The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 23, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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Bringing the Boy and the Right Suit Together-Navy Blue S
In a Sale Where Every Suit Is Worth One-Third to HALF More Than Prices
Journal Office Deluged With!
Thousands of Packages!
. From Kind Hearted People
1 45 Navy Blue Serge Suits Selling to $ 1 1 .50, Saturday $7.95 Boys' Suits $4.95 $3 Bath Robes $2.49
Boys' Rain Coats
$3.00, $3$0 to $7.50
Plain tan ahifj fancy mixtures,
single or double-breasted, rag
Ian or set-in sieves, storm col
lars, side-slashep pockets. Sizes
4 to 18 years. If
Mackinaws M $5 to $8.5C
For boys frqjjn 6 to 17 years.
Extra quality It oats with con.
vertible collar,!;? oke, box plaits,
belt and pockets. Colors are
brown, gray ami red plaids.
90 Navy Blue Serge Suits Selling to $14.50, Saturday $8.95
Fine all-wool suits with one
Beacon Blanket Robes.
and two pairs of pants. Made
in the newest models in mix
tures, plaids, checks, stripes and
diagonals. They include nov
elty Norfolk with patch pock
ets, sewed-down and loose belts,
knife and box plaits, regulation
Norfolks and sack suits. Col
ors are browns, tans and blue
Sizes 6 to 18 years.'
made just like father's, with
turndown collars, finished
with cords at heck and
waist. Robes are made in
sizes 2 to 16 years and come
in cadet, rose, gray brown,
navy, red and light blue, in
neat and attractive patterns.
Suits, of fine navy serges and cheviots, strictly all-wool, in qualities us
ually shown only in Fifth avenue shops suits that stand for the best in
tailoring, fit ancfinlsh. Made in sack and Norfolk styles, single or dou
ble breasted, coats lined with the best quality serge and mohair linings.
The pants are made in knickerbocker style, full lined, with taped seams.
These exceptional suits come in sizes 6 to 18 years.
ronrtn Floor
Caah, Clothing- and Toys Go to Make
Up Contributions to Choor tlit
Haarta of Europeans.
tstary of t lie Christmas whip
Hand has always done things
By Vella Winner.
'Th?r arc no word, no combination
of biipfrlatlves equal 10 telling the
for Its own poor and for the unfortu
nate of the state and has never failed
no respond to famine, flood and earth
quake sufferers, but It remained for
the Christmas- Ship Idea to' sweep the
people completely off their feet, to
put everybody to work, tha wealthy to
writing checks and the, poorer ones to
buying and. sewing, and the children
to running errands or doing whatever
they could to earn something for the
great cause.
The Journal is simply deluged with
"the thousands upon thousands of pack
ages that are pouring in from all over
the northwest, by mall, by steamer, by
messenger and by the dontfrs them
selves; they come, beginning the first
thing in the morning and lasting into
the night.
, Today i.t was necessary" to open'
The Journal auditorium and place in
charge a special corps of clerks in
order to take care of the people and
. t. ... ...
ineir contrinuuons.
. Christmas Snip Orary.
Nothing like it has ever happened
before in the' history of the city.
Portland 'is. Christmas Ship crazy.
, Two rooms pn the third floor of The
Journal building are already filled to
the celling with contributions, extra
large box"es are temporarily .stored in
thp basement and still they come.
That Portland will have a carload
if contributions for the ship is as
isured. ' '
The day's, contributions contained
no more Interesting fncident than the
arrival by steamer of two' enormous
boxes of clothing and a crate contain
ng 150 pounds of dried prunes from
the Congregational church, of Wash
ougal. Clothing of all kinds, shoes,
stockings, sewing materials, etc., are
Included In the boxes and.- best of all,
nearly all of the things are Brand new.
