The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 24, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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Ministers of Faith in Port
land to Participate in Gath
ering at Forest Grove."
" The sixty-second annual, meeting of
the Congregational conference of Ore
gon will take place at Forest Grove
next Tuesday. Wednesday and Thurs
day, and representatives of every
church of the denomination in Oregon
will gather to listen to reports anJ
discuss church problems.
Heveral national secretaries of the
denomination. Including Dr. Hubert C.
Herring, secretary of the Naonal
Council of Csigregattonal churches,
wlji be In attendance during the ses
sions. Kvery church in the state is en
titled to one delegate and an addi
tional delegate for each 30 members.
Churches with over 100 members are
entitled to four delegates for the first
100 and one delegate for each addi
tional 100.
Virtually a41 the ministers of the
faith in Portland will participate in
the program, which Is as follows :
Tuesday, October 27.
2:30 Devotional service.. Rev. F. C.
Butler, assistant moderator; 2:4b Ur
banization; 3:00 Written reports ot
standing committees;' 4:00 Address,
"A L.lfe of Power," linv. A. CV Moses;
4;30 Communion and memorial to
Kev. P. 8. Knight and Kev. T. J.
Woodcock, Kev. J. J. Btaub and Rev.
I). It. Gray.
7:30 Praise service; moderator's
address, "home Views Of a i.ay man,''
Charles h.. Al J i n n I a ; unnuul seimou,
ilev. XV. C. Kantn. r.
Wednesday Morning.
9:00 Devotional, "The lYunistry nf
Intercession," Kev. . Hubert C. Herring;
V:30 Business; u- Adjournment lo
college chapel; address, "The Bais ot
Our Kalt.i," Kev. Hubert C Herring,
Secretary national council; 11:00 Nar
latlve of tiie churches, the registrar;
Jl:u0 rederation ot tlie local cnurch,
Kev. George N. KdWards.
2:00 Women's Dour, devotional,
.Mrs. 1.. It. Dyutt; 'Foreign Missions,'
lrs. W. Hoge. presiding "Social A as
pect ot foreign Missions,'- mis. B. I .
felgler; "Tiie Vvar and Ai i.ssiuna in iu:
key," Mrs. it. M. Cole; sulo, Mrs.
Frank T., Chapman ; "Jloine Missions,"
Mi l W. C. Kantner, presiding; "The
Indian guestion," Airs. A. K. Green;
"llie Need of Clirlstiun Young Women
In the World's Work," Mrs. Thomas
iiobens; solo. Mis. Chapman; 'im
pressions, Ola and New,'' Kev. C A.
MoKrs; ,4:0(1 -i n Great War and
Christian Kducatlon," i'resiflent Chas
J. Busliitell; 4:3u "Christian Kn
Oavor and the Kingdom, ' Kev. H. H.
Koitman, field secretary.
7:30 Praise service; "The Story ul
Our Mission Sunday Schools," Kev.
Mark C. Davis; ' M lie r'atn Ahead,'
itev. Hubert C. lien lug, secretary na
tional council.
Tnursdsjr Miming.
9.00 Iievotionui ; 'j :Zo Business;
:u0 "The FuiUie. russibillties it
Congregationalism in uifun," Kev.
Periy t. KcHiock; 10:uO "oack to tlie
Home," Kev. A. 8. Ooiiat; 11:20 "Oic
gon liry, itev. i J. Percy Huttun, as
sistant superintendent Anti-Saloon
t 2 00 "The Children and the Church,"
'Robert E. Millard; 2:20 "An Educa
tional Program fur the Church," Kev.
J. D. Upringritoti, director of Baptist
bunday sciiool and young people's
work; 3:lii "The Church and L.abor,"
A. H. Harris, formerly of the Portland
Labor 'resn, and William 11. Lewis,
4:30 "Our JSeminary," President C. b
Nuvih. Berkeley. Cat.; adjournment.
7:30 Music; 7:46 Home Missions
at Work; "in the Country Circuit,"
.' Kev. F. C. Hutler; "In the Village Com.
uiunlty," Kev. F. J. Meyer; in the
City Purish," Kev. Frank W. Gorman;
"The Social Force of Christian Mis
sions," Kev. George VV. Hlnman, sec
.relary of the American Missionary as
ociation. Harvest Festival
Will Be Observed
Fruits, vegetables, grains and' other
decorations symbolic of the harvest
eason will be decked about the puljit
of St. Michael's and An Angels' Epis
copal church, Broadway and East
Frty-thLrd .street, when the harvest
fectival -will be observed tomorrow.
: The vicar, Rev. T. t. Bowen, Vlll
deliver th, harvest rermon ut 11
O'clock, when special music will ))e
given. Under the direction of Mrs.
C C. Shay, choir leader and organist,
a special program will be given at 5
o'clCck. Fred Crowthers, Mrs. Lou
tiray and- Miss Blanche Iarson, violln
j.t. will assist the choir.
-Selections from the oratorio "Ruth"
Gne) will be sung by Mr. Crowthers
.nd Mrs. W. s. Ackles. Reginald
IeKoven'a "Recessional" will be sung
A' G. W. Chllson.. Other soloists are
J H. Walker, Mrs: .Henry Fick, Miss
Harriet' Thayer and A. S. Rodda.
Christian. Endeavor
. Rally Next Friday
- A monster rally of all the Presby-'-.
terian Christian Endeavor societies of
Portland will be held at the First
cnurcn iTiaay evening, November 20
The rally will begin with a banquel
wiitn inspired, speakers will
, - 4 " nuuieaa
j,., o Amu ii g t.nose on
the program are Revs. John H. Boyd,
1- M. Boozer. A. -T Mnntn.-.. .. J
. Henry Mrcotte ftnd Mrs. Thaxter.
' 'rhe banquet speeches will be fol
lowed by an hour of entertainment
and sociability to be furnished by the
ii 7 . v. ,i. .
. na-ome-silver cup has been offered
-- - iwii.tiai.usun. Dasmr or
Kenll worth Presbyterian church, to be
, klven -during the evening to the so-
clety which sends the largest percent-
age of members to the rally.
ji win
uiiiiuiiciv ui Kiven Eermanniv m
'he society having the largest numbers
, present In uccrwMi'.on at future rallies
Th Portland Presbytery lias endorsed
the rally.
MENTS,', ;mafs, buttons,
If nrr
I fay
I ; V I
p& (7
With the state-ment by Dr. O. J. Bul
gin that he will take charge of the
scries as evangelist, the first step In
arranging for the east side- union re
vival meetings, which have been dis
cussed for mo;e than a year, was tak
en yesterday.
