THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, , PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 23, 1914. mmMm SHOOTS BUT MISSES Two Men .Sentenced for Rob bery 'Committed in Port ' land; Worked in. Kitchen PENITENTIARY CROWDED at a recent meeting of the Medical so ciety and Is the result of the work of alleged "spotters' who are said to have been working in thia city endeavoring to convict different physicians of vio lating the local option law. In their notice to the publio the physicians stale that they have always in the past endeavored to live up to the letter of the local option law, and that only in extreme cases have they prescribed liquors, but to avoid suspicion and possible prosecution they will here after decline to accommodate anyone with such prescriptions. GAITHEtt Harry G. Oaitber. Good Samaritan, ucunjcr M, it year; iuiiwuiu w ! ALLEN' Henry W. Allen, St. Vincent's hoe- nltaL October 20. 67 start: valvular oisease f heart. -' NEW XODAy Sheriff Word Bends Hounds to Assist la Banning motives to Earth. . (Salem Bursa a of The Journal.) Balem, Or., Oct. 23. Carl Wlenegel and Frank Wagner escaped from the state penitentiary this morning about t o'clock aftet digging their, way through a brick floor and risking death at the hands of a guard who fired upon them as they climbed over the prison wall. Wlenegel and Wagner had been em ployed in the kitchen at the peniten tiary and occupied the lower tier of cells. They secured some instrument, probably a bread knife, and used it to dig through the brick floor and make a hole sufficiently large to reach the basement. They priedbars apart in the basement and reached the butside. Then they secured a .plank and used it 5 In' scaling the prison wall. A guard fired upon them but thty got away in the. darkness and no trace oi mem had been found up to noon today. Sheriff Tom Word, of Portland, sent hi' bloodhounds here to hunt the fu gitives tills forenoon but nothing was accomplished with tbem. The lower tiers of cells at the peni tentiary are brleV. The upper ones are steel. The steel cells are used ail the time, and the brick ones as needs re quire. Just now the prison is so crowded that the cells are all in use. and two prisoners occupy most of them. Wlenegel and Wagner were commit ted from Multnomah county for from two to five years for burglay-and miLch had served about a year'ofims sentience. ' ! , Legality of Water Code Is Determined Was Attacked In Both State and Ped- I era! Court and Has Been Upheld ! In Each of Them. . Balem, Or., Oct. 23. The fact that the Oregon water code, which was at tacked in both state and federal courts, has been upheld in both, ttie state de cision coming down Tuesday, is grat ifying to all concerned, according to state officials. It is explained at the office of the state Water boand here, that before the 1909 watea- code, considered a model of its kind, designed to- meet the needs of a growing state by es tablishing and protecting all appropri ations for irrigation, power, dumestio or other purposes, was enacted, water lights were in a chaotic condition, and continual litigation was the rule on a majority of the streams of the state. The state water board was created by this : law for the purpose of defining and establishing all of the early water rights, most of which had never been recorded in any way. "When a request for the determina tion of water rights on a certain tream is made, the board, if it sees lit, may compel every water user on! such stream to submit statement and proof of his claim, explains the state water board. "If any of these claims are contested, informal hearings are had before the division superintendent. The findings of the board are sub mitted to the. circuit court for con firmation or rejection and appeal may be taken from the decision of the circuit court in the usual way." After the circuit court of Malheur county had modified the findings of th state water board in re Willow Creek, an appeal was taken to the supreme court by the Eastern Oregon Land company, Lower Willow Creek Water Users' association and others, it being alleged that the water code was unconstitutional, In that It at tempted to confer Judicial power on an executive board, and authorized the confiscation of private property with out due process of law. In writing the opinion. Judge Bean stated that the enactment of the water code was a lawful exercise of the police power of the state to "accelerate the development of the state, to pro mote peace and good order, to mini mize the danger of vexatious contro versies wherein the shovel waa often used as an Instrument of warfare, and to provide a convenient way for the adjustment and recording of the rights of the various claimants to the use of the water of a stream or other source of supply at a reasonable expense." Business Property to Lease for term of "years. New warehouse with two floors, 46x100, yard 60x100, surrounded bv 12 ft. fence with en trance. New 2 room office building and small stable. Opposite Oregon Electric and United By. tracks oh Water and Montgomery. 