The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 23, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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W. LSADBETtER announce
the engagement - of their
daughter. Miss Georglana C
adbetter, to Frank G. Andreae, a
wru. ciwi) itngiisn anaior. i ne an
nouncement was made yesterday at an
Informal luncheon Klven"by Mrs. Lead
better. A charming a.ttnophere of ro
piance , surrounds this engagement.
Wi" Leadbetter met her fiance In
California while he was flying there
last Hummer. The match Heems par
ticularly happily made as Miss Lead-
better la an enthusiast in ail lines 01
port. She has taken many blue" rlb
bon at the horso shows here and on
the Sound and Is also a clever motor
ist Hhe Is an exceptionally pretty
girl, the typical refreshing type of
American .girl. No arrangements have,
yet been "made for the wedding. Mr.
Andreae, who was in Portland ter sev
eral weeks the latter part of the sum
innr has returned' to Kn eland to en-
. list his services In the war. He will
fly with the allies' aviation corps.
Dancing . Party.
Mr. and: Mrs. Henry Ladd Corbett
win entertain this evening with an
other of their delightful - informal
dancing parties at -their home in 'West
Park street.
, .
New Arrival.
The home Of ir. and Mrs. Maxwell
Wood has been , gladdened with the
arrival of a baby boy.
' - V
For Mr. and Mrs.- Wheelwright.
Mr. and - Mrs. William D. . Wheel
Wright wefe the honor guests last
evening at an Informal dinner party
given by Dr. and Mrs. Holt C. Wilson,
at their home In Nineteenth and Kv
erett streets.
IMrs. Toft flostess at Bridge.
Mrs. John V. Toft gave the last
of her series of auction bridge parties
which have been given this fall, Ttiurs
day afternoon at her IrVlngton home.
in Kast Twenty-sixth street. The. dec
orations of wild rose berries and au
- - ,
tered with a mass of pink rosebuds, I
pink geraniums and asparagus fern, i
The guest of honor was pres'ented
with a handsome cassarole anJ- other
presents. Mrs. Ellis is one of the
most dearly beloved and highly es-.
teemed residents of- Sellwood. ;
Clasa Matinee Dance.
The February, ri5, class of Jefferson 1
High school gave a matinee dance in I
the school gymnasium, Thursday after
noon, October 22. The committee was: '
Anna. Jackson. Inea Donohue. Edith ,
Williams, Mary Dunbar and James
Lakin and Roger Holcomb. The pa-4
trons and patronesses are: Miss Nea- ,
land. Miss Kentner, Miss Kimmel and ,
Mr. Ritchie and Mrs. Karnoff. About
120 young people were In attendance, j
At Home.
Mrs. G. P. Clerin and Miss Edith
Clerin have cards out for an "At
Holne" Wednesday, October 28, from 3
to 5 o'clock. About 150 guests have
been asked, which include a large num
ber of the younger set.
Wedding in Lebanon.
Lebanon, Or., Oct 23. A wedding
of unusual interest was that of Miss
Minnie Wetzel and Michael Schenk.
which was solemnized at the home of
the bride's mother, Mrs. Emma Wetzel,
on East Grant street in this city, on
October 19, 1914.
Society Notes.
Mr. and Mrs. George Dennis and
baby daughter of Seaside are the
guests of Mrs. D. Sorensen and daugh
ter. Kettle Ritter, at their new home,
1059 East Thirteenth street north.
By Edna K. Wooley.
"Is it true that Ethel White broke
her engagement to marry your broth
er?" asked the girl in the sea-green
"Well, vou can nut It ttia wbt If
, tumn leaves were most effective. Mrs. i you nke," replied the girl In the Turk
B. J. Raeder won the highest honors , lsn toweling (they make dresses of It,
at the game. Those present were:
Mrs. T. C. Warner, Mrs, Emiet Leven,
Mrs. J. C. CiOstello, Mrs. W. S. Ward.
Mrs. George P. Eisman, Mrs. Fred
Glenn, Mrs. J. F. Clarkson, Mrs. R. G.
McMullen, Mrs. B. J. Raeder, Mrs. J.
C Welch, Mrs. J. Westengard, Mrs.
Jsaac Lawler and Mrs. George C.
Mrs. Thomas H. Dickson of St. Paul,
Minn., Is the house guest of her brother
and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. William M.
Gregory, at their home, 818 Hancock
Henderson-McMillan Nuptials.
