If i THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 24, 1914. 1 HELP WANTED . CContlataedj -MISC. 49 MRS. HINSDALHi, -'former Instructor the Young Women's Christian Asso ciation, im now ready to take young men and women for a thorough busi ness training In shorthand, bookkeep Ing, penmanship, etc. 10 bldg. Personal Instruction. SITUATIONS FEMALE 4 s-iru-i.rT.r- - L F111? rr .-, r-, -, -i n -,. MARRIED woman with 4 children wants position as housekeeper where can take children; willing to take Place On a farm: nlilpnt hnv hHIp to help with chores; can give references; feirapre small wages. Mam 717. A-1517. UtilUoM LAW aCHOoL A inwrougu practical course lu law; no tim lost from regular occupation; recitations evenings, feamael T. Richardson, dean; M. Morehead, sec. 218-317 Couuuon Menlth bldg., Portland- Of. VM your spare time to build up a mall order business of your own. We help you start for a share In profit; 27 opportunities. Particllars free. Dept. A-1&, Opportunities Exch.. Buffalo, N. Y. MOLK barber College wants men and women to learn the trade. In 8 weeks, clean work, percentage paid wht's learning; tools free; scalp aud face massage a spec-UK; send for free cat alogue. 4t N 2d at. - HKfiP AVAXTEI FEMALE 2 WANTED Middle-aged woman for v general housework. Small wages and steady hotix-. Call at Holway's store. bentH. Ask for Mrs. Becker. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE (Continued) 8 EXPERIENCED cook, excellent in pre paring and serving dinners, day or night; will also care for children; wants steady work, or day work. Main ZlLAlBlf. MIDDLE-AGED colored woman wants permanent housekeeping place; is food cook. Will take day work, wasti ng; and Ironing. References. 1 Ta feor 427S. I STRONG, energetic young woman - wants steady work as second girl, chamberwork in hotel or pantry work. Is also experienced In- housework. Ref erencea. Main 137S. " i - - MIDDLE AGED woman, experienced in pttoiocrraDhy. wants work at once. Is also a Ilratclass housekeeper. Ad dress Mrs. Alice Peterson Canby, Or care C. K. Eaton. ONE room with kitchenette, com pletely furnished, steam heat, run ning hot and cold' water phone in every room; 7 blocks from 6th and Morrison sts.; $16.50 and up. 291 Columbia St., corner 6th St. - : 'i wo room suites ana single rooms complete for H. K., steam heat, hot, cold water; SS to 118 month. -245 N. 17th st.. cor. Marshall. Mrshl. 443. LARGE, " light, clean 2 loom suites. furnished complete for housekeep ing, $7 and $8 per month. 631 Thur man St., near 20th. --. Phone Mar. 1888. DESIRABLE housekeping rooms, single rooms 26 cents day and up. 404 Park. - . FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent. J 1.50 up. Hot air neat. Main 4053. 347 Market st. ROYCREST 12th and Yamhill, nice sunny first floor, furnace heated. suite. WANTED Ladiea to demonstrate re Kldential Worn, 82 per day and jip. 'all room 505 10 a. ni. Columbia bld. HELP WANTED MALE AND JEMALE Sitt Oregon Barber College will teach you the trade in S weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; position. guaranteed; pay while learning; tui tion reduced this term. 283 Madison. WANTED AUEN1S a VK are now ready to secure our secre taries In this territory for the plac ing of the Chautauqua Industrial art tleuk In every home where there is children; this wonderful desk is a plan to promote the culture of work and play among children in the homen. and Its value Is readily si-en by every part-fit; it is a gerat aid to the child's school work and 1h very highly in dorsed by our prominent educators; our secretaries tagenta) are making from 850 to $75 per week in other Stales. This pleasant and elevating employment, either local or outside territory. Is welting- for you; we have a fine Hystem for preparing our secre taries to sell this high class article, which soils at (6.75. 405 Couch bldg., KlS Uh Ht. BRIGHT young girl of 19 wants light housework or any kind of wohk where she' can go home nights; references- B-24 04. HousExxsraro booms WEST SIDE PRIVATE F AMUVY 73 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS 43 iContinued) THE ALTAMONT 6 th and College Clean, cozy, 3 and 4 room furnished apartments, very cheap. t Also bachelor's apartment. Heat, water, phone and Janitor ser vice included. BUENA VISTA. TWELFTH AND HARRISON. Modern 2 and 3 room furnished apartments, walking distance; references. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12tb and Taylor. Moderrf; completely furnished apts. Walking distance. References. COMPETENT woman wants chamber work or as helper in kitchen. Ad dress 340 N. 16th St. Phone A-1790. Miss Cristina Johanson. BEAUTIFUL suite furnished house keeping rooms, moderate rent, also one fine sleeping room and one small room cheap. 525 pouch st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms $2 and up per week: nice, homelike Place. lumbia. 454 Co- ELDERLY lady wants to read or write THREE nicely furnished housekeeping for invalids or others by the hour. Charges reasonable. References. Sell wood 2204. rooms. Front. gas, bath, $12.50 month. 692 NEAT appearing young woman, mucn in need of work. wants chamber work ra rooming house, or as kitchen helper; references. Main 7439. ONE, two or three clean completely furnished housekeeping rooms, walk ing distance; very reasonable. 149 13th. YOUNG lady wishes position in tailor's shop as helper or cleaning and dye- tag establishment. Marshall 3822. room 64. 361 Taylor, comfortable suites and sin gle rooms, complete for housekeeping. YOUNG girl would like to falp in store, answer phone calls, or cashier in picture show. Address 855 E. 26th St.. N, . MIDDLE-AGED woman, willing to do any Kinu or worn, wants position ai once. Experienced jn cnamberworK. Tabor 1557. TWO nice housekeeping rooms in pri vate cottage, 16th near Irving. Call 150 North 16th. 2 H. K. front rooms, first floor, $18; 2 rooms at $3. 