK STATION, Elev-, enth and Hoyt streets. - Tickets,5 parlor ,and sleepingareservations at City Ticket Office, 348 Washingtonfltreet (Morgan Building), ana at uepot. H. Dickson, CP.&T.A. I GbbM I i private claim agftfcsst the public, as merely a "private lroprty subject t private speculation ' it violates the asie principle ; ofjfighe public rliawte ter of navigable wafers, works a great economic injury ijOjjpon the common wealth, controverjjsg American eonstl- : tutlonal law, an-i will, after greats harm, is done, beisljverrule'J. ijy - Diaz Is ipot. Dead. Paria. Oct. 24.A definite denial was received f romjiplarritx, where" ex President Diaii IslstaylnR. of the re port that the formjn Mexican exei-utlva was dead. :: -xf . Artificial flowea for , millinery are being made to en;jone tiny incandes cent lamps, whichin he supplied with current from storage batteries hidden inside their wearrf hats. good old Brewing CoJ A-1149 BEST m . Telephones Marshall 3071 A-2286 k and Tiraiiri 1 3 ' -