24 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 23, 1914. 1ES HIS MEIER & FRANK'S Agents Warner, Redfern, Mme. Irene, Successo, Mme. Lyra, American Lady, Frolaset, Nemo Corsets MEIER & FRANK! BOOTH CARR CAMPAIGN TO "OF CENTRAb o-.n-, is. r i. n j and Vinnitv. ; - ,mj . - IAUDS G. 0. P. REGIME ' - '; ppeaker ny Wlltn Polfclee and Pnta la Word la, XJefenee el His , ' , Own Personal' Beoord. PEOPLE Itt o IILL.I IIIM II 21 Vl II . i'l I IV n Tv FT! u Tl Hosieiry, E Box y JMessuie races AGENTS KNOX HATS FOR MEN Men's Store, Temporary Annex MEWS STORll first at i oeconar Floors t Tempotprg Annex -ft Choose Tomorrow, for Men, Women and Children Pnri Or rift T?nhrt Rnath. MUBijJilean candidate lor JLTnited States .enatur, 'addrcHKed the voters of this fclty Iaut rilght Th meeting was Veld at the Commercial club, and. an .'.i I ' t-1 .. 1.. . . . .... .. eo In the audience was noted. Mr. Uooth said that he came to tne l . 1 V, . , wanted them to realize that, whatever tKn Kronnrt Ionn.t. Vot hA wan ecrtially Interested In all nectiona of the state. Mr. Booth outlined the growth -of ' the Republican party, and pointed to the enlevements undor Republican Tula. - - 1 . ... 1 1 . I .J . n Kiictl- and advised the interstate commerce commi.snlon to be arbiters and not op prensore. . The Wilson administration waa ecored for Its alleced unfair, unstates- maiiDke and untrue party pledges. The tweaker called attention'' to lwhat he termed the harmful influence, of the I'ar.ama canal tolls upon" the develop ment of Oregon. The protective tariff .tyHtenl was heartily Indorsed. "Amer ica was built up by th e protective tar iff uViitnnf omf iirnn t h i t nnMnv 1 s.ataml," declared Mr. Booth. ' Mr. Booth urg'-d fullest development of forewt reserves, advising that tim ber be sold under certain restrictions ' uril at reasonable prices. Students of the Crook County" High ' school at Prinevilla were addressed bv Mr. HootM" earlier in the day. The can didate was accompanied to Redmond mid throughout the day by an escort of 12 i'rineville business men, headed by Mayor .Clifton. At Sisters, a large gathering greeted the speaker. School .was dlsmlstje'd and pupils furnished music for the meeting. .The speaker ngninsi the resources of the forests and mountains of the state for the development of Industries. "I do not own any Interest In any watr power company pr water power project. I am not associated with any one who has, so far as I have knowl edge," he declared. Despite the Booth visit, local Dem ocrats are. confident that Chamberlain will carry these precincts with a hand some majority. Hosiery for Women In Box , Lots Only 4 lots Women's .1 5c Hose, 6. pairs 67c 1 lot Women's 25c Hosea pairs 38c 4 lots Women's. 25c Hose, 6 prs. $1.19 5 lots Women's 35c Hose, 6 prs. $1.59 1 lot Women's 35c,Hose, 6 prs. $1.63 3 lots Women's -3 5 c H ose, 6 prs. $1 .73 5 lots'Women's 50c Hose, 6 prs. $2.29 2,lots Women's 50c Hose, 6 prs. $2.49 2 lots Women's l Hose, 3 prs. $2.59 Hot Women's 65c Hose, 6 prs. $2.69 2 lots Wdm's $1.50 Hose, 3 prs. $3.63 nxst "riow sixth stTMt Bidr. TxncPOSABT Ainrsx Hosiery for Children w Box Lots Only Child's 12k Ribbed Hose, 6 pairs 67c Misses' 1 7c Cotton Hose, 6 pairs 73c 2 lots Child's 25c Hose, 6 pairs $1.19 Infants' 12ic Cotton Hose, 6 pairs 63c Irifants 20c Lisle Hose 6 paifs . .89c Tlrat Floor sixth Street Bid. Hosiery for Men In Box Lots Only Marathon Cotton Hose, 6 prs. 55c 25c Cashmere Wool Hose, 6 prs. 75c 25c Onyx Silk. Lisle Hose, 6 prs. 89c' Men's 25c Ajax Cot. Hose, 6 prs. 90c 2 lots Men's 25c Hose, 6 pairs $1.15 4 lots Men's 25c Hose, 6 pairs $1.25 35c Cashmere Woof, 6 pairs. .$1.45 50c Black Silk Hose, 6 pairs $1.S0 Men's Clocked Silk Hose, 3 prs. $1.65 Men's 50c Lisle Hose, 6 pairs. .