THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 23, 1911 9 7 TOWN TOPICS (2SKltb DAY OF 1014.) AMUSEMENTS BEILIG Broadwav tt Taylor. Curtain 2 and H. "Tba Wblp." WelQedjr nod Sat U relay matioeea. BAKKit Broadway and Sixth. Cartalna 2:20 ud 8:2o. Matlue: Sunday. Wednesday antf Katurday. linker flayer la "Broad way Ivan." PAN TAOtti Broadway at Alder. Vauderille, Curtain 2:3o, l:Mt ind :lo. LOKW'st EMl'Itth.S Broadway at Yamhill. Vaudeville. Coutiuuoua I. Mi to 6:30. o:30 to 11 week day. ixiutluuou 1 to 11 bun duj a. ' LYltlU Fourth at 8tark. Curtain 2:30. 7:) aud 8:10. Keating A Klood Mualcal Com edy Cuuipauy lu. "Wbeu Hubby Came Llunie." COl.L WBTA Sixth, between Washington and 8tark a tree I. MoUou pictures. 11 a. m. to 11 P- n. fbol'Ll-S Wnt Park at Alder treet. Mo tiou picture. 11:3U a. uu t 11:30 l. m. TAK Washington at Park. Motion pictures, II . m. lo 11 ii. it. SLUIiii Washiugfon at KleTenth. Motion pic ture. 12 m. to 11 p. m. . UAJKSTIC Waablngtou at Park. Motion pic ture. 11 a. in. to 11 p. in. 8L.NSI.T YVaaulutftou at Ilroudway. Motion plature. 11 a. u. to 11 ft, ui. C'luCLi. r'eurtb at VVaabiuglou. Motion pic tures. 10:3O a. in. to 11:15 p. ill. A III MCSKIJM flttb aud 'iaytwr. Hour 8 to & weik days. 2 to 3 Sunday; irei afteruoous of lueday, Tliursjay. k'riday. Saturday aud buuday. River Trips. Steamer Ceorgiaoa to Astoria, dally except Monday.' WasbTuglon street dock. Dallca City, tu The Ualles and Cascade .inllv .xreut KiRidar. Alder street dock fiteanier 8Ut ot Waahfugtou to Tbe Ualle dally except-lbursday. laylor street dock. Public Library Meetings. All October meeting are tree and open to the nubile. October JC4, xs aud M. uemocrauc iaic conjuiittee. Monday, Octobei 2o, 2 p. m. Consumer lsgue. 'luesdy, October 27, 3 p. m. Bible tudie. October 28 to 30, luclusire, V s. m. to o p. U1., except trlduy, October 30, u-orulug ses iuu only. Slat uuTutiou Oregou Cougres tit Uotbeis. aid special privileges2- should not be given to duck hunters any more than they should be accorded to Joyriders. He suggested that once night service is given, the people of the Island would demand that it be made permanent. He reported that Captain Beaver of the ferry would accommodate the duel hunters 'when possible If given suffi cient advance notice. ble gave her report on the recent state convention held at The Dalles and Mrs. Dalgleish spoke of her work among the sailors. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and daughter from Oklahoma, gave talks on the work for prohibition in their state. The meeting was well attended. Mrs. Hattie Wilson presided at the weekly meeting in rooms In the Dekum build ing. Next Wednesday afternoon the men and measures on the ballot will be . discussed. Mrs. Hidden and Mrs. Mallett will be the speakers. Custody of Children Involved. Mrs. Florence Nurlnlman vsterdav filed a petition for an Order directing her di- j vorcea husband, Maurice wuaeiman, to i wv u-ummm bom xuc appear and disclose the whereabouts j Portland, Or., Association of Members of their two children. They were di- j or the American Society or Civil u.n vorced last month by Circuit Judge ' gineers held Its annual meeting at the Davis, and she alleges that though the i Commercial club last evening, and children were awarded to Nudelman ' elected the following officers to serve and she was given the right to see the j one year: President, George C Mason; children once each week, she saw ; vice president, jonn r. wmsi- them but once in the past month, and j ler. The terms of the first vice presl that now Nudelman has them con- ; dent, secretary and treasurer do not cealed. She also asks that the custody of the children be given to their grandmother, Mrs. Clara A. Kandolpli, 3437 East Fifty-ninth street. Stock Case Dismissed. By settle ment the suit of the Portland