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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1914)
WOMEN ASKED ARE TO LEARN FACTS ' FAVOR OF DR. SMITH President of Woman's Smith- tor-bovemor uud benas Out List of Questions, PORTLAND TO BECOME MECCA FOR TOURISTS CANDIDATE IS GAINING Report Prom Outside Show womin Are BaUylnff to Support of Dtmo cratie Champion Rapidly. Do you Want to learn about Dr. C. Ji. Smith's campaign Tor governor? Do you want to obtain bniitii liter ature and pouter? Do you want to help the Smith cam paign for law enforcement ami 'bus! Hens administration in the governor's office? T 1 V I nr .ton nj i n jtinn mnnrii. i ' rn hi r-ii l ji Lit; i vnmiin in i'iui-iu)ciiivi i j iy. iiou addressed these queHtions to the wom en of Portland and vicinity. l'"or Inrormatlon she advises them to-ran Main 201. the direct telephone connection with the woman's smltlij ior-uovornor neaaquiirter. l-'or literature. tnor extended infor mation about the campaign, for coij lerencen with workers Mrs Nissen aavlh-H that the women call personaliy at the Kmlth-for-tjov-rnr headquar ters In the Hotel Portland, Broadway ina lammii mreeis, met noor, cor ner room, tne west wide entrance to lha tiolnl Reports are helng received from all I ' 1- O 1. t O I IV. " 1 ' .t llldl illQ I-' 'HI III for-Governor campaign grows daily in -llAmi I Li r( I U a m tr-w tm.- innnn naM A ' -J Mtmcn. liocal Interest increases raoldlv. tern veMtprduv nnd tnriuv hut th.v wcre not the only callers. ' ".V large number of the men who are supporting Dr. Smith pr want "to learn more about lilm from a woman's point of view, have located ,the Woman's Smith-for-Govern.n- lieadquartei s," nlie said. , "Their comments indicated that they regard the woman's point of view as of importance in the present campaign. A man who has the Support of -n mu 'Jorlty of the women as Dr. Smith un doubtedly ha. Immediately commands honest respect on the part of the men." t py ' p I 7 hy' i I Madame Julia MARQUAM'S GULCH GARBAGE PLANS ARE flOW DISCONTINUED South Portland Residents Ob jected to Odor Which Arose From the New Dump. BOOSTERS MAKE PROTEST Hen Are Enffaffed Is Spreading1 Dirt Over Entire Dump to Slve the Problem. Political Notes, l.'nite.l States District Attorney Clarence fteames and R. W. Monta gue will be the speakers at vt mass meeting to be held In library hall, in I the Central library. Saturday night. They will discuss particularly the is sues Involved In the senatorial and -congressional campaigns. 4 Tt. A. Hooth returned this morning from Crook county, where lie delivered a number of adtxeBes. He will spend a few days in 1'ortland and then ex pects to leave Wednesday to do fur Claussen. 'Portland must some day become a great Mecca for tourists." Madame Julia Claussen. the famous contralto, who Is here to appear as so loist at the Apollo club concert at the tomorrow night, was positive in this assertion today after' having mo tored over the new Columbia River Highway and viewed 'its scenic won ders. "You must tell the world of these wonderful roads and rivers -.and moun tains and the people will come to see them," she urged. "I have seen many beautiful countries, but nothing fully so charming as the panorama unwind lng along that road, and from the gen eral character of the country one could devote many weeks to sightseeing here "And you have not only the scenery. but u delightful climate. The people of Portland must be happy, for they live In a beautiful city. The- pro fuKio.ii of illumination ut night Is al most dazzling and one wonders where all this light comes from. "And think of such sunshine, and this in October:" Street Speaker Is Again Under Arrest Julias Knlipel Charged With Disor derly Conduct; Another Matter Zs Now Under Investigation toy Police. Julius Knlspel, street speaker, was arrested again last night for disor derly conduct, while talking on the Plan of dumping- garbage In Mar quam's gulch was discontinued by Will H. Daly, commissioner of public utili ties, yesterday afternoon, after a num ber of South Portland residents had protested because of the odor rising from the dump. Despite the fact that tlie dumping has been discontinued and every attempt is being made to kill the odor, a meeting of the South Port land Boosters is to be held tomorrow night in St. Lawrence hall. Third and Sherman streets, to discuss the question. According to Mr. Daly, who has been on the scene practically every day since the plan was put into effect, a considerable amount of wheat clean ings, which is dangerous to burn at the incinerator, was dumped in the gulch, and in the covering