$2.25 50c Cashmere Wool, 6 pairs' $2.39 50c Heavy Silk Hose, 6 pairs $2.50 Men- Stora-- First Floor Temporary Annex He's Distinguished Because Careful in Dress! The distinguishing features of our Clothing Lines are the individual ity these Garments impart to the wiearcr and durability of servke they afford: Individuality, because the Garments are finely tailored from favored weaves along the most approved lines of style and according to the newest ideas Durability of service, because only ..carefully selected materials enter into their composition and expert workmanship is ex acted with scrupulous attention to detail. Oar "leaders" include such famous makers as Alfred, Decker & Cohn (Society Brand Clothes), L. Adler Brothers of Rochester, Hi ckey Freeman, Washington Company, Rogers-J?eet and Naumberg & Co. Our stocks were never more complete or representative of the best than now and a gratifying selection in conservative or advanced models is to be had. Men who make this their store show distinctive individuality in their Clothes. We have your model priced at the most moderate figure compatible with good Clothing standards. You would do well to call and experience the satisfaction that our Men's Store affords to ,all. It's a timely suggestion we make to "pick" one of these smart new Suits and Overcoats for winter wear tomorrow. Wen's Store Second Floor Temporary Annex, SB Endless Chain .Is Gathering Strength Commercial Clan Is Active In Attract ing; Large Attendance at Manufac turers' and X.and Products Show.' The old principle of the "endless ehain" la being employed by the Com mercial club to make sure that every member is on hand for the opening of i the MfirTufaoturers' and Land Products ! how nxt Monday night. Dr. K. A. I lMi-rcc i' chairman of a committee i which will telephone to a list of 40 ' members, each of the 0 to call up 40 i others in similar manner. Each will ! be told to b present and help make the first night's crowd. The Armory, scene of the. coming: ex hibition of home made wares and the bounty of farm and orchard. Is fairly humming this week with the sound Of hammers, the scrape of ladders and the swish of the pa4nt brush. Carpen ters are well along -with the temporary nnex buildings on the streets adja cent to the Armory- and Individual ex hibitors already. I are getting their booths fitted up and their exhibits In stalled. ' One of the attractive displays will be the exhibit of the Portland Art association, most of Its painter-members having arranged to hang speci mens of work as an aesthetic touch to ,the show. The postoffice department. ' the forestry service, the dty of Port land, and other departments of govern ment will have educational exhibits. TZMPOXAXT AXTHZX Take Flashlight Pictures Excellent results may be obtained by an amateur so simple is the method. Fa miliar home scene! are satisfactorily re tained to freshen the memory in after years by means of the Flashlight. We have a complete line of Eastman Flash Sheets and Flash Cartridges. Ask for Free Booklet "At Home With the Kodak" and "By Flashlight." ' SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY! Wooden Tripods, two sections, usually 90c. Special 49e Metal Tripods, three sections, usually $1.60. Special $1.19 $1.75 Leather Loose-Leaf Albums, 7xt0, SO leaves. Special $1.29 Tirwt Floor Temporary Annex. SXXTK BTXZX3T BVX&SXVCf Platinoid Picture Frames Now 50c We've just received another con signment of these handsome Plati noid Picture Frames, - which will be on sale all day tomorrow at the very low price of 50. Look like sterling sil ver, in oval shape, with two ball feet and velvet easel back. Specialty Priced For Satur day's Selling at SOc. First Floor Sixth Street Bid., Boys, Play With Might and Main! A Samson Suit Doth Wear Restrain Match them together-7 your sturdy, energetic boy and a wear resisting Samson Suit. It's the nature of boys to be rough and ready, and their clothing must withstand the strain. That's why we have Samson Suits in our Boys' Clothing Department. These Suits are made to