The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 24, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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(Littletoriay forDedtinie
f ". After nil. It wasn't n
Lj' - that he wan. laugtiin
Old Man Coyote JLaughg at Bowser'
'-.Old Man Coyote laughed In glee
To hfiar poor Bowaer yell.
- It wawn't nice, of him at all,
Nor Is It nice to tell.
-And yet Old Man Coyote Isn't to toe
wholly rblamod for laughing when
liowecr the Hound run straight Into
trouble. Of course, it wasn't a bit
'tile, of him to laugh, hut what could
you expect when lie knew that tha
w irouiiie into wmcn Howuer naa bunaiy
run ' had leon trvDared for himself?
ho much at Bowser
g an at Bowser's
master, who, you know. Is Farmer
Brjpwn's Hoy. Old Man Coyote was
laughing to think how he had been
mart enough to outwit Farmer
Brown's Boy and lead Bowser right
Into the trouble which had been in
tended for him.
W'liun Farmer Brown's Boy had
started out that morning to look at
the trapa he had set' for Old'Man Coy
ote, there had ben a great cackling
and squawking of fright among the
tluks and-chickens, and Bowsep ha,
started right away, to find out what H
meant. ' Right away lie had found the
fresh1 "tratkH of Old Man Coyote, Just
as tMj latter had meant that he should.
In- fart. Old Mkn Coyote had fright
ened the ducks and chickens just so
that Bowser would - try to find out
what the matter was. Off Bowser
had Marled on Old Man Coyote's trail.
Marking at the. top of his lungs. Old
Man Coyote kept Just far enough
ant-ad of Dowser to make him think
that he would catch up in a few mln
VteH. Straight away across the Green
il"u(liw went. Old Man Coyote toward
the fir corner, where his home ( was.
Old Cranny Fox and Reddy Fox
heard Bowwer's voice and they knew
what It meant. They hadrheard It so
often behind them that now they
looked at each other and grinned to
think thut it meant trouble for some
one ele, and particularly because it
meant that Old .Man Coyote was hav-
-ing to run for his life. At least they
supposed- that dial was what he wad
doing.- you know, they have no love
for Old Man Coyote, old Grunny Fox
was very much nurpritted when she
fcaw that he wan running straight for
Ms home. She turned up her nose".
"I always supposed that Old Man
Coyoto was risnably smart," said
the, but I wax mistaken. A 6 months'
old Fox would know better than to go
to his home until he Just had to and
Was sure that he couldn't fool the dog.
Hello, what's that? What's happened
to that silly dog?"
"I always supposed that Old Man
Coyote was reasonably smart,"
Both she and Reddy pricked up their
ears. They heard just what Farmer
Brown's Boy- heard and which set him
to running as fasf as he could yelps
and howls of pain and fright from
Bowser- the Hound, you see. Old Man
Coyote hadn't ueen stupid at all, as
Granny supposed. He had gone
straight home for a purpose, and that
purpose was to get Bowser the Hound
into the very trouble which was mak
ing him howl so now. As he drew near
his home Old Man Coyote had allowed
Bowser to almost catch up with him,
and Bowser had grown so excited that
he couldn't think of anything else.
Now, Old Man Coyote knew just ex
actly where each trap was that Farm
er Brown's Boy had set for him, and
when he reached the first of these he
lightly jumped over it. '
But Bowser wasn't thinking of traps.
He could think of nothing but catching
Old Man Coyote. When he reached the
trap, which, you know, was hidden, he
didn't see or smell, It. He. put one
foot squarely into It. Snap! Two
cruel steel jawa seized Bowser's leg,
and he was a prisoner! He was caught
in the very way that Farmer Brown's
Boy had meant that Old Man Coyote
should be caught. And. sitting down
just a" little way off and laughing at
him, was Old Man, Coyote himself.
Next story: "Poor Old Bowser."
By Paul West.
War noat: Nuthing doing, evvery
thlng being so ple.ssunt we are a littel
afrada Miss Palmer aint fealing so
Singing Xisvan.