15 blocks from 3rd and Morrison. Splendid lo cation for light manufacturing, stor age, automobile, machine or sheet Iron works. Rent very reasonable. Also store on 21st and Glisan,- rent $20. and store with built-in fixtures for groceries at 608 2nd. near Sher man, rent $10. Inquire H. B. Davis, owner, 403 4th. Main 221. In effect Oct. 1. 1913 ALL PREVIOUS KATES OA CEt.t,ED CHARGED ADVERTISEMENTS Daily or Sunday, 1 cents per -ord per insertion. This cbarse i for all olaiaiflcatlon, except ing "For Uent In I'rlTate Family," "Koom and Board In I'rlTate Tamlly," "Situation Wanted" and "Wanted to Bent" ads., which are 114 cents per word per Insertion. No ad charged for lens than 15 eenta, CASH ADVERTISEMENTS 1 cents per word for all classifications. exceDtius "For Kent in I'rlTate Family "Uoom and Board In PrWate Family," "Sltua tion Wanted" and "Wanted to Kent" ads which are 1 A cents per word. Consecntite Insertion of rusb want ads.: 8 . insertions 'or the price of 2 7 insertions fur the price of 5 MEETING NOTICES 41 A Li KADER TEMPLE, A. A. O. N. M. 8. Stated session Saturday, Oct. 24 at 8 r. m.. Masonic Tem pie, West Park and Yam hill sts. Business of 1m portance will come up "and a laree attendance is desired. Concert by the banrt from 7:30 to S. Visiting: nooies cordially invited. By order of the Potentate. HUGH J. BOYD, Recorder AI.HF.RT PIKE LODGE. U. D.. A. F & A. M. E. A. degree tonight at 7:30 o'clock. Visitors welcome. By order of W. M. E. R. I VIE, Sec. TJHal statistics ' marriages. Births. Deaths. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 75 (Continued) FUNERAIi DIRECTORS A splendid residence undertaking es tablishment, with private driveway. J. P. FINLElf & SON, Montgomery at Fifth. MR. EDWARD HOLMAN, the leading funeral director. 220 3d St., corner Salmon. Lady assistant. Phone A- 1511, Main 607. F, S. Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder st. East 52, B-2525. Dunning Si McEntee SsS7S every detail. 7th and Pine. Main 430, A-4558. Lady assistant. A R 7ollor Pn 592 Williams ave. Mi Hi .ClICI.UUi East 1088, C-I088. Lady attendant. Day and night service. WALTER C. -KEN WORTHY, successor to A. B. Hemstock. 1687 E. I3tn. Sellwood 71, B-ll2. Lady assistant. Chambers Co. TS lawn 3306, C-1133 ave. and Kerby. Wood- Automobile hearse. D T Dwmnf. Williams and Knott. Ill I I DVI IlGdEast 1115 c-1843. rDirCrM RESIDENCE UND. PLS. LniUOUIXu. 6133. A-2235. 445 Mors. CrA CO Undertaking Co. Main 4162 Orr Vl-V UO a-2321. Cor. 3d and Clay. Fu neral services. Tabor 4318 Llorvi!lrt E- 80th and Glisan. I icu 1 1 1 1 lull DC A DO AM Undertakers. East 1080. 369-371 Russell st. P. L. LERCH, leading east side under taker. E. llth & Clay. B-1883, E. 781. MONUMENTS PORTLAND MARBLE WKS. 264-266 4th St., opp. city hall. M. 8664. A-1516 TO LEASE 03 WELL improved 6 acres to lease 1 to 3 years; good 6 room house; fruit will pay rent; good chance to keep chickens. Phone Tabor 5418; or write to George A very, Lents, ur, MARRIAGE LICENSES W. R. le Lay. Olendale, Or, 29, and Nina E I'orter, Eenttn hotel. 29. Henry RntweU Huff, lUvitt East Twenty eighth street. North, legal, and Myrtle K. Clute. Bensen hotel, legal. ErTln S. Kerr, Balina, Kansas, legal, and Florence T. Brlney, Imperial hotel, legal. Charles II.. Hinges, Oregdn hotel, legaL and Myrtle Knby llolesworth. Oregon hotel, legal. Harry L. Keil, 349 Harrison street, 25, and Alice Lara in Fraies. It. van Place. 23. i..u pit First street. 38, and Lillian Ingebretsen. 82QMi First street. 37. W, G. Smith & Co. Rffi" Third floor, Morgan bldg, DRESS suits for rent, all sizes. Unique Tailoring CO., au otarK bu BIRTHS K i hVTH 1i Mr. and Mrs. Edwin E. Kleth, 1214 Eust Fifteenth street. Norti, October 12, a son. M ' YODKR To Mr. and Mrs. Aaron L. Yoder, Hubbard. Or., September 26, a son. ROGERS To Mr. and Mrs. Justice E. Rogers, 42i!Va East Buruaide atreet, October 13, a daughter. JENSEN To Mr. and Mrs, John E. Jensen, 412 Second street, September 2, a daughter. TH1ELE To Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Thiele, 027 Union aTenne, September Zi. a son. MILLER To Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. MlUer, 45 North Ninth street, October 12, a daugh ter. , K.IBBEE To Mr. and Mrs. Wallace L. Klbbee, 232 Twelfth street. September 28. a son. GLEASON To Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Glea son, Ostrander, Wash., September 7. a daughter. TWO choice duck lakes near R. R- Pacific highway and Columbia river bargain tor balance oi season. A 864, Journal. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 FOR SALE or exchange, my $800 eauitv in 5 room modern house in Woodstock value $1800; 1 block from car, 4 blocks from school, 15 minutes' walk from Reed college; chicken house and run 20x50; will sell on terms or trade for vacant property; address U 72, journal LOOK 6 room strictly modern house. 100 feet from car, never occupied, everything right ud to the minute, one of the finest equipped bathrooms in the city; I will sell at a bargain; need money; quick action counts, owner. A-831. Journal. galow, close in, modern' plumbing and wiring, good basement, only three blocks to Hawthorne car. This home is going to be sold for $600 less than It was one year ago. Are you inter ested In this? Call owner. Tabor 1782 Which Is Waste? Some people say that advertising' is a waste of money, so they sit and watch their unsold goods and vacant rooms . until softie chance customer stumbles in. Meanwhile rent and expenses are going out and nothing , coming in. Others believe that advertising for quick results is the best investment they can .make; A few cents for a Journal Want Ad can save dollars wasted in waiting. Think It Over Then, if your name appears in either telephone directory, call Main 7173 or A-6051 and have your Want Ad charged. To secure proper classification in The Sunday Journal have your Want Ad in early. FOR SALE FARMS 17 (Contlnned) ' Chicken and Fruit Ranch Ideal little home nlace. consisting of 10 acres, ail rich level land. 9 acre under thorough state of cultivation, 1 acre in pasture, 6 acres in full bearing orcnara. principally Italian prunes, good little barn, email cottage, chicken house and outbuildings, fine small fruits, grapes, strawberries, etc., place fenced and crossfencred, partly- woven wire, telephone, R. F. D., cream route by place, in thickly settled community, line view or mountains, etc., vnree fourths mile from Columbia river, boat landing and country and railroad town, and 84 miles from Vancouver, river roau; personal property inciuaes horse, harness, buggy, chickens, pigs, etc,;, and considerable crop. Price, S4500. $2500 cash, balance of $2000 runs 4 years from September 1, 1914, at 6 interest. Privilege to pay at any time. Will trade lor city prop erty or a larger farm. THOMPSON & SWAN, 612 Main st.. Vancouver, Wash. STOCK. DAIRY. HOGS AND PRUNES 640 acres, $25 per acre. Vi mile from good town and railroad. Yamhill Co. This la a forced sale and .having carefully gone over the property, I be lieve any one postea on vaiues wouiu consider it fair value at $50. No section of the Willamette valley has any richer or higher grade soil. It is not steep, , nor rough, nor t worthless hillside and If a consider able portion is in cultivation, cleared, ready for the plow and open pasture, is it not worth Investigation? Can only talk to men with some cash. $10,000 can run 10 years at 6. GEO. E. WAGGONER, 805 Yeon bldg. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 34 Sale or Exchange 200 acres, 70 acres under cultivation, 60 acres nnsn nasturc. 70 acres timber. with at least &000 cords of first class wood; 6 miles from McMinnville, Or., Elace well watered by springs; 8' room ouse, barn 32x48 and all other neces sary outouiiaings: . . u. ana creauj route by place; 20 acres of 3-yea.r-ola walnuts, family orchard of assorted fruits in full bearingTrschool adjoining place, telephone in house, place fenced and cross-fenced; personal property consists or good young team, 4 graae Jersey cows, young bull, 60 sheep, cftickens, ducks and geese, 2 wagons, one new haelc buggy, lrness, 4 plows, cultivators, binder, mower, feed grind er, gas engine, wood saw. drag saw, a sets of work harness, some household furniture and all small farming tools. This is a fine, general purpose, all food soil, and would make a fine stock arm. Price $15,000, subject to mort gage of $4100; $500 cash, balance can stand at 6 per cent interest, or Will take unincumbered .city property or smaller farm close to Vancouver or Portland for equity fit $10,900 at cash valuation. THOMPSON & SWAN, 512 Main St. Vancouver. Wash. wr niN ski, I. OR TRADE!. If you wish to sell your real estate for cash or trad9 for other property. It will nnv vmi to sen US for -Quick re sults. 19 years' successful business is our guarantee for a squar deal. M'KENZIE & CO.. . 