THg OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 22, 1914. Insanity Is Defense Of Artist's Slaver Cm of JivaM, Who BUA Helen Wood Smltb t OwMWr-tt". . Xs Brawlaff to a Cloaa. Salinas. Cal. Oct. 22- The nrosecu- tloa'a case against George Kodanl, tha Japanesa who con.ed to killing Mis. wai'Srlw3 folole'her.Taran wa drawing to a close here today, ana before adjournment tonight It Was ex- Pted the defense would have opened, It was considered pracucauy car tain Kodanl's counsel would attempt to rrov their client Insane. 10 rove ineir Client lnBino. .T.h Poner havlns; admitted tha illig, the States evidence has been mainly perfunctory and along; the same iinM vn tpii i mnn uvan nv Tn . coroner. , Blla Will TeU Story. Salem, Or., Oct. 22. In accordance with a ruling of the state railroad commission, the Portland Railway, Light & Power company has arranged to stamp, Its bills to show the char acter of the service given consumers and the charge for each unit, so that anyone can tell what he Is being -charged for and verify the charges. The ruling of the commission requires that 'Sills shall be made out In such a way that the amount may be readily recomputed from the Information ap pearlng plainly upon the face of the bill." The commission, has also fixed next Wednesday, at Portland, as the date for the hearing on the petition of the Portland Qaa & Coke company for a change of the oWer of the commis sion .requiring that gas furnished by the company in a certain area shall have a pressure of 600 British thermal units, the company insisting that 660 thermal units la enough. Ranchers Oppose Eight-Hour Law. Los Angeles, Oct 22. Representa tives of 16,000 ranchers and fruit growers In convention here Issued a publlo appeal to defeat the proposed universal eight hour state law. This Home Must Be Sold at Once Owner leaving the Coast, going East, and wants an offer today if possible. Let us show you the prop erty. It ia a well-built home of rooms, has all modern conveniences, including hardwood floors, furnace, fine electric fixtures, etc. There is a dandy garage with cement runway, full lot, located on East 42d St. in Rose City Fyrk district. If you are in the market for a $5000 home and are willing to offer $4200, see this one today. No trouble to show the goods. W. A. Barnesdo. 510 Lewis Bldg, Fourth and Oak Sts. Main 2081 P. S. Remember,- the owner sim ply must sell. Business Property to Lease for term of years. New warehouse with two floors, 46x100, yard 60x100, surrounded by 12 ft. fence with en trance. New 2 room office building and small stable. Opposite Oregon Klectrla and United Ry. tracks on Water and Montgomery, 16 blocks from 3rd and Morrison. Splendid lo cation for light manufacturing, stor age, automobile, machine or sheet Iron works. Rent very reasonable. Also store on 21st and Gllsan, rent $20, and store with built-in fixtures for groceries at 608 2nd near Sher man, rent $10. Inquire H. B. Davis, owner. 463 4th. Main 2421. e . . Is effect Oct. 1, 191. . ALL PRKVIOCS RATES CANCRT.LBD CHARGED ADVERTISEMENTS - Dally or Sunday, - IH eeate per "-ord per insertion. Tela cbarge la for all classification, except ing -For Kent ia trnvata rsmiij," "Boom and Beard In ITUste raally -'Situation Wanted" and "Wanted to Bent eda.v which ;ar 1)4 cents per word uer Insertion. - No ad charred for less thati 16 rental . -CAB- ADVEBTISEMF.jrrS m"centa per word for all classifications, exraptinf Fo Rent In Prirste rarally, "Boom sad Board la Private Family," "SI to a ca WaoUd" and "Wanted to Beat" ads which are 1)4 cants per word; ConsecntlTS Insertion of cash' wmt ads.: 8 insertions 'or the price of 1 T Insertions for the price at 6 MEETING "NOTICES 41 ' AL KADER TEMPLE. A. A. O. N. M. S. Stated Session Saturday. Oct. 24 "at 8 p. Tn., Masonic Tem ple. West Park and Yam hill sts. Business of im portance will! come up and, a lartre attendance is desired. Concert bv the band from 7:30 to 8. Visiting nobles cordially invited. By order of the Potentate. HUGH J. BOYD. Recorder. COLUMBIA LODGE. No 114, A. ir. at a. x; special com munication thia (Thursday) eveninr at 7:30 O'clock. Ma- ' sonic, Temple. Labor in the V. C. degree, visiting breth ren alwavs Welcome. Bv or der W. M. FRED L. OLSON, Secretary. WEBFOOT " CAMP No. 46, Woodmen of the World, meets every Friday night in W. O. W, temple. 128 Elev enth street. All mem bers requested to be Dresent. Visitors wtl come. O. W. T. Muellhaupt, C. C A. L. BARBTIR, Clerk. Wtof Statistics marriages. Births. Dtatbs. MARRIAGE LICENSES . Pter Schuid, Wilwsukle, Or., X2, and Haael -. Palmer, 104 Kmeraon atreeL 18. Damon R. Ureer, - Ulllsboro, Or., 22. and Hasel KelHnrton, T04 W;iif street. 18. Nela rorsberg, 1033 Emerao- atreet, 22, and - Pauline Carlton, ,1085 Emerson atreet, 24. 1. B. DnBola, M MlnnTllle, Or., legal, and , Jennie . Acnea Mitchell, Seward hotel, legal Lewis Balogh, 1328 Wilbur street, legal, and Eleanor t'rancee Webster, 65 iCast Twenty W, li. Smith. Co. y; Third floor, Morgan bldg. DRESS salts for rent all sizes. Unique rrnllA4(4 4Afl C-t . . v- Tailoring Co., 309 Stark at BIRTHS I' RE KB IT KG -To Mr. and Mrs. rrink U Pw" bore. 874 Fourteenth atreet August 10. s asurhter. ciA-- .to. Mr. sna Mrs. Oeonrs A. Ball JUS Kast Yamhill street, October 13. a son I lbi;k.k to Mr. and. Mrs. Newton H beckkr. 