392 Columbia st. 149 Lownsdale st. Housekeeping rooms from $1.50 to $3.50. Closeln. HOUSEKEEPING HOOMS 48 EAST SIDE SITUATIONS MALE it MIDDLE aged man would like a job as night watch for some . banking eutflt, or in some other place of busi ness, or would work in a livery barn have ranched arid vnqueroed in east ern Oregon the luHt 15 years, and can give best of references. K-233, Jour nal , t . MIDDLE-AGED, clean cut man, neither drinks nor mrioken, wants steady work 'at once. W ill take work of any kind. Has worked for years aw car sinter. Also day or night watchman, or as dock and warehouse hand. Ta- bor 1686. YOUNG man clerking in country store wishes to make a change; flvj years' experience; can give reference and cash bond if required; if you need me please answer at once. Box 41, Brock way, Oyt SINGLE man, middle' aged, can do rounh or repair carpenter work, ex perienced In painting, furniture repair ing, kitchen or day work; wants no pay unites nlvea satisfaction. Mart-hall WiHV KNKROKTIc young Italian, ningle, HpealtH good Kiinlish. experienced in yard and Harden, wants work Imme diately. an alxo drive auto. Ik a teamNtcr or would take work of any kind. HchI of reicr. ihih. J'll.341. H'T'KONG. able bodied young man, Scot' h-Irish, experienced us lath grader and porch lolumri gluer, desires work at once. Is also guud teamster. Main 7064. TWO aliie bodied young Italian men who Niii-uk some English want work of any kind. Dishwashing In restau rant or hotel, pick nd shovel, or odd Johs of anykiini. Main 717. POSITION wan-.i-d by cljaurteur of 9 years' ex pertain e with' lioth trucks alrd louring cats; A-l repairman, best of refTeicefc. G. C, 3ti-7 49th: st. S. I-.. 1 hone TatioV .i.i;: I. AOK 2i. sinyK, 4 yiurs m city, nar age and dririiig experience; take any klrnl of work, oity preferred. A K.r.:i. Journal. CAPABLE, refined woman wants to manage an apartment or rooming house and do sewing for same. Good references East 6000. REFINED young woman with 6 months old baby wants work as housekeeper in the city. References exchanged. Main 6771, room 3. EXPERIENCED second cook wants work at once or chamberwork m ho tel. References. A-5201. $1.60 TO 82.75 weeK, furnished H. K. rooms, gas. free neat, laundry, Datns. Phone East 6039. 406 Vancouver ave. YvHAiN you answer tliese Want AOs, mention The Journal HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS EAST SIDE PRIVATE FAMILT 74 WOMAN much in need of work want washing and ironing. Main 1830. 3 FURNISHED H. K. rooms for rent. sunny, clean, gas. bath. $10. Wood- lawn 1093. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 23 FUKJNISHEo houseaeeDinsr rooms. heat, light. $3 week up, 1 block L car. 622 Delay St.. near Morris. ELDERLY man and wife want posi tion where can have home and small wages in return for services. Woman good housekeeper and cook. Man can do light work about place or cut cord- wood. Main 717. TWO desirable rooms, clean, well fur nished- walking distance, rent rea sonable. 548 E. AnKeny st. ONE larr front housekeeping room 167 E. 8th st., 1 blk. south Morrison. PlIRN'ISHEn H rC Kliitnn. llfirht. hath. sinks, $2 up. 267 Knott, near Wms. DRESSMAKING 40 WilixN yot answer these mention 'ihe Journal want .rt.ua. 3 ROOM apartments, furnished or en furnished; steam - heat fireproof brick building, with lage porches on corner, outside rooms. 146 Killings worth ave. Phone C-2820 or Wood- lawn 2961. . Janitor in Apt. B. LAMBROOK APARTMENTS'. 2 and 8 room furnished. Also sin gle sleeping rooms, team heat, hot and cold water, electric lignts, pri vate phones, all tree. Prices $1 to 825. E. 7th anrl Yamhill sts B-3401. THE CODY 431 E. Taylor st., modern uric uuiiaing; an ouisiue ruumo, steam heat, phone, light, furnished; rents very reasonable;; thoroughly clean and under the personal manage- jncrn. ui mrs. ooqy. THE IRIS Apartments. 3d and Mill sts.. will be comDleted October 1; rents from $17 ud: 2. 3. 4 room, all modern improvements; largest heating plant in city; furnished or unfurnished. xo cnarge lor coking gas SHEFFIELD aDartments. 272 Broad way S.. cor. Jefferson, easy walking distance; 3 or 4 rooms, with private baths, very reasonable rent, best ser vice, splendid arrangements, all out- side rooms, direct phones. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders, offers you a mod ern 5 and 6 room home in Nob Hill dis trict witn high class service, a.t mod erate prices. Main 7516, A-2676. LIVESTOCK t Continued) a 35 S TYPEWRITERS Oontinna) 77 FIVE fresh cowa with calves from 4 l NEW. rebuilt 2nd hand, rentals, cut to 30 days old. 2 large Durhams, 3 1 rates, p. d. c. Co.. 231 Stark. M. hoy. large Jersey- and 1 Jersey-Holstein. t Very heavy and rich milkers. Very reasonaDie. At EOSl ti. wasningion su Mt. Tabor car to 82d. 2 blocks north. 30 HEAD of exfra good milk cows, giv ing from 4 to 7 gal. per -day, all big. fine cows, 4 to 6 years old, Durham, Holstein and Guernsey. Take Wood stock car to 69th ave., walk west 4 diocks. JUST from the country, five, young, fresh, first class Jersey cows, all have their own calves with them. Write me and I will call on you. R- 497, Journal. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 STORE FIXTURES AND HOUSE HOLD GOODS, 2 counters, 2 shelvlngs, 2 standing desks, 2 filing cabinets, letter press, refrigerator, candy jars, small scales, ranges, 2 heaters, 2 dressers, 2 phono graphs. Singer sewing machine, i com mon barber chair, bathtub, iron beds, tables chairs. 112 Union ave., next to postoffice. I WILL exchange my equity of $900 in a 6 room house at Kenton for milch cows. $1000 mortgage due in 2 years. R. F. D. box 8, Linnton, Or. . COMB and see us about all breeds dairy cows. Geo. R. Mokel Cow Co.. 607 Commercial block. Main 6120. HESSIAN -Grocery, staple and fancy groceries, hardware, tinware, school upplies. , Orders taken and promptly delivered to all parts city. Why pat ronize public markets when you can buy for less from the retallert Bar gain in land and city property. If not right we make it right. W. A. Hes sian, prop., 1193 Hawthorne ave.. Ta bor 981 or B-2549. POULTRY 37 GOLDEN Silver Chinese - pneasants; Mallard ducks, Japanese silkies; Or egon Bird & Pheasant Farm. Beaver ton, Or., R. No. 1. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Buff Orp ington and Leghorn cockerels, 1207 Tibbetts st. TWOKOLUHBRED Houdan roosters, $1.50 each. John S. Beall. Telephone W oodlawn 3171. BIG choice White Leghorn cockerels. Price reasonable. 1337 Burrage. Woodlawn 937. GASOLINE AND OIL ENGINES. Marine & stationary Marine Hardware. Write for catalogue GAS POWER & SUPPLY CO.. 168-172 Front St., Portland, Oregon. Electric Motors Electric motors bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric W ks., 10 and Burnside. Main 5674. WANTED The people of Portland to know that I pay highest cash rices for second hand household goods. No amount of furniture too large or too small to. consider. Prompt attention. rs. ki. tseater. 143 Kusseil st. Kiasx oiv. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 221 Front St., buys 2d hand fur niture caroeta utovsE. ranees, hard ware or tools of anv kind. Call A-7174 or Main 9072. Our buyer calls promptly. "NOTICE TO. MOVERS." We want to buy $1000 worth -ot sec ond hand furniture and pay all' the cash It is worth. Williams Ave. Fur nlture Exchange. East 636. THE GLOBE STORE WANTS SECOND HAND CLOTHING. And everything. Highest prices paid. Main 2080. 285 1st, near Jefferson. PERSONAL (Continue!) 23 MEN jmd women, those) suffering from every curable diseasef or habit, treat ed and. cured by the! latest natural healing methods. Including radium, electricity, heat, light, fbaths, manipu lation, adjustments ami massage; no operations, no medicine, free consulta tion. Dr. P. E. Lewia. successor to Dr. W. E. Mallory. Naturopath, .312 Rothchild bldg. I j . LADIES Ask for Antiko Mixture Ndi8. "Better than pills for female ills." A quick, afe and sureSregulator, easy to use, worfis like magic, without harms, pain or inter (eretice with fvork. Price Double strength, $5.00. For " sale by Helrbnd Drug Co,. 222 Morrison, near Flrtft. CALL E. 6620. M. R. Seater, to sell your furniture. - Prompt attention, highest cash prices. 368-874 Hawthorne BE WISE Get more for your Becond hand furniture by selling It-to Ford Auction Co., 211 1st. Main 8951. TO BUY' 2 suits second hand clothes. size about 38 bust. Give phone num ber. A-856, Journal. HIGHEST price paid for rifles, shot guns, cameras. Hochfeld. 44 ft N. 3d. FOR .best prices on your household goooa can Kecorq, Kast 4za. WILL buy band saw- must be in good working order, t F-163, Journal. WHITE Pekin ducks, laying now, $1 each. 1866 Washburne st. WHEN you answer these. Want Aas, mention The Journal. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 40 FOR SALE OR TRADE for chickens, registered English bulldog, female. Received $136 for her last pups. J. W. Thompson, 4111 E. 5bth ave. W. W. car. PERSIAN cats and kittens, registered stock, cheap. Phone Woodlawn 227a. THE ORLANDO Cor. 20th and Wash ington eta., very desirable, elegantly furnished 3 room corner apartments, $42.5u and $40; every .modern conven ience; reterences. Marshall 184. $25 BUYS pedigreed Boston bull ter rier lr taken at once. 327 Fremont. WHEN you answer these Want Aiia, mention The Journal. ALEXANDER APARTMENTS $26 4 room unfurnished, fireplace, phone, bath, heat, hardwood floor. Cor ner 19th and E. Washington. Phone Main 1883. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 Used Auto Snap BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY. We have several Kood used cars to select from. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. Northwest Auto Co. '. BROADWAY AND COUCH STS. Main 8887. A-4959. WE have several customers who have ordered new 8 cylinder Cadillacs wno are wiuinsr to accept Portland Mnp,rA.. . j I real estate or mortgages on the cars MORrON apts., cor. Washington and that they are usl It present. If you jviuk sib., a aiiu 'uui.u wish to make a eood trade writ us LUZERNE APARTMENTS. 2 room furnished apts., private bath. modern brick building. Corner 8d and Hall Bts- $20 and $26. Marshall 4637. WELLESjEY COURT APTS., E 15th and Belmont, half block south of Morrison st. Furnished and unfur nished 2 and 3 room apts., rents rea sonable. JNew 4 story Drick buaaing. DRESSMAKING, work guaranteed; 186 22d st. Leonze. apt. 7. Marshall 2264. FOR RENT HOUSES 12 COMPETENT dressmaker at home, 1 piece dresses $2 and up. Tabor 2394. DRESSMAKING reasonable, home or day-. Call evening. Marshall 3639. and unfurnished apts. Best and cheap est place in city, walking distance. Main 1082, A-l 10 8. NURSES 60 PRACTICAL nursing; willing to do rfht housework. Phone Main 4697, Apt.- 35. NEW 4 room bungalows. 542 Sumner and Sfi5 U'hlor nsa. V. 13th Rt ri with built-in buffet. beds, window lawn; seats, bookcases, coolers, hardwood floors, large attic, full concrete base ment, combination light ilxtures, lawn, clotheslines, gas ranges, heaters, lin oleums in kitchen and bathroom, large porches, well lighted. BlancharU & Clemson, 702-3 Selling bldg. 2 ROOM furnished apartment, neat and clean, $15 per month, including electric light, cooking gas, water, tele phone and janitor service, .fhone wood. wish to make a good trade, write us a description or your property. COVE x MO 1 OK CAK. COM PANT, Washington st. at 21st. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE iWv---- ft Z''. city, at the Y. M. C. the Association bldg. YOUNG men may consult, without charge, register of fur nished rooms listing: several hundred in all parts of the A.; also those in $30 Newly tinted 7 room house, east approach Broadway bridge. $20 Newly tinted 6 room house near east approach Broadway bridge. $30 Thoroughly modern 7 room upper liat, Jrioyt St.. -between zist ana 2 2d, west side. Phone owner, Marshall 4290. WALDORF COURT, 1RVINGTON. East 9th and Schuyler. Five rooms unfurnished with large eeping porch; strictly modern. C- 668. East 647. THE WASHINGTON. 689 Northrup. 6 room fur. or uniur. apts., witn batn and all modern conveniences; phone. team heat, gas, electric lights, etc; W" car to 21st tk Northrup. M. 4376. NEW, modern, six room cottage, lo cated at 482.7 33d ave.. S. E.. Port land. Or. Two blocks from Clarks sta tion, on Mt. Scott carline. Long lease and low rent to right party. ' Address owner. K. N. Staehr, Forest Grove, Or. MODERN flats. 5 and 8 rooms each, furnace, etc.. reasonable rent, bs Salmon St., opposite Multnomah club; tine view. Key 600 Salmon st. 22 Modern 6 room upper, furnace. fireplace. Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch, large yard, good view. Cor. E. stn ana oavis. rnone xaoor ios. THE ALBION HOTEL. 21214 3d and Salmon. Rooms $1.75 week up; steam heat. hot and cold water, free bath, phone SUNNi'SlDE DISTRICTWFor rent, 6 room modern bungalow, fireplace. furnace, garage, corner lot, $25. 301 Gerlinger bldg. VERY sightly flat, 5 large rooms, fine location, easy walking distance, very reasonable rent. 618 Main st., near King. W 1 1 ) a. A W A K K .ounj mun with best of references wants steady work of anv km;!-, will o on faun. Main 717, A-131 U i. MAN wants work; wife sick; will go to country; niunt liuVe wotk, any kind, but must huv It quick. Call Main 68w.O or sy- at Oilman hotel. YOUNG man. iit le bodied und- clean cut, wants steady work of any kind. No objection to going on farm. Ex llerit references. Woodlawn 907. BUCKINGHAM hotel. 