615 Gerlinger bldg Main 2801, WANTV.l) 4 or 5 room home, in Portland, Newberg, McMinnville or other valley town (and some cash), for $3000 modern 6 room nouse ana cauicu high, sightly, 100x100, city corner. Citizens Agency, 170 2d st. MONEY Td LOAN : REAL ESTATE : f Continued) 81 TO LOAN on improv4 real estate $1000 .; I From t Prompt $1500 , ' to Service $2000 M ; i30oo i HARTMAN-THQMFfON BANK. . LOANS on improved, cjty property or for building purposes; advance mad as building progresses liberal repay ment privileges; no commission. J. A. iipscombe, Z4Z stars u main m. WE have money to loan on your real, estate; first mortgages only. v HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423 Chamber or Commerce. v Mortgage Loans ' . "I. L. WHITE. - 701 Selling bldg. BUILDING LOANS on city and subur- ban property; money advanced a work progresses. W. G. Beck. 316 Eail ing bldg. Main 8407. ' - v' . To Loan Any Amount . HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK. $100,000 on mortgages, city and farm property, fire Insurance, McKenxie &- Co.. Gerlinger bldg.,3 2d and Alder. MONEY to. loan in" amounts of $ 10 'to $5300 on city property. -A. H. Bell 201 Gerlinger bldg. xianTfiirit! ,riiNS. Mortgages bought and sold. John L Karnopp, Railway Kxcnange mag $15,000 INSIDE realty; 50U. suburban; no Ward. AllsKy bldg. $1000, $900, commission. FOR SALE HOUSES 01 (Con tinned! $25 PER MONTH, which Includes in terest, buys new five room bungalow. with sleeping porch, bath, fire place, all built in conveniences, hard wood floors, gas and electric fixtures and window shades installed, one large well lighted room for sewing or double bed room, full concrete basement with ce ment floor, stationary wash trays and wood hoist, cerafnt sidewalks; near good street car lme, schools, churches and park. Ready for occupancy Nov. 1st. fnone .East ,6687. $25 A MONTH FOR 6 ROOM BUNGALOW WITH SLEEPING PORCH. This price includes interest. Home is located- In good restricted neigh borhood, only 2 blocks from car line. Home has living room with fireplace, dining room with buffet, Dutch kitch en, bath, lighting fixtures, blinds and everything' to make a home. Street work in and paid for. Call evenings East 2670. We will build in any part of city HOMES costing from $2000 to $20,000. Also apart ments and flats. We have money to loan. Call and see plans. F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. Commercial Club bldg. DEATHS AM) FUNERALS 75 RAKEIt At the family rwsideuee. 27 Mntn avenue, Lnta, October 20, John O. T. Baker. o-prt r, vpars. Funeral servlcea will be con liwtrt In tli I. O. O. F. ball. Leuts. today (Friday. October 23. at 2 p. ui. Friends In vited. Interment Mount Scott Park cemetery. MACHAK-Ou October 13. 1914, at Savannah Mo., Kenneth Fariiuhar Macltae, ot Day nr.. aired Gil vears. beloved husband ot Milan Macltae, cousin of Dr. K. A.. J, Mac kenzie. Funeral service will be held at Hol- n-on'a phanel on Saturday. October Z4, 1U14 at 11 a. in. Interment Klrervlew cemetery. heous October 22. at the home of her 8ls ter, Mrs. C. U. Field, 4o7 East Fifty-fourth treet I nilae J. BeKL'H. axed 63 years. Ee- malns at A. It. Zeller Co.'a parlors. Interment will take place at Waukesha, Wis. Salt lke City papers please copy. Hollister Pleased With the Outlook Zndloatlona Axe That Candidate for Congress Against Sawley In First District Will Be Elected XText Month. Salem, Or, Oct. 23. Fred Hollister, candidate for congress In the B'irst dis trict against W. C. Haw ley, incumbent, has campaigned the past 10 days in Yamhill, Washington, Marlon and Polk counties, visiting practically every sec tion, and be found conditions very favorable. Hollister will carry Polk and Benton by substantial majorities, his friends assert, and will have an even break in Yamhill. Washington, a normally strong Republican county, will not give Hawley over 300 to 500 majority. Marion countywill not give Hawley over 15Q0 majority. It is con fidently asserted, while Linn, Douglas and Benton will roll up substantial majorities for Hollister, according to advices from those counties. Hollister Is especially strong in western Lane county and will carry that, county by a large majority. All the coast and southern Oregon counties are strong for the Coos Bay candidate and he will carry them by overwhelming majorities, reports indi cate. , MNAIjOHTQN Earl McNauebton. Good Sa maritan hospital. October 19. 18 years; frac ture of aptue accidental collision. GABON Delilah Caaoa, city. October 20, 87 years; nephritis. rrm.l.nMS lna Gnlluma. Sellwood hospital. October 21. 