process this became wet. The wet wheat began to ferment. and resulted in the odor which has aroused the ire of residents near the gulch. Difficulties have also resulted in trying to get sufficient ashes to cover the garbage, but now men are engaged in spreading dirt over the entire dump. With the order to stop dumping yesterday, . Mr. Daly has not decided whether or not . to continue the ex periment. He expects to meet with the protesting property owners arid explain to them the cause , of the trouble. George B. Thomas, president of the South Portland Boosters, charges that Commissioner DaJy did not follow the plan he explained to the club, and which resulted in it Indorsing the scheme. Mr. Thomas says that the stench from the dump for the last few days has been almost unbearable. budget before the committee took final action, t' ' ' '"' . - ' ' This action of the committee , was resented by Commissioner Dieck, aJ resulted in heated wordy spat be tween him and Commissioner Brewster which was finally ended by the com mittee deciding- to cut the commis sioner's budget to suit themselves. The estimates for the various de partments under Commissioner Dieck total more ' than $520,000, and when the committee started work yesterday Commissioner Brewster suggested that Commissioner Dieck go over his esti mate and cut it down to" $400, COO or j less, fixing his appropriations accord- j ingly. M "I resent personally the attitude of the- committee toward my budget." de clared Dieck with some heat, "and I refuse to take the estimates and read just1 them. I want the committee to go over the items one by one, so that I can show them where the money is needed." "Well, I guess we will have to cut it ourselves, replied Commissioner Brewster, and the other members agreed with him. This work will be taken up probably at this afternoon's session of the budget committee. The budget of the street cleaning bureau was completed yesterday and work started on the budget of the water bureau. As the funds for the water bureau come from the depart ment and not from taxation, it has no effect on the tax levy. The committee allowed $100,000 for the construction of a reservoir at the head works in the Bull Run canyon, which will be undertaken early next year. ceived was 2 1-18 per cent and the premiums' secured . will total approx imately $2500. The sale brought out a large number of small investors. The bonds were awarded as 'follows: S. P. Slferd, $6000 at 2 per cent; U II. Wang, $1500 at; 2 per cent; Hop Growers' Fire Belief association of Btittevllle. $6500 at 2 per cent; Fred Schreck. $1000 at 2 per cent; Mary I. Norton. $500 at 2 per cent; Scandinavian-American bank, $5000 at 101.6; same, $5000 at 101.65; same, $5000 at 101.7; same', $5000 at 101.80; same, $6000 at 101.90; same. $5000 at 102; W. F. White, $10,500 at 102.01; same, $2000 at 1 per cent; Oregon Life In surance company, $10,000 at 1.76; Unit ed States National bank, $60,000 at 1.56 Per cent; Michael MeNamara, $4000 at 2 per cent; John Murphy, $1500 at 2 1-10 per cent; . Laura A. Flanders, $7000 at 1 per cent, and City Treas urer Adams for sinking fund. $22,417.95 at par and accrued interest. BANKERS CONSIDER PORTLAND SECOND CITY ON THIS COAST Contribution to Big Gold Pool Is Half More Than That of Los Angeles. nized as a center of financial activ ity along many lines," Mr. Barnes said today. "This of itself is highly grati fying and - should -tend to restore the ' confidence of business men In our , financial institutions." Kanclier Loses All.A Trdutlake, WaBh , Oct. 23J-Arnoii Anrig, a local rancher, lost fa barn, farm machinery, horses and fmy crop last week by fire with partiinsur ance. ; ' 'if1 . PROPERTY OWNERS PROTEST Is PliAN IS TO FURNISH "WORK City Council Figures on Purchas ing Standing Timber. The city council this morning adopt ed a resolution authorizing Municipal Purchasing Agent Wood to advertise for bids for standing timber which the city will purchase to be cut by the unemployed this winter. The question of having these men cut timber was the principal subject of discussion by the council this morning. Whether or not the city will pur chase the timber and have the cutting done by contractors hiring the unem ployed, is a question yet to be decided. If this plan is adopted, according to Commissioner Brewster, tne city wouia purchase the timber contract ior me cutting and send out men 10 tne con tractors. They would provide camps for the men and take all of the work off the hands of the city. BONDS BRING a" PREMIUM Thirty-nine Bid on Securities Of fered Yesterday by City. Proposed Street Improvement Cause