20th and Wash ington; iew, fireproof, brick, every modern cenvenience; $10 month up. i GOOD outside rooms, steam heat, free bath and phone, $2.oo and $4 weea. 2S3 13th st. HOTEL ARTHUR, lltb near Morrison. -Transient and permanent, rooms with all modern conveniences. $17.50 mo. up. $10 7 ROOM house, 1296 Unien ave., nortn. not and coia water, batn, gas, car stops in front. Inquire 1303 Union ave. JUST FINISHED, 6 ROOM MODERN rUAT. I ID. 728 Missouri ave.. near Fremont, Mississippi car. $4 PER month, 4 room house near .Pemnsma ave. inquire lists is. -Yin St., tfunnyslde car. PORTNOMAH apartments, hardwood floors, phone, etc, unfurnished, four I moderate service only. MIDDLE-AOKD man, single, who is a good teamster .or farm hand, want work of any kind. Best of references. Main 717. , , , - ABLE bodied man of .60, single, wants inside work of some kind. Is an ex- rierlenced telephone man, but will work na s tore ordo Ja nitor work. Ma In 717. ENEGE'lIC young man with family to support, experienced teamster and farm hand, wants position at once; best of references. ' Main 717. $12.50 6 ROOM modern cottage, nice yard; desirable. Woodstock. Sell 1335 MODERN rooms, close in. Fireplace, sleeping porch. Main 6964. 408 Park st. $18 MODERN 7 rooms and bath. close in, east sloe. Phone .blast 61o5 MAN with family to support wants work. Experienced in grafting and pruning: also first clats painter and paper hanger. Phone' Woodlawn 871. MAN, 40, wants to fire iflrnacc or ex change any kind of Work for room rent. K-231. Journal. SITUATION wanted, sober grocery clerk; country preferred, refe'tences. JX-374, Journal. ' YOUNG man going u school wants work for room and board, or wages. W-57, Journal. - YOUNG man wishes work of any kind; washing dishes or in hotel. U-190, Journal. WILLING worker will work for board and room and small wages. Y-60, Journal. YOUNG energetic man, experienced is auto driving, will take any kind of work; best of references. -Main 717. MIDDLE aged man wishes work of any kind; good reference. M-222, Journal. WORK of any kLnd. by man with fam- Nrcely furnished A DDATT 26c day up ZZHVi Wash. St. nDDU I I $160 wk. up KOU11S and apartments in modern ho tel. $2.60 week and up. 455 Aider. THE' KING, 309 Jefferson, nicely fur. rooms, modern, central, $2 room up. uATPr vidotc r. -j ') 1.1 tld.r phftpr. ful out.siio rooms, modern, $2 wk. up. j i" nr man shed rooms WEST SIDE PilVATB fAKTLT 70 $14 MODERN 5 room, Williams ave., newly tinted, etc. C-Z961. $10 4 room flat, 301 E. 11th, dren. Phone East 963. no chil- NEW 6 room bungalows, furnace, fire place, $17.50, $zo. 860 m. Franklin HOUSE of 5 rooms and bath, rent $10. 89 N. 28th St., block from school. 6 ROOM cottage, with basement, walk- lng distance, $16. 445 Broadway, S SEVEN large rooms, $14; gas, bath. etc 627 E. 9th. East 6115. ONE or two rooms in beautiful home; hot water, heated, running water in room; also Bhower. 6bo fciverett st. 6 ROOMS, $12.60; Sunnyside. 3586. Tabor LARGE front room, for two gentle men, with home cooking, furnace heat. 54 N. 16th. cor. Davis. FURNITURE FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT 32 PLEASANT rooms, good board, two young men; reasonable. 709 Irving st.; references. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST 8H)E 52 MODERN corner, 5 rooms, full base- r i n . 1 f r-r n afrfrls, flna 1 '1 T. r n rV i i 1. en house, gas, electricity, telephone, new, izv. oix montns at ie, near car, schools, stores, paved Btreets. loirni ture cheap if desired. 1075 E. 14th, N hotel PARREL Knott and Missis- sioDi ave. Clean, steam heated rooms, new furniture, new manage ment, reasonable rents. Phone Wood- Wwn 1128. Mrs. Thos. Farrell. TTTKXTISSES EOOUS EAST SIDE PMtVATE FAMTXT 71 ONE nice front room, closet, bath room on same floor; ladies desired; lights furnished; $8.50 month. 446 E. Burnsfde. LARGE, light, airy room with or with . out board, private family, all home comforts. East 2374. 727 E. Couch. FOR RENT 4 rooms to couple, mod ern, part furnished. Phone Sell. 1491. ADS of furniture for sale are pub- nsned in tne iiousenoid uooas classi fication when house Is not for rent. ROOM house for lease, furniture for sale very reasonable. 529 Everett. FURNISHED HOUSES 30 A WELL furnished home to rent for the winter or longer, to good ' peo ple. 1085 E. 21st st.. north. Phone WToodlawn 675. "i 5 ROOM bungalow, No. 1108 East Market, near 37 th st. W. L. Nash, owner, 199 E. 60th st. Phones Tabor 793. -B-3081. lly: exDerlenctd: citv references K. H. No. 1. Box 42A. Lents, Or. R. GOOD strong man of 60, single, wants work at once; is experienced farmer. Main 68V0. . BOY,- 18, muist have work; mother to ort; cit3 Journal support; city or country; reference. U-Z23, BANK employee wishea new position. A857, Journal. A-l man for common labor work of any kind. Best of references. M. 717. BRICK cement plaster carpenter work and pipe fitting. H. M.. 4-r E. 31st S. SITUATIONS FEMALE 4 WOMAN wants housework or house keeping or cooking. Call at 267 Jef ferson st GOOD strong German girl, 20 years old, wants position; experienced in housework. Main 717. A-1517. - ROOMS AND BOARD 15 FOR RENT Nicely furnished cottage, Including piano, reasonable. 127 East Taylor. Phone Tabor 2780. - 431 W. Park, Just opened, beautiful rooms, newly furnished, home cook ing, sleping porches. Terms moder ate. Walking distance. Facing park. Z ROOM furnished house, with nice lawn. 409 Graham ave. Woodlawn car. xtoOM and board; also table board, home cooking. 300 Jefferson st. BOOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 73 RETIRED, hand practitioner, a lady wishes to care for children by hour, day or month at her home, 1101 1st st. Phone Main 7088, Dr. Zora Crown over. . BOARD with sleeping porch or room, steam heat, bath, phone and piano. 57 Trinity Place. NEAT appearing middle aged colored woman, experienced in housework, wants position. Tabor 3768. COMPETENT stenographer, 4 years' experience, wants position. Phone Kent 1843, ACTIVE elderly lady wants housewora all kinds but the heaviest. Small wages. 246 Russett St., off Peninsula. REFINED widow with a child would like to keep house for a widower iv-zn, journal. $5.50 WEEKLY, room and board with Scotch family, home privileges, phone. Ill North 17th street. YOUNG lady employed to give music lessons in exchange for room and board. Small charges. Tabor 3650. FOR RENT A nice furnished room, with board, in modern home. 52 N. 23rd st. GOOD home, privat er and child, or t 862, Journal. J mily, for moth- o children. A- YOUNG lady employed to give music lessons; small charge for room and board. Tabor 3650. WHEN you answer these mention Th Journal. Want Ads, WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 39 i WANTED Room and board by two e-entlemen In refined private fam- v but i -T.A Sa U an.lt (.