62 yeara perforation, ulcer of stomach. BYHSil Edward Byrne, y miles south of Llnneman Station, October 10, tu years trnnerulttted bowel. FOWLiiii George U. Fowler, 1567 Holland street, October SO, 63 years; diabetes melU- tus. - MARTIN & FORBES CO., florists, 347 Wash. Main 269. A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CL.AKK.E Uliua., florists, line flowers and floral designs. 287 Morrison st MAX M. SMITH, florist, 141 toth st. in selling Diag. Main 7210. CASKET sprays as low as $1.50. Lubliner. florists. Portland hotel blk. EAST Franklin St. Snap Fine 7 room modern house. 4 bedrooms, furnace; a big snap at $3UUU; $Z50 down, flit per month; near 36th, Make an offer. 414 Corbett bldg. A-1416. Marshall 92. MOVING out of city; modern house, 5 rooms and attic: hot and cold water, electric lights and gas; 60x260; tin garden, lruit and berries; tzsuo; your own terms. Phone res. B-2111, office, A-7500. Cheap, Glean, Convenient Attractive 4 room- bungalow, full lot, $1000 value, for $800; very easy terms. Phone C-2517; or Q-12, Journal. $1250 NEW 3 room house, lot 80x175, all fenced and cultivated; also good chicken house 12x40. Terms, $10 per month. Akerson Gooch, 614 Stock Ex change bldg. Main 6765. FOR SALE 7 room house, modern improvements; on water front; 22 ft. fishing boat, engine installed; nets and rack; house and boat all go for $1400. Alfred Richard, Skamokawa. Wash. LET US BUILD YOU. A HOME. On your lot or ours; by your own plans or ours; pay us like rent, THE OREGON HOME-BUILDERS, 1330 Northwestern Bank bldg. $650 BUI'S my dandy little 3 room house, on 50x100 foot lot. with fruit trees apd flowers. Will take ictrola or diamond' as first payment, balance easy terms. See owner, biz fintt Diag, 80x200, 3 room house, $5 monthly, $650. Sroom modern house, $15 monthly. including interest; $1700. A. C. MARSTERS, 202 WILCOX BLD, MAIN 3517 A-7340 TABOR 1770. STRAIGHT RENT TERMS. Mt Tabor car. full cor. lot, modern 6 room house, total price $1750. Smith- Wagoner Co., 512 Stock Exchange. EAST SIDE, not far from Hawthorne ave. 6 room house, free from incum- brance. Terms. A bargain. Owner. C-714, Journal. $15 DOWN. $15 month buys lot and 2 room ceiled tent house, $575; bare lot cost me $650. Inquire 683 Liberty st. vvoirtJiawn car. 4 ROOM bungalow, one acre of ground;, chicken houses and runs. city water, iuc car iare; jibou, jiao cash. 142 2d St.. room 26. WILL sacrifice swell, modern, S fam ily iia-i, o ano o rooms, wortn JSbUO, now $5900; $1000 down and $26 per mo. HttiainsuiBiance on ui.' xamniii st. bee owner. 171 E. 23d. Phone East 6948. 16 FOR SALE LOTS Continued) $700T"T2r cash, $10 a month, buys a half acre on the .west side. On a large piece of property like this you can raise all your vegetables, berries, fruit, chickens, etc., which is the greater part of your living. This is one way to solve the high cost of liv ing. M. E. Lee. 605 Corbett bldg. N. -W. cor. (50x77) 33d and Pres cott; street paving and cement walks paid; no incumbrance; 127 Vi ft. front age, owner, Sellwood 75. 75x100 view homesite, lies beautifully, only 16 minutes' car ride, 6c fare. west side; only $350. $10 down, $5 a month. If you are looking: for a loca tion for a home with a biar future it will pay you to see this property. This is the best .value in the city. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE 76 acres, 2 miles south of Molalla, 30 miles south of Port land. 2 miles from branch line of the Southern Pacific; interest 5 per cent; new house and barn; two wells; team and wagon, eight head of cattle. Price $5200 and $1200 cash. See W. P. Herman for particulars. Take ML Scott car. get off at 3d ave.. 2 blocks south on 4th ave. at store. Also 3 acres mile from Lents Junction. 20 Acres, $100 Cash Pown Splendid, level farm land, $1 fare from Portland, close school, station. Price $800. Claude Cole, 917 Board of Trade. 40 ACRES, 1U, miles of electric lines, good spring and about 600 cords wood, timber, all fine land, for $32 per acre. Citizen's Agency. 170 2d sL JJOR RENT FARMS 14 I HAVE 4 acres of garden land at r Garden Home, sdfveyed in 2 acre tracts, sidewalks, water piped. Will sell or rent all or parL Come and see me at 253 6th st. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY 38 WANTED Torrent a ranch of moder ate size, or . would consider manag ing one on percentage. B-t2S. Journal HOMErfiEADS 47 CAPITOL HILL 60x100, $160 cash. Owner. Main 3603, room 84. ACREAGE 57 FURNISHED BUNGALOW, $50 CASH. new room Dun galow, doubly con structed, fine bath, liaht fixtures. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement. completely lurnisned and ready - to move into; close in on the east side. i-rice jiaou; xbo casn and $15 per month. Why pay rent? GRUSSI & BOLDS. 326 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. 