THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 24, 1914. r . 1 I BEARS OUT HEAVY CEREAL PURCHASES Eight Carriei'S Reported aS ; Coming Here to Load Soon, CARGOES GO TO EUROPE Norwegian Bark Semantba and British Steamer South Pacific Depart With Breadstnffs; Value About 9350,000. PViur nulling vessels have, been an nounced us coming to this port while four steamer are known to have been chartered within ttie past LM hours for carryinc strain and flour to Eu rope. The fixtures bear out the heavy I Kitten reported yesterday. Tlilw. record in the largest export er have lii.'ule thja season. On one other occasion five charters rJecame known during a day, but the record of four announcements and four ad ditional known charters is the best day that the m.'iison of 19H-15 has yet know n. The name of the four steamers chartered will not ' be announced for the next few days owing to the fear of exporters that liy will have trou ble setting cargoes for them. Two ot them will he sent to the t'nited King dom while the other two, likely to be it an Itlftcu hi.lMtii'inir f r nant I'nl cmiri. f tries, are to he sent, It is believed, to jroiteiuam. Two of the Halllnp vessels taken yes- . tei.lay were fixed' liy M. II. Houser wiui a M.rsjiMiiiy unit hiiii iuiuuiiw one was also fixed for him. He se cured the Norwegian baric Helgen of I'.i'M tons net register at a rate said to be .1"s 3d; the British ship Cen turion, 1 704 tons net register, and no at Valparaiso, and It is believed he has also taken lh Norwegian bark Pehr Vglujid, of 1230 tons net register, at a rate of :!0s. Strauss & to. have tak- en the Norwegian bark Ulitie, now at ' Valpiirnih-n, h.r cargo, like all thel Hhilments this year, to be furnished ! bv the Northern Grain & Warehouse 1 C'nnpan. ,fii in' iijuiiik iiie lonnagp unnotinreii today there are vessels aggregating S'J.T-J4 net tons enrmite to this port. Tin- harbor now holds vessels totaling 2S.S,jriSiet tons In all. one of the best records that this nort has" made In i y f.;1 ,.s The tfinnat?" In port will, ho lessened ' sliil 'tly today when the Norwegian ! bark Siimuitha and the Rritish steam- - .... c i, i ..i.- Ti,..- ,ati.o ' "" "'! . . , secured her papers rrom the rusiom house this morning, her manifests Hhowing 1 ri .". . ( i H bushels of wheat, val ued at SMS.T'JS. She Is bound for lHjeenstown, l'almouth or Plymouth for orders. The South Paeifjo passed through the custom house inst nfter noon with f)7 15 barrels of flour, vnlued at $24, 0i. and 194,0'.r. bushels of wheat "worth $1 a bushel. The steamer will leave behind two of her officers who are suffering with typhoid fever at St. 'Vincents hospital. Third Officer J. " Parsons and Apprentice A. Beck are the officers left behind. CIU'IKEKS CONVOYED LINER I Mam Arrived Safely at i " I Sail rrancisco. I Shinjou San Francisco. Cal., Oct. 24. -Th Japanese liner Shinyo Maru, arriving mis morning, was convoyea iroiu me orient hy the Japanese cruisers Kongo iml Asiimti, which were in sight part of the Journey but usually Just beyond the horizon, within easy wireless range, They are now. it Is. understood,' not far from thisifpV: t. Tift Maru brings word that there are right Japanese cruisers, besides the British and French war- shins on ihP Pacifir. cuardinc tho travel lant-s. Three Hussion officials wer- on board, coming here to pur- chase mi pp lips for their governntont. The Pacific Mail steamer Mongolia, sailing for Hongkong this morning re- fused passengers, carrying full ca- paHty, 265 first, 102 second, 750 steer- HKC. Thft hold wus crammed with 7000 bales of cotton. The Htoamer Chehalis, tow ing steam- er Raymond, disabled off Columbia river, arrived this morning. Tlie Kteamer Xtnnliwn. nehfwliilpd to leave for New York toniirlit or toinor- . . . - , row. carries 4100 tons of general mcr- cluindise, 175,000 feet of lumber, and 1, 000. 000 shingles, full capacity. The steamer Navajo, leaving tonight for Coos Bay and Portland, carries 700 tons of general merchandise. Company Furnishes Transportation, In appreciation of the work they did In fighting the fire on the American steamer Catalina. W. It. Grace & Co. is sending the officers of the steamer not retained here for service to their homes In New York city. The mem bers of the crew were paid off yester day and discharged. Captain Rose, me iirst tnu secona oiricers and the chief and Junior engineers are staying vtth the steamer. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Back on her regular schedule, the Bt earner Geo. W iilder will jail to- I morrqw lor ltos nay ana urena. rne turned oacK at coos csav mis trm. In npilar ... ...turn n V - Uiin..., ' " ' ' ' lhe steamer Thomas L. Wand. Cap- tain 8. B. Shaw, is due here during the night from Alaska. She had a BLADDER MISERY QUICKLY STOPPED If you Will onlv co to thdrtm. dnr. ii,ur,.. . : the distressing pains due to gravel, vtone in the bladder, or urethrie nii.i prostatic disturbances. Whether your trouble comes from advancing years Or from alcoholic and other excesses, Or is the natural bladder weakness so common among growing children, noth - lng can compare with this standard nlng. health restoring herbs build up me orpKen uown ecus ana tissues. At first evacuations may seem to increase. If so. it is a slzn th nil Is doing the work. Later normal action will be restored and you will bless the day you first tried GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsule. 25c, 50c and $1 fier bos; They are pure, original Haar em Oil in capsule form, imported direct from Holland. Kvery ship ment Is passed upon for purity by U. C government experts. There are lots of imitators. So protect yourself and look for the name GOLD MEDAL on very box. Don't be fooled. Guaran teed and sold by the Owl Drug Co. Adv ACTIVE" CHARTERING nuusenoia rcmeoy. its actfon is irentle l t'- but swift and certain. 