THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAN D, FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 23, 1914. HERE TO0 CARRY ON PR0H1 FIGHT TO FINISH First Bombardment of "Wet" Forces Being Held at Rose City Rink Today. -DRYS" ARE OUT IN FORCE National Geographic Society's War Primer fw Other Group to Arrive Tomorrow and Sunday to Carry on tas Campaign. Seven members of-"ihe Flying Squad ion of America, compoelnr the ad rance guard of speaker, arrived in Portland thl morning and the bom arUment ot the wets was commenced tt the Ross City rink. East Mor son and East First streets, this tfternoon. Dr. John H. Boyd, pastor tf the First Presbyterian church, pre sided at the initial meeting. Judge . C. Bronaugh will be chairman of Lbe meeting tonight. Local Prohibitionists were out in torce to welcome the dry champions, tnd the fight for state-wide prohibi tion Is now on to the finish. Alto lether, three groups of speakers are icheduled to make their appearance in Oils city. Six meetings will be held in Port land. Tonight at" the Rose City rink. Dr. Slarence True Wilson of Portland, sec retary of the Temperance society of the Methodist Episcopal church, will tnswer the challenge df the Taxpayers' ind "Wage Earners' League of Oregon, tailing attention to conditions in Kan as under prohibition rule. Personnel of the group arriving to lay follows: Daniel A. Poling, Boston, Mass., president's associate. United So rt ety of Christian Endeavor; Dr. Wil ur F. Sheridan, Chicago, general sec itary Epworth Leagues of America; Dr. Clarence True Wilson Portland, Dr secretary Temperance society ' Methodist Episcopal church; E. -D. Ecell, Chicago, musical director; A. W. Roper, Winona Lake, Ind., pianist; Dr. D. V. Poling. Portland. Or., so loist. Meanwhile meetings will be In pro tress at Salem and at Koseburg. Th .three groups Into which the squadron has been, divided will interchange places each day. The personnel of the tecond and third groups, which will be n Portland tomorrow and Sunday re- tpectlvely, is: Group two Clinton N. Howard, Rochester, N. Y., orator and lecturer; Mrs. Culla J. Vay higher, Upland, Iflrt., president Indiana W. C. T. U.; Charles ML. Scanlon, I'ittsburg, Pa., genera secretary temperance board Presby terian church;. Everett R. Naftzger, Indianapolis, Ind., musical director; .Hugh Porter, Marion, Ind., pianist; Miss Laura Shawe, Danville, Ill so loist, Oroup three J. Frank Hanly, Indl tnapolls, Ind., ex-governor of Indiana; Dllver W. Stewart, Chicago, HI., form r member Illinois legislature; Dr. Ira . Landrlth, Nashville, Tenn, president Ward-Belmont college; John B. Lewis, -Boston, Mass., former member Massa ihusetta legislature. Cassel From the isolated hill on which this town of northern France Is built can be seen more than 30 towns and 100 villages of Franco, Belgium and England. It is 27 miles northwest of Lille, six miles from the Belgium border and 17 miles from the seacoast. The hill of Cassel at tains an altitude of 644 feet. The place Is supposed to have been the site of Castellum Morinorum of the Romans, and was at one time strong ly fortified. It was the scene of many imp6rtant battles during thd middle ages. Lace, linen, soap, leather, oil, salt, earthenware, beer and butter 1 are among its outputs. Hazebrouck A railroad town of northern P'rance, 22 miles north of west of Lilla and 9 miles from the Belgian border. It is the Junction of lines running to Calais, Dunkerque, Lille, Bethune and many other im portant cities of northern France, and its population of about 12,000 is made up principally of people in tha em ploy of the railroads, file town is of no importance architecturally, Its chief structure being the church of St. Eloi, built in the sixteenth cen tury. The town is Hn the midst