When singing started this moarning
Miss Palmer sed, "Beginning rite now
We will have it understood, thay are
, to be no excewses like last yere abowt
Boar throtes or anything. Kvvery
body is got to sing, so we will start
rite, & if annyhoddy doant do the best
thay can I have a littel instrewmunt
that wll mailt them mebbe, meneing
'.the rattain. So now let us talk books
thare." She looked kind of foolish,
but what could she do? Andy An
defson says Jack is getting to be al
moast as smart as him in thoase
, Tli Stebbins Twins.
Torp. Stebbins says he newer sean
such smart baibles as his new twins,
of which thay have got 2. When'wun
Is crying the uther wun aint & thay
talk terns, so' each wun oanly has to
do abowt as much crying as a sin
gel baiby would to attrack attention.
Grate teme werk, say we!
No school tomorrer.
Then she sjw It -was Francis.
r& sing that pritty song, 'Oh how I fuv
my school!' Begin! W-un, 2 8!"
We - are not. usually worried by
S'oise.8, but the things which happlned
'then: was pritty bad, espeshully, Andy
Anderson, he being oaver with the
- tenners but his v.oise sounding like it
wali down in the seller. Ml,ss Palmer
stoptted & sed what wari the matter, &
Andy xed, .
''I'lewc. Miss Palmer, it Is becawse
my .voine is ;hainging. I think it
would tie a good idee to give me J or )
dirfrunt books, & when I felt it.
curnming on base I could sing base;
then when it cum on suddinly ten
ner! could sing that part, & so on."
MIks Palmer Fed that sounded
, iwite good & she would think it
oaver, bilt In the meentlme Andy
could keep rttlil. So thay started agen
A- this time thay was the moast
horrlbul screachlng you ewer herd.
-Miss Palmer put her! fingers in her
ears & sed "Wei, who is the funny
persun?'.' Hut the noise kep rite on,
:.. & . then she sean it was Francis, the
- school cat, which had got her tale
taught In the dore when the wind
; ' tliimmed it shut.
That was reely the plessuntest part
of the lessun St we hoap Francis will
attend the next wun.
A Smart Boy.
When we had riling today, Miss
Palmer- sed thay had bin altogether
- tgo manny fellers blotting thare books
& frum now uii evveryboddy which
: got a blot on his book would get 2
-.Whack of the rattan. Jack Stanton
was riting just then & umboddV
' kicked his elbow ncksidentully & he
got abowt 50 blots on his book. Miss
Palmer, was" curnming down the Isle
A qwick as winking Jack just
took his thumb & maid all the
By Edna K. Wooley.
"Poor Dorothy!" sighed the hostess
to her out-of-town visitor, when the
last of her luncheon guests had de
parted. "Did you notice how jolly she tried
to be, trying to hide the hurt in her
"1 noticed ehe ate vet-y little, ' spoke
the visitor, "and there seemed to be
something strained about her. She's
changed awfully since we went to
school together." -
"It's that husband of hers. My dear,
if my Will wasn't - such la wonde
among men I'd advise evey girl no
to marry, for I've seen so ipuch mar
ried unhappiness just amorffj the girls
I grew up with. And then, when I
begin-thinking that all men are selfish
and inconsiderate, 1 bring myself up
with a jerk, . because there's Will
and there must be some more like him,
and 1 certainly wouldn't want to keep
any girl from a marriage like mine."
"But Dorothy's husband seemed such
a good sort," said the visitor. "He's
the last man 1 would have expected
to see neglecting his wife for an
pther woman. Why, he positively dot
ed on Dorothy, and he was perfectly
foolish over the babies. I neve: saw
a happier man than Joe was simply
wrapped up in his home and family.
He never looked at another girl till
he-, began going wfth Dorothy; You
know, we girls were all kind'of smit
ten with him, but he never seemed to
care a snap for "any of us until he
saw her.'"
'Everybody, is blaming Joe' now;'
said the hostess, ' and pitying In's poor
wire. tsut IT I could get up a tar-
and-feather party, it's the 'other wo
man who Would cet a surprise visit
from some of us wives.
"Joe never- riieant to do anything
wrong. I believe that this minute he
thinks more of his wife and familv
than anything else on earth. But this
woman she isn't even divorced
simply laid her eyeotj him and marked
him for her own. He didn't run after
Tier. He didn't know !- ran aftor
him. But she never let the man get
away from her hypnotic influence from
me rirst moment. It was a little
party here, a cosy tea chat there,
something she must have advice about,
a motor outing that wouldn't be per
fect without him, et cetera. At first
there were a few others invited, but
after a' while be was the only 'one
and the time came when Joe was in
her apartment more than he was home.