Dr. Bulgin will be here during the
month of February. Rev. W. O. Shank,
of the Fast Side Baptist church, re
ceived the acceptance from Dr. Bulgin.
Fight or ten churches of the central
east side district have united in the
project, and more are expected to Join.
Somewhere In the vicinity of East
Tenth and Kast Morrison streets a
tabernacle will be erected. Dr. Bulgin
is; northwestern evangelist for the
Presbyterian church, and has been en
gaged in revival work for 22 years.; He
came to Portland in June of 1912, and
has'since made this city his home. He
has conducted successful revivals In
every part of the United States.
k a
Last Sunday at the Congregational
church at.The Dalles, a memorial ser
vice was held in memory of Rev. Wil
liam Alfred Tenny, who recently died
In Oakland. Cal., at the age of 86.
Mr. Tenny founded the church at The
Dulles in 1859, holding the first ser
vices in April of that year tn the old
courthouse. Mrs. Camilla Donnell,
one of the charter members of that
church, is the only one now surviving.
'Twenty additions were made to the
Christian church at Heppner as a
result of the revival that closed there
last Sunday evening. An all-day ses
sion was held at the close and 13 con-
I versions were made. Rev. Mr. Hand-
taker was the evangelist.
The Danish-Lutheran congregation
of Eugenewill dedicate Its new church
building Sunday, November 1. Some
of the ministers of the coast confer
once of the church In Portland at that
time will participate In the ceremonies.
The cornerstone of the new Catholic
church at La Grande will be laid with
appropriate ceremony Sunday aftitr
noon. Bishop O'Reilly, head of he
diocese, will officiate.
Services are now being held in the
new Catholic church at Adams, On,
which was recently completed.
The fifth anniversary of the found
ing of the Christian church at Kla
math Falls was celebrated with inter
esting services last Sunday. Evange
list C. F. Swander of Portland took
part, preaching morning and evening
sermons. '
Last Monday night two Eugene pas
tors and their families were formally
greeted by their congregations at pub
lic receptions. They were Revs. Louis
R. Cupp and family of the Christian
church and E. T. Simpson and Mrs.
Simpson of the Episcopal church.
Effort to Secure
Gilbert Continues
Despite the statement of Rer. W. S,
Gilbert, pastor of the Presbyterian
church at Astoria, that he will be un
able to accent the call to the pastor
ate of the Rose City Park Presby
terian church, succeeding Rev. Boudi
not Seeley, the pulpit committee has
not given- up. It ts not believed that
Mr.-Gilbert's refusal is final, despite
the reluctance of the Astoria congre
gation xo let mm go, and the local
church Is persisting in its effor,ts-to
loiiosring the declination of Rev.
Mr. ihomasen (it . North. Yakima.
Wasb..'.-tp accept the call to Anabel
Presbyterian church, the bulDlt' com
mute oi the church has extended ' Its
ch elsewhere and will ' of fr an.
ther man at the congregational meet
ing next Thursday night. ' '
T&ylor Street Man
Eesigns Presidency
i - - ,
In order that no possible chanc for
friction" might arise in the organiza
tion Decause or the strained relations
bow existing between the two factions
in tne a irst Metnodist church, O. L,
r-nee, presiaent or the Men's Brother
, uuuu wi t.e tnurcn, uner tne monthly
j dfnne last Monday night. rTsigned
air - Kr r ta a msmha. t w i
j of tUe congregation that Insists
maining at Third and Taylor st
1 E. S. Miller -was elected to n
on re-
- r.. &. Miner -was elected to succeed
('"i.-. .me action was carried out in
nil, eumeiy narmonious manner and
Mr. Price remains a member f h.
uisa.iiizai.ioii. ... -
Prominent- Church
Officials to Speak
i wo men or nign standing in v,
Presbyteriarl demoniation will appear
i-.iiks vuipn ut me rirst Presbyterian
church tomorrow. They are Rev
David G. Wylie of the board of church
erection and the Rev. Josenh wn,.
Cochran of the board of education of
the Presbyterian denomination in the
unites States, who are here from
Philadelphia and who will present
their special work at the services to
day. It is expected that a large con
gregation wilWattend both morning and
evening to hearthe. message from the
great eastern center of Presbyterlau
Dr. G. J.
Representatives of 20 Con
gregational Churches Will
Gather; Union Meeting,
Congregational Christian Endeavor
ers will hold their fourth annual city
and suburban rally Friday, November
13, when the young people of the 20
churches represented will be the guests
of the HJghlartd Congregational Chris
tian Endeavor society In their remod
eled church, at East Sixth street North
and Prescott street. The pastor, Rev.
E. S. Bollinger, and the society presi
dent, Carl Starker, have, been making
the preliminary arrangements for the
successful handling of the gathering,
which will probably bring together 300
young people.
A central committee, consisting of
representatives of the various city so
cieties, have arranged' the program.
The leading speaker will be Dr. George
E. Padduck, superintendent of the Con
gregational churches of Oregon, and
William H. Lewis, prominent Congre
gational business and church worker.
Interesting reports of the work of
each society of the past year will be
read before the rally, and will later be
be put Into printed form, a copy of the
whole going to each society.
A set of Christian Endeavor books
will be given to the society sending
the largest per cent of its active mem
bership to the rally, and another set
goes to the church sending the largest
number of people, whether active mem
bers of the Christian Endeavor society
or not. Last year the Park Place and
Atkinson Memorial Congregational
churches carried off the honors, and
the competition this year will be keen.
The postponed meeting of the execu
tive committee of the Portland Chris
tian Endeavor union has been called to
meet on Monday, November 2, at 7:45
p. m.. In the . First Christian church,
corner of Park, and Columbia streets.
F. Q. Lister, president of the union.
announces that the business for the
evening is well In hand, and that the
election of officers, together with the
adopting of some amendments to the
constitution, will be the principal or
der of business.
An Interesting feature of the even
ing will be the recognition of the
Christian Endeavor experts, who took
examination some time ago for this de
gree. Certificates and emblems of the
degree will be conferred upon the "Ex
perts" by President Lister.
In order to attain this degree, the
applicants were required to pass an
examination of 100 questions on Chris
tian Endeavor principles, methods, his
tory and general knowledge, with a
grade of 75 per cent or over.