of an agricultural district and trades extensively in grain, hops and live stock. Many of its inhabitants are engaged in cloth weaving. Estaires A town of northern France, 13 miles west of LUte and six miles from the Belgian border, on the Lys river. The population is approximately 5000. There is some manufacturing, with linen and soap as the chief products. The town is old fashioned and unprogressive, hav ing changed but little in the last 60 years. Quatre-Bras A Belgian hamlet, 18 miles east of south of Brussels, 12 miles north of Charleroi, and 10 miles south of Waterloo, the name of which is derived from the meeting of, four roads there. The place is famous because the obstinate conflict between the French and the allies on June 16, 1815, occurred there. The French were successful in the early stages, but toward the closa of the battle the tide turned 'decidedly in favor of the allies, and the French were totally defeated. At one time the Duke of Wellington only escaped being captured by putting his horse to full gallop. Roulers A town of West Flan ders, Belgium, on the Mandel, an af fluent of the Lys, 12 miles north by northeast of Ypres and 10 miles north west of Courtrai, which was famous In the eleventh and twelfth centuries for its wtvers. The French de feated the Austrlans here after a fierce conflict in July, 1794. The in habitants depend for their livelihood on the cultivation of flax and the manufacture of linen, leather, beer and spirits. The adjacent pastures are rich and butter forms an article of export. The town has had con siderable growth in recent years, and now has a population of about 26,000. Fumes An old fashioned town of West Flanders, Belgium, 16 miles southwest of Ostend, three miles from the coast and four miles from the French border, noted for its spec tacular pageant depicting the 1J events in the life of Christ, which has kbeen held annually since 1650. People from th whole of Belgium are at tracted to this fete In which the residents of the little town take the parts of Roman soldiers, priests, the apostles, officials and spectators. Wooden figures are even brought in to swell the magnitude of the per formance. With the exception of this event, the place Is dull and of little Importance. Corn, stock, .rfaops and dairy products, are traded in exten sively. The town was destroyed by the Normans and was rebuilt In 870. Its population is about 7000. Enghien A town of south centralJ Belgium, 17 miles southeast of Brus- anil thA KAmA HI Ktii no nnrfh n f wunty grand Jury returned a not true , Mona, with a population of about 6000. Illl in the case of Louis Dodge of Wt on the line from Ghent to Char- Importance, many of the Inhabitants being engaged in the production and sale of grain. Feldklrch A town of Austrian Ty rol, near the Swiss border, 18 miles south of Lake Constance, and on the 111 river. The town is of strategic Importance because of its situation be tween two rocky gorges commanding the western approach. Nearby is the Alderberg, over" which the government has built a fine roadl The place ws tha$ scene -of severe fighting in the campaign of 1799, when the French were defeated by the Austrians. Cot ton spinning, weaving, dyeing and the making of bells are among the indus tries of its 5000 or more inhabitants. Kustendji A Roumanian city, on the Black sea, 25 miles south of east of Medjidie. the site of Tomi, where Ovid spent his exile. Trajan's Wall, some traces of which can still be seen, terminates there. The town possesses vast harbor works, and is Roumania's principal seaport. It has a popula tion of nearly 15.000. Damage Case) oa TriaL The trial of Martin F. Jones against the Southern Pacific, asking 310,000 for personal injuries, received in a fall from ia train as a passenger, at