The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 24, 1914, Page 1, Image 1

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    VOL. XIII. NO. 1B7.
xxxxi xvvvs wxi x 0. :iTAkn five ntHTl
London Report Says They
Have Been Driven 22 Miles
to the Northeast, and Re
treat Becomes Pronounced
Germans Mount Big Guns to
Shell British Vessels
in Canals.
(Inlt'rt from I.ihmi1 Wlrr.i
F."nrtnn, Oct. i' I. Tlin 'rmans bv?
hn driven h k to a line 22 inllos
northeast '( Dunkirk, according to a
lispateli rc-civnl by t tic - KioniiiR
News thin aftprnoon. It was added
that, the Teutonic r-tcnt was becom
ing ' more" pronounced as the allies'
line strengthened.
Paris, Qt. 24. ----Announcement that
; the Germans had asked an armistice in
the- TliJacourt region was interpreted
yy military experts hero this after
noon as ine.aninK. such French gaina.
there hs -have pre vented a Junction
.-Between tle i rowir prince's army and
the afrtiy of .the Metis.
u .Fighting in Belgium and northern
'France-, raged, uninterruptedly Ihrough
oijt Friday niwht and still progressed,
us desperately,, u.s i'vtr, today. ,
At. headiiuarters ' lit re. It was acl
' initted''tlt in sonin places the allies
had VeiiYi-d' sMshtty but' nowhere, it
Was skid, had (lei man gains" been
nrrutegicaily'. important: --
T-hey win attributed to the al.lie'
.refusal to sauili'lct nuti'by holding too
Ions to (;xu'i.s'.'ij positions.
: The kajscr,N -big guns were in ac
tion today along the, Nieupoi t-tix-miide,-Ype
line. hammering -the
British monitors in the 'Belgian. ea.nalH.:'
lhel,r Spelling wan. rcrriuc. . un ins
rh;Y jtiand the British ..naval gunt
drul- the ! rem. hUhree rtieh i)Vd'n'uiu-t3
.had demolished inanjf Uertwun :ljat-'
.Series. -. " . . '
TlioV-countr y' wag .-.a. vast niudhole,
ow ing to true flooding which ollqwed
ue allied cutting of "the ittkea.. atfid
. the combatants wall oVed tit' the-ooze
us they fought. ' " . -
.f Arras the Germans were' -making
fraitlce;ffyrt- So Virile a wese 'into
T .the .allien ifne aid recapufs'' Ar
. inent'jert. t'p to today they" had
faiWd. The, struggle at-this point Was.
of ttte bloodieSjt character. ,
Two, distinct . Cierman movements
VX believed to !. prqressing. One
' wass,tloiight th be aHi'ied at,piis.hing
,'the allies' lines 'to tie w:est-of Kllle,
''Isolating the Britls-h and Belgians art
.tie Belgian' wide of the frontier.: it
Was sufipeetwl ' that the' other rontem--plated
the capture of the railroads
went of Air&H. . '
Plans Are to Take Stump jn
Willamette Valley, and
- Eastern Oregon:
After.'an absenre of 2d- moh tlis from
(t-fgon atteniilns to his duties in con
K"efx, Unitfil -States .Senator Harry
l.ane wtn return to Portland tonightisaw indicate that the struggle .waif:
lver the IVorth Hann railroad and will
arrive ?"t 7:1-3 i'cloi-k. .
Ac'ordfng to information received
hero he plans to remain in Oregon un-j
tir- the Opening of the next c.ongres
kioiiuI xession'aiKi during his stay wfll
tut in the time betwee'n now and the
- NoveJiirier- elftlon sturopins the state
for sniitor ('liamberlain and jvorkinK"
"for the suci-ess of the Democratic party
at tt-e,)olls. -
Xo foinialities will mark .Serwftor
, l.ane'ti arrival' .tonight.-'' A nUmbfr of
his friends, and leading supporters .wiir
he at the iepot turgreet him, and that
U -..11. . .. . "
lie will rrmaln ,'in J'ur'tland .'Sunday
Htiil on Momliij wi'll'tita'ft cairjjvti fining
lDr 'h.iinhcrli) (if and other Candidates.