22- Kaat Wlcell street October , , 'Son. WHITTY To Mr, a ad Mr James M. Wnlttr M4 Upshur street October 8, a daujrhter ANDERSOM To Mr. and Mri BoaT Ander , soe, Bt. Tlacaat's hospital September 25, a sna; GIBSON To Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. Gibson. 1561 JEss riftaentt streat North, Oc tcber 19, a son. OR ERG To Mr. ana Mrs, Charles J. Obenr. 6S7 Raleigh atreet. September 23, daughl CA88IOT To Mr. and Mrs. John F. Casstdv, . Knox and Cooper streets, October 14. a son. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 75 APLI N October 21. tn this " etty, Samuel McBride Afdin, at 17 East SeyentT-fo th street. North, beloved husband f Ada ApUn. father of Kaleirb, Bamoel and Lela, brother of John P. Aplin of Core, Or., Jomiy Taa Meter of Galler, Or. Funeral services win be held October 23, at 10 a. m., at W. H. Hato 11 ton foneral chipel. East Eightieth and OU aao. Interment Cornelias, Or. SMITH In this city, October 21. at bis lata residence. 887 East Twelfth street. North. Damon Smith, aged 61 years. Funeral serr- win be held Frtdaj. October ofend.''.. 1 r at Harrtebnrg, JE - Tt reduce, rim- ,Venae, Lents, October 20. John O. T. Baker, a(ed A9 years. Funeral services will be eon ducted in the I. O. O. F. hall, Lenta, Friday, " p. inmm mo. -- jiL?"-8 PT "meJ;ry- ,, , r .RANKIN In tbl city, October 21, t his late residence. 425 Larr-bee street, John Rankin, J gs,ed 79 ye Tne wm,.-B ,' t the rest- deuce establishment of i. P. rinley A Son, 1 Montgomery at Fifth. . Notice of foneral here- .". ROOT In this rltv October 22 Bertha May Hoot, aged 6 years, da Tighter of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Root, of 1000 Schuyler street. The funeral services will be held Friday, October 23. at the above residence, at 2 o'clock p. m. Friend Invited. Interment at Bote City cemetery SWEEBI Sarah Bweeby, 73 East Burnside atreet, October 13, HO' years; senimy. ALLEN Nancy Ann Allen, 22 East Watts street. October IT. 63 years; cancer of the Hver. ' HittTITNfl Alfred H Ilirtuna. 848 Graham avenue, October 17, 86 years; carcinoma of rectum. MARTIN FORBES CO.. florists. 347 Wash. Main 269, A-1268. Flowers for all occasions artistically arrangea. CLAKKli BROS., florists, fine flowers and floral designs. 287 Morrison si MAX M. SMITH, florist, 141 bib U in Belling mag. Main tzio. . . ... m . m i . , itca Uubliner.'floriBts. Portland hotel blkT FUNERAL DIRECTORS A splendid residence undertaking es tablishment, with private driveway. J. P. FINLEI & BON, Montgomery at Fifth. MR. EDWARD HOLMAN. the leading funeral director, 220 8d St., corner Salmon. J,aay . assistant, .fnones a 1511, Main 607. F, S. Dunning, Inc. . East Side Funeral Directors, East Alder st East 62, B-252S. 414 Dunning &McEntee Undertakers Modern i n every detail.' 7th and Pine. Main 430 A-4558. Lady assistant A R 7pllpr On 692 w11-3 ave Mi lli CIICI UUi East 1088, C-1088 Lady attendant. Day and night service. WALTER C. KEN WORTHY, successor to A- B. Hemstock. 1687 E. 13th. Sellwood- 71, B-1122. Lady assistant Chambers Co, SUaSTi ave. and Kerby. Wood lawn 8306, C-1133 Automobile hearse, n T Durnac Williams and Knott. Hi I i uy I MOO East 1116, C-1943. C D I POO M RESIDENCE UND. PLS 1 ML 6133, A-2235. 445 Mors. QIfrAFC Undertaking Co. Main 4162 OrXt-VV L.Ox-2321. Cor. 3d and Clay. Uomilnn 80th and Gllsan. Fu nallllllUII neral services. Tabor 4313. P C A Q Q n M Un der takers. East 1080. 369-371 Russell st. P. L. LERCH, leading east side under- taKer. E. nth & Clay. B-1883, E. 781. MONUMENTS PORTLAND MARBLE WKS. 264-266 4th St., opp. city halL M. 8564, A-1516. TO LEASE 03 WELL Improved 6 acres to lease 1 to 3 years: good 6 room house: fruit will ?ay rent; good chance to keep chickens, 'hone Tabor 6418; or write to George Ayery, Lents, or. - FOR SALE HOUSES 61 FOR SALE Only $2000, 5 room bun galow, close in, modern plumbing and wiring good basement, only thre blocks to Hawthorne car This home is going to be sold for $CT0 less than it was one year ago. Are you inter ested In this? Call owner. Tabor 1782. MOVING out of city; modern house, 5 rooms and attic; hot and cold water, electric lights and gas; 60x250; fine garden, fruit and berries; $2900; your own terms. Phone res. B-2111, office, A-7500. PIEDMONT snap, nice 7 room house, 4 bedrooms, lot 60x130, east facing; big snap; $3000, $150 down and $15 per month; on Rodney ave.; 3 blocks to car. ZADOW & ALEXANDER. 