of Disagreement. Denying that remonstrances against the proposed improvement of East Thirtieth street from Alberta to Alns worth avenue were secured by misrep resentation, a number of property owners, mostly women, appeared be fore the clty council this morning to reruie arguments made by another delegation which appeared before the council Wednesday. . -The delegation was headed by Mrs. H. A. Luce, who stated that signa tures to the remonstrance were signed because the cost as represented for the improvement was excessive. The coun cil fixed next Friday as the day for hearing both sides in the controversy. f 3" TO CUT DIECK'S ESTIMATE Department of Public Works Is Target for Committee. That the" budget estimates for the department of public works were far too large and should be Cut down to correspond to the amount of public im- Drovement. was the decision of the members of the budget committee yes terdav afternoon, when they asked Commissioner Dieck to trim his own iner campaigning in southern Oregon. ' street. This morning in the munici , pal court he said he made the state- WilHam Hanley, Progressive sena- ments in the heat of passion and of torlal candidate, is campaigning to- I fercd to leave the city if the case day in the eastern portion of Multno-1 was not prosecuted. Judge Steven- roau . .county. He visited Gresham, son said ' he would decide Saturday Troutdale. Kalrview and other places, what the Judgment would be. Im- or the last few days be has been mediately after the hearing, the de campaigning on the east side, among tective department took Knispel into ine employes of factories and saw- custody, nendln? in vestieation of a WiIIJb. It is announced he will spend draft for $600, in which reports were the remainder of the time before elec- to the effect that Knispel and an- tlon campaigning In Portland. i other person were unable to explain the transaction. This monev was ob- Dr. C. J. Smith. Democratic candi date for governor, will return to Port land Saturday night from camnalen- ing up lh Willamette valley. He will -clevota n . v t wphI t , . n n i t i 1 " - - - " 'I 'J V... HI J'dl ft HI Uft 1 1 Portland. He will have speaking en gagements for every night. A com plete announcement of them will be made tomorrow. ti Woman Candidate I . For Legislature Ashland. Or., Oct. 23. Molly Towns Of Phoenix, Jackson county, is running On the Democratic ticket for represen tative, and is causing the two Repub lican candidates to "sit up and take tained from Omaha, Neb. He is held in jail pending this investigation. YOUNG HUNTER INJURED Raleigh Martin, a young Rockwood resident, received a serious gunshot wound while pheasant hunting near Fair-view yesterday afternoon when Peter Burgess, 2. Rockwood boy stand ing directly behind him, fired at some hirers which flew suddenly, and splint ered Martin s left shoulder blade. The entire charge of No. 7 shot en tered Martin's body and some may- have penetrated the left lung. Dr. H H. Hughes, of Gresham, who dressed the wound, stated that there is danger I from possible infection. 1 Martin. Rursess anil Lester Swob- it r "I'Kuiieius are vv. gerx. anotner Kockwood youth, were Mealy, a Medford attorney, and Fred I hunting on the F. H. Crane farm on the TtBKiier, a reurefl newspaper man of , Sandy road, a mile west of Fairview Biiiauu. miss lowne studied law at when the accident occurred. Martin me 1 mversuy or Michigan, and has is now being cared for at his home. Served In various official capacities about the Jackson county courthouse. Man Who Bought Own Coffin Dies Corns Quit, Pains Slop,WJthets-It,, Quit Plasters, Salves and What-Nots After using "GETS - IT" once you will never again have occasion for asking. "What can I do to get rid of my corns?" "GETS - IT" is the first sure, certain corn-enaer ever known, Why "Suffer Tret" With Corns? Ue "GETS4T." They'll Vanish! Will Have Time to Vote. That they mr.y vote in the recall election next Tuesday, the city council adopted a resolution this morning pro viding for an hour and a half vacation to all employes on that day. The time for the vacation will be fixed by the commissioners in charge of each de partment. U'Ren at Lebanon. Lebanon, Or., Oct. 23. W. S. U'Ren, independent candidate for governor, yesterday afternoon spoke to a large audience in this city. Portland's contribution to, the gov ernment's $100,000,000 gold pool in connection with the organization of the federal reserve banking system has caused the local financiers much elation, although1 it is twice as much as Seattle s assessment and half as much again as Dos Angeles'. R Lea Barnes,"" vice president of the United States National bank, who returned this week, from San Francis co, brought the news that Portland's assessment is $1,500,000, to be paid in installments as the need arises. Se attle's contribution is $750,000; Spo kane's is $500,000 and Tacoma's $250. 