'l'l.e southing sltl'1-l, O'- -Arrl.ed, Am. str. antiseptic oil kills and chases out the I "UsLdtV,aVhUtin -J' U-i.-a . poisonous microbes that are causin - i a,8"",10' -JV"h - -l" -4-""Ar,,THJ- Am" K,r- the inflammation while the streneth" Ai":"- !.TAaii' ?. lSlUW' Am' 8tr' full cargo of salmon, part of which she has -discharged at Seattle and As- toriu. On the t,owlInes of the steamer Ocklahama, the British ship 'Jueen Kliabeth left up this morning from Astoria. A berth is ready for her at the ballast dock. ' Investigation into the cause oC the wreck of the steamer Rochelle Is be ing held by if. 8. Steamboat Inspec tors Kd wards and Fuller today. Because of the Mack 'of freight, the steamer Oregona ias been wltlidiawn from the upper Willamette by the Oregon City Transportation company NEWS OF THE PORT Arrived, October 24. Hone City. Am. air.. Captain Rankin. p "ii8ri and frelKht. Sao i'edro and ay ports. Departed, October 24, Semantha, Nor. bk., captain Halvorseii. wheat, for Queenstown. Falmouth or I'lymoutu, for orders, l'ortland Flouring Mills'. South Pacific. 1?p. sir., Captain Proctor, wheat and lour, for Cape Town, for or ders, Kerr, (ilfford &. Co. i'aralito, Am. tr., 4'ajtH In Lillilaml. pa-sengrr-i and freight.' for too Hay and San Francisco. Arrow Lint. Alvaradn. Am. sir.. Captain Krtcksnn, freight, fur Sim Krjiilsco. Arrow Line. Yosemite. Am sir.. Captiiin l.und iuist, pas sengers and lumber, for S. K. Mv-Corniick. Marine Almanac. Weather at River' Mouth. North Heud, Wash.. :. Condition at the mouth of the river a! a. in., Miiootli; wind east two mile; weather, cloudy. Suns and Tides, October 25. 6:10 a. m. 0.4 feet. ! 11:50 a. m, 3.9 feet. Tides at Astoria. High water. Ivr watnr. 6:10 a. ni.. M.4 feot. I 1 1 :.VJ a. m.. 3.9 feet. h :'M p. iu., feet. I Daily River Headings. 9. o o - - T, C3 u - c - 9E a Si k ::.. -0.'J,o.oo 4.41 0,0.00 :i.n o.fiii.m :i.D! o.SiO.wj 7 1 .2 (t.OO i.4 0.0,O.(J4J STATIONS. C -Vfil'l'a Albany .. S.'lem ... V".s,""',Ule 20 20 15 ( Palling. River Forecast. The Willamette river at Portland will fall slightly during the nest two or three days. Steamships to Arrive. l'ASSISNUKItS AMI FREIGHT. Rose City y. I, and way. . . .Oet. 24 . . .Oct. . . . Oct. 2,1 . . . Oet. 20 . . .Oet. JO breakwater Coos Bay f. D. arid way.. S. P. and way . . Eureka and ay . v'stan Ueo w"'."tiaer.' Koauoke Paratao Beaer s. 1. and way . . . . .. 6. V. and way . . 8. P. and way . . Alaska KBLIUHT ONLY. . . Nov. s t ..Not. 3 Nov. 4 ...Oct. 21 ...O.t. Zi ...Oct. 23 . ..Ih-U 2i ..Not. 1 ..Nov. a ...Nov. A ...Nov. 14 ...Nov. Is . . .Nov. 21 . . ..Nov. '7 ...Dec. ;; yuiuauli Kentutkian N. V Tnotnaa U Wand. Alaska Ualay Putnam S. K Veiiowalone .. S. r . & . . S. V. ... . . d. 1". . . . .. N. Y. .. . . N. Y. .. N. Y. .. . . N. Y. . . . . N. Y. .. N. Y. ., .. N. Y. I Daisy Gadsby way . Alvarartu llonolulan . . . I'anauui'n '. Nevadap, Isthmian .... I'eimnylTenUii utiloau . . . L'ec. t i Steamers JJtie to Depart. PASSENGERS AND KUE1UUT Name From. ii. . Northland osemlte Geo. V. Elder.. Breakwater .... 1'ucatan Kose City ...... Bear Uounoke Uulnaulc Beaver t'araUo, Am.... S. Oct. 24 S. f Oct. 2 Eureka and way.... Oct. 20 toon Hay Oct. 27 S. D. aod war Oct. S. t". and way o t. 28 S. 1. and way Nov. 2 S. .J. and way Nov. 4 Alafka ...Nov. 6 S. 1'. and way.,.. Nov. 7 ' is, . Nov. 13 rKEIGHt ONLV. neDrasaan v Kpntliclcian . N V ..Oct. 2.1 ..Oct. 27 ..Oct. ii7 . .Oct.. :jo ..Oct. oi . .rov. t ...Nov. 6 ..Nov. 7 ..Nov. a ..Nov. JS ..Nov. 22 . .Nov. It ..l;c. 1 ..Dec. 7 ..Dec. 11 I Toomaa L. Waad. Alaska I iiulsy I'uiiiam. . . ..S. V, . . I Vellowaton s. an'd wai S'lfi"" ..N. y C. IS. & S. K ' . n '. .. N. V Alveiado llonolulan ... low an I'auaman i Aevauan ... Nil 111 hi li ivnusylvuuYan obloau . N. V Mosquito tmx Sailinra. I Miiriw:H Waldpovt Indef. , "Jj,' BaiKiT" " cwy .'!'.'. siuaiaw I hraneda Ne-xrt (id "b I M'reao Newport ji'Tuiedo! !oct! 2.1 i sue u- L"lof'-" Tillamook Oct. 2 j " vessels lu Port. ! ,m.," ; ,"' . Auf 1 r' bit s.mantha. Nor. bk.. ' t'raola, Nor. Lk . . . , 'r ; jr Nror 8 sll' ' Mraihd'ene, Br. Btr. . . . . . .' twuta Cataliua', Ain." air.' . hi'i'';oe. Br. sb nburi, X. fslr,.'. ;.' 'Z " " : Ventura de Earrlnga. Br gtr yueeu Elizabeth. Br. sh... : Sagluaw. Am. atr..' """ Bertb Crown Mills firsM-ott Stream f.imuoii Oregon Drydock North Bank I.innton . K 4 V. Mill 31. lieicil.s I IlllltOll Rainier . K. A V. Mill North Bank ...... Bound up ..West Ore son ' w " S!der- Colnniiiia , jvic ii. r.iDKre, Am. atr Mliers 1 rm city. Am atr... . Bourn l im ; Thoa. U Wand. Aui. utr. .'.'.'.'.'.'."."... Astoria Veaaela Diaeniaed. I A!tw,"n Am- 'r...; Gobie Allianct'. Am. atr. . .O. W. 1 Btrlin. Ain. bk Chinook. L". 8. dredge.. David Evans, Br. cb.. Gobi Astoria Astoria . Victoria-Dolphin V. W. P. Astoria Astoria Astoria .Astoria Astoria Astoria Gloh" Astoria Asturla Astoria j eoideu Gat"' Aii. "air. .". j w"bl Gale.'Am. scb.... 1 2,lrsl'": ,Am- ch j set." I Kurt, ' Ger. " sb .. 1 !".".'." lue. Am. arh. Levi G. Burgeaa. Am. ah.. W. V. Jewetl. Am. sch... ! Arnoldua Vliiueo, Uer. sb!!'. King Cyrus. Am. sch. At Neighboring Ports. Astoria. Or., Oct. 24. Arrived down at mid night, -sir. Nebraskun. Sailed at 1:30 a. ni. str. Multnomah. lor San I'rancisco. Sailed at a. ra.. sir. Heaver, for San Francisco and nan rearo: str. Willamette, for San Pedr.t SDi Ssa 1J1,8"- Arrived at and left up at M a. m. sir. Kose City, from San Pedro j and San rrancisco. Left ui at 4 a. m.. Br. t sli. Uucea KliwibeHi. Arrived mt ml,1,.l-t,i ucea Kllwiherh. Arrived at midnight, hos. I.. Wand, from Skdgwar and wav i ir. n I lOrtS. ! Coos Bay, Oct. 24 Sailed at 11 a. m.. dredge Col. Michlo. for Portland. Balboa. Oct. .23. Sailed, strs. ohin ,! I Orcsonlan, from Portland, for New York. L.Aswr '"i Vi.iT1 y?"i!etl. " ,1:,::0,.a- m'' sir, w . i. llerrln, for Monterey. Left up at 12:15 p. m.. str. Sisrinaw. Sailed at 2:13 p. la., str. Olson & Mahonr. for Sun Pedro. San Francisco. Oct. 2.').