414 Corbett bldg. A-141rT, Marshall 92. $1250 NEW 3 room house; lot 80xlV5, all fenced and cultivated; also good chicken house 12x40. Terms, $10 per month. Akerson Gooch, 614 Stock Ex change bldg. Main 8766. FOR SALE 7 room house, modern Improvements; on water front; 22 ft. fishing boat, engine Installed; nets and rack; house and boat all go for $1400. Alfred Richard, Skamokawa. Wash. LET US BUILD YOU A HOME. On your lot 6r ours; by your own plans or ours; pay us like rent. THE OREGON' HOMEBUILDERS, 1330 Northwestern Bank bldg. $650 BUYS my dandy little 3 room house, on 60x100 foot lot, with fruit trees and flowers. Will take victroia or diamond as first payment, balance easy terms. See owner, 612 Pit it bldg. $15 DOWN. $15 month buys lot and 2 room ceiled tent house. $575: bare lot cost me $650. Inquire 683 Liberty st. wooaiawn car. Oh, Mutt Always Makes 9 1 4 11 .. " V fx wakta "I M-Q-so . f rotv user. ( TAK.e rue 1 Qocre s . v pwe l " RtCaHT T ro I L--V I JVrs UWhC A TR K ) S O i ' I p ' 'jj 1 ei $25 Monthly, No More New double constructed bun-, ?alow, large rooms, basements bedrooms, oak floor, fireplace, buffet and book cases; lawn In shape, nice fir trees; only , 1 block from Kenton car. A very classy little home, worth look ing at .' Only small cash pay- ' ment required. Price $2600. The Oregon Home Builders - 1380 Northwestern Bank Bldg., Marshall 3718 A-6291. 426 PER MONTH, which includes in terest, buys new five room bungalow, with sleeDine rtorch. bath, fire all built in conveniences, hard wood xioors, gas ana electric xixtures ana window nhades Installed, one larare well lighted room for sewing or double bed room, full concrete basement with ce ment floor, stationary wash, trays and wood noist, cement sidewalks; near gooa street car line, schools. Churcnes and park. Ready for occupancy Nov. isu jrnone fjast 6687. $25 A MONTH FOR 6 ROOM BUNGALOW WITH SLEEPING PORCH. This nrlca includes InterARt Haiti is located in good restricted neigh borhood, onlv 2 blocks from car lin. Home has llvln tr room with firenlaca. dining room with buffet, Dutch kitch en, oatn, ngnung natures, oimas ana everything to make a home. Street worn in and paid for. Call evenings ast zovu. $750 Small house, beautiful 50x100 foot lot; disappearing bed. $50 cash pay ment aownr Daiance at Jib per montn. including interest. Take Rose City parK car to aa street. See Austin. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. WILL sacrifice swell, -modern. 2 fam ily flat, 6 and 6 rooms, worth $8500, now $5900; $1000 down and $26 per mo. Walking distance on E. Yamhill st. See owner, 171 . -3d. .'none East 6948 BUNGALOW AND FURNITURE. $2900. $150 Down. Balance Like Rent A cosy 6 room bungalow, located Just one Diocn rrom nawtnorn ave. car. Close In; completely furnished; all ready for occupancy; lot worth $2000 alone: Teat sacrifice. &m it todav. Tomorrow may be too late; auto at your service. PEARSON & WILLOUGHBY. Main 8960. 82 a Morgan bldg. $3000 New. modern. 5 room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, beamed ceiling. Dutch kitchen, electric fix tures, window shades, cement base ment, large attic; located on E. 13th st., near Ainsworth, close to Wood lawn car: $500 cash or trade, balance to suit. Taggart, 416 Chamber of Commerce. JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL COTTAGE. Nice, nearly new. 6 room large cot tage on a beautiful lot 60x100, on Webster st.. half block from L car. Price $2600, $100 cash and $15 per montn. GRUSSI & BOLDS. 326 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452 FOR SALE or exchange, my $800 equity in 6 room modern house in Woodstock, value $1800; 1 block from car, 4 blocks from school. 15 minutes' walk from Reed college; chicken house and run 20x50; will sell on terms or trade for vacant property; address U a, journal. LOOK 6 room strictly modern house, 100 feet from car. never occuDied everything right up to the minute, one of the finest equipped bathrooms in the city; I will sell at a bargain; need money; quick action counts, uwner, A-831. Journal. Cheap, Clean, Convenient Attractive 4 room bungalow, full lot, $1000 value, for $800; very easy terms. Phone C-2517; or Q-12, Journal. 4 ROOM bungalow, one acre of ground; chicken houses and runs, city water, 10c car fare; $1600, $150 cash. 142 2d st., room 26. FOR SALE LOTS 1G $700, $20 cash, $10 a month, buys a half acre on the west side. On a large piece of property like this you can raise all your vegetables, berries, fruit, chickens, etc- which is the greater part of your living. This is one way to solve the high cost of liv ing M. E. Lee, 605 Corbett bldg 76x100 view homesite, lies beautifully. only 15 minutes' car ride, 5c fare, west side; only $360. $10 down, $5 a month. If you are looking for a loca tion for a home with a big future it will pay you to see this property. This is the best value in the city. M. E. Lee, 605 Corbett bldg. N. W. cor. (50x77 33d and Pres cott; street paving- and cement walks paid; no incumbrance; 127 ft. front age. Owner, Sellwood 75. ROSSMERE snap, lot 50x100, on East 4otn, near urazee, z diocks to car; cost $1000, now $550; $100 down and $10 per month. ZADOW & ALEXANDER. 414 Corbett bldg. A-1416, Marshall 92. FINE view lot on the west slope of Mt. Taoor, ezxi60, fronting on 2 streets; win sen at one-tnira value. Must Bell. A. J. Farmer. 