George II. Henderson and Miss Agnes
McMillan were married last Wednes
day evening at the residence of the
bride, 1482 East Ankeny street, by
the Rev. Mr. Hesler. The bride was
nanusomeiy KOwnpa 111 ivoiy me
body being hand embroidered, with a
tunic of duchess lace, and her bouquet
consisted of roses and lilies of the
valley. Mrs. Annie Baldwin, .sister of
the bride, was the bridesmaid. Earl
Roberts, a relative of the bridegroom,
acted as best man. A beautiful bower
of autumn Teaves was erected in th
reception room and" the rooms were,
decorated with flowers for the occa
1 slori. f Appropriate music was fur
nished daring the evening, and an en
joyable evening spent by the guests In
honor rf the Joyful event. The happy
couple after their honeymoon will be
at home at the apartments at the
Chesterbury and will be nt home to
their friends after November 1. The
bridegroom has been a resident of
Portland for 20 years. The bride's
parents, Mr. aml Mrs. Donald McMil
lan, are old residents of Oregon, hav
ing lived at Forest Grove, Greshain
and their present residence for nearly
3J years.
Berg-Xatscher Wedding.
A very pretty wedding took place at
3 o'clock Sunday afternoon, October 18,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Nats
cher, when their daughter, Minnie
Louise, became the bride of Frank "W.
Berg. The bride and bridegroom came
in to the strains of Mendelssohn's
wedding march, played by Miss Eve
line Dahlgren, cousin of the groom.
The bride was attended by tier sister,
Miss Antonia Natscher, and Bennard
Berg acted as best man. Rev. Mr.
Hegurt of the German Lutheran
church officiated. Just before Q)e
bridal party took their places Edwin
McAllison sang, "I Love You Truly,-'
accompanied on the piano by Miss Eve
line Dahlgrtn.i
The bride wore an elaborate gown
of accordion plaited chiffon, with a
tunic and waistof real lace and tulle.
The trtmmiogS: were of hand made
rosebuds. Her! veil fell to the hem
of her gown, and was arranged In a
cap effect, encircled with orango blos
soms. She carried" a shower bouquet
of Bride roses and lily of the valleys.
Miss Antonia Natscher, bridesmaid,
was attired in a pretty gown oflyellow
crepe de chine, and carried an fejnful
of yellow chrysanthemums.
Seventy-five guests witnessed the
ceremony. The house was a bower of
autumn leaves and chrysanthemums.
A most delicious supper was served
at 5 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Berg-.left on the even
ing train for their wedding tour; and
will be at home to their many friends
. after November 1.
Home Wedding.
Oregon City, Or., Oct. 23. A quiet
marriage was- performed yesterday at
12 noon by Rev. C "It. Elliott of the
Highland Baptist church of Portland,
when Miss Ruth Gordon became the
bride of Grover Clifford Coffin. The
ceremonv was rierformed at the home
of the bride's parents at Willamette.
Miss Gordon has occupied the position
of steographer in the law office of
C. II. Dye of this city for the past
year. . Mr. Coffin is a business man
of Ilwaco. Wash. Immediate friends
of the bride and bridegroom were the
only guests present. Mr. and Mrs
Coffin. will make their home in Tlwaco,
vt ami.
For Her 73th Birthday.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
Blessing, 45 Miller avenue, was the
scene of a delightful reception October
17, given In honor of the seventy-fifth
birthday of Mrs. Julia B. Ellis. The
affair was a complete surplse to Mrs.
Ellis. Autumn flowers and woodland
ferns brightened the rooms. Covers
were laid for 16. The table was cen-
you know)
"Oh, do tell me all about it!" And
the girl in the sea-green linen settled
herself comfortably in the rustic lawn
chair, to hear the news.
"To tell the truth, I never thought
such a lot of Ethel," began the other
girl. "She look3 as if butter wouldn't
melt in her mouth, but It's always
those little, meek-looking ' girls that
can make it hot for anybody if they
take a notion.
"Fred was just crazy over Ethel. We
heard his raptures day and night
she wajs so sweet and modest and
trustful, and had the makings of an
ideal, wife. Why, she used to just
hang on Fred's words, and he got to
thinking he was the original ora
cle. . . . But I've seen the way she
treats . her Own brother, and I won- !
derad how long she could keep up 'the j
"But by and by things didn't hum
along so smoothly.. Ethel got 'nosey.'
She was always askim? Fred what he
did when he was away from her, and J
once wnen she heard he had called on
some other girl she made a "terrible
scene and threw her engagement ring
at Fred.