000. The assessment of . $1,000,000 upon Los Angeles banks mean, Mr. Barnes declared, that the government fianciers look upon Portland as a more Important financial center than the southern California city and the sec ond city on the Pacific coast. " Mr. Barnes said that the Los An geles bankers are somewhat startled by the apportionment of the money, necessary to make up the gold pool, because of their contention that they were on the same financial footing with San Francisco. . San Francisco was assessed $3,500,000. Mr. Barnes Is inclined to think that the" rating of Portland among eastern financiers has had more to do with the apportionment than the claims of the individual clties. Twenty-five per cent of this $1, 600,000, or $350,000, has already been sent to the subtreasury at San Fran cisco. "It shows that Portland is recog- With 39 firms and Individuals bid ding on the $163,000 in imp i6vement bonds, the sale held yesterday aner noon by C. A. Bigelow, commissioner of f inance, proved one of . the most successful the city has held in several months. The highest premium re- "1 put my reliance in the wisdom of the plain people." said Senator Sorghum. "But suppose the plain people do not happen to agree with you?" "Then I refuse to be influenced by the clamor of the thoughtless crowd. I find, however, that they all agree with me that Eilers is the only place to now buy high grade pianos at the manufacturers' wholesale price and less than wholesale for some. Their ad on page 7 tells all about it." cTVIADERITE m cAMERICA AND YOU CAN'T buy a better Baking Powder. One price, always 25 cents per pound. Ask your grocer why German American the steel cut coffee, in air-tight tins is the best 30c coffee on the market! He knowsit's a quality coffee at a moderate price. "That's a good Soup ad!" J "Yes; and a good soup, too. And I find there are no end of good ways to use it. And that is one most gratifying fact abouS Campbell's Tomato Soup I It is not only the ideal soup-course whet prepared simply with hot water or milk; bug used in condensed form just as you receivi it m the can it makes a most delicious seal soning for many other simple dishes, and adds greatly to their wholesomeness and flavor. Are you one of the clever house-wives who have discov ered this helpful' fact; and does your table get the full benefit of this perfect soup? Your money back if not satis fied. 21 kinds 10c a can '21 MUDS, LUUK FOR Tnfc RfcD-AND -WHITE. LABEL Ashland, . Or.. Oct. 23. Tom Lang, who died suddrnly while visiting friends in northern California, was known to oldttmers here as a cowboy. Stage driver and freighter of the days 1 land. when railroads were unknown in this ; region. Several years ago he bought his coffin, declaring he had always ! taken care- of himself, and wanted to do no as far as possible even after ' death. Hurt by Telephone Pole. Forest Grove, Or.. Oct. 23. John Bil linger, official water wagon driver, of this city was seriously injured Wed nesday when an electric light pole fell on him. With Frank Bear he was hoisting the pole with pike poles when the timber turned and crashed to the ground, striking Billlnger a glancing blow on the side of the head. Bfilinge.r has two sisters, Mrs. Ben Hawes, and Mrs. Frank Graham, living in Port- If you have tried other things by the score and win now try "tj hits-it. you will realize this glorious fact. You probably are tired Sticking on tape that won't stay stuck, plasters that shift themselves right onto your corn, contraptions that make a bun dle of your toe and Dress right down on the corn. Put two drops of GKTS-IT'' on that corn in two sec onds. The corn is then doomed as sure as night follows day. The corn shrivels. Tnere s no pain, no iuss. f you think this sounds too good to be true, try it tonight on any corn, callus, wart or bunion. GETS - IT" is sold by druggists everywhere, 25c a bottle, or sent di rect by K. Lawrence & Co., Chicago. GKTS-IT is sold in Portland by The Owl Drug Co. Sold by all Grocers , So-called Kgyptian cigarettes are made of Greek tobacco as very little iobscco 1g grown In Fgvpt K !,. vj. i GLASS OF SALTS IF YOUR KIDNEYS HURT Eat less meat if you feel Backachy or have Bladder trouble Salts fine for Kidneys. Having ben- for the past 11 years as - conductor- Portland Railway 'I wish to : announce to the people of the citv of i