407 Stock Ex WILL sell 2 lots at great' sacrifice on E. Stark st- near 83d st. C-9S9, Jour nal. Phone Marshall 6896. WILL sacrifice at $750, beautiful heights site, near park. Terms. Own er, G-29, Journal A BARGAIN Lots in Willametta ad dition. A-2844. ALAMEDA Park lot for sale, reason able. Woodlawn 1829. - FOR SALE All improved, 100 by 100, by owner. R-491. Journal CAPITOL HILL 50x100. $160 cash. Owner, Main 3603, room 34. It for Life! FOB SALE HOUSES , fOoa tinned) j 57 6 ACRES FOR $260 SIC down, and $5 oer month bays 6 acres good logged -off land 1 mile from main line oz rauroaa ana town ox iou. population, with cannery, creamery, between Portland and Astoria. Land from $36 to $60 per acre on these terms. Many 6 acre) tracts to choose from. ' . , . -. BELL REAL ESTATE CO- 31S Railway Exchange bet. Sd and 4th sts. on Btark. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port- iana; uresnam district, electric sta tion mile. New subdivision. Sun shine Valley orchard tracts; best soil, free wood; elegant location. Prices only $76 to $150 per acre in small tracts; easy terms, Frank McFarland Realty Co., 809 Yeon bldg., Portland, Or. Gibson Half Acres Good soil, cltv water. ( close to car- line, easy terms; will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or Sell- wood 476. John H. Gibson, owner. 10 ACRE snap at Rockwood, on the Base Line auto road; 6 room house, 100 fruit trees, fine berry land; .3 blks. to car. A big snap, $4000; $500 down, balance to suit. Zadow & Alexander, 414 Corbett bldsr. A-1416. Mar. 92. . i ACRES NEAR SANDY BOULEVD. Hlb and siehtly. beautiful trees. cedar, maple and dogwood; water piped to tract; adjoins my home; want good neighbor; $1000. S. P. Osburn, 603 Mcriay Diqg., aq and starn. - 30 Acres $600 $1 fare- from Portland, close school. station. sDlendld farm land: S1Q0 cash. Claude Cole, 917 Board of Trade. 2 ACRES IN FAIRVIEW. High and sightly, fine view Colum bla and mountains, on car line and good street; good soil, $1000; easy terms. S. V. Osborn. 503 McKay -idg. IF TAKEN AT ONCE $500 cash takes my 10 acres of land, good soil, fine stream and Sl mile? from station. B-246, Journal. IMPROVED 20 acres, 2 miles north of Mt Angel: 40 rods to good school, G. W. Leap. Woodburn, Or. R. F. D. ro. z. 40 ACRES, near electric line, 25 miles from Portland: price reason able. B-1103. FOR SALE 5 acres cheap, by owner. JX-372, Journal. FOR SALRi FARMS 17 279 Acres 200 under cultivation, balance In young oak Umber: good pasture, fine spring water piped to house, barn and outbuildings; 10 room house with mod ern plumbing; new barn, 60x130, ce ment floors, steel stanchions, up to date in every respect; old barn, gran ary and outbuildings; spring water through hog lots; dairy with spring water; place fenced and cross fenced, part with woven wire; 28 head of fine cows, part eligible to register, thor oughbred bull. 4 elegant mares, 64 head of hogs. 90 tons of hay. 1500 bu. of oats and wheat, 70 acres seeded to clover, 160 chickens, some ducks, 24 acres of potatoes, not dug; every kind of tool imaginable used, on an up to date farm; school and church adjoins farm; y miles from Willamette river and R. R. town; 4 miles from good town and less than 20 miles from Port land and has all rural advantages; In come from place over $5000 last year; personal property worth at least $8000. Price $i8,000. $18,000 cash, baL 6 and 6 per cent int. THOMPSON & SWAN, 6th and Main sts.. Vancouver, Wash. STOCK. DAIRY. HOGS AND PRUNES 640 acres. $25 per acre. mile from good town and railroad, Yamhill CO This is a forced sale and having carefully gone over the property, I be lieve any one posted on values would consider it fair value at $50. No section of the Willamette valley has any richer or higher grade soiL It is not steep, nor rough, nor ' a worthless hillside and if a consider able portion is in cultivation, cleared, ready for the plow and open pasture, is it not worth Investigation? Can only talk to men with some cash $10,000 can run 10 years at 6. GEO. E., 805 -eon bldg 10 ACRES, cleared, rich, deep, bottom land, spring water, fine building site, transportation, roads, schools. etc., convenient, line tocai marnet ior everything produced: top prices; would be willing to furnish cattle and lumber to reliable party; very easy terms. You can make good from start 527 Corbett bldg. I HAVE Bome good irrigated farms with fine improvements, close to R. R., to exchange for Portland prop erty or valley farms; no Junk consid ered. Call and see me at the Mor rison, 271 Morrison st, cor. 4th. Room 27. x 80 ACRES, 3 miles Woodland, Wash., graveled road, 15 acres In cultiva tion, good soil, ideal for dairy;' SO acres good piling timber, 500 cords first growth fir. Particulars, Borders & T., Woodland, R. F. D. No. 1, box 18, Wash. 20 Acres, $100 Cash , Down Splendid, level farm land, $1 fa're from Portland, close school, station. Price $800. Claude Cole, 917 Board of Trade. WANTED A man with $20,000 to Join me In the cattle and hog- busi ness; best paying business in the coun try today. Man who can take active management. C-695. Journal - 40 ACRES, improved land; must be sold at once; has buildings. Prloe $925. Call or write Coast Range Land Co., 179 Madison st, Portland, Or. FOR RENT FARMS 14 I HAVE 4 acres of garden land at Garden Home, surveyed in 2 acre tracts, sidewalks, water piped. Will sell or rent all or part Come and see me at 263 6th st FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY 38 SMALL RANCH WANTED. 