- Sailed at 0 p. m., str. Yucatan: at midnight, str. Temple K. Dorr, for Portland. El Segundo. Oct. 22. Arrived, str. Maverick, fiom Portland. San I'edro, Oct. 23.- Railed, str. Gen. W. teiiwicii. ror tolumtua river. san hrancisco, o t. 24. Arrived, Am. str. Nsnn smith, coos llay. 1:43 a. m. ; Am. str. Koauoke. Portland. 5:S0 a. m. ; Am. sir. Nor- . " j-imi L'ms. iu.; jap. sir. r-niuyo ' Ki.rragut, Seattle' 7:i . "a; Am str. Palsy ' Pntnn,n Porti.nd s a m Am it,Ttr I Han Pedro. a. tn.: Am. str " Harvard .i'i Diego. 9:30 a. m.; Am. str. Chehulis. towiug steamer Hajmond. Grays Haroor. 11 a. ni. Sailed. Am. str. City of Toneka, Kurekn. I J';?5 m.; Am. tr. Mongolia Hong Koug ' :1 P- m- Am- ,r- Harvard due to sail ! Dur.geness. Oct. 21-Passed in. Am. str. Davenport. 8:30 a. ra. ! Port Townaend. Wash.. Oct. 24. Barge 10:30 a. m., for Daehiog Wave passed in Seattle. Port Gamble. Oct. 24. Sailed. Am Alice Gooke. Honolulu, lumber cargo. sch. Tacoma. Wash.. Oct. 24. Sailed. Br. str. v.lga. t Dlted Kingdom, f a. m., cargo wheat. Seattle, Wash.; Oct. 23. Arrived. Am. str, congress. San1 l-Tanelseo, p. m .; Br str ".' l2:i?o ti. Merionethshire. Europe via orient m.; Am. trs Santa Ana, Boat Harbor, li. C., via .iHiiaiiuo. a, .., o p. m. waited. Am, sir triivernor, San Francisco. 5 p. ui., 4.10 pas. 'eugera. general, cargo: Am. str. Admiral i"". p.-m. Forft Angeles, Wash., Oct. 23. Arrived Br. BUDGE T CUTS OIECK'S SALARY ESTIMATES Office Boy Only Lucky One in Commissioner's Own Office to Get Rise, MORE REDUCTION NEEDED Further Sam of $200,000 Halt Bt Sub tracted to Hold Tax xevy Sown to Seven Mills. While Commissioner Dieck of the department of public works had asked for salary Increases for practically all of the employes of his departments in the budget estimates lie had pre pared, the budget committee yesterday refused increases to all in his own of fice except the office boy and allowed only six small increases for the out side force. Only the estimates for salaries and new positions in the department were considered yesterday, while the esti mates for supplies, material, etc., will not bt; reached until Monday. On salaries alone, including proposed new positions, the committee eliminated approximately $42,000. To provide for a tax levy of 7 mills, the budget will have to be reduced still further by approximately $200, Ooo. Aa there remains only to be con sidered the estimates for supplies, material, etc., in Uieck's department and the budget- for the health bureau, it is expected that practically every special appropriation sought will be eliminated and the estimates already completed rescanned. PTiTinv Di-niiii Ex ITI ON I-ILK1J HY PI Pll.b Children Want Space Opposite the Iadd School. Asking that the park block across from the Liadd school be set aside as a play spot. 950 school children have filed a petition with the city commis sioners. They say that they . lack a place to play and only ask that the sidewalks be removed and the ground covered with sand. They do not seek playground apparatus as on the play grounds adjoining most of the other schools. It is unlikely that any action will be taken on the petition by Commissioner Brewster, in charge of the play grounds, us he offered to give it for a playground last year if the school board would provide apparatus, but this the board refused to do, so this year grass has been planted and the children barred. Mr. Brewster says that the grass will remain, unless the school board takes some action. WATER SURVEY TO. liE MADE Commissioner Daly Thinks Some Using More Than Paid For.v Believing that there are a number of water consumers using more water than they are lawfully entitled to under the flat rate system that is, they have more fixtures and outlets than they represent they -have Will H. Daly, commissioner of public utili ties, is to order a survey made of all services. According to Mr. Daly there has not been a survey of the water services for 30 years and he believes that there are several hundred water consumers who are not paying fully what tiie law requires. Under the flat rate system there is a minimum charge of 50 cents a month to households, an additional charge made for bath tubs, toilets, water heaters, etc., according to their number. Reservoir Tender Reinstated. D. G. Hoogerhyde, a tender at the Mount Tabor reservoirs, who was dis charged for handling the reservoir gates improperly, has been reinstated by the municipal civil service board ue'eaube other charges were made at the hearing than those filed against him when discbarg-ed. This is in line with a rule laid down by the board ...... 0 .,,.jj ;., ... .! 1 ""'J v-uaifecn Luuiaincu 111 i i hub, wouiu Dt cousiuert'u, anu u insuimieiii would result in reinstatement. I'laygrountl Directors Chosen. Twelve young people to serve as playground directors in the city play grounds have been certified on the eligible list prepared by the municipal civil service board. Those who passed the examination and who are now Qualified to be selected are Lillah P. Clark, Dorothy Sanford, Frank E. Har- rigan, George E. Murphy, Jennis F. Huggins, Olive A. Nisley, Mildred G. Bartholomew, Hortense L. Williams, Edna Metcalf. Lucile Cogswell, Bea trice I. Doty and Helen C. Werlein. Must Face Charge t of Safecracking Three Men Will Be Taken to Gardiner by Sheriff Qulne, of Soseburg-, Ore gon. To face charges of cracking the safe of th3 Gardiner Mill company at Gardiner, Or., August 31. from which $4500 was taken, Walter Brennen, John O'Netl and James Taylor will be taken to Sheriff Quine. The three were arrested on suspi cion that they might have done 19 or more safe cra,cking jobs in the Wil lamette valley in the past few months but efforts to identify them were un availing until their