Althouh his wi hedvile htfs npt beir
arranged, it ia 'expected -that ho will
:.fpeak at t'oi-vallis, Itoseburg, .Salem-
and will- make seyeral addresses in
ivrtlatul in addition- to a few in eastr
ern Cregon. - "
During hrg speaking' tour, the 'Ben-
BHor has signified liis intention of
meeting constituents and ascertaining
local conditions with a view of work
ing for projects beneficial to the state
when he returns to acfive work in the
senate at the next session.
Senator Lane left Washington Tues
f day and this will be his first visit to
Oregon since February, 1913, when he
left Portland to take up his duties in
congress which has been in continuous
session since he arrived at Washing
Madrid, Oct. 24. A son was born
today to the queen of Spain.
Judge Kelly Affirmed.
Salem. Or., Oct. 24. The supreme
court today affirmed the decision of
Judge Kelly In the case of the First
National bank of Albany against J.' M.
-Hawkinn, appellants, involving a
promissory note. The opinion wag by
4 udge' McNary.
(Issued at Bordeaux War Office.)
"On our left th
battle continues.
"The enemy has
progressed north of
Dlxmade and around
Xia Bacie. We have
rained appreciably
east of Nleuport, in
the region of &ange
marek and between
Arxnentieres and
V 111.
Coat of Aral
of Prance, fldctua
tipnc are inevitable along: the Use of
a general battle.
"On the rest of our front, the Qer- i
mans' attacks, made both by day and
by night, have all been repulsed.
"In many places we have advanced
slig-htly. to the Woevre region our
progrreco continues in the direction of
the Bcis dc Mostraare, south of Thia
court, in the Bois le Pretre and north
of Font-a-Mouison.
"In the - east the Germans are re
treating: from Warsaw, Ivangorod and
Nova Alexandria.
"Sanguinary fighting continues In
Oalicla. On the line of Zazdomierz
and Przemysl the Kutsians have cap.
tured 200O Austrian?."
( l.sbuod at Hfrlin, scat via The
-tCyVi sive ia being main-
talned everywhere.
In places the kais
er's troops have
made material
"In tiw vloinitles
of A , i.,i 1 1 ,
along- tile Vser ca
nal and south of
Diimuio the allies
have proved unable
to check the Teu
tonic advanoe and along the Meuss
German progress is being -mads every- j
where. The Bombardment oi veraun
continues steadily.
"The Vienna general staff reports
that the Austrians are repelling the
Russians along the San south of
RitrrisH-. ;
the Official War lnfor
Bureau at London.)
Gorman cavalry
( iss.ued by
men are now wear
ing Belgian Uni
forms, showing that
Belgium is consid
ered permanently
part of the kaiser's
territories. This
proceeding ia inex
cusable. BrltUfc Cos,' of r-wjwnsjnung
' Arma. - th Tact that many
pf iBoae opposing J1Ss have pen only
two' months' service, they are fighting
well and skillfully' and: showing con
siderable endurance."' ,' t.L
"October 14 the. .pilot and observer
of a German aeroplarja were .brought
down by a ' British ' machine gun and
xaptttred; Thej pilot wore.r. U'n Iron.
cross awarded him lor being ,tne nrst
aviatpr to . drop bombs lnto Antwerp.
"A British officer, standing under a
tree to .observe the' .'progress of his
troops, noticed a wire running up the
tree; trunk, , and glancing among : the
branches siw German soldier using
a field telephone.', ' '
"The officer and the t; German
whipped out their pistols , and fired
iniultaneoualv. The former was not
! hit and apparently the latter was, btft
certainly he. was not killed, as he fell
on. the officer, stunning him,', .and . he-
fore "he recovered
his escape," - -
the - .German , made
(Issued ,l?y PetrograS War Office.)
sian frontier, awell
as- before . 'Warsaw,
r the Germans nave
been' heavily, defeat;
ed by the Cia"s
forces. '.Their losses i
. . -ST it
are tremendous. In
theu; retreat they
are leaving the roads
Koaaiancoat of d -wlth aban-
Arms, a . uoned guns ana
-equipment, dead-and wounded.
"The Kussians are following in force,
and are about to advance agralnst the
kaiser's tfirrt line of frontier defenses.