"They made it up afterward and did
some turtle dovlng. - But Ethel
couldn't be satisfied with things run
ning smoothly. Where she got her
suspicious nature I don't know, but
she simply couldn't believe that Fred i
was all he appeared to be. She got to
asking him all sorts of impertinent
questions, and would twist him ,
around so that he didn't know what
he was saying. That girl would have
made a great lawyer. She'd be able :
to make any witness admit that he'd i
done what he hadn't dreamed of do
ing, and that he was the most con
summate liar on eacrth when he
thought he was telling only what he
actually knew to be so
"Anyway, Ethel got It into her head
that Fred was living a wild life dear
old Fred, who's as straight as he's
stupid.. Slie hired a detective to watch
him. And if he didn't show up at her
house the moment she expected to see
him, she'd be after him on the tele- ;
phone. In fact, she was always call- '
ing him on the phone, and Fred was ;
pretty tired of that before he found j
out about the detective. i
'If it's like this before we're mar- i
ried, it'll be plain sheol after,' he an- j
nounced when he made the discovery.
I won't marry a woman who won't
trust me.' i i
'I never saw a woman yet who
trusted a man,' Dad told him. 'Just
be satisfied if she acts decent
about It.'
'But Fred wouldn't believe that. He '
had it out with Ethel, and she threw ,
her engagement ring at him again. ,
"Of course she tried to make up
with him again, but Fred had had"
enough, and when Fred Is set he's set,
and that settles it. I guess he'll fight
shy of girls for a while now." I
The World's Most
- Honored
-makes , of pianos- now on sale -at unheard-of.
low prices Eilers. Read
It Gets to That Sore Spot
Like Magic
A-a-h! That's delicious relief for
those sore muscles, those stiff joint3,
that lame back.
MUSTEROLE is a clean, white oint
ment, made with the oil of mustard
and other home simples. !
It does the work of the old-fashioned
mustard plaster, minus the plaster '
and minus the blister!
You simply rub MUSTEROLE on '
the spot where the pain Is rub it on .
briskly and the pain is gone.
No muss, no bother. Just comfort i
lng, soothing relief first a gentle
glow, then a delightful sense of cool
ness. And best of all, no blisters like
the old-fashioned mustard plaster used '
to make. ( ,
There is nothing like MUSTEROLE
for Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Tonsilitis,
Croup,? Stiff Neck. Asthma, Neuralgia,
Headache, Congestion, Pleurisy, Rheu
matism, Lumbago, Pains and Aches of
the Back or Joints, Sprains, Sore
Muscles, Bruises, Chilblains, Frosted
Feet and Colds of the Chest (it often
prevents Pneumonia).
At your druggist's in 25c and 60c
jars, and a special large hospital size
for $2.50. j
Be sure you get the genuine MUS
TEROLE. Refuse imitations get
whjit you ask for. The Musterole
company, LJeveiana, unio. ,
Picture Framing to Order at Lowest Prices, 4th Fir. Manicuring, Halrdresslng, 2nd Fir.
Public Phones, Rest Rooms, Emergency Hospital, 2d Fir. Model Grocery on the 4th Fir.
Free Knitting anl Crocheting Lessons
ar under dr?i cnnr.
vision of. an expert direct frLEISHEH H
from the Fleisher factory.
join now.'
Children's Classes Saturdays, 9:30 to 12
(D)Hdls9 WctDrtinniaiim. & Ktoai
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Pacific Phone Marshall 4800
Home Phone A-6231
Candy Day
at the
Bargain Circl.
on the
Main Floor
i i. 1 i
Ribbon Remnants at
25c a Yard
. iH
MAIN FLOOR Hundreds of rem
nants in Ribbons-?-Plain Taffetas,
Roman Stripes, Cftecks and Warp
Prints in light aSd dirk OC
colors. 5 to 7-inh. Yard btfC
BoiiMe Tradieg Stamps
Will Be Given All Day Tomorrow
With Cash Purchases on Entire 2nd Floor
Also With Cash Purchases in
STAMPS. onoe ueparimeni. main i iuur
Take Advantage of This Opportunity to Fill Your Books
Pre - Holiday Neckwear Mil
Smart New Fall Coats
87.50 to $25
TOMORROW we feature a special show
ing of Women's and Misses' Coats
ranging in price from $7.50 up to
$2S. No matter the price you expect to
pay for the new Coat, it will be decidedly
to your advantage to see these popular
priced garments. The tailoring the ma
terials and the styles are uncommonly
smart and attractive. An excellent assort
ment of models appropriate for misses and
juniors. Very latest colors. Ask to see
these new Coats. They are Mr flO
priced at $7.50 to $).UU
S27.50 Fall Suits
At S18.95
SECOND FLOOR Special assortment of
Women's and Misses' stylish new Fall Suits
at great reductions. Many pleasing styles
are shown in all the most wanted fabrics
and oolors. Suits selected from our regu
lar stock and selling formerly C Q
up to $27.50. Saturday at..