Public Market & Cold Storage Co: against G. D. Wentwortfi, a Hood River apple grower, to recover $7000 on a stock subscription was ended yesterday, and the case dismissed. The company originally was awarded a verdict for the full amount, but the case was re versed by the supreme court. It is Baid the company received $2SCK in settlement. The company in 1911 made an assignment to Kenenth Beebe for the benefit of its creditors. Wood worth alleged the subscription was secured through fraud. Today's Events. Jeffemon bish play Lincoln high at foot ball, iluiuioumli llild at 3;15 o'clock. I'urllli: .NorlliwesuiiT Conference of Amer Icnu Sunday School Ihiiou, October 23-2, Y. V C. A. buiiulng. today; Y. M. C. A. build ing toulgUt. Hac-ifli- toast Conference of Dan 1Kb Lutheran cburrlieti. at Ketbauia church, Lnlou a Teniae and Morris street. Coming Events. Prevents for Christinas Ship must be st The Journal by 5 o'clock thU afternoon. Oregon c'lrlc bugue luucbeou at Multnomah hotel. UiUiber 24. Apollo club concert at the tlcllig, October 24. Transportation club luncheon at Mulluomab hotel, October It. Manufacturers' nud Land Product Show at Armory. October 3 to November 11. Uotsry club luncheon at tbe lieutou hotel, October 27. Ad club luncheon, Portland hotel, October 2. Columbia plays Hill Ac&deui ' ut football, Multnoiuuh field, October 2S. Progressive lliiaint'ss Men's club luncheon at Uotel Multnouiuli October '."J. Jefferson blgU plays lurtlund Academy at football, Multnomah field, October 30. Opening concert of Symphony orchestra No vember 1. Election day, November 3. Port Information Supplied. . Information regarding this port may be ob tained from the Portland Cbnmber of Com merce. ot) Kit th ueet. Telephone Main UU3 r A-12U3. Fire and Police. Fire department Main 770O. A-I323. Police departmeut Alain 7181, A-U7S1. Today's Forecast. Portland and vicinity: Fair tonlgbt and Sat urday : eusterlr -.vlmls. Oregon and Washington: Fair touigbt aud Eatiirlii; euslerly winds. Idaho: r'ulr tonlgbt uud Saturday. Weather Conditions. A high pressui'T area of considerable magni tude la central over Montana and :i not her high preaHUie area ot similar character Is central otcr New Kngland. The barometer la relative ly low over Lnke Superior aud also over Arizona ami New Mexico. Ceneral ralnn have f:.lleu in the pluius states and alorg tbe east lo;te of tbe K'K'ky mountains. it 14 much cooler bver a uarrow strip of territory extend ing from New Mexico northeastwsrd to Mani toba. It Is hNo coUier in tbe New England nd middle Atlantic- Mates. Tbe conditions are favorable for fair weath er In thl -district tonight mid Saturday. EDWAKI A. F.KALS. District Forecaster. TJniversity Extension. The Univer sity of Oregon extension classes will meet in central library as follows: This evening at 7 o clock" German Literature," Dr. Schmidt, room A; sub ject, "The Life of Goethe ana -i-aust. At 8 o'clock "Psychology," Dr. Ke bee, room II.; "Mathematics," Dr. Winger, room K; "Public Speaking," Professor Prescojt, story hour room; "German Literary Club," Dr. bcnrmat, room A. subject. "Science and Art in Germany During the Last 60 Years." Tomorrow evening at 8 o clock rinei orlc," Mrs. Parsons, room B. Hardware Company , Bobbed. The Peterson Hardware company at 430 East Burnside street was broken into last night and about $10 taken from the safe. The strong box was not locked at the close of business, and the expire for another year. John H. Lewis, state engineer, read a very In teresting paper upon "State Engineer's Department and Its Relation to Devel opment in Oregon." Mmitm Announce Flans. The Ma zaraas Sunday will vary the usual strenuous week end trips with a quiet stroll through the woods and th fields, with no hard climbing or long tramps. They will leave Fourth and Yamhill streets by special car