''Details Of the fighting about War-
desperate one, the Germans dashing
themselves again and again against
the ' Russian .front, only' to be beaten
back each, time, until, greatly .shat
tered, they broke- before &' Russian
charge and began their retreat..
"Tjie"-NovX V remy a', .correspondent
on the fighting front estimated the
German killed, wounded and captured
t Ivangosod and to the westward at
60,000. The war, office bad previously
ilace4 the figure at 200,000 but f he
''war office referred to the entire fight
ing zone in Bus sian, Poland ' and the
Novoe ViemyH's representative was
discussing only tie - strnggle fn Ivan
gorod's vicinity:
"In Galicia Austrian-,, 'with German
reinforcements., are assaulting the Kus
sians long the line of Sambor, the
San rver, Przemysl and Jaroslav'with
great violence.. More Busslan troops
axe being rushed into this region."
Submarines Try to
Sink British Craft
Admiralty Announces They Are Mak
ing Beckless Attempts From Ostend
to Dunkirk; All rail.
London, Oct. 2 4. German submarines
were making reckless attempts today
to torpedo British and French war
ships along the North sea coast from
the viclrjity of Dunkirk, northeast to
This much was admitted by the ad
miralty tonight, but It- Mas said a!l
these German attacks had failed.
The allies' fighting vessels, it was
stated, continued, all of Friday night
their bombardment of the Germans'
right wing, as it operated along the
coast. They were said to have done
fearful execution. A squadron was
also reported bombarding German
shore batteries in the vicinity of Os
tend. The kaiser's assaults on Nieuport
were said to have failed.
Q-erman Coat of
Chamberlain " Addresses
Teachers' Institute
. Visits Soldiers' Home,
(By a Htkff Correspondent.)
'-Iloaeburg, Or.. Oct. L'4. Senator
Gtorge E. Chamberlain spent a busy
,day in Roseburg yesterday afternoon
and evening visiting the Oregon states
soldiers' home, speaking before the
Douglas cou-ity teachers' institute
and greeting .old friends. The senator
did not deliver an evening address in
this city, as' -planned, as the visit of
the "JiMylng Squadron" now tourir-.g
the countby in the interests of pro
hibition' took precedence and the new
Antlers- tlieatte was needed for the
rneetirg f -the temperance workers.
W'e arrived here yesterday after-
"oh shortly -aftr 2 o'clock and was
greyed atj. the.' depo.t by nearly 100
prominent citizens of Roseburg, who
gave .liim. a wttrin welcome.
As, the guest of W. V. Elder, com
mandant, Kfe visited the soldiers' horns
icnewing umcquainiances with many
or ine veterans who have been in res
idence there since the days when he
was governor of .Oregon.
Deeply Interested in Institution.
. fcenator Chamberlain has alwv
ha4 A gteat interest in the Roseburij
'rrstltntion and ,1n the welfare of its
nnjrim at Vtoino- . - i -
pcuniuiica, ueuiK - recoenizert as imp
wbo has ,eve- had the interest of the
eld soldiers at heart. It was during
tiis term as governor that cottages
.were $frst added to the home as resi
dences jor soldiers and their wives,
the .then governor feeling that it was
'no. more then right that old soldiers
who' -were- forced to. seek a home as
(t'-yicuileii on- Page SYen. Column Tr.o)
Armistice Demand
of Germans Denied
righting Goes on With Increased Vio
- lence in the Region of Thiacourt;
Both Sides Advancing.
VParis, Oct. 2 4. The Germans de
hianded an armistice today in the
Thiacourt region to bury their dead..
The French refused it and fighting
continued with Increasing violence.
The story of the demand for and
the refusal of the . armistice was told
verbally at General Gallieni's head
quarters at the same time that the
Bordeaux war office's dally statement
was given out.
The Germans, said the official statement,-
continued to advance e lowly
north of Dixmude and in the region
of La Basse, while the allies, in turn,
were- advancing east of Nieuport, in
' the region of Laugemarck and east of
; Armentiere8. Klsewhere it was said
j the battle front remained unchanged.
French Hospital
Ship Goes Ashore
Marie Henrietta Was Carrying Wound
ed Prom Worthern Prance to the
Isle of Wight.