The response of the church and church
people is highly gratifying. Two large
boxes, of clothing and toys and cash
contribution were brought yesterda;'
by representatives of the Academy of
the Holy Child Jesus, St. :Philip's
school and St. Rose's schdol. These
contributions were all from the chil
dren of then well known Catholic in
stitutions. Kxtremely generous were the dona-
lons'of H. Liebes &-Co. and Charles
Jennlng. Tha Iiebes company sent up
14 new cloth coats, satin lined, and
tw boxes of sweaters, while Mr. Jen
ring brought 16 sets of black fur.
Ponatioos from Individuals and from
churches, schools and clubs of nelgh-
, Loving towns ,come in by every mail
and by express. 1 would like, to give
a paragraph to every contributor, but
" lack of space forbids.
Donors Art Named,
for a great array 6f generotis and
practical gifts, carsn, food, clothing and
toys The Journal is indebted to: The I
Mothers' club of'Ddell, June MdMillen
Ordway, Woman's Missionary society
Presbyterian church of 'Astoria, Dick i
'Kingsbury. Margaret Black of Van-
couvcr Wash.; Mrs. Oordtn Voorhle.
Mrs. J. K. Young, Mrs. Martin Winch;
Mrs. A. B, Win free. Mrs. Otis i.
Wight. Mrs. Morris .Whitehouse, Mrs.
J. Frank Watson. Mrs. Charles F.
Pwlgert, Mrs. William II. Skene, Mrs.
Thomas Robertson. Mrs.- Frank Rati
ome. Mrs. George C. Mason, Mrs. F.
C. Malnas, Mrs. William A. McRae.
C. Clark. Q. W. Ritfuer, Chapter A of '
the P. K O. Sisterhood, John Wright,
Ftevensoh Wash.; Mrs. A. Honeyman, I
Mrs. J. S. Edwards, Mrs. H. C. Living-
stone, Mrs. W. J. Jf-nes, Mrs. Frank,
Scott, Mrs. I.ouis Gerlinger, Estelle I
Kgbert. George W. Story, George I
Munlaugh, Clinton Howard, Jeanne j
Farrlor, Teteve Rogers. Mrs. Helen !
Shoemaker, Albert Shoemaker, Mrs. N. j
Ford, Lorain Muhllg, Ruth Muhlig, 1
Esttler Healy of Gladstone, Mr. and ,
Mrs. C. C. Llghtfoot, children of tha
West Portland school. Nija Katharine .
and John Merrick,. Mrs. A. J. Glesy,
Harriet Jones, Mrs. C. C. Moore, St.
Mark's church, Katherina Doyle,. Alice
Burke, Mrs. ti. C Brown of Hillsdale,
Mrs. W. G. .Howard, Clara Thompson,
Mr. and Mrs. Holmes. Mrs. Carl Travis,
Lloyd Haines, Dustin' Brumbough,
third grade pupils Oswego school, Port
land Woolen Mills, Mrs. George K.
Pusey of Oregon City. F. Wrade.
Mrs. W. P. Hawley, W. P. Hawley Jr.,
Clinton theatre, Mrs. H. E. Blossom,
Mrs. C. M. Pierson, Mrs. P. A. Morye,
Mrs. F. H. Ttlley, Irene Rippey. Mrs.
C. B. Johnson, Peninsula Parent
Teachef association, Mrs. W. J. Brock
el, W. H. Dutton. Mrs. A. Reynolds,
H. Garside, Virginia S. Sebastian,
Kathleen Cunningham, Emille Strup
lere, Mrs. R. J. Grace, Mrs. A. P. Ger
fard. Ladies' Aid society Fulton Park
Presbyterian church, Mrs. E. H. An
thony, Mrs. G. L. Buland, S. Harkson,
lima Lehman, Caroline Wolcott, Mrs.
W. Q. McKnlght, Mrs. Frank McKinnon.
Alicia; David Lange of Sutherlin,
Gladys Emerson of Ontario, Mrs. W. B.
Roberts. Margaret Black Of Vancou
ver. D. R. Cooper, E. F. Howell, Bar
bara Moberg, Mrs. W. B. Roberts, Ev
elyn Franz. Mrs. S. E. Roberts, Mrs.