6 ACRES FOR $260 $10 down and $5 per month buys 6 acres good logged-off land 1 mile from main line of railroad and town of 1000 Sopulation. with cannery, creamery, etween Portland and Astoria. Land from $35 to $60 per acre on these terms. Many 6 acre tracts to choose from. BELL REAL ESTATE CO., 318 Railway Exchange beL 3d and 4th sts. on Stark. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port land; Gresham district, electric sta tion 4 mile. New subdivision. Sun shine Valley orchard tracts; best soil, free wood; elegant location. Prices only $75 to $150 per acre in small tracts; easy terms. Frank McFarland Realty Co., 309 leon bldg., Portland, Or. HOMESTEAD, 120 acres, $160; also 160 acres at $225; A-l soil, no rocks, fine water: close to neighbors: fine place for stock; close to sawmill; fine . i . v., . : . c : 1 i . i.' . . . . urn-m iisiiuis uuu uuuuut, vuoyi juii. iuu rison, room i. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE CHEAP LAND. 160 acres, about 50 or 60 acres till able, balance good pasture the pasture land la In and alone creek and is good pasture; land is all open pasture, being burnt over land; thousands of cords of good wood, flume runs across land so wood can be flumed ou.t; land adjoins eood farms part of land was cleared but mostly grown up with small brush: finest of springs: 8 miles from Washougal, plenty of outrange ad- Joining land. Price $30 per acre, owner will exchange for good city property. GEO. Y. MOODY CO.. Washougal, Wash. WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 I WANT to buy an acre or two. with good house; must have some trees, in or out of city limits close to car; please state run description, oesi casn price, or terms in first letter. I am not a. real estate dealer. A-861. Jour nals " - I WANT TO BUY 4 or 5 room house on Installments In of around Sellwood; give location. II- 9S7. Journal. 1 OR 2 good building lots, east aide; must agents. be a bargain for A-1000, Jeurnal. cash; no ROOMING HOUSES 53 FOR SALE ir room well furnished. suitable for private ooarowx nouee or H. K. rooms, 1 block from Lincoln high. Walking idistance. forparticu lars address F. B. S 827 W. Park, Portland, Oregon. CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con tracts; mortgage loans; reasonable rates. F. IL Lewis &TCo;. 3 Lewis bdlg. $15,00Oi inside realtyv $1000, $900, $500, suburban; noi com. Ward., Aliskv bide. t $200 TO $20,000 on improved and uiv improved real estate. BOID REALTY CO., 206 Alder St.- MORTGAGE loans to 8 per cent. Fred C. King, 314 Spalding tidg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE, A. H. HARDING, 31-3 Cham, of Com. $1000 to $7000 for city or farm loan, Tabor 2520 -or C-656.-; Journal. 140.000 OH LESS. fIrRINGTON, 80 4th sL Board of Trade bldg. MONEY TOilX)AN CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT EASTERN RATES. We have one of the finest retail Jewelry stores in the city. A loan de partment is conducted la connection with samn tnaklns husineaa ' STRICT- $2S CA8H PAYMENT, PRICE $160. iy CONFIDENTIAL. Absolutely n 7 rooms of fair iurntture, z .o4uc. Tigris designating loan: Dusiness a of city hall, rent $20. Some Income and free rent, can 304 4tn. ROOMING house on Main sL, 9 well- furnished housekeeping rooms ior $300. See Citizen's Agency. 170 2d sL BUSINESS CHANCES 20 A SUBSTANTIAL interest in oldesl established high class mercantile in stition on Paget sound can be secured by a capable Dusmess man wno can assume active part in management. This business has made several for tunes and is capable of making many more; at least $20,000 cash and not to exceed $35,000 required. Address prin cipals direct, care H. Erwin French, t. O. HQX iaz, Staiug, vtaan MUST have responsiole party to man age legitimate, prosperous Dusmess; can handle at home; make $50 week, with increase; small investment; or would take good car. Don't call unless you mean business. Alder hotel, room 402. S to 12 a. rn., a xo i p. m xJk" SALE-Meat market. Fully equipped slaughter house in connec tion, low rent; beef and pork supplied vear round from the ranches 1ft neigh- jxietiio n. borhood. To be sold by Nov. 1. Mak offer. Alfred Richard, Skamokawa. Wt Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, ( close to car line, easy terms; will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or Sell wood 476. 