the Portland union station, began before Judge Bean in the federal court this morning. The Jury was taken to view the premises. This is the last trial of the term, and the balance of the Jury panel was excused after today's selec tion was made. Say Billboards "Were Changed. Los Angeles, Oct. 23. Complaint was made to the police that Vwet" bill board advertising throughout the city had been altered over night to read "Vote dry." Motorcyclist Goes to Jail. San Francisco, Oct. 23. Michael Lindsay, a motorcycle speeder, was sentenced yesterday by Judge Shortall to 48 hours in the city prison. Free aluminum cooking utensils with purchases of furniture, house furnish ings, etc., commencing tomorrow and all next week, at Calif Bros., East inira ana rjast Morrison. (Adv.) Bunter Who Killed Guide Is Freed Ashland. Or., Oct. 23. The Jackson kshland, bound over for the killing of L no s mun, iiiai iiii uiacii, wniie uuuung leer on Elk creek. September 1. Dodge m In camp down in the canyon'get Sng supper. Olsen went up the hill n one Bide to look at a lick, crossed rver and came lunging through the rush toward camp from the opposite tide. Dodge had been watching and Istenlng to deer sign on that side, and ihot Olsen dead as he crashed through iho brush near camp. Olsen's neglect to sound a warning. Us khaki suit and hat, the fact that le held his arms and gun above ,hls lead while breasting the underbrush, lecelved Dodge, It was shown, despite (he fact that he Is an experienced lunter. Dodge is a member of, the cal furniture firm of J. P. Dodge & Ions. EAST SIDERS ARE INVITED -Assistant Secretary C C. Hall of the East Bide Business Men's club , will lend out several hundred special Invi tations to members and their families ind friends to attend the Manufactur es and Land Products show next Tues ..Jay night, which has been assigned the special night of the East Side Business Men's club and the Portland Retail Mechants association. Journal -Want Ads bring" results. . M "When We Grow Vu and can wear real boys' Clothes we'll know just where to go for them.' Boys' Suits $5 , Come Saturday, boys, for a rood looking, well tailored, rviceatle. boys' Norfolk Bolt, with an extra pair of trousers. We can fit you whether you be 6 or 16. Price $5. Balmacaan Coats for girls' and boys' $5, $6.50 and up to $10.00. 2 to 16 Years. at "Ye Oregon" is now considered one of Portland's regular Saturday events. It's the jolliest place to spend a merry evening in town see for yourself. Delightful entertain ment by L. F. COWAN "The Ragtime Man," with his Captivating Chorus Misses Jessie Mills, Dorothy Freeport Babe Lewis and Ethel Betts. Miss Eugenia Barlow Soprano- Miss Veta Florenz Dainty Soubfette and Sig. Pietro Marino r with his famous orchestra. ; i L3 8v idpgro weirs Answer Cfaallesi TO J. E. WHEELER, CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMITTTEE OF ONE HUNDRED: Herewith we publish a partial list of the due-paying members of the Hop Growers and Dealers Association of Oregon. It is a direct answer to all malicious charges that this Association is "subsidized" by the Brewer Associa tion of Oregon. - ' i TO OREGON VOTERS i . This association comes before you tc correct any false impressions you may have received from numer ous "dry" misrepresentations and insinuations. The campaign against proposed State-Wide Prohibition waged by the Hop Growers' and Dealers'- Association of Oregon has been entirely financed by funds received from Hop Growers and Hop Dealers, and is independent of any. other organization or individual. . The Hop Growers' and Dealers' Association invites a rigid "check" of every' name herewith produced. Twenty-Five Years Ago (From the Mornings Oregonian, July. 26, 1869.) SALEM, July 26. The Willamette Valley Hopgrowers