Penn. Jimmy Penn, Bernice Beebe.
Mrs. Bert W. Richards, Mrs. J. Goldie,
Old People's Home of Woodmere, Miss
Obermeier, Sheldon Jr. and Fred At
tlx of Salem, Irene Worth, of Ontario,
Miss N. Wolfe, Y. P. S. of Grace Evan
gelical Lutheran ctiurcJi. W. A. Gille,
Junior league, Mrs. Pierson of Hllls
boro. Ellle Carey, Rosemary, Grace,
'Lillian and Dorothy Mitchell, Mrs.
Adams of Harrisburg, Mrs. It. H. Har
rison of Oregon City, school children
of Cathlamet. Wash.; Mrs. Paul Han
sen of Odell. Ruth Lindner, Miss Agnes
Peterson, Margaret and Kenneth Mar
tin, R. R Lamport, Mrs. 8. Goldstein,
Mrs. D. C Burns, Mrs. E. R. White,
Kenneth, Duncan, Mrs. W. C. Mc
McNaught, Mrs. Arthur Wendland
, Mies Elizabeth Wilson, Mildred Jean
ette Riggs, St. Andrews Mission, Mrs.
O'Gorman, George H In in an of Astoria,
Eunice Johsend and Dorothy Jonaend
of Boring, Mrs. George C, CarL
In addition to Lgifts left by the
above there were hundreds of gifts left
' In person and received by mail to
Which no names were attached.
Prosperity Is Here Now
Head page 7 this paper for the proof.
Phenomenal Sale of Boys' Sweaters
1100 Samples From a Manufacturer
Prices Less Than Wholesale
V-Neck High Neck Byron Collar
$5.00 and $6.00 Sweaters .. $2.95
$3.50 and $3.75 Sweaters. .$2.25
$2.50 Sweaters for. $1.48 .
$1.50 Sweaters for 98c
$1.25 Sweaters for 79c
Infants' All-Wool Sweaters, Sizes 2 to 4 Years
$3.50 to $3.75 Sweaters $2.45 $2.50 Sweaters $1.79
Fourth Floor
Remarkable Sale of Junior Dresses
Also Very Suitable for Little Women
Silk Dresses Serge DressesVelvet Dresses
Selling Regularly
Beautiful examples in novelty dresses hardly two alike.
Made of fine crepe de chine, taffeta, messaline, serge and cloth,
in exclusive models. They are trimmed with lace, chiffon, net,
soutache braid, fancy plaids in combination effect, and are
shown in high or low-neck styles with long or short sleeves,
vest effects, Peter Thompson and two-piece models. . Fur
trimmings are also in evidence. These attractive dresses come
in Copen, navy, brown, taupe, tan green, white, black, rose
and wisteria.
!SS Saturday $9.95
Fourth Floor
New Junior Suits
Selling From $17.50 to $30.00
Sale $15.00
SDecial assortment of youthful, most attractive new suits has
been selected from our regular stocks for this sale, which includes
straight-cut coats, Country Club styles, Norfolk and belted models,
with skirts in new yoke or pleated styles, and long flaring tunics.
. The materials are cheviot, serge, -broadcloth and fancy weaves, and
coats lined with satin -or peau de cygne, trimmed with velvet collars
and bone or fancy buttons. Surely a most excellent assortment of
fashionable Autumn suits for girls from 15 to 17 years old. They
are shown in navy, Labrador blue, green and brown.
Fourth. Floor
$5.00 Girls' Rubberized Rain Coats, $3.98
In sizes from 6 to 14 years. Made of rubberized doth and sateen
in red, brown and navy, with turn-down collar, plaid silk lining,
slashed inside pocket, in single and double-breasted models. Some
have detachable hoods.