pictures were rec ognized at Gardiner. Sheriff Word, Deputy Kulpcr and railway police arrested the three in Salem recently. Word was received that two more of the band, were arrested at Sub limity, Or., In tho act of committing burglary and are in the custody - of Sheriff Esch, of Salem. One js be lieved to be Charles Peterson, alias the "Brg Swede," with a criminal rec ord, and the name of the other is not k u , thouKht thef are still t "Jn- ' Vi- ? it t. uivt c 'I'. "I "1 ' H.U v c to1- Stolen Purse Is Returned. Conscience or fear caused the return to Sheriff Word yesterday of a purse containing two -notes for a total of $204 and other belongings of Mrs. M. C. Howard. The, property was stolen during a reception in the Women's Relief Corps rooms In the courthouse recently. The identity of the thief was suspected but no arest was made I ana opportunity was given to return I the- property. The property was j turned over to Mrs. Howard. I str. Qtieen Margaret. Seattle: Am. bk. Marr vv liuceiman. Jduiuiteo in tow str. w limine ton I sailed, Am. atr. Wilmington. San Francisco. COMMITTEE ADVANCE Bids to Be Asked for Bridge Bonds Interstate Span Imi to Be Published October 24 and 31 and on Ho-v ember 7; Letter Received. The county commissioners this morning received a letter from S. .Shanks Jr., advertising manager of the Bond Buyer, a New York finan cial paper, stating that the advertise ment for the sale of $250,000 of 'in terstate bridge bonds by Multnomah county will be published October 24 and 31 and November 7 and once free in the weekly put out by the paper. lr. Shanks said that the increase of the interest to 3 per cent adds ma terially to the probability of the sale of these bonds. A letter was also re ceived from fc'tate Treasurer Kuy stating that funds at his disposal were already promised for two montna J and would not be available for pur chase of bonds. TO ANY TINKERING WITH DIRECT PRIMARY LAW State Federation Corrects Statement on the Nonpar tisan Judiciary Measure, Portland, Or.. Oct. 23. To the Ed itor of The Journal The legislative committee of the State Federation of Women's Clubs desires to call the at in f thf Public and of the club women to a statement in the argument for the nonpartisan judiciary measure on page 36 of the voters' pamphlet. It sajs: ''This measure has been in dorsed by the State Bar association an(1 the State Federation of Women's clubs at their annual meetings." This is a misleading statement. The State Federation, at its meeting iu 1313. in dorsed the principle of a nonpartisan judiciary in the following resolution: Resolved, That we. the State Federa tion of Women's Clybs, urgently re quest that like clubs, -association and organizations that are working for the uplift of the people, be requested to initiate a bill removing the judiciarv of the state of Oregon from political influence, making the same nonDolitic- al. and providing for placing on the j vmnoi me names ot proper persons for judicla.1 positions without refer ence to political affiliations. Adop tion recommended. Carried. The measure, Nos. 324-325. as it stands was never submitted to the fed eration, nor: would It have received the indorsement of the legislative commit tee for the following reasons: It amends the direct primary iaw and we do not think that law should be tinkered with in the interests of any group of candidates. It exempts certain candidates from the necessity of going before the voters at the pri mary election. We require candidates for any petty office to hold their rec ords up to the scrutiny of the voters on two separate occasions, but in this measure we are asking the candidates for th most important offices in the state the judges, who pass upon the life and liberty of the people to sub mit themselves for but 60 days' con sideration. "We do not think the claim Is a proper one that this law is similar to the Washington law. That state re quires the candidates for the judiciary to appear on a nonpartisan ballot sheet at the primary election. Considered Unworthy. We do not think that the nomination feature is sufficiently guarded. Ow ing to the ease with which hordes of office seekers might become candi dates for these high offices, there would be no inducements for serious, right-minded men to become candi dates, even under the "nonpartisan" hypnosis. It does not commend itself to us as worthy of the object for which it stands. A Multnomah county jurist told a story at a meeting the other evening about a state with a negro population, which could vote but could not read. They (the negroes) could only recog nize Lincoln's picture at the head of the column. They forthwith voted for the picture and also voted in the group under it. We are being shown a law which has "nonpartisan" at the head of the column, under the spell of the word. Shall we vote in the law? MILLIE R. TRUMBULL. Chairman Legislative Committee State Federation Women's Clubs. SARAH A. KVANS. President State Federation Women's Clubs. Oregon May Invite Belgian Refugees Matter of Asking' Agriculturists to Set tle In Til' State Considered at Meet ing Held Yesterday. A plan to bring Belgian refugees to Oregon agricultural lands was con sidered by the state board of Immigra tion, the Immigration committee of the Commercial club and a special com mittee appointed by the Realty board at a meeting yesterday-' afternoon. C. :C. Chapman of the Commercial club and state immigration agent, anl John Hartog of the Realty board were appointed a committee to look further into the matter. H G. Beckwith of the Realty board said the idea was to raise a fund of $150,000 by government and state ap propriation and popular subscription end with it bring to this state Bel gian families familiar with Belgian methods of farming. He thought 11000 a family should itieet all ex penses of transportation, locate them