Association today adopted by-laws for the organization of a mutual fire protective association. The following board of directors was chosen: William Wells, of Buena Vista; P. Riggs, of Crowley; H. D. Mount, of.Silverton; J. F. Graves, of Dallas, and W. E. Iter, of Butteville. The Hopgrowers' Association has been in existence for a quarter of a century. The assertion that the organization was formed solely for political purposes in connec tion with the present attempt -to bring about state-wide prohibition is thus disproved. The association has been active since 1889 in bettering conditions in the hopyards of the state and in protecting the interests of the industry generally. Do you believe that we, the hop farmers, are capable of knowing our own business and what will injure us or do you believe the paid agitators from the East should have free rein to tell you THEIR idea of OUR business? Are we not justified in making a fight against certain destruction of our hopyards? ii V mi HOP DEALERS Link Your Interests to This Chain of Credit Stores ieroL ' Many lace, linen and cotton in dustries are located there. The ances tral chateau of the Dues d" Engrhlen, destroyed during the French revolu Uon, was located In the fine old park outside the town. The great Conde grained the right to use the style of Enghien among his other titles through a victory near this place. Thielt An ancient town of west Flanders, Belgium, at the foot of an eminence, 17 miles west of Ghent and 15 miles east or soutn 01 jsruges. me town has considerable manufactures of linen and lace, and was formerly a busy cloth-making place. Soap, glue, leather and hats are also among Its i outputs. In the surrounding district j are many bleachfields. Thielfs popu- latlon of about 11,000 has varied in, size but little in many years. Bas Van Ghent A fortified town of Holland, 12 miles north of Ghent and 26 miles east of Bruges, near the lert bank of the Brackman, a branch of the western Schelde. It Is the first Dutch, station on the line from Ghent. and It Is here that the locks of the canal connecting Ghent with the sea, by way of tho western Schelde, are sit uated. The town was founded by the Spanish in 1570, and the Duke of Parma further strengthened it in 1583. The Dutch captured the place In 1644, and the French in 1747. Its present population is about 2000, and its in habitants are engaged In gardening and farming on a small scale. Schirwind A town of eastern Prus sia, two miles from the border of Rus sian Poland, and 40 miles north of east of Insterburg, at the confluence of the Scheschupe and the Schirwind, a small stream which rises In Poland and forms for some miles the . boundary line between the two countries. For nearly a century the town's popula tion has remained approximately the same. There are no Industries of any OutrttteraC Cnil d rcrv 143 Sixth St., Near Alder JOVRVJLX. CONTEST VOTES ofsw 8ATVXOAT znoacr Civic League Will Discuss Measures Members learned to Make Investigation - of Bills Will Bender Their Reports at Meeting. Various , ' proposed constitutional amendments and bills appearing on the November ballot will be analyzed and disc1issedathe meeting of the Oregon Civic league tomorrow noon in the blue room of the Multnomah hotel. Members of the league, who have been appointed to. invest! gate the pro posals, will make reports and after ward the reports' and measures will be discussed. Among the reports will be these: Voters to be citizens bill, and pro posal to create the office of lieuten ant governor; amendment enabling the consolidation of cities and counties; the bill authorizing the Increasing of the state's debt limit; the proposed tax for the support of state normal schools at Ashland and Weston; the universal feight hour law, the amendment abol ishing the death penalty; the proposed sur-tax; the dentistry bill; the amend ment creating a department of industry and public works, and the prohibition amendment. Dr. William F. Ogburn of Reed col lege will acvas chairman of the day. 