Several new societies of Christian
Endeavor have applications on file
with the president, for admission into
the union. A part of the program will
be given over to the formal reception
Quaker Church Is
Gathering Members
All men members of the Quaker
church or all men who have ever been
members of that denomination are be
ing summoned to a Quaker fellowship
banquet to be held at the T. M. C. A.,
November 4- Leaders in the move
ment realize that there are many of
the faith in Portland who have no
local church connection and this event
is planned to get In touch with these.
Rev. Homer L. Cox, pastor of the
Sunnyslde Friends' church, estimates
that Portland has 175 male members
of the denomination. Prominent
Quakers will address this meeting and
a program of warm interest in planned.
George D. Peacock and Olin C. Had-
ley. missionaries for the American
Sunday School union, will have charge
of the morning service at the west
Piedmont Friends church tomorrow.
Plrit White Temple. W. B. HIdroo. nutor.
Bible school, 10. Serrlces, 11 and 7:30. S. S.,
11 a. m. B. Y. P. V., 6:30 p. m. "To Brery
Man His Work," and "Christian Science No
Kast Bide Kev. O. W. Shnna, pastor.
erTlces 11 and 7:30. S. 8. 10. K. V. f. L.
6:30. "And He Brought Him to Jesus." and
Of God's Will Should Be Done on Earth as
It Is In Heaven What':"
HlEhland . 6tn aud alberta Be. C. B.
Elliott, li. Y. P. V., 6:30. Serrlces, 11 a. m.
and 7:30 p. in. S. 8., &:4S. "A Minister's
Farewell, ' aud "The Preacher's Message."
Calvary Iter. Walter Duff, pastor. Juist
8th and Grant. Preaching at 11 a. ra. and
7:30 p. Bk. S. B.. 10. U. X. P. U.. 6:45.
Sunday school rally. "Protestant Sunday,"
and -'Evangelistic Protestantism."
Arieta iter. w. i. 6. aimsce. aunaty
school 0:45. B. X. P. U. 6:13. Services 11 and
University Park Rev. A. O. Saxton. pastor.
11 and 7:30. 8. S., 10. B. 1 P. L'.. 1
SeHoo Kev. T. H. Havea. 11 and 7:30.
8 S. 10. Y. P. V. 6:30.
Grace Montavilla, Kev. H. T. Cah. 11 and
7:30. X. P. 8.30. 8. S. :4B
Sunnyslde (German) a. fl. :43. Conrad
Ws, superintendent
Bt. Johns tuerman) Kev. Karl Feldnetn,
fi. . u:4o. ll and 7:90. x. r. u. 7.
St. Johns S. P. Borden, pator. B. S.
IC a. ot. Services 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.
Third Kev. W. J. Beavsn, Knott and Van
couver avenue. 11 and 7:30. B. V. P. U..
6:30. S. S.. 9 '.45 a. m.
. East t'orty-flftb irect Be7. A. B. Walts.
S. S.. 9:4i. Preachlnc. 11 a. tn. and 7:30 v.
m. B. x. P. U., 7. Kev. S. w. Beaven and
Ker. T. A. Woods.
First German Kev. J. .-rait. II and 7:3t.
8. S. 9:45. '
Chinese Mission S. S. 7. J. Q. Malone. su
perintendent. Mt. Calvary Weidler and Union ave.. Rev.
A. M. Machrack. Services 11 and 8. a. S..
8 a. in.
Tabernacle 4Sd St. and 45th arc, S. E.
Rev. J. Clark XibbetU, pastor. Sermons 11
and 7:45. S. 8.. 9:45 a. m. B. X. P. U.. 6:45
Second German Im;v. Frederick Bucrrman,
II and 7:30. S. S. 9:45. Y. P. U. 0:43.
Lents Rev. 3. M. Nelson. S 3., 10 a. m.
Services, 11 a. m.
Mount Olivet Ker. W. A, Magnett. pastor,
II and S p. m. S. 8. 12:80.
Swedlah 16th and Hovt its- 10:45 a. at,
and 7:30 D. m. 8. 8V. 10. B. Y. P. U.. 6:30.
Italian Mission Rev. Francesco Sannella,
naator. Pastor's circle 8. Preacblna- 10:30.
short sermon tor English spaa king peopla; also
a-: T.80.
rirstsr-12tb and Taylor ata. Rev. Frank
I Loveland. S. S.. 12:15. E. I,.. 6:45
Services,' 10:30 and 7:45. "Divine and Human
Helpfulness." and "A Poverty that Piti
Trinity East 10th and Starrnn. Itev. A.
B. CaUerl. 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. S. 8.. 10.
"Tha Riches of God." and "For Jesus Sake.
Swedish Borthwlck antr Beach. 1". . Bets,
Dan tor. II and 7:SO. . a. u. E. I 7
Kpworth. 26th and SaTier Rev. C. O. Uo
riulltwh. Servicea at 11 a. tu. and 7:30 p.
m. S. S-. 9:45. E. I... 6:30. "Entire Cou-
aecratlon." and "A Monstrous- Men see.
First Norwegian Dailan Corner 18th and
Hoyt. Rev. Ella GJerdlng. Preaching: 11 and
8. X. P. M.. p. m. B. . p.
WoodUwn Rev. JUoul Thomas, pastor. S.
S.. 10. K. TV Preaching 11 and 7:45.
Kev. J. W. McDongaU and '.'Law vs. Ideal
Ism." i
Norwegian Dnoisb Vancouver and ; Skid
rr t!eT Abr. Torelde. nastn ; 10:45 n!
S S. S.. 13 m. "The Demand of the Mod
Mejt's dub Considers Measures.
The Men's cltib of the Third Presby
terian church held its opening meeting
for the winter Beason Tuesday night.
Marshall N. Dana was the guest and
speaker of the evening, and addressed
the club on the bills to be voted on
at the coming election. Resolutions
opposing the recall of Mayor Albee
and Commissioners Dieck and Brew
ster and against the passage of the
dentistry bili were unanimously adopt
ed. Dinner was served by the ladies
of the Industrial society of the church.
Large Chorus will Assist.
A unique service will be held at the
Third Presbyterian church. East Thir
teenth and Pine streets, tomorrow
night, in the presentation of a mu
sical "story sermon" entitled "The Man
Who Sported the Music." The story
was written by Mark Guy Pearee of
England and the music was collected
and adapted by Itm. D. Sankey, the so
loist with Dwight L. Moody. A chor
us of 30 voices will render the musical
Bevlval Meeting Are Held.
The Church of the Nazarene, at East
Couch and Seventh streets, is in the
midst of a series of interesting revival
meetings. They are being conducted
by the pastor, C. Howard Davis, as
sisted by Frank Blackman, soloist.