on the land and meet living costs until the first harvest. Members of the immigration com mission expressed the opinion that it might be hard to mike. Oregon people believe that $150,000 to bring 1B0 families to Oregon might not be spent In some way -that would result in bringing a larger number able to pay their own way. The Immigration commission voted yesterday afternoon hereafter to hold regular meetings, the last Thursday of each month at 4 p. m. Indians May Have to" 'Do Time' Klamath Fajls. Or., Oct. 24. Believ ing that the Indians are not In the least affected by the payment of fines imposed upon them, William B. Freer, superintendent of the Klamath Indian reservation, has decided upon, a road camp, where offenders will be com pelled to "do time." This is principal WOMEN OPPOSED ly for the Indians found drinking, or caught playing "bones" their tribal gambling game. 0 - - G O. P. FLORAL PIECE OCCUPIED PROMINENT SPOT-BEHIND SCENES Beflowered Elephant May Be Still Patiently Waiting to Receive Its Cue, CONCEALMENT IS AWFUL Booth Faction at Meeting Chagrined at Failure of "Beast" to Come Be fore the Footlights. What became of that U. O. P. ele phant floral piece that occupied so prominent a spot behind the scenes at the Booth-West debate at the old Heilig theatre last night? It was a beautiful example of the florist's art. The body of the ele phant was at least three feet long, all in red roses. On his back was a gor geous saddle of white roses, and taste fully worked into his sides were the letters G. O. P. in blue. In the early minutes following the opening: of the doors, when seats on the stage were numerous, the elephant was not in sight. But after a while the seats grew scarce and those au ditors standing on the stage began tearing down a pile of boxes for seats. Then the elephant, cleverly concealed behind the boxes, came to their view, lie was situated directly behind the drop curtain that was back of the chairs on the stage. The entrance of the elephant was ,ooked f0Pward to a,most a8 anxiously as the second portion of Mr. Booth's reply. It was expected that the piece would be thrust forward at some point of triumphal repartee in Mr. Booth's second speech. Several times Chairman Moores of 'the state central committee, w-ho oc cupied a seat in the front row, was seen to shift back his chair expect antly and look towards the flies. But the elephant never materialized. lie remained in seclusion throughout the evening. The expected .triumph of Mr. Booth j did not come. Charlie Moores, listen ing anxiously to Governor West's ar raignment, finally forgot all about the elephant. It is still waiting patiently in an obscure corner behind the CHURCH SERVICES (Continued from Preceding Page.) t. Kev. K. il. iiauui, vicar. S. S. lu. Serv ices 11 aud i .oO. Holy communion on aecond, (ourlh aud filth auudaya ot uionio at 7:W; n first at li. D-oliuaya by ayuoiutmcDt. St. Paul's, Wouduiere Itev. Oawvld W. Taylor, lioiy communion 1st Sunday lu month, t a. m. Services 4 p. in., except 1st Sunday lu uiouih. Pattou. Michigan and Alberta George T. Hoykiiia", pator. S. S. 10. MiriDou 11. Sr Uiou 7 :30 y. ui. Friends' Churca. Suunyslde bi xulriy-tiitb and Main sts. Uuiuer Col, pastor, services 11 and 7; JO. a. b. U:45. c. b. o:JO. frajer uieeung xnurs aay , 7 : JO. L.euta South Malu at., Kev. John Riley, pas tor. Pieachiug 11 a. ui. mii 7 :3J p. ut. Bible school U.4J. c. E. 0:0 p. m. , wesi I'ledmout t rteuds ttci, T. J. Coburn. Pieaclitug 11 a. ui. and 7: Jo p. iu. Blbls scuuui iu a. ui. a. s. iu. c . United Evangelical. First 15. -"'Ui d JUK.e liev. C. C. Po liug. Services .'I a. ui. aud 8 p. iu. S. S. U:-io. K. t,. C r... o:so. St. aouu J. a. liouue, pastor. Preaching 11 aud i .oO. s. b. lo. iw. L. C. . 6:30. Wichita Rev. li. li. larub-ui. pastor. Services 11 a. ui. aud 7:3t p. iu. ti. S., 10 a. ui. C. r... o:Jo p. 111. Ockley taievu 1 Ulameite tilvd. aud Gay Rev. S. L,. i-ovell, pastor. 11 aud 7: JO, S. S. lo. n.. L. V. 1. I li. u, Evangelical Association. Canon lieifcU'-s J. Slocker, pastor. 11:3 aud 7. S. S. 10-JO. first feiiUsu uat Sixth aud Market sta. Rev. . C Horuscuuch, pastor. M. S. 10 a. ui X. P. A. 7 p. li.. Services 11 auu A p. in tlrst vieriuau bvaugelivul 11, Scuuaoacat, pt.ior. UniverisliaU Church of the Uuwi liuius. Broadway and . iih liev. J . U. Coify. a. S. la. Services at lo:JO a. lu. V. P. V. I'., j:Ju p. in. "The ileuace to the Republic." Lutheran Z.lon's German lllissuuil Syuod) Caroar Suiuiou aud tuapuiau. Li. li. Kuppeimauu, lo:lo, :4o. S. .. y:15. Belhauy Dauish ii. c Jeuoe n-tughulm. pas tui. union uveuue -ud AluiTls. servic 11 tud 8. S. S., 10. Swedish taisslou itev. B. J. Thoren, 11 aud 8. S. S. lo. V. P. iiuuianuel Rev. J. Ricua.d Olson, laih and iiviug il and s; S. a.. V.iJ. Lulled Norwejsiau liuuiau, pastor. 11 aud 7:40. S. Kllui coa pel itev. a. J. Thoraon, 11. a. 8. lo. St. Paul's German F. 12th and Clinton, A. S. Krause, pastor. Services 10.30 a. u. aud 7 :'JM p. in. S. S., V:M a. m. Trinity Ueruiau (Miftsouii syuod) Williams uveuue and oruhaui J. A. um.bach. S. a., a lo. Services lu and 7:o0 Norwegiau Syuod t. Giaut, corner t. 10th. liev. Ueo. lleudrikeu- S. S., lo. Services 11 a. iu. and 8 p. in. St. Jobu s. s. io. Preaetlng 11. luiniauuei ticruiau tSaliou il. C. rjbe lug, io.oO. b. S. U:3U. . urace fcugll-h iMiscourl fj nod AlLlua aveuua and Mason, liev. C. L,uecke, pastor. lo:JU aud 1:W. S. S. U:15 a. ui. St. James" Kugilsb West Park and Jeffer son its. Kev. J A. Leas, pastor, b. S. Id Luther league, 7. Services, 11 a. m aud 8 p. in. sweuisn Augustana itev. a. K. sanstedt, 1C:45 and 7 :45. S. 8. 9:3o. Bethal Ivy and Williams Rev. J. A. Slow ney. Services 11 and 8. S. 8.. 