London, Oct. 24. The French steam
ship Marie Henriette, crowded with
wounded soldiers, is ashore off Cape
Barfleur, east of Cherbourg, France,
according to a message received today
from Lloyd's ' station on the Isle of
It was understood the wounded were
on their way from the battlefields of
northern France to the Isle of Wight.
It was not known whether or not the
Marie llenriette'a position was dan
gerous. J
At . McMinnvllle He Declares
He Wants to Be Governor
for All the People.
By Fred Lockley. -
McMinnvllle. Or., Oct. 24. "The man
who has come up from poverty through
toil is a man I trust," declared? Dr.
Smith before a large and enthusiastic
audience in a meeting here at 1 o'clock
yesterday afternoon.
"He, and those who are still at the
bottom and on the way up are the
men I want to work for, and the men
whom we all ought to work for. They
are the exploited. They are the ones
whose heritage has been taken by the
frittering away of public lands, in the
failure of men charged with the offi
cial responsibility tcJ protect public
resources and in the bad processes of
government that were once dominant
in this state. They were disinherited
by the crowd that gathered in the
school lands and loaned the school
fund, and instead dT turning the in
terest money into the Irreducible
school fund, put it In their pockets.
"We have but a mere tithe of our
one-time rich public estate, the prop
erty of all the people. In the place of
$30,000,000 or J40.000.000 in our irre-
(Conclvded on Page Three. Column Seyen)
People in Every Station
Life Join in Remembering
War Stricken Victims.
Packages for The Journal
JL'hristmas Ship will be received
4 at the
ie baggage room of the
depot as ftte as 5
o'clock Monday afternoon, if
securely wrapped and la
belled "For The Journal
Christmas Snip Car," and with
the contents listed on the out
side of the package.
This is by special courtesy
of the O.-W. R. & N. company.
By Velio Winner.
Moving vans and "movie" men;
merchants and messenger boys; teachers-
and preachers; babe and grand
sires; women of high and low degree;
young and old of every creed and na
tionality, answering the call of suf
fering humanity, responded "to The
Journal's last appeal to aid in loading
the Christmas Ship In a manner that
surpassed anything of the kind that
has ever taken place In the state.
The volume of contributions as
sumed such gigantic proportions earlv'
yesterday that it was nncessary io
move, the receiving desk to the lobby
of the main "office and there all dav
from 7:30 until 6, gifts of every kind
and description from beans to beads
and from 6. cents to fur coats, were
received, registered and sent to the
(Concluded on Face Three. Column Onsj
Slogan of Democratic Con
gressional Seeker Strikes
Hearts of Workers,
By J. W. H.
"I stand for I-Tesident Wilson."
This slogan, adopted by A. F. Flegel,
Democratic candidate for congress in
Multnomah county, is proving to be
his greatest source of strength with
the voters. "I stand for President
Wilson," backed up by a man measur
ing 6 feet "2 inches, weighing 250
pounds, with a voice that .booms his
convictions and an aggressiveness
measurable to his size that is A. F.
Flegel in action among the voters.
A Journal reported accompanied Mr.
Flegel yesterday afternoon on a trip
to the railroad freight warehouses.
The candidate for congress had prom
ised Southern Pacific employes to re
turn to them with pictures of the pres
ident. At the Southern .Pacific freight
sneds something like loo men were
busy with trucks .nd boxes of freight.
It was a scene of activity, a place
where a mere candidate for office
would receive scant courtesy. At one
end of the shed Mr. Flegel announced
Position Stated dearly.
"I am Flegel, the man who received
the Democratic nomination tor con
gress. I , stand for President Wilson,
If you stand for, Wilson, vote for me
for congress. My name is the first
on the ballot No. 12. If you do not
stand for Wilson, vote for any of the
other candidates for congress, for they
are opposed to President Wilson."
That was the gist of Mr. Flcgel's
nppeal. There was no insidious at
tempt to secure votes on personal
grounds. Mr. Flegel frankly admitted
that he would like t ve.present Mult
nomah county in congress, but there
was no mincing of words. Talking
face to face with the voters, he stated
his position clearly. The big reason
for electing Flegel to congress is' Ms
iinqnalifitd support of Woodrow Wil
son's policies.
When the big voice boomed "I stand
for President Wilson," thre was at
tention and friendly interest from the
busy men.