'Warm Friends' Every Overcoat in Our Fall and Winter Stock, Men Keep a fellow In good humor, too; you see, they're smartly styled," well made, moderately priced and Easy to Pay for $1.00 a Week OR $5.00 a Month Drop in and meet 'em,' yonTe going to like one of them par ticularly well. It'll "set you back" $15, $20, $25, $30 de pends on which one you "toe up to." XiOts of Balmacaans among them, lots of double duty coats (for rain or cold) lots of young fellows' styles, too. We're "long and strong' on mighty good suits at 915, 830, $25 one of them will "make good" with you and your good-clothes Ideas. Brown As Co, .... Benedict, Geo. S. Bishop ft Keyt Catlin tc Boreas Bros Durbia Sc Cornoyer . . . Hart, H. T. Xlaber, wolf fc Better Kirkpatrick, K. Ziachmund, Xionls Lawton, A. M. Xdvesley, T. A. Co. JUcHeff Bros,, Miller, F. J. MacCarthy, B. 7. . Sets, Kola Hop Co. Tineas, Julius Bay, A. J. fc Son Portland Boss, Geo. I. Salem Roberts, John Tj. Salem Seavy Hop Co Portland Williams, B. JS Portland Wolf, J. C. Silverton . .Salem Portland . . . .McMinnville Salem Portland . . . .Salem .Portland .Portland ...Dallas .......Salem . . . Portland . Salem Portland . .McMinnville .Independence Salem Portland Banks Bop Co. . . Carstens, J. P. . . Bagley, Wm. Sr. . . Finney, Ella M. . Feller, A. Mallory, Dr. W. E. Mclaughlin, C. A. Metschan, Phil . . . Se&vey, J. W Washburn, B. A, Allen Bros. ...... Cooper, J. S. .'. Bnrch, M. A. .... Bodson, B. O. Benson, C. A. ..... Bradtl, Chas. J. . . Crossan, A, O. ... Crlssell, B. K. . Anderson, A. J. . Davidson, A. E. . Eogg, SC. T Cartwright, J. B Banks Banks Hillsboro , Oervals Hubbard , Newberg . . .Independence . . . Portland .Kugene Springfield ... .St. Paul . . .Independence Rickreall Monmouth Silverton New Era .Salem Aurora Kugene . . . .Independence . . . . Independence Harrisburg Let me see. I think this mornings paper said that the Russians were dashing across the Prussian frontier. Or was It the Prussians that were dashing across the Russian frontier? I'm sure it was One or the other. Maybe it was yesterday's paper that fa vored the Russians and today's that credited the Prussians; Or was it. the Austrians? Anyway, this morning Nellie was . In to buy her new Fall Suit and Hat. And many looked at our stock of Coats last week and xame back yes terday and bought. And Clara had her eye on a bear a Basque Gown she saw here today. While Jennie declares (after buy ing), declares positively, that the Gately easy-to-pajr -plan is svery woman's answer to the "war" ques-, tion of hitting good clothes. Suits and Coats $18.50, $22.50, $24.59 and up to $37.59. One Dollar a Weekr Five Dollars a Month. Store open till 10 p. m. Saturday for your convenience. Forterfield, B. E Independence Rood, Fred Hillsboro Murphy. W. K. Independence Bosich, G-eo. Aurora Susbauer, M. Cornelius Smith F. T. Aurqra IiafoUette, F. 1m. ....... .Forest Grove Sinclair, John ....- Hillsboro Walling, John Salem Walker Bros. Independence Trullinger, C. S. Yamhill Frost, Cnnst Aurora Zimmerman, J. F '.....Aurora Susbauer, Geo, Cornelius Fawk, F. H. Dallas Flannagan, Dr. W. X. ..Grants Pass Hart wick, Jos Banks Heltzel, Mrs. Jm Banks Imfcrie, J. A. Hillsboro Jones, J. A. .Newberg Keil, X. J Aurora HOPGROWERS ....... .Nowberg , Hillsboro ."Aurora . . . . Independence Yamhill Springfield Dsyton Sherwood , Hubbard Aurora . . . .Forest Grove Aurora Dundee Hillsboro Eugene Barlow TuU, W. S Barlow. Bnrch, T. S Rickreall Carothers, C. W Aurora Crabtree, W. K Forest Grove Carothers, O. O Hubbard