' Fourth Floor
These Are Wonderful Dresses
Girls Serge School Dresses $5.00
New dresses for girls from 6 to 14 years. Made of extra quality
serge in especially pretty styles, with trimmings of fancy plaid collars,
cuffs and belts, fancy buttons, silk cord and tassels. These dresses
come in navy and brown. In this assortment are also included black
and white 'checks with cadet or red collars, braid trimmed, and cor
duroy dresses with plain collars, cuffs and belt and trimming buttons.
. Fourth Floor
Coats for Children From 2 to 6 Years
SPECIAL, $2.49, $5.00, $5.95, $6.95
Of corduroy, velvet, cloth, zibeline and eiderdown, in most attractive
styles, showing' belts, capes, velvet collars, corduroy collars and belts,
plush and fancy button trimmings. Colors are white, red, tan, gray,
navy and brown. -Fourth Floor
Sample Line Newest Lace Neckwear
Third to Half Price
SELLING FROM $1.50 TO $2.25
Net, Oriental and Yenise standing and flare
shaped collars, the new vestee effects, in cream
and white. The very latest note in fashionable
Pique Vestees and Sets
Selling at 75c and 85c
Special 50c
Pique vestees and collar and cuff sets fash
ioned in the latest style in two of the most
popular models. Also tome lace Medici col
lars are included. First Floor
One Day Sale of Transformations
In the Hair Goods Section
$2.50 Transformations of German hair, permanently wavy,
extra quality in 'gray and plain shades, $1.35. .
$6.00 French and German quality transformations. In gray
shades, $4.50.
$8.50 Transformation made of pure convent-cut French hair,
exceptionally fine quality; Special $5.95. The same quality,
in gray; Special $7.95. Second Floor
The Question
Millinery Styles For
Fall Are Settled
Leading Fashion
For Saturday
We Offer Unquestionably
A Sale of Velvet Hats With
No Precedent in Price
No Equal in Qyality
Is Reached in This Sale
When 1600 of the Smartest
Silk Velvet Shapes
Selling at $6.50, $5.00 and $4.00
Are Offered
Soconfl Floor
C"Mcrdiendie- of Merit OnfaT
2000 Pairs of
Women's White and Tan Gloves
95c a
Made of soft, firm skins of fine, flexible quality and splendidly
finished, one-clasp, pique-sewn, fancy embroidered backs in seif
and contrasting stitch. - Tomorrow as a Saturday offering of great
interest, we offer them at a price impossible, were it not for the
fact that these gloves were made to our special order and delivered
to us before . the present European difficulties arose. Besides
white and tan, these gloves come in black and gray. Saturday, 95c.
And they will go quickly. First Floor
Sale of W. B. Corsets
The Season's Most Fashionable Models
Selling Regularly at $3.00
Special $1 .95
One model is of coutil with medium low bust, long hips and back,
with the new "in-cury" at. the waistline. Trimmed with em
broidery and finished with three pairs of heavy hose supporters.
Sizes 19 to 27.
The other corset is also of coutil, medium bust, extreme length
over hips and back and with elastic goring, giving ease in sitting.
Neatly finished with embroidery. Three pairs serviceable sup
porters attached. Sizes 19 to 30.
Brassieres Selling Regularly From $1 to $2
Saturday 79c
A most exceptional assortment of brassieres of half a dozen well
known makes has been reduced for this sale. They are made of
fine aDover embroideries, allover nets, meshes and excellent qual
ity of cambic, in cross-back or hook-front styles, trimmed with
embroidery and lace insertion and edging. They come in all sizes,
but not every size in each stye. Fourth Floor
$1.00 Pins and Combs
Saturday 50c
Tango pins and Spanish
combs in all the new shapes,
set with fine French rhinestones.
Stone-set barrettes in all
sizes and shapes.