Men dropped the handles of their
trucks. They gathered around Mr.
Flegel. "I would like one of those pic
tures,' said one. "Ho you are a Wil
son candidate for congress," said an
other. "1 don't know much about you.
but 1 do know about Wilson," said a
third. "Let me have a picture of Pres
ident Wilson to take home to my fam
ily," said another. "I know a man and a
president; don't worry about me; Just
(Concluded on l';e huen, Column Two)
Tokio Rumor Says
Kiao Chau Fallen
Japanese Newspapers Publish the
Story But Confirmation of Capture
Has Hot Been Received.
London, Oct. 24. Th,at the Germans
have surrendered Kiao' Chau is assert
ed by some of the Japanese news
papers, according to. an unofficial
news agency report received here from
Tokio today. The message did not
profess to have confirmation of this
rumor, but its author did say that the
Kiao Chau defenses could not. In any
event, hold out much longer.
Great Uritain Bars Sugar.
London, Oct. 24. On the ground
that the British might be buying Ger
man and Austrian sugar through neu
tral countries, thereby feeding Teu
tonic revenues, th government forbade
sugar importation iao the United
Kingdom. '1 , "
- - ' ..
Sedro-Woolley Bank. Robbers
Fall Into Trap Baited by
Deputy Sheriffs and It Is
Their End.
Six Killed Since Robbery
Week Ago; One of High
waymen Lives.
(United Pr leased W1r0
Ferndale, Wash., Oct. 21. Two mor,
of the gang of five bandits who last
Saturday night held up and robbed the
First National bank at Sedro-Woolley,
were shot and killed here at midnight.
One bandit, the only one believed to b
alive now. escaped, but. with blood
hounds on his trail, and with a big
posse in pursuit. Sheriff Kd Wells, of
Skagit county, and Sheriff Thomas, of
Whatc5m county, are confident they
will have him before night.
The outlaws walked into a trap this
morning, the trap was sprung aa-d they
died without firing a shot.
Sheriff Wells is given credit for their
Just where the Great Northern rail
road tracks cross a bridge, before it
enters Ferndale from the north. Wells
built his trap. A bigelectrlc automo
bile headlight was so placed that It
would throw a blinding flash across
the bridge. It was connected with bat
teries beneath the bridge.
Light Was Blinding,
i Fortif Ujations were thrown up at the
north end of the bridge, a deputy sta
tioned at the electric switch, and Dep
uties Fred Roselle and Wilson Htuart
were detailed to guard the wagon
At midnight Stuart heard footsteps
"Hands up'." he yelled. It was a
signal for the man at the switch. In
stantly the bridge was flooded with
light. The two men, blinded, confused,
threw their hands over their faces.
Shotguns barked, and the two bandits
drppd,dead. The third bandit, walk
ing some distance behind his compan
ions, was seen to turn and disappear
in the darkness.
On one of the dead men. in a money
belt, was found $1544.45, on the other
11543.65. practically all in gold. This
brings the total recovered so far to a
little more than $7000.
The men who held up the Sedro
Woolley bank stole $11,000. The sher
iffs believe the bandit still alive has
the remaining $4000.
The fight between posses and ban
dits, begun a week ago tonight, has
thus far resulted in six deaths, the
first ong being that of William Wilson,
10 years, hit by the bandits' bullets as
they fled from the bunk. He died Sun
day morning. Two other Sedro-Woolley
citizens were wounded, but Jvill re
cover. One Officer Killed.
The posse, numbering 50 men, closed
In on the bandits Wednesday near this
town, but the hunted men eluded them
and fled north. Thursday hunters and
hunted clashed a,t4 Hazelmere, four
miles across the bbrder in Canada,
where the posse walked into an am
bush. In the fight which followed Clifford
Adams, Canadian immigration officer
at White Rock, who had joined the
posse, was killed. In return the posse
shot and killed one bandit, thought "to
be the leader, and wounded a feeeond,
who. unable to flee, committed milclde.
Several men in the posse have re
ceived minor wounds.
County Commissioner and
Judge Are 'Acting in Legal
Manner, Declares Decision
alpm Burn of Th J.nrn1.1
Salem. Or.. Oct. 24. Rufus C. Hol
man's right to his position as county
commissioner Is upheld and T. J. Clee-
ton Is the county judge of Multnomah
county, according to a decision of th
supreme court handed down today, in
the quo warranto proceedings brought
by District Attorney Evans for Hol
man to determine his standing.