1 want a hog and dairy ranch of 60 to 100 acres, between Roseburg and Ashland, with buildings, stock and implements. Will pay $2000 cash and want time on balance. Your price must be right Give full particulars in first letter. C-697, Journal "ACREAGE 47 HOMESTEAD. 120 acres, $150; also 160 acres at $22&r A-l soil, no rocks, fine water; close to neighbors; fine place for stock; close to sawmill; fine fishing and hunting; 653 y. East Mor rison, room 3. - HOMESTEADS near Portland; can lo cate in one nay; level land, near R. town. Montague, 267 Oak. Room 21. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES. 10 ft. square and & ' room house, S. K., for unimproved land near Port land. 50x100 and 6 room modern, close in on E. Davis, clear, for small improved ranch in Washington. Yamhill, Polk cr Marion county. , 2 acres, all in cult, right at Tlgard Sta., for house and lot in Sellwood. 120 acres and 5V& million timber, well located, for house and lot in city. 40x100 and 5 room modern bungalow at Anabel Sta. for 10 or 15 acres in Washington county or toward Gresham. 100 ft. square close in oh Portland Heights for small piece of improved land In Tualatin vallev with house on. Lot and 9 room house at Lents for vacant lots in the cltv. Elegant building cite In Overlook for small piece of acreage close in. 16 acres close in on Section- Line road to trade for Seattle property. . All of the above at fair cash values. Plenty other good trades. . BELL REAL ESTATE CO. ' 318 Railway Ex. Bldg. 160 ALFALFA at Twin Falls. Idaho: fair buildings; income from 2-6 this year was $1800; to exchange for val ley i arm. .trice ?zo,uuo. W. H. SEITZ & CO., 810 Spalding Bldg. Main 6584. 600 ACRE stock ranch, suitable for hogs and cows; situated in Rogue river valley near Medford. Will ex change for Portland income property, Bee owner, room 418 Imperial hotel. A MONEY MAKING business to ex change for your mortgage, contract. auto or real estate. Call and see and talk it over with me. G. L. Webb, 414 ju. stark st. . WILL trade my $1000 osttage located in small country town tor farm land, Must be 20 acres Or over. For further particulars write Carl Brastram, Cher- ry urove. ur. HAVE you a house and lot in Oakland, .Berkeley or Aiax aeaa mat you .would trade for a house and lot in this city? .EA.-165. journal. IS your real estate has value and you want to make a good exchange for otner property, see us. Bell Real Ks tate Co., 318 Railway Exchange bldg. EXCHANGE For Portland home, fine 20 acre farm.. new house, lares new barn, orchard, good water- near Port- land, imp agents. (J-b06. journal WILL exchange house and lot. about ?-uvu vaiue, iot aoout e acres cleared land: fairly close in; near station. 310 Yeon. Mar. Z432. TWO clear lots on west side. $3000 will exchange for modern 6 or 6 room bungalow on east side. A. J, Farmer, 407 Stock Exchange. SUBURBAN business property to ex change for farm or acreage; large corner lot with $wo story building. G. . wepp. 414 Ptark st- EXCHANGE 5000 acres, all or part. near Joplin. Mo- at $20 an acre, for good property anywhere. Brace. 506 McKay pigg. AN elegant $50,000 irrigated alfalfa rancn for roruana property. Brace, bue Mcay Diog. BEAUTIFUL 12 acre tract at Tlgard for Los Angeles property ox vicin- lty. Brace. but Mcriay Diog. WESTERN property for eastern and eastern ior western. call Brace, bos Mcmy piag. EXCHANGE clear lot. growing Wash ington town, tor wat have you U-79. Journal. WANTED To build residence or bun galow In exchange for good lot. Fnone Tabor 6389. INCOME property for house with 2 or more lots. Owner, 616 Commercial street. WANTED Rose City Park home in exchange for 120 acres 6 miles Cam as. Wash. Owner, 1118 Yeon bldg. FOR EXCHANGE or sale, modern 6 room bungalow, 1- acre, suburban. M-215, Journal. SIX room house, unincumbered, for grocery stock. CoL 118. MULTNOMAH ABSTRACT CO. moved to 816 Northwest bldg. Main 4033. WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 I WANT to buy an acre or two with good house; must have some trees, in or out of cltv limits close to car; please state full description, best cash price, or terms in first letter. I am not a real estate dealer. A-S61. Jour nal I WANT TO BUY 4 or 5 room house on installments In ot around Sellwood; give location. H 987. Journal. ROOMING HOUSES 53 ROOMING house, 23 rooms, first class location, rent $60 month, clears $75 month; well furnished; rooms all rent ed; price complete at $700. Call 191 4th st. $100 Cash, Balance Terms 10 rooms, west side, cheap rent; brass beds, good carpets, worth $600; owner must sell. Price $300. $100 cash, balance monthly: Call 88 10th. 26 H. K. rooms, rent $80,close in cor ner on Broadway, extra well fur nished and absolutely clean. Can prove $80 net profit per month. For quick sale only $1100. $450 handles. Call 249 4th st - FOR SALE 9 room well furnished, suitable for private boarding house or H. K. rooms, 1 block from Lincoln high. Walking distance, forparticu lars address F. B. S.. 327 W. Park, Portland, Oregon. ROOMING house, 14 rooms, all well furnished and clean. all H. K., all rented, first class location, good money maker; rent only $38 month; price 8360. Call at 181 4th St. s, 37 TRANSIENT rooms, rent $100: lo cated in very best transient district; corner, all light, sunny rooms. Owner clears over $200 per month. Price $1700, terms. Call 249 4th st HOMESTEADS 53 iConttnnea Bargain No. 2 11 room rooming house, steam heat. hot and cold water in rooms; will guarantee it te be cleanest place in city; cheap rent; located In White Temple district. Price for all Peters. 