37.50 Fall Suits
At $22.95
SECOND FLOOR This line of new Fall
Suits is composed of many of the season's
best selling styles notably the smart
Redingote and belted effects. The ma
terials include Serges, Broadcloth, Poplins,
etc., In black and colors. Suits ffOO r
worth up to 37.50 Saturday $LUiJO
Boys 2-Pant Suits
At $4.95
MAIN FLOOR Mothers, here's
the utmost in suit-serviceability
for your boy! These excellent
Norfolks are made of sterling
fabrics and the patterns are new
and distinctive. The extra pair
of pants practically QC
doubles the wear. Sp'l ck7JD
Boys' 15.00 and $6.50 Russian
Suits, ages to 8. Q QC
priced now at 0fD
Boys Standard ft. 75 Jr
Corduroy Pants at, pair $1tD
Boys' Corduroy, Velvet, rn
Oliver Twist Suits now ijU
24,000 New Ties
1 J , :
at 50c, 65c, 85c
and $1.19
See ' Windows
Main Floor The Jarercst - single
purchase of men's highs-grade. Neck
wear ever brought tb Portland.
OVER 25,000 TIES comprise this
immense lot and we are going to
sell them at unheard-of low prices.
Finest quality j materials and the
styles are the large :Jvide t lowing
ends so popular just ijovv.
them are Roman stapes,
stripes, black-and-wltes,
flowered designs, plain
French -moires, two-tfoned
cubist designs and Jail the staple
shades. Thriftymert will heed this
sale and supply thir neckwear
needs for months to ferine.
Children's '
English Tweeds and plain rub
ber Rain Coats for girls 6 to
14 years of age. Latest Bal
macaan styles and all are ex
ceptionally well made. $10.50
is the standard price of these.
Buy them tomorrow Qf no
at, special ti)iJ&
New Arrivals in Children's
Woolen Coats in All Popular
Styles at $4.98 up to $29.50
of Girls' Cream Serge Dresses
in Sailor and Buster styles
ranging in price from $8.25
up to $18.50, at HALF PRICE
Girls' "Beacon" Bath Robes in
Ages 6 to 14 at $1.98-$4.48
Sporting Goods
Fourth Floor
Footballs and Supplies, Ice and
Roller- Skates, Fishing Tackle,
Athletic Goods at lowest prices.
EsritrmSpeoaH i
Lanterns, Skulls, Witches C ;,
Table and Home Decorations,
Favors, Invitations, Silhouettes
and hundreds of other articles to
help make the occasion enjoyable.
Special Display on the Main Floor
Knit Underwear at Sale Prices
At the Center Circle, Main Floor
Women's Pants 'and Vests Regular and outsizes SCfl
Children's Fleeced Union Suits Ages 2 to 17 JulIC
Women's Wool Vests and Pants gray or white 7C
Women's Fleece-Lined Union Suits in all styles I DC
Women's fine ribbed Union Suits inall wanted styles tl
Women's Heavy Fleeced Union Suits all styles
A MnMeery SaiHe EMraoirdfliinipipy
500 Beautiful New Trimmed Hats Sacrificed' T
$7.75 Fall Hats
SECOND FLOOR 200 new Trimmed Hats in
this lot. Smart, clever styles in the season's
latest effects. Small, medium and large shapes
of fine quality silk velvets and plush. Ef
fectively trimmed with flowers, wings, quills,
peacock feathers, fur, stick-ups, ribbon, etc.
A splendid range to select from. Hats from
our regular stock selling at $7.75. QC
Saturday at pDUD
S9.75 Fall Hats
SECOND FLOOR Exquisitely trimmed Hats
for street and dress wear in a multitude of
graceful becoming styles from the small close
fitting turbans to the large sailors. Founda
tions of very best quality silk velvets and
plushes. Hand-made and beautifuly trimmed
with ostrich fancies, velvet roses, wings and
novelty ribbons. Shown in all the if
newest shades. Standard $9.75 Hats D.UU
14.75 Fall Hats
SECOND FLOOR 100 new uitrimmed Hats
in this assortment models frm New York's
'most fashionable designers anfl clever repro
ductions of imported Frenchi models. Dis
tinctive, individual styles whicaiwill appeal to
all women. Trimmings of imported novelties,
birds, wings, French flowersi etc. A rare
opportunity to select a stuUning '7 7f"
Hat at low price. Reg. $14. 7.1 Hats Pf i O
83.50 to $4.95 Hal Shapes S1.45
$5 to $6.75 Hat Shapes. $2.45
SECOND FLOOR 300 high-grade
Hat Shapes of splendid quality
black silk velvet. Scores of styles
to select from, including large and
small sailors, soft turbans and roll
ing brim effects. Reg. fff yir
$3.50 to $4.95 Shapes
SECOND FLOOR Untrimmed Hat
Shapes of beautiful soft silk velvets
and plushes. Large sailors with
soft crowns, continentals, smart
turbans and many other styles.