In the case of Holman, the court
holds him to be a duly-appointed, le
gally qualified and acting county com
missioner and a mem-er of the board
of county commissioners, upholding
the validity of all acts done or per
formed by him In the transaction of
county business:
In .the case of Cleeton. the court
holds that he is county judge of Mult
nomah county, with a "six-year terra
of office and that all orders, judg
ments and decrees made by him in
probate matters are valid. 1
Such orders when made by a circuit'
judge of that county, the decision
continues, are valid in all probate and
guardianship matters. That Cleeton
was a de facto circuit judge ie af
firmed in . the decision, which holds
valid all matters determined by him,
except those challenged in that court
before any determination was reached
When Cleeton -was trying c.ises In
other counties than Multnomah, he
was a de facto Judge in a dt. Jure
(Concluded- on t-age Thrrj, Column fclj)
Representative Henry, Who
Had Prevented Earlier Ac
tion, Drops 'Filibuster,
(t'nitd Pr t.enr1 TVIre.l '
Washington, Oct. 24. After the
longest session In history, both houses
of congress adjourned sine die short
ly before 3:30 o'clock this afternoon.
The session of congress just ended
convened April 7. 1913. and remained
practically in continuous session until
adjournment today, a matter of 567
The senate shortly after S o'clock!
concurred in the house resolutions pro-
vidlng for adjournment at 4 o'clock.
The house, however, quit as soon tas
It heard of the senate's concurrence,
adjourning at 3:25 o'clock. The sen
ate adjourned four minutes later.
Both houses moved the hands of the
clock to 4 o'clock when they adjourned,
although tit- actual time was earlier.
Shortly before adjournment, the
senate confirmed the nomination of
Rhinehart F. Roth of Fairbanks.
Alaska" to be I'nited" States district
attorney for the fourth district of
By a vote of 56 to 27 the house voted
this afternon to adjourn sine die at
4 o'clock. Representative Henry, who
had prevented adlournment bv con
ducting a filibuster in behalf of the
Lever cotton bill, offered no objec
tions, not -even making the point that
there was no quorum. The house vote
was applauded.
The senate was not able to take ac
tion on the house vote, until 2:30
o'clock, having adjourned this morn
ing until that hour.
Representative Henry, at a confer
ence with southern Dejnocrats, agreed
to adjournment of congress at 4 o'clock
this afternoon. He said he would not
obstruct adjournment further if the
senate would agree to quit. Henry
has been leading a filibuster In the
house against adjournment.
The last act of the house was to
name a committee to report to the
next session on the cotton situation.
Representative Hawley will leave
for Oregon tonight, Sinnott going to
morrow. Wheat May Advance
to $1.50 the Bushel
Heavy Demand rrotn All Quarters for
."Breadstuff and Teed Causes xlse In
"Values ksr.
That England is preparing for some
extensive campaigning tn South Afri
ca Is Indicated hy the shipments of
flour In that direction, but' on the
other hand German South Africa Is
also somewhat Interested.
It is positively apparent that there
is a demand for every pound of flour
and every bushel of wheat and oats
that the Pacific northwest Is willing
to sell abroad at this time.
To fill huge Kuropean orders for
flour, millers have, been compelled to
change tactics In the country. Here
tofore they have kept aloof from buy
ing in hope of scaring country Inter
ests to accept their price views. But
today millers are compelled to almost
beg the producer to ell.
According to an. exporting interest,
orders are available here for twice the
amount of flour that Pacific northwest
millers wMl be able to produce the
next few months.
There are various predictions re
garding the price, some being In
clined to believe that the $1.50 mark
will be reached.
Tale 7, Washington and Jefferson 13.
Carlisle 0. Pennsylvania 7.
Navy 48, Western Reserve 0.
Army 14, Holy cross O.
Cornell 28, Brows 7.
Wisconsin 7, Ohio 6.
Syracuse, 20; Micr-'gan, 6.
Princeton, 16; Dartmouth, 12.
Harvard, 13; Pennsylvania State, 13.