'John H. Gibson, owner. MODERN bungalow, Hawthorne dis trict; furnace, fireplace, laundry; mahogany furniture, oak dining room suite, good pictures, silk window drapes, good rugs and linoleum kitchen and bedroom furniture. A few hun dred dollars will put you In possession of nice home. Call 710 Lewis bldg. Marshall 4200. A-7158. $3000 New, modern, 6 room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, beamed ceiling. Dutch kitchen, electric fix tures, window shades, cement base ment, large attic; located on E. 13th St., near Ainsworth, close to Wood lawn car; $500 cash or trade, balance to suit. Taggart, 416 Chamber of Commerce. $350 4 room house and lot near Pen insular ave. Inquire 186 E. 27th sL Sunnyside car. FOR SALE LOTS 16 ROSSMERE snap, lot 60x100, on E. 40th near Brazes, 2 blocks car; cost $1000. now $550, $100' down and $10 per month. ZADOW & ALEXANDER, 414" Corbett bldg. A-1416, Marshall 92. Bargain for Cash, $1050 . S. W. cor. 63d and E. Glisan sts. 116 fL front, sewer, cement walks In, paid for. 80 ft; street. C-713, Journal. WILL sell 2 lots at great sacrifice on E. Stark st., near 83d sL C-939, Jour nal. Phone Marshall 6896. WILL sacrifice at $750, beautiful heights site, near park. Terms. Own er, G-29, Journal. A BARGAIN Lota In Willamette ad dition. A-2844, 30 Acres $600 $1 fare from Portland, close school, station, splendid farm land; $100 cash. Claude Cole, 917 Board of Trade. 600 ACRE stock ranch, suitable for hogs and cows; situated in Rogue river valley near Medford. Will ex change for Portland income property. See owner, room 418 Imperial hotel. IMPROVED 20 acres, 2 miles north of ML Angel; 40 rods to good school. G. W. Leap, Woodburn, Or. R. F. D. No. 2. 40 ACRES, near electric line, 25 miles from Portland; price reason able. B-1103. FOR SALE FARMS 17 READ THIS. 40 acres, 8 acres under plow, over 30 acres good level land, balance fin est of pasture; good spring, part of land that is not under plow can be cleared for $15 per acre; land is 6 miles from Washougal, 3 miles from Mt. Pleasant, finest land, no rock. Price $2500; $1000 cash or good prop erty, long time on balance. GEO. Y. MOODY CO.. Washougal, Wash. . WILL trade my $1000 cottage located in small country town for farm land. Must be 20 acres or over. For further particulars write Carl Brastram, Cher- ry orove. or. EXCHANGE 6 room house on east side, worth $3000, for farm property near same value. What have you of any kind? Owners only. Y-97. Journal. 20 ACRES, $1750. ONLY $250 CASH. 20 acres rich, dark loam overlooking f railroad, with station less than mile away, on main county road; inclosed with woven wire fence; this fine piece of land Is surrounded by thrif tyFarms; schoolhouse mile; close to a beauti ful lake, which affords the finest of boating, fishing and bathing in sea son; $250 cash, balance may be paid in yearly payments 6 per cent inter est. Let us show this to you on Sun day. DORR E. KEASEY & CO., 2d Fir. Chamber Commerce Bldg. HAVE you a house and lot in Oakland, Berkeley or Alameda that you would trade for a house and lot in this city? FX-165, Journal IF your real estate has value and you want to make a good exchange for other property see us. Bell Real Es tate Co., 318 Railway Exchange bids- WANTRfi A business partner: lady who has some money or property, and will invest dollar for dollar in some business she is best prepared to handle Ruccesstuliy. U-bZ. journal. FOR SALE 3 chair barber shop, do ing good business; other business cause for selling; price $800 cash; wood In for winter. W. E. Anderson, Box 295. Tillamook. Or. nlovril in front of our Store. All m&f chandise pledged is held for a period of seven months, whether or not in terest is paid when due. We are It-' censed and have been established since 1899. No connection w-lth any other loan establishments in this city. A. & M. DELOVAGEji JEWELERS, 354 wasningtjpn st. WE MAKE LOANS IN 'HOURS' TIMlJ . At Legal ! pates We loan money on diUmonds. piano real estate, plain notes or furniture. Portland Loan Co. (l,ioenscW! Room 205 KothcWild -bldg. Bet. 4tli and 5th on . Washington st, $ $ $ STATE SECURITY - CO. $ $ $ t SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES $10 , TO . I $100 CHEAPEST AND BEr PLACE TO BORROW MiNEY. ' , ABSOLUTELY NO -SECURITY, ' Business Strictly jSimfldential. STATE BECITIIKI'Y CO., $ $ $ 309 FAILING HiLDa. $ . MONEY AT ipNCE. PRIVATE PLACE to QjBTAIN LOANS Diamonds, watches, ewelry, etc SEPARATE ItiCPT. HDK LADIES. ' BUSINESS STHICTLS! CONFIDEN TIAL.' ELUY CO. Ja Licensed). -320 Lumber Ex; bldg. J Cd and Stsrk. -2, WANTED MAN to assist me and look after office during my absence; must have $150; money secured; reference required. B-827, Journal. HALF Interest in pressing shop; pays $18 week while learning. besides half of profits; $150 required. 303 Lumber Exch., 2d and Stark. FIVE chair barber shop, good loca tion, price $176; must go. back east. 7li 1ST. Sd st. 1000 Business Cards, 75c Ryder Ptg. Co.. B. W. cor. 8d & Morrison WANTED To get in touch with party looking for a first class suburban drug store. Write A-860, Journal. FOR RENT Cleaning, pressing, dry ing. Building good location, Irving-ton.