16- N. 6th-st. ' - 42 Room Apartment Steam hea crlvate baths: clears $125 per month' and fine apartment brick building; might consider part trader price $1500. Call 618 Yeon bldg Sacrifice Sacrifice 24 room aot. house: $600. terms: cheap rent, good furniture, close in; clean and neat. Always full. L. GODDARD, 408 Gerlinger bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 A SUBSTANTIAL interest in oldesl established high class mercantile in- stition on Puget sound can be secured by a capable business man who can assume active part in management. This business has made several for tunes and is capable of making many more; at least $20,000 cash and not to exceed S3b.oou required. Address pnn cipals direct, care H. Erwin French, P. O: Box 1902, Seattle, wasn. I HAVE a truck proposition to offer ror the right kind or a man. i will put up twice as much money as rou, and you manage and control it. t will take at least $1600 of your money $2000 would be better. You will have to show me you have tne real money before I will entertain you. I can show you and prove to you $4000 net profit a year. Answer at once. Y-92, Journal. FOR SALE OR TRADE. First class transfer business in one of the best cities In Oregon. Doing a good business of an average of $-a per day. "Owner is a lawyer and can not attend to It and will sell or might take some income property in ex change. For further information call or address. J. Gorbett & Co., 216 7 th street. Oregon City, Or, SACRIFICE CONFECTIONERY AND TOBACCO STORE Thia can be houeht at To cents on the dollar; actual invoice, $650; four living rooms, connected; casn oniy For particulars call 310 Lumber Ex change bldg., 2d and Stark. FLORISTS AND GARDENERS ATTENTION. I offer for Immediate sale, at a sacri fice price, a growing crop of violets and garden truck. See me at once. A. Glanelll, guardian, 213 Columbia st. MUST have responsible party to man- age legitimate, prosperous business; can handle at home; make $50 week. with Increase; small Investment; or would take good car. Don't call unless you mean business. Aider notei, room 402. 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 7 p. m. HALF INTEREST in a profitable gen- , . . ,.,!.., i . J i er&i store, well esutuiisueu irua, iu East Portland; can be purchased at at tractive figure; something of real merit and worth investigation. $2650. COLONY LAND CO, 604 Broadway Biag. , FOR SALE Meat market Fully equipped slaughter house in connec tion, low rent; beef and pork supplied year round from the ranches in neigh borhood. To be sold by Nov. 1. Make offer. Alfred Richard. Skamokawa, Wn. EEAUTlfULLY equipped and well stocked grocery, confectionery, delicate-sen, etc; 2 lovely furnished liv ing rooms. Price $400; 'will invoice $750; tremendous snap, ooz coucn dip. WANTED A business partner; lady who haa some money or property, and will Invest dollar for dollar in some business she is best prepared to handle successfully. U-62. Journal. WANTED A party with $600 t join" me in a restaurant and rooming house; best proposition in the city; references furnished if required. C- 696, Journal . FOR SALE; My half Interest in a pay ing restaurant; cheap rent; price $160. Have other business that re quires all my time. Hogan, 233 Main st Phone Main 6124. : FOR SAI0 3 chair barber shop, do ing good business; other business cause for selling; price $800 cash; wood in for winter. W. E. Anderson, Box 295, Tillamook. Or, YOUNG man wanted as partner to act as salesman or manager shop in mfg. Co., but little money required. Can draw salary and profits. Call room 426 Morgan bldg. PARTNER wanted for a cash grocery, will pay you a good salary besides share of profits; prefer partner to hired help. Room 829 Morgan bldg. WANTED Steady, sober man to work as partner in a small cash business; must be satisfied with $100 month. Call room 829 Morgan bldg. WANTED MAN to assist m and look after office during my absence; must have $150; money secured; reference required, is-sn, journal. YOUNG man wanted for Interest In a good brokerage office, must Invest small arount; this will stand full in vestigation Call room 426 Morgan. 1000 Business Cards, 75c Ryder Ptg. Co., S. W. cor. 3d & Morrison FOR RENT Cleaning, pressing, dry ing. Building good location, Irving ton. East 273. W. H. Herdman. FOR SALE Drug store in Washing ton. Will invoice about $600. FX- 161, Journal FOR SALE or trade for an auto, stock of dry goods, worth about $600. 