"She is a regular vampire woman.
She has done the same thing with
other men. It makes no diffeience
whether they are married or not. She
can wean a man away from everything
that Is good and sweet and who.usorae.
There are some women like tlwt. you
know. They have a peculiar fascina
tion for men. And somehow the men
never seem to realize U. Now you
couldn't tell Joe anything about this
woman. He'd lr.ugh at ;ou and say
you were prejudiced. He believes his
wife is Jealous and trying to hamper
his freedom, because she is fighting to
keep him loyal as a father and hus
band. I believe he sometimes hates
her because she gets in the way of
his championship of the woman who
rules him."
"I wonder why it is that a man never
recognizes danger in such a woman,"
mused the visitor. "Coming her in the
train there jwas a girl of that type.
All she had to do was to "raise her
heavy-lidded eyea and. look at a man.
and he was immediately her slave.
Even th old men fell all over them
selves to get her attention."
"I presume It's masculine vanity In
the beginning." again sighed the hos
tess. "No man thinks he can be a
lave to any woman, and so he neglects
to fight shy of the temptress before It
Is too late."
By Edna K. Wooley.
"Most everybody has a grouch in
our place." said the dark haired girl.
"We've got a pretty good boss, too,
when it comes to that. He pays as
good wages as anybody, and we're
fixed pretty comfortable. But he's
such an old grouch. He's nice enough
to any of his own women folks when
they come down to the office, or to
any visitors; but he seems to think
the folks that work for- him . aren't
worth treating with politeness. Ar.u
no matter how well anybody does, he
never gives praise. But Just make a
mistake! Wow! He lands on your
neck with both feet and then some.
He calls you down before the whole
office.' Honest, I can't blame every
body for being sore. The people in
our place are just working for tht
money they get that's all. I wish
you could get me a place in your office."
"Our office wasn't always like It
is," declared the older girl. "We used
to have a manager who didn't think
women counted, at all. There aren't
many women in our place, anyway,
and he used to huddle us in out-of-the-way
dark corners, where we never
got a 'breath of air and scarcely had
room to turn around. The men got all
the nice, light places by the windows,
even If their work wasn't as important
as ours. There wasn't even a wash
room In the building for the women!
We had to go to the public toilet in
the office building next door. It's no
wonder the, girls were homesick half
the time, but our manager said that
was the trouble with women in busi
ness they were always sick and you
couldn't depend on them.
"Then the management changed. The
first thing we knew there was an army
of workmen cleaning up the place. My,
how the cockroaches did scatter! And
the mouse nests they found under old
desks that hadn't been moved In years!
And when we girls saw a little pri
vate room just for us being built at
one end of the hall we could hardly
believe our eyes.
"The new manager did away with
the artificial lights and moved all the
desks neaEdfelBwtndows. My eyes got
better right away': He went down the
line, weeded out the incompetents, and
raised salaries that ought to have. been
raised ages ago. And the best of all
was that he always came in mornings
with a chuckle and a 'Good morning
to the whole bunch. Say there wasn't
a face that didn't light up when that
man came around.
"It just seemed like a fresh breeze
went right through that old place and
chirked us all up. We buckled down
to our work and did twice as much
as we ever did. We didn't have to
stay home sick so much. Headaches
are a rarity now. And our business
is. booming.
"We know we've got to make good,
of course. We know our manager is
keeping track of every one of us. But
he does it in a friendly way, and when
do anything particularly well he
One of the many new
ideas in
mixed with fudge- or caramels. Just as
the candy la taken from the stove.
Carameled nuts also are good and
easy to make.
Carameled Nuts. Boll a cupful of
sugar to the caramel stage, add a few
drops of lemon juic. Blanch some
nuts and drop one at a time into the
sugar, turn each nut well until it is
covered without stirrirrg the sugar,
lift it carefully out with a spoon and
place it on an oiled - slab. Do not
drain the nuts while lifting them out
and enough sugar will remain to form
a clear ring of candy around eacb
one. If the sugar becomes hard be
for the nuts are all done return it to
the fire to heat; if necessary add a
cupful of water and boil it to the
right degree.