our own specifications and they meet the demands of parents, for an attractive Suit, that will "stand up" to the hardest test that boys generally give such garments. Bring your boy here tomorrow and have him outfitted in a Samson Suit. They're made of all-wool and carefully tailored. The Knickers are fully lined and the seams are taped. Samson Suits are reinforced where wear coms and the two pairs of Knickers gives the boy practically the service of two Suits from ore Samson Suit at $6.50. Complete showing of Fall Hats and Caps for boys at 50c to $3.50 Boys' Raincoats and Rain-Capes in Complete Assortment Moderately Priced. Boys' Store Beoond Floor Temporary Annex. Safaurday 6&B to 1 2" Long to I - A - Quantities Are LimitedMany Lots May Not Suffice Until Noon Shop EaHyi t STORE OPENS AT 9 O'CLOCK THESE SPECIALS 9 TO 12 Chamberlain Has . Mail Ronte Opened Direct Service Between Klamath rails and lakevleer Be-XstahUshed and Contract for Carrying Is Awurded. Klamnth Falls, Or Oct. 2Z.- Through the activity of Senator j George E. Chamberlain, the direct mall service . between Klamath Falls and L,ake lew, terminated after being In I operation over 40 years, has been re- i established. There is rejoicing here, ! as the service between the two county ! seats Is much more satisfactory than when carried on via Reno. I When the laet contracts for the ser- 1 vice was let. It was only for that por- i tlon f the" route between Klamath Falls and Bly. As a result, the Drews Valley secUon and others toward Lake- ' view were compelled to Journey either ' to TAkevlew or Bly for their malL ! .The matter was taken up this sum mer with Senator Chamberlain by ! County Judge Bernard Daly of Lake ' county. The result Is that a contract ! . for this portion of the route has been i awarded the Consolidated State com- ! puny, and the through service will be ' re-established November 1. ! Special 9 to 12 o'Clock Tomorrow Only $1.00 and $1.50 Brassieres 50c French percale, in crossed back style. Trimmed with linen lace edging. No Phone Orders. Fifth Floor, 6th St. Building. Special 9 to 12 o'Clock Tomorrow Only Boys' Roller Skates 69c 150 pairs of regular $1.25 Rollef 1 Skates for boys extension style. Have steel wheels. Quantity limited. Shop early. No Phone Orders. First Floor, Temporary Annex. Special 9 to -12 o'Clock Tomorrow Only Children's $1.50 Union Suits 78c "Luzerne" Union Suits of mixed wool and cotton. High neck style, long sleeves and ankle length. No Phone Orders. Second Floor, 6th St. Building. Special 9 to 12 o'Clock Tomorrow Only Children's Heavy Sweaters 66c Good heavy weight, sizes 2 to 5 years. Ruff neck style, two pockets, in Oxford, tan and white. No Phone Orders. Second Floor, 6th St. Building. STORE OPENS AT 9 O'CLOCK Real Irish Crochet Medallions Reduced Small and Medium Sizes. - 5c and 10c Irish Crochet Medallions, each.... ..3 1 15c Irish Crochet Medallions, each Hp ioc Irish Crochet Medallions, each ." !2 No Phone Orders. First Floor, 6th St. Building. Special 9 to 12 o'Clock Tomorrow Only $2.50 and $2.75 Silk Knickers $1.85 Hall's Glove Silk Knickers in pink, white and taupe. Regular Second Floor, 6th St. Building. and outsizes. No Phone Orders. Special 9 to 12 o'Clock Tomorrow Only Women's $1.00 Gowns 65c Nainsook and Cambric Gowns, high or low neck, lace and em broidery trimmed. No Phone Orders. Second Floor, 6th St. Building. Special 9 to 12 o'Clock Tomorrow Only 4 20c-30c Irish Crochet Edges & Beading, Yd.,14c From to 5-mch widths in edges and bearding. s No Phone Orders. First Floor, 6th St. Buiffiing. PAMPHLET GIVEN AWAY ;: The Journal la sdll giving away! copies at the IniUattve State pamphlet, i -'.: It contains all the measures hfnr tuL I , . people and arguments for and against them. There are only a few left. AkV for them at the business counter flair Cnr. fnnf J Oak Grove, Or.. Oct. 23. The SoclaT : Service club met Thursday afternoon