-. I lly on west side. Journal position; city references. Address R F. D. 1, box 242-A, Lents, Or. CHILDREN cared for by the day, week or month. Woodlawn 3238. EXPERIENCED girl wishes general housework, - Phone East 1220 JANITOR work wanted. Call at 1040 j Francis ave. Phone, Sellwood 2060. -GIRL 17 wishes care of children in afternoon. Phone C-2677. WANTED Day work, cleaning, etc Wulck. Phone Main 8529. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE 8 J75 12th, comfortable single rooms, complete for housekeeping, . all con veniences. ' Cambridge bldg.. furnished H. K. rooms. central, cheap. 165 hi 3d. cor. Morr'n. HOUSEKEEPING rooms to suit from $7 per room up. at?! Main st. GILMAN hotel. 1st and Alder. Fur 4 H. K. rms. cheap. $1.50 wk. up. FOR RENT 5 room modern bunga low, furnished, liz Alberta at. Marshall FURNISHED house. $25 4138. 208 Abingion. HOUSE furnished, small family. 1488 Melbourne st. $25.00 5 ROOMS furnished. East Side, 208 AQington piag. WHEN you answer these Want Ada. mention i ne journal. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED MEREDITH Modern, newly renovated 3 and 4 room apts., $18 up; good janitor service; warning distance, ref erences. 712 Wash., opp. 22d. M. 7134 NEW YORK APTS. E. 7th and Bel mont furnished rooms, modern brick bldg., all outside apts., steam heaef lights; personal management or owner. 3 ROOM arjartment east Bide. : com' nletelv furnished: all outside rooms. Private bath and phone. $20. Phone B-1079, THE ALGO. E Couch and Union ave.; walking distance, summer rates, new. modern. 2 room apts., $18 to $24 per month. NEW steam heated apts., furnished and unrurmsneu. oa uui oiu m. rv Woodlawn 2622 . THE ALBEMARLE 2. 3 room fur, apts. Steam heat, phone, bath, $20 to $28. Sb3 Williams ave. jasi t3 JULIAETTE APTS- 2d and Montgom ery, modern 2 room apts., furnished or unrurnisnea. reasonaoie. THE PAGE Two lovely apts with prices to suit tenant. East 8566 DOWNTOWN apartments, newly ren ovated, $20 and up. 350 Morrison THE LAURETTE 1 unfurnished room apartment; modern. 229 11th w MODERN steam heated apts.. $16 up, Harrison Court. 394 5th St. STUDEKAKER -30," panel top deliv ery car. thoroughly overhauled, new parts throughout, repainted, new over size tires, chains, power pump, etc. Price $4a0 ror quick sale. See Mr. Miller, Oregon Motor Car Co., Stude- baker bldg., Chapman and Alder sts. Main 9402. FOR SALE; New and second hand carom and Docket hilliard tables and bowling alleys and accessories, bar f ix- lures oi an Kinds, easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Colander Co.. 46-48 5th st. Main 769. A-1769. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," 'Type writers" and "Household Goods" are separate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective classifications. Look them over. FOR horses and vehicles, doers and household pets or ooultry. read the ads under these respective headings. ine journal leaas an otlier mediums in these classifications. XHUEE H. R. tickets to Ashland, Or., or way points; either sex can use them; owners delayed here. C-715, Journal. AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found under these different headings. FERTILIZER Delivered by the cubic yard; well rotted cow or horse manure. Phone East 6315. B-3463. IF YOU WANT TO BUY A GOOD DIAMOND REASONABLE SEE ELBY CO.. 320 LUMBER EX. BLDG., 2D AND STARK STS. FOR SALE Mitchell heavy size draa saw, In good order; cuts 4 foot log in xv minuiei, casn no. rnone owner, ra. areue, xiKB.ru, vjr. 8125 li-inch Barnes lathe. with counter shaft and chuck, just like new, $90, on terms, or $85 cash. Day- wn naraware ana jviacn. up., i4 1st. TIRES OREGON VULCANIZING CO. "The Tire Shop," 550 Wasfhington st., at 18th Marshall 379. We get your tires ready for THE WET STREETS. FOB, RENT FLATS 13 BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS Large stock. Prices $300 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO. Studebaker bldg. Corner Chapman and Alder. FOR SALE OR TRADE. A No. 1 Overland delivery car at less than one-half of new; will take in exchange a b pass, l ord if in good condition. P. O. Box 23, Oregon City, 1 Vt ritten guar antee with every spring. 26 N. 15th st UN TFD Painting Auto Top Co. ul" 1 Isinglass put in; prices reasonale: factory finished. 15tn and Wash. Mar. 946. Lowit & Mossman. WAYNE electric vibrator; Leauaine day and night field glass and fil ing caoinet. Tapor 4 386. CHARTER Oak ranee, rotary wash ing machine and household goods. Tabor 4386. LOST AND FOUND 21 A FIGHT on high prifea. Why pay $5 to $ 0 for pair of alaasSs. when 1 can fit your eyes with fltm. Quality lenses in a gold filled frame its low aa $1,607 C. W. Goodman, 191 Mfrrlgon eU, near bridge. Satisfaction giaiTanteed. EXPEKiswork in dyeing, remodeling and restor ing piuriea. Moderate charges id prompt ser vice. Yjaa PLUME. 268 Moriran bjde. Main 4009. MM DRif FUS was for years Sortland'a moat guieo clairvoyant, Wi demonstrating and teaching mind hteafing and mental uageauon. 4V6 posite postoffice THE following articles were found on tne cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power company, and owners thereof mav claim samn at th First and Alder st. station: October 22nd. Marshall 6100. A 6131. 1 suit case, 1 small pail, 1 purse, 1 bunch Oregon grape, 1 bucket, 1 purse, 1 bunch keys, 1 level, 1 lady's boa, 1 set papers, 1 hair pin 1 comb, 1 lunch box, 2 packages, 1 glove, 1 suit case. 2 lunch boxes, 1 umbrella, 1 pail of lard, 1 iar of hominy, 2 stone chisels, 1 small package of hair, 1 glove, 1 pkg. clothing. LOST Gold wrist watch at or be tween cooking school at 11th and Morrison and 4th and Morrison. Re turn to Journal. Reward. LOST Long eared black and tan fox hound, white breast. Call Main 65 or 129 N. 12th st. Reward. LOST English pit bulldog. License No. 13 62. Parties known. Better return. 292 17th. bUfc i ioxi AODDy tire, mounted on Baker rim. on Portland-Oregon City roau ; rewara. jviain voia. STRAYED From 669 Halsey. large dark Maltese cat, 'William." Re ward. C-8166. WHEN you answer these Want Aus, mention ine journal. PERSONAL 23 SPIRITUAL medium. Rev. Vlrainia Rowe. Reading, healing dally; cir cles luesaay and Friday evenings, 4 o'clock. 231 6th at. Phone A-7116. 