Buchanan, John Cornelius Xaove, JF Forest Grove Parkin, W, E Banks Merten, S. J, 1 St. Pau Mount Angel .Dallas Grants Pass St. Paul . . . .Independence Aurora Newberg ..........Aurora .......... .Aurora Banian, John . . . McXnignt, B. Mishler, A. J. ... Shaf er, W. O. Wolfe, H. B. Weidner, Paul . . . Seavey, John K.. Thurban, O. B. Williams, W. A. . Flaher, T. J Orim, Thurston . Oiesy, A. X. Boar, X. J Zaorens, C. X. . . . Bansan, Jno. F, . Meier, C Thornsbury, Mr. Toll, C. C. Kruger, C. F. .... Xraus, Henry . . . . Hill, Clyde Gray, John ....... Gooding, George ... Groshong, James . . Hutohscroft, B. J. Xolland, W. J. .... Graves, Ed Johnson, E. S. ...... Jones, Zynn Xlllan, John !, Frank . .'. Long, J. J Hovender, G. B. ... Harper, A. E. Goraoke, A Grant, William. St. Paul Olesy, Xi. C Aurora Grant, J. M. Dallas Heisler, J. V Gales Creek Inkley, S. C Banks Hart, Esro Dallas ... .Sherwood ....... Aurora .Independence .... Yamhftl ..... Aurora ..... Albany .... Yamhill Crow Aurora .... Sheridan Portland . . .. Springfield Junction City Byos, By! Bilieu, Jm. W. Cornell, Thomas Marten, S Buef , Earl Arndt, G. A. Adolf, Ludwig Foon, Dy . . Eisner, A. B. ...... Ewert, Frank Brontano, J. F. T. B. Carstens, A. C. Davis, Mr Burkholder, J. C. Bittick, W. M. .... Clate fc Fernoll Dent el, A. .B. Dental, Fred Fanning, A. M. St. Paul , Banks .... Sherwood Aurora Aurora ..Grants Pass . . t . . .Aurora Aurora Amity Rickreall Salem , . . . .Sherwood , . . Jefferson Eugene Ballston .Forest Grove Aurora .Independence Keil, D. A. Knight, Geo. E. . ... . . Xiong, G XAlfberty, Hamr . . . . . Lacky, F. M. Gouley, BOmeo Gouley, Xomer Hackett, J. W. Hill, Dewey Hedges, Fearl Anderson, Glen Castletain, J. B. ....... Cawrse, Jos. ... .Aurora .. .Springfield Mt Angel . Independence . . . . .Hillsboro Brooks Salem . .McMinnville .Independence Independence .. .Springfield Rickreall , ... .Cornelius Ball, Geo Ballston Elwert, Fred Sherwood Clanfield, B. Ballston Clanf ield Geo Dallas Beck, Henry Aurora Giesy, C Aurora Hukriede, Henry ; Eugene Hanna J. Xm. : 5 .Independence Gahler. John Aurora Murray, John Fetre, S. X. Forterfield, M. M. . . Querner, Gus - Anderson, T. X. ..... Adams on. Miles. Colvtn, X. Tm ...... Back, Seld Biersdorf. G-eo. .fEdmundson, x. It, . . . Flcken, J. W Coyle Bros. y. Bushnell Bros Bents, X. Jm. Bradley, H. w. Shipley, X. C Vander Velden, W. A. Sloper, W. A. ....... Teager, C. E. . .Aurora Dallas , . .Independence Amity ..Yamhill ....... .Aurora Portland Cornelius Goshen . . . . . .Sherwood St. Paul Eugene Aurora Banks Banks . . .Forest Grove , . .Independence ". .Dundee 0 TMMSi! CREDIT CLOTHIERS 428 Washington Street Between 1 1th and 12th Streets Brown, A. O. fc Son. .. .Independence Cameron, C. J. Aurora Bolter, A. M. Burton, Mrs. J. X. ....Independence Elton, August Damon, X. Independence Frietas, J. T. Suver Xoisington, Wm. .........Dallas Ireland. Fred Corvallis Jacobs on, Edwin Dallas Krebs, Conrad Independence Gunderson, Xiars uervais Meiger, H. J, Salem Ord, X. X. Independence Fawk, X. W. Hansen, Otto Iiebeau, C McXee, T. A. Leonard, Manning Xewbill, G. W Parsons, John Bparolsky, Wm. .... Mitchell fc Bonannon Mnecke Estate Aurora Spoth, Otto Sherwood Fowler, M. B Amity Fully, D. W McMinnville Kurd, Clinton Han isburg Irvin, S. E Independence Gribble, E. B. Aurora Xanna, G. X Independence Keiser, F. D. Gatewood, B. M. ......Portland Brooks, C. X Ballston Boggs, Zieon ...Harrisburg Crosby, A, B Woodburn B Jerks, X. C Eugene Graham, F. O St. Paul Gunderson Bros Gervals Heisler, John Sr. Gales Creek Heisler, Alfle Gales Creek Johnson, X Aurora Kerr, J, T Aurora Lund, O. M. Silverton Buuck, William Blsrman, j. b. Benson, G. X .... Bowen, CD Bergstrom, O. ... Bents, Fred Crane, X, Davidson, James F, Cane, Fred Bruner, V. X, Clark, Boss