- East 273. W. H. Herdman. FOR SALE; Drug store in Washing ton. Will invoice about $600. FX- 161, Journal. FOR SALE or trade for an auto, stock of dry goods, worth about $600. 4517 64th St. S. E. I HAVE some good irrigated farms with fine improvements, close to R, R., to exchange for Portland prop erty or" valley farms; no junk consid ered. Call and see me at the Mor rison, 2711 Morrison St., cor. 4tl. Room 27. 80 ACRES, 3 miles Woodland, Wash., graveled road, 15 acres in cultiva tion, good soil, ideal for dairy; 30 acres good piling timber, 600 cords first growth fir. Particulars, Borders fit. FT TLTAnJlAM T T.1 T "K' , . ,n Wash. EXCHANGE For Portland home, fine ( 20 acre farm, new house, large new 1 barn, orchard, good water; near x-"ort- land. No agents. C-505, Journal. EXCHANGE Four business lots in growing town for automobile. Call at The Morrison, 471 Morrison, cor. 4th st.. room 27. - OR SALE Ice cream, confectionery, 'cigar and fruit store; other business property; rarms; oox lai, uiquiiu, ur, MONEY on chattels, rifotts and mtgs. bought: Columbia ;Uoan Co.,1 204 S wetland. ,1 LOANS-on real estate.fdlamonds, jew elry. Wm. lloll, R 8, Washingtonbldg, iafnonda. MONEY to loan on dialnonda, jewelry. fi. W. King, 45 Washington' bldg. LOANS on d-iamonds. Swtlry, strictly confidential. 3 41 3(gst near Alder. WHEN you answer tifcse Want Ads, mention ine journae LOANS VAtEI) 30 .WANTED. $500, 8 'ER CENT. SECURITY. 2200. HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK. WHEN you answer tHyune Want AU mention t he Journal FINANCIAL HI FIRST and second mortgages, also sel lers' interest in contracts purchased. Oregon and Washington. 11. E. Nob),- liumwrmtm mag- HELP WANTK if- MJ ALE EXCHANGE clear lot. growing Wash ington town, for what have you? U-79. Journal. 42 ROOMS furniture, low rent, $200 cash, balance trade. Owner, 382 E. Clay, cor. Union. WANTED To build residence or bun galow in exchange for good lot. Phone Tabor 6389. INCOME property for house with- 2 or more lots. Owner, 616 Commercial street. ' WANTED Rose City Park home in exchange for 120 acres 5 miles Cam as, Wash. Owner, 1118 Yeon bldg. f 000. Business Cards, 75c Rose City Prlntery, 3d and Taylor. WILL trade for stock of furniture; give price and location.- TJ-78, Jour nal. . WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. MONEY TO LOAN 27 REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE loans at current rates. Real estate security. Apply room 202 Stock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Seitz & Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent. Louis Salomon & Co.. 229 Stark st WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. DON'T look for worl There Is, big demand for automotlle drivers ana repair- men. Our ex(a;rt instructors qualify you in three tofflve weeks and assist in securing' good;o9itions. Bring this ad. for one free Iskson. PACIFIC AUTO & !5UAS ENGINE SCHOOIi 266-268 lfth st. ( Nr Jefferson.) - Y. M. C. A. EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Record for year 191S - Calls for men ... 2886 Positions filled .1942 All young men seekflig employment are cordially invited to consult with the secretary of the nployment d- partment. r- j. : MARRIED man, reliaille. who would be interested in 10 ates cleared bot tom land, best of sblfej can get work close to property (goWfjr wages). Open Sunday afternoon. 62? Corbett bldg. WANTED at once, majj to learh auto repairing and drivUjg. , Call Haw thorne Garage. 446 Hay thofne ave. CHEF Headquarters alid helpers. Cal-. lfornla Wine Depot.;:286 Yamhill. -WHEN you answer tf;ese- Want AdaL mention 'une Journat j BRINGING UP FATHER Copyright, 1014, International J!pwi Service. By George McManus Eugene Physicians . Prescribe No Liquor Eugene, Or.. Oct. 23. All but three of the practicing - physicians of Eu 'gene have signed an agreement which was published in a local paper this morning that they will hereafter ab solutely refuse to write prescriptions calling for the use of alcohol or spir ituous liquors for either Internal or I external use. This action waa taken.) r- ' ' r? -? 1 sdsatiBtt UJiJr ' " " I -2 c - "k TT ( rw, 1 MR. jie-WB ( JYr' rJll ( . X L H It.-TEACH " J )fJ' ' 1 OYOMJY- LOOKING LL VHAT-, THAT - 1-1 bOC E- ITS I HrJWl TOUSE. TO KtO SUFERlN THl THE I E-the BUILDUP OU AX YOU I jlil TH1N5 - 1 R14HT NEVT tAUl I CANT AN OL-O MAN- A SATURN!: Th,N I CSlStT KINEE Ljj BOW TO THAT r5o rl, THERMS tOME H woTM-LERrr ORTu?e-KT RHAUVEMUS ) OV PLANETS! H PLA"T! VTARts FOR lTi