4R17 64th st. S. E. CIGAR. CONFECTIONERY AND NEWS STAND CHEAP. INQUIRE 234 YAMHILL. FOR SALE Ice cream, confectionery, cigar and fruit store; other business property; farms; box ibi, coquiue, or. WANTED Small retail business as working partnership that will In sure living wages. W-65, Journal. A FULLY equipped confectionery and restaurant for sale or trade; will stand closest examination. 1000 Business Cards, 75c Rose City Printery, 3d and Taylor. WILL trade for stock, of furniture; give price and location. U-78, Jour- rtal. WHEN you answer tnese Want Ads, mention The Journal ROOMING HOUSES 27 LOANS on Improved city proparty or ror building purposes; ao vanes mue as building progresses; liberal ' repay ment privileges; no commission. J. P, Lipscombe, 242 Stark sC Main 4420. WE hava money to loan on your real estate; first mortgages only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423 Chamber of. Commerce. Mojtgage Loans L L. WHITE. 701 Selling bldg. BUILDING LOANS on city and aubur ban property; money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 315 F 11 lng bldg. Main 8407. - 6 TO 7 MTG. LOANS. Private funds, amounts $1000 and UP. Promt service, fair treatment. A. K. HILL, 419 Henry bldg. , To Loan Any Amount HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK. 1100.00(1 on mortgages, cltv and far- property, fire insurance. -McKenzle & Co., Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder. MONEY to loan in -mounts of $100 to $5000 on city property. A. li. Bell, 201 Gerlln ger bid g. MORTGAGE LOANS. Mortgages bought and sold. John L. K&rnopp, Kaiiway Exchange bldg, CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con tracts; mortgage loans; reasonable rates. t li. Lewis & Co., 3 Lewis Ddig MORTGAGE loans at current rates. Real estate security. Apply room 202 stock xenange, aq and lamnm. $15,000. inside realty. $1000. $900, $500, suburban; no com. Ward. Allsky bldg. $200 TO $20,000 on improved and un improved real estate. BOID REALTY CO.. 206 Alder St. MORTGAGE loans 6 to 8 per cent fTred C King, 314 Spalding bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ONREAL ESTATE, A. H. HARDING, 318 Cham, of Com, $1000 to $7000 for city or farm loan. Taoor 2azu or c-665, Journal $40,000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON, 80 4th st- Board Of Trade bldg. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Beits & CO., 310 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 per cent. Louis Salomon & Co- 229 Stark st WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The journal. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT EASTERN RATES. We have one of the flneBt retail Jewelry stores in the city. A loan de partment is conducted in connection with same, making business STRICT LY CONFIDENTIAL. Absolutely no tfigns designating loan business dis played in front of our store. All mer chandise pledged is held for a period of seven months, whether or not in terest is paid when due. We are li censed and have been established since 1899. No connection with any other loan establishments in tnis city. A. & M. DELOVAGE, JEWELERS, 364 Washington st , WE MAKE LOANS IN 6 HOURS" TTi At Legal Rates We loan money on diamonds, pianos, real estate, plain notes or furniture. Portland Loan Co. (Licensed.) Room 205 Rothchild bldg. Bet 4th and 6th on Washington st $ $ $ STATE SECURITY CO. $ $ $ SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES $10 . TO $100 CHA.rHT AMI) BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. Business Strictly Confidential STATE SECURITY CO $ $ $ 809 FAILING BLDG. $ $ $ MONEY .AT ONCE. PRIVATE PLACE to OBTAIN LOANS Diamonds, watches. Jewelry, etc. SEPARATE DEPT. FOR LADIES. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDEN TIAL. ELBY CO. (Licensed). 320 Lumber Ex. bldg.. 2d and Stark. MONEY on chattels, notes and mtgs. bought. Columbia Loan Co., 206 Swetland. LOANS on real estate, diamonds, Jew- eiry. wm. rion, n s, wasnington bldg. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry, S. W. King, 46 Washington bldg. LOANS on diamonds, jewelry, strietly confidential. 141 H 3d atf near Alder. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal LOANS WANTED 30 $500 wanted at once for client Will pay & Interest and liberal bonus for- 90 day loan. Ample farm security close to Portland. A. K. HILL. 419 Henry bldg. $250, $500, $800, $1000 On vacant property at Woodstock. Moral risk excellent Underdahl, 801 Board of Trade. WANTED. $500, 8 PER CENT. SECURITY, $2200.' HARTMAN-THOMPSON BAKg, WANTED $ 3 00. 