McMinnville Bartlett, J. Jm. Beaverton Berry, F. E Davton Campbell, X. It. Dallas .Newberg . Gervais Aurora Independence St. Paul . . . . Yamhill Barnard. X. Daniels, C. F. Craven, E. F... Bedwell, Mrs. . Chapman, John Fanlkold, John Foltzenlogel . . Seavey, T. B. . Senear, Geo. Dallas McMinnville Rickreall Yamhill Sherwood Banks Eugene Aurora Smith, Oscar Dallas satnerm, a. A I Todhunter, J. M. Independence Sperling Bros .....Independence Stute Bros Woodburn Yergen, F. E Hubbard Yeater, w. V Monmouth Yoakum, X. F. Dallas Zimmerman, E. W Aurora Toder, I.evi Woodburn Sporalsky, W. W. Aurora Shleger, X. X. Barlow Tibbets, Mrs. M. J. Eugene an Domlen, Frank Banks Wlgrlch Banch Independence Thompson, A. S. Williams, Walter Dallas OFFICERS OF ASSOCIATION A. J. Bay T. A. Xdvesley Harry !. Hart . . , Xal V. Bolam . F. W. Durbin . . . . 3 .President FlnM Vlce-Pres. . ... 7; .Secretary .Amsi Secretary 4 . ..Treasurer 1 ' EXECUTIVE B(iBD. E. C. Kirkpatrick U Dallas J alias Flncus J. C. Wolf J. W. Seavey . . . J. B. Xdnn Xionis Xtachmund Geo. W. X,ewls . Joseph Harris . . Geo. Jm. Bos . . T, Jm. MoXef f . . . A. K. Seller . ... D. F. McCarthy VTCx-PBEarnxjirrs C. A. Mclaughlin ...A .Polk i. .Portland . . . . .Silverton .Eugene . . . . . . . Salem . . . , .... Salem . . . . j . . . . . Salem . . . .ft. . . . .Salem . . .... Salem Portland ......Portland r . . .Independence Fred Ireland Frank J. MUler . Henry x. Benta W. 8. Toll ...... James Clark . . James Groshong Thou. Cornell J. A. Jones . . X. Jm. Xauser Benton Washington .,1 . . . Marion ' , , M Clackamas , .Lne . .Linn Joseplune-Douglas . . .Yamhill . . . .Wasco Shuck, William . . Miller, D. S. . . . Mlley, J. X. Miley, W. J. Mol-vughlln, ?. B, Meredith, J. M. .. Fortsr, B. B Federson, Albert . Ferkins, X. D. ... Feper, Ernest . . . Ferkins, J. 8 Molsan, Al Mlltoma, C. H. . . Xiee, Met Oinn ... Xioose, Ed ....... X.eve, J. F Murphy, W. X- .. Murray W. Xu Mclaughlin, A. M. Independence .Junction City Jefferson Woodburn . .. .Harrisburg Hill, Xomer Hunt, W. X. Xueschnick, John Glatt, John A. . . . Oosser, John Johnson, Hans Xughes, T. M. St. Paul Xiorens, Carl E Manning Or erlnng, Edwin Silverton Fercival, W. W. Independence Paul, E. T. D. Buell Miller, E. B Aurora McDonald, J. 8. Murphy, J. ft McKay, W. B Olds, F. F Ltwi, Frank Mucks, G Overland, Ole McConnell, A. ...... Netter, Edwin Norwood, J. W. Mayes, Jm. A. Bolland, A. Qaene, Martin Ballwebe, Geo Brown, E. M. Cook, J. X, Davidson, E. G Eberly, J. F. fc Son Elliason, X. A. Campbell, Scott Ball, S. A. Burgess, C. A. ..... Bean, F. C Cnong, Xe Cnong . . . Edison, J. X,. Gilbrlch, Charles Fudge, XC S Gregg, J. J. fc Bon. . . Grim, B. J. Xauser, X. . Karris, Josepn Johnson, O. Jm. Johnson, Julius Jackson, X. J. Xloster, John X, St. Paul .St. Paul Hubbard Iafayette . . . .Independence Portland Aurora , Aurora Salem Yamhill Aurora Banks , Woodburn . . . .Independence Woodburn St. Paul Banks Aurora Dallas Ballston Harrisburg t-r. .Eugene .Gervais Aurora .. .' '. Ballston Hillsboro Hubbard . . ..'.Tygh Valley Salem Turner, F. E. Throop, B. B. . Conzilman, Mr. Clarke, 3. J. . Conner, S. J. ., Conner, M. F. , Dolson, E. F. , Denny, F. J. . . Ernst, C.X. . . Fawver, S Feller, Charles Independence . . . Dayton Sherwood Springfield . . .St. Paul ...St. Paul . . . Aurora . Jefferson ...St. Paul Harrisburg Hubbard ..?..... Yamhill . . .Aurora Aurora I Aurora .Hubbard . . . . . ,4 Forest Grove 2 Forest Grove ..... . . . . M t. Angel . . . . . i. . .Harrisburg. C-. . . .. .Aurora S. ... . .Yamhill .'j i Brooks t1. Independence ft.. ..Butteville ..... Sslem f vForest Grove Buena Vista Aurora .independence Aurora Friday, John Banks Xiunderhonsen, J. B. Dayton x.enou, Xi. D Woodburn XieFevre, Mr Dayton Xraxberger, Frans Aurora