Services are held every night except
Saturday and Sunday morning and
Many Pastors Will Assist.
The Vancouver Avenue Norwegian
Danish M. E. church will begin a series
of protracted meetings soon, to last
through the month of December. Res
ident and .visiting pastors will assist.
The latter part of the series will be
conducted by Rev. Hagbarth Elvigen,
who is expected to arrive by that time
from Christiania, Norway.
Fourth, of Sermon Series.
Rev. W. O. Shank, pastor of the
East Side Baptist church, will preach
the fourth of his series of 10 sermons
on the "Lord's Prayer" tomorrow
night His subject is "If God's Will
Should Be Done on Earth What?"
The series is attracting large crowds.
Next Sunday he will Speak on "Some
Present Day Problems of the Bread
On Trip to Idaho.
Mrs. S. W. Ormsby, field worker and
"teen age" superintendent of the Ore
gon State Sunday School association,
has left for Idaho to spend a month
In promoting the work. Idaho has no
state superintendent, and Mrs. Ormsby
will visit conventions and conduct
rallies. She will have a Sunday school
rally at Nampa tomorrow.
At Vernon Church Tomorrow.
G. W. Rohrbough. missionary of the
American Sunday School union, will
speak, at Vernon Presbyterian church.
East Nineteenth and Wygant streets,
tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. "The
Majesty of the Law and the Author
ity of Governments" will be the sub
ject of Rev. H. N. Mount, the pastor,
in the evening.
Will Celebrate rounding.
The twenty-second anniversary of
the founding of the Westminster Pres
byterian church will be celebrated to
morrow with a brief program. Com
munion and a welcoming of new mem
bers is scheduled and Rev. Henry Mar
cotte,, the pastor, will read the church's
Junior Endeavor Society Org-anlsed.
Because of the increased activities
of the young people of the Atkinson
Memorial church it has been deemed
advisable to organize a Junior Endeav
or society. This has been done. The
youngsters meet at 6:30 each Sunday
evening and are directed by Miss Mol-
lie Felting and Sheldon Stubbs.
Preacher Tenor Will Sing.
Rev. Frank W. Gorman, pastor of
the Atkinson Memorial Congregational
church, will sing two oratorio selec
tions on Wednesday night and will
speak Thursday night on "The Work
of Home Missions in a City Parish"
at the state Congregational confer
ence at Forest Grove next week.
ern Thomas," and "The All Sufficient Savi
our." Sunnyslde E. 35th and Yamhill. Rev. R.
Elmer Smith, D. I)., 11 and 7:43 p. m. S. 8,,
0:50 a. in. E. L.. 6:80. "Three Pertinent
Suggestions," and "A Strange Prisoner."
Central Vancouver are. and Fargo. Bev.
C. C. Rarick. Services 11 and 7:0. S. S..
8:45. Class meetings. 12:15. . L.. 7.
'The unwearied God and Wearied Men," and.
rortiana a Greatest sin.
Ceutenary. E. 9th and Pine Thomas W.
Lane, D.D., pastor. S. S 9:46. K. L., 6:30.
Services 11 and 7:45.
Bt. Johns Rev. 3. 3. Patten. Bervlcee 11
and 7:30. 8. S. 10. E. L. 6:30.
Japanese Mission Bev. Ellsea Elbara. S:3
and 8:30. 8. S. 8:30.
Laurelwood Kev. V. E. Wllllnrs. 63d St..
S. E. snd Foster Road. S. 8.. 9:45. E. L.,
0:30. Services, 11 and 3.
Sellwood Kev. James K. Hawkins. 11 and
7 80. J. E., 2:30. fi. L., 6:30.
Chinese Mission II ana 7:30.
German F. A. Schumann. 8. 8. 9:43. Bar.
teas 11 and 8. Epworth league 7:15.
Mount Tabor Rev. C. L. Hamilton. 61st
and E. Stark. 11 and 8. S. S.. 9:45. E. I.
Monta villa Kev. W. H. Hampton- Sermon
at 11 and 7130. S. S.. 9:45. fc. L.. 8:16.
Junior League. 3. Class meeting, 12:15...
Clinton Kelly Memorial Joan rarsona. naa
tor. S. S.. 9:45. Services 11 a. m. and 7:80
p. m. E. L., 6:30 p. m.
African zaon uev. v. vr. uoward. II and
8. S. 1. E. 8. 7.
Bethel Rev. J. L. Craw, pastor. Services
II aud 7:45. B. S. 1:15. O. B. 7.
Rose City Park Hose City Park dob-
house. Rev. William W. . Yoongson. pastor.
services 11 and 7:45. S. S., 9:45. "Paralysis
of Pessimism," and apeclal music.
University Park Rev. C. L. Hamilton, ll
and 7:30. 8., S., 10 a. m. E. L.. 6:15.
"Living Epistle," and "The Evangelist."
ruixon n.ev. ueorge . ciupkius. pastor.
Preaching 11 and 7:45.. S. S., 10 a. m.. E..L.
6:45. '
Wesleyaa Kev. d. b. tiampe. pastor.
Preaching 11 aud 7:30. S. S. 10. X. P. M.
6:30. ....
Lenta Rev. W. Boyd Moore. 11 and 8.
S. S. 10. E. U " -
Woodstock frank James, pastor. 11 and
7:30. S.' JS.: 10 a. m. ""B. L., 6:30. "A
Passion for Men," a ad "How to Meet Life's
Lincoln Street M. E. M. O. Reed, pastor.
II and 8. S: S. 10
Oak Grove Kev. O. H. Wooley. Service
11 and 8. 8. S. 10. i
Westmoreland Kev. Alfred Bates. 8. 8..
7. Sermon, 8. "A Life Worthy of the Gospel."
First German A. F. Cramer, pat tor. and 8. 8. 8. 10. a. U 7:30.
Oak GroT Methodist Iplaoopat
First M. E. Church O. I U Wooley, pastor.
8. S. 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. ts. and
8 p. m. E. L., 7 p. m.
X. Z. Church loots.
FtrM--Cnion sve. and Multnomah Lovlck
Pierce Law, pastor. Preaching 11 and 7:45.
S. S.. 10. "The Humbuggery nf Christian
Science," and "To Whom Shall We Go."
First Presbyterian church Rev. Job a Boyd,
minister, preaching 10:30 and 7:30. C. JL
6:30. . ,
Mtspsb Rev. Harry Leeds, paator. Sermos,
11 and 8. 8. S. 9H5 a. m. C. B. T p. na.