over the Southern Pacific, and go to Dun dee, 29 miles out. They will then walk west to the top of a ridge, and lunch in a beautiful grove by a spring, They will return to Dundee by a dif ferent route. The route Is through the walnut groves and fruit district. Tilted for Interrupting runeral. Victor C. McNeal, teamster, was fined $3 this morning in the municipal court for driving through a funeral proces sion. Patrolman Morelock made the arrest Wednesday at Second and Sal' mon streets, where McNeal crossed the intersection while the procession was passing that point. After cross ing, McNeal argued with the driver of a carriage about the right of way. possession of the property because of a flaw In the title. The property In volved Is the south half of lot 5, block 10, Brooklyn. Steams Jesse Hrkln for Camas. Washougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at i p. m. t Adv.) Printing- at Cut Prices. Bring us that order and save big money. Rose City Printery. Jd and Taylor. (Adv.) POST COMMANDER DEAD McCargar. Bates ft Xdvely Fire, cas ualty and automobile insurance. Yeon bldg. .Telephone Main 168. (Adv.) Genuine Peacock Peathers, 5 and 10 cents. Andrew Kan, 348 Morrison.Adv. Br. C. Stuart Menzies. 11 A. M. to 1 P. M. Corbett building. (Adv.) Or. J3. C. building. Brown, Bye. Bar. Mohawk (Adv.) T B. Pox, optician. Journal bldg. Ad. CLOTHING SACRIFICED Bowman to Sell Three Thousand Men's Suits. If any man needs a suit or overcoat these days, he had better see J. L. Bowman at Third and Stark streets. Three thousand men's suits are be ing sacrificed at prices within easy reach, the suits on sale were made up in the Bowman shops here during the dull summer months. They were not sold by the traveling salesmen as expected and for that rea son are now being sacrificed at: $ 9.85 for suits worth 15.00. $12.60 for suits worth $18.50. $14.50 for suits worth $20.00. $18.60 for suits worth $25.00. (Adv.) Prisoner Slashes Wrists. Los Angeles, Oct. 23. D. R. Mc- Cllntock, a county Jail prisoner, slashed his wrists with a butcher knife. He probably will recover. rr-1 - . . , 1 T V. O T ) x lie luueiai servicea wi juuu vv. a. , Baker, a well known resident of Lents i and former commander of Reuben Wll- ' son post, No. 38, of the G. A. R.. was ' held at 2 o'clock this afternoon at Odd Fellows hall -under the auspices of the post and Shiloh circle. No. 19. Rev. t W. Boyd Moore of Lents Methodist church officiated. Mr. Baker died at the family residence, 27 Ninth avenue. Tuesday after an illness of several ; years. During the past few months he had been confined to his home. He : was 69 years of age. He is survived j by his widow and family. Interment was in Mount Scott Park-cemetery. MenTs Suits Men! Buy your new suit where you get full value for your money. Suits that I sell at $14. 75 would fetch $20 in a ground floor store. Jimmy Dunn, Oregoman building, 3d rioor. tAav.j Journal Want Ads bring results. Who Sold the Most Pianos and why? The answer is vital to you. Read page 7 this paper. (Adv.) Pour Secure Divorcee. Desertion was alleged in divorce actions filed yesterday by Mary Suretlinska against Charles Suretlinska and L. A. Schibler against Ruth E. Schibler. Cruelty was charged in divorces granted by Circuit Judge McGisn to Martha E. Broadhurst against Melvin E. Broad hurst and Mary Ochs against Paul Ochs. Appeal Prom War S trick burglars experienced no difficulty in 'Cry From Europe," will be eettine the money. Entrance was gained by forcing open a rear window. A. W. Porter reported to the police that a drug store in which he is em ployed was entered by means " of a pass key. A few bottles of perfume were stolen. A number of old coins were also taken. "The Rabbi Wise's - topic at ' Beth Isreal tonight All are urged to attend, as an appeal that cannot be brushed aside has come