Regular $5.00 to $6.75
grades Saturday at . .
All Wings, Ostrich Fancies, Ostrich Feathers, Gold and Silver Flowers
Trimmed Hats Worth to g at $1
Hat Shapes Worth to $3.50iat 39c
BASEMENT Trimmed Hats Of
plush, velvets and satins in good
assortment of the newest shapes,
trimmed with flowers, quills, rib
bons and fancy feathers. Black and
colors. Hats worth to $5. 1
Choice at only 31.UU
BASEMENT BestH quality French
satin:finished Felt, Velours and
Scratch Felts in bja'ck and season
able shades. Sailor Turbans, High
Sides and many oter shapes. They
are worth up to $3. 50. On
special sale at
A Sale ol Drugs and Toilet Needs
S. & H. Green Trading Stamps Given With Purchases
Regular 5oc size Pebeco OO
Tooth Paste special at tOC
Regular 25c Scissors, in assorted
styles, priced special at only 18c
25c Ricksecker's Dental Cream
on sale for one day only at 10c
50c Daggett & Ramsdell's Face
Cream on sale now at, jar 33c
Jergens' Benzoin and Almond
Lotion on special sale now at 17c
50c Hand Mirrors special at 39c
5 bars Ivory and 1 bar t Q
Lurline Soap at lOC
No deliveries except Vith other
purchases made in the Drug De
partment. Limit 6 bars to a cus
tomer. No phone orders filled.
Lehn &-Fink's 25c Toi
let Powder in glass jars
25c English Bath Soap now 19e
15c Pears' Unscented .Soap 12c
10c 47ll White Rose !Soap at 8c
10c Old Dutch Cleanser now 7c
25c Packers Tar Soap now 12c
All Jergens' 10c Toilet Soap 5c
25c Window Sponges only 18c
All Parisian Ivory $4 OFF
Williams l5c Talc'm Powder lie
25c size Denver Mud at only 18c
50c size Denver Mud at only 35c
$1 size Denver Mud at only 80c
Dr. Lyon's Tooth Pow
ier, regular 2Sc size at
Regular 20c Dressing
Combs, assorted styles
50c Hinds' Honey and Almond
Cream on sale Saturday only 28c
$t.5o and $2.00 Hot Water Bags
and Syrirrges on sale now $1.00
Sanitary Douch Spray Syringe on
special sale now at only $1.25
5 6c Red Rubber Household
Gloves, all sizes, special, pr. 25c
50c Rubber Cushion Hair Brushes
on special sale now at, each 39c
Samples of Rubber-Lined Travel
ing Cases, worth to $1.50, 50c
35c Tooth Brushes in
assorted styles special at
Special Free Otter
One jar (50c size) Hedden's Cold
Cream will be, given free with
every purchase of 75c or $1.40
size in Hedden's Toilet Waters
made on Saturday in Drug Dept.
Big Semi-Annual Shoe Sale f
3000 Pairs Women's
High Grade Shoes-Alt
Styles and Leathers
DOUBLE TRADING STAMPS .will be given with all cash purchases made in our
Main Floor Shoe Department tomorrow from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. This generous
offer is made to induce you to do your buying in the forenoon and thus relieve
the great crowds which are sure to attend this remarkable sale of Women's high
grada Footwear. The wonderful variety of styles here for your selection includes
the latest fall and winter models in Patent Leather GunmetaL Vici, Suede, etc.
Button or lace styles with hand-turned or welt soles and every wanted toe and
heel. Some have cravenette tops others with brocade and mat kid mm
tops. Complete range of all sizes and width's. Standard $5.00 Footwear
See Special Display of These Shoes in Window
Dept., y . i
Main 7 1 .JL
All Andirons Fire Sets 20 Oli
THIRD FLOOR We display the largest and most complete line of Fire
place Fixtures to be found in the Northwest Andirons, Spark Guards.
Screens, Fire Sets., etc., in latest designs. Entire stock now at 20 OFF
time to plant i jacinths, Narcis
sus, Daffodils. ' ajid .other bulbs.
"S. St H Sump, I With PurcfcuM
page 7 this paper. (Adv.)