Kougat. Blanch, chop aid dry one
cupful of almonds. Melt i one cupful
of powdered sugar with one1 teaspoon
ful of lemon juice, stirring all the
time. When it is thoroughly melted
and a delicate color, turn ,in the hot
almonds. Mix them together and turn
into an oiled tin. Press down the
nougat evenly, leaving it an inch
thick. Cut it in Inch squares before
it becomes hard.
Jfvtt Salads. Of course, the Waldorf
Salad, nut meats, celery and apples
chopped together and served with a
mayonnaise dressing, is well known,
but many other good nut combinations
may be invented. Chopped nuts in a
fruit salad are good, and finely
chopped nuts added to a mayonnaise
dressing make a good filling for whole
tomatoes, and a delicious addition to
lettuce sandwiches.
Baggage .Boom at
Union Depot Will
Accept Packages
Through the courtesy of- the
0.-W. R. & N. company, be-
lated packages for The Jour-
nal's Christmas Ship will be re-
ceived for transmission as late
as 5 o'clock Monday afternoon,
provided they are delivered at
the baggage room at the Union
depot. ?
These packages should be se-
curely wrapped and labeled
"For The Journal Christmas
Ship Car" and with the con-
tents indicated on the outside.
No perishable articles will
be received. V
The railroad company has
tendered the free use of a
large baggage car which will be
handled to New York over the
O.-W. R. & N.. the Oregon
Short Line, the Union Pacific,
the Northwestern and the Erie.
This car will carry the contri-
butions from Portland to re-
lieve the war sufferers in Eu-
he did not see his way clear to rec
ommend the work as the improvement
of dedicated roads other than those
opened by the county or by petition
is not advocated by the board.
Notice from the Sun-Dial ranch,
through H. C. Campbell, president, that
the road from Fairview to the Colum
bia river is ready for acceptance was
referred to. Roadmaster Yeon and
County Surveyor Holbrook for recommendations.
McDougall Elected Governor.
Chicago. Oct. S4.-rExaifner W. D,
McDougall : of the Chicagil Clearing '
House asortatlon -has been-f elected gov-,
ernor of the Chicago distinct regional
reserve bank. -H
A recently invented ou(f)or amuse
ment device for children;? Is boetJ
shaped see-saw which i'yo revolves
like a merry-go-round.
Jack made all the little blots into
one big blot.
little blots Into wun big blot
-Miss Palmer sed for him to go rite In
the dressing room & she would give
him a good wun for such a site, but
he sed, "Too sad oanly- 2 whacks for
wun blot & that is all. I havs got
comes around and says so.
rney re always preacning to us
clerks to do our duty and be on the
Job every minute," said the dark one;
out it seems 10 me ir tneya ao a
little preaching to some of our
bosses, too, it might hit the right
"Exactly," agreed the older woman.
"An employer who isn't on the job in
the right spirit can't expect much
more from the people that work for
Deaths at Ashland.
Ashland. Or.. Oct. 24. Martin Angel,
dead at the age of 68 years, was the
first male white child born in Jackson
county. His father was murdered by
Rogue' River Indians between Medford
and Jacksonville in the '50s. Martin
pioneered In the Puget sound eountry,
and helped lay out the city of Tacoma.
James Kershaw, who died in Granite
City hospital, following an operation
for cancer of the liver, was known as
"The Angora Goat King." He was the
first man to introduce Angora goats
into this regian.
Miller at Myrtle' Point.
Myrtle Point, Or. Oct. 24. Milton
A. Miller of Portland addressed an en
thusiastic political meeting here to
night, discussing state and national
issues. Senator Chamberlain, Dr. C.
J. Smith for governor, and Frederick
Hollister for congress are especially
strong here.
By Lillian E. Young.
A decided change in the lines of
dresses always means a change In
the fashioning of undergarments, for
the latter must always coincide with
the former. Up to the present we
have lor some time had only the
smoothest fitting underclothes, with
the minimum of bulk or fulness, that
they would in no way interfere with
close lines of outside clothing. But
now come fuller skirts and, to keep
them company, fuller underskirts. That
does not mean bulk, of course, for
they are made only in thin and supple
stuffs. However, some interestingly
new designs are appearing, and lovers
of dainty lingerie will surely find
pleasure in reproducing them.