10. ' United Norwegian t Portsmouth i a. O. Hen- Sister: Read l - ft ri V ' '.J tp". i thing evil about to happen, creeping feeling along the spine, palpitation, hot flashes, weariness, sallow complexion with dark circles under the eyes, pain in the left breast or a general feeling that life is not worth living, 1 Invite ,You to Send Today for My Free 10 Days Treatment and learn how these ailments can be easily and surely conqtitred at home with- out the dangers and expense of an operation. When you are cured, and able to enjoy life again, you can pass the good word along to some other sufferer. My home treatment is for youn?" or old. To Mothers of Daughters, I will ex- filain how to overcome sreen sickness tchlorositj. irregularities, headaches, and assitude in. younp women and r"tore them to plumpness and health. Tell me if -you are worried about your daughter. Remember, it costs you nothing to) give my home treatment; a ten days' trial, ard does not interfere with daily wuis. si wviaxa sssiaif uier; u-c-vrj'i ni itih-iju uiixi aim w&v for the free treatment, including inv illustrated booklet, "Women's Own Med ical Adviser." 1 will send all in plain wrappers postpaid. To save time, you can cut out this offer, mark vour feelings, and return to me. Send today, as you may not see this offer asain. Address, MRS. M. SUMMERS, - - - - BOX H, SOUTH BEND, 1ND. drlikaon. pator. Service II. S. 8.. lO. V p. Lumie'a bail. - Vernon. kliasluu ikloutTllia Uauiiltou'e cfcapeL eoruer t. Gliaan and K. tOlb. W. F. Cuta. pallor. S. S, :'M. Ueratan ae;u at lo:U a. IB. t'irxt Rev. C. Howard Davis, pastor. S. S., :45. Service, li and I:JO. Y. 1., 6. ftcaudlnaviau .azarene Us viainelu. a. a. 10 a. in. bervivea 11 a. iu. aud k li, is. Vouug ikuvIc lueetiug T p . Brentwood Kev. Aaron Wells. S. S.. 10. Services, 11 aud 8. V. P. .. 7. Prayer meeting Wedueaday, 8 p. m. Young People's uieetiug, 7: Jo. beiiMuod a. C. Baker. A. S.. 10 a. m. Preachiu 11 a. in. aud 7:30 p. m. Catheflo. Holy Cross, University I'ark Rev. T. B. klurpuy, c. S. C. Lwvr maa aud Instruc tion, b a. m. aud seimoi. lo:3u. bericoB aaJ beuvdiction, .Jo it. at. hi. Joacth a nie. can) Bt. feev. Jataes bauw, V. li. Low iuas 8. Uifb mass &il saruiou, 10: Jo. Vespers abd beueuiutlou, J:Jo. alulj UeUeeUier liev. Joseph A. CUapa.u. iaw ujusa, to aud b. high ui--a and eriuuu, lu:,. ieueuuvuun. 7:Mj. St. lfcnauus Kef. r. Dilvon. 8. i. Low mass, 8 and V:3u, Mass, serinou aud benedic tion, u t'raocla Kev. J. H. Black. Low mass, b and b; high mass aud sermon 10.30. Ves pers; lust.ucUuu aud benedlcllon. 7 .'M. St. Stephens Ue. W. A. vvaltt. uw mass 6: Jo; hlu mass aud auimoa 1U:3U. St. Lawrence's J. C. Hughes. Low naaa tt, 8 and W; jtlga cms aud acruaou lt'.at). Vespers and benediction. 7,30. St. Patrick a Iter. H. P. Uurpcy. Low was 8; high maw aud seruiuu lu:Jo. vespers and beueuictiun 3:M. luiniaculate Heart ot I Jar Rev. W. A. Daly. Lour mass o. 8 acl M. llljth mass and aeriuon 1U.SU. ' Vapers aud beueuicivoo 7:90. Sacred Heart, al.lwauuie u.ev. ueorga lia ble, O. 3. Low dm 8; nlgn inaa asd kcrmou lo Jo. Vcxpera aud beui-CicLloa 7 : JO. Asceusion, ilouiaviUa Kev. J. P. lltspa trlck. Mass at 8; nigh mass with seiuiou, 10: JO. Sunday- school at . iienedlcUou 3 .Jo. Holy Eosaiy Very tie v. Ii. H. Kelly. Low mass d. 7, 8 and u. HUb mass c' vruiou, 11. Vetpei aud be'uedUi.ii..u 7 .HU, fit. Audrew'a Kev. luomu Klaruan. Low man 8; tilth mass and seiuiun lu. Vespers Uisiructfon and beucdicliou 7.30. St. Mary's Pro-CaUiedia) alost Hev. A. Christie, V. D. Low na d, 8, and U, hlfih mass aud sermou 11. Va.pers. lajiructiou aud Denedlctton 1 .. bt. S:aijlbiu' (Polish) Rv. Kl. ilatus tew. ski. -uw uias b:Jo; bleb was aud aw suow St. John The BaptUt Miln sukle V Met 1. SI. O'Neill. Mai-ses, 8 and 10::m a- ti. S. S., 'J a. iu. Service, 7 :'M p. 'in. Concrecatlqcat:, first Park aud jaaui.-ou Kev. Luther K. Dyutt, I). U.tll a. in. aud 7 : lo p. uj. a. D:jO ii. m. "The Knitd'.mi tVithln lluw limit Op, ' aud "Secrets ot True r'raterual ism.'' Iirst German East Jtt aud Stuntou. Kev. K. u. lliuiau. Liuderhursi Kev. 1). B. Orsy. S. 8. lo. 8ei vices 11 aud 7:45. C. L. U.oU p. in. Pilgrim Missouri and Shaver t., Prot. W. M. I'rocior. acting pastor. 1'ieucuinE 11 aud 7: Jo. S. S., :1j. C. L., t:JO. Luiverslly Park Rev. W C. Kantner, li D., paslor, 11 a. m. and 7 : Jo p. iu. S. 8., 10 a. in. V. P. S. C. K., 7. "Souie 'Phings l aith May Conquer,"' aud "Paul the Stead fast." ' , t.aurelv. ood Kev. C. S. Johnson. Services IU and 1:40 C. E., 7. Hi.-riiaim. E. Uth aud Prescot t- Rev. E. S. Bullluger. S. S., 10 a. m. Preachius, It aud 7: JO. V. P. S. C. E., t:50. "The Hull and the Kernel,'' and ''liouie ct Tomui rov, ." VVaverly Ueij;Ula, L. JJd und noodward Rev. A. C ilosta, H a. ui. and 7 : JO p. ni. "Our Greatest Friend," aud "What i'hiuk St of Christ." Hassulo street J. 3d. Lowden. pastor. Services. 11. S. S-. 10 a. m. Suuuyside East .3d aud Taylor. Rev. J. J stauD. 11 aud 7.4o. S. S.. lo a. m. C. E., b:l.". "Christ's Coming and the Kspture," ud "Short on Oue Couut." St. Johns Kev. Daniel T. Thomas. Morn ing sermon, 11 a. m. S. S.. 10 a. m. C. E., :J0. "Faith iu the tuture." Ardenwald Kev. uauiel 1. Thomas. S. S., 10 a. ui. C. K., 0:io. l'reachiug, 7:J0 p. m. "Abrabain." Ziou toerman) East 0th and frremont. Rev. J. U. Hupp. Services lu:JO and 7;J0. C. B.. b.Jo- Atkiuson Memorial Hev. F. W. Gorman, pastor. Services 11 a. iu. and 7.43. C K. C:JO. Javnah. Congregation Betn Israel 12th and klaln ta. Kelo.m ritual iriuay uigai ii a. eaiuruay uoruiug at in. liellglouj acbool at tf:Mo bunuay uaoruiug. ltatibl Jonah li. Wise con one is all erv4ces aud liibla class a. avantb ay Aflvsntiala. Note Kegular ei vices ot uu denonilnatloa axe held uu Saturday. CeuUal Ulder Muton 11. St. Johns, pastor. Services 11 a. in. S. S. 10. Suuuay eveulug, l:ao. Prayer weetiug Wedueaday, 7:3o, i. P. ti., 7 :ao. Kriuay evening. Moutavlila J. K. Bcny, eider. Sabbath school lu a. iu. Preaching 11 a. u. Prayer meeting 7:30 Weuuesdai. alouut labor