200 SECOND hand and. slightly used machines from $3 up. "White Sewing Machine store, 243 Alder st. SAFES All sixes at cost; safes re paired. Mosler Safe Co., 409 North western Bank bldg. Main 7676 DIAMOND paint, $1.66 gal. Port. Door & Window Co.. 230 Front Mar. U0. GEVURTZ furniture store, 208 lat Lowest cash prices in the city. $12.50 DROPHEAD with attachments. sewing machine 162 Grand ave. FOUR ton ice making and refrigerat ing machine. Washington. 444 Wiih. LADIES' gold watch, value $30; will sell for $20. U-71. Journal. BOAT hull;' 30x5 feet, for sale cheap. Call E-5424. BIG collection of Indian arrow heads for sale. Call or write, 608 Holgate. NATURAL hot air baths 25c. Thurs day, t riday, Saturday, at 1 p. m Also Sunday 9 a. m. Tuke Montavilla car. 81 E. 28th Everett. Kaat 446. Who 406 Goodrough bldg., op- 4- ABOUT HAIR aUOODS. Don't trust nedri!rK "iwith onmhlnn- let. us make them up.fJ95c up. Wigs. tOUPes a SDecialtv 2(hvn onl'd Fahvet St Hanebut. 147 JBroady. nrMorria'n. renowned palmist nd clairvoyant,' has her book "Palmiswy Made Easy.' on sale 291 ft MorriBorj st. S Swetland bldg. FHEASA prepared for hats. 7 NOTICies 20 GERMAN TWAIN ED NURSE Treat. ments for rheumatism lumbago, etc. Massage and baths. 45 Salmon st , cor. 13th. Mar. 5033. Open Sundays. niXfiRf F's Without notoriety. Con Ll V VJIIOL-O sultation free, 202 Ger llnger bldg. Mar. 4368. 8 a. m. to 10 p. m SPIRITUALISM. Rev. M. A. Price, cir cles, Tues. 2 p. m.; Wed., Sun. 8 p. m. Readings daily. 603 6th st. Mar. 3960. MADAM OLGA Teaches palm and card reading at 166 10th st nnRr,FQ Uawyer of 25 years' ex LIVUilWLOperience, reliable, advice free. 404 Rothchild bldg. 287 H Wash. HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum. Marshal 1702. NOTH'IC OK T.ttASH ik-i AHKWT MUD Notice is hereby Jlira till tha atata.Und . board ill receive sealed; bids up to De cember 14, 1014. for iho &iug of the fcsrts and waters ot Abert lake la Lake county. Or. Bids DiUHt be accomDanted br a eerflflril cberk for $5,000 payable ko the state laud Doara, same to oe rorreltftd to the state io tbe event of the (allure ot the bidder to en. ter Into tbe lease within 310 dars after sr. ceptance of tbe offer by phe- board. a copy or rorm or iat wtti in? rarnlsksd prospective bidders upon application. The board reserves tbe Sight to reject any. and all bids. ' f All bids shorfld be addremlfd to C. C. Browu, clerk state land board, 8aiji. Or., and marked "Bid for leasing Abert Li." U C. BKOWN. Clerk Slate Land Board. Pated October 14. mJ ' NOTICJfi OF LBAhhl OFj SL'MNER, LAKE. Notice ia hereby given Hat the state land board will receive aeale bids np to lie- . cember 14, 1014, for the- Hasina af tbe bads aud waters of Sumner lke In Lake county. Or. Bids must be .accompadped by a certified check for $5,000, payable&ro the state land board, same to be for felt 3d to the atste in the event of tbe failure of J the bidder to en ter into the lease wltblnlO day after ac ceptance of tbe offer by jbe board. A copy of form of leas will be furnished prospective bidders upon application. Tbe board reserves the t?l(bt to reject any -and all bids. All bids should be addreaied to 0 C Brown. clerk atate land board, Hlpv Or., and marked ma ror leaaing ouniner a. Clerk ftata Laud Board.. Dated October 14. 1914 SKALED proposals will ie-ecelveil st the of. flee of the undemlgned, 401 courthouse, un til 12 m., Wednesday, Nofimber 11, 1914. for tbe general work of wj lie at tuck school. -Plans and specifications ' jy be obtained at -tbe office of F. A. Naratore, superintendent of nropertles, 303 conrthore, sfter 11 s. m., . . Saturday, October 24. gposit of $20 for plans and specifications is required, uerttnea check for 10 per cent ofrfthe amount of the proposal, payable to R.'U1. Tbomas, school clerk, must accompany eU proposal.. Board of directors reserves the r -Jgiit to reject any and all proposals. ;i Kj H. THOlS, School Clerk. BAKKS New and second hand, bar gains. 10T lft at. Main 35SS. rooms, bath. Kast iatn.- two closets. 820. 200 SNAP 5 pass. Michigan, 1813. Elec tric lights and starter. Has seen This is a real THE DEZKNDORP 208 16TH ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. Elegant 6 room furnished and unfur nished apts., also 3 room fur. apt. FLAT of 6 rooms, 267 Clay st. near j 3rd. Beck, agent, 316 railing Did. SWELL 6 room modern lower flat, nice bargain. Cash only. CaJl Main 6934. FEDERAL TRUCK. Federal truck with express body end top, in first class condition; easy terms, u-ow, journal. AUTO SPRINGS50 Frank Lange, 228 Salmon. Main 181. yard. 789 E. Yamhill. East 5948. WHEN you mc: theao Want -A. da. mention tne journal. Phone Tabor E F TISOUHSLE 4168, Richmond G a ra ge. FURNISHED FLATS 50 25 H. P. 4 cycle roadster, first class condition, good tires, top. electric light. 819S. 561 Hawthorne ave, UP-TO-DATE, walking distance, 4 and I WANTED To buy scrap rubber and 6 room flats, free phone. East 3737. STORES AND OFFICES 11 metals. Highest cash prices paid. J. Leve, 186 Columbia st. Main 6198. WILL share very desirable office in Plttock 01k.. including pnone. etc. or will entertain proposition of very nominal rental from man bringing stenographer, sharing service. Stats line, address, etc! R-496, Journal. BUICK panel top delivery in good me chanical condition, including: tires. price $300; easy terms. T-241. Journal. WANTED Presto tank for Ford car, Phone Marshall 114. 200 Graham avenue. BEAUTIFUL desk space for rent cheap, prefer public stenographer. Call Marshall 2880. , between S and 6 eveni ngs - SLIGHTLY used tires, largest atock in Portland. XS to 116. Fine repair ing. Tire Supply Co.. 207 Madison. WANTED Ford touring car. Phone East 1219. OFFICE room for rent, size 15x18 ft., good business location. Beattie & Hofmann, Printers, 204 Stark st, A- 477.6, Main 1637. BRICK warehouse tn Boutn Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal fUDiisning uo., rjroaaway ana lamniii WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention ine journal. MOTORCYCLES-BICYCLES 53 HOTELS 54 1913 2-speed Indian, dream tandem. Rushmore lights and Presto tank. complete, ion lr taxen at once. w F. Flemmlng, 14fr E. 34th St. 1914 HARLEY DAVIDSON twin, fully Aiiiinnni neaH at -- -" Vi I49C lng town. Main 4348 or 275 N. 22d st. 24 ROOM completely furnished hotel, electric lights, water and fuel, tel ephone, etc.. furnished; no other hotel or restaurant in city. A money maker. S6S ocr month. Will lease for 6 mo, oniy, during owner's absence. For in- J SEVEN horsepower twin Indian, fully uregon noiei. ist st. 1614 TWIN Indian tandem, siren. resto; must oe soia. oei Haw thorn ave. THE BARVIEW hotel, on Tillamook Beach, under new management, is open all the year. 211 Failing bldg Phone A- or M. 2029. W. A. Wise, prop. WANTED TO RENT 7 WANTED," torenV picture 'how with privilege oi Duying; no agents. Phone B-1941. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC 18 Auction Sale of horses, vehicles and harness at Co lumbia stables1S92 Front, every Thurs day at 2:30. we sell on a commission basis. Satisfaction guaranteed both buyer and seller. If you want to sell. bring your norses to our auction, as you want to buy, attend this sale. FARM team, sorrels, mare and horse, age 8 and 9, weight about 2300, in good order, extra good team of . . . . . . ii- . . m t it . rr. 1 tneir weignt, quica saie xtuie Oregon City car to Arlington station, go east to wagon bridge, cross, turn to left, second house. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 Victrolaa for rent. Talking machines for rent. Talking tables for rent. 81 per week, including records. Address or phone. 652 Emerson st C-3180. SVVAP COLUMN 25 MAKE me an offer on $400 worth of Deschutes River Water Power Lien THE FUR SHOP. New orders, remodeling, best work. j lowest prices, ill cswetiand bldg. UK, u. v. it-Hi tlm u m women a mal adies and acute diseases of men. Wash, bldg., 4th & Wash. Km. 41. Ml. 448 THE State Board of Accountancy of Oresoa will bold an examlnattSn tor the purpose of determining the qualifications at persona Development certificates. nai. L-193, Jour. MAKE me an offer on eight lota at laquina Hay. Will trade for any thing of value. W-63, Journal. WANTED Tailor made clothes in ex change ror automobile or light truck. Y-61. Journal. DIAMOND, value $400, want fully equipped motorcycle: must be a dandy. C-507, Journal. $425 MORTGAGE due the 1st of the year, on city lots, for auto. D-816, Journal. SPKCIAL. ,2 mo. only, 18 Chiropractic treatments, io. t-3 regular price. Pr, C. S. Tigard, 316 Alisky bldg. SPIRITUAL medium, E'mejina Pear- son;; readings daily; cij-cles Tues day, Thursday eve. 431 Salmon. EASTERN trained electric operator, facial and scalp treatments. 125 6th St.. office 2. CHIROPRACTIC. 121 4th. Chronio cases; 18 treatments $10. Others less LAWYER 4m!ult7oi on free. Main 708 Selling bldg. BALM of Figs, remedy for diseases of women. 604 Davis st. Main 2393. HOT BATHS AND MASSAGB. Magnetic healer. Main 8527, A-7271, deslrlna the lawful Tight to practice in Ore- i a ceruriea puDiio ocououjii. in room of the Central Ubfajj. Portland, Oregon, gon commencing at 9 a. m. Tuesday, November i 24. snd ending at 6 p. mi", j November 35, 1814. The examinations will Include questions and firoblema on the subjects f practical account ng, theory of accounts, ; ajiditlng, commercial law. Applications must ip accompanied by the fee prescribed by ltr and be la the -hands of the secretary no-j later than Novem ber 6, 191-4. JOHS Y.-jRlCHAULlSON. 602 Oourthouse. Fortlandg Or. Bee'y. NOT1CB TO BOh"iltJTBRS. Sealed bids will be recered by the com mo a council of thftclty of Dayton, Or., until Mon- " day, ri'oTemfcer 2, 1914, tbe hour of l.M p. n., for all or parts of in issue of (5530.US street Improvement bonds i to be Issued under sections to 3258 lord's OreKon lswa. Interest 6 per cent per sft'num, payable seml WfTnuaLIy at Fiscal aKeneyj.of Oretrun st New York. Certified check of S3 per cent as ur ante of aood faith. The! right to reject any and all bids reserved. Address W. T. H. Tue&r, Recorder of the city of Dayton, Dayton, :0?.. October 14v 1914. Professional and Business Directoi ACOOSDION PtZATTHO li. 8TEPHAN Hemstitching, accordion. ald and sunburst pleating; buttons covered; goods sponged. Scslloplna. 38a Alder. M-8378. ASSAYEHS WE buy old gold, sliver, platinum, er ere samples. Pickering at Co.. Asssjers, 610 Northwest bid.. 6th snd Washington sts. ATTOSJreTS RELIABLE lawyer, divorces, collection, bank ruptcy; free advice, reasonable fees, easy terms. 612 Bwetland bldg.. Murshsli 6766. BLANK BOOK MASSES DAVIS HOLMAN, Inc., 109 2d St. Blsnk book manufacturera: agents lor jeoas im proved Loose Eureks Leaf. Leaf Ledgers. A-31S3. Main 183. He the nw BPSnTEEB OOLtEMI - LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 6th ftoe. Til ford bldg.. Portland. Or. Phone Main 6QW3 MTfglC SCHOOLS AsTD TZACHEB8 B. THIELHOK.N. lj.:n teacher, pupil Sev-tk. Ji riieaner mag. A-41HO mskdsii T. E. LAW SON, piauo studio, 2 Main 8150. Lessons. ROc. !Vs alorrlsou. FOPtrtAH MUSIC BAUTldE on piauo gusranteed beginners In 10 lessons. Picture playing. Kree ilemon strstiou. Free BKklet. Ml Kller bldit. ELECTRIC MOTOBB AND DYNAMOS. ktOlOttij. geuerators bougat. sold, r ruled sod repaired. We do all kinds of repairing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. li. M. II. Electric Co.. 81 N. lt st. Phone Main 921a WK buy, sell, reut and exebaugs new and second hand motor, repair work a apedalty. Western Electric Works. -Jt: 8tli st. Mar. 000. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. CARPET CLEANING. JOYCE BUOS. Electric Cleaning works, car pets cleaned aud laid, refitting our spe cialty. Kant 440. B-19.H. 204 K. 18th st. N. DANDY - Kimball upright piano, ma hogany case. Room 9, Washington bldg. - FOR SALE cheap, or trade, Columbia and Edison phonograph. Evenings and Sunday. 127 W. Wygant. USB of piano wanted, for storage. Phone C-2677 HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 65 as i as . FURNI lefore buying second hand roods, see what you can do here on new goods for cash. Get posted. William Gadsby, 1st and Washington. CARPETd cleaned, refitting aud laying, at. Packer. Tahor IPS. CARPET WEAVING. NOHTHWESl' tttU CO.. rug from old cac- pets, rag ruga, carpet cleaning. l!S K. 8th. Work called f-f. East HiWO. B-12Q. PliMNBL'LA Hug Worka Hag rug and car pet weaving. 1518 PatUm ave. Wldn. 2686. CH1R0FRACT0RB DR. McMAHON, J2l 4th. 378 William, ave., 1H adjustments tlO. Patients get well. COAX AMD WOOD. : NEER &. FARR to order. Prompt t,pnA 46tMS. A-4&47. 'WnL for A-l itr 4 loot fir and" oak cord wood PHOENIX iron Works. i.ast d and Uaw tbome. Oeneral machlae and foundry work. SHEET METAIJ WORKS. UKPAIUIN'U. tin Losll. 810 First. and a,ael roofs. Phone; Msln 1424. Jacok TAXIDE TS CHEAPEST and best wok oa coaaU Flnley. Oroville, CsL g TRANSFER AXTj STORAGE FURNITURE REPAIRIMO 421 HAWTHOllNE. furniture repslrers; 20 yrs. In Portland. Free delivery. Kat :i041. GOING EAST or COM1NU WEST We 'Can Save ,ou Muuey. Reduced rates oa Houstbold Uuods, Planus, AuUiuoblles, etc. Thrvua coiuoildated ears itiKuriug prompt delivery: Aid careful handling. Bates aud Information furnished on reuuesi. PACIFIC CO Alii lUUWAiKlINti COM PAN X. Pboua Marshtia 2487. 