- :Pl
.U -
"FOUND Purse on Union ave., containing mone and other., articles;
owner can have same by identifying and paying for ad." Lost and
"WILL BUY band saw; must b
place, furnace, garage, corner
"1000 BUSINESS cards, 75c." Business Chances.,
-600 ACRE stock ranch, suitable for hogs and cOi; situated in Rogue
River valley, near Medford: will exchange for !grtland Income prop
erty." Exchange, Real Estate. j
"TWO choice duck lakes ear R. P.., Pacific highway and Columbia
river; bargain for balance of'teason' To Lea
"ELDERLY lady wants to read or write for invalids or others by the
hour; charges reasonable; references." Situations, Female.
-BIO collection of Indian arrowheads for sale." t'ftr Sale, Miscellaneous.'
"LOST Long buckskin pocketbook, containing $18.40, 6 cents in coppers,
one chip, also Yale office key; reward." Lost ajnd Found.
"FOR SALE 15 choice brood sows, all sixes andjages; 34 choice pigs."
Livestock. r;
"ENTIRE" upstairs of 5 rooms for rent, all rooms finished In the finest
' of woodwork; Jlnely furnished. Including baby .grand piano; enclosed
yard f6r children to play In; rent $15 month; fj-ee wood." Furnished'
Flats. - J p -
Both Speakers Cheered, Both
Kissed tjy Big Crowd
Which Packed Into Old
Heilig Theatre.
Candidate Resoonds With
Denial and Calls on Friends
to Corroborate.
; QW.
Governor A3fe presented last
evening his evidence In support
of the charg that S. A. Booth
. acquired his rat timber bold
lugs through 'fraud. Mr; Booth'
V mads denial. The verbatim re-
port of the 'addresses of the
two speakers! will be published
tomorrow mfalng la The Sun
day Journal'?
Governor OsHd West and R. A
Booth met latit niirht. at the old
Heilitr theatre, sin a Joint discussion
of -the metliedssbv which Mr. Booth
acquired his timber lands and his fit
ness for the ofrtce of I'nited Slates
senator, which: jie seeks.
Lour before Re theatre doors were
opened hundreds! .of people filled th
streets, waitlnc ,- for entrance. Th
doors Hwune ott at i o cioctt ana a
very lew mlnuirx Jat-r me building
was Jammed wiM an expectant throng
Evcrv Inch of 'inace was taken and
thouxands runuard outside, unable to
gain admission:;; Before the speakine
began It was hessary for the police
to clear the altges. Men and women
scrambled Into 'tje orchestra pit, where
they sat on tlje floor. They sought
every possible place to stand or sit.
Both Cheered, Both Kissed.
The crowd was largely made up of
partisans. Both (speakers were cheered,
to the echo, arid both were hissed.
BooUvjd.ur.tDg hi speech, undertook
to divert attention from the 'chsre-'"
against him by describing the governor'
as an agent of letective Burns -during
the land fraud -Investigations, and ;
(Concluded on Fe Five. klumn irour)
Governor to Speak 'l
at Selftfpod Tonight
BchoolAonse Will Be Scene of Meeting;
Cousin of President Wilson Preside!
at Central Xdbrary This Bvenlsg.
Governor West will deliver an ad-
dress tonight ! th the iellwood school
house. 614 Umatilla street. He is ,
speaking this isirternoon In the C! range
hall at Lents. i
There will lso be a Democratic
mass nieetlng: In library hall. In the i
Central library, tonight. Addresses'
will be delivered by t'nlted States Dis
trict Attorney;!; Clarence Reames and
John Manning,:! Captain A. W. Wilson, ;
a cousin of President Woodrow Wil
ton, will presWjie.
Austrian Monitor
Blowrj Up by Mine
Biver Boat Was Operating on the Save,
Between Austria and Seryla; Crew
of 33 Perished. r
Vienna, via iftome, Oct. 24. The de
struction of the Austrian1, monitor
kernes by a Bilne In the Have river,
separating Austrian and Servian ter
ritory, along the latter's northern fron
tier, was admitted by the Vienna gov--ernment
todays With the monitor, the
crew of 33 perched.
in sood' workina.order." Wanted, Mis
rent, 6 rooms mfe&ern bungalow, fire
lot, $25." For Rlef, Houses.