Kev. C. J. Cummlngs, pastor. East 60th aud kelmcnt. Services: Sabbath acboul, lo a. in. l'iecbiog 11 a. m. Prayer meeting 7:-i5 Wednes'iay cveulng. Leuts 1. J. chitn-oou, elder- Uarion ave nue uud Biuuisuer. tiervices: Sabbath sciiool lo a. ni. 1'ieacblug 11. ' Hnnduy i ..Su. Prayer uieetlug Wednesday evening, 7:40. Albtua tUrrniaui Henry Uiock. elder. G. F. Buscn, local elder. Services: Sabbath school, lu a. bp. l'reachiug ll:oO a. m. and 8 p. m. Preachiug Suuday evening at 8. Pruyer uieet lug Weduesday evening, 8. St. Johns lilder K. U. Qurlburt. Sabbath acbool 10. Preaching IU Prayer meet lug Wednesday 7:3U p. m. Scandinavian churca Elder O- E. Ran does, pastor. Services: S. S. 10. l'reachiug 11 a. ni. (Saturday I ; Sunday service 7;oo p. ut. Prayer meeting 7:'JU Wednesday. TJaieaxIan. Church of Our Father Broadway and Yam hill Ucv. T. L. &liot. L. U . minister emeritis: liev. W. G. Eliot Jr.. minister. Services, It a. m. aud 7:45 p. m. S. 8., U:30 a. ni. V. 1'. K., ii-JM p. in: "Changing Upinkin and llellglous Faith," and "The Salunun of the Cui-mploy mcnt lrobleiu," Pro fessor W. V. Ogburn. Latter Day Salnta. Church of Jesus Christ of Cutter Day Saints (Mormon). East Niueteueih and Uarrlsou. 8. S.. 10. Preaching. 11:15 aod 7. MontavllUi tuot kwrmuBi 8. a. Serv ices 11 uud 7:oO. Seformed. First German G. Hufner, pastor. Services 10:45 and 8. S. S.. V. P. S., 7. Second A. E. Wysa, Columbia Dlvd. ani 8Sd at. 11 and 8. S. S. V.Hi a. in. Y. P. S. 7. Third Fifth a venae, Lents Rev. H. Scbeldknecht. pastor. S. &, id a. m. Serv ices II 1. Q. International Biblo Students. (Kid Kelluvis hull, E. 0th and Alder, let s. l:4o, o, 4:oi, 7 and 7 :'M p. in. Serv- Free Kethodiat. First Church, corner East Nln.h and Mil! Ilev. E. 1. liorrlngtoo, pastor. Siaday services II a. in. and 7.30 p. tn. Central church. Colh anil East Flanders Kev. John G. Hessler. Z. S.. 10. Servloea 11 aud 7:30. V. P. M ., Christian Science. First Chnrcb of Christ St-lectist Everett between 18tb and ltb sta. Services at 11 My Free OHer! X am a woman. Z know a woman's trials. Z know bar nead of sympathy and help. If you. my sister, are unhappy be cause of ill-health, if you feel unfit for household duties, social pleasures, or j daily employment, write and tell me just how vou suffer, and ask for my ires ten days' trial of a home treatment i suited to your net-de. lien cannot on- ! . deratand wmtn's sufferings. What we ' i women know from experience, we kpow j ueiier man any mail, i vtain ici ieii y uu t how to cure yourself at home at a cost of about 2 cents a week. If you suffer from women's peculiar ailmentH causing pain in the bead, back, or bowels, feeling- of weigbt and drag ging" down sensation, falling or displace ment of pelvic organs, causing kidney and bladder weakness or constipation and piles, painful or irregular periods, catarrhal conditions and discharges, ex treme nervousness, depressed spirits, melancholy, deaixe to cry. fear of some and H. S. S.. t:& and 11 a.- m. ' "ProbatUm After Death." Secoud Woodmen hall. E. -IJtb and Abler 11 and 8. S. S., D:4j aud U a. tn. "Proba tion After Keatb." Third East l'.'th and Salmon st-i. 11 and' K. S. 8., 11 and 12:lo. "Probation After Death." Firilrib VaiH-ouvcr ave. aud Kuierson t. P S.. 8:45 aud It a. oi. Service. 11 a. ui. and 8 p. m. "Probation After Death." Flfrh Myrtle Park lial.. Services I a. m. S. S.. 9:30 a. m. "Probation After Death." Evanisllcal BtsoA. German Evangelical Friends rborcb. Ts COUM avenue aud East Mttkutk. Rv. Ellas Herrsrt pastor. g. 8. :8u. C. E. 0:JO. Preachinc 10:45 and 7:30. St. Paul Evangelical church 447 Falling street. Kev. J. Herbert, pastor. Services 11 aud 7:M. V. P. .8. :30 p. m. Morai ea. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Dav Salnta E. 19th and Uarrlsou. Services 11:40 a. m. and 7 p. in. S. S., 11 a. m. Karri ca tor tha Seal. United Presbyterian Uav. 8. Earl Duools. 10:30 and 8. C. E. 7. Churbb of tha TTsw JTeniaalam. K. of P. Hall. 11th and Alder. Services and sermon at 11, conducted by Mr. Loreuts. Advent Christian (Not Karen ta Day). Advent Chriatlan C. F. L. Bmltb. pastor. Services: buuday School 10 a. to. Proachtnc 11 a. u. and 7:30 p. at. Loyal Worksra. :&u u. ul. Prayer meeting 7:6 Xhursday. International Bible Students Aaioiiation. Odd Fellows Hall, East dth and Alder sts. 1:45 p. ni., Bereau Bible school. 3 p. m., lecture by Evangelist A. A. Yerex. "Which Is the True ' Church V -1:30 p. in., praise and tftlmony meetlug. 7 p. ni., prayer lueeltuc 7:Jo p. m., discourse, by C. W. Field. New Thought Temple of Truth. Church Ellers Dldg. l J. Green, pastor. Services. T-ts nl 8 p. m. S. S., 10 a. in. "The Right Way to Easy Street." Salvation Army. Corns No. 4 M7 Salmon St. Adj. and Mrs. F. Cenite In charge. Sunday services 3:15 and 8. Moliuea mwtin at 11 a. m. Corps No 1- ;d2;Vi Ankeny. Adj. and Mrs Whitney in charge 3:15 and 8 p. in. Sunday services 11 a. in.. S. S.. 1:30. V. 1. S.. 6 p. ra. Swedish Corps. 430 Burnsld 11, 4:30 and 8. efue to Goods,, ID) You Ask For YOU can effectually pro tect yourself against imposition by buying stand ard articles backed by the reputation of the manufac turer. M ANU F A C TURERS who have spent much time and large sums of money to establish a favorable reputation and demand for their products cannot afford to misrepre sent to the public, or to allow their products to fall below the high standard of quality they have estab lished for them. Goods upon, which they have placed their name or trade ?i niarlr" must give purchasers continuous, uniform satis faction or the demand for them will cease and their greatest asset be destroyed. THOSE manufacturers who produce " QUAL ITY goods protect the "Get What You Ask Eor" 'IS' " National Anti-Substitution League, Philadelphia Cures Without Drugs This Modern Method of Electric Treatment ils-Curing Men and Women After Doctors and Drugs Fail. MMsssnmsva mm" Ml m . mi VJ i- v 5 I iVI 'Way nature does ita We euro with 5 v V R I Jf electricity. The rfcon drugs don't I VK. AsW GSI ff ture is because theC do not help na- I Vvalu V r A tMre- Nature needs?; elwtricity.