In the accompanying cut is shown
a corset cover and petticoat to match
that may or may not be Joined at the
waist The material used is white
crepe de chine, though fine nainsook
or handkerchief linen will work up
as well.
The interesting feature of the corset
cover is the double strap arrangement
over the shoulder the second one
forming a sort of shield. The front
closing is cut in square tabs and the
edges of the entire cover are button
holed while a simple design in English
eyelet work adorns the body portion.
The petticoat consists of straight
breadths of material laid about the
waist in flat box folds, run through
with ribbon-strung eyelets and leaving
a self heading. Maybe you will think
this cumbersome, but it will not be so
made up in thin material.
The space from, knee to hem is
embroidered and th lower edge cut
in rose scallops.
Just by way of a hint this will
make a dainty trousseau or Christ
mas gift, if some one is fond of
By Mary Iiee.
Now is the season of nuts. They
will soon be cheap and plentiful in
the city and are to be gathered in
the country for the cost of a little
The common hickory nut is espe
cially plentiful and while they are
small, they have a great deal of
flavor and are well worth gathering
to use in cooking and also for salting.
Here is a good recipe for salting
Pour a tablespoonf ul of oil over
every cupful of nuts. Let them stand
in the oil for an hour, and then add
a tablespoonful of fine salt to each
cupful. Stir them well, place them in
a shallow pan and set in the oven
until they are colored a light brown.
Stir them occasionally while they are
in the oven, so that they will be even
ly colored. Turn them into a paper
to dry and shake off the loose salt
before serving. It is not necessary to
use the oil, a small piece of butter
put into the pan is the most usual
way. If desired, the walnuts may be
blanched before salting, by immersing
them in boiling water for a few min
utes and then rubbing off the skins.
anxt Candies Both walnuts and
hickory nuts are delicious, chopped or
On the list of the Fruit and
Flower Mission is one mother,
in particular, who is in desper
ate need of work of any sort
that will enable her and her
little child to live. They have
been making their home in a
basement room for which they
paid $2 -a month. Now the child
has fallen ill and the Visiting
Nurse association has told the
mother she must move as the
damp room is largely respons
ible for the child's illness. The
mother has tramped the streets
for days in an unsuccessful
search for work and is willing
to do anything. Her need is
grealt and immediate. Anyone
with work for her may tele
phone to the day nursery of the
mission, A-3394, Marshall 1723.
Salem, Or., Oct. 24. The state
printing office plant saved $350 on a
carload of book paper by ordering it
before the war got under way, it was
stated yesterday by Secretary Plimp
ton. The carload has just been de
livered. Conditions for getting roads built
economically are good just now, ac
cording to State Highway Engineer
Bowlby. For instance, men working
on the Hood River highway are paid
2 per day and out of this they pay
board at the rate of $6 per week and
a hospital fee of $1 per month. This
leaves $5.75 a week, a total of $23
per month. In rock work Italians
are the most efficient, having learned
in their native land the way to build
walls that will be permanent and not
prove too costly.
The following hearings have been
set by the state railroad commission:
Fayettville, October 30, flag stop; Al
bany, November 5, minimum charge of
power by Oregon Power company;
Salem. November 6,- physical connec
tion of the tracks of the Southern
Pacific and Oregon Electric railroads.
Labor Commissioner Hoff estimates
In his annual report that messages or i
talks in 1914 have totaled 204,155.r
456, indicating that the lines have!
been fairly busy. Miles of wire totaled '
345,372, and telephones numbered 182.
650. There are 315 lines or systems
in thetate.
During the year ending June 30,
Corporation Commissioner Watson
turned down 33 companies which de
sired to do business in the state of
Oregon, the total capitalization being
$26,448,000 in stock and $1,430,000 in
bonds, according to his annual' report,
now in course of preparation. This
would mean a total capitalization o
$27,878,000 involved. Wat.son also re
fused to permit the sale of $6,697,833 of
stock by other concerns.