Portland tljat I am INDEPENDENT ""CANDIDATE for CONSTABLE Port . land district and If - elected as such ( officer ' I' will faithfully perform the . -duties and enforce the laws without fear or favori-. I Paid Advertisement by B. J, Burke, U) Cook Ave.) v , "Meat forms uric acid which excites and overworks-the kidneys in their ef forts to filter lit from tlie system. Regular eaters of meat must flush the kidneys occasionally. You must ri. lleve them like you relieve voni bowels; removing all the acids, waste and poison, else you feel a dull misery in the kidney region, sharp pains in the back -or sick headache, dizziness. your stomach sours, tongue is coated ana when the weather is bad you Rave iiciuimui; twinges. ine urine is cloudy, full of sediment; the channels often get irritated, obliging you. to get up two or three times dufinar thnfo-ht To neutralize these irritating acids and flush off the body's urinous waste set auuuc iour ounces of Jad Salts irom any pnarmacy; take a table spoonful in -a glass of water before breakfast for a .few davs kidneys will then act fine And Bladder disorders disappear. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with llthla, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidnevs an.l stop bladder irritation. Jad Salts Is inexpensive; harmless and makes a de lightful effervescent lithia-water drink which millions of men and wonvm take now 'and then, thus avoiding serious kidney and bladder diseases.- Adv. - v " f Take NEAL Treatment Drink and Drug HABIT No Hypodermic Injection If you are a drinking man and have a wife and family, think how much more happy and contented they would be if they knew you would not come home intoxicated again. We have plenty of living evidence right here in our city, some of whom have, given us permission to refer anyone to them. Everything is strictly confidential you come here and see no one but the doctor, manager and nurse, and in a few days go out feeling like a new man, with every desire for liquor, gone. Now, if you are a drinking man and want to stop, write or call at the - - "V NEAL INSTITUTE 443 S. Broadway, Portland, Or. Phone Marshall 2400 Oregon Humane Society 7 Grand Ave. between COucb aa4 Report all case Of crveitv to this efflce, - Lethal chamber for small en!- aala. Horse ambulance lor sick of I disabled aaiual at a moment's boU. I . CHICKENS LOWER 15c to-17cperlb. Creamery Butter, roll 60-65 Eggs, per dozen 30 Ranch -Eggs, per dozen .:..35 Full Cream Cheese, 2 lbs...35f Swiss Cheese, per lb 25 Picnic Hams, per lb 14 La Grande Creamery Important Changes in Trains in effect L Sunday, Oct. 25, 1914 A on the Oregon Electric Railway MAIN LINE AND BRANCHES Consult Local Agencies for details. Cards ready Saturday. New Time No No. 264 YAMHILL 13, Salem-Eugene Limited, now leaving 4:50 p. m., will leave 10 minutes earlier 4:40. This train will make local stops between Tualatin and Albany. 17, now leaving 6:05 p. itl, will leave 5 minutes earlier, at 6 p. m., and will terminate at balem, instead of Albany. New No. 6 will leave Salem at 7:15 a. m., arriving Portland 9:30 a. m. No. 10, Eugene-Portland Limited, will make local stops between Gray and Salenx. Nos. 45 and 46, on Forest Grove division, wil run Saturdays only. For other changes, see train bulletins. CITY TICKET OFFICES North Bank Station Jefferson-St. Station 10th and Stark 5th and Stark 10th and Morrison 1 Same Superior Quality . Since Eighteen Forty-seven i BEFORE your grandfather was a father, men who were good judges said, "CEDAR BROOK, to be sure." Judge Wm. H. McBrayer was a good Judge, as history will show. At the early age of thirty, he was elected Judge of Andrew County,. Kentucky, and as a distiller he set a standard of superior quality for bourbon whiskey which his brand, CEDAR BROOK, has maintained to this very day. At all leading Dealers, Clubs, Bars, Restaurants and Hotels Bottied In Bond R0THCHILD BROS., Distributors FSH0RT BITUUTHIC has proved its superiority as a street pavement. 5? ODD 0fJIB5 ROUTE- TACOMA V TMoeuukft 1 OlIMUt' 1 I LEAVE POETLAND . aBBITS SPOKANE., LEAVE BPOKA1TE . . . : a ararrp. POBTLAHP. SPOKANfj 00 P. M- ..M&6 A. M. If .mao p. m. .K:20 A. K. a 1. sj U All Trains Atriv B VBa J BETWEEN PORTLAND AND ' SPOKANE ISVTA.THE P0RTIANC othe OREGON -WASHINGTON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION COMPANY and Depart Prom vxrxoxr depot, POBTLAHD; hxw tub amr AX., tSPOXASS. Tickets, reservations and full information upon application. CITY TICKET OFFICE Third and Washington streets or by mail request to the General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon ') it- ,