-nour- I XV iV J I' yt iehment, something-: that builds up. I K' w tl li J. f r 5 1 Drugs contain no sjiou Sv vl J JfiS 'KM One way of curlnibls w A jni Zi-.f X -WM 11 mc WW' to and1 Get 90-Page Bookjree Just pot rocr name aod address on tola i i , ' pon and mail it to a. We'll send you (all particular regarding Eleetra-Yita, tocether siitb ur free 00-uajre bexjk. vrblcb explains ma ay tbiuga you oujrht to know about tha disorders of nien and women. This book tell la plato. simple language, bow you can be cured tn vour borne, without the use of drugs, 't tell now various dlaunier are brought on through neg lect and bv they are easllv conquered by electric treatment. It is beautifully illustrated with rVtures of wll developed men and wi men. showing just bow Electra-Vtta la applWd. lHn't fall to get this book." Cat ant tha cuu- at. 8 p. in. he. - aonn vivaei. 'in. Volunteers . of Amiya Miatou Hall -Hi Asb st.. uvar 3d. aSiand s:l. v 6Diri4bal. : Flrst ltl AlUky iiiij. Rev. Ahbea ies. endanger. J p. in.. uiirst ges. a p. a:., lectuia. Church of the Soul. Third si. Ke. 4. ' H. Lucas, pastor., t.'onreuce II s. in. M- . uiuuis' iiu-etms. X.Jo feS at. le cture s u. ui. Fourth Sua otU ct.-ilieT. May A. Pri.;. V strvtces 8 p. tn. '?i MlscsUeoua Portland Buhsi ActijoU C2 Ellers blilg. Services 8 p. m. K Divine Truth Ceoterf-SelllDg-Ulrscb bid. Ktv. J. M. Miuard, patpr. Setvicea 11 a. ui. S. noon. !?': Chrtlau yi 0O3 i Atdugton bldg. F. O. t Win twin. Services, io;."S& aud 11:15 a. m. aud 8 p. hi. S. S., noon ,!':terusl Lite." efcuren ut tae liretureu iUuuardj Kev. Gvr;e A. Can, 11 aud7:30. S. 8. lu. U W. :3t. -f. Congregatloa AhavaU Snolem Services at -8: JO aud a. The Churcfc of God-fRev. 3, T. Xeal. pastor. Services at 0 tUerniaJM. 2:30. C:45. 8. 8. 1:80. Tesltmt ay aud tM-Uise uevttua at 7. Church of Christ lft. Pitctilug 11 and I:jo. ttlbie class 1(1 t ffl. Vernon Ch trcb ot Chlt Sermon II by J. E. JuUuauu, 7: JO. Ktulc school 1't. Lenta cniucb John Riley. Preaching at 11 SO(t 7 45. S. S. 10. C. E. 0:45. V. W. C, A. Broadway and Taylor. Vet per rervlce, 4:30. S Plagsb M'savow. Lenljj- Fuli g-spel Ruadsy. K:3u a. ni. end 2:30 pi: ni. Toeauay aud Fri day evenlu at Jt:30. g . ' The Irv! igtou Ceuter-ljaf Trutu 719 Thomp son street, corner Ea 21st Hervleea II. "Forglveuese-; the I'aths of Freedom, ", Mrs. Florence Cran ford. 3fi, Conimuus MU.lon 2: .1. ""root St.. L. a. NorthruuSfcid J. S. Montgomery. Supts. 8 p. nt. The t'uTuitian snd Utssionary Alliance, pot., aer E. S3- and clay stajj Kev. J. E. Fee, pas tor. 11 a m. and 7 .JO . p. m, b. 8. 10 a. m. X. V. 6: at p. ui j si Scandinavian Free i liaRion 7J7 Allert. Scivlpes every Sundnyjill Ji. m. and 7:30 p m. ucv. Muriiu oisenj, V. M. C. A.. Slith and Tayltir atreets work director. Meet- It. E. Randall, rellglud lng for men at 3:1.V $ cSalvatlon Army 207 Salmon. Servlcee II . Bi.. 3:15 and 8 "p. m. -S . Chrlstadclphlani. G54 ,;. Montgomey. Serv lrf. l":o a. in. i :H Theosotihical siwletv.-;ti3 Morgan bldg. Serr- Ir.s p. in. '-Three tijcct f the Society. Buy " i :'i as Get lVhat 1 it fl t ii I 1: ' buyer with thiir name or trade mark. lijving their products "are lejnade right and of high rade, they want the pub'c to know thev are resjibnsible for -them. I.g KM EM lildl, the guar- sP ' antee of If our protec- R tioil against nierior guods" is the niakeij: name or trade mark car this in mind when yOtj buy cloth ing, hats, shuc automobile supplies, tires,jilutomobilcs, talking machiis, furniture, carpets, pian, watches, breakfast fotwfe, shewing gum, canned ljods, grape, juice, soda fountain drinks, package mecjjjcines, face creams, hair ;tinics, tooth paste or powditjr, hardware, etc. - ill ' 1 n pi:rchin;; go!s insist on )j-fhe maker s name or tradej-jlnark brand Accept no siistitutcs. li.-t Si 1 uon t iaKe anotnar ao oi arugs. Know ine many ai ij'recaoie eriects oi drugs, yet you go 6 taking them for every little pain or alisorder. Just be cause you were taiqrht that nothing else could cure. . We have the natural way of curing j, - u . . . . . . disorders and chrojfic ailments the rtshment no which 1 tears to restore""eIec- triclty where it is , Seeded, and Dain and disorders dlsaflpear. That' be cause electricity xlvs strength, power to the body, enablfqg every organ to perform its work pepperly, ahd when every organ is inja strong, iiealt'ny condition, there can: te no pain or ail ment. i Wear Electra-Vitlt.j Tchlle you sleep. Scandinavian, 21J As all i rrun , i iq to 1 1 V aiicajii I . ipi.- trlcity to your nerves, and they carry It to every organ s'tid tissue of your body, restoring hearty and vim. Klectra-Vita is aS$aeIf-charged body battery which genejften a steady, un broken stream of fmlvanic- electrjcHy into the nerves fofhours while you sleep, infusing thertft'with new energy and building up thKp entire system to a strong, healthy cdflidition. While you are slipping it Is pour ing a continuous diij-rent of life-giving electricity Into (ybur system. The weak, starving nerves absorb and. re tain the force and wfrow strong under its vitalizing lnflpeifJ-e. You wake up , w in the morning wifts a feeling ot ex ,4 1 hilaration. Your ifiid-tinie energy ImTm aulcklv returns; yoifcel the tingle of FtVO new life in vour v'ps, you walk witfi - li W .( T!. ,.11 I l in tne morning wira a icpung t e- with reused vigor. TH dull, tired sen- on. the headactiea all disappear, soon yon are rejuvenated man. possession of perfect health. coa- The EIetra-Vita Co. 210 lfMESS BLSO, SEAT.rLE. WAEH. Please send jae rmir rre tvi-m-ije Illustrated boo . V. J. 10 24 11 Name ....., ...... Tosru li Streeji