from the people in distress. Service will begin at 8 o'clock. A Bible class will be held Tuesday at 3 in central library. All are invited. Would Have Stock Conveyed. Fred Dose filed suit against O. C. Bortz meyer, this morning to force Bortz meyer to convey stock to hini as the result of an alleged deal which he charges Bortzmeyer with repudiating. He alleges that he was to give $57,800 in Eilers Music House stock, a release from $8091.22 indebtedness of the Eilers company to the E. H. Holt Pi ano company and $108.78 in cash for $66,000 par value stock in the Holt concern, and that Bortzmeyer now re fuses to accept the terms and deliver the stock. Observations. STATIONS. Temperature. tinker, or Boise, Idaho ..... Ronton, Man Chli-Mirn III .... lifnver Colo ! lHlluth. Mlno Kilreka, Cal Frpno, Cal CalvpMon, Texa .... Havre, Mont Kansas 'Citv, Mo Lew tton, idah Iw Angeles. CaL ... Marshfleld. Or New Orleans, La New York. N. Y .North Head. Wash. .. North Yakliioi. Wash.. I'bnenlv Ariz Portland Or ROsebniv. ' Kaeriiiuc"' 'nl. St. I.oui-i. io Salt L:ik. I Mil San Francisco, Cal. . Seattle, Wa.h Mtku, Alatka Spokane. Wash Tatouin, Wash Tatoosh Isl'd.. Wash Valdex. Alaska Walla Wall. Wash. Washington. I. C. . Winnipeg, Alan 'I'. M. report of preceding day. a - C- i . B 3 v a- 2 . ?? ?S j5 ii sc -a C J 42 . ::s 4" 7l" 40 r. en r,s I ;j.s ;sn 5S .',0 4S 4S 61' 46 4t UN 4 74 7 IVs 2tl 52 2H t-2 71 i? :is . . :w r6 7o r.4 ."6 t6 :wi 6H 80 W fv 72 4S &1 2 54 38 62 3H S4 72 50 M 5 50 40 B4 4) 50 IW 5) rM 70 ns A I (SO 41 ."4 Wi 50 4H I till 4.S 04 I r.ti 48 5(i m u m 14 r.4 56 r,2 05 . . I 26 40 m , 4) r.n 7s r,4 I 2 W j 42 13 eta Married at 16, Wants Divorce. Cir cuit Judge McGinn this morning grant ed a divorce to Mrs. Beatrice B. Stev ens against Clarence E. Stevens on grounds of cruelty. Mrs. -Stevens tes tified that she was but 16 years old when she married Stevens last Janu ary and that he misrepresented his fi nancial affairs to her. She said he tried to make her take in washing of a cowboy camp on the California ranch owned by his parents. John Bauer Jr. filed suit for divorce from Ethel Bauer, alleging cruelty. Publishing Company Incorporates. Articles of incorporation of a publish ing society to be known as the Oregon Redman, capitalized at $200, were filed yesterday by J. T. Parmalee, Milton Oppenheim, Fred S. Brady and Stan hope S. Pier. Services at Ahavai Sholora. Serv ices will be held at Congregation Ahaval iSholom, Park and Clay streets, tonight at 8 o'clock. Tomorrow morn ing services at 9:30' o'clock. Rabbi R. Abrahainson will officiate. house furnish- tomorrow and Third and East Morrison. (Adv.) urchases of furniture, g all next week, at Oalef Bros ngs, etc., commencing HOTEL TGUABT SAN FRANCISCO Ceary Street, above Unlo Square European Plan $1.50 a day up American Plan $3.50 a daj m New iteel and concrete structure. Third addition of hundred rooms Just com pleted. Every modern convenience. Moderate rates. Center of theatre and retail district. On car line transfer ring all over city. Electric omnibus meets trains and steamers. Woodlawn Orange Initiates. Wood lawn grange. No. 350, will initiate sev eral candidates at its closed session tomorrow evening at Green's hall. East Seventh street and Dekum avenue. Collision Held Unavoidable. -No blame was declared by the coroner's jury yesterday afternoon investigat ing the death of Karl McXaughton, who died Tuesday from injuries Sep tember 3, when the auto rf F. H. Adams hit his motorcycle. The acci- Pree Aluminum Cooking Utensils with purchases of furniture, house fur nishings, etc., commencing tomorrow and all next week, at Calef Bros.', East Third and East Morrison. (Adv.) Miss Elizabeth Woodbury will read "The Gift of the Magi" at the Hanley rally this evening at Scandinavian hall at 8 o'clock. (Adv.) Ifew Pants. Men, buy