Calvary Eleventh and Clay sts. Rev. O. S.
Banns. Preaching. 10:30 and 7:30. Sv S- 13
m. "Two ,. Notable Names," and "A Bad
Kenilwortb East S4th and Gladstone Rev.
Leslie Kiik Kicnarason, pastor, ll and 7:45.
Halloween Party Held.
Over 40 members and friends of
The Conquerors, the adult Bible class
of the - Millard Avenue Presbyterian
church Sunday school, gathered at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Gilbert.
4928 Seventy-first street southeast for
the regular monthly class meeting last
Monday night. An interesting Hal
loween party, replete with attractions
of the Beason, followed the business
Hovel Entertainment Planned. '
The Sangrael Christian Endeavor so
ciety of the First Presbyterian church
is planning a novel entertainment for
the evening of October 27. This is
the week for Halloween frolics, and
much mystery -abounds in the prep
aration for this event. The decora
tions and amusements will all lend to
the general atmosphere of wierd ex
pectation. District Meeting Tuesday.
The first meeting of the Columbia
river district of the Women's Amer
ican Baptist Foreign Mission soci
ety will be held Tuesday at the White
Temple. This district includes the
utates of Montana, Idaho, Washing
ton and. Oregon. At Id In the morn
ing a board meeting will be held. At
2 o'clock a missionary conference is
scheduled. Mrs. Dearborn of Seattle
will preside;
Portland's Greatest Sin.
"Portland's Greatest Sin" will be the
Rev. C C. Rarici's theme in his even
ing sermon at the Central Methodist
church, corner of Vancouver avenue
and, Fargo street, Sunday. Mr. Rar
ick declares that there is a sin of
which Portland is guilty greater than
those with which we deal in courts
of law. He will deal with this ques
tion with reference to its relation to
the coming elections.
Will Ziecture Tomorrow.
Dr. Perry Joseph Green will deliver
aaother of his monthly lectures on
"The Right Way to Easy Street" to
morrow morning and evening at the
Temple of Truth, Eilers building. His
subject will be "The Demonstration
of Opulence, as Our Divine Inherit
ance." Woman's Association to Meet.
The Women's association of fh
First Presbyterian church will hold
its regular monthly aii-dav meetinn
and luncheon in jthe banquet rooms of
me cnurcn house, 454 Alder street,
next Tuesday.
Evangelist to Xectnxs.
Field Evangelist A. a v.r.
lectures under the auspices of the In-
iuauuni 11 Die students' associa
tion, will be in Portland 8it oh
will deliver his lecture, "Which is the
True Church?" at the association's
regular hall. Oddfellows' hall. East
una .cast Aider streets.
Daily Lectures at Conference.
Rev. Homer L. Cox is giving a se
ries of dally lectures on "Evangelistic
Fundamentals" during the efficiency
conference of the American Sunday
School union, now under way in the
eirst resDyterian church.
Students Will Debate.
Four students of Reed college will
debate the issues at stake in the No
vember election at the meeting of the
tsrotnernood of the Atkinson Memorial
congregational church Monday eve
ning. The meeting will be an open
one and the women have been invited.
Battle Missionary Will Speak.
Rev. G. W. Pepper of Seattle, mis
sionary for the American Sunday
School union, wil speak at the Sunny
Side Friends church. East Thirty-fifth
and Main streets, Sunday evening.
Was Cornelias Pioneer.
Cornelius, Oct. 24. Mrs. Josephine
Kindle, of Verboort, 76 years old, who
died Monday, and who was buried from
the Catholic church there, was one of
the oldest residents, having come to
the colony when It was founded In
1875. She is survived by the following
children: Julius and John Kindle, of
Verboort; Mrs. E. Dyke, of Mountain
dale, and Sister Marguerite, of Saint
, Mary's.
Bible school. 9:45 a. m. E. L.. 6:45. "Power''
and "Sin."
Fourth Rev. Henry G. Bansnn. pastor.
Services 10:30 snd 7:30. S. S.. 12. C. E.,
6:30. Rev. A. J. Montgomery and "The
Dynomic of a New Life."
'Anabel Robert N. McLean. Services 11
and 7:45. S. VS., 9:45. C. E.. 6:45.
Hope, Mootsvllla. Tsrb and Everett sis..
Rev. S. W. Seeman. S. S.. 10. Services 11.
and 7:30. C. E., 6:30 p. m. -'Exceeding
Greatness of the Power," and "The Greatest
Joy of Life."
Hawtborue Park L. it. Grimes, vastor. 8.
8. S.. noon. Services, 10:30 and 8.
Piedmont Rev. J. E. Snyder, Cleveland and
Jar ret t ats., 11, C. E.. 6:30. 8. 8.. 9:4ft.
"The Most Wonderful Prayer Ever Tittered,"
and "Come Thou and All Xby Honse Into the
Third East 13th and Pine sis.. Rev. A. L.
Hutchison, pastor. Service 10:30 and 7:43.
5. d., 12. C. E., 6:45.
Forbes Rev. Henry L. Pratt. 11 and 8.
6. 8. 10. C. E. 6:30 p. m.
Third Rev. A. L. Hutchison, pastor.
Services 10:30 and 7:45. 8. 8. 13. O X. 6:45.
Unity W. Lee Gray, minuter. 8. 8. 10.
Preaching 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.
Arbor Lodge Kev. George R. Cromley, 11
and 7:43. S. 8. 10.
Mt. Tabor. E. 55th end Belmont Rev.
Graham Moore. Services 11 a. m. and 7:45
p. m. S. 8., 9:45 a. m. C, E., 6:45 p. m.
ocrisr ine xsegiuning ana tne, ana
'The Voice of God."
Vernon 19th and Wygant ata. H. N.
Mount, paator. Services 11 and 7:30. S. S.,
10 a. m. C. E., 6:30 p. m.
Westminster Rev. Henry Marcotte, E. 17th
and Schuyler. 10:30 and 7:45. 8. S.. 12.
Y. P. S. C. E., 6:30.
Spokane Avenu- J. E. xouel, pastor. S. 8..
10 a. m. Sermon, 11 and 8. s
Millard Avenue Rev. W. H. Amos. Scrv
ices 11 and 7:30. 8. 8. 10. Y. P. S. C. S.
6:30 p. m
Rose City Park Services It and 7:43. Rev.
Bondlnot Seely. C. E.. 6:30 p. m. S. S..
9:45. .
Marshall Street Ker. Mr. Black, paster.