201 Wllcok Bulldlug.; tfurtlaud) Oregon. C. O. Pick Tranaf ir m itoraga C. Office and cuuiuioOioua 4 lty brick wareUuu with seysrute iron loouia; and fireproof vault for valuables. I, w . cvcr in ana fist sts. Piano and lurnlturs uwMd and backed fee Lipping. Hpecial rates Iniade wb good, la turougu car, io au uvsueaiw us lurcuja poiui. Slain 60d. A-lsJB. KODAK SUPPLIES. prluttog i.u'i' A- MARKHAM CO. ties. A'tfVi-tui'j..-. enlaralna. P1KK M4.-J Wasblneton. MESSENGERS. MOTOHCYCLEti and bicycles, t'bone Mala aA A -2)0.1. HASTY MKSSKNOEK CO NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DB. PHILLIP Psratysis, nervous aud ebroa le dlsesses. 504-5 OreirnnlsH bldg. M. MU2 OSTRICH PLUMES. Also sawed liverv. Main Central Fuel Cd fndaibpbc Sa lOOti, A-11Q6. 243 2d. Small orders a specialty. Edlefsen Fuel Co. East 283 Stark. GOOD light horse, harness and gro cery delivery wagon ior aaie cneaps must be sold this week. 6204 Foster road. Tabor 661. - THREE teams mules, good workers, young and gentle, with harness 2200 span. 240 E. Sth. sell SINGLE cheap. Sunday. harness and 4204 52d ave. surrev and 4 2d WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. " LIVESTOCK 35 FOR SALE 15 choice brood sows, all sizes and ages; 34 choice pigs. Fhone owner, H. Grebe. Tigard. Or. FOR SALE One good cow cheap. Call at once: leaving city. hawk St.. St. Johns. Or. B. 700 Mo- PASTTJRE. -best la the state. Stock called for and delivered. Phone Woodlawn 2492. WE buy, sell and exchange new and second nana furniture oi an tunas. Phone Marshall 4783. Bell Auction & Com. Co.. 191 Second street. FOR SALE, CHEAP Good heater, dresser and iron bed. 255 E. 64 th st. north. CharCOal foot or citkry trkkt DBY sUb snd box. wood, cordwood snd coaL Stn1r1 wood in.. r.i "-"rr WHEN you answer these want ads, mention The Journal. ' COLLECTION OAK dresser, sanitary couch, rocker, oil heater. 375 2d St., Apt. 12. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. TYPEWRITERS 77 GILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Underwoods, Remingtons, L. C Smith, Oliver. Smith Promier, Royal, etc.- $15 and up; terms. Agents for the "Corona" folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables and chairs. The J. K. Gill Co.. 3d and Alder sts. WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illustrated folder; retail depart ment. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Washington st. YOU can rent visible typewriters 3 months for $4; convenient at home, delivered and all rent applied on pur- cnase. Main 5za, or A-4441. Z4 max. THE ORMONDE, modern 6 room front apt. 658 Flanders st. Main 8251 hEVEKAL good cows. ? iy ou. lu-1 TYPEWRITERS for rent. 3 months bercuiar tested. o tu. 3ia su w.i. for ,5 and up; 6 nionths rental ap- W. car. . I r.HoA nn- nhrchfl4 nric RminsYnn FOR SALE: Jersey cow. Tabor 4315. Typewriter Company, 86 Broadway. . 1 BUY aecounU, bills, notes and Judgments of every name snd nature anywhere. For qnlck results answer M-6a. Journal. OPEN aecounU, notes, Judgments coiiecteo. Adont short metbods foe quick results. ntyPaffn,mt C... 26 H. W- Bsnk. M. OT4 COyTRACTTHq AKD BUTLDCTO UOBACE D. JON Ed. JR. I BUILD ANYTHING FROM SCRKEIf DOORS TO A HOTEL, TABOR 1784. BYE, EAR. MOSE. THROAT. tTMOS. E peels tUt. Uoderate prices. OUse fitted. Dr., V. Casseday. 517 Deknm bldg.. d A- Waan. EPPOATIOHAX DANCING Dimr WAT. wtLJiON'Sl Walts, hesitation one-step, two-step, schottieche; leaaoDS 25e aiornlng. afternoon, eve.; gmaraatee t; teach anybody who walks bow to dance. SS 6th at., bet. Surk and Oak. 4 private lessons 2; 8 elaseee. raoaa Min oo. UB. sad MRS. HEATH'S school; fancy, stage, and all tha latest daaces taoght: waits and two-step gaarantead U 4 private lessons; class Mon. and Fri. eve., 1 to ; as sembly after. 83m Morrison, eor. 2d. Mar. 81. WHlTlNG-IBELAND Dancing- Academy. Mas- lie. One-Steo. Hesitation. Lessens aliv. ZUI AUiky bids- 3d and Morrtaoa. Mala SOUL Hartneas Plume bbvv, cor. Park and Yam- bill. Main 15U0. Ostrich. Baradise, fancy featbera. remodeled, cleaned, ded to aiatch aamples. Work guaranteed. PAnfTTwe. pAPERHAiroigq. Tornjfg buteliffe A Blied, best work In painting, ya- perlng. M. 1878. A-g. ia iim st. PAVINO COMPAhlED THE BA land 21 UEU ASPllAL'l I'AViNU CO.. Port- Ice. 60(l KteerHc hide RUBBER STAMPS AUD SEALS ALSO stencils, trade checks. Dress lu PACIFIC COAST STAMP WUKK11 231 Washington st. Mln 710. A-2710. Brwnro MACFTHES aVEWLM MACUXtlES All uiakva, saw ana secom! hand, for sale or rent. All prices. Mewing Maculae Eta poriam. 100 ThirL sex Tif lor. Main 431. UUtEM-BOS TlfgNSFER CO. New "(lrenroof wares jua with separate nainui. We mors snd ivack household aoods snd .lanos and snln at; Feduced rates. Auto vsus acu laaiBs tor tuvjmm ikwuuui hi duirlbutlug sgents. iTtfejixscksge. Office an4'. wsrenoose. l&tb sad HoyU Msla 647. A-Z24. OREGON TRANSFER CO. Estsbllshed? IS70. Transfer and foewardiug agiala. Storage, Ire trackage. Office and storage 174 olusn st. 13th snd CHssn. ' ' Main 80. A-l 189 btohaOb. MANM1NO WAKtHOOa. TKANSFEB CO. 13TH AMD EVE11ETT STS. Let as move, pack o fship your house hoi 4 gouda. Reduced tcelukw rataa ea esstere snipments. Throng var service. at Air BAOUAUE Xraafer hrts C '4M Pine au Main IM. A-l 203. jij WHEN you answer tha. want ads, mention The Journal; - jj TRUCKS AKaBAQOAOt TRUCK for hire by houror job. Call 434 E. Burnaide. Phone E. ttl. . . r-f r : ' WALL- paf ER : MORGAN WALL PA PKiR CO. 230 2d St., between Salmon and &lln- wiypow cjirAyrao Main 8227. 212 Henr blg. Manufacturers Jobbers Wh ,lesalers ! BREWERS A BOTTLERS HENRY WEINHAUD. 13th and Burnside. DRY fO0Dft-WH0LE8AXE Fleischner, Mayer L Co. FARM rMPLEMEMTR AKD VEHICLES R. M. Wade A Co., 822-328 Hawthorne ave. GRAIN MERCHANTS M. H. HOU8ER. Board of Trade bldg. LEATHER AWD FtHpIRGS CHAS. L. MA8TICK 4t CO.. 74 FroaU f every description: findings. Lsatbet MEN'S AND WCMZV'S KECK WEAR COLUMntA trkiar Mfg. Co.. 3 h St. PAINT. OH. IS D OLABS RA8MLSSEN CO., "lgb Stasdard'' pelat. N. E. corner Zd and 4j ay lor. st.-A-iYTt. flONEER PAIM CO. A-7IH3. . snd jfs ;o., 1st St. UaU 1M4. PIPE WOOD PIPS PORTLA.KD WOOD PfPH CO Factory a ad office near 84th andl fyork sts. Mate 84 PLUMBTNO PIPE-4STEAM SUPPLIES M.I.KLIN El TROKTSTB EKT. ROPE AND BINDER TWIN Portland Ccfdage Co. -. WALL 1 JAPER - MORUAN WALL PAP R CO. 230 2d sLi between Sslmoa snd, .sin.