Kraxberger, F. J Aurora Xraxberger, Charles Aurora GUbertson, C. F. St. Paul Gilbert fc Patterson Salem Gooding, G. F Ht. Paul Xobery Harry Hansen, X billy Xastle, lomie Mt. Anel Xaag, Gottlieb ....St. Paul Gervais Eugene Scott Mills Harrisburg Aurora Independence . . . . Corvallis .. Springfield .. Springfield Aurora . . . Woodburn . . .Harrisburg . . . . Sheridan Hubbard Dallas MuUer, IktoIs Hedges, D. Ib '.Independence Morris J. G Yamhill Biecke, W. J. ...... h Lorane Oalert, J. F S . ..... , Aurora Mullor, E. O, 1 1 Laurel independence Laurel Gaston Magness, A. F. ...... .r ...... .Amity Xreuta, M. J. ?. ...... . Suver Xocke, G. F. iH. .. , .Jefferson Keil, X.oals p Aurora Mapes, Elgin Jm. f. . . . . . .Laurel Bogers, B. E. .............Sherwood Mullor, E. O. ..)) Xanna, D. A. f Llndepei Johnson, O. A. ; n Johnston, Willis A. Fardy, Xenry Kennstlnr, Charles Stomp, Fred X. . . Shuck, F. F. Shook, Ed ........ Wldeberge, E Whitney, Feter ... Wilson, O. D. B. . . Sneperd, William . Whitman, J. J. . . . Whltworth, B. K. . Whl, . A. Woster, 3. Jm. Matty, J Morris, M. X. Miller w. O Sloan, 8. W Slesager, J. ...... ! Slebert, X.. . vi . . . . -Ilutibard . i.-j-j. . . (Woodburn i. . ..... .Suver . . M Yamhill ... 4 !...... Yamhill Jjj ...... . Lau rel . . . gj . . . . .Hubbard . . Aurora Yamhill . Lj. . . . .Jefferson . . .... .'.Aurora Hall, a M. Xardle, W. B. Hart man, Jane . . . . . Kockdanner, J. M. . Jack, B. O Jones, J. I. Xopp, John ........ Xammit, Harry V. , Xammit, C FeUer, J. F. Drescher, John Jeans, O. G Endicott, Charles A. Helder, F. X Htmilton, Ira Jessen, Faul Hub bard, J. E. r Independence Susbauer, Xenry Cornelius Tergen, Fred Aurora Woodard, Floyd ..Independence Weidner, Oscar Yamhill Wertsrman, Herman Yamhill Soper fc Fatton Independence Schneider, Jacob Hillsboro Tergen, A. & Aurora Yergen, o. w Aurora Shields, Harry Scotts Mills Somawaka, O. O.. .Portland xergen, U. A Aurora Xergen, X. F Aurora Tergen, C. A. Laurel Yergen, C Aurora Weston, O. A. McMinnville wudstrand, A. Jm. . Aurora Will, J. M. 4 Aurora Stroda, Bobert Harrisburg Buell MolaJIa n.. McMinnville 4. .McMinnville .McMinnville i. Independence j. Barlow siee n i, ju. , v . . . . ij Aurora Shipley, Enren . ; . . . .Jj. Banks Byaa, J. J. ...... . .-. ..rj Aurora Shanner, X ; . .S MCKee Bnbens, Joseph Gervais wnwell, X. X. ..$. Banks ...... . . . .Reedvllle .Albany .......Banks wn. rx w xewport. Boy ;4J Xarns. John F. , Xordaousen, John F. aunty, my. ... , KBni, a. 2a. ....... f j Mmmi, tn w . . . . . Baymond, August . .. . .Aurora St. Paul Yamhill Aurora St. Paul Bogers, Thomas X. ..(i.. McMinnville Bueter, Ernest L Forest Grove Piper, Ernest f. . H ..... . .Aurora FeUand, C. O. . ..-H St. Paul Xeuenschander Bros. t ..Gaston Morley, George Money, John Morley G. C ..... Bue, O Boy, W. H. Hoberts, J. J. Robertson, J. E. . . Buef, George ..... Palmer, E. S Magness, P. O. ... Moe, O. J Xortness, -Peter. , Madder. J. Sandberg, C. E. . . , Steelhammer A. G. Satem, X. F. .. Wright, F. B. . . . . Walker's heirs Walker, Alfred S. ..Sliver too .L"f Silverton . Silverton ... & . . . . . . .Molalla .Jefferson . .i). ..... .Yamhill ...Ti. ......Yamhill . Independence . .-,( ....... .Amity " "h . j ... .......... . 5 t a . . . 1 nuepenaeuce Remember These Facts -tr . El . .Eugene . Eugene You art askeo to ruin an industry in which 1400 farmers are engaged. There are 25,000 acres of hop yards awaiting your sentence of life or death. - if ' There is an annual income of $6,000,000 to Oregon from hops alone, which would be cut of$ if Prohibi tion should carry. ' , ' Farmmg conditions are bad enough now. Taxes are high enough now. Help industrial progress by of 333 X No (Paid Advertisement. ) Hopgrowers & Dealers' Association of JOregon Worcester BuUdingPorUand Cfegon : T '