11 and 7:30. 8. 10 . m. i. P. 8. C.
E. 6:30 p. m.
Trinity, corner Virginia and Nebraska sis
Rev. E. Benson," paator. Service 11 and
7:30. S. S.. 10. Y. P. S. C E., 8:30.
Chinese 145 1st St. 7:45. 8. S. 6:49.
Refornied Frank D. Frasar. Preaching. 11
and 7:30-. 8. S. 10.
Tnitad Presbytarlan.
Kenton J S. Cole. Services 10:15 a,' tm.
snd 8 p. m. S. 8. 10 a. as. ,
First Sixth- and Montfomery. Frank De
Witt Fiodley. Serriees 10:30 and 7:30, 8.
S.. 12 m. C. E.. 6:45 p. m. "Incorruptible
Seed," and "Work aa a Safeguard."
The Church of. the Sttangerv Bev. 8.
Earl Dubois. 10:30 and T:30. C. E.. 6:30 p.
m. "God's Judgments True snd Righteous,"
and "By the Mercies f God" Welsh sermon,
3 p. m., John R. Griffith,
Third W. A. Spalding, D. D. ustor. S7th
and Hawthornet S. S-, 9:50. Y. P. Si. 7.
Services 11 sad 8.
rirst Park and Columbia atreeta Services
t H and 8. S. 8.. 10. C. E.. 7 p. m.
First Park and Columbia streets Services
at 11 and 8. S.. 10. C. E.. 7 p. m.
Montavilla Eat Seventy-sixth and Hoyt.
Bev. J. F Ghormley. Services, 11 and 8
p. in. S. 8. 10 a. m. C. E.. 7 p. ra.
Central .He v. Samuel R. Hawkins, paator
9. 8.. 10. 0. E., 6:30 p. m. Services, 11 and
7 "30 -
' Rodney Avnue O. P. Burrls, pastor, n. S.
10. C. E.. T. Services 11 and 8. "Giving
Not Law but Love." end "The Two Gates.,
Gladstone Bev. Roy L. Dunn, pastor. Serv-
Impressive Program Will ln-
elude Solemn High Mass;?J
Christie to Be in Charge.
The tenth Eucharistic' conference of
the archdiocese of the Catholic church
will be held at St. Stephen's Catholio
church next Tuesday. Archbishop Al
exander Christie will be in charger and
the program as usual, will be an im
pressive one.
isoiemn high mass and- the sermon
will occur at 9:30. and Catholics of
the city have been generally invited
to attend. The .morning session will
be held in the parish hall, with the
archbishop presiding. The subject of
retreats for school children will be
discussed and a paper on the late Popj
Pius X will be read.
In the afternoon the pontifical de
cree on dally and frequent communion
and the Sacerdotal Communion league,
organised among the clergy for the
promotion of the decree, will be dis
cussed at the afternoon session, fol
lowing the serving of luncheon by
the women of the parish.
The Eucharistic conferences, inter
national, national, or diocesional,
have been held on many occasions in
auiereni cities of tne om and new
world since 1881, the object being to
promote devotion to the sacrament.
among both the clergy and the. laity.
over 2000 clergy attended the inter
national Eucharistic congress at Lour
des in July of this year.
The late Pope Pius X at that time
decreed that- the international con
gresses should be held only every two
years and that in the intervening year
national or diocesan conferences should
be held in all parts of the world.
Rev. Arthur Lane Is the director
locally of the Eucharistic league.
Rally Will Wind
Up "Dry" Campaign
Announcements are out in the
churches for the mass meeting of
young people of all denominations to
be held in the Sunhyside M. E. church
East Thirty-fifth and Yamhill streets,
Friday, October 30. The purpose of
the rally is to "wind up" the young
people's temperance campaign that has
been carried on in the interest of "Ore
gon dry."
The committee In charge, consisting
of Vander Muelen of Highland Bap
tist church, Mrs. George of the First
Baptist, and Clarence H. Sprague of
the Christian Endeavor union, an
nounces that Dr. George B Pratt of
this city and Harry G. McCain of To
peka will be the principal speakers on
the program. . Mr. McCain is exten
sion secretary of the Methodist Tem
perance society.
The Beaver male chorus of the Lents
Methodist church will appear In sev
eral musical selections. Reports of
the definite work accomplished In the
various young people's societies in the
interest of "Oregon Dry" will be given
under the leadership of Mrs. George.
Clarence H. Sprague will preside. Fol
lowing the platform meeting, ths
guests will enjoy a Hallowe'en party
in the parlors of the church.
Saloon Question
To Be Considered
The Current Events class of the
First Presbyterian church. Twelfth
and Alder streets, will meet at 12:10
in the church auditorium tomorrow.
The subject for discussion is "Inside
Views of the Saloon." H. C. McCune
will give a brief sketch of the work
ing of prohibition in Kansas. W. H.
Averill will speak on the saloon from
the stanpointd of a newspaper man
and B. Z. Simpson, an ex-saloon keep
er, will give some high lights on the
prohibition question from the stand
point of the saloon keeper.
tcex at 11 and 8 . m. A. 8., 10. C. U.,
t p. m.
St. Johns Rev. 3. K. Johnson, psstor.
Service 11 and 8. S. S., 10. C. E., 7.
Kern Park Kev. R. Tibbs Uaxey. pator.
Eervicea at 11 aud . C. E. 7 p. in. 8. 8.
10 a. m. '
WoodUwn Rev. W. L. Mclllnger. 7lh and
Liberty is. Services il and s. 8. 10.
C E.. 7.
be); wood, corner Nineteenth and. Aehalem
Uev. U. E. NorcroM, pastor. Services
and 8 p. m. S. S.. 10. C. E., ? p.
Vernou Fifteeuta aud Wygant Be. J.
Mellon, pastor. Services, 11 snd . S.
f a. m. C E., 7 o. m.
VBIted Brathrea.
First E. luih and MoriiMJU, Rev. J. D.
Msewouucr, piilor. Services, IV aud 7:30.
S. a., IV. C. E.. 6:30.
Albeita, U aud Alberta. Rev. C. C.
Bell. S. S., 'J:45. C. E., 6:30 p. m. Services
il a. u. aud :30 p. m.
Guy V. vodwoiin Memorial. Vancouver,
vVash. Rev. J. Llucolu tllu, paator. Services
11 aud 8 p. w. e. S. 10. X. a-, m. C K. 7.
Third. 67 tb S. E. and 32d ave. Rev. J. B.
Parsons, castor. Services 11 and 7:3U. S. S..