A letter from J. S. Beall. suggesting
that the county pay half of $200 ex
pense of installing an exhibit of
county products at the Land Products
show next week, was filed without ac
tion. Complaint that Mrs. Elizabeth Gra
ham, chairman of the night election
board of precinct 54 is not a resident
of the precinct and is therefore not
qualified to act-was referred to ,D. G.
Tomasini for proper action.
Whidden & Lewis, architects of the
courthouse, submitted a corrected con
tract and bond between the county
and George Langford, for improve
ment of the ventilation of th boiler
and engine rooms. They were re
ferred to District Attorney Evans for
Petition of O. H. Smith, of Maple
wood, for improvement of Hoffman
road between West Portland road and
the Washington county line was re
ferred to Roadmaster Yeon.
John Denison, foreman of the Mult
nomah farm, was directed to turn a
check for $275.44. received from, th.
Union Meat company, into the county
treasury. The money was reeeived for
cows sold to the company. He sug
gested that $225 be added to the
amount and that he be authorized to
purchase cows with the money as the
farm is in great need of milk. No
action was taken on the request.
Petitions of John Roth and others
and the .Peninsula Lumber company
for improvement of road running
east from Vancouver trestle along the
Columbia river were relRerred to Com
missioner Lightnor tops investigation.
Roadmaster Yeon had reported that
That Makes It Deservedly Populd
' - I !
Registered 0. & Fittest OOc
An absolutely pie,
delicious and whole
some food beverae,
produced by a scin
tific blending If of
high-grade cocba
Beans, subjectec to
a perfect mechanical
C i'S
process or
it k
Cd the gamine made only by
Walter Baker & Co. Ltdl
I Established 1780 DORCHESTER. MASS.
-in -
do not take
Substitutes or Imitations
Get theWell-Knom fUl ,
Round Package fj1
Minnesota this year raised 8
cent fewer hogs than last year.
Absolutely Pure
Made from
Grape Groam of Tartar
Vfl la. . VyaiB
Made in the largest, best
equipped and sanitary Malted
Milk plant in the vorld
We do not make' milk pp)ducts"
Skim Milk, Condensed Milk, etc.
Bat the Original- Genuine
Made from pure, fullbream milk
and the extract of select Raited grain,
reduced to powder form, soluble in
water. The Fooddrinkor All Ages.
Used all oyer the lobe
The most economical and nourishing light gunch.
vfgH Wonderful
untu 8:30 and all day Monday.
Any Trjtnmed
Hat in the I
urea VHu, $7.00 to $15.00
eta, var Washington.
ortlancTs favorite dining
place Trie Portland Grill
"""You come to a meal here with zest and
anticipatory pleasure. .
You linger, pleased with an environ
ment of refinement, watching with in
terest the gay throngs, the smartly
dressed men, the handsomely gowned
jwomen, who, like yourself help to
jmake up the appreciative clientele of
The Portland.
The Portland's superb service is also available
for those who wish to entertain at breakfasts,
dinners, banquets, teas, card or dancing parties.
Attractive residence rates on suites and single
rooms through the Winter season.
Special . music Sunday evening you are
Tke Portland Hotel
a J. KAUFMANN, Manager
Fels-Naptha Soap was not intended to
be the "Fountain of Youth," but it fias
Mrs. Sensible Thanks
Anty Drudge
lira. Sensible "Well, Anty Drudge, I started my
housecleaning the beginning of the week, and
today I finished it. I thought I'd run. over
and let you see how Fels-Naptha Soap works
for me. I'm not even tired, and am through
this year in less than half the time it used
to take."
Anty Drudge "I wish Mrs. Oneeyoung could
m ; hear you tell me this. I was just talking to
, ; : her the other day and told her you used Fels
. Naptha Soap now. I wish I could get her to
J use it; she'd be so much happier and better."
made so many women better by making
their work easier, tliat it has .resored
their youth as well as their health.!
Fels-Naptha makes every litre of
housework easier. On washday, itillgets
the clothes out on the -line in half the
time, with half the trouble. On house
cleaning days, it whitens the paint, dfeans
the woodwork, brightens up brasgj and
takes stains out of carpets and lugs.
When youi wash dishes, it dissolves the
grease and makes silver and glassware
shine. It does all these things in c6jbl or
lukewarm water. No need to boil clothes
to whiten them. IS
iff .
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on the Red
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