Back combs, set with first
quality rhinestones and inlaid with
gold. They come in shell, amber
and demi-blonde. 1st Floor
2000 Yards 35c Ribbons
In Newest Dresden Effects and Plain
Saturday Special 25c
Flrrt Floor
$5, $5.50 and $6.00
Party Boxes
$3.45 and $3.95
These atractive party boxes
are made of genuine polished
morocco and velour calf, in
black,- brown, blue, gray and
green, lined with silk. Each box
is fitted with large mirror, mem
orandum tablet and pencil,
powder box, lip rouge holder,
comb, perfume bottle and coin
We have them ins a variety
of shapes and sizes, to suit every
individual taste. Particular at
tention has been given to every
detail . of these fashionable
boxes, and the workmanship
and finish you will find to be
the equal of much more ex
pensive boxes. First Floor
Men Who Know
Good Shirts
Will Buy Enough for
the Season's Wear
$1.50 and $1.35 Shirts
Every man in the city is interested in this Jale. He must
be. For every man requires shirts every so often, and in this
offering the opportunity is presented for a mMn to supply a
season's needs, feeling assured that the price!, is the lowest
notch that good shirts of dependable qualities Ipf madras and
percale can be offered for: Made generously feill, with plain
and plaited bosoms, in all sizes, in light and daVk patterns, in
neat stripes and allover designs.' Plenty of fievery size to
select from. ' i
Shirts good enough for aiy man to wear
75c, 60c and 50c Neckweajr
Saturday 25c
Don't be afraid of the price it's mighty interesting, of
course, but it doesn't compare for a moment vjth the quality
of these beautiful scarfs. Just a little pick-up purchase of our
New York buyer, who secured about 75 dozen? "neckties from
a manufacturer whoselowest retail price for liis goods is 50c.
Silk four-in-hands with wide flowing ends,
also narrow straight ties, in Persians stripes,
scroll patterns, plain colors, neat figufes, dots,
in light and dark effects. tj
All made of heavy silks in such a wide variety of Ityles that selec
tions will be difficult for the man who wishes only a few ties.
We place no restriction on quantity. ;-
Men's Cashmere Sox a grade sold in this
store season after season atj!5c a depend
able hose made of soft woo( yarn with ex
tra reinforced soles, heels ahd 'toes. Sizes
9 to 12, in black only. ,
Men's Store, just off "VTashinfeton-st. Entrance
3 for 65c
H -
New Embroidered Voile Blouses
Saturday $1.95
A Special Purchase
Blouses Selling for $3.00
Made of fine, soft finished,
voile, with flaring collars in,
different effects. Some are all-
over embroidered, others have
embroidered fronts and sleeves,
fancy cuffs and long set-in
sleeves. Blouses in the very
newest styles shown this Fall.
, Third Floor
135 Silk Jersey Petticoats
Of All Silk Jersey Made With Dep Flounce
of Satin Knife Plaits -Black arid Colors
Saturday Special $1.95
TMrd Floor
Toilet Gcjods Sale
51 Vaucaire Galega Tablets
25c Violet Supreme Talc. 16c
25c Lehn & Folk's Talc 16c
25c Violet Alnfond Meal 6c
10c Camphor ce 6c
60c Pow. defkiz (Pivert's)
for 35c
75c Pompeian Massage Cream
for ....... !I ..5Sc
50c Hind's . Hfmey and Al
mond Cream' 25c
50c Daggett if & Ramsdell
Cream for . Uf. ........ .34c
25c Bandolinei l. s 15c
25c Aubrey's Liquid Rouge
for f9c
50c Dr. Charley Flesh Food
50c Vida Rose iRouge .... 25c
50c Bathasweel ..29c
Ruffs .
Made only of the finest long
fibre marabou and contain no
short, shoddyl
$5.00 Cape or Stole, $2.35
In natural and black.
$5.00 Muffs to Match, $3.65
Satin lined.' .
-Set of muff and stole or
muff and cape, $6.00.
$2.75 Neck Ruffs, $1.48
Trimmed with cord and tasseL
First Floor
FREE With every tube
of Zylano j or Kalizon
Tooth Paste ot 50c a 19c
tooth brush, j j -Zylano
is a sapjonaceous paste,
made strictly according to the
original LaNoyji prescription.
Kalizon is a! potash paste
manufactured foj! the National
Society of-Dentai Hygiene.