Jo. C. i... 6:30.
Fourth Rev. J. B. Conner, pastor. Servlcea
11 aud 7:30 p. as. . 8. 10. C. a.. 6:3w . as.
RadUal Jesup si.. Uev. 8. Haadarsun
loi. Services 11 aud 7:30. S. 8. lw. c. t.
5 p. ui.
Manor Circuit' Servlcea Manor 11 a. in.
Cbeiiy biove it p. u. Brush l'ralile 7:M.
Irtulty church Kev. Dr. A. A. MorriaoL.
reclor. ServU-a 8 aud 11 a. m. and B p. ai.
h. b. .& a. m. Gwd raliuwsuip kciei'.
t'srish UuUe, IWIU auu iavut (. I to ,M
if. at.
Su Murk's Rev. J. E. H. 8! m ptm, rector.
Holy Eucharist, 7:30 a. tu. S. 0. 9.45 a. m.
Matins aud Litany 10:10. Holy Euchariat aud
Seruiou, 11 a. u. ETeusoua; at i.M p. ui.
bt. jobs'i church Ke. 1. itoweu, a.
8. i. Eveuiug prayer aud mmuuu. St.
Pro-Cathedral oi bt. fctepbeu tne Martyr
Rev. H. M. Ramsay. Services, 7:45 and 11
a. m., and 7:4J p. m. S. S., 10. Special
service lor colored people, a p. m.
St. Maihew uev. . A. M. Breck, vicar.
S.'S., lu a. iu. Service aud sermon at 11 a. m.
Church of Our toavlur Muoda lock uev.
E. H. Ciatk. bervlcea b aiul 11 a. sb. luto
p. ui. every third Sunday.
St. David's Kev. Ueury Russell Talbot.
Celebration ot the Holy Eucharist. 7:80 a. ui.
8. 8., 9:45. Morning prayer, 11 a. m. Eve
ning prayer, 4:W p. u.
bU Anuiew's, Purtsmouth Rev. F. W.
Bauw, vicar, ia charge. 11. praer and ser
mon. 7.30. S. S., 9:45.
. Grace Memorial llsv. George B. Van Wa
ters aud Uev. Uswald W. Taylor. Holy Com
munion 8 a. m. Except 1st Sunday Ui March.
S. S., 10 a. m. bVrvlces 11 a. ai.
Good Shepherd Kev. John Davteoa, 11 and
?:3U. S. IO.
St. Michael and .All Angles'. East : 43d
aud Broadway. Rv. T. F. Bowen. vicar. S.
S 10. Holy cowmunioa first tiuuday 11,
ILird Sunday 7:30.
St. John's, Mllwaukle itev. John V. Rice.
I ll. X Evening prayer -and sermon. 3.
Services 4,
St. John's church, Sellwood Bev. Jobs D.
Rice. Services at 11 o'clock Sunday suornlag.
1:80, evening prayer.
Bishop Morris Memorial chapeL Good Urn
aoaritaa hospital Chaplala, Frederick hi.
Howard. Holy commuulouJt 7 a. m- Prayec
and sermon, 7 :20.
Ascension chapei Portland He'.ghts. Rev
B. U. Lee. Communion 7:45 a. m. 8. S., 9:36
Portsmouth Hereford ' .. near Luiubart
(Continued on Following Pate.)
Minister Casts His
First Vote Tuesday
Although Rev. Frank W.
Gorman; pastor of Atkinson
Memorial - Congregational
church. s 30 years old, and
much Interested in problems of
good citizenship, he will cast r
his first vote at the recall elec-
tion next week. He has been
in the United States five years,
and has Just taken his first cit-
ixenshtp papers, entitling him to
the ballot. ' e
In England there is a corrupt
practices act which forbids a 4
campaign manager or other pp- 4
litlcal agent to vote. In the
two elections taking place while
he was eligible to vote In Great 4
Britain, h was a personating
agent, or campargn manager,
for a member of the house of
He worked in Bodmin division
of Cornwall county in south-
western England. Coming to 4
this country he was In Califor-
nia and Arizona, but was locat-
ed nowhere long enough? to es-
tabllsh a voting residence.
Monthly Musical
Service Tomorrow
The monthly musical service will
take place at the Rose City Park M. E
church, Sandy boulevard and East
Fifty-seventh street, tomorrow night
ut. xoungsons address will be on
"The Doxology of Providence and
Grace." The musical program follow:
Chorus, "Seek Tfe the Lord" (Rob
erts); solo, "O Jeshs, Thou Art Stand
ing" (Carrie Jacobs-Bond), Miss Gil
bert; ladies' quartet. "Lead Kindly
Light" (J. A. Parks); boIo, "Let U
Have Peace." a prayer (Ernest R
Ball), Dr. Roy A. Peebles; mixed
quartet, "God of My Life" (Thomas a
Shepard); violin solo, "Largo" (Han
del), Mies Larsen; eolo. "Fear Not Yo,
O Israel" (Dudley Buck), Mr. Neville
offertory, "Elevation.. (Guilmant)
solo, "The Day Is Ended" (J. C. Bart
lett). Miss Hickman; chorus, "O Light
Eternal" (C. Austin Miles).
Study Class Has :
-Good Attendance
The study class, being conducted "by
the Portland Christian Endeavor union
for the benefit of the leaders of Et
deavor prayer meetings, started ol
with a good attendance and a practical
and heipful meeting last Monday. Rev
D. T. Thomas conducted the class se3
The purpose of the class Is to train
the persons who are to lead meetingn
two weeks following the study class.
taking up the study of methods and
principles of leadership, besides th
definite study of the topic to be led
The class will again be in session
next Monday at 7:46 p. m. at th
Christian Endeavor headquarters, S2
Northwestern Bank building, and wil
be in charge of Clarence H.. .Sprague
vice president of the Oregon C.
Special Services
All of Next Week
Special services will "be conducted
at the Central Free Methodist church.