from Jimmy Dunn. He saves you money. Priced at $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50. Oregonian Bldg.. 3d floor. (Adv.) Title to Property Settled. The Port land Rowing club was decreed sole 5 10 4 14 in 4 4 14 4 4 4 6 0 N 8 IS 26 10 28 O 0 0 0 i.: .08 O 1.08 0 O 0 0 o o o 0 0 0 o o o 0 o o it o o o 0 0 0 0 .06 dent happened at Gay street and Co- i owner of a small portion of Its prop lunibia boulevard. Testimony of the, erty by Circuit Judge Gatens yester auto driver, and other investigation : day. The dub had sued the unknown showed the collision to have been un-' heirs of John Parkhlll for undisputed avoidable. I Big Hanley Bally Tonight. Mrs. Florence Foster Hammond will sing, there will he a number of short speeches from Mr. Ben Reisland, Mr. G. A. Johnson, Colonel C. E. S. Wood, Mrs. M. L. T. Hidden and Anne Shan non Monroe. Wm. Hanley, Progressive candidate for UniteC States senator, will outline his practical plan for put ting Oregon's resources to work for all the people of Oregon. Scandinavian hall. Fourth and Yamhill, 8 sharp. Ad. Classes Hunters With Joyriders. From a report filed by Superintendent of Ferries Welch with the county com missioners yesterday it appears that Welch classes duck hunters and Joy riders together. In response to a peti tiim of attorney George W. Joseph that the Burling on sferry be run all Bight, to accommodate duck hunters oh SHuyie's island, Welch recommend' ed. that it be not allowed, because he Oscar M. Smith, for the past years head designer and cutter lor Nicoll the Tailor in Portland, has pur chased an Interest In the Portland Tai loring Co., 322 Morrison St., Portland Hotel bldg., where he will occupy a similar position. Mr. Smith will be pleased to meet his friends and patrons at the new location. (Adv.) NisbethSanitarium A quiet, restful, homelike place hav ing the most approved modern equip ment for the treatment of chronic and nervous diseases requiring hydropath . ie, electric. Swedish movement and , massage treatment together with careful dietetic supervision. I Rates from $18 a week up, lnclud- ing treatments and room nursing. I Resident physician, call or write for six booklet. 111 MILK-FED VEAL -1914 LAMB AT SPECIALLY REDUCED PRICES FOR THIS SATURDAY'S SALE Legs of Veal. . 18c lb. Loins of Veal 18c lb. Racks of Veal 18c lb. Shoulder of Veal 15c lb. Breast of Veal 15c lb. Legs of Lamb.. 17c lb. Loins of Lamb 17c lb. Racks of Lamb ......... 17c lb. Shoulders of Lamb 10c lb. Breast of Lamb 8c lb. GREATER MEAT VALUES THAN EVER AT OUR SPECIAL BARGAIN MEAT COUNTER THIS SATURDAY Hams, Jones' Mild Cured Cottage Hams, lb.. ... . .15c Bacon, Jones' Mild Cured Light Bacon, lb . 22c NisbethSanitarium 616 Xovejoy St., Portland, Oregon. a Salmon and Poultry Specials FOR SATURDAY In the Jones Ma-rkct, 4th and Alder, by the COLUMBIA FISH CO. All Poultry Lb. 20c Fancy Broilers, Fryers, Roasting Chickens. Hens, Spring Ducks, Geese, etc. Spring Turkeys, lb. 30. Plenty choice Squabs. All Small Salmon, half or whole, blood red, 8? pound Fine to bake Skamoko-wa Butter per roll ..75t New Sauerkraut, just in per quart ..15 We Deliver. Main 5. Marshall 1 Smoke Arouses Family. Smoke ! arousea tne tamiiy 01 w... uritntn, 429 Rast Thirty-seventh street, this morning at 2:30, when the home caught fire. The blaze started in the north wall from iinknown causes. Damage amounted to $200, as quick response of the fire fighters prevented further damage. California Society to Meet. The Cal ifornia Society of Oregon will meet next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, In room A of the Public library. An es pecially unique program is being pre pared by Dr. William b. Spencer. All ex-resldents of the Golden State are cordially Invited to be, present. W. C. T. XT. Hears Report. At the meeting of the Central