8, security $200. HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal FINANCIAL SI FIRST and second mortgages, also sel lers' Interest in contracts purchased. Oregon and Washington, H. E. Nobl Lumbermens bldg. ; ILELiy WANTED MALE s 1 WANTED A man who needs a dollar and is willing to work If given an opportunity to earn a -rood salary; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery -ornpany. oaiem, ur. WANTED at once, man to learn aute repairing and driving. Call Haw- tr-rne Garage, 445 Hawthorne ave. CHEF Headquarters and helpers. Ca lfornia Wine Depot 285 Yamhill MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE HELP WAN rKD -MALE WANTED Two an bltloua young men.' nut over s, wiusk ajooa saurcu snu education: those with selling experi ence preferred, toe represent one of Portland's leading business Institu tions in the capacity of salesman or manager. Good salary- and - pleasant occupation assured I if properly quali fied. Reply in own hand writing. . B 321, Journal. DON'T look for work. Thera la big demand for automobile drivers and repair men. Our expert Instructors qualify you In thru to five weeks and assist in securing g$od positions. Bring mis an. ior one tr lesson, PACIF.C AUTO GAS ENGINE SCHfpOL, -r ' Z66-268 11th at. aNear Jcfferon.) M. C. A. BS-SJ-OYMENTDEPT. Record for year 1913: Calls for men ....... ,...2685 Positions filled ..1943 All vounar men eBekttjr emDloyment are cordially invited to consult - with tne secretary ol tae employment . aa- partment. ; -:-T. ; . " WHEN you answer these Want Ad r i i - j va U0 jp.s wt mention The Joufnat HELP WASTED MISC. 49 MRS. HINSDALEsi former instructor the Young Women' a Christian Asso ciation, is now re'tdy to take young men and women it? a. thorough busi ness training in aporthand, bookkeep ing, penmanship, :3b tc. 602 Empress bldg.' Personal Instruction. OREGON LAW SCHOOL -A tnorouga practical course fn law; no time lost from regular occupation; recitations evenings. Samnel :"3T. Richardson, dean; M. Morehead, sec.? 316-317 Co-Uuoa wealth bldg.. Portland. Or. . USE your spare me to build up a mall order business of your own. We help you sta&t for a share in profits; 27 Opportunities. Particllars n-ee. jeDt' Opportunities Each MOLER Barber Conege wants men and women to learn tue trade, in s weeks. clean work, percentage paid whi'e learning; too is rrne; scaip aa sac massage a special tit aend for free cat alogue, 48 N- 2d st.i GOVERNMENT positions are easy to get. jviv iree boo it let tens bow.. Writ today NO. Earl Hopkins. Washington, D. C.,d HUNDREDS goveKliment Jobs open to women, nig pa;; list tree. rTann lin nstitute, Depi 706-S, Rochester, THOUSANDS government Jobs open to men and women.: i $65 to $150 month. Write for list franklin Institute, uept. 350 s. ocn star, N. Y. RAILWAY .mail cj trks wanted. Com mence. $75 montl Sample examina tion questions fr i Franklin Instl- tiita. Dept. 848B. cneter, N. Y. THOUSANDS government Jobs open to men and women. Positions o b- talnable. List free. AX-665, Journa 1. UNCALLED for tailor made suits $6750 up. Taylor, the ifelior, 289 Burnside. tibE Bassett's NauVe' Herbs tor rheu matism; 60 tablets 26c. All druggists PACIFIC Chiropractic College, lncu, 407 to 418 CoiniWionwealth bldg. WHEN you 'answer these Want Ada, mention. The J ofg rnal H E LP VAXTJK:i FKM ALE S TWO ladies overj 25 for higu class work. If you areambitioun and will ing to learn you CAn earn $25 weekly. No capital necessary. 625 Chamber of Commerce building 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. - WANTED-LadleSi to demonstrate re sidential work, 2 per day and up. Call room 505 10 m. Columbia bldg. WANTED Girl tjr general house work; must haJ-e ' references. 460 E. 21st st. N. Pljffoie E. 6855. HELP WANTED MALE AND 1 FEH ALE 20 Oregon Barber Colege will teach yon the trade in 8 weeks:-8ralp and face massage specialty. tools free; positions guaranteed; pay ,tyhtle learning; tui tion rnduced thin iMrm. 233 Madison. MAN and wife ttU care for forty-five apartment housia. . Glye references and salary wanteU U-77. Jourrial WHEN yon answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. - SITUATIONS -vM ALE 3 THOROUGHLY experienced farm hand, middle- ;ed, single, wants work at once, lijcapable of earning good wages. Maly 717. LlVE, energetic jfeoyl 16 years old,' wants work inrgrocery store, meat market or drug!'. store. References. Main 3301. ' V WIDEAWAKE yoking man with best of references wt-nts steady work of any kind; will go on farm. Main 717, A-1617. ENEGETIC younfjunian with family to support experiMiced teamster and farm hand, want position at- once; best of references Main 717. . MAN of 60. strictly temperate, wili work for 50c pel! day and board. R-f 472, Journal. :ff SITUATION wanied, sober grocery clerk,, country preferred, references. JX-374, Journal, gi YOUNG man going to school wants work for room, and board, or wages. W-67, Journal ; MIDDLE-AGED man, Austrian experi enced In dishwashing,' wants work Immediately. References. Main 717. MAN wants half ifety work after noon! - tinting paintlnaj, lawn, houaeclcan Ing. A-K6S2. 1 I HAVE good two-speed motorcycle and delivery van, would like to do light delivering. Y-8..i, Journal. WANTED Situation as bookkeeper or any clerical work; moderate salary;. YDUNG man wishes work of any kind: washing dishes ior in hotel U-190, Journal. V ' POSITI6N as Janitor, tending hot wa ter 4 heating, hot air furnace or would do anythlngi O. .Lunn, Bell. 2060; WILLING workei4wili work'for board" and room and -imal wages. Y-60, Journal. ft BANK employee Wishes, new position. BRICK cement plaster carpenter work and pipe fittlng. H. M- 419 K. 51st . COontisaed oa Hszt rage) By "Bud" Fisher