V at the Methodist church, for the reg ;.' ular club meeting. "Citizens Duties, ' by Mrs. "Appleby, of Milwauike, and "My Little Sister." bv Mrs C s t.k nell, of Oak Grove, were papers read. ; George C. Brownell addressed a lars ' audience at the Methodist Emsconai I church Wednesday evening on "Tern-! - meeting. The Alldredge quartet sang. " 11 Mrs. Anna. Rackna whs want - Juiy j, exp-oung to spend the greater ; pare oi ino winter in uermany, on ac ; ' count of the war, has returned to the r home of her daughter, Mr. John Ris-f ley, at Rialey. J Special 9 to 12 o'Clock Tomorrow Only Children's Middy Blouses 75c Bala nee of our stocks of novelty Blouses, also navy and khaki Blouses. 6 to 14-year sizes. No Phone Orders. Fifth Floor, 6th St. . Building. Special 9 to 12 o'Clock Tomorrow Only Men's 50c Silk Ties 12c Immense assortment broken lines Silk Ties in four-in-hand, tubular and flowing end styles. Great variety. No Phone Orders. First Floor, Temporary Annex. Tl 13 ' Special 9 to 12 o'Clock Tomorrow Only 85c Shadow Lace Allovers, Yard 29c i White and cream-for waistings 36 inches wide. Handsome patterns. 'V No Phone Orders. First Floor, 6th St. Budding. Special 9 to 12 o'Clock Tomorrow Only Children's $2.50 School Dresses $1.49 Cotton and wool mixtures and serges, in neat styles, prettily trimmed. 6 to 14-year sizes. No. Phone Orders. Fifth Floor; 6th St. Building. Special 9 to 12 o'Clock Tomorrow Only Be and 10c Handkerchiefs, Each 4c Dozen 40c Sheer white materials, plain, embroidered or colored borders. For women and children. No Phone Orders. First Floor, 6th St. Building. Special 9 to 12 o'Clock Tomorrow Only j .Infants' $1.00 Nainsook Dresses 59c Soft material. French knots, fine tucks and feather stirhing. No Phone Orders. Second Floor, 6th St. Buftding. Special 9 to 12 o'Clock Tomorrow Only Children's New Coats, $6.95-$7.95 Models $4.85 Sizes 6 to 14 years. Balmacaan sleeves, ' half belt, materials guaranteed. No Phone Orders. Fifth Floor, 6th St. Building. Special 9 to 12 o'Clock Tomorrow Only Ruffling Remnants, Strip 10c J-yard to 1-yard lengths Nets, Laces, Chiffons, regularly 25c, 35c and 50c. Sold by strip only. No Phone Orders. First Floor, 6th St. Building. Special 9 to 12 o'Clock Tomorrow Only Down Cushions Reduced 90c Down Cushions, 18x18 size, each... .72tf $1.20 Down Cushions, 20x20 size, each .98t No Phone Orders. Ninth Floor, Temporary nnex. S Special 9 to 12 o'Clock Tomorrow Only ' 5c Cotton Laces, Yard '3c ; Cotton Torchon and Savilla Laces, to l-inch widths. No Phone Orders. First Floor, 6th St. Building. Special 9 to 12 Tomorrow Only Boys' and Youths' School Shoes Reduced Gunmetal or box calf leather, heavy double soles, broad toes. Boys' $2 Shoes, sizes -9-13 J, $1.68 Boys' $2.50 Shoes, 1 to 6, $1.98 Ttatrd TU Slxtn Street BUUr. JT PImm Orders Special 9 to 12 o'Clock Tomorrow Only 20c "Cameo" Quiltings, Yd., ,15c 8 Yards for $1.00. 36 'inches wide heavy quilt : material, attractive patterns, flowered, butterfly,- etc., - handsome color combinations. . Third rioer-Slxtn Street Bids'. no Pnone Orderr TMCr Q.UAL1T yT"STO RJSr OF POKTLAH D reflhixllvTlcatMy Alder Sia. Special 9 to 12 o'Clock Tomorrow Only 25c "Royal" Bath-; robing, Yard 18c 27 inches wide. Heavy two-faced cotton flannel, handsome colors, con ventional designs. Tbird Ploor Sixth street Bid. Ho Phone Order Special 9 to 12 o'Clock Tomorrow Only Morning Grocery Specials NO PHONE ORDERS ON THESE LITEMS Victor Butter, roll 59f . Oregon made Cre?.4n'y Butter. Eastern Sugar-Cured Hams, lb. 19. W,ll smoked, tender and iuiey. A Victor Coffee, lb. 25. Uniform in nullity hijrh- grade Coffee. 1 15c No. 1 cans Minced Clams. lO. Warrfnton brand. Regular lScs size. 15c tans -Sliced Pineapple, 12.: Hawaiian pack. No. 2 cans, dozen cans 91.35. -y 3 bars Fels Naptha Soap for 10. Best "known brand. Limit, 3 bars to a purchaser -Pure Poe Grocery . Baeeme&t-Slxthistreet Bids.