W. C. T. SJ. held Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Trim- S3 YOU'LL week-end Portl or relisn Sunday fc heartily a dinner at Tne land: the delicious roods nossess that zest and flavor that satisfy the fastidious. There are two beautiful dining places where one may see, at almost any hour, smartly-dressed groups enjoying the superior service of The Portland. Breakfast, 6:30 to 12 Afternoon Tea, 3:30 to 6 Grill, Noon to 1 A. M. DELIGHTFUL EVENING MUSIC THE PORTLAND HOTEL G. J. Kaufmann, Manager nnnnn ii ii r - M Powers' Saturday Night Special gfl $2.00 "Big Noise" TtT? Alarm Clock Special On Sale Saturday Only From 4 to 9 pi m. We offer for this week's Saturday night special a large double gong, big noise alarm clock. It is 10 inches high, outside diame ter 7 inches and face 5 inches; all bright plated, with fancy em bossed gilt dial and blued steel hands. Numerals are black enam eled. It has a carrying handle at the top, also a double gon with shut-off between. Each clock packed in strong carton. One Clock to a Customer. No phone or C. O. Orders. No Delivery. D. The Saturday Night Crowds Increase Each Saturday we are having greater response to these specials. In our Aluminum Sauce Pan special last week, over 350 sets were carried away. Each week BIG values are offered, bet ter, in fact, than can be secured at any other time. Make it a point to be here tomorrow, t and always watch this space on Friday for the eood things1 to come. Pacific Phone The Latest and Best Styles Are Here in Ladies' Home hfome Phone Marshall 5080 1 Journal Patterns, Ten Cents and Fifteen Cents Each 1 1 j A-2112 Charges Paid on Five-Dollar Purchases Mail Orders Filled SamepaM as Received Our Store Opens Daily at 8:30 a. rn. Saturday at 9 a. m. 0 a &MOBW22IL a , ,rTI- ,i r-'Aa"K"t THE MOST IN VLUETHE BEST IN QU i a M-rrY I Our Store Closes - Daily at 5:30 p. m. - Saturday at 6 p. m Out-of-the-Ordinary Sale Saturday women's ana misses New Fall Coats Fashionable, Well-Finished Garments, Best Ma-flT A A terials, All Colors Values to $12.50 Priced atflO.UU The woman who welcomes clever new models in fashionable, well-finished Coats will give hearty greetings to these chic examples, expressive of the best ideas from leading New York makers and she will buy, for the offer ings at this sale are quite out-of-the-ordinary. It is a special purchase of a sample line containing some 60 Coats for women and young ladies. In cluded are Balmacaan, belted styles in flare effects and a great many other equally as popular models. They come in Donegal Tweeds Pebble Cloths Mixtures Stripes Plaid and plain materials in most any wanted size or color. You must come and see these coats in order to appreciate their beauty and worth. Come early and secure all the advantages of IC (f first choice from values u pto $12.50. SATURDAY AT PeJeUU Mothers Will Be Delighted With These Reveaab Children's Coats Clean-Up of Broken Lines, This Season's Styles, (Pi i T Sizes 2 to 14 Years Values to $8.90 Priced atDTTTrO In order to immediately readjust our stock of children's Fall and Winter Coats, we have arranged this important sale the assortment includes many attractive styles in sizes from 2 to 14 years they come ifl Velvets, Mix tures, Zibelines, Serges, Caracul and other materials in black, navy, brown grey, red, Copenhagen, etc. Coats that have sold this season first choice from values up to $12.50. SATURDAY AT S4.45 i Attractive Showing' and 'Sale of Women's Dainty Neckwear Shown in Vests, Collars and Sets in the Newest and Best Styles Tey O C Are Splendid Values and Are Specially Priced for This Sale at Low Fijmre muI An unusually large and varied assortment of Women's Neckwear, including all the f ktest and best styles in pique vests, collars and sets; also organdie vest collars and sets, as .well asii full showing ot line owiss emDroiaered ana lace collars stilt collars and cults. All bright, new iroods and all special values at l Dngnt, newj yc ? ? . An Important Underpricing of All Sorts of Trimmings-See Morrison 5t Window Silk Bands in staple and fancy colors, in " fin values to $1.00. On sale at I J.UL Black Silk Loops and Frogs all styles in In. values to 35c. On sale at lwv Black Jet Drops in various styles, in val ues to 35c. On sale at 10c Ball Fringes. Bugle Bands and fringes, in values to 98c. On sale at -. -4 10c Saturday Sale of s .98 79 69? 