East Fifty-fifth and Flanders streets,
all next week. Rev. D. C. Dewey of
Lents will occupy the pulpit during
these meetings, assisted by other min
isters of the denomination in this vi
cinity. Rev. F. W. Hillls. superintend
ent of the American Sunday School
union, will occupy the pulpit at t-tiu
regular services tomorrow night. -
Demanding that Dr. J. W. Mc
Dougall, district superintendent ofth-i
Methodist Episcopal church for Port
land district, perform his duities of
"overseeing the spiritual and tem
poral business of the church In ycur
district," as prescribed by Methodist
church law. in taking steps to relieve
the condition of the so called "in
surgents" of the First Methodist
church, an open letter was sent thi3
week by a committee of members to
the church official. Up to late last
evening he had taken no steps to
wards replying or fulfilling the request
in the missive, which is as follows:
Portland. Or.. Oct. 23, 1914. An
open letter to Dr. J. W. McDougall,
District Superintendent Methodist
Episcopal Church. Portland. Or. Dear
Sir: Several hundred Methodists, in
cluding the undersigned, are denied
the use of their church home, the his
toric Taylor Street church, located in
the heart of your district, ,
For two Sundays, we have accepted
the alternative and worshipped "in the
street. '
As you have not voluntarily Inter
vened in our behalf, we can only sur
mise that you are not officially ad
vised as to this situation. There is
A short religious service will be held outside;fhe locked
and bolted doors of this old churchjn i
. SUNDAY NEXT AT 10:30 A. h. !
1 ijv; -
Earnest prayers will be offered by sad hearts for its
early reopening. ijj
On Smnday Morning, Oc
tober 4
The pastor and officials of this
church issued their weekly bulle
tin which contained the following:
"We bid you welcome to. this
temple of- our common Father.
Here the . stranger will find a
home; the poor, a friend; the rich,
a Savior; sorrow will enter, these
doors and be comforted. The
tried and tempted souls of men
and women will here find hope
and strength for the battle of
life." . ,
X general invitation is extended the publicf to' partici
pate in this service, which will commence
. promptly at 40:30 a. m. : f
: ' '-.- 5
hirty-five Must e Heard
From Before College of
Bishops Votes on. Subjects
Eight out of the 63 Bt&ocline com-.
nilttees of Episcopal diofeses in thi
United States have approved of tho
selection of the Oregon dlocse in nom
inating Dean Walter T,;t Sumner of
Chicago, bishop of Oregon to sue-.
eed the late Kt. Rev. Charles ScaJ-
ding. : ,
So far. accordlnsr to tha reoort re
ceived here by Rev. H.HfM. Ramsey.
chairman of the diocesional coinmii- :'
iee. tne ionowing district have votsd 3
favorably on Dean Sumnr: Missouri.
West Texas. California;:? Smith far- -
olina, Albany. N. Y. Ki-i' Pa. K
York. N. Y.. and N'wurkM J
The vote required is aSnajoritv one.
and 35 districts must h&jheard from.
ivovemDer will be the meantr!.' however,
when the matter will be ftfeken up mot; -vigorously
throughout thi4! country, ai'd
it is eipfcted that before- the end Of
mat month the reauir4i
committees will have beig' heard from.'
Aiterwards the consenBiof the bish
ops by a, similar majority must be
secured, and this cannot' be taken up
until the last conimlttillf has voiced
its approval. While i; i.
that nowhere win thetje be serloun
opposition to the appointment, it t
not believed that the dsMUing consent
will be secured until tMj first of the
year. m
Rev. John G. Hat to. is the new
assistant rector at St. Clark's Eri.-
copal church, Twenty-f-t and Mar
shall streets. He camdhere recently
norn x imaaeipnia. but his last charge
was at SdjeiiUham, N. J. Rev. J. K. H
Simpson is the rector of St. Mark's.
unurcii Member s
Work to Be Topic
Dr. Hlnson will pr4 h bis sixth
sermon on "The Church''! at the White
Temple tomorrow. The4heme on this
occasion will be ."Th$Vork of tho
Church Member." At Lhis morning's
service the Temple qugrtet will ren
der the anthem entltleKsanctus" tSt
Cecilia, by Ch. C,ounoJfand Hartriduo
O. Wbipp will sing ft the offertory
solo. "Judge Me, O.M'gJod" (Dudley
At night Dr. HinHonlSjvill preach the
sixth sermon of the ijlries on Chris
tlon Science and the pjjle. The sub
ject for Sunday tigbj,j will be 'Xj
Savior." 1 jjif
The Temple quartet; jt this evening
service will sing tHflj antbern, ' II..
Shall Come Dow,, I.ikeliKaln" nulley
Buck) and Mr. 1 lo.sti wl 11 sing (In
Native Worth" (Hujfijn) and Mrs.
Chapman will be hcan.fin "Thy VV'orU
to Do"( Briggs). jig
" - J-rr
Revival to Be.
Held at K6ilworth
During the winter feamm, revlvxl
services are to he hell' at' the Kepll
worth Presbyterian , Schurch, . Fast
Thirty-fourth street N iinl Gladstone
avenue, on Tuesday ef'iilnps of esu-h
week. The churcli ws filled at tho
last meeting of this ;ind when I'.ev.
D. I. Kiehle spoke oii ;Tho I'npurdoii
able Sin." The regujiir pastor con--ducted
a tesllmnnla) i meeting after
wards. Rev. George!, if 'rowley. pnstor
of the Arbor l.od?& Presby ter'ati
will pleach nctt Tuesday eve
surely" no other fUtuaCton in Portland
MethorMsm equally ;ieemandidg your
immediate attention. 13,
Oregon's most important and bent
known Methodist church is barre'l.
bolted and locked aiilnst its own
members who plan tiil meet again on
Sunday 'next at 1 0:S(H a. "m. In front
of the church, at w.hlch. time and
place we will hope t'oj learn that you'
have taken steps to;! Afford such "re
lief as you have it totf your power to
give and such as Is involved -In your
duty, "to oversee thi? spiritual and
temporal business oiff the church
your district." ' ij 5-'
In taking this steiji.lthe officials of
this church have II plsregarded Hn
articles of Incorporation which L guar
antee its permanent' Jnalntenanre at.
this location and yotlf; intervention is
surely demanded, a the public Is
manifesting great ijfiterest in thesa
remarkable conditional! "
We are handing, aiifopy'of this let
ter to the local prest with the hopj
that whatever action: Syou take or re
sponse you make wi)f be given equal
publicity. 3X M.'i?URROCGHS,
B. Llirf PAGET.
During Sunday flight. Ot
tober. 4:l
Hhe same pastor 'knd officials
Illustrated their conception of this
creed by ruthlessly stripping this
temple of. its f urSishings and
equipment under ( 6he cover of
darkness, and proefeded to bolt,
bar a o)1 padlock Httie doors of
Portland's only downtown church,
against the stranicur, . the poor,
the rlcb. th trijd, and th
tempted, - notwlthslandlng the
earnest entreaties of nearly four
hundred of its eayiest, devoted
j I i in i i a in i '