49 49 89 $1.25 Leather Handbags at $1.00 Leather Handbags on sale at $1.00 Moire Handbags, this sale.. . 75c Leather Handbags, priced at. . 15c Coin Purses on sale at $1.00 German Silver Vanity Cases, $1.25 German Silver Vanity Cases, Saturday Sale of Fountain Pens Reg. $1.50 and $1.25 Kfnds (Qr Special for Tomorrow Ofily Ov Tomorrow, as a week-end special, we place on sale a fine lot of self-filfingijj-'ountain 1'cns. They are shown in three different styles, with either plain or engaved barrels. They are the kind made to sell regularlyat $1.50 QQ and $1.25. Priced for this sale!' at . . . . . IOL (tnd for MEMBERS (DORSET Are Good Every Day of the Year Every Occasion Hardly a day passes that we do not receive some favorjaple comment in regard to these corsets, and it is the verdict of the ladiesi Af Portland aDd vicinny tnai no Detier or more siynsn corsets can De securetijiaor tne money. Women of discretion buy corsets where the stock conipriscs many different models, for, by so doing, they know they can be properly ited to a model that will suit their individual figure. jj ' Our stock of Henderson Back and Front-Laced Corsets Mftinusually com plete and includes all of the various seasonable models. . . j; ;?s We call your special attention to Henderson Corset, Stye 504which is unquestionably one of the newest and most stylish design that has been offered this season. Jt is made of coutil, has a medium low but, without bon ing over hips and is so designed to give the new natural figiji!? lines so much in vogue. An undeniably handsome garment that appeals liii every woman of excellent dress" attainments. Made for average figures. Price $1.50 Onlxr OTHER MODELS FROM $1.00 UP TO f 3.50 AIR 9M Yd Extraordinary Values Offered at This Sale of 14 5 -Inch Imported Batiste Flouneings STRICTLY HIGH-GRADE, BRAND-NEW EMBROID ERIES, SHOWN FOR TH FIRST TIME AT THIS SALE THERE ARE DOZENS OF BEAUTIFUL PAT TERNS TO SELECT FROM QUALITIES MADE TO SELL REGULARLY AT $1.00 TO $1.50 THE YARD TOMORROW AT A RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICE See the Display in Our Third Street Window Because 45-inch Flounahgs have not sold as readily as expected a prominent New York importer found that he had on hand a surplus stock of these goods and his desire for the immediate! disposal of these embroideries prompted him to offer them to us at sensational pric concessions Tomorrow we place the entire assortment on sale at the lowest ftgufl ever quoted in this or any other city, for such high grade embroideries Miss this sae and you'll, miss an extraordinary saving opportunity! You have choice from thousands of yards of brand new embroidery flouncings that are really beautiful They exetrjjplify -the fin est of workmanship and the most atractive new patterns and they areimade on the finest of white batiste that alone is worth many times the price at which! the finished "embroideries are offered at this sale They are the kind suitable for Jesses, Skirts, chemise, combination suits, princess slips, etc. Qualities that sell in the fegular Of way at $1.00 to $1.50 a yard On sale Tomorrow at only, yard. .H tUOC None to dealers No phone orders- Come early and secure all the! advantages of first choice Sale starts promptly at 8:30 -When our doors jfipen. . y 5? -U 5i1